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Medicinsk forskning

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  • - Noget om livet med Alzheimers
    af Thomas Bredsdorff
    72,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Lene Bredsdorff levede en aktiv pensionisttilværelse med litteratur, musik og rejser, da hun i 2012 fik konstateret Alzheimers. Her fortæller hendes mand, Thomas Bredsdorff, om hendes sygdomsforløb, fra de første symptomer viser sig, til hun fire år senere kommer på plejehjem. Det er en fortælling om tab – af hukommelse, sprog, tids- og rumfornemmelse og ikke mindst samliv. Men det er også en fortælling om uventede lyspunkter, om det uundværlige aktivitetscenter Klarahus, om timerne med musikterapeuten Hugo og om pludselige glimt af klarhed og glæde. Tøsne og forsytia er et personligt vidnesbyrd om alderdom og Alzheimers, men det er også en litteraturkritikers undersøgelse af aldringens filosofi og Alzheimers’ idéhistorie – en bog, der nærmer sig det store og smertelige spørgsmål: Hvad er et menneske uden hukommelse?

  • af Jesper Brandt Andersen
    520,95 - 547,95 kr.

    Niels Stensen (1638-1686) er en af de mest betydningsfulde danske naturvidenskabsmænd gennem historien. Gennem 350 år har han fascineret og inspireret både fagfolk og lægfolk i ind- og udland.I løbet af et enkelt årti, 1660’erne, gjorde han en lang række epokegørende opdagelser indenfor anatomi, geologi og krystallografi.I "Niels Stensen. Kongelig anatom og fyrstelig geolog" kaster Jesper Brandt Andersen lys over Niels Stensens naturvidenskabelige indsats, baggrunden for hans enestående karriere og årsagerne til hans konversion til katolicismen, som fik ham til at vende sig fra naturvidenskaben.Jesper Brandt Andersen (f. 1965) er privatpraktiserende speciallæge i pædiatri og faglitterær forfatter. Han har tidligere udgivet "Martin Hammerich. Kunst og dannelse i Guldalderen" (2011), "Børnelægens store bog om barnets sygdomme" (2016), "Thomas Bartholin. Lægen og anatomen. Fra enhjørninger til lymfekar" (2017) og "100 myter om allergi" (2019). Han er forfatter til en lang række artikler om lægefaglige, kulturhistoriske og medicinhistoriske emner i danske og udenlandske fagtidsskrifter samt danske aviser – og foredragsholder om samme emner i Danmark og udlandet.

  • af Morten Møller & Martin Fredensborg Rath
    187,95 - 493,95 kr.

    Centralnervesystemets anatomi er en lærebog i neuroanatomi. Ud over en indføring i fagets grundlæggende elementer er bogen forsynet med tekstbokse, som relaterer neuroanatomien til sygdomme, deres behandling samt forskning i feltet. Bogen indeholder endvidere pensumdækkende afsnit om neuroembryologi, øjet og ørets anatomi samt det autonome nervesystem.Bogen er koncis, pædagogisk og rigt illustreret med tegninger, fotografier af makroskopiske præparater, mikrofotografier af histologiske snit fra hjerne og rygmarv og hjernescanninger. Hvert kapitel indledes med et resume og afsluttes med eksamensrelevante spørgsmål, hvor den studerende kan teste sin viden.Centralnervesystemets anatomi henvender sig primært til studerende ved landets fire uddannelser i medicin. Begge forfattere har stor erfaring i undervisning og eksamination i neuroanatomi for medicinstuderende. Bogen anbefales også til odontologiske kurser i neuroanatomi samt til studerende ved de mellemlange sundhedsuddannelser med interesse for de kliniske aspekter af neuroanatomien.Bogen er skrevet af lektor, ph.d. ved Institut for Neurovidenskab, København, Martin Fredensborg Rath, og professor emeritus, ved Institut for Neurovidenskab, København, Morten Møller.

  • af Lars Igum Rasmussen & Jens Lundgren
    187,95 - 231,95 kr.

    Virus har sat dagsordenen i Jens Lundgrens arbejdsliv, lige siden han som helt ung læge stod ved sygesengen hos dødsmærkede aidspatienter og forskede i at finde en effektiv medicinsk mehandling til dem. Resultatet kan alverdens hiv-patienter takke ham for i dag.Siden coronapandemiens start har han knoklet for at hjælpe livstruede patienter og udvikle nye behandlinger med videnskabeligt dokumenteret effekt. Han har rådgivet de danske sundhedsmyndigheder og regeringen, og han har arbejdet tæt sammen med toppen af det amerikanske sundhedsvæsen under pandemigeneralen Anthony Fauci.I Vild virus giver han et unikt indblik i, hvad der sker bag kulisserne, når en virus truer os på livet og vender op og ned på vores hverdag. Bogen giver den første samlede beretning om de to vilde pandemiår: forskernes kapløb med tiden og en virus, der er en mester i at mutere, håndteringen af alle de udfordringer, virus pludselig kastede os ud i – og hvad vi har lært, så vi kan være bedre forberedte, når den næste virus udfordrer vores eksistens. For det vil ske: Pandemiernes tid er langtfra forbi.Bogen er blevet til i tæt samarbejde med Lars Igum Rasmussen, der som sundhedsredaktør på Politiken har dækket coronapandemien med mere end 200 nyhedsartikler, interviews, reportager og analyser.

  • - Grådighed, svindel og storhedsvanvid i Silicon Valley
    af John Carreyrou
    217,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Elizabeth Holmes (f. 1984) har altid været bange for nåle. Hendes livsmission var at opfinde en nem og billig metode til at tage blodprøver, der kunne afdække en lang række sygdomme. Som 19-årig droppede hun ud af universitetet og stiftede biotekvirksomheden Theranos, der ti år senere blev vurderet til en værdi på ti milliarder dollars. I 2015 var hun USA’s både yngste og rigeste selvskabte kvindelige milliardær. En lang række af USA’s mest magtfulde folk lovpriste den ambitiøse iværksætter, der kom på forsiden af magasiner som Forbes og Fortune og blev udråbt som den kvindelige Steve Jobs. Der var kun ét problem. Hendes produkt virkede ikke. Det stoppede hende dog ikke. Hun afviste al kritik, fyrede alle medarbejdere, der sagde hende imod, og fortsatte med at markedsføre sit produkt over for investorer. Hun fik endda sit apparat ind i USA’s næststørste apotekerkæde, hvor amerikanerne fik taget blodprøver. Elizabeth Holmes og Theranos blev afsløret af bogens forfatter, John Carreyrou, der har interviewet over 150 personer til bogen, heriblandt 60 tidligere ansatte hos Theranos.Kåret til årets businessbog 2018 af Financial Times og McKinsey. Udnævnt til en af årtiets ti bedste nonfiktionbøger af The Times.

  • af Henning Lehmann Bastian
    284,95 - 487,95 kr.

    "Oral medicin og patologi" er en vigtig del af tandlægens image som medicinalperson. De enkelte lidelser er forsøgt beskrevet i kort form efter samme koncept: definition, ætiologi, symptomer, klinik, diagnose, behandling og differentialdiagnoser. I enkelte tilfælde er der lidt overlapning, så en lidelse omtales to gange under forskellige navne.Der er medtaget et righoldigt billedmateriale, som vil lette klinikerens mulighed for hurtig diagnostik, men som også opfylder en del kollegaers ønske om at anskueliggøre de forskellige lidelser for patienten.Det er mit håb, at bogens form med tekst og tilhørende billeder i samme opslag vil lette klinikerens brug af bogen og at den vil blive en uundværlig del af klinikkens bibliotek.

  • af Mark P Khurana
    322,95 kr.

    "Exploring the forces that determine the rate and direction of medical progress, this book brings together the worlds of scientific policy, economics, sociology, and innovation to describe the medical research landscape. Covers how issues, including incentive structures and lack of novelty in drug development, influence and impede progress"--

  • af John Michael Chambers
    342,95 kr.

  • - A Historical Journal in the Treatment of Diabetes and Obesity
    af Jens Juul Holst
    314,95 kr.

    The discovery of the hormone GLP-1 has markedly changed the treatment options for people with type 2 diabetes and obesity, with a treatment effect that includes both better regulation of blood glucose and significant weight loss, while reducing the risk of complications arising.Professor Jens Juul Holst, MD, DMSc, is one of the world’s most recognised researchers in diabetes. He pioneered the work that discovered the GLP-1 back in the 1980s and in this book, we trace the research-historical footsteps in the search for the hormone that today represents a paradigm shift in the treatment of diabetes and obesity.Jens Juul Holst is recently the recipient of the Banting Medal for Scientific Achievement (2021), the Canada Gairdner International Award (2021), the VinFuture Prize Laureates (2023), the Tang prize Laureates (2024) and the Princess of Asturias Award for Technical And Scientific Research (2024).

  • af Steen Kåre Fagerberg, Olav Lilleholt Schjørring, Lars Wiuff Andersen & mfl.
    698,95 kr.

    NY DANSK LÆREBOGINTENSIVTERAPIBogen giver en evidensbaseret, praktisk anvendelig og sammenhængende indføring i observation, diagnostik, behandling og pleje af patienter i alle aldersgrupper med potentielt reversible svigt af et eller flere vitale organsystemer.Over 55 kapitler dækker bogen bredt det komplekse arbejdsfelt, og indholdet er organiseret efter fem temaer:DEL 1: Organisation, indlæggelse og kommunikationDEL 2: Vurdering og understøttende behandlingDEL 3: Tilstande på intensivafdelingDEL 4: Palliation, organdonation og følger efter intensivterapiDEL 5: Sygepleje og genoptræningBogen henvender sig primært til læger under speciallægeuddannelse i anæstesiologi, men læger fra andre specialer med interesse for intensivterapi, speciallæger på intensiv og anæstesiologiske afdelinger samt sygeplejersker under specialuddannelse i intensivsygepleje vil også finde indholdet relevant. Derudover kan den interesserede medicinstuderende også være med.Bogens 85 forfattere kombinerer høj faglighed og forsknings- og formidlingserfaring og inkluderer intensivlæger, anæstesiologer, intensivsygeplejersker, fysioterapeuter og ergoterapeuter såvel som speciallæger fra andre specialer i berøring med intensivterapi.

  • af Krupakar Parthasarathy
    1.245,95 kr.

    The main objective of translational health science is to concentrate on discovering healthcare products for all people where care gaps exist. This book examines the applications of translational research, identifies its difficulties, outlines its essential characteristics, considers healthcare management strategies, and examines the public's perspectives today. This book assists aspiring implementation scientists in researching this area because the discipline is still relatively young for the wide range of researchers tackling the challenge of clinical and translational science, a field dedicated to examining human health and disease, interventions, and outcomes to develop new treatment approaches, devices, and modalities to improve health. This book Edition is the most authoritative and timely resource that introduces new physiological and therapeutic processes to engage the fastest-growing scientific outcomes from academic and industrial research. The chapters in this book give insights into perspectives on the field of clinical and translational science and discuss artificial intelligence in drug development and conventional and novel clinical trial designs. There is a lot of hope that using artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly advance all facets of healthcare, from diagnosis to therapy. AI is prepared to assist medical staff with various duties, including administrative workflow, clinical documentation, patient outreach, and specialist support like image analysis, medical device automation, and patient monitoring. Some of the most important uses of AI in healthcare will be covered in this book by eminent Scientists, Academicians, and Industrial persons from both clinical and non-clinical fields.

  • af Agnieszka Matera-Witkiewicz
    585,95 - 594,95 kr.

  • af Ourania Varsou
    1.050,95 - 1.524,95 kr.

  • af Gunhild Lange Skovgaard
    222,95 kr.

    Glæden ved at kæmpe er en selvbiografi skrevet af den kvinde, der blev den første kvindelige professor i medicin på Rigshospitalet i 1990, som havde en international forskerkarriere, og som siden bestred en række bestyrelsesposter i både offentligt og privat regi i en relativ nær fortid, hvor mænd stadig satte dagsordenen. Glæden ved at kæmpe er en stimulerende fortælling om at ville gøre en forskel på trods af modstand fra nedgroede fagtraditioner.Hvad Gunhild Lange Skovgaard har opnået baserer sig på engagement og stædighed og at insistere på at blive ved på trods af modstand. At hun er kvinde, har igennem hendes karriere fra især 1970’erne til og med 1990’erne været ensbetydende med megen nedladenhed, obstruktion og had fra modkønnets side, men det kvalte ikke hendes lyst til at kæmpe videre. Tværtimod. Gunhild Lange Skovgaard (f. 1945) er speciallæge i dermato-venerologi og blandt pionererne i AIDS-forskningen og fra 1990-2007 professor ved Københavns Universitet på Rigshospitalet. Hun har beklædt en række poster på Bispebjerg Hospital, Finseninstituttet og Rigshospitalet og er tildelt en række priser heriblandt International Award of AIDS Research, USA 1988. Hun har siddet i en række bestyrelser, bl.a. som formand i Mødrehjælpen fra 1992-1995, formand i Care Danmark 1998-2006, i DSB’s bestyrelse 1995-2010 og DSB S-tog A/S 2008-2013. Derudover er hun stadig engageret som formand i den private velgørende forening Hellebro, der hjælper unge hjemløse og udsatte mennesker mellem 18-29 år.

  • af Paul M. Rea
    899,95 - 1.899,95 kr.

  • af Verónica Zaga-Clavellina
    1.616,95 kr.

    This volume details critical and valuable experimental protocols to facilitate researchers in this fascinating field. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and key tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Maternal Placental Interface: Methods and Protocols aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this vital field.

  • af Sang Joon Lee
    619,95 kr.

    Methodologies for Biosimilar Product Development covers the practical and challenging issues that are commonly encountered during the development, review, and approval of a proposed biosimilar product. These practical and challenging issues include, but are not limited to the mix-up use of interval hypotheses testing (i.e., the use of TOST) and confidence interval approach, a risk/benefit assessment for non-inferiority/similarity margin, PK/PD bridging studies with multiple references, the detection of possible reference product change over time, design and analysis of biosimilar switching studies, the assessment of sensitivity index for assessment of extrapolation across indications without collecting data from those indications not under study, and the feasibility and validation of non-medical switch post-approval.Key Features:Reviews withdrawn draft guidance on analytical similarity assessment.Evaluates various methods for analytical similarity evaluation based on FDA's current guidelines.Provides a general approach for the use of n-of-1 trial design for assessment of interchangeability.Discusses the feasibility and validity of the non-medical switch studies.Provides innovative thinking for detection of possible reference product change over time.This book embraces innovative thinking of design and analysis for biosimilar studies, which are required for review and approval of biosimilar regulatory submissions.

    1.089,95 kr.

    A practical approach to bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and its analyses, which are used worldwide in both research and clinical settings. This book includes practical guidelines with the theoretic background and provides details on microscopic and flow cytometric measurements for all known differential diagnostics made with BAL analyses.

  • af Naomi J. (University College London) Fulop
    204,95 - 646,95 kr.

    2.056,95 kr.

    Paraneoplastic Neurological Disorders, Volume 200 covers new, recent descriptions of autoantibodies against neuronal cell surface antigens (only partly associated with paraneoplastic disorders) and the introduction of new immuno-oncological drugs that can contribute to diseases that are pathogenetically indistinguishable from paraneoplastic syndromes. Besides investigating the pathogenetic mechanisms of these disorders, this book also explores what the introduction of new drugs used in immune checkpoint inhibitor cancer therapy are teaching us in terms of immunopathogenesis. Following sections present individual syndromes (phenotypical clinical manifestations) of the CNS, PNS, NMJ, and muscle. Finally, the book investigates the role of antibody markers that differentiate by cytoplasmic, nuclear, and neuronal cell surface reactivities. Side effects of the new immuno-oncological drugs increasingly used in cancer therapy are also covered.

  • af Benjamin I. Tabowei
    537,95 kr.

    There are many standard text books of surgery covering variousaspects of surgery nd their sub-specialties. The purpose of this book is to assist students especially junior onces to acquire the necessary skills in history taken, physical examination, important investigations and the management of surgical patients.The methodology used was clinical history case demonstration and physical examination, summary of the important clinical investigations and their results, treatment offered and their outcome. Thereafter the aethopathology of the disease condition (where necessary), some modern investitagions and their likely outcome, current treatment options available, complications of the disease condition and their likely differential diagnosis were discussed in outline fashion.Repetations in some of the topics is deliberate and inevitable. This is to give the student deep and reflective insight into the disease conditions, their mode of presentation and possible current management options available. Some of the chapters have short vignettes which is meant to be brain teasers for both undergraduates and post graduate students preparing for the surgical medical exams such as objective structured clinical examination ((OSCE), medical viva, written examination and clinical examination. It is hoped to serve as a fast and focused revision guide to students of surgery and would be of immense assistance to students during ward round, ground-round and tutorials. It will improve their skill in case presentation, and in answering questions clearly, precisely and in unambiquous manner during their period of apprenticeship.It is therefore not a replacement for standard text books of surgery and will only be useful to those who have read through standard text books of surgery.Benjamin I Tabowei.

  • af Iyad Obeid
    1.143,95 - 1.152,95 kr.

    This book provides an interdisciplinary look at emerging trends in signal processing and biomedicine found at the intersection of healthcare, engineering, and computer science. Bringing together expanded versions of selected papers presented at the 2020 IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (IEEE SPMB), it examines the vital role signal processing plays in enabling a new generation of technology based on big data and looks at applications ranging from medical electronics to data mining of electronic medical records. Topics covered include analysis of medical images, machine learning, biomedical nanosensors, wireless technologies, and instrumentation and electrical stimulation. Biomedical Sensing and Analysis: Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology presents tutorials and examples of successful applications, and will appeal to a wide range of professionals, researchers, and students interested in applications of signal processing, medicine, and biology.Presents an interdisciplinary look at research trends in signal processing and biomedicine;Promotes collaboration between healthcare practitioners and signal processing researchers;Includes tutorials and examples of successful applications.

    2.159,95 kr.

    Inherited White Matter Disorders and Their Mimics, Volume 204 discusses where imaging abnormalities and pathology lie predominantly in the CNS white matter. Many acquired causes, such as multiple sclerosis, are readily diagnosed and familiar to the majority of neurologists. However, less common acquired causes and genetic disorders (the leukodystrophies and genetic leukoencephalopathies) often present a diagnostic challenge. The evaluation of patients with White matter disorders (WMDs) has evolved enormously in recent decades, due to advances in genetics, radiology, and the development of treatments for specific disorders. This book brings together WMD research, spanning basic science, molecular genetics, and clinical and radiological phenotyping. This volume presents both common WMDs and rare disorders according to their presentations or pathophysiology. Chapters lay out the clinical and radiological presentation of the disorder, followed by genetics and diagnostics, and finally discussion of pathophysiology and treatment. Chapter contain imaging, clinical pearls to diagnosis, and reference tables for genotype-phenotype correlation. For diagnostic work-up, easy to read algorithms are presented as well as clear guidance on indications for treatment, where applicable.

    2.159,95 kr.

    Neurological Channelopathies, Volume 203 begins with an introductory overview highlighting common mechanistic themes that cut across different CNS and PNS presentations, but that also have potential for common treatment approaches, considering classification, genetics, and fundamental physiology of ion channels. Subsequent chapters present a detailed consideration of all genetic and immunological channelopathies. Each chapter considers Pathophysiological underpinnings - genetic or immunological; Clinical presentations; Diagnostic approach; and Treatment and management.In the last 15 years, a combination of detailed clinical, genetic, molecular electrophysiological, and immunological research has combined to result in a deep understanding of a subgroup of neurological diseases spanning the central and peripheral nervous system and which have become known collectively as the Neurological Channelopathies. Although it was originally considered that significant ion channel dysfunction would not be compatible with life, we now know this is often not the case, although severe disease can often be the result. Given these major advances, it is now the right time to combine this knowledge into a single HCN volume dedicated to the topics at hand.

    2.159,95 kr.

    Cell and Gene Therapies for Neurologic Diseases, Volume 205 comprehensively covers the scientific background, translational efforts, clinical developments and registered biologics that have entered into clinical practice. Coverage includes types of therapies available and in development, and best practice uses for a variety of neurological disorders including Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, ALS, stroke, spinal cord RP, demyelination, and epilepsy. As the emergence of gene and cellular therapeutics has changed the clinical landscape for a variety of disorders, and is now ready to do so for neurological diseases, these therapeutic modalities currently complement, and may in time, supplant small molecule drugs.

  • af Thomas Lung
    1.518,95 kr.

    This book is about lifelong ageing of humans. The basic biochemical and genetic mechanisms remain ill known, and differ among individuals. The book starts out to explore the plant and animal kingdoms to answer questions human ageing needs for understanding.First, we come to scrutinize time running out and what ¿normal¿ means with impacts on the genome and on protein half- lives and function. Ageing goes beyond biochemical skid treated by geroprotector drugs, including biosimilars; albeit early diagnosis with standard medical laboratory assays, here addressed, sheds light with focus on basic research. Modern tools, including machine learning, and DNA technology, e.g. genomics, have already provided for unanticipated insights.The chapters then turn around senescence of the entire organism based on variable ageing of single organs embedded in neuronal networks . Psychological stress factors, dementia opposed to vigilance, and distinction of ageing from overt disease arecontrasting in humans and are opposed in the book. Senescence, seen as a one way track may be reverted into rejuvenation, made possible by insights into immunosenescence and genomic approaches.Risk management in health insurance finds important clues in this book. The topics addressed between the book covers help to understand the trend to the ever- prolonging life expectancy beyond the centenarian age group; nursing care takers and pharmaceutical industry are invited to understand what¿ is going on in senior people to make their geriatric population remain fit or become frail.

  • af Kursad Turksen
    1.703,95 - 1.714,95 kr.

    Much research has focused on the basic cellular and molecular biological aspects of stem cells. Much of this research has been fueled by their potential for use in regenerative medicine applications, which has in turn spurred growing numbers of translational and clinical studies. However, more work is needed if the potential is to be realized for improvement of the lives and well-being of patients with numerous diseases and conditions.This book series 'Cell Biology and Translational Medicine (CBTMED)' as part of Springer Nature's longstanding and very successful Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology book series, has the goal to accelerate advances by timely information exchange. Emerging areas of regenerative medicine and translational aspects of stem cells are covered in each volume. Outstanding researchers are recruited to highlight developments and remaining challenges in both the basic research and clinical arenas. This current book is the 15th volume of a continuing series.

  • af Adam Buick
    1.617,95 kr.

    This book considers the intellectual property protection of clinical test data that has been submitted to governments, in particular through test data exclusivity rights. It focuses on how these intellectual property rights first emerged in the early 1980s, how they have globalised over the past four decades, and what impact they have had upon access to medicine. This book makes a number of significant and original contributions to the literature around the protection of submitted test data. First, the book draws upon the theory of regulatory globalisation to provide an explanation of how intellectual property rights in submitted pharmaceutical test data have become nearly ubiquitous in the legal systems of most major economies. Second, through a comprehensive analysis and synthesis of provisions on the protection of submitted test data in free trade agreements, as well as a comparison of a range of national approaches to the protection of submitted test data, it reveals the broader global regulatory pattern that has given rise to these intellectual property rights. Third, by analysing data on drug approvals in the US, it provides an empirical insight into the impact of test data exclusivity in national pharmaceutical markets. Fourth, the book covers a number of developments regarding test data exclusivity that have occurred as a result of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, both at the national level as well as at the World Trade Organisation (WTO). This book will appeal to academics researching the intersection of intellectual property and the life sciences, civil society activists working to promote access to medicines, and students (particularly those at the post-graduate level) studying the relationship between intellectual property and medicine.

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