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  • af Kaitlin A. Michaels
    117,95 kr.

    This is a book about type 1 diabetes for children and parents

  • af Martinez
    117,95 kr.

  • af Joseph S Galati
    312,95 kr.

    Stop Eating Yourself Sick. Take Control Of Your Health The United States will not be able to afford metabolic syndrome, a combination of disorders including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, elevated cholesterol and fatty liver--all of this is caused by poor eating habits. This could be a potentially fatal epidemic if not controlled, and most importantly, it can significantly impact the health of your children. If present trends continue, an American has a 57 percent chance of being obese at the age of thirty-five. So, what's the solution? Joseph S. Galati, MD, has decades of experience researching and studying the effects of poor eating habits. After witnessing so many patients with metabolic syndrome, he wrote Eating Yourself Sick: How to Stop Obesity, Fatty Liver, and Diabetes from Killing You and Your Kids to raise awareness of the health issue that's sweeping across the United States. In this book, you'll learn: The symptoms and challenges of metabolic syndrome How family structure is critical to your physical well-being Different diets and food choices that can prevent and treat diseases The importance of exercise in the face of metabolic syndrome Now is a time to take charge of your well-being, whether you're maintaining good health, or striving to achieve it. Dr. Galati seeks to give you the knowledge you need to defeat metabolic syndrome, and live a happy, healthy life.

  • af Ernest Quansah
    172,95 kr.

    Diabetic's Journey In 2009, Ernest, a chef/pastry chef and professed sugarholic, is diagnosed a type 2 diabetic. There is so much sugar buildup in his body that each morning, it is exiting from the corners of his eyes and tongue as a sticky, whitish substance. His doctor informs him that he is not far from cardiac arrest. He is put on a heavy dose of medication to help decrease the life-threatening buildup. The treatment triggers temporary loss of sight. After recovery from this incident, he asks his doctor if type 2 diabetes can be cured. The response is yes. Subsequently, Ernest becomes a diabetes researcher and discovers a cure, which has been featured in WebMD Diabetes. Diabetic's Journey has been endorsed by a doctor of diabetology and medicine and the cure method is being presented at the International Diabetes and Degenerative Disease conference. The purpose of the book is to help type 2 diabetics worldwide reverse their diabetes. Diabetic's Journey: How Type 2 Diabetes Can Be Reversed and Cured, by Ernest Quansah. Published August, 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9947670-3-5

  • af Della M. Clare
    97,95 kr.

    You can live an active, healthy life by making good choices every day.Imagine my surprise when I discovered the assortment of my symptoms which I attributed to the aging process were not that at all. My hair was wispy and colorless, my tongue was coated so that food had no flavor. During the night, my body and my head were so hot. Maybe, I said to myself, this is what happens when one gets older; the hair changes texture, food has a different flavor, and hot flashes return.I was shocked when the doctor told me I had diabetes. I almost could not believe it was possible... yet this was what the doctor was telling me.I immediately began to learn everything I could about the disease and what I could do to take care of it naturally. I followed the program to the letter, and all those symptoms disappeared. In this book I describe my journey, along with some of my favorite meal suggestions and recipes. I encourage you to take active control over your own habits so you can look forward to a long and healthy life.If you are diabetic, pre-diabetic, have diabetes in your family or simply want to have a healthier lifestyle, you can do it. I did it!This book is not intended to replace the program your doctor has given you. It is my testimony to encourage you to be as healthy as you possibly can be, naturally.

  • af Michael Mosley
    175,95 kr.

    Originally published: Great Britain: Short Books, 2015.

  • af David a. Franks
    117,95 kr.

  • af Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd
    97,95 kr.

    Our bodies use cholesterol (a waxy, fatlike substance that is naturally present in cell walls or membranes), to produce many hormones, vitamin D, and the bile acids, that help to digest fat. High cholesterol does not cause symptoms by itself. Instead, it is a risk factor. High cholesterol levels in the blood can cause fatty deposits in blood vessels which in turn can lead to heart attack, stroke or peripheral artery disease. The most common causes of high cholesterol are all related to high fat diets, inactivity, and obesity. Less commonly, genetic causes too can decrease the ability of the body to metabolize cholesterol or cause the liver to produce too much. This handbook from the HEAL series, tells you what you need to know to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and to safeguard yourself from its disease-risk. Begin early to gain the most. Live life the positive way!

  • af Hawraa Kisserwan
    477,95 kr.

    Doctoral Thesis / Dissertation from the year 2013 in the subject Medicine - General, grade: 95, Lebanese International University, language: English, abstract: Foot ulcers are one of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus worldwide. According to American Diabetes Association, diabetic foot disease can be attributed to several risk factors. The purpose of this study is to evaluate whether Lebanese diabetic patients with ulcerations, admitted into two hospitals in Beirut, Lebanon, have the same risk factors based on guidelines and review articles.This is a multicenter, retrospective, observational study conducted from February till May 2013. Every person who presented with a history of diabetes and had diabetic foot ulceration was enrolled in the study. The primary outcome was evaluation of risk factors that lead to diabetic foot ulceration with universal guidelines. The secondary outcome was assessment of the main risk factors leading to hospital admission among these patients. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board in each hospital. Statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Science.Results: Total number of 2090 diabetic patients was screened and 150 patients were enrolled. Patients who developed foot ulcers were mainly males (74.7%), obese (66.7%), with old age (62.8±11), long duration of diabetes (16.5±8.7), hypertension, previous ulceration, poor glycemic control (HbA1c=10.14±2.04), on oral hypoglycemic agents (70%) and non- satisfactory economic status (62%). Neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease were present in 77.3% and 68.7% of patients respectively (p 10 years) (p=0.014; OR=2.898; 95% CI=1.245-6.756) were significantly associated with neuropathy. Furthermore, the average hospitalization days was around 16.9 where the presence of previous ulceration (p=0.027), neuropathy (p=0.02), and previous amputation (p=0.001) were significantly associated with hospitalization.The study shows that the presence of risk factors leading to diabetic foot ulceration among Lebanese population is compatible with the guidelines. Health care professionals should provide medical counseling to diabetic patients to prevent foot ulceration development.

  • af Julia Peemöller
    303,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Ethnologie / Volkskunde, Note: 2,7, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit liegt auf an Diabetes erkrankten Migranten. Beispiele sollen zeigen, wie verschiedene Migranten mit der Krankheit Diabetes umgehen. Abschließend soll aufgezeigt werden, wie eine mögliche Diabtesprävention und ¿therapie aussehen könnte, die auf die jeweilige Kultur der Migranten eingeht.In den letzten 20 Jahren hat die Zahl der Diabeteserkrankungen deutlich zugenommen. Es vollzog sich ein Wandel von einer ehemals westlichen Zivilisationskrankheit zu einer globalen Epidemie. In dieser Arbeit soll zunächst eine Definition der Krankheit Diabetes und ihrer medizinischen Folgen erbracht werden. Im Anschluss soll dargestellt werden, welches Ausmaß die Krankheit hat und welche Folgen dies für indigene Völker hat. Diabetes war früher eine Krankheit, die sich zum Großteil auf westliche Industrieländer beschränkte, so dass man von ihr auch als Zivilisationskrankheit sprach. Diese breitet sich jedoch im Zuge der Globalisierung mittlerweile auf der ganzen Welt aus, so dass man hier von einer weltumfassenden Epidemie sprechen kann. Heute sind die Menschen in so genannten Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern einem ebenso großen Risiko ausgesetzt an Diabetes zu erkranken wie die Menschen in den westlichen Ländern. Die WHO nimmt an, dass es weltweit ca. 180 Millionen Diabeteskranke gibt. Diese Zahl soll sich bis zum Jahre 2030 verdoppelt haben.Besonders betroffen davon sind die indigenen Völker Nordamerikas, Australiens und der Westpazifikregion. So beträgt die Prävalenz unter australischen Aborigines 44%, auf der Pazifikinsel Nauru 48%. In Deutschland beträgt die Prävalenz im Vergleich dazu nur 6%. Die schnelle Ausbreitung der Krankheit bei diesen Völkern ist besonders besorgniserregend, denn vor dreißig Jahren war Diabetes bei ihnen noch nahezu unbekannt, wohingegen heute z. B. in Kanada die Erkrankungsrate der indigenen Bevölkerung dreimal so hoch ist wie die des nationalen Durchschnitts.

  • af Dorte Roholte
    241,95 kr.

    Alma får et insulinchok - og befinder sig pludselig i en helt anden tid og et helt andet miljø, hvor møder hun grevinde Danner, og hun erfarer, hvad rigtig fattigdom er. Alma kommer ret hurtigt retur til nutiden, som ikke altid er lige fed. Hun har nemlig mistet sin far, da hun var ganske lille, og hendes mor sørger stadigvæk.Alma er netop flyttet til en ny by og føler sig meget alene, men bliver heldigvis venner med Freya. Ikke længe efter får hun igen insulinchok, og her kommer hun tilbage til 1988 (og forfærdes blandt andet over tidens skrækkelige mode). Alma bor pludselig på børnehjem, hvor hun møder en af de ansatte, der hedder det samme, som hendes far hed, nemlig Heino, og som er født samme dag i 1971.Men hvorfor døde han egentlig – og hvordan var hans liv i tiden før?ALTID ALMA #1 er første bind af en trilogi om ukuelige Alma, hvis sukkersyge sender hende på drømmeture til fortiden. De næste to bind forventes i foråret og efteråret 2023.Hverdagsfortælling, socialrealisme og spænding. Danske Dorte Roholte vil rigtigt meget med denne serie om Alma. Men her i 1. del af trilogien formår hun at gøre historien både spændende, rørende og interessant nok til, at det føles ærgerligt at måtte vente på de kommende bind i serien.Anbefales indkøbt bredt af folkebiblioteker og PLC.LEKTØRUDTALELSENDorte Roholte har udgivet ca. 80 bøger, langt de fleste for børn og unge.Dorte Roholte fik SKRIVERPRISEN og blev nomineret til ORLA for første bind af serien om MÆRKELIGE MYNTHE med de overnaturlige evner.

  • af Jason Fung
    217,95 kr.

  • af Michael N Moore
    167,95 kr.

    In February of 1979, I was diagnosed with what then was called 'Juvenile Diabetes'. My mom's sister, Rita, had just passed away 5 years earlier, from the devastating complications of this same disease. I was an athletic, 15 year old boy, who dreamed of playing professional sports. That year, I was faced with the same diagnosis as what had taken the life of my aunt at the very early age of 43. Was this disease going to shorten my life like it did hers? This is a story of my journey with Type 1 Diabetes, mistakes and all, and my decision to not be another statistic of this sometimes devastating disease

  • af Rimsha Khan
    314,95 kr.

    Bachelor Thesis from the year 2018 in the subject Medicine - Other, grade: Pharm-D (Final Year), , language: English, abstract: The aim of the study is to determine the awareness of the people of Punjab, Pakistan about the basic knowledge of Diabetes. The reason for this is because of the increasing prevalence and complications of Diabetes and associated diseases.Diabetes is a chronic, metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels. To fall into the diabetic category, IGT the impaired glucose levels of a person are in the range of 140 to 199 mg/dL at two-hours after an OGTT. In IFG that is impaired fasting glucose the range is 110 to 125 mg/ dL. One can have an idea of the prevalence of diabetes by the fact that the population affected by diabetes worldwide has gone from 108 million to 422 million from 1980 to 2014.The study settings were Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan, Al shifa pharmacy Multan, Clinic. An online survey was also conducted. The sample size was 752 and the research tool used was a questionnaire having questions for knowledge of diabetes. The time of data collection was January 2018 to April 2018. Data was analyzed by Microsoft excel 2010 and SPSS 20.

  • af Benjamin Schmidt
    303,95 kr.

    Facharbeit (Schule) aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich Gesundheit - Pflegewissenschaft - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, , Veranstaltung: Wundexperte ICW, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Bei dieser Arbeit handelt es sich um eine Facharbeit zur Weiterbildung des Wundexperten ICW. Hier wird im Rahmen einer Hospitation in der Fußambulanz die Situation eines Patienten mit dem diabetischen Fußsyndrom beschrieben. Anschließend wird ein systemischer Versorgungsvorschlag gemacht, sowie ein Vorschlag zur pflegerischen Wundversorgung. Im Anhang befindet sich eine konkrete Wundbeschreibung und Fotos der chronischen Wunden.

  • af Ruth Dyckfehderau
    257,95 kr.

    Five stories from The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee in Northern East Cree, Southern East Cree, French, and English-language versions. Stories include Chaak utir utipaachimuwin waaswaanipiihch uhchiiu / Chaak atar utipaachimuwin, waaswaanipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jack Otter de Waswanipi; Chenivir kilwaariyaa lupes utipaachimuwin waaswaanipiihch uhchiiu = Chenivir kalwaariyaa lwaapes utipaachimuwin, waaswaanipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jennifer Gloria Lowpez de Waswanipi; Chaanithin lintin utipaachimuwin mistisiniihch uhchiiu / Chaanathan lintan utipaachimuwin, mistisiniiuiinuu / L'histoire de Jonathan Linton de Mistissini; Rus siwaalu utipaachimuwin chisaasiipiihch uhchiiu / Raas siwaalwaa utipaachimuwin, chisesiipiiuiinuu / L'histoire de Rose Swallow de Chisasibi; and Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin uchepukumuu uhchiiu / Emilii weslii utipaachimuwin, uchepukumuuiinuu / L'histoire d'Emily Wesley d'Oujé-Bougoumou. The storytellers offer a rich and timely accounting of contemporary life in Eeyou Istchee, the territory of the James Bay Cree of Northern Quebec. The stories are connected by diabetes, but they are not records of illness as much as they are deeply personal accounts of life in the North.

  • af Marion J. Franz & Alison Evert
    472,95 kr.

    Diabetes greatly affects how people's bodies manage the food they eat. It is essential that people with diabetes follow a carefully structured meal plan and learn specific skills in order to better control their blood glucose levels. The tactics for helping people manage their diabetes through how they eat is called medical nutrition therapy (MNT).Here the American Diabetes Association presents all of the key information and strategies for effectively teaching patients how to manage their diets. Drawing on the knowledge and expertise of dozens of experts in the field, this book covers all of the key topics for implementing successful medical nutrition therapy.Topics include:Thorough discussion of nutrientsDescription of MNT for type 1 and type 2 diabetesDiscussion of providing MNT to special populations, including youth and older individualsExplanation of the different complications of diabetes, such as kidney disease, celiac disease, and cystic fibrosis, and how they impact MNTLatest details on new technology used in MNTGuidelines and strategies for teaching patients about nutrition therapy and how to use it in their daily livesUsing MNT to help prevent diabetes

  • af Karen J. Nolan
    107,95 kr.

    Living with type 2 diabetes doesn’t have to be complicated—let the nutrition experts help you figure out which foods to eat with this fully updated and revised edition of the popular book in the hugely successful food counter series.More than 7.5 million Counter Books in print from the nutrition experts! What can I eat, now that I have diabetes? In short—everything. For more than twenty years, The Diabetes Counter has been helping people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes control their blood sugar without sacrificing the foods they love. Inside this completely revised, easy-to-use reference, you will find: -Your ultimate carb-counting companion—plus calorie, sugar, fiber, and fat counts for more than 12,000 foods -The most up-to-date scientific information on managing prediabetes, preventing insulin resistance, selecting the best sugar substitutes, using the glycemic index, and more—explained in language you can understand -Simple tips for stress-free meal planning -Listings for 58 national and regional restaurant chains, plus all your favorite brand name and takeout foods, so you can stay healthy whether you’re eating out or cooking at home

  • af Moira Mccarthy
    167,95 kr.

    Hormones. Growth spurts. Mood swings. All combined with blood sugars..The teen years with diabetes on board are a challenging time for parents and anyone who cares about a child with diabetes. "Raising Teens with Diabetes: A Survival Guide for Parents," by well-known diabetes mom, author, and advocate Moira McCarthy, is a no-nonsense, honest approach at not just surviving but thriving in those years, from a mom who has been there.."Raising Teens with Diabetes" is a must-have resource for anyone navigating the waters of parenting a child with diabetes.

  • af Marco Villalbazo
    77,95 kr.

    Este libro te presenta una serie de relatos de personas que viven con diabetes, los retos, avances y desaciertos que enfrentan, con el objetivo de que tengas la información que te permita librar con éxito los desafíos de vivir con esta enfermedad. This book encompasses the experiences and challenges that people with diabetes face. It discusses the advances and missteps in the world of medicine, all in an effort to provide you with the information you'll need to live a healthy life with diabetes.

  • af Belinda P. Childs, Marjorie Cypress & Geralyn Spollett
    517,95 - 722,95 kr.

  • af Jayne Jones
    247,95 kr.

    After a life-threatening event, the No Sugar Baker rolled up her apron, changed her lifestyle and has quickly become one of America's favorite self-taught bakers. She shares her informative health experience and over one hundred recipes. She'll be your favorite, too!

  • af Hyder Mirghani
    646,95 kr.

    Master's Thesis from the year 2017 in the subject Medicine - General, grade: C, , language: English, abstract: The aim of the work is to assess the level of Retinol Binding Protein 4 in type 2 diabetic patients with and without liver cirrhosis.Diabetes mellitus is a common disease despite the fact that only half or two thirds are diagnosed, the figure is around 189 million people in 2003, and this may reach 324 million by 2025. Diabetes mellitus result from a lack or diminished effectiveness of endogenous insulin. Hyperglycemia is just one aspect of a far reaching metabolic derangement, which may cause serious microvascular and macrovascular complications. Etiological wise diabetes mellitus is classified into type 1, type 2 and other causes, with type 2 accounting for 90% of cases globally. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes continues to rise at alarming rate, significant defect in glucose homeostasis and fuel metabolism are detectable long before overt diabetes occurs. One of the earliest derangements in metabolism is insulin resistance. It is defined as impaired glucose disposal in a hyperinsulinemic ¿euglycemic study. Fasting hyperinsulinemia, a compensatory mechanism to maintain euglycemia in setting of insulin resistance, is also present before overt diabetes occurs. Integrated fuel homeostasis relies among interactions among numerous tissues in widely varying states, including the fed state, fasting, and exercise. This harmony in various tissues is maintained by communication between them, and is signaled by glucose and its various metabolites. When this communication between tissues (mainly pancreas, adipose tissues, and liver) is lost insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus occurs. Retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) a 21-KDa protein synthesized in the liver and adipose tissues, formerly recognized for its role as a specific transport for vitamin A, now it is known that it plays a crucial role in insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. Adipose RBP4 expression and serum RBP4 level are elevated in mouse model of insulin resistance, elevated circulating RBP4 increase blood glucose by inhibiting insulin signaling in skeletal muscle and upregulating hepatic gluconeogenesis.

  • af Satinath Mukhopadhyay
    1.579,95 kr.

    Metabolic Syndrome: From Mechanisms to Interventions covers all aspects of this complex and multifactorial disease, providing a cutting-edge understanding of the problem of MetS, with a particular focus on its prevention and clinical management. The book discusses practical implementable approaches to its reversal in clinical practice, encompassing the entire spectrum of MetS, from molecular understanding to clinical therapeutics and prevention. This book is a valuable resource for clinicians in multiple specialties, including endocrinologists, diabetologists, hepatologists, gynecologists and researchers in related fields who need a deep understanding of the full range of scientific and clinical aspects of metabolic syndrome.

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