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  • - En mors kamp for at give sin søn fred
    af Marie Nørgaard & Maria Julius Hansen
    186,95 kr.

    Marias liv falder fra hinanden, da hendes fireårige søn, William, bliver diagnosticeret med en sjælden genetisk sygdom. Efter en fejlslagen knoglemarvstransplantation mister William alle sine sansers brug og kommer til at ligge lænket til en respirator. Familien går i opløsning. Og Maria, der engang var livsglad pædagog og professionel håndboldspiller, ser sit vindende væsen visne ved siden af en hospitalsseng.WILLIAMS BEFRIELSE er en uafrystelig historie om en mors kamp. Først for at hendes dødssyge søn skal overleve. Men – som håbet svinder med årene, og omkostninger for kampen tegner sig – for at William skal blive befriet i døden.Marias gribende beretning er tragisk og ubærlig. Men den er også et modigt og livsbekræftende vidnesbyrd om en mor, der overkommer den største sorg.

  • af N. N.
    221,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Thor Otto Alexsander
    1.152,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Advanced Treatment for 16P11.2 Deletion Syndrome: Apometry, NLP, Regression, and Hypnosis." This book is the culmination of years of research, exploration, and dedication to finding holistic treatment approaches for individuals with 16P11.2 deletion syndrome.The journey to understanding and addressing this syndrome has been both challenging and rewarding. As we delved into the complexities of this genetic condition, it became clear that conventional medical treatments often fell short in providing comprehensive care for those affected. This realization sparked a quest to explore alternative therapies that could offer a more holistic approach to treatment-one that encompasses not only the physical symptoms but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being of individuals with 16P11.2 deletion syndrome.At the heart of our exploration lies the concept of apometry-an innovative healing modality that taps into the power of the mind, spirit, and energy fields to promote healing and transformation. In this book, we delve deep into the principles of apometry and explore its potential applications in the treatment of genetic conditions, including 16P11.2 deletion syndrome.But apometry is just one piece of the puzzle. We also explore the synergies between apometry and other complementary therapies such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), regression therapy, and hypnosis. By integrating these modalities into a comprehensive treatment approach, we aim to provide individuals with 16P11.2 deletion syndrome and their families with a holistic toolkit for healing and empowerment.Throughout these pages, you'll find a wealth of information, practical tips, and insights gleaned from our experiences in working with individuals with 16P11.2 deletion syndrome. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a caregiver, or someone affected by the syndrome, we hope that this book serves as a valuable resource in your journey towards healing and wholeness.We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported us in bringing this book to fruition, and we dedicate it to the individuals and families affected by 16P11.2 deletion syndrome. May it serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration on your path towards wellness.

  • af Jennifer Graf Groneberg
    152,95 kr.

  • af Josias Monias Xavier
    1.512,95 kr.

    A Síndrome de Marfan é uma condição complexa que desafia a compreensão convencional da medicina. Neste livro, o autor nos leva a uma jornada fascinante pelo mundo da Apometria, Programação Neurolinguística (PNL), Regressão e Hipnose, explorando abordagens alternativas e holísticas para o tratamento desta síndrome e outras condições genéticas. É uma obra que desafia os limites da nossa compreensão e nos convida a considerar novas perspectivas sobre saúde e cura.Através de uma cuidadosa pesquisa e exploração de tópicos que vão desde a Apometria até a Genética Avançada do Futuro, o autor nos apresenta um conjunto diversificado de ferramentas terapêuticas que podem oferecer esperança e alívio para aqueles que enfrentam desafios de saúde únicos.Ao longo deste livro, você encontrará informações detalhadas sobre como realizar Apometria, comandos específicos para abordar a doença em questão e orientações sobre a preparação antes de uma sessão. Além disso, o autor explora conexões entre Apometria, Conscienciologia, Genética e outras disciplinas, abrindo portas para um novo entendimento das complexidades do corpo humano e da mente.À medida que mergulhamos nas páginas deste livro, somos convidados a considerar o papel da espiritualidade, da consciência e das terapias alternativas na jornada da cura. É uma obra que desafia paradigmas, estimula a reflexão e oferece uma visão única sobre a interseção entre ciência e espiritualidade na busca pela saúde e bem-estar.

  • af Josias Monias Xavier
    1.507,95 kr.

    Nas páginas que se seguem, você encontrará um mergulho profundo em um universo fascinante e complexo: o tratamento avançado para a Doença de Huntington. Este livro é um convite para explorar um caminho de cura que combina abordagens holísticas, terapias alternativas e uma visão inovadora da relação entre mente, corpo e espírito.A Doença de Huntington é uma condição desafiadora que afeta não apenas o corpo físico, mas também a mente e a alma daqueles que a enfrentam. É uma jornada que muitas vezes é marcada por dificuldades e incertezas. No entanto, neste livro, você encontrará um conjunto de ferramentas e insights poderosos que podem iluminar o caminho em direção à cura e ao bem-estar.Ao longo destas páginas, exploraremos a Apometria, a Programação Neurolinguística (PNL), a Regressão e a Hipnose como abordagens terapêuticas inovadoras para a Doença de Huntington. Vamos descobrir como essas práticas podem ser aplicadas de forma eficaz e ética, com o objetivo de aliviar o sofrimento e promover a cura.Além disso, este livro também mergulha em tópicos relacionados, como a conexão entre a Apometria e a genética, a influência da mente na manifestação de doenças genéticas e o papel da consciência na cura. Vamos explorar como a Apometria se encaixa em um contexto mais amplo de terapias holísticas e como pode ser combinada com outras abordagens terapêuticas.Este é um convite para expandir sua compreensão da Doença de Huntington e das possibilidades de tratamento. Ao longo desta jornada, lembre-se de que a cura é uma jornada pessoal e única para cada indivíduo. Este livro oferece um mapa, mas você é o navegador. Siga seu próprio caminho em direção à cura e ao bem-estar.Agradeço a todos os que contribuíram para tornar este livro uma realidade, e dedico-o a todas as pessoas afetadas pela Doença de Huntington, na esperança de que encontrem conforto, inspiração e esperança nas páginas que se seguem

  • af Josias Monias Xavier
    1.507,95 kr.

    É com grande entusiasmo que apresento este livro, "Tratamento Avançado para Síndrome de Angelman: Apometria, PNL, Regressão e Hipnose". Esta obra representa uma jornada profunda e interdisciplinar em busca de soluções holísticas para uma condição desafiadora.Nos capítulos a seguir, você encontrará uma exploração abrangente de terapias alternativas, incluindo a Apometria, a Programação Neurolinguística (PNL), a Regressão e a Hipnose, com o objetivo de oferecer uma visão ampla e integrada para o tratamento da Síndrome de Angelman. Essas abordagens, muitas vezes negligenciadas pela medicina tradicional, podem proporcionar insights e caminhos promissores para o bem-estar daqueles que enfrentam essa síndrome.Nossa busca por respostas nos levará a explorar não apenas o corpo físico, mas também o corpo espiritual e as profundezas da mente humana. A Apometria, em particular, desempenha um papel fundamental nesta jornada, oferecendo uma perspectiva única sobre a cura e a transformação.À medida que avançamos na leitura, convido você a manter uma mente aberta, questionadora e receptiva. A complexidade do tema exige uma abordagem multidimensional, e cada capítulo deste livro contribuirá para ampliar nosso entendimento sobre como abordar a Síndrome de Angelman de maneira mais abrangente e eficaz.

  • af Josias Monias Xavier
    1.512,95 kr.

    É com grande entusiasmo que apresento a vocês este livro, "Tratamento Avançado para Síndrome de Alport: Apometria, PNL, Regressão e Hipnose". Esta obra representa anos de pesquisa, dedicação e paixão por abordar a saúde de forma holística, explorando terapias alternativas e métodos inovadores.A síndrome de Alport é uma condição desafiadora que afeta muitas vidas, e este livro tem como objetivo fornecer uma abordagem abrangente e integrativa para o tratamento dessa doença. Ao longo das páginas que se seguem, você encontrará informações valiosas sobre a Apometria, Programação Neurolinguística (PNL), regressão e hipnose, todas com o objetivo de promover o bem-estar e a cura.Nossa jornada nos levará a explorar o potencial da Apometria e seu uso específico no tratamento da síndrome de Alport. Você aprenderá técnicas, comandos e estratégias para o desdobramento, cura espiritual e muito mais. Além disso, este livro aborda a interseção da Apometria com várias disciplinas, desde a genética até a terapia cognitiva comportamental, expandindo as fronteiras do conhecimento.Acredito que o conhecimento compartilhado aqui pode abrir novos horizontes na busca por soluções para a síndrome de Alport e outras condições de saúde. Espero que esta obra inspire profissionais de saúde, terapeutas e aqueles que buscam alternativas para a cura. Agradeço a todos que contribuíram para tornar este projeto uma realidade e estou ansioso para embarcar nesta jornada de descoberta com você.

  • af Josias Monias Xavier
    1.512,95 kr.

    Nas páginas que se seguem, você encontrará um mergulho profundo no universo da Apometria e suas conexões surpreendentes com áreas tão diversas quanto a genética, a terapia cognitivo-comportamental e até mesmo a paranormalidade. Este livro, intitulado "Tratamento Avançado para Síndrome de Williams: Apometria, PNL, Regressão e Hipnose", é uma exploração corajosa e esclarecedora dos horizontes desconhecidos da mente e da medicina.A síndrome de Williams é uma condição rara que desafia tanto médicos quanto pacientes. É uma jornada que muitos considerariam impossível de desvendar. No entanto, nas páginas seguintes, você descobrirá como a Apometria, juntamente com outras abordagens holísticas, pode oferecer uma nova perspectiva para a cura e a compreensão dessa síndrome e de muitas outras condições complexas.A autora, com sua profunda paixão pelo assunto e dedicação incansável à pesquisa, apresenta um guia abrangente que não apenas explora os aspectos técnicos da Apometria, mas também sua conexão com campos tão variados como a genética, a psicoterapia e até mesmo a parapsicologia. É uma obra que desafia os limites do conhecimento convencional, convidando você a explorar a vastidão do potencial humano.Através de estudos de casos, orientações práticas e insights visionários, este livro lança luz sobre um caminho inovador de tratamento para aqueles que enfrentam desafios de saúde complexos. É um convite para olhar além das fronteiras tradicionais da medicina e abraçar a promessa de um tratamento mais amplo e holístico.Aprecie esta jornada de descoberta e cura que agora se inicia. Que as palavras e os conhecimentos aqui compartilhados possam trazer esperança, compreensão e, acima de tudo, cura para aqueles que buscam respostas.

  • af Edenilson Brandl
    442,95 kr.

    A jornada de compreender e enfrentar a Síndrome de Marfan é um desafio que toca a essência da condição humana: a resiliência diante da adversidade. Este livro, "Terapia para Síndrome de Marfan", nasceu da convicção de que o caminho para a cura não é único, mas sim uma trama intricada de terapias holísticas e práticas inovadoras.Ao longo destas páginas, exploraremos não apenas os aspectos médicos da Síndrome de Marfan, mas também as múltiplas facetas do cuidado, desde terapias reencarnatórias até métodos mais convencionais. Cada capítulo é um convite à descoberta e à compreensão, abrindo portas para um universo de possibilidades terapêuticas.Acredito firmemente que a terapia não é apenas um conjunto de técnicas, mas um abraço caloroso oferecido àqueles que enfrentam desafios complexos. Neste livro, encontrará um compêndio de abordagens, desde a Terapia Prânica até a Arte Terapêutica, proporcionando um arsenal variado para enfrentar as diferentes dimensões da Síndrome de Marfan.A mensagem central é clara: a cura é um processo multifacetado, e cada indivíduo é único em sua jornada. O compromisso de aceitar, compreender e nutrir é a essência da terapia aqui apresentada.Espero que estas páginas ofereçam não apenas conhecimento, mas também inspiração e esperança para aqueles que buscam maneiras de viver plenamente com a Síndrome de Marfan. Que este livro sirva como uma luz guia, iluminando o caminho para a autoaceitação e o empoderamento.Que esta obra seja um recurso valioso para profissionais de saúde, pacientes e suas famílias, guiando a todos na busca por uma vida plena e significativa.

  • af Edenilson Brandl
    442,95 kr.

    Bem-vindo a "Terapia para Síndrome de Down". Este livro é uma jornada abrangente pelo vasto e complexo terreno das terapias disponíveis para indivíduos que enfrentam os desafios associados à Síndrome de Down. Ao embarcar nesta leitura, espero que você descubra não apenas uma compreensão mais profunda da síndrome, mas também um arsenal de ferramentas terapêuticas que podem ser aplicadas de maneira significativa e positiva.A Síndrome de Down é única para cada indivíduo, e é por isso que é crucial abordar suas necessidades de uma maneira holística. Este livro não pretende ser uma resposta definitiva, mas sim uma exploração dos diversos caminhos terapêuticos que podem contribuir para uma vida plena e significativa.Ao longo das próximas páginas, você encontrará informações sobre terapias tradicionais e inovadoras, desde abordagens psicológicas até técnicas de expressão artística. Cada capítulo é projetado para oferecer uma visão aprofundada, enquanto o conjunto completo fornece uma tapeçaria rica de opções terapêuticas.Acredito firmemente que a síndrome de Down não define uma pessoa, mas é apenas uma parte do que a torna única. A terapia, seja ela física, emocional ou cognitiva, pode desempenhar um papel vital na promoção do desenvolvimento e bem-estar.Espero que este livro sirva como um guia útil para pais, cuidadores, profissionais de saúde e, acima de tudo, para aqueles que vivem com a síndrome de Down. Que as páginas seguintes ofereçam insights, inspiração e, acima de tudo, a esperança de que cada jornada seja única e repleta de possibilidades.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey of empowerment and resilience with "The Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Management." This comprehensive guide begins with a historical exploration of CMT, delving into its classifications, genetic underpinnings, and symptomatology. Gain insights into the diagnostic process, debunk myths, and understand the progression of CMT.Navigate the intricate landscape of medical management, from orthopedic interventions and neurological care to pain management strategies. Uncover holistic and alternative approaches, incorporating nutritional strategies, herbal supplements, and the mind-body connection into your care plan. Explore exercise and movement therapies, stress reduction techniques, and the principles of integrative medicine for a comprehensive approach to CMT management.Learn to adapt daily life with CMT, making home modifications for safety, utilizing adaptive tools and technology, and addressing mobility and transportation challenges. Tackle career and employment considerations, foster social interactions and relationships, and prioritize emotional and mental well-being. Discover coping mechanisms, build resilience, and engage with support systems and communities.Prepare for advanced care planning, understanding the nuances of advanced CMT, and addressing legal and financial planning. Explore healthcare directives, caregiver support and training, and end-of-life considerations, including palliative care options and transitioning to assisted living. "The Charcot Marie Tooth Disease Mastery Bible" is a beacon of guidance, offering a holistic blueprint for managing every aspect of life with CMT with grace and strength.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    217,95 kr.

    "The Sickle Cell Anemia Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Sickle Cell Anemia Management" is an indispensable guide for those navigating the complex landscape of sickle cell anemia. From unraveling the biology of the condition and understanding early symptoms to exploring diagnostic pathways and the psychological impact, this comprehensive book offers a holistic perspective. Personal stories of resilience, alongside diagnostic and medical assessments, provide a nuanced understanding. The book delves into both traditional and alternative approaches, including nutrition, herbal remedies, physical therapy, and stress reduction techniques.Readers will find insights into medical management, pain relief, blood transfusion protocols, and advancements in gene therapy. Navigating the emotional journey, building support systems, and celebrating milestones are integral components. The book covers lifestyle modifications, self-care, and daily routines, addressing travel considerations, emergency health plans, and environmental factors. Coping mechanisms, self-monitoring techniques, and dealing with discrimination are discussed, promoting emotional resilience. The book explores relationships, intimacy, and the psychological aspects of chronic illness, offering coping strategies and therapeutic options.With a focus on customizable management plans, the book guides readers through goal-setting, flexibility in plans, and coordinating care among specialists. It embraces technology and emergency protocols while providing a comprehensive plan for children and adolescents. The dietary aspect is covered extensively, emphasizing essential nutrients, anti-inflammatory foods, and success stories. Mental health receives dedicated attention, recognizing issues, therapy options, and support groups.Patient advocacy takes center stage, with discussions on patient rights, communication with healthcare providers, and navigating the healthcare system. The book extends its insights to childhood and adolescence, addressing pediatric care, educational support, and transitioning to adult care. Women's and men's health sections delve into specific considerations, promoting awareness and resilience.As it concludes, the book looks toward future horizons, exploring advances in research, genetic therapies, stem cell transplantation, clinical trials, global initiatives, and the role of technology in management. Patient advocacy and empowerment shine through, offering a vision for the future based on expert insights.

  • af Edenilson Brandl
    442,95 kr.

    É com grande entusiasmo e dedicação que apresento este livro, "Terapia para Síndrome de Turner". Como autor, meu compromisso é oferecer uma fonte de informação e apoio que vá além das páginas impressas, alcançando cada leitor de maneira significativa e compassiva.A Síndrome de Turner, uma condição que toca a vida de muitas mulheres, não é apenas uma complexidade genética, mas uma jornada única que demanda compreensão, empatia e, acima de tudo, esperança. Este livro surge da convicção de que a terapia, em suas diversas formas, pode iluminar o caminho daqueles que enfrentam os desafios associados a essa síndrome.Ao longo destas páginas, mergulharemos em um vasto oceano de terapias, desde aquelas fundamentadas na ciência até abordagens mais criativas e espirituais. O objetivo é oferecer um guia prático e acessível, repleto de ferramentas que podem ser adaptadas à singularidade de cada jornada. Não se trata apenas de um manual técnico, mas de um companheiro de confiança na busca pelo bem-estar.Além disso, reconhecemos a importância do aspecto criativo no processo terapêutico. Ao integrar a arte terapêutica com as técnicas cognitivas, buscamos não apenas aliviar sintomas, mas também fomentar a expressão e a conexão emocional. Afinal, a terapia não é apenas sobre tratamento; é sobre descoberta, autenticidade e a construção de uma base sólida para um futuro mais luminoso.À medida que avançamos pelas terapias narrativas, artísticas, cognitivas e além, desejo que este livro não seja apenas uma leitura, mas uma fonte de inspiração e capacitação. Que cada página seja um convite à reflexão, à autocompaixão e ao progresso.Neste ponto inicial, expresso minha gratidão a todos os envolvidos nesta jornada, desde os especialistas que compartilharam seu conhecimento até os leitores cuja busca por compreensão e cura inspira cada palavra escrita. Que este livro seja uma luz guia na estrada da terapia, proporcionando conforto, compreensão e, acima de tudo, esperança.Que sua jornada de leitura seja tão transformadora quanto a jornada de escrever estas palavras.

    332,95 kr.

    Exploring the Central Pathogenic Mechanisms of Early EpilepticEncephalopathy Linked to Genetic Disorder" delves into the intricate scientificlandscape surrounding early epileptic encephalopathy, a severe neurologicalcondition often associated with genetic disorders. This comprehensiveexploration meticulously dissects the central pathogenic mechanisms thatunderlie the onset and progression of this debilitating disorder.The book embarks on a multidimensional journey, unraveling the geneticintricacies and molecular mechanisms implicated in early epilepticencephalopathy. It scrutinizes the complex interplay of genetic mutations,neural circuitry, and synaptic dysregulation, shedding light on how thesefactors contribute to the development of seizures and cognitive impairmentsin affected individuals.Through advanced research methodologies and cutting-edge analyses, thework provides a detailed examination of the cellular and molecular processesat play. It explores how genetic mutations disrupt normal brain development,leading to abnormal neuronal activity and epileptic episodes. The bookmeticulously examines the dysregulation of ion channels, neurotransmitters,and synaptic plasticity, unraveling the biological underpinnings of thedisorder.Furthermore, the exploration extends beyond the laboratory, considering theclinical implications and potential therapeutic avenues. It discusses emergingtreatments and interventions, exploring the promise of targeted therapiesaimed at modulating specific pathways and mitigating the impact of geneticmutations."Exploring the Central Pathogenic Mechanisms of Early EpilepticEncephalopathy Linked to Genetic Disorder" stands as a beacon ofknowledge, illuminating the intricate mechanisms that govern this challengingcondition. It serves as an invaluable resource for neuroscientists, geneticists,clinicians, and researchers, offering a profound understanding of thedisorder's molecular foundations. Through its rigorous scientific inquiry, thebook not only advances our knowledge of early epileptic encephalopathy butalso inspires further research and therapeutic innovations, fostering hope forimproved treatments and enhanced quality of life for affected individuals andtheir families.

  • af Harper
    312,95 kr.

    In the world of biotechnology, one term that frequently comes up is genetic engineering. But what exactly does it mean? Genetic engineering refers to the process of manipulating an organism's genetic material to alter its characteristics. This innovative field has revolutionized the way we approach various aspects of life, including medicine, agriculture, and industry.Genetic engineering involves making changes to an organism's DNA, the genetic code that determines its traits and functions. Scientists can insert, delete, or modify specific genes to achieve desired outcomes. This process is carried out in laboratories using advanced tools and techniques.One of the most significant applications of genetic engineering is in medicine. Scientists have been able to develop genetically modified organisms (GMOs) that produce valuable pharmaceuticals. For example, insulin, a hormone used by people with diabetes, is now produced by genetically engineered bacteria. This breakthrough has ensured a steady supply of this life-saving medication.Genetic engineering has also revolutionized agriculture. By manipulating the genes of crops, scientists have created genetically modified plants that exhibit enhanced traits such as increased yield, resistance to pests and diseases, and tolerance to environmental conditions. These genetically modified crops have played a crucial role in addressing food security challenges and reducing the use of harmful pesticides.Furthermore, genetic engineering has opened up possibilities in industrial applications. Enzymes produced by genetically engineered microorganisms are used in various industries, such as the production of biofuels, bioplastics, and detergents. These advancements have paved the way for more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to traditional manufacturing processes.However, genetic engineering is not without controversy. Some argue that manipulating the genetic makeup of organisms raises ethical concerns and poses potential risks to the environment and human health. It is essential for students studying biotechnology to understand and engage in ethical discussions surrounding this field.

  • af Dawson Knox
    282,95 kr.

    Overview of Genetic EngineeringGenetic engineering is a revolutionary field in biomedical science and biotechnology that has the potential to transform the way we approach healthcare and disease prevention. This subchapter provides engineers with an overview of the principles, techniques, and applications of genetic engineering, highlighting its significance in advancing precision engineering.At its core, genetic engineering involves the manipulation and modification of an organism's genetic material, specifically its DNA. Through precise and controlled methods, scientists are able to introduce new genes, alter existing ones, or remove unwanted genes altogether. This capability allows for the creation of organisms with desired traits or the correction of genetic defects that cause diseases.One of the fundamental techniques used in genetic engineering is recombinant DNA technology. This involves the extraction and isolation of specific genes from one organism and their insertion into another organism, resulting in the production of recombinant DNA. This process has paved the way for a wide range of applications, including the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), production of therapeutic proteins, and gene therapy.Engineers play a vital role in the field of genetic engineering by designing and optimizing the tools and techniques used in the laboratory. They contribute to developing innovative technologies such as DNA sequencing, gene editing, and gene delivery systems. Precision engineering principles are essential in ensuring the accuracy, efficiency, and safety of these techniques.Genetic engineering has already made significant contributions to various areas of biomedicine. For instance, the production of therapeutic proteins, such as insulin, in bacterial or mammalian cells has revolutionized the treatment of diabetes. Additionally, gene therapy approaches are being explored to address genetic disorders by replacing or repairing defective genes.Furthermore, genetic engineering is instrumental in the development of genetically modified crops that are resistant to pests, diseases, or environmental stressors. This has the potential to enhance food production and reduce the reliance on harmful pesticides and herbicides.However, the field of genetic engineering also raises various ethical, legal, and social concerns. Engineers need to be aware of these issues and ensure responsible and ethical practices in their work. This includes considerations such as the potential risks associated with genetically modified organisms, privacy concerns with genetic data, and fair access to genetic technologies.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    "The Hemophilia Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Hemophilia Management" is a groundbreaking guide that empowers individuals living with hemophilia, their caregivers, and healthcare professionals with a comprehensive understanding of the condition and effective management strategies. Delving into the basics of blood clotting and providing historical context, the book elucidates the nuances of hemophilia, offering a detailed exploration of symptoms, diagnostic pathways, and severity levels. The medical treatment section covers key aspects such as factor replacement therapy, prophylaxis, and emerging therapies, equipping readers to make informed decisions about their care.Beyond conventional medical approaches, the book embraces holistic health perspectives, exploring the role of nutrition, exercise, and the mind-body connection in managing hemophilia. It delves into stress management techniques, the pros and cons of natural supplements, and complementary therapies, presenting a well-rounded approach to holistic well-being.Practical self-care strategies, including self-infusion training, recognizing and responding to bleeds, wound care essentials, and dental hygiene practices, ensure that readers are equipped to navigate daily challenges. The book extends its guidance to travel tips, emergency preparedness, and the importance of building a robust support network.Dietary considerations receive special attention, with a focus on hemophilia nutrition fundamentals, meal planning, managing weight for joint health, and understanding the impact of vitamins and minerals. The comprehensive section on physical activity provides safe exercise principles, rehabilitative exercises, and tailored recommendations for various sports, promoting an active and healthy lifestyle for individuals with hemophilia."The Hemophilia Mastery Bible" is more than a guide; it's a companion for those navigating the complexities of hemophilia, offering not only insights into medical management but also empowering individuals to lead fulfilling, well-rounded lives.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    172,95 kr.

    "The Brittle Bone Disease Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Brittle Bone Disease Management" is an empowering and comprehensive guide that sheds light on the intricacies of brittle bone disease, providing valuable insights for both patients and caregivers. From unraveling the historical perspective and genetic factors to exploring the various types and diagnosis procedures, this book serves as a beacon of knowledge. The narrative weaves personal stories of individuals living with brittle bone disease, emphasizing the psychological impact, while debunking myths surrounding the condition. The book uniquely integrates holistic health perspectives, delving into the mind-body connection, nutritional strategies, exercise, stress management, and integrative medicine. Bridging medical and holistic approaches, it outlines pharmacological treatments, surgical solutions, and physical therapy techniques, offering a roadmap for personalized care plans. Readers will discover customizable management plans, self-help techniques, and coping strategies, including mindfulness, creative expression, and building resilience. The book navigates dietary considerations, lifestyle modifications, and empowering relationships, ensuring a holistic approach to managing brittle bone disease and enhancing the quality of life for those affected.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    117,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey of empowerment with "The Huntington's Disease Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Huntington's Disease Management." This comprehensive guide is a beacon of understanding, starting with the basics and genetic underpinnings of Huntington's Disease. Navigate through the recognition of symptoms, the progression of the disease, and the psychological impact of diagnosis, shedding light on the intricate dynamics within families affected by Huntington's. Explore medical management, from pharmacological treatments to physical, occupational, and speech therapies, offering a holistic approach to enhance mobility and overall well-being.Discover the pivotal role of nutrition, palliative care options, and emerging medical research. Engage with holistic health perspectives, understanding the impact of diet, exercise, mental health, and alternative therapies. Dive into the importance of sleep, social connections, and adapting to life with Huntington's. Tailor your management plan with customizable strategies, from assessment and goal setting to integrative treatment approaches and home modifications. Explore time management, stress reduction techniques, and personalized exercise programs, with a focus on monitoring and adapting the plan as needed.Navigate the emotional terrain with self-help techniques, cognitive behavioral strategies, and building a supportive community. Embrace creativity, hobbies, and advance care planning as integral components of a well-rounded approach. This guide not only educates but empowers individuals and their support networks, providing a comprehensive blueprint for navigating life with Huntington's Disease with resilience, grace, and personalized care.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    137,95 kr.

    "The Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Management" is a comprehensive guide offering support, insights, and a roadmap for individuals and families navigating the challenges of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). Delve into the genetic puzzle of DMD, understanding dystrophin, and recognizing early signs. Learn about medical management, including corticosteroid therapies, cardiac care, and respiratory support, as well as physical and occupational therapy approaches. Explore holistic perspectives with integrative medicine, acupuncture, herbal supplements, and mind-body practices. The book provides practical guidance for daily life, covering adaptive equipment, home modifications, education, and social inclusion. Address psychological and emotional wellness with coping strategies, mental health support, and resilience-building techniques. Empower yourself through creating a personalized DMD management plan, collaborating with healthcare providers, and incorporating holistic approaches. Advocacy and empowerment sections guide you in understanding your rights, navigating healthcare systems, and participating in research and trials. Explore the science of hope with breakthroughs in gene therapy, stem cell research, advances in muscle biology, and innovative drug discoveries. Understand the role of patient advocacy in research and the impact of technology on DMD. This book is a beacon of knowledge, support, and hope for anyone affected by DMD.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    172,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with "The Polycystic Kidney Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Polycystic Kidney Management." Chapter by chapter, this comprehensive guide unravels the complexities of Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD), delving into genetic factors, diverse symptoms, and diagnostic insights. Navigate the medical landscape with detailed explorations of medications, surgical interventions, and the role of healthcare professionals in PKD management.Discover holistic approaches in lifestyle modifications, alternative therapies, and self-care techniques outlined in Chapter 3. Tailor your management plan in Chapter 4, assessing individual needs, creating personalized treatment plans, and leveraging support systems. Chapter 5 offers coping strategies for the emotional impact of PKD, while nutritional strategies, exercise, and physical activity are explored in subsequent chapters.From managing pain and high blood pressure to addressing PKD in different life stages, this guide provides practical advice. Dive into the latest research, emerging treatments, and the crucial role of patient involvement in Chapter 13. Explore connections between PKD and other health conditions in Chapter 14, and consider aging, kidney transplantation, personal empowerment, financial considerations, relationships, and the future in the subsequent chapters.Empower yourself with self-advocacy, self-care practices, and a positive mindset as you navigate the complexities of PKD. Whether you're seeking medical insights, emotional support, or practical tips, this guide is your go-to resource for mastering Polycystic Kidney Disease.

  • af Stoudemire
    327,95 kr.

    Written by Cai Stoudemire and Richon Badger. Illustrated by Barderies Hampton. This book is written from Cai's point of view and has wonderfully detailed pictures for children and literature for adults. Cai's ABC's of Sickle Cell is a very fun and needed resource for the community at large to know and understand more about Sickle Cell. All while giving a glimpse of what patients with Sickle Cell experience. Cai encourages the readers in the normal @CaiStrong_ fashion and continues to be a light for the Sickle Cell cause.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    115,95 kr.

    Explore the intricacies of "Cleft Lip Palate Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," a compassionate and comprehensive resource that illuminates the journey of individuals and families affected by cleft lip palate. Delve into the detailed understanding of cleft lip palate anatomy, causes, diagnosis, and the emotional impact it holds. Discover a plethora of treatment options, from preparing for surgery to managing feeding challenges and nurturing speech and language development.This guide extends beyond mere understanding, delving into prevention strategies, emphasizing healthy lifestyle choices, folic acid supplementation, and environmental factors. Advocacy and inclusivity initiatives take center stage, showcasing the importance of community awareness and access to healthcare.Embrace a holistic approach to managing cleft lip palate, exploring integrative medicine, nutrition, mental health, speech therapy, dental care, and the support networks crucial for emotional well-being. Walk alongside inspiring personal journeys, witness parental perspectives, and learn from healthcare professionals and community advocates, understanding diverse cultural perspectives and aspirations.Addressing common questions, the book provides insights into diagnosis, treatment options, communication skills, emotional support, and valuable resources, ensuring a comprehensive understanding. The guide culminates in a message of hope, celebrating resilience, empowerment, and gratitude, inviting readers to embrace the journey with courage and determination.

  • af Hector B. Jacobs
    207,95 kr.

    In this illuminating guide, readers embark on a journey of understanding and empathy towards Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Written with compassion and expertise, this book unravels the intricacies of ASD, shedding light on its various dimensions, from social challenges to sensory sensitivities. It provides valuable insights into the experiences and perspectives of individuals with autism, helping to bridge the gap of understanding between those on the spectrum and their communities. With practical advice and resources, "Autism Unveiled" empowers readers to cultivate inclusive environments and foster meaningful connections with individuals with ASD. An essential read for anyone seeking to enrich their knowledge and compassion for those touched by autism.

  • af Hector B. Jacobs
    207,95 kr.

    This informative and compassionate book provides a comprehensive overview of sickle cell disease, offering readers a clear and accessible understanding of this complex condition. Written by leading experts in the field, it combines medical knowledge with real-life stories to create a holistic resource for patients, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning more about sickle cell.Inside, you'll find:Medical Insights: Explains the genetic basis of sickle cell disease, its pathophysiology, and the various types and complications associated with it. It demystifies the terminology, making it accessible to readers with varying levels of medical knowledge.Treatment Options: Provides an in-depth exploration of current treatment approaches, including medications, transfusions, and potential future therapies. It also highlights the importance of ongoing medical care and management strategies.Lifestyle Guidance: Offers practical advice on how to manage daily life with sickle cell, including tips for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing pain, and coping with the emotional aspects of the condition.Personal Stories: Interspersed with the medical information are personal narratives from individuals living with sickle cell disease. These stories add a human touch, helping readers connect on a deeper level and gain insight into the challenges and triumphs faced by those affected.Advocacy and Support: Provides resources for advocacy, support groups, and organizations dedicated to sickle cell awareness and research. It empowers readers to become advocates for themselves or their loved ones.Future Perspectives: Explores ongoing research, emerging treatments, and potential breakthroughs on the horizon. It gives hope for advancements in the field of sickle cell treatment and management."I Am More Than My Scars" is a vital resource for anyone touched by this condition, offering not only knowledge but also a sense of community and empowerment. It is a book that strives to bridge the gap between medical expertise and lived experience, ultimately aiming to improve the lives of those living with sickle cell disease.

  • af Patricia Kasper
    242,95 kr.

    "What an incredibly insightful book that speaks from the hearts of a special population of individuals who have been diagnosed as adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)... Patti Kasper has put together an outstanding book. She has been able to bring her own unique point of view to an extraordinarily complex subject in a way from which we can all benefit and learn." Kenneth Lyons Jones, MD, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Department of Pediatrics University of California, San Diego La Jolla, CA As a foster and adoption social worker, Patricia Kasper wanted to understand why so many children in the foster care system fall between the cracks. A lifelong learner, she ultimately dove into the study of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, or FASD, which affects 5% of the general population, but up to 70% of youth in foster care. Indeed, Patricia learned that 80% of youth with an FASD are not raised by their parents, and that 86% are either un- or mis-diagnosed. The training Patricia took was revolutionary, as not only did it explain why so many children and youth have been failed, as well as why foster families are so ill-prepared to meet their needs, but it also revealed to Patricia that she herself was impacted by prenatal exposure to alcohol. FASD, a physical disability with behavioral symptoms, is rarely diagnosed, even though it is the #1 preventable cause of developmental, learning and intellectual disabilities world-wide, affecting more people than Autism Spectrum, Cerebral Palsy, Spina Bifida and Downs Syndrome combined. No one outgrows FASD and services for adults living with FASD are even fewer than those available for children and youth. With a diagnostic rate of less than 1%, there are millions upon millions of adults who are unaware they've had a prenatal brain injury. No two people with FASD are impacted the same way, due to a complexity of factors. Sip by Sip shares with its readers 10 stories, the author's own and the other nine through a series of conversations the author has with other people living with FASD. This book is Patricia's attempt to reach other adults who may find answers to life's struggles by looking at their lives through the lens of FASD.

  • af N. N.
    545,95 - 667,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey towards understanding and managing lupus with "Lupus Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide." In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of lupus, offering insights that go beyond conventional approaches. Our doctor's insider knowledge reveals the power of a holistic, biopsychosocial approach to effectively cope with this complex autoimmune condition.From the very foundation, gain an in-depth understanding of lupus and how a holistic approach can make a difference. Explore the benefits of this approach, which encompasses physical, emotional, and social well-being.Discover how lifestyle modifications can play a pivotal role in managing lupus. Dive into topics like diet and nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress management, and learn practical strategies to enhance your quality of life.Coping with the emotional challenges of a lupus diagnosis is addressed with sensitivity. Learn how to manage anxiety and depression, build resilience, and establish support networks that truly understand your journey.Explore the world of complementary therapies, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, mind-body techniques, and energy healing, to complement your conventional treatment and improve your overall well-being.Uncover self-care strategies for pain management, skin care, fatigue, and handling flares. Discover the power of mindset and motivation, with techniques like positive affirmations, goal setting, visualization, and maintaining motivation.Nurture your relationships with effective communication skills, navigate family dynamics, maintain intimate relationships, and build supportive friendships and networks.When it comes to work and education, this guide provides insights into disclosure, accommodations, time management, career and education planning, and creating a supportive environment.Empower yourself through advocacy and understanding lupus research and treatment. Enhance patient-doctor communication, access support and resources, and join the fight against stigma while raising awareness.In the conclusion, reflect on your journey, integrate newfound knowledge, and continue your healing journey with renewed hope and confidence. "Lupus Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide" is your trusted companion on the path to living well with lupus.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    192,95 kr.

    In "Polycystic Kidney Disease Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide," embark on a profound journey of understanding, coping, and thriving in the face of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). This meticulously crafted guide offers a holistic approach to PKD, providing patients, families, and healthcare professionals with comprehensive insights into this genetic condition. Delve into the heart of PKD, exploring its impact on individuals and families, the emotional toll it can take, and the benefits of a biopsychosocial approach to care. Understand the intricacies of PKD genetics, inheritance patterns, genetic testing, and ethical considerations. Discover lifestyle modifications that can enhance your quality of life, including dietary recommendations, stress management techniques, and holistic pain management approaches. Explore coping strategies, emotional support, and communication tools to navigate the emotional aspects of living with PKD.Gain valuable knowledge about medical interventions, treatment options, and emerging therapies, all while considering the financial and insurance implications. Delve into alternative and complementary therapies, from acupuncture to aromatherapy, that can complement traditional medical approaches. Learn to nurture relationships, educate loved ones about PKD, and build a strong support network. Empower yourself to live a fulfilling life with PKD, pursuing your goals, career, hobbies, and even travel adventures. Prepare for the future by understanding kidney transplantation, advanced care planning, and palliative care. Find solace in resources and support, from PKD organizations to online communities and clinical trials.This book is your indispensable companion on the PKD journey, offering knowledge, comfort, and inspiration to those affected by this condition.

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