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  • af Lars Bjerrum, Roar Maagaard, Annelli Sandbæk, mfl.
    267,95 kr.

    101 almenmedicinske patienter er en samling karakteristiske og repræsentative patienthistorier fra almen praksis, som alle har deres oprindelse i forfatternes egne oplevelser med virkelige patienter. Samlingen giver dermed et realistisk billede af den kliniske hverdag i almen praksis og af det arbejde, de praktiserende læger udfører. Bogen lægger sig tæt op ad lærebogen Almen medicin, hvor man kan læse den grundlæggende sygdomslære, der relaterer sig til patienthistorierne. Målgruppen er især medicinstuderende og yngre læger, der gennem arbejdet med bogens sygehistorier kan blive forberedt på henholdsvis eksamen og det kliniske arbejde i almen praksis. Bogen omsætter teoretisk viden til faglig handling ud fra: en systematisk tilgang til kommunikation med patienten en systematisk tilgang til konsultationsprocessen fokus på, hvordan man spænder et sikkerhedsnet ud under patienten præsentation af håndteringsvalg ved typiske almenmedicinske problemstillinger og forløb klare læringsmål for hver enkelt sygehistorie. For andre faggrupper, fx speciallæger, praksissygeplejersker og sekretærer, kan bogen give et spændende indblik i almenmedicinske problemstillinger og en forståelse for specialets rolle i sundhedsvæsenet. Alle bogens sygehistorier præsenteres i en almenmedicinsk konsensus med konsultationsprocessen som refleksionsramme og PSOAP (Problem, Subjektivt, Objektivt, Analyse, Plan) som overordnet struktur.Forfatterne har bevidst valgt lidt forskellige formuleringer og spørgsmålstyper fra patient til patient for at afspejle den variation, der findes i almen praksis generelt, og individuelt fra læge til læge. Forfatterne til 101 almenmedicinske patienter er alle aktive praktiserende læger og samtidig centralt placeret i forhold til både præ- og postgraduat undervisning og forskning inden for specialet.

  • af Jane McLelland
    247,95 kr.

    Jane McLelland blev hårdt ramt af livmoderhalskræft og herefter af spredning til lungekræft stadie 4. Hun gennemgik adskillige konventionelle tilbud, men først da hun satte sig ind i kroppens evne til at bekæmpe kræft og fandt ud og gik i gang med en udsultnings diæt bestående af kosttilskud og en række ældre medicintyper lykkede det hende at blive kræftfri. Hun beretter om den modstand hun mødte fra det officielle sundhedsvæsen, som i stedet for at hjælpe hende modarbejdede hende. Men 15 år efter den første kræftdiagnose, er hun stadig her stadigvæk. Bogen fortæller og beskriver teoretisk, hvordan og hvad man selv skal gøre, hvis man vil tage sagen i egen hånd. Det gælderom at stoppe mulighederne for, at kræftcellerne kan overleve i kroppen. Der er vejledninger i, hvordan man kan bruge hendes metoder. Hun bruger både konventionelle og komplementære tiltag. Specielt inddrager hun kombinationer af medicin, der allerede er opfundet og godkendt til en anden sygdom. De kaldes Repurposed Drugs/ off label (genanvendt medicin) og undersøgelser har godtgjort, at de har kræfthæmmende virkning. Så de burde inddrages i kampen mod en kræftsygdom.

  • af Leif Tøfting Kongsgaard & Morten Hulvej Rod
    62,95 kr.

    Hvis New Public Management er kommet til kort, og evidensbølgen er på retur, hvad kommer så nu? Bedre begrundet praksis stiller sig på kanten af denne udvikling og giver en række opbyggelige bud på, hvordan velfærdsprofessionelle kan arbejde med udvikling og forbedringer af kvalitet i praksis uden at forfalde til tavs viden eller kontekstløse manualiseringer. I en række kapitler præsenteres modeller, greb og metoder, der kan bruges, når socialrådgivere, lærere, beskæftigelseskonsulenter, pædagoger, sundhedspersonale m.fl. skal bedømme og forbedre hinandens arbejde i en lokalt forankret praksis.Bogen henvender sig dels til praktikere, ledere og fagkoordinatorer med ansvar for daglig kvalitetssikring i ovennævnte felter, og dels til studerende og forskere inden for samme områder.

  • - Den professionelle læge
    af Louise Binow Kjær
    147,95 - 317,95 kr.

    Sundhedsstyrelsens beskrivelse af de 7 lægeroller har i høj grad præget opfattelsen af, hvad en professionel læge skal kunne i Danmark. Men hvordan træner man de forskellige lægeroller som studerende? Og hvilke elementer er vigtige i overgangen til lægerollen? "Lægens roller" giver både et overblik over og en guide til, hvordan man som studerende, yngre læge eller underviser arbejder målrettet med lægefaglig professionalisme. Bogen er ideel som lærebog i professionskurser ved medicinstudiet i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg,men vil også være nyttig for nyuddannede læger, som ønsker at genopfriske viden og færdigheder indenfor f.eks. lovgivning, kommunikationsredskaber, ledelse og forskning. Bogen har fokus på rollerne som professionel, sundhedsfremmer, kommunikator, leder, samarbejder og akademiker, der støtter og supplerer rollen som medicinsk ekspert. I én bog får du en samlet guide til de vigtigste elementer i lægelig professionalisme. Derudover er bogen velegnet som inspirationskilde i forbindelse med jobstart og karrierevalg.

  • af Per Soelberg Sørensen, Bo Baslund, Ulla Feldt-Rasmussen & mfl.
    1.217,95 kr.

    Hermed foreligger den reviderede 3. udgave af den populære lærebog "Medicin"!Alle bogens kapitler er fagligt opdaterede med et øget fokus på de pædagogiske elementer, så studievenligheden er bedre end nogensinde før.Bogen er en traditionelt opbygget lærebog med en systematisk gennemgang af de medicinske sygdomme inddelt efter subspecialer. Den pædagogiske tilgang understreges af den overskuelige opbygning, de mange illustrationer og kliniske fotos samt tabeller, bokse, spørgsmål/svar og cases. Samtlige kapitler er blevet opdateret med nyeste viden og guidelines. "Medicin" er oplagt for den studerende gennem hele studietiden fra den første prækliniske kontakt med patienter til den afsluttende eksamen - og som opslagsværk til lægen efter medicinstudiet. Bogen er tilstræbt pensumdækkende for medicinstudiet i København, Aarhus, Odense og Aalborg.Bogens redaktører og forfattere er alle eksperter inden for de forskellige medicinske specialer og blandt de undervisere, som den medicinstuderende vil møde i løbet af uddannelsen.

  • af Henrike Knacke
    154,95 kr.

    Dieses essential klärt darüber auf, wie von der Parkinson-Krankheit Betroffene bereits vor der klinischen Diagnose, in der Prodromalphase, identifiziert werden können und welche ethischen Aspekte dabei zu beachten sind. Bereits vor Manifestation der typischen motorischen Kardinalsymptome breitet sich die ¿-Synucleinopathie schon einige Jahre im Körper aus und eine Reihe von Symptomen kann auftreten, insbesondere die isolierte REM-Schlaf-Verhaltensstörung. Das Buch für Neurologen in Weiterbildung, Klinik und Praxis beschreibt die jüngsten Fortschritte insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der Biomarker und zeigt die besondere Relevanz eines frühzeitigen individuellen symptomatischen Therapieangebots sowie die Bedeutung präventiver nicht-medikamentöser Maßnahmen auf.

  • af Claudia Ferreira
    983,95 kr.

    This book analyzes the factors that have sparked pandemics over the past 2000 years, from the Antonine Plague to COVID-19.It is noteworthy that the frequency of pandemics has increased over the past 2000 years. The authors identify three main drivers for the development of pandemics: transportation, human development, and changes in natural ecosystems. It is important to note that with the advent of the industrial age, the length of time it takes for a pandemic to develop has decreased. COVID-19 is certainly not the last pandemic we will face. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to learn from the past 2000 years to help educate general community and public health officials about pandemic risks and help governments prepare for the next pandemic.The book is also very useful in low and middle-income countries where, in the last several decades, viruses with potential for pandemics have originated. It's comprehensiveness and didactic style make this book a valuable read for government health agencies, private organizations, health care professionals and students.

  • af Marc E. Grossman
    1.689,95 - 2.722,95 kr.

    Over a decade has passed since the original edition of The Clinician's Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis first came out. This massive two volume, second edition undertaking features over 4,000 new photographs of rare and puzzingly symptoms, 98 new chapters, and presents a complete update on all references and new findings since the original publication. This two volume set is designed to assist in the diagnosis of skin disease by presenting a unique and comprehensive approach to differential diagnosis. Organized alphabetically by physical finding each book in the set is meticulously put together for utility and usability. Volume 1 features a comprehensive list of the variety of physical findings a patient might have. It is the text of the work. Volume 2 serves as the atlas with which to cross reference a physical finding. It includes over 10,000 patient photos and strives to feature the rarer, more difficult to encounter pictures to arm the reader with knowledge beyond the basic. Created purely with the reader in mind, The Clinician's Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis, 2nd Edition strives to enhance the learning and teaching of differential diagnosis within dermatology. These texts are for the patient that defies diagnosis, going through checklists of diseases ensures that no clue is missed in aiding the patient. The sincere hope is that these companion volumes will be helpful in all clinical setting from medical clinic and other specialty clinics to the Dermatology clinic, from medical students to attendings, and from the nurses to the physicians assistants, whether in the academic setting or in the community environment anywhere in the world.

  • af Bryan Vartabedian
    207,95 kr.

    For generations, doctors have been diagnosing babies with colic, offering little comfort and few solutions to worried, weary parents. But recent medical advances made through cutting-edge technology now reveal that many if not most cases of colic are actually caused by acid reflux. In this revolutionary book, Bryan Vartabedian, a noted pediatric gastroenterologist and the father of two babies with acid reflux, provides hands-on, practical advice about this hidden epidemic-and how to make your own baby happy again. • Recognize the seven signs of reflux in infancy. • Discover the role of milk protein allergy-the other colic. • Learn what, when, and how to feed an irritable baby and the best positions for sleep. • Recognize the role of formula, breast milk, bottle systems, burping, and pacificers in your baby's fussiness, and irritability.• Understand when and why your baby may need testing for reflux. Weigh the pros and cons of available treatment options. Identify when a specialist is needed and where to find one.Complete with inspiring real-life cases of colic solved, plus tips, sidebars, and illustrations, this essential guide provides real answers to a problem that has been upsetting babies-and parents-for years. Help and hope are at hand!"This is the book for every parent whose young baby is a 'bundle of misery,' in pain, and hard to feed, and for that baby's pediatrician, too.”-Laura Nathanson, M.D., F.A.A.P., author of The Portable Pediatrician"Great news for exhausted parents and for suffering babies! Colic Solved gets to the root of what is making many babies cry, and offers powerful, real-world solutions. This is a must-have book for desperate parents everywhere.”-Alan Greene, MD, FAAP, author of From First Kicks to First Steps and founder of

  • af Andrew Lutzkanin
    751,95 kr.

    In this issue of Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice, guest editors Drs. Andrew Lutzkanin and Kristen M. Lutzkanin bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Allergy and Immunology. Top experts in the field cover updated treatment strategies for common allergies encountered in primary care, including asthma, food and drug allergies, immunodeficiency, eosinophilic esophagitis, and more.Contains 12 practice-oriented topics including atopic dermatitis; drug allergy; acute and chronic urticaria and angioedema; venom hypersensitivity; contact dermatitis; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on allergy and immunology, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Thomas Bläsius
    216,95 kr.

    Mein Freund Beuys - Das Buch zum Film¿Ich schreibe meine Biografie selbst, um Lügen und Täuschungen aus dem Weg zu gehen.Ich dachte ein Maler ohne Biografie gibt es nicht.¿ ¿ Claude Jaté.Claude Jaté wurde 1955 unter seinem bürgerlichen Namen Klaus-Dieter Schneider geboren und schon relativ früh entdeckte er die Kunst für sich. Wie er sagt, ist er bereits mit 14 oder 15 Jahren nach Paris gefahren und hat sich in ein Künstlerviertel gestellt, etwas gekritzelt und seine ersten Werke an Passanten für ein paar Franc verkauft. Nach angefangenen Ausbildungen und einer Phase, in der er sich viel ausprobiert hat, wurde er schließlich Taxifahrer in St. Ingbert. Das war auch die Zeit, in der seine Psychosen immer stärker wurden und er schließlich in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen wurde. Da sein Herz schon immer an Kunst hing und seine Kreativität ein wichtiges Ventil war, um sich ausdrücken und seinen Gefühlen sowie Gedanken einen Freiraum geben zu können, wurden Maltherapien ein wichtiger Bestandteil während seinem Aufenthalt in der Psychiatrie. Seine Gemälde waren Ausgangspunkt der therapeutischen Gespräche, die als Visualisierungen von Unbewusstem, als ¿Urbilder¿ der menschlichen Seele, gelten. In dieser Zeit nahm er auch mit Briefen Kontakt zum deutschen Aktionskünstler Joseph Beuys auf, von dem er schließlich seinen Künstlernamen ¿Claude Jaté¿ erhielt. In den folgenden Jahren musste er immer wieder in Psychiatrien behandelt werden, da ihn auch immer weitere Persönlichkeiten ausgemacht haben. Doch die Kunst wurde zur zentralen Liebe in seinem Leben, die ihn festigte.

  • af Peter M. Hermanns
    591,95 kr.

    Spezifisch zugeschnitten für die Kinder- und Jugendmedizin: Einheitlicher Bewertungsmaßstab mit aktuellen Punktangaben, Eurobeträgen mit dem erhöhten neuen Orientierungswert, Hinweisen auf entsprechende Leistungen in der GOÄ. Stand des EBM nach KBV mit den zahlreichen Änderungen der letzten 4 Quartale aus 2023 inklusive der Anhebung des Orientierungswerts zum 1. Januar 2024 auf 11,9339 Cent je Punkt. Alle relevanten Informationen für die erfolgreich optimierte Abrechnung im Praxisalltag: korrekt, verlässlich, vollständig.Kommentierung der einzelnen Leistungspositionen mit Ausschlüssen: Aktuelle Gerichtsurteile zur Gebührenordnung und vertragsärztlichen Tätigkeit.Praktische Abrechnungstipps, Auslegungshinweise, Beschlüsse, Richtlinien u.a. von KBV und regionalen KVen; G-BA; Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB).Plus: kurze Richtlinien und Übersichtstabellen einzelner Leistungsbereiche.UV-GOÄ mit Hinweisen und Abrechnung vonKita- und Schulunfällen.

  • af Ebrahim Zamani
    137,95 kr.

    Men infertility is the main problem for Men and couples in this Century. This book is to explain infertility in Men and is a guide for preventing and also diagnosis with available Treatment for this disease. I advise Reading it to couples and Men with this disease to avoid stress for infertility. Also, Tests are presented for infertility by researchers to solve the problem and enable Men to have fertility. As to have best Choice in life and control emotions and think in Right path to make progress in control disease and enjoy from goals to Reach an excellent Relations in your life .We explains the ways for Reach the goals and standard life among all diseases to have a best control and treatment of the diseases.

  • af Rob Kramer
    858,95 kr.

    This practical, insightful title is a must read for anyone interested in or recently appointed to a leadership role in an academic medical center. Taking the Lead: A Guide for Emerging Leaders in Academic Medical Centers represents the highly accomplished authors¿ more than 60 years of collective insights about leadership and leading effectively in an academic medical center environment. The authors present creative and highly applicable themes synthesized from their knowledge, career experiences, unique reflections, practice, mistakes, and observations of successful (and not so successful) leaders. The result is a book of leadership wisdom ¿ a wealth of ideas, concepts, and insights to inform the reader¿s career journey and to become the best leader they can be. Organized in five parts, this work examines the successful leadership transition in the unique (and sometimes perplexing) academic medical center environment. Informal, conversational in tone, and often engagingly humorous, Taking the Lead: A Guide for Emerging Leaders in Academic Medical Centers represents a concise and invaluable introductory read for the next generation of leaders, as well as a helpful resource for experienced healthcare leaders.

  • af Allan Young
    662,95 kr.

    Mood disorders affect around 1 in 5 people, but the diagnosis and management of these conditions can be challenging. This practical handbook presents a comprehensive overview of these disorders, as well as detailed guidelines for their treatment. The handbook takes a transdisciplinary approach to mood disorders, focusing not only on the biological aspects but also on psychosocial features of importance for optimal diagnosis and management. Content covers nosological considerations, historical aspects, peculiarities along the lifespan, and the associations between mood disorders and other conditions, with a focus on their implications for the optimal management of patients. Practical and evidence-based information is discussed on the role of guidelines related to treatment in selected population groups, including youth, the elderly, and women. With a practical, reader-friendly approach, this book will be invaluable for mental health professionals involved in the treatment of patients with mood disorders, including trainees from different mental health areas.

  • af Ruby Castilla-Puentes
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

    This book is the first authoritative medical text that considers the unique cultural backgrounds of Hispanic populations in a straightforward yet sensitive way, all while building a framework for practical psychiatric assessment and treatment plans.  As the only book to consider the unique challenges facing Hispanic mental healthcare, this book is at the forefront of a serious issue that has gone unchallenged for too long. The text is written by two expert psychiatrists with an established history of leadership in this space. Chapters carefully and meticulously establish the issues of access to care in Latinx communities before addressing the unique needs of these patients in the context of common psychiatric disorders. Each disorder includes clinical cases for a reader-friendly approach to the challenges that develop effective assessment and treatment plans.Mental Health for Hispanic Communities is a concise yet comprehensive reference invaluable to all clinicians, students, and other medical professionals seeking to work with this population effectively.  

  • af Manuel Eskildsen
    811,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, guest editors Drs. Manuel Eskildsen and Carl Henry Burton bring their considerable expertise to the topic of LGBTQIA+ Health in Aging Adults. Top experts in the field discuss topics regarding mental and physical care for aging LGBTQIA+ adults, including end-of-life care, long-term care, and sexual health.Contains 13 relevant, practice-oriented topics including affirming care for LGBTQ[RM1] + patients; gender-affirming care for older transgender and gender diverse older adults; mental health for LGBTQ+ older adults; federal and state policy affecting LGBTQ+ older adults; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on LGBTQIA+ health in aging adults, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Jessica F. Turner
    172,95 kr.

    A healthy smile is the foundation of natural beauty. This book will guide you through the often-misunderstood realm of natural dental care. Not only will you find easy yet efficient recipes and procedures, but you'll also get in-depth information about the advantages of each natural ingredient. Jessica F. Turner describes her own path to discovering more effective, natural dental care after becoming disillusioned with the complexity and negative effects of conventional treatments. Her knowledge and enthusiasm will motivate and inspire you to say no to chemicals and fillers. Immerse yourself in a world where nature is your most powerful ally in achieving a beautiful smile. Anyone who believes in the harmonious marriage of nature, health, and beauty should read this book.

  • af Tim Wreghitt
    662,95 kr.

    "Comprehensive up-to-date guide to clinical and diagnostic virology. Individual chapters cover viruses from A-Z, which are then grouped under syndromes. Liberal use of tables and algorithms enable quick access to key information. An ideal introduction for interested trainees and a practical reference for more experienced hospital clinicians and GPs"--

  • af Tracey C. Vlahovic
    1.528,95 - 2.577,95 kr.

    Lower extremity skin disorders are often overlooked by clinicians. Ailments such as eczema, psoriasis and tinea at times prove difficult to distinguish clinically, and misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate therapy. Many practitioners are mystified when confronted with an abnormal appearing nail. Delay in recognizing skin cancer may adversely impact morbidity and mortality. This full-color atlas is a concise guide for medical professionals who deal with the lower extremities and will aid in both diagnosis and treatment. Topics featured in the Atlas include nail pathology, fungal and bacterial infections, xerotic and hyperkeratotic disorders, autoimmune diseases and vasculopathies, benign and malignant lesions, systemic diseases, and ulcerations. Each chapter contains vibrant photographic representative examples. Concluding chapters present a review of biopsy techniques as well as an overview of current dermatological therapies.  The Atlas of Lower Extremity Skin Disease is a unique resource for podiatrists, dermatologists, and primary care physicians as well as nurse practitioners and physician assistants.

  • af Paul Lipkin
    500,95 kr.

    In this issue of Pediatric Clinics of North America, guest editors Drs. Paul Lipkin and Joshua Ewen, both of the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorder. While pediatricians now have adopted screening and early identification of autism spectrum disorder into their practices, limited training has been provided around longer-term care throughout their childhood. This issue focuses on the newest information on the fundamental neuroscience and genetics of autism and the care needs of children with autism during middle childhood and adolescence.Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented topics on the autism constellation and neurodiversity (including autism in adults); diagnosis of autism and its differential; psychopharmacology management of autism; autism in the schools and at home; evidence-based interventions in autism; mortality and autism: suicide and elopement; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on autism spectrum disorder, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Dietmar Karweina
    176,95 kr.

    Mitarbeitende zu führen ist anspruchsvoll und komplex! Viele Führungskräfte sind unsicher, wann, was und wie gesagt werden darf und muss. Die Folge ist, es gibt zu viele Mitarbeitende, die Vereinbarungen ausbremsen und die ihre Spielräume ausnutzen.Dietmar Karweina beschreibt erprobte Werkzeuge aus seiner Coachingerfahrung in Arztpraxen und sorgt dafür, dass Führungskräfte motivieren und überzeugen, damit der Praxisalltag zusammen leichter gemeistert wird und die Praxisziele erreicht werden.

  • af Ingrid Kollak
    257,95 kr.

    Augenübungen mit vielen Variationen - individuell oder in Gruppen In diesem Buch werden vielfältige Augenübungen gezeigt, die ein möglichst langes, klares und schmerzfreies Sehen sowie die Regenerationsfähigkeit der Augen fördern. Dabei steht die Ganzheitlichkeit im Mittelpunkt - die Augenübungen werden als Teil einer umfassenden Gesundheitsvorsorge verstanden.Die Übungen stammen aus der Augenheilkunde sowie aus anerkannten komplementären Verfahren der Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Rehabilitation. Jede Übung wird Schritt für Schritt erklärt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen verdeutlichen den genauen Ablauf.Das Buch beinhaltet Augenübungen ·         für zwischendurch im Stehen oder Sitzen·         als Teil von Bewegungs- und Entspannungsprogrammen·         mit Betonung der Atmung und Durchblutung·         zur besseren Konzentration und meditativen EntspannungDas Buch richtet sich an Professionelle der Augenheilkunde, Orthoptik, Ergotherapie und Physiotherapie und an Lehrende von Entspannungsverfahren, wie Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, PMR, AT. Die Schritt für Schritt erklärten Übungen eignen sich zur individuellen Anwendung ebenso wie für Gesundheits- und Präventionskurse. Plus: Alle Übungsanleitungen sind als Download und zum Ausdrucken verfügbar.Die AutorinProf. Dr. Ingrid Kollak, promovierte Germanistin, Sozialwissenschaftlerin, langjährige Professorin für Pflegewissenschaft, zertifizierte Yogalehrerin und Care und Case Managerin, ist seit 2019 Vorsitzende des Berliner Instituts für gesundheitliche Arbeit (BIgA).

  • af Argelinda Baroni
    811,95 kr.

    In this issue of Psychiatric Clinics, guest editors Drs. Jessica Lunsford-Avery and Argelinda Baroni bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Sleep Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Top experts in the field cover neurocognitive effects of sleep disruption; medications used for pediatric insomnia; behavioral treatment of insomnia and sleep disturbances; the parasomnias; restless leg syndrome; autism spectrum disorder and sleep; and more.Contains 17 relevant, practice-oriented topics including sleep and technology in early childhood; classification and epidemiology of sleep disorders; screening and evaluation of sleep disturbances and sleep disorders; pediatric insomnia; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on sleep disorders in children and adolescents, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Kerstin Klink
    650,95 kr.

    Patients often seek advice in the doctor's office whose complaints are of a functional nature and cannot be directly assigned to an organ disease via laboratory or imaging. Many of these disorders such as pain, dizziness, tinnitus, lumpiness or the "heel spur" originate from the fascial organ, which is only now slowly being understood as such.Fascia connects all parts of our body mechanically but more important, all our receptors for intro-and extroception and for the regulation of homeostasis are embedded in fascia. If you take this system into account in the differential diagnosis, you can spare your patients invasive, stressful diagnostics and offer an accurate and successful therapy.Understand causes of fascial pain and dysfunction: fascial knots, principals of fascial disorders, flash tests, fascial chains, trigger points, interaction between cause and location of pain or other symptoms like fixed eczema and othersUnderstand causes of myofascial pain and dysfunction: myofascial knots, fascial chains, trigger points, interaction between cause and location of pain. fascial slackness and blockages Clinic, symptoms Recognize fascial syndromes and pain patterns correctly Causal and permanently effective treatment approaches Therapy of the fascial system Causes of fascial disorders Cooperation doctor - physiotherapistThe authors - a general practitioner and a physiotherapist - complement each other perfectly in their knowledge and skills. A plausible, practice-relevant, pathophysiological concept, which was created on the basis of many years of experience and success, as well as scientific studies (where available) and comes up with new - sometimes provocative - theses. For general practitioners, internists, orthopedists, physiotherapists and all physicians who are willing to enrich their diagnostic and therapeutic concepts with a myofascial approach.The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

  • af Cheryl Field
    267,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Kusum D. Jashnani
    858,95 kr.

    The book discusses about 45 cases of maternal autopsies. These maternal mortalities are related to pregnancy-related diseases, pre-existing diseases that worsen or manifest during pregnancy and diseases for which pregnant patient has increased risk. As the study of maternal mortality is a healthcare quality indicator and plays an important role in the improvement of obstetric care, the book aims at discussing autopsy findings, which is the gold standard for establishing not only the causes of death, but also to uncover the various pathological lesions produced by the physiologic phenomenon of pregnancy. This helps in identifying the direct and indirect causes, which can be reviewed at multidisciplinary review meetings.The chapters are arranged according to direct and indirect causes of maternal death, involving varied target organ systems i.e. central nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastro-intestinal tract, hepato-biliary system and pancreas, urinary system, female genital tract and others. However, it does not include diseases coincidental in pregnancy.Each case begins with the complete case history (age, duration of pregnancy, clinical presentation, investigations, clinical diagnosis, therapy, and course during ward stay, if any), autopsy findings, followed by a clinico-pathological discussion and includes appropriate gross organ and microscopic images. The book caters to the specialists in pathology, obstetrics, general medicine, critical care, surgery, pulmonologists, cardiology and all those involved in the care of pregnant women.

  • af William James Moore (Sir
    392,95 kr.

  • af Michael Riedel
    272,95 kr.

    Wie hängen Herzinfarkte mit Karies zusammen?Wie ein kaputtes Knie mit dem knirschenden Kiefer?Für so ziemlich jedes Organ unseres Körpers gibt es irgendeinen speziellen Arzt. Der Zahnarzt wird so nur aufgesucht, wenn es um Zähne oder Kiefer geht. Doch wer schon mal chronisch krank war ¿ oder einfach nur vom ¿falschen Arzt¿ behandelt wurde ¿ weiß, dass unser Körper mehr als die Summe seiner Teile ist. Die heutige (westliche) Medizin wird leider von Ärzten dominiert, die zu wenig über den eigenen ¿Tellerrand¿ hinaus schauen. Daher bleiben ganzkörperliche Zusammenhänge oft auf der Strecke. Da hilft auch der Fachjargon nicht, mit dem so mancher Mediziner über diesen Umstand hinweg täuschen will. Aber kann ein einzelner Arzt überhaupt ganzkörperlichen Zusammenhängen gerecht werden? Eine einfache Darstellung solcher komplexen Zusammenhänge war jedenfalls dringend nötig. Fand zumindest der Münchner Zahnarzt Michael Riedel, der sich seit Jahrzehnten kontinuierlich weiterbildet ¿ unter anderem mit Schwerpunkt CMD (Craniomanibuläre Dysfunktion). Weil sich in unserem Mund eben doch der ganze Körper spiegelt und die Wissenschaft nicht stillsteht. Daher dieses Buch! Es ist der Versuch, der thematischen Komplexität zum Trotz, einer bloß eindimensionalen Betrachtung unserer Körperfunktionen die Stirn zu bieten. Manche Zusammenhänge sind einfach verblüffend! Wenn wir sie kennen, können wir Probleme unseres Körpers besser verstehen, und sie lösen! Der Zahnarzt Michael Riedel, der Buchautor Ulrich Pfeiffer (eigentlich ein Zahnarzt-Hasser). Zwei alte Schulfreunde. Was dieses Duo stark macht, ist der Balanceakt zwischen medizinischem Fachgesimpel und unbedarfter Patientensicht. Versüßt wird das Buch mit zahlreichen Illustrationen.

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