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Menneskelig reproduktion og udvikling

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  • af Birgitte Klock Clausen
    247,95 kr.

    Bag om Barnløshed er en ny og unik bog, der går bag om et emne, der oftere og oftere skaber store overskrifter i medierne og som vedrører os alle.15-20% af alle der prøver at få børn, oplever på et tidspunkt en følelse af ufrivillig barnløshed, og 10% af de børn som kommer til verden i Danmark i dag fødes efter fertilitetsbehandling. Behandlingsområdet er ekspanderende, nye teknologier kommer til, og flere og flere enlige kvinder vælger at benytte en anonym sæddonor, frem for en biologisk far.Samtidig er fertilitetsbehandling og forskning blevet en ubrydelig symbiose, hvor embryoner fra fertilitetsbehandlingen er en betingelse for forskning i en række sygdomme.Birgitte Klock Clausen, cand. scient. soc. og coach, henvender sig både til barnløse par eller enlige og pårørende, der ønsker mere viden og perspektiv samt hjælp til at træffe vigtige valg og til at komme godt igennem det, de står overfor.Men bogen henvender sig også til alle i fertilitetsbehandlingssystemet og i sundhedssektoren, til politikere, mediefolk, uddannelsesinstitutioner og til alle, der interesserer sig for de fundamentalt forandrede livsvilkår vi står midt i bl.a. som følge af fertilitetsteknologier og stamcelleforskningen.Forlaget Alemona vil formidle ny viden og perspektivere inden for barnløshed, fertilitetsbehandling og det gode liv uden børn på en for alle tilgængelig måde.Bogen er under anmeldelse i pressen og udvalgte magasiner.

  • - - et spørgsmål om tryghed
    af Jean Vennestrøm
    205,95 kr.

    Bogen er skrevet til dig der som gravid og aktiv kvinde gerne vil vide mere om, hvordan du kan være aktiv gennem din graviditet. Mange gravide stopper med sport og motion, nogen pga. manglende tid, andre af utryghed for om træningen kan skade deres barn eller dem selv. Med denne bog i hånden behøver du ikke længere føle dig utryg, idet bogen hele vejen igennem er understøttet af den videnskabelige forskning på området.Bogen omhandler alt fra bækkentræning og lettere yoga til sportsgrene som løb, boldspil, svømning og ridning. Tillige indeholder bogen flere kapitler omhandlende de ændringer du gennemgår lige nu. Du vil derfor nemt finde information om emner som kropsændringer, ryg- og bækkenproblemer, kvlame, hæmorider og gode kostråd. Tillige er anden del af bogen baseret på 98 spørgsmål og svar indenfor mange forskellige sport og motionsformer.Så har du et spørgsmål! Da søg svaret her.Bogen kan bruges af: 1) Kvinder der planlægger at blive gravide 2) Gravide og 3) Fagpersoner der arbejder med gravide.Bogen kan bruges både som opslagsværk og som håndbog.

  • af Lone Spliid & Mette Vainer Wegloop
    182,95 kr.

  • af Dorte Andersen
    277,95 kr.

    Dyk ned i hemmelighederne bag en ungdommelig glød og strålende hud med yogalærer og influencer Dorte Andersen. Med mere end 240.000 dedikerede følgere på de sociale medier er Dorte en pioner inden for ansigtsyoga – en revolutionerende træningsmetode, der ikke kun styrker og toner ansigtsmusklerne, men også kan forynge din udstråling.Dorte deler alt, hvad hun ved om ansigtsyoga. Fra at løfte kindbenene til at reducere rynker og afslappe spændte muskler. Her finder du en omfattende samling af øvelser og teknikker, der kan give dig den ungdommelige udstråling, du altid har drømt om.Med fokus på ansigtsudtryk, strækninger og massage er ansigtsyoga ikke blot en træningsrutine, det er en livsstil.Oplev fordelene ved forbedret blodcirkulation og stimuleret kollagenproduktion, mens du finder indre ro gennem dyb vejrtrækning og koncentration.DORTE ANDERSEN har 240.000 følgere på Instagram under @yogafacelift og er meget efterspurgt for tiden. Hun er 73 år, yogalærer, ansigtsyogainstruktør og influencer. Hun forlod arbejds- markedet som 67-årig, men hun kunne ikke se sig selv sidde i sofaen med et helt livs kompetencer, og hun rejste derfor til Indien og uddannede sig til yogalærer. Da hun kom hjem, fik hun ret hurtigt job som yogalærer hos Salig Yoga på Østerbro. Nu da yogaverdenen var hendes dagligdag, åbnede der sig en ny og spændende tid. Hun fortsatte med at tage yogakurser, så hun kunne undervise bredere i yoga. Her opdagede hun ansigtsyogaen, og den startede et helt nyt liv og karriere for hende. Efter at have levet 68 år uden at give sit ansigt særlig opmærksomhed blev ansigtsyoga en stor del af Dortes dagligdag. Nu træner og masserer hun sit ansigt dagligt med både hænder og Gua Sha, og hun giver det iskolde bade. På kort tid har hun set en kæmpe forandring. Siden 2019 har hun holdt regelmæssige workshops både fysisk og online i ansigtsyoga.

  • af Jacob Engelsman
    206,95 kr.

    An introduction to lactation and chestfeeding for queer parents, trans parents, non-binary parents, helpers, and even cisgender male parents.

  • af Zev Rosenwaks
    867,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

  • af Igor Grabovac
    853,95 - 1.037,95 kr.

  • af Gene de Haan
    902,95 - 945,95 kr.

  • af Markus Schmechel
    961,95 kr.

    Die Kryokonservierung ermöglicht es, Keimzellen, 2-PN-Zellen und Embryonen einzufrieren und über Jahrzehnte zu lagern. Ihre Bedeutung für die Kinderwunschbehandlung wächst stetig. Dennoch bedürfen viele Aspekte vor, während und nach der Kryokonservierung rechtlicher Klarheit. Dies betrifft neben dem rechtlichen Status des Kryogutes vor allem die Entscheidungsrechte der intendierten Eltern. Weitere Problemfelder bilden die zulässigen Handlungen im Umgang mit dem Kryogut, die fehlende zeitliche Höchstlagerungsdauer, die Kinderwunschbehandlung post mortem und der Umgang mit überzähligem Kryogut. Der Autor arbeitet die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Kryokonservierung heraus. Hierbei zeigt er auf, an welchen Stellen ein gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf besteht und unterbreitet konkrete Regelungsvorschläge.

  • af Yu Sun
    1.386,95 kr.

    This is the first book to focus on robotic reproductive cell manipulation. It provides readers with the fundamental principles underpinning robotic manipulation of reproductive cells, including sperm, oocytes, and embryos, state-of-the-art technical advances in actuation, sensing and control for cell manipulation, and emerging automated systems for reproductive cell manipulation. The methods presented in the book are generic and can be translated to manipulating other types of cells, such as cancer cells and cardiomyocytes. Robotic Manipulation of Reproductive Cells will be an essential reference for graduate students and researchers working on small-scale robotic systems for cell manipulation and characterization, healthcare professionals interested in nanoscale, microscale, milli-scale robotic techniques for clinical cell surgeries and assisted reproduction, and engineers developing small-scale robotic systems for biomedical engineering, biology,and medicine.

  • af Yetunda Dixon
    312,95 kr.

    In the midst of the deeply personal and often painful journey of infertility, "Grace in the Waiting" serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for women. Author Yetunda Dixon shares her heartfelt experiences and faith as she navigates the challenging path of infertility alongside her husband, Tennison Dixon.This poignant and relatable devotional provides not only spiritual guidance but also personal testimonies that resonate with those facing similar struggles. Yetunda combines her deep-rooted faith with her diverse expertise to create a unique perspective on finding purpose and joy amidst the trials of infertility."Grace in the Waiting" offers hope and encouragement through personal stories, scripture, and practical tips, making it an essential companion for women who are determined to maintain their faith, discover joy in unexpected places, and trust in God's perfect timing during their journey through infertility.

  • af Lily Starbright
    102,95 kr.

    This book is about a long, sad, relentless journey to become a parent. The journey is not something I would wish for anyone; but, unfortunately, lots of people go through it. However, seeing the rainbow at the end of the journey is what I wish for everyone who longs to have children.

  • af Marie White
    161,95 kr.

    "A modern, inclusive guide to plant-based reproductive medicine: herbal remedies and collective care for conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond"--

    337,95 kr.

    Adolescence is a phase of life where transformation fromchildhood to adulthood takes place. Puberty, as the marker of thisphase, presents a significant opportunity to lay a foundation forreproductive health of young people. Pubertal development affectsfemale adolescents differently to their male counterparts. Withinthis period, the young female will experience significant changes inher body and will start her reproductive journey. It is essential thatyoung females are prepared to ensure a smooth transition and apositive puberty experience. However, little is known about youngfemales' knowledge of reproductive health during puberty or theirsources of information about reproductive health during this criticaltime. Globally, research focuses on adolescents aged 15 years andabove, and there is limited data on early adolescents, specificallyyoung female adolescents age 12 to 15 years. Studies conducted withIndonesian adolescents tend to focus on sexual behaviour as a poorreproductive health outcome and fail to consider the importance ofexploring adolescents' knowledge of reproductive health duringpuberty. This PhD study was designed to address these gaps in theliterature by providing an exploration into young females' knowledgeof reproductive health and the sources of information regardingreproductive health during puberty.

  • af Kavindra Kumar Kesari
    1.687,95 - 1.800,95 kr.

    This book discusses the role of oxidative stress in human reproduction with a focus on men's health. The physiological roles of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in male fertility are the focus in this book. This topic is important because oxidative stress is a result of the imbalance between ROS and antioxidants in the body which may lead to sperm damage (DNA or count), deformity, and eventually, male infertility. Therefore, for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms related to male genotoxicity and its regulation in infertility, this book provides an up-to-date view on the impact of oxidative stress factors in male reproduction .The main aim of this book is to collect a series of research articles and reviews from a diverse group of scientists to share their research work on the role of ROS or oxidative stress in physiological and pathological states in relation to (in)fertility in the male. This book presents various state-of-the-art chapters of the recent progress in the field of cellular toxicology and clinical manifestations of various issues related to men's health and fertility. Topics include cell signaling, DNA damage and infertility, the pathophysiology of disease instigation and distribution, immune toxicity and prevention.

  • af Sherif A. Shazly
    867,95 - 1.683,95 kr.

    Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), an obstetric emergency associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality, has increasingly become a global challenge with the rising trend of cesarean deliveries. This book provides a comprehensive review of basic science-related to PAS, discusses modern practice in diagnosis and classification of PAS disorders, and appraise current recommendations on PAS management in view of recent studies, guidelines, and expert opinions.In the last few years, there have been many new updates to practice guidelines including ACOG, RCOG, and FIGO guidelines in addition to several new studies, some of which were unusually multicenter and of large sample size, that are eligible to make major changes in our PAS practice. In addition, the book aims at providing more comprehensive review of all aspects related to PAS from experts, including topics that are deficient in similar books e.g., vascular anatomy, risk reduction, adjuvant treatments.The book provides a single source that provides academic knowledge for researchers and investigators, and clinical guidance to best practice and recent updates in management of women with PAS.

  • af Joy Kaush
    337,95 kr.

    Endometrial dysfunction refers to the disruption of normal endometrial physiology, leading to infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, and other gynecological disorders. The molecular and signaling mechanisms that contribute to endometrial dysfunction are complex and multifactorial, involving a range of cellular and molecular pathways. As such, investigating these mechanisms requires a deep understanding of the molecular biology of the endometrium and the cellular processes that regulate its function.One key area of investigation in endometrial dysfunction is the role of hormones and their receptors in the regulation of endometrial physiology. The endometrium is sensitive to the effects of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which play critical roles in regulating the menstrual cycle and preparing the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized egg. Dysregulation of hormonal signaling pathways can lead to disruptions in endometrial function, contributing to infertility and other gynecological disorders.Another important area of investigation is the role of inflammatory and immune signaling pathways in the pathogenesis of endometrial dysfunction. Inflammatory cytokines and chemokines play a critical role in modulating endometrial function and regulating the immune response to implantation. Dysregulation of these pathways can lead to a range of gynecological disorders, including endometriosis, adenomyosis, and recurrent pregnancy loss.Molecular investigations into endometrial dysfunction have also focused on the role of epigenetic mechanisms in regulating gene expression and modulating cellular function. Epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation and histone modifications can play critical roles in regulating endometrial function and influencing the pathogenesis of gynecological disorders. Studies have shown that alterations in DNA methylation patterns and histone modifications can lead to dysregulation of key genes involved in endometrial function, contributing to infertility and other reproductive disorders.Advances in molecular biology techniques have enabled researchers to investigate these pathways in greater detail, uncovering new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying endometrial dysfunction. Techniques such as gene expression profiling, genome-wide association studies, and next-generation sequencing have enabled researchers to identify novel genes and pathways involved in the regulation of endometrial function and to identify potential targets for therapeutic intervention.In conclusion, molecular investigation of endometrial dysfunction is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to provide new insights into the pathogenesis of gynecological disorders and to identify new therapeutic targets for their treatment. By gaining a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying endometrial dysfunction, researchers can develop more targeted and effective treatments for infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding, and other gynecological disorders, ultimately improving the health and wellbeing of women worldwide.

  • af Rikke Oberlin Flarup
    204,95 kr.

    UNDSKYLD JEG KOMMER FOR SENT handler om at komme for sent helt konkret, men især om at føle, at man kommer for sent til livet. Ea er i midt trediverne, single, freelancer og i tvivl om det meste. Hun kæmper for at finde sin plads i livet, både i forhold til kærester, venner, børn, arbejde og sin spirende spiritualitet.Romanen er fuld af remser, sms’er fra mor, åndelige beskeder, drømme, snapseopskrifter og Tinder-tråde.OM RIKKE OBERLIN FLARUPRikke Oberlin Flarup (f. 1981) er forfatter, forlægger og arbejder som drømmetyder og clairvoyant. Hun debuterede i 2011 og har tidligere udgivet bl.a. ungdomsromanen Telefontesten (2018) og drømme-prosasamlingen Der kan ikke være 18 lilla mennesker i en konvolut (2020).

  • af Dived Shukl
    307,95 kr.

    Embryo implantation is a complex process that involves several molecular and cellular mechanisms. One of the key players in this process is microtubule polymerization, which is regulated by the microtubule-associated protein TPPP3.Microtubules are cytoskeletal structures made up of tubulin proteins that play a critical role in many cellular processes, including cell division, intracellular transport, and cell motility. In the context of embryo implantation, microtubules are essential for the proper positioning of the blastocyst (early-stage embryo) within the uterine lining, and for the subsequent invasion of the trophoblast cells into the maternal tissue.This book explores, microtubule polymerization and TPPP3 play critical roles in embryo implantation by regulating the formation of focal adhesions, promoting trophoblast invasion, and regulating the expression of implantation-related genes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes may lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies for infertility and other reproductive disorders.

  • af P. Maniiarasan
    4.772,95 kr.

    The lack of comprehensive, innovative insights into the intricate world of pregnancy complication prediction is a pressing concern, as these complications can severely impact the health and wellbeing of pregnant patients. As the complexities of maternal healthcare continue to evolve, scholars grapple with the challenge of staying at the forefront of research and innovation in this critical field. The unpredictability of pregnancy complications poses significant risks to positive patient outcomes, demanding novel approaches to diagnosis and prevention. The academic community seeks a solution that can bridge the gap between traditional research and the transformative potential of technological advancements in healthcare. Technological Tools for Predicting Pregnancy Complications not only identify the problem but offer an authoritative solution. It serves as a beacon of knowledge for academic scholars, providing a holistic exploration of how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies can revolutionize maternal healthcare. With a laser focus on predictive models, comprehensive health data analysis, and innovative algorithmic approaches, this book equips scholars with the tools they need to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of pregnancy complications. Academic scholars will find a treasure trove of insights, spanning from the fundamentals of AI and ML in healthcare to the application of IoT devices and wearable sensors for expectant mothers.

  • af Roxy Dunn
    135,95 kr.

    'This debut novel about womanhood and expectations will be one of the most exciting of the year' INDEPENDENT, the best fiction books to read in 2024'A young woman's life, told through the men she has dated. With glorious attention to detail and emotional fluency, Dunn charts the ways in which we are built and broken by love' PANDORA SYKES***An irresistible and achingly relatable debut novel for anyone who has ever had to let go of what they thought their life would look like and open themselves up to the dizzying possibilities of chance.Elliot. Joe. Tommy. Nathanael. Wren. Oliver. Malik. Zach. Frank. Patrick. Noah. These are the men Margot has loved, liked, lusted over.Since she was seventeen, she's pictured them like stepping stones - each one bringing her closer to finding someone to share her life with and, eventually, father the children she's always imagined in her future.From her first sexual encounter, to her first love, from grown-up dilemmas to spontaneous thrills, she's soaked up every experience available to her, discovering friendship, joy and despair. Through all of this she's refined her search until she believes she's arrived at 'the ending' to her story.So how did she find herself here, single at thirty-four, and about to make the biggest decision of her life?'Raw, funny and beautiful . . . A really gorgeously observed novel about youth and womanhood' DAISY BUCHANAN, author of Careering'Relatable, poignant and gripping ... I read it in a single day' LIBBY PAGE, author of The Lido'Warm, witty, wise . . . A thoughtful and moving portrait that made me laugh and cry' CHLOË ASHBY, author of Wet Paint

  • af Aimee E. Raupp
    300,95 kr.

    Yes, You Can Get Pregnant: How To Improve Your Fertility Now & Into Your 40's is the complete guide to getting pregnant and improving fertility naturally - - even if you've been told your chances of conception are low. A nationally renowned women's health and fertility expert, Aimee Raupp has helped thousands of women optimize their fertility and get pregnant. Now, in Yes, You Can Get Pregnant, she provides her complete program for improving your chances of conceiving and overcoming infertility, including the most effective complementary and lifestyle approaches, the latest nutritional advice, and ways to prepare yourself emotionally and spiritually. In a friendly, understanding, and inspirational manner, Yes, You Can Get Pregnant provides hope, scientifically - backed knowledge, and emotional support to help you improve your health and fertility from the inside out so that you can become the mother you want to be.

  • af Latazia Stuart
    227,95 kr.

    God has not forgotten you! Have you struggled to reconnect with your faith in the face of infertility or pregnancy loss? You are not alone. In this book the author vulnerably describes how she faced infertility, repeated pregnancy losses, and multiple hospitalizations while seeking to align her life with God's will. She discovered The Secrets of Faith INfertility in the midst of pain when there was no evidence of a happy ending. Dr. Tazz wrote this book in response to the private moments spent with women who had experienced premature delivery, late term stillbirth, and other tragedies. She now provides guidance and inspiration for women and couples to pursue their faith, find fertility, and experience God's favor INfertility! In this book you will discover: - The common denominator among those who endure the challenges of infertility- The secrets of finding faith and favor in spite of intense pain and disappointment- Inspiration to help you cope with the past and face the future- Insight for those seeking to understand and support women and couples and help them remove the shadows of infertility- How women and couples can be INfaith with God INfertility

  • af G. Sylvester
    127,95 kr.

  • af Rachel A Wood
    127,95 kr.

    Se terminan los cuarenta y comienza una hermosa etapa, donde los cambios hormonales revolotean nuestra mente y se manifiestan en nuestro cuerpo. Estamos más serenas, con más experiencia, y sabemos muy bien lo que deseamos. Aunque… estos cambios confunden y a veces perturban. Y lo real es, que solo se le teme a lo que no se conoce, porque si se aprende a transitar con elegancia este ciclo, y con el conocimiento adecuado, se descubre lo maravilloso de ser una mujer madura. Aquí me propongo a explicarte como cuidarte, enseñándote el ABC de la menopausia, los cuidados que deberás tener, las formas de terapia hormonal, como así también los remedios naturales y homeopáticos que podrás utilizar para superar los sofocones y otras molestias. Dejaremos en claro los cambios físicos y psicológicos, y te dejaré mis consejos profesionales para que vivas la menopausia sin ningún temor.

  • af William Acton
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Steven R. Lindheim
    853,95 - 1.111,95 kr.

    This well-illustrated, user-friendly text offers a succinct overview of complex surgical sparing management of reproductive pelvic disorders, designed for the reproductive endocrinology and infertility specialist and general gynecologist. World-renowned experts in these areas have contributed detailed chapters that will bolster the surgical knowledge of challenging clinical reproductive infertility scenarios requiring laparoscopic and hysteroscopic skills to enhance fertility outcomes.Providing an understanding of when minimally invasive reproductive surgery is indicated, this book presents clinical pearls to help manage specific pathologies and strategies for managing and minimizing the risks of complications in operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. It does so by reviewing pelvic and retroperitoneal anatomy and how it applies to myomectomy, extensive endometriosis, ovarian-tubal surgery, septum, C/S scar isthmocele, Mullerian uterine and vaginal anomalies, and managing complications including bladder and bowel injury. Additionally, selected chapters include accompanying video segments for real-world demonstration of techniques.Reproductive endocrine infertility specialists, as well as clinicians of obstetrics and gynecology interested in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, will find Reproductive Surgery a valuable and focused resource.

  • af Jan Brierton
    97,95 kr.

    Following the success of her lockdown collection What Day Is It? Who Gives a F*ck, Jan Brierton returns with a new collection of 52 poems that riff on menopause, midlife, the mental load, friendships, relationships, loss and self-acceptance.

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