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  • af Shari J. Ryan
    181,95 - 215,95 kr.

    AUSCHWITZ 1944 ”Du må ikke forlade mig,” hvisker jeg, min hånd ryster, mens jeg rækker ud efter hendes kind. ”Det må du ikke. Vi er i dette liv sammen, altid, kun dig og mig.”Født med få minutters mellemrum har de enæggede tvillinger Arina og Nora aldrig været væk fra hinanden – før nu ...Kvægvognen er mørk, bortset fra lyset, der filtrerer gennem de tildækkede vinduer. Vi er for mange til at tælle, mast op mod hinanden. Luften er indelukket og bærer lugten af vores rædsel – ingen af os ved, hvad der venter os, når toget standser. Jeg klamrer mig til mors hånd, og Nora griber fars. Efter hvad der føles som en evighed, stopper toget. Vi vælter ud af vognen, solen blænder os efter at have været fængslet i mørke så længe. Der er mennesker overalt, soldater, der adskiller børn fra deres forældre, mænd fra deres koner. Vi står i en slags kø, og en mand i mørkegrøn SS-uniform går forbi og kigger på alle, han passerer. ”Tvillinger, tvillinger,” råber han. Mit hjerte synker. ”Lige her,” siger mor med tøven i stemmen. ”Mine døtre er tvillinger.” Mine øjne bliver store, og Nora skælver. Far beder mor tie stille, men det er for sent. Nazisten får øje på os. ”Tvillinger,” siger han igen og holder en pause for at inspicere Nora og mig. ”Ja, det er I rigtignok, ikke? I to kommer med mig.”

  • af Aase Thomassen
    198,95 kr.

    Bogen er en barsk beretning om 2 familiers dramatiske flugt gennem Nazityskland i krigens sidste måneder.Tre af de børn, som overlevede, fortæller her mange år senere om en barndom i krigens skygge med forældre med ar i krop og sind.

  • af John Holstein
    178,95 kr.

    Den Franske Skole fik 4 fuldtræffere.Den første i kapellet. De 2 næste i midterfløjen, og den sidste i vestfløjen.Da den sidste bombe eksploderede, kun 10-12 meter over mig, var det som verden styrtede sammen om ørerne på mig.Jeg blev levende begravet.Hvor længe jeg lå der i mørket, og havde kalkstøv alle vegne, ved jeg endnu ikke.Men jeg var helt sikker på, at der nok skulle komme en og redde mig ud.Jeg var 4 år.

  • af Iain Johnston-White
    1.592,95 kr.

    This book presents oral histories from the last surviving UK veterans of the Korean War. With the help of the UK National Army Museum and the British Korean Society, this book collects nearly twenty testimonials of UK veterans of the Korean War. Many only teenagers when mobilized, these veterans attempt to put words to the violence and trauma they experienced. They recall the landscape and people of Korea, the political backdrop, and touching moments in unlikely situations. Like other oral histories of war, their stories recount friendship, hardship, the loss of innocence, and the perseverance of humanity in the face of cruelty. The testimonies were taken by academics and students from the University of Roehampton, and supported by the National Army Museum and the British Korean Society. Through their memories we learn a great deal about the conflict in macro and micro scales.

  • af Bogdan Staschinski
    843,95 kr.

    Bogdan Staschinski war ein begabter aber innerlich zerrissener KGB-Agent. Seine Geschichte ist - genauso wie die Geschichte seiner Opfer - zutiefst mit der Geschichte Deutschlands und der Ukraine im Kalten Krieg verbunden. Auf Befehl des KGB-Leiters in Moskau und des Vorsitzenden der Kommunistische Partei der Sowjetunion verübte Staschinski 1957 und 1959 in München Attentate auf die ukrainischen Exilanten Lew Rebet und Stepan Bandera. In seinen Erinnerungen erzählt der westukrainische KGB-Agent, warum er sich dem sowjetischen Geheimdienst anschloss, wie seine Ausbildung in Kiew und Moskau verlief, wie er den nationalistischen Untergrund in der Westukraine ausspionierte und den Attentäter des ukrainisch-sowjetischen Kultschriftstellers Jaroslaw Halan aufgespürte, warum ihn die Attentate in München auf seine Landesgenossen angeblich psychisch belasteten, wie die Liebe zu Inge Pohl seine Einstellung zu der Sowjetunion veränderte und was ihn dazu bewog, dem wohl brutalsten Geheimdienst dieser Zeit den Rücken zu kehren.

  • af Peter C Smith
    168,95 kr.

    Details on planes like the German Stuka, the American Dauntless, the Japanese Aichi D3A1 "Val," the Soviet PE-2, and numerous others. Riveting accounts of aerial combat. Includes maps, diagrams, tables, and photos.

  • af Harry Yeide
    228,95 kr.

    Tanks, amphibian tanks, and amphibian tractors in action in all theaters, from Africa and Europe to the Pacific. How the battalions fought the war, often in the tankers' own words. Crystal-clear maps.

  • af Peter John McCann
    277,95 kr.

    Brutally honest, confronting memoir of a National Serviceman's deployment to Vietnam as an infantry soldier. Captivating, extensive military detail and personal revelations.

  • af DK
    240,95 kr.

    Descubre las batallas, las tácticas militares y los momentos más decisivos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Desde las crecientes tensiones entre las principales potencias europeas y el asesinato del archiduque Francisco Fernando hasta la entrada de Estados Unidos en la guerra y la creación de la Liga de Naciones, este libro de historia profundiza en las causas, las consecuencias y el desarrollo del acontecimiento histórico que definió el siglo XX.En su interior, encontrarás: Descripciones, datos, tablas, líneas temporales y gráficos que te proporcionarán una visión completa y global de las innovaciones logísticas, los acontecimientos clave y las batallas que tuvieron lugar durante el conflicto.Texto veraz, informativo y fácil de leer.Citas célebres de líderes militares, historiadores y políticos famosos.Repleto de mapas y fotografías que inmortalizan los diferentes escenarios de este conflicto bélico.¡Aprende cómo las grandes potencias y los avances tecnológicos y logísticos influyeron en el curso de uno de los conflictos militares más importantes de la historia, también conocido como 'la guerra que acabaría con todas las guerras'!Este libro en español para todas las edades pertenece a la galardonada serie Grandes Ideas, que expone temas complejos de un modo fácil de entender mediante explicaciones claras y alejándose del academicismo tradicional. Su creativo diseño y los gráficos innovadores que acompañan al texto hacen de esta serie una introducción perfecta a una gran diversidad de temas. Discover the key battles, tactics, technologies, and turning points of the First World War - the epic conflict that was supposed to be "the war to end all wars."Combining authoritative, exciting text and bold explanatory graphics, The World War I Book explores the historical background to the war, its causes, key events, and aftermath.Using the original, graphic-led approach of the series, entries profile more than 90 of the key ideas and events during and surrounding the conflict - from the growing tensions between Europe's major powers to the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the German invasion of Belgium, the endless slaughter in the trenches, the American entry into the war, the Russian Revolution, the Armistice, and the creation of the League of Nations.Offering a uniquely compelling, accessible, and immediate history of the war, The World War I Book shows how certain key battles, individual leaders, political and economic forces, and technological advances influenced the course of the conflict.

  • af Mandy Robotham
    78,95 - 208,95 kr.

    Juli, 1940. Blitz-ramte London: Marnie Ferns liv bliver revet fra hinanden, da hendes bedstefar bliver dræbt i et luftangreb. Men da hun opdager, at han har arbejdet undercover som radiooperatør for den hollandske modstandsbevægelse, ved Marnie, at hun skal fuldføre hans mission –uanset hvad det koster. Nazi-besatte Amsterdam: I den anden ende af den trådløse forbindelse er med operatøren Corrie Bakker fanget i et farligt spil katten-efter-musen. Hun forsøger desperat at holde sinekære ude af skudlinjen – også selvom det betyder, at hun må ofre sig selv. Forbundet af de usynlige ledninger mellem deres radioer fører de to kvinder parallelle liv i hver deres by. Men da nazisterne nærmer sigen af dem, er det op til den anden at redde hende.

  • - landeværn og kystmilits
    af Rasmus Wichmann
    328,95 kr.

    Denne bog er din genvej til slægtsforskning i napoleonstiden. Dyk ned i din egen slægtshistorie og bliv klogere på, om dine slægtninge deltog i Napoleonskrigene i begyndelsen af det 19. århundrede.Københavnerne kæmpede mod den svenske belejring i 1658. Tordenskiolds bedrifter i Store Nordiske Krig er blevet til dansk nationalmytologi. Den hurtige overgivelse den 9. april 1940 har gjort det så meget desto vigtigere med modstandshelte som Flammen og Citronen. Hver krig – sine helte.Bortset lige fra Napoleonskrigene … Modstanden mod englænderne i begyndelsen af 1800-tallet bestod af utrænede kystvogtere og landeværnsmænd, der kæmpede en brav kamp for at afvise eller overmande de langt bedre udrustede englændere. Alligevel husker vi dem ikke.Måske fordi Napoleonskrigene ikke havde mange af de store folkehelte, som kunne gå over i populærkulturen. Til gengæld bugner de danske arkiver af ægte menneskeskæbner, helt normale og almindelige mennesker af kød og blod, der kæmpede for Danmark. Det er ikke mytisk stof, det er familiehistorie. Måske endda din egen families.I bogen her fortæller historiker Rasmus Wichmann, hvor og hvordan du skal lede, når du vil finde dine forfædre i mængden af arkivalier fra napoleonstiden. Det er en bog til både nybegynderen og den erfarne slægtsforsker. Wichmann gennemgår fagudtryk, søgemaskiner og arkiver, og kapitel for kapitel går han i dybden med de arkivalier, der findes inden for hver provins, og hvad man kan bruge dem til som slægtsforsker. Med bogen i hånden kan du spare mange timer i arkiverne og hurtigt finde frem til lige netop din slægtning.

  • af Hesketh Vernon Prichard
    115,95 kr.

    Major Hesketh Vernon Prichard, later Hesketh-Prichard DSO MC FRGS FZS was an India-born British explorer, adventurer, writer, big-game hunter, marksman, and cricketer who contributed to sniping practice within the British Army during the First World War. Concerned not only with improving the quality of marksmanship, the measures he introduced to counter the threat of German snipers were credited by a contemporary with saving the lives of over 3,500 Allied soldiers.Hesketh-Prichard eventually gained official support for his campaign, and in August 1915, he was given permission to proceed with formalized sniper training. By November of that year, his reputation was such that he was in high demand from many units. In December, he was ordered, on General Allenby's request, to the Third Army School of Instruction and was made a general staff officer with the rank of captain. On January 1, 1916, he was mentioned in dispatches.His friend George Gray, himself a champion shooter, told him that he had reduced sniping casualties from five a week per battalion to forty-four in three months in sixty battalions; by his reckoning, this meant that Hesketh-Prichard had saved over 3,500 lives. He was promoted to major in November 1916. By this time in the war, his contributions to sniping had been such that the former German superiority in the practice had now been reversed.

  • af Andrew Wallace
    591,95 kr.

    From bunkers and bases to aircraft and ships. There is a lot of interest for the military enthusiast to be found in Scandinavia. This books gives an introduction to the military of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. From Napoleonic battlefields to secret Second World War bases up to modern times. The book present equipment and uniforms, tanks, planes, and ships as well as places to visit from museums to battlefield to former military bases.

  • af Zainab Erfanian
    229,95 kr.

    Embark on a compelling journey with Ehsan Javidi, a nurse with an extraordinary mission. In the aftermath of the liberation of Al-Bukamal in southeast Syria in 2017, Ehsan takes on the formidable task of establishing a hospital to care for the families of ISIS members and sympathizers. This gripping real account unfolds a narrative that traverses tragedy, warmth, sadness, conviction, and humour, all within the context of true servitude to the inerrant household of the Holy Prophet (s), particularly the neighbours of Lady Zainab (sa). Join Ehsan on an emotional and thought-provoking journey that transcends boundaries and explores the profound essence of humanity in challenging circumstances. "All of the sorrows of this hospital are bearable for me, except for the sorrow of seeing children being hurt. A child must be able to live out his or her childhood..."

    405,95 kr.

    This publication is a facsimile reprint of the issued study papers for the British Army battlefield tour of Operation Goodwood of 1947. Used on its own, the book presents a description of the planning of the operation, events before and during the action (from 18 to 21 July 1944) and also the detailed Order of Battle of 8th Corps. Also included are the operation instructions for 8 Corps and 11 Armoured Division. The artillery plan is given in detail together with the air plan and other important items. The maps are reproduced in colour and bound as per the original.Goodwood was launched at a time of high frustration in the higher command of the Allies, and this contributed to the controversy surrounding the operation. The Allied bridgehead in Normandy was not expanding at the pace they wanted; the lodgement was about 20% of the planned size, which led to congestion, and there was some fear of a stalemate. Allied commanders were not able to exploit their potentially decisive advantages in mobility during June and early July 1944. They were looking for a decisive breakthrough of the German defensive front.This British offensive took place between 18 and 20 July 1944 as part of the larger battle for Caen in Normandy, France. The objective of the operation was a limited attack to the south, from the Orne bridgehead, to capture the rest of Caen and the Bourguébus Ridge beyond. While Goodwood failed in its primary aim, it forced the Germans to keep powerful formations opposite the British and Canadians on the eastern flank of the Normandy beachhead and Operation Cobra, the first US Army attack which began on 25 July, caused the weaker German defences opposite to collapse.

  • af Matt Jackson
    308,95 kr.

    ...Ben Het has tanks in the wire!"Hawk Claw is engaging," the pilot reports firing the first TOW missile ever from a helicopter in combat.Fire Base Delta had already been over run and Fire Base Charlie was fighting for its life. How much would fall before the North Vietnamese army was knocking on the doors of the key city of Kontum?This was the third phase of the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive Campaign of 1972. Standing across the country between them and the fall of Saigon was a poorly led South Vietnamese Army, brave South Vietnamese soldiers, and US Advisors. How much ground would be lost before they could stop the flow of men and tanks coming across the borders?This is their story as related to the author by those who were there.Follow Major Steinhauer as he withdraws with the fleeing South Vietnamese soldiers from the long-forgotten battlefields of Ben Het, Dak To and Pleng Klung. Ride with the crews that were the first to engage enemy forces with the aerial TOW weapon system in combat. Comprehend the bravery of the South Vietnamese soldier when properly led, and the defeated cowardice of the South Vietnamese senior officers. Examine how an American civilian was serving in the capacity of a two-star general commanding all the forces opposed to the North Vietnamese invasion in the Kontum region. Serve with the civilian volunteer nurses that remained in the besieged city of Kontum to care for the wounded during the battle.The events are all true, as are most of the characters who are still alive, who retold their tales of what it was like to be under siege for so many days against overwhelming odds.The courage, dedication, and loyalty of US advisors towards their South Vietnamese counterparts as well as the bravery of the South Vietnamese soldiers when properly led will astound you. The determination of Army Aviators to curtail the enemy and save the advisors is nothing short of miraculous.Get your copy of this sixth volume, Battle of Kontum, 1972 in the Undaunted Valor series.

  • af Col. Frank C Foster
    168,95 kr.

    Welcome to Medals of America's military ribbons book covering all six of United States Armed Forces military ribbons. This book covers all military awards since the Civil War and shows each branch ribbon chests from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Cold War, the Liberation of Kuwait, NATO actions, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and the Global War on Terror. All devices and attachments for every U.S. Military branch of service are shown in detail as well as their correct placement on all Ribbons and Medals. The ribbons of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard are displayed in correct order of wear with all of their possible attachments shown below each ribbon. This is the most complete and up to date ribbon wear guide available in the world.

  • af Paul Jeffrey Cook
    798,95 kr.

    This book presents the U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) as an example of successful change by the Army in wartime. It argues that creating the AWG required senior leaders to create a vision differing from the Army's self-conceptualization, change bureaucratic processes to turn the vision into an actual unit, and then place the new unit in the hands of uniquely qualified leaders to build and sustain it. In doing this, it considers the forces influencing change within the Army and argues the two most significant are its self-conceptualization and institutional bureaucracy. The work explores three major subject areas that provide historical context. The first is the Army's institutional history from the early 1950s through 2001. This period begins with the Army seeking to validate its place in America's national security strategy and ends with the Army trying to chart a path into the post-Cold War future. The Army's history is largely one of asymmetric warfare. The work thus examines several campaigns that offered lessons for subsequent wars. Some lessons the Army took to heart, others it ignored. As the AWG was a direct outgrowth of the failures and frustrations the Army experienced in Afghanistan and Iraq, the book examines these campaigns and identifies the specific problems that led senior Army leaders to create the AWG. Finally, the work chronicles the AWG's creation in 2006, growth, and re-assignment from the Army staff to a fully-fledged organization subordinate to the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command in 2011 to its deactivation. This action resulted not from the unit's failure to adapt to a post-insurgency Army focusing on modernization. Rather, it resulted from the Army failing to realize that while the AWG was a product of counterinsurgency, it provided the capability to support the Army during a period of great strategic and institutional uncertainty.

  • af John Berry
    243,95 kr.

    This book contains eleven stories by members of the British South Africa Police who started out as troopers at periods ranging from the earliest days of the Force to immediately after World War Two.They tell stories of times when malaria and blackwater fever were rife and a cure unknown, the young dispatch rider who died while carrying out his duty as a link in the vitally important task of carrying the mails from the brand new territory (later called Southern Rhodesia) to South Africa; of dealing with rebellion in neighbouring Portuguese East Africa; of such mundane tasks as running the postage service at a small rural station; of the 1920s when roads were still few and far between and the horse and the pack mule were important means of transport; of a time when, once he left his station, the trooper was on his own.One story describes how the 'old hands' enjoyed a typical pun crawl in Bulawayo; another tells of the drifts over the Limpopo River before the bridge at Beit Bridge was opened; another trooper tells of his slightly unorthodox hunt for an elephant who was destroying native crops.The famous gold robbery at Filabusi where the chief suspect was a BSAP trooper is recounted.The memoirs of Trooper Seward who rose to be a Lieutenant Colonel commanding Bulawayo District offers an important insight into how Police duties were performed.Last but not least is the story of Trooper Johnston who was a member of the famous 'Alcantara' Draft immediately after World War Two and who was recruited in London by Lt Col Seward.

  • af Brian Smith
    118,95 kr.

    A perspective on basic training in the early 2000's from a soldier.

  • af George Aspley
    123,95 kr.

    Amphibious Assault First Wave on Guam & Okinawa. Another Pacific War memoir about one young man's wartime experience. First Wave on Guam & Okinawa is not written as a novel with characters, it is written more as a military report which also gives it legitimacy as being a good historical research book on the topic.

  • af War Office The General Staff
    498,95 kr.

    An early war 393-page 'Notes' periodical manual from December 1940. It is a detailed review, for use in the field. The manual looks at every aspect of the "Blitzkrieg" German Army (and, to some extent, the Air Force) and gives details as known at the time. It covers the fighting arms and the services behind them - tactics, organisation, weapons and equipment. It usefully also includes a colour section on uniforms and insignia, a black-and-white plate section of small arms, infantry support and anti-tank weapons, artillery and AFVs. A series of pull-outs related to the text covering tanks etc. are also reproduced.This is an important first-class picture of the complex fighting machine that was the German Army at the end of the campaigns of 1940, only six months before the invasion of Russia.

  • af U. S. Military
    113,95 kr.

    This 1941 War Department Technical Manual has six main sections: General Resistance Power Requirements Stability Control Aerodynamic Stress ¿It was designed as a text for the instruction of airship student pilots and as a reference text for the rated pilot in lighter-than-air aircraft operation.

  • af Loretto M Thompson
    398,95 kr.

    An Unexpected Coddiwomple takes you on a journey through a captivating collection of World War II (WWII) letters abundant with humor, intrigue, and romance across the U.S., to the U.K., and back again. Join S/Sgt. Frank G. Thompson and his daughter Loretto on parallel "missions." Frank's mission is to survive the war as a B-17 radio operator gunner and get on with his life; Loretto's is to discover whatever she can about the father she never knew. Frank wrote his family almost daily, which transports you to the everyday life of a WWII soldier from the day he reports to the day he is discharged. Frank's story could belong to any one of the 16 million WWII soldiers who served. Not since The Diary of Anne Frank has a window with such an intimate view of WWII been opened to the world, seen this time through the eyes of a soldier. ---Learn from the pilot himself, "Big Sundin," what happened when they ditched Heavy Date in the North Sea in 1945, saving the lives of the entire crew. Had Big Sundin not executed a "perfect ditching," Loretto and her six siblings would not have been born. Through her father's words, she uncovers truths about her parentage that were buried with him in 1965, solving decades of mysteries that culminate with an invitation to Buckingham Palace. It's a story of family, duty, faith, and a life transformed. It's a story of love.---... By the time Loretto discovered the cache of WWII letters, her father had been dead almost 50 years. She'd accepted she would never know him. That changed when she decided to type his 500+ letters for her siblings. With each letter, she heard her father's voice. With each place she visited, each person she met, the 50 years without him melted away, and the enduring gap that had opened between them when she was four years old gradually began to close...----Coddiwomple (v.): To travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague, as-yet-unknown destination.

  • af Betina Anton
    242,95 kr.

    Read the international sensation already translated into 10 languages!Unearthing the network that hid the "Angel of Death," the infamous Nazi doctor who escaped justice for more than three decades. In 1985, Betina Anton watched Brazilian authorities apprehend her kindergarten teacher for allegedly using false documents to bury in secrecy the remains of Josef Mengele, known worldwide for cruel human experiments and for sending thousands to the Auschwitz gas chambers. Decades later, as an experienced journalist disturbed by the mysteries surrounding the departure of Austrian expat Liselotte Bossert, Anton set out to find her and see if the rumors were true. She could not imagine how deeply into Mengele's life-on-the-run her investigation would take her.Josef Mengele was a fugitive in South America for thirty-four years after World War II, sought by Israeli secret service and Nazi hunters. Hidden for half that time in Brazil, thanks to a small circle of expatriate Europeans, Mengele created his own paradise where he could speak German with new friends, maintain his beliefs, stay one step ahead of the global manhunt, and avoid answering for his crimes. Translated from the Brazilian Tropical Bavaria edition and based on extensive research, including revelatory interviews and never-before-seen letters and photos, Hiding Mengele is a suspenseful narrative not only haunted by the doctor's horrific actions but also by the motivations driving a community to protect an evil man.

  • af Sun Tzu
    123,95 kr.

    This keepsake edition of the world’s oldest military treatise includes a creatively embroidered cover. Dated to about the fifth century BC, The Art of War is considered the oldest treatise on war in the world. Attributed to Sun Tzu of the Zhou dynasty, the book is composed of thirteen chapters, each addressing a particular aspect of warfare, such as planning offenses, military combat, and the employment of spies. Influential in Eastern civilization for millennia and in Western culture since its first translation in the 18th century, the teachings of this book have been applied to scenarios as varied as office politics, the Vietnam War, and American football. This Crafted Classics edition is a keepsake to be treasured, featuring a decorative embroidered cover that gives the book a unique, handcrafted appearance.

  • af Robert Richardson
    388,95 kr.

    A young pilot disappears on a routine mission, resulting in a rescue attempt on a remote and inhospitable island in the South Pacific.

  • af Simon Hornblower
    360,95 kr.

    "The intersecting lives of the great Carthaginian general Hannibal and his Roman adversary Scipio led to one of the most fateful rivalries of antiquity. This absorbing joint biography shows not only how their careers illuminate one another but also how they lived through momentous times which both helped to shape"--

  • af Michael Lee Lanning
    249,95 kr.

    Becoming Eisenhower is the story of a young man who pursued the army for its free education but found his calling as an officer, of an officer who was initially overlooked but motivated by frustration to make himself the army's indispensable man, the story of how General Eisenhower carried these experiences to Supreme Command and the presidency.

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