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Medicinske laboratorieundersøgelser og teknikker

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  • af Christopher B Hergott
    810,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, guest editor Dr. Christopher Hergott brings his considerable expertise to the topic of Advances in Clinical Cytometry. Flow cytometry is an essential tool in biology, pathology, and medicine thanks to its combination with the advancements in computer sciences. In this issue, top experts inform readers on the various aspects of clinical cytometry and its applications in the field, as well as new technologies. Contains 11 practice-oriented topics including immunophenotypic profile of the healthy human bone marrow; advances in monitoring and prognostication for lymphoma by flow cytometry; clinical flow cytometry for Hodgkin's lymphoma; clinical cytometry and translational drug development; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews of advances in clinical cytometry, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Lærke Gasbjerg Smidt & Nicolai J. Wewer Albrechtsen
    307,95 kr.

  • af Desirée Martínez Briones
    107,95 kr.

  • af Pierre Carlet De Chamblain De Marivaux
    181,95 - 302,95 kr.

  • af James O. Westgard
    1.287,95 kr.

  • af Niels Høiby & Åse Bengaard Andersen
    331,95 kr.

    KOMPENDIUM I MIKROBIOLOGI OG INFEKTIONSMEDICIN2. udgaveDette kompendium er skrevet af de samme forfattere, som er ansvarlige for lærebogen Klinisk mikrobiologi og infektionsmedicin 5. udgave, FADL’s Forlag (2021). Kompendiet er en forkortet version af den store grundbog, hvor de vigtigste fakta er trukket frem.Bogen imødekommer et behov hos de studerende på de danske medicinske fakulteter for en komprimeret tekst og mnemotekniske oversigtsskemaer, som kan bruges til at få et hurtigt overblik over stoffet.Kompendiet er en uundværlig ledsager, bl.a. i forbindelse med eksamensforberedelserne.Emner:Generel bakteriologiSystematisk bakteriologiKlinisk bakteriologi, infektionshygiejne og antibiotikabehandlingGenerel virologiSystematisk virologiMykologiParasitologiInfektionsmedicinske principper og strategier

  • af Patrick Kimuyu
    143,95 kr.

    Scientific Essay from the year 2017 in the subject Health - Public Health, grade: 1, Egerton University (Public Health), course: Infection Control, language: English, abstract: Hand hygiene has emerged as the only single strategy that has the potential for reducing hospital-acquired infections. Evidence indicates that hospital-acquired infections pose an immense hazard for patients within the hospital environment, and healthcare workers, including nurses are involved in the transmission of these infections. This explains why health organizations such as WHO, The Joint Commission and Centers for Disease Control have embarked on spearheading education and awareness on hand hygiene. Despite these efforts, evidence indicates that healthcare workers continue to exhibit low levels of hand hygiene compliance. Therefore, this essay will demonstrate how nurses can assume a leadership role within the hospital settings in accordance with the health safety standards (National Safety and Quality Health Services) as outlined by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care [ACSQHC]. It will be discussed how nurses can adopt hand hygiene strategies to improve compliance to the national hand hygiene initiative in the wards as one of the key approaches for preventing and controlling hospital-acquired infections.

  • af Christopher Horn
    632,95 kr.

    The updated second edition of this highly practical guide helps pathology professionals quickly and accurately describe surgical and autopsy specimens as they perform gross dissection. It also helps clinicians and medical students interpret pathology reports with ease and precision. Gross Pathology Handbook provides a comprehensive list of 171 gross descriptive terms paired with images of gross specimens, including five new listings for the second edition. Each listing includes a brief commentary describing the gross appearance, the underlying disease process and commonly affected tissues. Christopher Horn and Dr. Christopher Naugler lay the framework for a standardized method of description, resulting in easier interpretation of reports by clinicians and improved communication among healthcare providers.

  • af Jesper Kjærgaard & Emil Fosbøl
    347,95 kr.

    En præcis og opslagsvenlig kittelbog til det kardiologiske specialeKardiologiske tilstande er en fokuseret opslagsbog, der ruster dig til de mange forskellige udfordringer, der kan opstå allerede på din første vagt på en kardiologisk afdeling.Bogen hjælper dig med vurdering og behandling af de hyppigste tilstande, der ses i det kardiologiske speciale. Den omhandler både generelle emner om diagnostiske undersøgelser, medicinsk behandling og kredsløbsfysiologi samt kapitler om specifikke sygdomskategorier som f.eks. iskæmisk hjertesygdom, arytmi, hjertesvigt og klapsygdomme. Desuden afsluttes bogen med et kapitel om symptomhåndtering og den svære samtale.Kardiologiske tilstande henvender sig til medicinstuderende, KBU-, og yngre læger samt andre med interesse for det kardiologiske speciale. Den er skrevet af førende kardiologiske eksperter med lang klinisk erfaring.Fagredigeret af Jesper Kjærgaard og Emil Fosbøl (red.).

  • af Steven Lee
    377,95 kr.

    Introduction to MOHS Cryotomy by Steven Lee is the first Manual written for those individuals interested in becoming Mohs Techs. The manual touches on all areas of a Mohs techs' responsibilities, with charts, diagrams and photographs to aid the beginner to better understand their most important responsibility. This manual covers Quality Control, Specimen Inking and Mapping, Embedding, Cryotomy, The Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain, Coverslipping and Troubleshooting. ~~~~~~~~~~Upon graduating Laboratory Technology training in New York City, Steven Lee moved to Florida where he began his work in Histology. Lee worked for one of the first Mohs Surgeons in Palm Beach County in 1982 and has continued working in that specialty for a number of surgeons in the South Florida region. This past year, Lee created the first employment Staffing Agency that specifically address this specialized area of expertise. is a website designed to place qualified Mohs Techs with Mohs Surgeons. In addition, Mr. Lee also offers individual and group training

  • af Brian Everitt
    1.168,95 kr.

    About 8000 clinical trials are undertaken annually in all areas of medicine, from the treatment of acne to the prevention of cancer. Correct interpretation of the data from such trials depends largely on adequate design and on performing the appropriate statistical analyses. In this book, the statistical aspects of both the design and analysis of trials are described, with particular emphasis on recently developed methods of analysis.

  • af M. Ebisawa, B. K. Ballmer-Weber, S. Vieths & mfl.
    2.517,95 kr.

    While first accounts of food allergy date back to antiquity, only in recent years has food allergy become recognized as one of the major allergic diseases. During the last decade the output of research papers on food allergy increased tremendously, and today, issues related to food allergies still attract a lot of attention among academics and the general public. Featuring contributions by world-renowned experts, this book presents the current concept, practice and recent advances in the field of food allergy. A comprehensive background section provides a historical retrospective and information on the immunological basis and epidemiology of food allergies. Main topics discussed include clinical aspects, diagnosis and management, allergen-based food allergies, and disease-based food allergies. Furthermore, nutritional aspects and diets, public policy and educational programs are covered as well as recent hot topics such as molecular-based allergen diagnosis, eosinophilic gastrointestinal food allergies and oral immunotherapy. Allergists, pediatricians, internists, dermatologists and general practitioners will find this publication an essential source of information as it provides in-depth insights into food allergies from childhood to adulthood.

  • af Lone Sunde, Elsebet Østergaard & Eigil Kjeldsen
    527,95 kr.

    MEDICINSK GENETIK3. UDGAVEMedicinsk genetik tilbyder en dansk indføring i den medicinske og kliniske genetiks grundlag og vigtigste områder, og bogen foreligger nu i en gennemrevideret 3. udgave. Bogen er delt op i tre hovedafsnit:1. Basal human genetik2. Sygdommes genetik3. Klinisk genetikI forhold til 3. udgave er bogen udvidet med hee 13 nye kapitler, det meste indhold er er reformuleret, og alt er opdateret efter nyeste retningslinjer og viden. Nogle kapitler er udbygget væsentligt, bl.a. om metoder til laboratorieanalyser og fortolkning af data samt genterapi. Derudover er der tilkommet en række nye kapitler, bl.a. om sygdomme med monogen eller multifaktoriel ætiologi, risikovurdering, teoretisk cancergenetik, behandling af solide tumorer, farmakogenetik og etik og jura.Bogen egner sig til medicinstuderende på landets fire medicinske fakulteter i København, Odense , Århus og Aalborg, særligt under den prægraduate uddannelse af læger og andre akademikere, der skal arbejde i sundhedsvæsenet, men bogen kan også være relevant for andre sundhedsfaglige grupper, der ønsker en indføring i klinisk genetik.

  • - Illustrerede medicinske cases
    af Lærke Smidt Gasbjerg, Peder Kjær Gasbjerg, Laura Smidt Hansen & mfl.
    217,95 - 228,94 kr.

    ”Naturvidenskabelig førstehjælp” er den første danske naturvidenskabelige grundbog fra FADL’s Forlag suppleret af tegneserier efter stilen graphic medicine. Bogen indeholder 28 spændende kapitler, der kommer omkring alt fra videnskabsteori, cellulær transport og buffersystemer til logaritmer, genetik, iontransport og billeddiagnostik. Hele vejen igennem understøttes hvert kapitel af en tegneserie, hvor læseren kan følge Caroline, der starter i den kliniske basisuddannelse (KBU) og undervejs får mange faglige og personlige udfordringer.Medicinske problemstillinger suppleret af naturvidenskabelige fagtekster gør, at ”Naturvidenskabelig førstehjælp” bygger bro mellem det gymnasiale niveau og begyndelsen af lægevidenskabelige uddannelser på universitetet. Hvert kapitel af tegneserien er efterfulgt af et naturvidenskabeligt emne, som kort og præcist genopfrisker og perspektiverer emnet for den kommende/nuværende/tidligere medicinstuderende eller anden naturvidenskabeligt interesserede læser. Bogen kan læses fra start til slut, men kan også sagtens bruges som opslagsværk for at genopfriske store dele af lægevidenskabens naturvidenskabelige grundlag.Bag bogen står et dygtigt forfatterteam af både læger og biologer, der sikrer, at bogens høje videnskabelig niveau gøres lettilgængeligt for de studerende.

  • - Volume One: Conventions
    af Graham Rabey
    741,95 kr.

    A HISTORY OF GENERAL MORPHOLOGY A convention is an agreement for usage or reference. Monisms are conventions based upon some single principle. Dualisms are conventions based upon some double principle. Pluralisms are conventions based upon some multiple principle. A long-term historical survey of previous formal conventions in thought and knowledge has revealed vast numbers of pluralisms from which a gradient of decreasing complexity leads to many persistent dualisms, thence to a fundamental dualism and finally to a fundamental monism. PERSISTENT DUALISMS 1 Dualisms abound in all branches of thought and knowledge. Many of these can be found in more than one area of knowledge and some are particularly persistent in all subjects. Some of the most persistent have been extracted from the historical survey, in search of a common factor. 2 1--0_1 R_E_C_T_R_E_LA_T_IO_N---,~---lIINOIRECT RELATION I THE FUNDAMENTAL DUALISM2 An examination of the persistent dualisms reveals a fundamental RELATION (ASSOCIATION) 3 dualism, common to them all, namely: Direct relation - Indirect relation THE FUNDAMENTAL MONISM 3 The fundamental monism, common to both poles of the fundamental dualism is: Relation (alternatively called Association) ASSEMBLY OF A GRAPHIC CONVENTION A diagram of the suggested convention may be assembled upon a pair 5 of analytic rectangular axes called the informal axis and theformal 6 axis , which intersect at an origin representing the sensory 4 continuum ΓÇó Direct association of elements does not create a common form and is 7 8 thus '' informal''.

    741,95 kr.

    During the past two decades, many books, governmental reports and regulations on safety measures against chemicals, fire, microbiological and radioactive hazards in laboratories have been published from various countries.

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