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Farmakologi for sygeplejersker

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  • af Ingrid Poulsen, Rikke Guldager & Mia Ingerslev Loft
    208,95 kr.

    GUIDE TIL NEUROLOGISK OG NEUROKIRURGISK SYGEPLEJEMed HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: NEUROLOGI OG NEUROKIRURGI har du altid den erfarne sygeplejerskes færdigheder og ekspertise i kittellommen, når det handler om pleje af patienter i disse specialer. Bogen indeholder blandt andet kapitler om hjernens anatomi, forskellige neurologiske sygdomme, neurokirurgi og neurorehabilitering, og du guides til observationer, sygeplejeinterventioner og patient- og pårørendeinddragelse. Patienter med neurologiske og neurokirurgiske sygdomme kan have kroniske tilstande eller pludselig opstået akut og livstruende sygdom. Sygeplejen til neurologiske og neurokirurgiske patienter kræver derfor specialviden og erfaring med sygdomstilstande og patientforløb, som her gennemgås i syv anvisende, praksisnære og klinikvenlige kapitler. HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: NEUROLOGI OG NEUROKIRURGI henvender sig til sygeplejestuderende og nyuddannede sygeplejersker, men kan med fordel bruges af alle, som ønsker et let tilgængeligt opslagsværk.

  • af Tore Bjerregaard Stage & Anton Pottegård
    398,95 kr.

    En præcis og opslagsvenlig guide til brug af lægemidler i praksis – nu i 3. udgave."Praktisk farmakologi" henvender sig til den sundhedsprofessionelle, der har brug for et overblik over den praktiske brug af receptpligtige lægemidler og håndkøbslægemidler – særligt farmaceutstuderende og farmakonomer, men også hjemmesygeplejersker, medicinstuderende og læger.Denne 3. udgave er blevet grundigt opdateret og væsentlig forbedret med den nyeste viden og et væld af erfaringer fra klinisk praksis. Bogen indeholder kort og præcis information om de 100 mest solgte lægemiddelgrupper i Danmark. Bogen giver dig: lægemidlernes navne, hvilke sygdomme de bruges til at behandle, hvordan de virker, de vigtigste bivirkninger, særlige oplysninger.Bogen gennemgår desuden de 25 hyppigste problemer, som kan løses ved brug af håndkøbslægemidler, samt de vigtigste fakta om naturlægemidler, lægemiddelinteraktioner, receptlovgivningen og reglerne for tilskud til medicin.

  • af Mari J Wirfs
    631,95 kr.

    An unrivaled reference tool for advanced practice providers and students in clinical practice settingsThis concise and easy-to-read drug therapy prescribing reference provides critical information for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants in clinical practice settings who are involved in the primary care management of patients with acute, episodic, and chronic health problems, life-altering and life-threatening diseases, and needs for health promotion and disease prevention. Interspersed with clinically useful information, such as monitored laboratory values, patient teaching points, and safety information, this reference draws upon data taken directly from FDA-approved drug labels and patient medication guides, and is organized by diagnosis rather than by drug classification, to provide advanced practice practitioners with the comprehensive, concise, and up-to-date information on drug therapies that they need to help achieve positive outcomes in their daily practice.The first section of this book presents drug treatment regimens for over 700 clinical diagnoses, listed alphabetically by generic name, followed by important information required for prescription decision-making. The second section provides additional information on treatment, organized in a convenient table format. An alphabetical cross-reference index of drugs allows for easy identification of alternate drug names and their location within the text. Purchase includes online access via most mobile devices or computers.New to this Edition: Information on over 100 new diagnoses and over 100 new generic drugs indicated for the treatment of quality of life-altering and life-threatening conditions such as chronic kidney disease, genetic diseases, mesothelioma, MS, metastatic cancers, and rare diseases.Updates on drugs used for site-specific cancers, mental health issues, and commonly diagnosed diseases such as diabetes and asthma.Details on new drug approvals including indications, treatment regimens, adverse reactions, drug-drug interactions, warnings and precautions, and use in special populationsKey Features:Provides new drug treatment regimens for drugs that are first in class, novel drugs, orphan drugs, new drugs with breakthrough or fast track designation and drugs with new indications and expanded social populations.Includes drug prescribing information on diseases prevalent outside of North America, including endemic diseases with known transmission and treatment interventions.Serves advanced practice providers across the United States and internationally.Consistent with approvals and recommendations for use by the FDA.

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    - Menneskekroppen
    af Erik Roj, Signe Livbjerg, Sanne Toft Kristiansen, mfl.
    359,95 kr.

    Medicinhåndtering i sygepleje er en lærebog for de sundhedsfaglige professionsbachelorer og grunduddannelser og er bygget op, så den kan fungere både som lærebog og som opslagsbog. Bogen er skrevet af erfarne klinikere med stor viden inden for deres fagspeciale og indfører læseren grundigt i professionel medicinhåndtering, herunder juridiske ansvarsforhold, administrationsformer og -måder samt opbevaring og sikker håndtering af lægemidler. Lærebogen er beriget med digitalt ekstramateriale, fx i form af opgaver, refleksionsspørgsmål, videomateriale og webbaserede kilder, der kan skærpe læserens forståelse af stoffet. Materialet kan tilgås på bogens hjemmeside eller via den gratis app Gad Ekstra.

  • af Kristine Jensen
    278,95 kr.

    In the vast realm of healthcare, medicinal plants play a crucial role in providing natural remedies for various ailments. These plants, often found in our own backyards or in remote parts of the world, have been used for centuries by different cultures to treat and prevent diseases. As students of botany, it is essential to understand the importance of medicinal plants and their contribution to modern healthcare.Medicinal plants are a treasure trove of bioactive compounds, which have the potential to serve as the foundation for developing new drugs. Many of the drugs we use today, such as aspirin and morphine, have their origins in medicinal plants. For instance, aspirin was derived from the bark of the willow tree, while morphine originated from the opium poppy. By studying these plants and their chemical constituents, scientists can unlock their therapeutic properties and create effective treatments for various ailments.Furthermore, medicinal plants offer a more sustainable and accessible form of healthcare. In many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries, people rely heavily on traditional medicine derived from plants due to limited access to modern healthcare facilities. Medicinal plants provide a cost-effective alternative to expensive pharmaceutical drugs, making healthcare more accessible to those in need. By promoting the use of medicinal plants, we can bridge the gap between traditional and modern medicine, ensuring that everyone has access to safe and effective treatments.Additionally, studying medicinal plants allows us to tap into the vast biodiversity of our planet. With approximately 400,000 plant species on Earth, only a fraction has been thoroughly investigated for their medicinal properties. By delving deeper into the world of botany, we can uncover hidden treasures and discover new plant-based remedies. This exploration not only expands our knowledge but also opens doors to novel treatments that can address emerging diseases and antibiotic resistance.As students of botany, we have the opportunity to contribute to the field of plant pharmacology and shape the future of healthcare. By conducting research, documenting traditional knowledge, and advocating for the preservation of medicinal plants and their habitats, we can ensure the sustainable use of these invaluable resources. Our understanding of botany and medicinal plants can pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in healthcare, benefiting millions of people worldwide.

  • af Joy Maxwell Loban
    278,95 kr.

    Technic and Practice of Chiropractic, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • af W. Scott Tebb
    178,95 kr.

    Tea and the effects of tea drinking, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • af Allison Grant
    277,95 kr.

    Ross & Wilson texts are known for their clear, accessible explanations that provide comprehensive information without excessive detail - making them highly sought after by nurses, pharmacy students, students of allied health professions and paramedics. This new title applies the same approach to the discussion of drugs and their use in medicine. Readers will develop a sound scientific understanding about the mechanism of action of drugs and be able to relate this to their clinical uses, as well as appreciate their effects on the body's physiological systems. Beautifully illustrated and written in a way that is easy to understand, Ross & Wilson Pharmacology is an ideal companion for practitioners, students and prescribers wanting a clear and practical understanding of the fast-changing field of clinical pharmacology. Follows the structure used in Ross & Wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and Illness Clear and engaging writing style makes the concepts easy to grasp Explains underlying physiological and biochemical processes Links the science to clinical scenarios in order to relate learning to practice Based on up-to-date research and grounded in evidence Extensive illustrations support understanding

  • af Kaplan Nursing
    178,95 kr.

    "Truly pocket-sized and light, Kaplan's NCLEX Medication Review provides a concise, portable review of 300+ medications frequently prescribed in clinical practice. Reorganized to combine related therapies, this slim volume reviews only the medications and key details that are most likely to be tested--ideal for the home stretch of exam prep, when you can't afford to be overwhelmed."--

  • af Usama Ahmad
    1.498,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Dunnington
    1.498,95 kr.

  • af Islam A. Khalil
    1.498,95 kr.

  • af Celso Pereira
    1.498,95 kr.

  • af Antoine Kanamugire
    143,95 kr.

    The author succeeds in providing factual, nonjudgmental information broken down into manageable concepts. overall the author's voice remains calm and informative, and the content doesn't appear to be sensationalistic or based on "cherry picked" data. ­ e book should serve as a useful resource for readers interested in the topic. ' - BleuInk Review"Thanks to the author for this great book that is easy to read and full of information relevant for everyone, especially young people aged 21 and under. All high schools should have many copies and make it a mandatory reading. Thank you also for the respectful and non-judgemental tone and the quotations filled with hope. " - Clodine Desrochers, award winning TV host, author, speaker and a mother of a teenager.The 21 Unspoken Truths About Marijuana should be distributed in schools! It could be an excellent student / teacher working tool ... It would facilitate the debate around a theme of which we have decidedly not yet finished hearing about! - Mitsou MagazineWritten in simple terms, this book aims to discuss crucial questions about cannabis, also known as marijuana. What is cannabis? what can it do to your brain and to your overall health? Can it really lead to psychosis, depression, or lung cancer? ­ e goal is not to judge anyone but to create awareness so that whatever choice we make at least we know we're making a well-informed and educated choice to protect our brain, our young people's brain and to lovingly help free those who might already be oppressed by the burden of addiction.

  • Spar 10%
    af Steen Hundborg
    539,95 kr.

    Evidensbaseret sygepleje om medicinske sygdommeMedicinske sygdomme og evidensbaseret sygepleje er det nutidige og gennemgribende standardværk, som forener sygdomslære og sygepleje. Bogen er både en grundbog og opslagsbog med sygeplejestuderende og sygeplejersker som målgruppe.I takt med bedre sygdomsdiagnostik, befolkningens øgede levetid, flere patienter med multisygdomme og et krav om evidensbaseret sygepleje står sygeplejersker i både primær og sekundær sektor overfor nye udfordringer. Sygeplejersker skal kunne drage omsorg, udføre sygeplejehandlinger, forebygge, behandle, lindre symptomer og kunne undervise/vejlede patienter. Det kræver en omfattende og opdateret viden om sygdomslære for at kunne udføre sygeplejeinterventioner, træffe kliniske beslutninger, varetage klinisk lederskab og samarbejde med patienten.Medicinske sygdomme og evidensbaseret sygepleje tilbyder 23 kapitler skrevet af læger og/eller kliniske sygeplejespecialister med indgående erfarings- og forskningsmæssige tilgang til specialerne.

  • af Juber Akhtar
    1.498,95 kr.

  • af Farid A. Badria
    1.498,95 kr.

    Radiopharmaceuticals - Current Research for Better Diagnosis and Therapy discusses the importance of radiopharmaceuticals and their environmental, pharmaceutical, diagnostic, therapeutic, and research applications. Chapters address such topics as the fundamentals of radiopharmaceutical chemistry and preparation, fabrication, materials manipulation, and characterization of radiopharmaceuticals, applications of radiopharmaceuticals in preclinical studies, radiopharmaceuticals in modern cancer therapy, and new trends in preparation, biodistribution, and pharmacokinetics of radiopharmaceuticals in diagnosis and research.

  • af Lisa Gorski
    856,95 kr.

  • af Valderilio Feijó Azevedo
    1.498,95 kr.

    Introduced in the 1980s, biologic medications have since become important tools in modern medicine. However, biologics are expensive, greatly affecting the healthcare budgets of both underdeveloped and developed countries. Fortunately, biosimilars, which are highly similar, reverse-engineered versions of existing biological medicines and their active ingredients, are now available as more affordable options for patients treated with biologics. This book discusses biosimilars with chapters on clinical trials, regulation, pharmacovigilance, and the interchangeability of biosimilars with biologics. It also addresses future trends in the biosimilars market.

  • af Shailendra K. Saxena
    1.758,95 kr.

    This book focuses on various aspects and applications of drug repurposing, the understanding of which is important for treating diseases. Due to the high costs and time associated with the new drug discovery process, the inclination toward drug repurposing is increasing for common as well as rare diseases. A major focus of this book is understanding the role of drug repurposing to develop drugs for infectious diseases, including antivirals, antibacterial and anticancer drugs, as well as immunotherapeutics.

  • af Shailendra K. Saxena
    1.498,95 kr.

    The book focuses on various aspects and properties of high-throughput screening (HTS), which is of great importance in the development of novel drugs to treat communicable and non-communicable diseases. Chapters in this volume discuss HTS methodologies, resources, and technologies and highlight the significance of HTS in personalized and precision medicine.

  • af Yulia Desheva
    1.258,95 kr.

    Vaccination is the most effective and scientifically based means of protection against infectious diseases, especially in this era of the COVID-19 pandemic. This book examines several issues related to the development of vaccines against viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections.

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