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Terapi og lægemidler

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  • af Simone Dahl
    117,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Genoptryk - udkommer 31. August Min bedste ven og værste fjende er Simone Dahls hudløst ærlige fortælling om at leve et liv med en spiseforstyrrelse, men nok så vigtigt er det en beretning, om hvordan hun kom fri fra spiseforstyrrelsens fangenskab. Simone fik som nyudsprungen teenager en spiseforstyrrelse, som hun gik hånd i hånd med i mange år. En spiseforstyrrelse kommer sjældent alene, og der fulgte en langvarig depression og flere selvmordsforsøg. Hendes liv som teenager blev en lang kamp med indlæggelser og en anbringelse uden for hjemmet. Uddrag af bogenDa mor gik fra afdelingen på Bispebjerg Hospital og lod mig være tilbage, faldt min verden fuldstændig sammen. Jeg fik en følelse af, at jeg rent fysisk kunne mærke smerten i mit hjerte. Jeg var totalt alene, hvordan kunne hun efterlade mig der? Var det, fordi hun ikke elskede mig mere? Jeg prøvede at være stærk for hendes skyld, og jeg fandt ud af, at den værste form for smerte er at smile bare for at holde tårerne væk. I starten var det rart, at nogen tog over, og at jeg kunne tillade mig at spise, men da jeg ugen efter havde taget et halvt kg på, gik jeg i alarmberedskab; jeg fik panikangst. Om forfatteren Simone Dahl (f. 1998) bor på Bornholm og fik i en alder af 12 år diagnosticeret anoreksi. Hun har igennem sine teenageår kæmpet for at blive rask og bor i dag i egen lejlighed. Hun driver sin egen blog og derudover er hun foredragsholder hos Landsforeningen mod spiseforstyrrelser og selvskade. Min bedste ven og værste fjende er hendes debutbog.

  • - Neutralisering af uønsket energi
    af Grethe Schübeler
    172,95 kr.

    Esoterisk Triangel Healing henvender sig til alle,der arbejder med healing, terapi og selvudvikling.Både den professionelle terapeut, selvhjælpsgrupperog enkeltpersoner vil kunne hente nyttig inspiration i de erfaringer,som forfatteren har opbygget gennem mere end 20 års healerpraksis og med et solidt fundament i naturvidenskaben igennem 30 års virke som sygeplejerske.Med respekt for traditionen leverer denne bog en uhøjtidelig,overraskende og kreativ fornyelse, idet den overbevisende sammenkobler esoterisk viden med en række andre discipliner,eksempelvis: traditionel kinesisk medicin, vestlig lægevidenskab,psykoterapi, Aura-Soma, pendulering, Stress Release m.m.Desuden inddrages essensen af flere store religioner.I bogen findes teorien bag og praktiske anvisninger på brugen afEsoterisk Triangel Healing. Dermed er den skjulte – esoteriske– viden lagt frem i lyset på en klar og ligefrem måde.Den Esoteriske Triangel Healing kræver vedholdenhed ved indøvningaf teknikkerne, men beskrivelserne af disse og påkaldelsenaf de energier, der anvendes er så detaljeret, at bogen er egnet til selvstudium.

  • - En kalden fra sjaelen og det hinsides
    af Daniel Perret
    118,95 - 241,95 kr.

    Sibiriske shamaner siger, at lyden af deres tromme er hesten der bærer dem til det hinsides. Min erfaring er, at nogen former for musik kan gøre dette med os. Hvordan er det muligt? "Musik som en Mystisk rejse" udforsker dette. Bogen handler om spirituel transformation og vores søgen efter lykke og harmoni. I dag er der musik alle vegne omkring os, og vi er alle blevet dybt bevæget af musik. Kun få mennesker indser hvordan en sådan dyb følelsesoplevelse kan føre dem mere permanent ind i stilhed, glæde og frihed. Hvad minder denne følelse os om, hvor peger den hen og hvordan kommer vi der? En mystisk rejse er en søgen der følger et indre kald. Ordet "mystisk" hentyder til en søgen, der er fælles for alle religioner og som derfor ikke tilhører nogen bestemt religion alene. Alle mystiske traditioner så som sufierne, de nord-amerikanske indianere eller de shamanske kulturer, gik hinsides religionen ind i et åbent rum med broderskab og samhørighed med naturen og det guddommelige.

  • - Alternativ behandling i et bruger- og samfundsperspektiv
    af Inge Kryger Pedersen
    92,95 - 162,95 kr.

    Krystaller, healing, akupunktur og meditation. Engang var det navnene på noget eksotisk, men det er det ikke længere. Over halvdelen af danskerne bruger i dag forskellige former for alternativ behandling for at holde sig sunde og for at helbrede sygdom.Bogen undersøger, hvorfor danskerne bruger alternative behandlinger - og hvad de får ud af det. For de alternative behandlingsformer er ofte meget dyre at bruge, og de står uden for den offentlige sygesikring. Samtidig er der ingen udbredt videnskabelig evidens for, at de faktisk virker helbredende på sygdomme som f.eks. kræft eller sukkersyge.Bogen belyser sociale og kulturelle aspekter ved sundhed, sygdom og behandlingssystemer, som ofte overses, når talen falder på de alternative behandlingers effekt. På baggrund af interviews med brugere af bl.a. akupunktur, zoneterapi og mindfulness-meditation konkluderer forfatterne, at der ved alternative behandlingsforløb opleves andre gode effekter end dem, man undersøger i lægevidenskaben og i det konventionelle behandlingssystem. Bogen kaster derfor også et kritisk blik på begreber som 'effekt' og 'evidens' og introducerer i stedet det processuelle begreb 'virken', da det kan give os en bedre forståelse af de alternative behandlingsformers popularitet.

  • - Nye opskrifter til sundt og vedvarende vægtab
    af Lamont & Lauria
    98,94 kr.

    I bogen giver ernæringsekspert Laura Lamont dig en ny tilgang til low-carb kuren, som giver øget velvære og sikrer et vægttab. Hendes succesfulde plan i kombination med 75 lækre opskrifter dækker enhver begivenhed, giver et vægttab på op til et kilo om ugen - og du kan holde vægtabet.Bogen giver dig et indblik i, hvordan du kan få en sund kostsammensætning - doseret i de rette mængder af kulhydrater, proteiner og "gode" fedtstoffer (i fødevarer som avocado, laks og hørfrø), som kan medføre et sundt, langvarigt vægttab. Laura opdagede, at hvis man inkluderer rette mængder proteiner og sunde fedtstoffer i hvert måltid, hjælper det til at øge stofskiftet og stabilisere blodsukkerniveauet, hvilket så resulterer i et effektivt vægttab. Bogen giver dig råd og vejledning samt praktiske diagrammer, der hjælper dig med at identificere, hvilke fødevarer du skal spise, ligesom bogen indeholder konkrete måltidsplaner. Der er mere end 75 lækre opskrifter til morgenmad, frokoster, middage - og endda desserter! Og hver opskrift kommer med en ernæringsanalyse. Den nye lavcarb-diæt er succesfuldt testet og udnytter den nyeste videnskabelige forskning. Det er 21. århundredes måde at spise godt, tabe sig og føle sig sundere end nogensinde.

  • - Alternative behandlere og spiritualitet i Danmark
    af ph.d. & lektor Lars Ahlin
    87,95 kr.

    De fleste alternative behandlere har en spirituel tilgang til deres praksis. Op mod halvdelen af alle voksne danskere har på et tidspunkt opsøgt en alternativ behandler. Alternativ behandling, hvoraf flere typer er statsstøttet, fungerer derfor som en kanal for spredning af spiritualitet.Hvad det mere præcist er for en spiritualitet, klienterne møder hos alternative behandlere, og hvordan den kommer til udtryk i de forskellige behandlingsformer, har religionssociologen Lars Ahlin sat sig for at afdække med Krop, sind - eller ånd. Det er den første bog herhjemme, som beskæftiger sig med et bredt spektrum af alternative behandlere i et religionssociologisk perspektiv. Den kaster dermed lys over et hidtil overset område, og flere af dens konklusioner lægger op til debat. Krop, sind - eller ånd? indgår i Det Danske Pluralismeprojekts anmelderroste serie om religioner i Danmark. I samme serie er hidtil udkommet Jørn Borup: Dansk dharma - buddhisme og buddhister i Danmark, Viggo Mortensen: Kristendom under forvandling, René Dybdal Pedersen: I Lysets Tjeneste og Lene Kühle: Moskeer i Danmark.

  • af Krupakar Parthasarathy
    1.250,95 kr.

    The main objective of translational health science is to concentrate on discovering healthcare products for all people where care gaps exist. This book examines the applications of translational research, identifies its difficulties, outlines its essential characteristics, considers healthcare management strategies, and examines the public's perspectives today. This book assists aspiring implementation scientists in researching this area because the discipline is still relatively young for the wide range of researchers tackling the challenge of clinical and translational science, a field dedicated to examining human health and disease, interventions, and outcomes to develop new treatment approaches, devices, and modalities to improve health. This book Edition is the most authoritative and timely resource that introduces new physiological and therapeutic processes to engage the fastest-growing scientific outcomes from academic and industrial research. The chapters in this book give insights into perspectives on the field of clinical and translational science and discuss artificial intelligence in drug development and conventional and novel clinical trial designs. There is a lot of hope that using artificial intelligence (AI) will significantly advance all facets of healthcare, from diagnosis to therapy. AI is prepared to assist medical staff with various duties, including administrative workflow, clinical documentation, patient outreach, and specialist support like image analysis, medical device automation, and patient monitoring. Some of the most important uses of AI in healthcare will be covered in this book by eminent Scientists, Academicians, and Industrial persons from both clinical and non-clinical fields.

  • af Betty Ford
    194,95 kr.

    "A moving account of six former alcoholics and Betty Ford graduates-among them a teacher, a housewife and a gang member-with commentary from Ford herself."-Self"There was a lot of drinking and codependence in my extended family. Sitting in my jail cell, I thought about how many funerals I had attended over the years of family members whose lives had ended in violence or suicide. I never once heard of them getting help. There was never any mention of AA. The only way out of their terrible lives was just to die...It was one hell of a legacy."-LauretteLaurette's story is remarkable, but she's not alone. She is one of six women in Healing and Hope who experienced the pain and devastation of addiction-and managed to break free. Originally brought together by the Betty Ford Center's twentieth-anniversary reunion, these women share their poignant stories in this book. Their combined voices create a groundbreaking and ultimately triumphant memoir that lays bare the destructive power of addiction.

  • af Mario Waldecker
    98,95 kr.

    Food and emotions - you may be wondering what the connection is. It may not be immediately obvious to everyone, but for many people, emotions are closely linked to their eating behavior. Whether consciously or unconsciously, regular emotional eating often leads to a high level of suffering for those affected. Emotional eating usually manifests itself in the form of frustration or stress eating - in other words, eating is a way of compensating for a negative feeling. This can result in severe weight gain and eating disorders, which is why emotional eating should not be underestimated.Have you noticed signs of emotional eating in yourself or a relative? Then you've come to the right place. This guide aims to inform and educate you about the topic of emotional eating, because awareness is essential for change. Whether you are affected yourself or a relative, whether you suffer from uncontrollable binge eating or tend to eat too little - here you will learn how to assess and deal with your eating behavior. So read on and take the first step towards change.

  • af Inke Jochims
    207,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Ben Barsties von Latoszek
    509,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch beschreibt die modernen multidimensionalen-quantitativen Verfahren in der Stimmdiagnostik, auf der Basis wissenschaftlicher Evidenz und schlägt einen evidenzbasierten Minimalstandard in der Stimmdiagnostik vor. Damit liefert es den notwendigen wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund verbunden mit der praktischen Umsetzung.Aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre geben Logopäd*innen, Stimm- und Sprachtherapeut*innen sowie Ärztinnen und Ärzte in der HNO und Phoniatrie neue Möglichkeiten bei der medizinischen und therapeutischen Versorgung von Patienten mit Stimmstörungen. Die Stimmdiagnostik und die unterschiedlichen Stimmbehandlungen von heterogenen Stimmstörungen können somit besser verzahnt werden, um ein Clinical Reasoning für die Stimmbehandlung strukturiert anzuwenden. Plus: Zahlreiche Videos, Audios und Arbeitsmaterialien zum Download erleichtern die Umsetzung in die Praxis.

  • af Adam Held
    202,95 kr.

    Unlock the secrets to transforming your body and revolutionizing your health with "HCG Diet Simplified: Strategies, Phases, and Results." This expansive guide is not merely a pathway to weight loss; it's a blueprint for redefining your relationship with food and achieving a lasting change in your lifestyle. Through detailed exploration of the HCG Diet, this book demystifies the science behind the method, offering a deep dive into how and why it works, backed by research and real-life testimonials. Each phase of the diet is broken down into manageable steps, with strategic advice to navigate challenges and optimize success.Beyond shedding pounds, "HCG Diet Simplified" emphasizes holistic health, encouraging readers to embrace a new perspective on eating, wellness, and maintenance. It's filled with practical tips for meal planning, overcoming plateaus, and incorporating the principles of the HCG Diet into a sustainable lifestyle. Whether you're a newcomer to the world of HCG or looking to refine your approach, this book serves as a comprehensive resource. Engage with personal stories of transformation that inspire and motivate, and utilize the wealth of knowledge provided to make informed decisions about your health journey. Step into a world where weight loss is just the beginning, and empower yourself with "HCG Diet Simplified" to achieve and maintain your ideal health.

  • - Addiction, Reality, and Our Search for Meaning
    af Elias Dakwar
    327,95 kr.

    Psychiatrist and scientist Elias Dakwar presents a groundbreaking yet simple framework for understanding and addressing addiction as a confusion from which we are all, addicted or not, working to find freedom. Addiction is a crisis affecting millions of Americans every year. As rates of addiction and overdose deaths surge across the country, physicians, mental health professionals, and researchers scramble to help. While the prevailing model--addiction as a brain-based disease--has destigmatized addiction, it hasn't solved the problem. Instead, as pioneering psychiatrist and researcher Elias Dakwar shows, it may be making things worse.Drawing on his research with hallucinogenic compounds and meditation-based treatments, fifteen years of clinical experience, and recent findings from neuroscience, Dakwar frames addiction as the fixed "reality" to which the imagination become captive. In a bold repudiation of the brain-disease model, he approaches addiction, not as a physical problem, but as a crisis of the creative imagination in which our all-too-human attempts to alleviate suffering and make sense of the world leads to a locked-in conception of things that only confuses things further. Addicted individuals therefore suffer acutely from what afflict us all - the fictions we create and mistake for reality.In this beautifully written and often startling exploration, Dakwar reveals how the journey towards freedom is not unique to addiction, but a passage we must all make as we work towards greater understanding, fuller relationships, and more profound peace. He makes an urgent plea for scientists to consider consciousness and meaning-making when approaching addicted individuals, and combines cutting-edge research with clinical narratives to pose and address the existential, relational, and philosophical questions that are at the heart of addiction. A leading researcher in the use of ketamine in addiction treatment, he examines how psychedelics, in combination with other practices, might be helpful clinically, and how they can also shed light on the broader systemic and cultural shifts that are needed to alleviate suffering, beginning with the most vulnerable among us.

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    388,95 - 501,95 kr.

  • af Dev Bukhsh Singh
    1.385,95 - 1.731,95 kr.

  • af Colin A Espie
    456,95 kr.

    "A comprehensive guide to assessing and treating insomnia using evidence-based cognitive and behavioural therapeutics (CBTx). With detailed instructions on treatment formulation and delivery, alongside practical examples, the book equips clinicians to select the most appropriate CBTx for each patient and implement treatment in everyday practice"--

  • af Robertino Bedenian
    172,95 kr.

    If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, please read on...Did you know that sleep apnea is one of the most underrated "diseases"?Have you been aware that millions of adults suffer from sleep apnea and don't even know it?Did you know that there are typical symptoms of sleep apnea, but that most people would never associate those symptoms with sleep apnea?Have you been aware that sleep apnea could be treated quite effectively and that there is a highly effective form of therapy you need to apply?Has it ever occurred to you that there is an almost causal relationship between sleep disorders, sleep apnea, and snoring?Just imagine for a moment what joy of life and energy you would gain if you finally solved the "sleep apnea issue" because then you would wake up every morning refreshed and in a good mood, and you would finally no longer have to worry about how to get through the day.Why This Book Is Different!This book is different because it is written in a simple, informative, coherent, pragmatic, and, above all, practical way, in which the promising and less promising therapy options are discussed, without concealing their side effects.In this book, you will learn...what sleep apnea is all about and what causes it, while millions of adults do not even know that they suffer from this "disease".what signs and symptoms point to sleep apnea that most people would never associate with sleep apnea.which form of diagnosis is best to diagnose sleep apnea.which form of therapy works, which doesn't, and what side effects you should expect.which abnormalities in children point to sleep apnea!...and much more!If you have ever wanted to learn about the causes, treatment options, and chances of success for sleep apnea and other sleeping disorders without having to read through a medical tome, then this book is for you!

  • af Ignacio E Tapia
    757,95 kr.

    Ideal for sleep specialists, pediatricians, or family medicine practitioners, Assessment and Treatment of Infant Sleep provides in-depth information about normal aspects of sleep in infancy, as well as both medical and behavioral sleep problem assessment and management. This unique resource offers concise, consolidated guidance when preparing for a clinic or rotation with patients in infancy or when engaging in treatment planning for young children with sleep problems.Covers normal and abnormal aspects of infant sleep and provides evidence-based tools to direct assessment and treatment of medical and behavioral sleep concerns.Discusses new protocols and treatments specific to children under 24 months of age.Highlights the unique evaluation and management of medical sleep disorders specific to infants, with a focus on special populations.Contains full-color illustrations throughout, including diagrams, photographs, and sleep studies (polysomnography).Distills a growing body of research related to the spectrum of medical and behavioral disorders in infant sleep in a single reference ideal for clinicians or researchers. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • af Anthony Pak-Hin Kong
    1.274,95 kr.

    This comprehensive volume provides balanced and easily readable chapters on contemporary topics around discourse production in patients with neurogenic disorders. Discourse broadly refers to a unit of language longer than a single sentence, typically used in a spoken or written format to express ideas, feelings, and opinions or to interact with others. As the field of research in speech-language pathology, aphasia and related neurogenic disorders, and clinical decision-making to manage neurogenic impairments is rapidly expanding, there has been an increased focus on discourse analysis and therapy to enable patients to speak well again. Various user groups and people with lived experience (e.g., aphasia, dementia, traumatic brain injury, right hemisphere damage, etc.) are also increasingly focused on the impact of neurogenic impairments on domains of conversation and changes in language skills beyond the smaller linguistic components of single words and sentences that are traditionally supported by speech-language therapy. The first part of this book details and discusses the basic principles, historical perspectives (history and developmental milestones), neural basis, and recent evolutions and advancement of discourse analysis in speakers with acquired communication disorders. The second part of the book outlines and illustrates current methods for discourse elicitation and analysis across different clinical populations. Recent leaps forward in technology that can assist in the recording, processing, and analysis of discourse will be highlighted. The final part of book reviews and summarizes key developments of various evidenced-based training strategies, interventions, and treatment programs, as well as utilization of innovative technology to clinically improve neurogenic disordered discourse.¿This is an ideal guide for researchers, clinicians, and students in the field of communication sciences and disorders, speech and language therapy, gerontology, (neuro-)linguistics, psychology, and related fields in clinical medicine.

  • af Marya Hornbacher
    177,95 kr.

    A classic of psychology and eating disorders, now reissued with an important and perhaps controversial new afterword by the author, Wasted is New York Times bestselling author Marya Hornbacher's highly acclaimed memoir that chronicles her battle with anorexia and bulimia.Vivid, honest, and emotionally wrenching, Wasted is the story of how Marya Hornbacher willingly embraced hunger, drugs, sex, and death?until a particularly horrifying bout with anorexia and bulimia in college forever ended the romance of wasting away.In this updated edition, Hornbacher, an authority in the field of eating disorders, argues that recovery is not only possible, it is necessary. But the journey is not easy or guaranteed. With a new ending to her story that adds a contemporary edge, Wasted continues to be timely and relevant.

  • af Ulrike M. Lüdtke
    2.622,95 - 2.627,95 kr.

  • af Jeanie Woolledge
    337,95 kr.

    You are facing one of the most life-changing decisions of your life...bariatric surgery. Having bariatric surgery is both drastic and life changing. No matter where you are in the journey, you will face challenges. Good news! This book will address these areas and more!! Here you will find the keys to a successful bariatric life. You will also find responses from other bariatric patients during all phases of their journey. Learning from them will help you and better prepare you to live a successful bariatric life.

  • af Elizabeth Benson
    217,95 kr.

    Feeling overwhelmed by today's parenting challenges in a world abundant with substances? Are you searching for ways to fortify your child against temptation? Would you recognize the signs of substance use?Navigating the complexities of modern parenting in an era where substance abuse is no longer an anomaly but a reality, it's imperative to be well-armed. The omnipresent specter of substance abuse looms, threatening to undermine the stability and well-being of families everywhere. As parents, it's natural to assume: "It's a passing phase-they'll outgrow it.""Vigilance is enough to keep them safe.""It's not our child; it's their friends. They are a bad influence."However, the statistics from the National Center for Drug Abuse cast a bleak shadow, indicating that no family is truly immune. But forewarned is forearmed, and knowledge remains the most potent weapon."Parenting in a Substance Abundant World" is more than just a book; it's a strategic roadmap. Through its pages, you'll: Empower with Protective Factors: Delve deep into strategies to reinforce resilience in your child from a young age.Recognize the Subtle Signs: Understand the nuances of substance use behaviors and the indicators that are often missed.Engage in Constructive Conversations: Communicate concerns without alienating or pushing your child further into problematic substance use.Navigate Addiction's Labyrinth: Find the path to recovery and embrace it as a united front.Explore Tailored Treatment: Recognize that recovery isn't one-size-fits-all and discover the routes that align with your child's unique needs.Heal Together and Apart: Understand the importance of collective and individual healing for your child, yourself, and your family.Embrace a Brighter Future: Equip your child with tools for a sustainable recovery, ensuring they're not just surviving but thriving.With the guidance and involvement of loving parents, the majority of teens mature out of this worrying phase without the need for formal treatment. You have the potential to be the bulwark against substance abuse for your child.While the challenges are undeniably formidable, with this comprehensive guide, you're not facing them unarmed.Are you ready to navigate these parenting challenges with more clarity and confidence? I truly believe this book will help. Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" now.

  • af Kevin Milborne
    132,95 kr.

    I'm going to give away the keys that will, at last, enable you or a loved one to stop snoring and have a restful night's sleep tonight, tomorrow, the night after that, and so forth!But first, allow me to ask you a brief question before we continue:Did you know that snoring is frequently a symptom of a far more serious health condition rather than just a little annoying problem?

  • af Sudip Mukherjee
    412,95 kr.

    This book presents the recent developments in immunomodulatory biomaterials for cell-based therapies in various diseases, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and bone regeneration. The authors first cover the fundamentals of conventional immunology and immunomodulation, before focusing on the history, advantages, and challenges of cell therapies. Biological cell therapy has gained immense attention for various diseases due to unique advantages it has over chemical drugs regarding cost, ease of production, toxicity, and therapeutic efficacy. However, these cell-based therapies need an inert delivery system that can locally deliver cells and minimally elicit foreign body response. The book discusses the foreign body response to the immunomodulatory biomaterials as well as the current and future strategies for potential mitigation of considerable immune responses toward immunomodulatory biomaterials and devices.

  • af Kirsten Schade
    258,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Sougata Jana
    2.387,95 - 2.392,95 kr.

    This book focuses on recent trends of research on alginate-based biomaterials in Drug Delivery strategies and biomedical engineering. It contains the widely used alginate-based biomaterials as micro to nano-controlled drug delivery (oral, ocular delivery, topical delivery, etc.) and its fabrication technology, characterization, and biomedical aspects (such as cancer therapy, tissue engineering, gene delivery, vaccine delivery, enzyme immobilization, wound healing, dental applications, etc.) in a single book. The chapters cover updated information, current research trends, informatics, and all aspects of applications. Alginate is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved natural biomaterial and has diverse biomedical applications. In recent years, researchers and scientists are working on the alginate-based drug delivery systems that have been designed and characterized as a matrix, micro to nanocarriers, fibers, composite/scaffolds, etc. Alginate has versatile properties such as biodegradable, biocompatible, nontoxic, and easily available. This book especially highlights both the drug delivery strategies and biomedical engineering aspects such as controlled drug delivery, drug targeting to the site of action, cancer therapy, gene and vaccine delivery, enzyme immobilization, tissue engineering, and regenerative medicine.

  • af Vijay Kumar Shukla
    983,95 - 1.728,95 kr.

    The book discusses the recent progress in understanding the therapeutic targets for gallbladder cancer to provide opportunities for research and for developing innovative strategies that may enhance the benefit of conventional chemotherapy.The book focuses on identifying candidate molecules and the overall status of the targeted therapies available for gallbladder cancer, as there is an urgent need to discover new molecular targets that can guide the emergence of new treatment strategies to improve patient outcomes and act as biomarkers for the early detection of diseases. Recently, new treatment therapeutics targets for gallbladder cancer patients have been identified and the field is evolving rapidly.The book is relevant for the clinical researcher, surgeon, scientist and academician.

  • af Christoph T. M. Krause
    172,95 - 222,95 kr.

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