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Kan psykedeliske stoffer være en måde at tænke anderledes om dødsangst, depression og alderdom på? Ja, kan de ændre vores syn på verden? Michael Pollan tager os på en gribende og fascinerende rejse fra genkomsten af psilocybin og LSD i psykiatrisk forskning og ud mod sindets horisonter og muligheder.Da LSD blev opdaget i 1940’erne, troede lægerne, de stod på tærsklen af en psykologisk revolution. De så overvældende resultater i behandlingen af lidelser som afhængighed og depression – og mulighed for at bruge de psykedeliske stoffer til at undersøge bevidsthedens mysterier. Men optimismen varede ikke ved. Da ungdomsoprøret rullede ind over USA i 1960’erne, blev de psykedeliske stoffer koblet til modkulturen og presset ud af universiteterne og politisk under jorden. I 40 år turde ingen tage forskningen op.Lige indtil et umage par – en Silicon Valley-ingeniør der bor i en skov og en højt estimeret, ranglet professor med hang til meditation – i 2006 fik godkendt et studie på det prestigefyldte universitet Johns Hopkins.I dag er en stille, men gennemgribende revolution i gang. Studier viser, at dødeligt syge kræftpatienter kan håndtere deres dødsangst efter at være guidet af en psykolog gennem en psilocybinoplevelse. USA’s og EU’s lægemiddelmyndigheder finansierer enorme studier i psykedeliske stoffer, fordi man håber, de kan afhjælpe den truende depressionsbølge, der er ved at slå ind over den vestlige verden. I London er det første center for psykedelisk forskning åbnet. Og på Rigshospitalet undersøger man effekterne på hjernen.I ‘Din foranderlige bevidsthed’ fortæller Michael Pollan på varm, uhelbredeligt nysgerrig og sober vis historien om de psykedeliske stoffer. Han beskriver, hvad der skete, da det første forskningskapitel blev fortrængt, og hvordan det andet folder sig ud lige nu. Han tager os på en rejse ind i en verden af psykologer, shamaner og svampejægere, der beretter om exceptionelle oplevelser med dyb og forandrende effekt. Kigger med i hjernescanneren, når forskerne viser, hvordan det netværk i hjernen, der er knyttet til vores selv, dæmpes. Og endelig prøver han (for første gang i en alder af næsten 60) stofferne selv.En rapport fra det, der meget vel kan være fremtiden for vores psykologi og vores forskning i bevidsthed.
ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI9. udgaveOver 1.000 illustrationer!Hermed foreligger 9. udgave af lærebogen ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI. Bogen markerer næsten 40 års udgivelse af standardværket, der for længst er blevet en klassiker inden for faget.Bogen giver en grundig indføring i ortopædkirurgiens diagnostik og behandling og omfatter også en systematisk gennemgang af både de generaliserede og de topografisk afgrænsede lidelser i bevægeapparatet.Den nye udgave er grundigt revideret med faglig viden inden for alle ortopædkirurgiske subspecialer og tværfaglige krydsfelter, bl.a. ortogeriatri, reumatologi, smertebehandling og troboseprofylakse. Bogen er rigt illustreret, og lettilgængelige tabeller og kliniske fotos understøtter patientundersøgelser og teknik inden for hver anatomisk region.ORTOPÆDISK KIRURGI er skrevet af førende danske eksperter, og lærebogen egner sig for medicinstuderende og postgraduate yngre læger under ortopædkirurgisk speciallægeuddannelse. Herudover kan fysioterapeuter og sygeplejersker anvende den som opslagsværk.
BIOSTATISTIK & EPIDEMIOLOGI yder læseren en forståelse af statistikken og epidemiologiens grundbegreber samt mulighed for at mestre basale værktøjer til beskrivelse af egne observationer. Første del af bogen er tilegnet statistiske begreber og analyser, f.eks. kategorisering af data og typer af tests, mens anden del af bogen beskæftiger sig med principperne bag forskning og studiedesigns.Undervejs kan læseren afprøve egne beregninger, teste sin viden, og bogens overskuelige struktur og grundige indeksikalisering gør den velegnet som opslagsværk og til støtte, når begreber fra videnskabelige artikler skal læses og forstås.Bogen henvender sig primært til medicinstuderende ved landets fire fakulteter i København, Odense, Aarhus og Aalborg, men andre faggrupper, såsom odontologi, farmaci, humanbiologi og folkesundhedsvidenskab, vil også finde de beskrevne principper anvendelige som introduktion til basal statistik og epidemiologi.Bogen er en del af MEDICINSK FORSKNING-serien, hvis formål er at udbrede forståelsen for teorier relateret til medicinsk forskning og bidrage med faglig viden af højeste kvalitet. Andre bøger i serien inkluderer 22 TEMATEORIER TIL KVALITATIV FORSKNING og FORSKNING I SUNDHED.
Her er bogen, som giver læseren en omfattende og letlæselig hjælp og vejledning til heling med energilægemidler.Bogen hjælper dig med at identificere din lidelse og vælge den terapi, der bedst fremmer helbredelse. En guide i homøopati, zoneterapi og massage - så du kan udforske de mange terapier, der bruger "energi" til at helbrede almindelige lidelser.Bogen beskriver over 50 forskellige energibehandlinger som akupunktur, yoga, kraniosakralterapi, massage m.m.Først for nylig er denne gamle forståelse af kropsenergi blevet videnskabeligt accepteret som et supplement og en videre udvikling i forhold til moderne medicin. Eller med andre ord… - som en selvhelbredende kraft snarere end på det materielle niveau. I kraft af, at sygdomme er mere almindeligt diagnosticeret som ubalance af legemsenergi, er energimedicin blevet det mest efterspurgte alternativ til den traditionelle vestlige medicin. I den komplette bog af energimedicin giver Dr. Helen Dziemidko os et omfattende kig på energilægemidler. Hun kombinerer det lægefaglige og videnskabelige synspunkt med en udtømmende viden om energihelbredende metoder - fra akupunktur og yoga til Bach Flower terapi og homøopati.Med klare, tilgængelige forklaringer leder hun læseren gennem mere end 50 komplementære terapier som adresserer de 20 mest almindelige kroniske lidelser.Bogen er en international bestseller - nu udgivet på dansk. Den giver en nem guide til at hjælpe læserne med at identificere deres lidelser og de mulige årsager, og derefter vise, hvilke energimediciner der giver den bedste vej mod helbredelse.
Trustworthy AI in Medical Imaging brings together scientific researchers, medical experts, and industry partners working in the field of trustworthiness, bridging the gap between AI research and concrete medical applications and making it a learning resource for undergraduates, masters students, and researchers in AI for medical imaging applications. The book will help readers acquire the basic notions of AI trustworthiness and understand its concrete application in medical imaging, identify pain points and solutions to enhance trustworthiness in medical imaging applications, understand current limitations and perspectives of trustworthy AI in medical imaging, and identify novel research directions. Although the problem of trustworthiness in AI is actively researched in different disciplines, the adoption and implementation of trustworthy AI principles in real-world scenarios is still at its infancy. This is particularly true in medical imaging where guidelines and standards for trustworthiness are critical for the successful deployment in clinical practice. After setting out the technical and clinical challenges of AI trustworthiness, the book gives a concise overview of the basic concepts before presenting state-of-the-art methods for solving these challenges.
Rehabilitation Robotics and Healthcare Devices presents cutting-edge topics in rehabilitation robotics and healthcare devices, covering basic concepts and providing readers with enough information to solve various practical problems. The book proves to be an excellent source to study the different emerging paradigms in rehabilitation robotics and healthcare areas, including related technologies such as sensors, wearable devices, internet of medical things, big data, machine learning for eHealth, edible sensors, robots in medicine, and exoskeleton robots for rehabilitation.
Gait, Balance, and Mobility Analysis: Theoretical, Technical, and Clinical Applications provides a comprehensive overview of gait and movement analysis techniques, from traditional motion capture to modern wearable technologies. The book contains both a technical element that focuses on biomechanics and engineering concepts for gait analysis and the application of gait analysis with clinical populations. Beginning with a comprehensive background on the underlying neural control of gait and mobility in humans and physiological control of balance, the book then covers analysis methods and techniques for laboratory, clinic or remote patient assessment. It then examines how gait, mobility and balance are impacted by musculoskeletal, neurological, and cardio-respiratory conditions. Lastly, it discusses future directions and provides recommendations for future studies. Combining the expertise of engineers and clinicians, this book takes a multidisciplinary approach to show how and why gait, balance and mobility can be used to tackle important clinical questions for various conditions.
Federated Learning for Medical Imaging: Principles, Algorithms and Applications gives a deep understanding of the technology of federated learning (FL), the architecture of a federated system, and the algorithms for FL. It shows how FL allows multiple medical institutes to collaboratively train and use a precise machine learning (ML) model without sharing private medical data via practical implantation guidance. The book includes real-world case studies and applications of FL, demonstrating how this technology can be used to solve complex problems in medical imaging. In addition, it provides an understanding of the challenges and limitations of FL for medical imaging, including issues related to data and device heterogeneity, privacy concerns, synchronization and communication, etc. This is a complete resource for computer scientists and engineers as well as clinicians and medical care policymakers wanting to learn about the application of federated learning to medical imaging.
Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarriers for Targeted Drug Delivery presents a comprehensive overview of the most significant physical and chemical stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems. This book reviews targeted and controlled drug delivery systems and how nanocarriers can be used to improve the pharmacokinetics of drugs in biological systems, such as increasing utilization rate and reducing toxicity and side effects. After a key introduction to the topic, a range of nanocarrier types is assessed before exploring the clinical translation challenges and considerations involved.This book is a useful resource for researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of materials science, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical science, and medicinal chemistry.
This book presents a collection of scientific articles on recent research on innovations in biomedical engineering. Articles are divided into two chapters covering broad areas of experimental research and biomedical engineering, engineering of biomaterials as well as informatics and modelling in biomedical engineering. Given its scope, it offers a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers, and students alike. The topics include not only theoretical considerations but also practical applications of research conducted in cooperation between engineers, doctors, and physiotherapists.
This book offers a timely snapshot of research, technologies and best practices in the broad area of bioengineering and clinical engineering. Contributions report on advances in biomechanics, biomaterials, and tissue engineering, biosensors and instrumentation, biomedical signal processing, and rehabilitation engineering. Further, it covers topics relating to quality engineering and management of health services, and of engineering education. The book gathers selected, peer-reviewed contributions to the XXIII Argentinian Congress of Bioengineering and the XII Clinical Engineering Conference, both known under the acronym ¿SABI 2022¿, held on September 13¿16, 2022, in San Juan, Argentina, and organized by the Sociedad Argentina de Bioingeniería.
Moving Towards Everlasting Artificial Intelligent Battery-Powered Implants presents the development process of new artificial intelligent (AI) charging systems for battery-powered implants that can last for a lifetime after implantation. This book introduces new strategies to address the limitations of technologies that have been employed to improve the lifespan of medical implants. This book also provides guidelines that medical implant manufacturers can adopt during their product development stages-this adds a new dimension of research on medical device implants that can be a game changer for the AI medical implants industry. Researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the elds of biomedical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science will find this text helpful as they seek to understand the potential of AI systems to help achieve sustainability in healthcare and make current medical implants relevant in the future.
This book gives a complete overview of current developments in the implementation of high performance computing (HPC) in various biomimetic technologies. The book presents various topics that are subdivided into the following parts: A) biomimetic models and mechanics; B) locomotion and computational methods; C) distributed computing and its evolution; D) distributed and parallel computing architecture; E) high performance computing and biomimetics; F) big data, management, and visualization; and G) future of high performance computing in biomimetics. This book presents diverse computational technologies to model and replicate biologically inspired design for the purpose of solving complex human problems. The content of this book is presented in a simple and lucid style which can also be used by professionals, non-professionals, scientists, and students who are interested in the research area of high performance computing applications in the development of biomimetics technologies.
Nanophototherapy: Preparations and Applications provides a comprehensive overview of the various multifunctional nanoparticles used for phototherapy, with an emphasis on fundamental nanotechnology and the latest research of photothermal therapy (PTT) and photodynamic therapy (PDT). The different types of phototherapeutic nanomaterials are thoroughly described, along with their structural features and synthesis. This is the first book to cover nanomaterial-based phototherapy for both cancer and bacterial infections. It is an essential resource for researchers, academics, and professionals interested in the potential of multifunctional nanomaterials for therapeutic applications.
Smart Biomimetic Coatings: Design, Properties and Biomedical Applications summarizes vital research in multifunctional (i.e., anti-corrosion, anti-fouling, and self-cleaning properties) surface coatings in various applications such as orthopedic and dental implants, tissue engineering, sensors and more. The book introduces biomimetic coatings, aiding understanding of highly complicated architectures in natural composites, along with discussions on the importance of proper mimicking to achieve composite materials with exceptional performance. The synthesis and unique properties of smart biomimetic coatings are detailed before a wide selection of biomedical applications is explored. This is an important reference of interest to researchers and R&D groups working in materials science, biomedical engineering, tissue engineering, and implant design.
This is the first book to focus on robotic reproductive cell manipulation. It provides readers with the fundamental principles underpinning robotic manipulation of reproductive cells, including sperm, oocytes, and embryos, state-of-the-art technical advances in actuation, sensing and control for cell manipulation, and emerging automated systems for reproductive cell manipulation. The methods presented in the book are generic and can be translated to manipulating other types of cells, such as cancer cells and cardiomyocytes. Robotic Manipulation of Reproductive Cells will be an essential reference for graduate students and researchers working on small-scale robotic systems for cell manipulation and characterization, healthcare professionals interested in nanoscale, microscale, milli-scale robotic techniques for clinical cell surgeries and assisted reproduction, and engineers developing small-scale robotic systems for biomedical engineering, biology,and medicine.
This book presents cutting-edge research and developments in the field of medical and biological engineering, which a special emphasis on activities carried out in the Asian-Pacific region. Gathering the proceedings of the 12th Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE 2023), held on May 18¿21, 2023, in Suzhou, China, this first volume of a two-volume set focuses on biomedical imaging and signal processing, biomedical sensing and wearables, and rehabilitation and neural engineering. All in all, this book offers extensive information on the state-of-the-art solutions and challenges in biomedical and clinical engineering, addressing a broad audience of medical scientists, engineers, physicists and other researchers and professionals.
This book presents the recent developments in immunomodulatory biomaterials for cell-based therapies in various diseases, including diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and bone regeneration. The authors first cover the fundamentals of conventional immunology and immunomodulation, before focusing on the history, advantages, and challenges of cell therapies. Biological cell therapy has gained immense attention for various diseases due to unique advantages it has over chemical drugs regarding cost, ease of production, toxicity, and therapeutic efficacy. However, these cell-based therapies need an inert delivery system that can locally deliver cells and minimally elicit foreign body response. The book discusses the foreign body response to the immunomodulatory biomaterials as well as the current and future strategies for potential mitigation of considerable immune responses toward immunomodulatory biomaterials and devices.
IoTHIC-2023 is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed international conference on Internet of Things (IoT) and healthcare systems with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques such as data mining, machine learning, image processing, and meta-heuristic algorithms. The AI-based techniques are applied on many fields of healthcare systems, including predicting and detecting diseases in hospitals, clinics, smart health monitoring systems, surgery, medical services, and etc.
Medical Nanobiotechnology: Nanomedicine for Repair, Regeneration, Remodelling, and Recovery thoroughly reviews the potential of functionalized biomaterials as ideal candidates for nanomedicine. The book covers advances in the development of nanotheranostic agents that can simultaneously help in both effective therapy and rapid diagnosis. A range of materials is covered, including their fabrication, characterization and assessment, as well as their functionalization and incorporation into implants and medical devices. Clinical aspects and challenges are discussed, helping bridge the gap between laboratory research and the translational impact as nanomedicine begins to develop point-of-care customized therapy. This book is an interdisciplinary reference for researchers and R&D groups interested in the development of novel nanobiomaterials for therapeutic applications.
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This book introduces biomass which is utilized all over the world based on geographical, cultural, and historical background. It covers 18 major biomass types and several specific plants categorized into 3 groups based on their usage. The present and historical background of representative materials from biomass, such as cellulose, lignin, chitin, sugar, molasses, amylose, and other interesting natural biopolymers, such as hyaluronan, gum Arabic, and others are introduced. Furthermore, characteristic features of representative and influential plants, such as rice, eucalyptus, and oil palm are described together with historical episodes. Although physicochemical characteristic properties of each material and plant have been published over many decades, scarcely a comprehensive introduction on biomass together with Asian, European, and Latin American cultural backgrounds. In this book, biomass familiar to everybody¿s life is introduced based on scientific and cultural viewpoints. It guides readers to gain background knowledge of targeting biomass to be developed as industrial resources. In addition to students, scientists, and lecturers, the book will be useful for industrial engineers, both specialists in polymer science and technology and materials experts.
Leveraging Metaverse and Analytics of Things (AoT) in Medical Systems explores the potential benefits and applications of emerging technologies such as metaverse and AoT in the field of healthcare. The book provides insights into how these technologies can be leveraged to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of medical systems. It explores the concept of metaverse and its potential applications in healthcare, including the use of virtual and augmented reality technologies for medical education, training, and simulation, as well as the development of immersive environments for patient care and therapy. The book also delves into the field of AoT, such as the use of wearable devices, smart sensors, and other connected technologies. Applications to monitor patient health, track medical outcomes, and inform clinical decision-making are covered. Integrating both technologies can help improve medical training, diagnosis, treatment, and patient outcomes through the use of virtual reality and real-time data analytics.
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