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  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    187,95 kr.

    Unlock the profound symbolism of Rûmî's Ney (flute) with Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas in "The Story of the Reed." Journey through the transformative stages of a reed, mirroring the maturation of a human being-the perfect man (Insan-i Kâmil). As the Ney is severed from the reed bed, its lament echoes the yearning of the perfect man, encapsulating the soul's journey from the realm of souls to the cage of flesh.Explore the book's chapters, including "The Spiritual Echo of the Perfect Man" and "The Lament of the Reed," offering insights into ascetic discipline, meditation, and Divine love. The table of contents navigates through the essentials of friendship, eternal love in the Mathnawi, prophetic morality, and the profound manners of the Prophet.Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas's foreword sets the tone, addressing the contemporary challenge of materialism. Urging readers to view events through the "windows of the heart," the foreword emphasizes the timeless wisdom of Sufi luminaries like Bahauddin Naqshbend and Jalaladdin Rumi. The author's previous work, "From the Garden of the Mathnawi, Tears of the Heart," garnered praise, showcasing the continued relevance of Sufi solutions in the modern world."The Story of the Reed" becomes a jug of water from the ocean of Rumi, inviting readers to rediscover spiritual truths through stories that make the complexities of spiritual life easily understandable. With a humble acknowledgement of Allah's grace, Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas presents this work as a continuous charity, a window of light for truth-seekers, and a source of solutions for spiritual problems.

  • af Dar Al Arqam
    137,95 kr.

    "The Qaida: Alphabet of the Quran for Children" is a meticulously crafted educational resource designed to introduce young minds to the foundational elements of the Arabic alphabet, specifically tailored for understanding the Quran. Authored with the needs of children in mind, this engaging and interactive guide takes young learners on a journey through the intricacies of the Arabic script, fostering a fundamental connection between the language and the holy Quran."The Qaida" provides a captivating and accessible platform for children to grasp the shapes and sounds of each letter, laying the groundwork for future Quranic studies. The book combines simplicity, making it an invaluable tool for parents, teachers, and educators who seek to instil a love for the Quran in the hearts of the youngest learners.

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    222,95 kr.

    Embark on a spiritual odyssey with Osman Nuri Topbä as he invites you into the enchanting world of "Tears of the Heart." Drawing inspiration from the timeless masterpiece, the Mathnawi by the revered Rumi, Topbä weaves a tapestry of profound insights and mystical wisdom.In "Tears of the Heart," Topbä delves into the ocean of Rumi's verses, unraveling their depth and unveiling the uncountable secrets hidden within. Guided by the teachings of esteemed scholars, the author sheds light on the Sufi doctrine, offering readers a transformative journey into the heart of spirituality.This book, a bouquet of tulips enlivened with the fire of Love, explores the significance of the Mathnawi alongside revered works of history. Topbä shares anecdotes, dream revelations, and personal encounters with the spiritual teachings, creating a bridge between the timeless wisdom of Rumi and the contemporary seeker.As you turn the pages of "Tears of the Heart," immerse yourself in the spiritual legacy left by Rumi, quddisa sirruh, and experience the profound lessons woven into his poetry. Osman Nuri Topbä invites you to join him on a spiritual pilgrimage, where tales become vessels for deep lessons, and the Mathnawi serves as a path of light for those seeking truth and divine secrets.This book is not just a literary exploration; it is an invitation to discover the essence of Rumi's teachings, intertwined with the author's personal encounters with the spiritual realm. May the divine reward gained from reading serve as a spiritual gift to the souls of Prophet Muhammad, his companions, the friends of Allah, and the esteemed Rumi, quddisa sirruh."Tears of the Heart" is more than a book; it is a sacred journey, a quest for the divine, and a celebration of the timeless wisdom that continues to resonate through the ages. Open these pages and allow the tears of the heart to cleanse your soul, leading you to a deeper understanding of love, spirituality, and the eternal truths that unite us all.Table of ContentsPrefaceRumi, Shams and Shab-i ArusAn Urn of WaterFrom the Mirror of the Heart.You May Hurt Layla!.The Guardian of Layla's AbodeThe Lie in the MirrorLove and HatredBeing Blessed with MercyBe a Human, a Human!The Charity of the OppressorFrom Captivity to FreedomThe Wisdom Behind the Existence of the EgoThe Wall of ExistenceAffinity

  • af Mkoma Yi
    177,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Sibel Demir
    175,95 kr.

    Mit Motivation, Spiel und Spaß den Fastenmonat gemeinsam erleben!Der Ramadan ist eine ganz besondere Zeit für die Familie! Mit diesem Mitmachkalender ermöglichst du deinen Kindern, noch tiefer in die einzigartige Welt des heiligen Monats einzutauchen.Dieses Buch für Kinder von 6-10 Jahren, ist gefüllt mit unzähligen Aktivitäten, die jeden Tag zu einem kleinen Abenteuer machen. Von täglichen Koranversen mit kindgerechten Erklärungen bis hin zu kreativen Bastelideen ¿ dieses Buch hat alles, um deine Kinder auf spielerische und lehrreiche Weise an die Traditionen des Ramadan heranzuführen.Besondere Highlights:- Tägliche Sure (Koranverse) mit kindgerechter Erklärung- Alltagsnahe Fragen, die zum Nachdenken anregen- Spannende Rätsel und Quizfragen rund um den Ramadan- Tolle Ausmalbilder, die sich an islamischen Motiven orientieren- Kreative Bastelideen, um Deko oder kleine Geschenke selbstzumachen- Leckere Rezepte für Iftar ¿ perfekt für junge Köche- Ideen für leicht umsetzbare soziale Projekte

  • af Ay¿in Kayahan
    176,95 kr.

    Dieses Mitmachbuch für Teenager ist der ultimative Begleiter für den Ramadan! Es steckt voller unterhaltsamer Aktivitäten, die auf spielerische Weise Wissen und Werte vermitteln ¿ und zugleich richtig viel Spaß machen. Besondere Highlights: - spannendes Hintergrundwissen, Fun Facts und Rätselfragen rund um den Ramadan- Ausmalbilder, Bastelideen und Schreibaufgaben, die die Kreativität fördern- einfache und leckere Rezepte für Iftar, ideal für junge Köche- Inspirationen für kleine soziale Projekte, die das Bewusstsein für Gemeinschaft fördern- tägliche Reflexionsimpulse und kleine Achtsamkeitsübungen

  • af Mkoma Yi
    172,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Laurian Kanzleiter
    1.292,95 kr.

    Das Land Italien wurde in Reiseberichten des langen 19. Jahrhunderts nicht nur als europäischer Süden, sondern auch als ,Orient' wahrgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit evaluiert erstmals in einer Monografie die wichtigsten theoretischen Grundlagen zu dieser ,orientalischen' Lesart Italiens und leistet an den Fallbeispielen Palermo und Apulien eine intensive Quellenanalyse. Dazu werden altbekannte sowie bislang unentdeckte Reiseberichte von Briten, Deutschen und Italienern ausgewertet, und es wird auch ein Ausblick auf muslimische Reisende gegeben. Auf anschauliche Weise werden die Orientalisierungen Italiens - von romantischen Träumereien im Stile von 1001 Nacht über nationalistische Rassismen bis zu historisch fundierten Beobachtungen - analysiert und kritisch eingeordnet. Die Analyse umfasst dabei sowohl die Bereiche Architektur, Ethnographie, Historiographie wie auch Naturbeobachtungen. Die Arbeit versteht sich letztlich insofern als Innovation, als dass sie auf die historischen, rhetorischen, symbolischen und ästhetischen Mehrdeutigkeiten des europäischen Landes Italien hinweisen möchte.

  • af Ruhollah Khomeini
    222,95 kr.

    The book is Dr. Ghulam-Reza Awani and Dr. Muhammad Legenhausen's English rendition of the Persian book "Badeh-e- Ishq" ( The Wine of Love), which is a collection of Imam Khomeini's mystical poetry with the appendage of the eight Ghazal poems in an earlier and smaller collection, Sabu-ye Ishq ( The Jug of Love) as well as Prof. Legenhausen's On the Symbolism of Religious poetry as appendix.

  • af Murtadha Mutahhari
    197,95 kr.

    Murtadha Mutahhari, in this book has studied Imam Ali's personality in regard with the attraction and repulsion. According to the author, the great personality of Imam Ali is broader and more multi-faceted than to be addressed in all aspects.

  • af Muhammad Al-Bukhari
    257,95 kr.

    Nel quarto volume della racconta di tradizioni del Profeta Muhammad redatte dall'Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari troviamo i seguenti titoli:il libro dei lasciti e dei testamenti, il libro dell'impegno strenuo sulla via di Dio, il libro delle storie dei profeti ed il libro delle virtu'.

  • af Abd Ar Rahman Ash Sheha
    217,95 kr.

    This booklet provides an account of the life of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention and send upon him peace). The booklet introduces us to the Prophet's noble character, his humble life, his conduct with his family at home, his conduct with his companions and people outside the home and throughout the society. We learn how he strove to fulfill the momentous task assigned to him by God, and we are then invited to contemplate how he dealt with his enemies and the exceptional compassion he showed to all.We also learn about his simple, but highly effective, methods of advocating his message, based on wisdom and gentle admonition. Moreover, how keen he was to ensure that justice and security should be enjoyed by all people. In short, we come to realize that the Prophet's life was a practical reflection of what God said about him in the Quran, "We have sent you as a manifestation of Our grace to the Universe." (21:107)Table Of ContentsWho is the Messenger?His backgroundPlace of Birth and ChildhoodThe Description of the ProphetManners & Characteristics of the ProphetsSome of the Prophet's Ethical MannersThe Prophet's Manners with Those Around HimStatements of Justice and EquityThe Wives of the ProphetTextual Proofs of His ProphethoodProofs from the Qur'anProofs from the SunnahPrevious ScripturesProofs from the New TestamentIntellectual Proofs

  • af Arsalan Yunus
    92,95 kr.

    This is a comprehensive translation of the book Fada'il Ash-Sham, or The Virtues of Sham, by the great scholar Shaykh Imam Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Abd al-Hadi also famously known as Imam Ibn Abd al-Hadi. This is a short treatise that includes two main sections which discuss Ayat and Ahadith about the virtues of Sham, and Ahadith which mention the rise of Fitnah from the East. In recent years, the people of Sham have been undergoing huge tribulations in which they are being oppressed. Women are being widowed, children are being slaughtered and weak old people are being dragged to the ground. We believe that this is a temporary test on the people of Sham, which will remove the corruption and create more ¿m¿n among them O Allah, save the oppressed among the believers and Muslims in the land of Sham, and in the east and west of the Earth, O Most Merciful grant them relief and a way out from oppression. Amin.

  • af Muhammad Al-Tijani
    187,95 kr.

    Sayyid Al-Tijani takes us on a journey of self-discovery. Born a Tunisian Sunni, Al-Tijani's early experiences were rooted in the Maliki school and the Tijani Sufi order. However, his path would lead him far beyond these familiar shores.

  • af Imam Khomeini
    217,95 kr.

    Based on the lectures of Imam Sayyid Ruhullah Khomeini, this book was first published in 1970, and is perhaps the most influential document written in modern times in support of Islamic government.

  • af Adam Salaam
    157,95 kr.

    Have you ever wondered what sets successful Muslims apart from others? What values do they live by that enable them to achieve their goals and lead fulfilling lives?If you're looking to develop your values, "9 Islamic Values for Success" is the book for you. In this practical guide, author Adam Salaam explores nine key Islamic values that can help Muslims succeed in all aspects of their lives, from personal relationships to professional endeavors. Drawing on the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah, Adam provides valuable insights into how to apply these values in daily life.Whether you're a student, professional, or anyone looking to improve their life, this book will help you develop a strong foundation of Islamic values to guide your actions and decisions. It covers topics ranging from faith, trust, and love for Allah to leadership. Each chapter offers practical tips, exercises, and reflection prompts for integrating these values into your daily routine. This book will empower you with the knowledge and tools to live a successful, fulfilling life guided by the timeless teachings of Islam.

  • af Laurens de Rooij
    1.349,95 kr.

    This book highlights the changing dynamics of Muslim identity and integration in Britain, focusing on the post-9/11 era. Historically, Muslims faced discrimination based on ethnicity rather than religion. However, contemporary discrimination against Muslims is rooted in different reasons, with events like the Rushdie affair significantly impacting multicultural relations. This study analyzes the evolving multicultural landscape in Britain, exploring the shift from predominantly assimilationist policies to a more mutual process of integration. It delves into the emergence of interfaith dialogue as well as the complexities surrounding the intersection of race, religion, gender, and identity. The research examines two key themes: the discursive positioning of Islam beyond integration and terrorism narratives, and the operationalization of identity by Muslims in various contexts. The study employs empirical methods and cultural studies theories to understand how individual and social practices intersect in this context. By doing so, it contributes to Islamic studies, socio-political studies, and cultural studies, shedding light on the discourses that shape and are shaped by Muslim lives in Britain. The analysis encompasses diverse perspectives, from macro-level societal discourses to micro-level individual actions, thus providing a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted experiences of Muslims in Britain.

  • af Joanna Boudreaux
    450,95 kr.

    How do U.S. American Muslim mothers describe and discuss their identities as mothers, wives, and Muslims? How do they conceptualize their relationships with their children, husbands, and other family members? Often, discussions of motherhood within the mainstream Muslim community do not center on actual mothers¿ perspectives. This study, undertaken by a Muslim woman researcher, foregrounds the lived experiences of Muslim mothers to explore their communicative experiences of identity.The findings of this study are based on interviews with nine U.S.-based Muslim women who shared detailed thoughts about what Islamic scripture says about motherhood, the role of culture, the rights and obligations of different family members, and details about their day-to-day lives. Hecht¿s Communication Theory of Identity (CTI) framework ¿ a flexible and useful method for understanding the relationship between ideology, identity, and personal agency ¿ is used to identify core themes. Further, this study explores contradictions, incongruences, an disruptions between how respondents may enact (or perform) "motherhood" and their own personal feelings.Engaging and accessible, this book will be of interest to scholars of communication theory, religious communication, women and gender, and U.S. American Muslim studies, as well as anyone with an interest in the various impacts and influences of overarching intersectional identities.

  • af Faruk Salman
    382,95 kr.

    I AM LEARNING THE FUNDEMANTALS OF FAITHCrafted with love and wisdom, this book is designed to instill a deep love for Islamic faith in the hearts of our children, providing them with a source of peace in this world and a key to the gates of Paradise in the Hereafter.Some of the aspects which we considered while writing this book are:In order to make our children like what they are reading, we began every subject with a story.We presented the verses of the Qur'an and sayings of our beloved Prophet (pbuh), which are the two main sources of our religion, in boxes in order to make them clearly visible and get them easily learned. There are different beauties which are provided by each principle of faith. We tried to explain these beauties under the light of verses from the Qur'an and the sayings of the Prophet (pbuh).When explaining the issues of faith, we aimed to provide you with as many different examples, stories, metaphors, pictures, and drawings as we could so that you could easily comprehend and enjoy what you were reading.We tried to take the exemplary and enlightening memories from the life of the Prophet (pbuh), his companions, and other friends of Allah to the world of your souls.Wherever it was appropriate, we presented the information through charts and tables.Almost in every section, we tried to add a nice poetry, which you may enjoy reading and memorize.We tried to use simple and easily understandable language in explaining the topics. We did not explain the detailed issues which you will learn in your future years. Prayer is an act of worship which is loved by our Lord Almighty and connects us to Him. It is the essence of our worship. It is the sign of our faith. We placed the pictures of your praying friends to the different pages of this book so you may raise your hands and pray with them.We also placed questions at the end of each section so you may check your knowledge.

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    167,95 kr.

    In "The Exemplar beyond Compare," embark on a profound journey exploring the timeless mercy granted by Allah to Prophet Muhammad as an eternal blessing for all beings. From dust and stones to rivers and seas, his mercy extends to the earth, skies, and spans both space and time. For humanity, he is the unfailing means for salvation, guidance, and mercy.Discover the unparalleled stature of the Prophet as the most beloved of Allah, adorned with the exclusive gift of Miraj, the Ascension. The contents of the book are a rich tapestry divided into four parts:**Part One (Pages 13-38):- The Exemplar beyond Compare- Prophet Muhammad Mustafa Uswat'ul-Hasanah / The Quintessential Example****Part Two (Pages 39-98):- The Towering Morals of the Prophet of Allah**- The Prophet of Allah's Beauty of Countenance and Morals- The Humbleness of the Prophet of Allah- The Generosity of the Prophet of Allah- The Piety of the Prophet of Allah- The Prophet of Allah's Life of Abstinence- The Courtesy of the Prophet of Allah- The Manners and Haya of the Prophet of Allah- The Courage of the Prophet of Allah- The Gentleness of the Prophet of Allah- The Mercy and Compassion of the Prophet of Allah- The Lenience of the Prophet of Allah- The Prophet of Allah's Observance of Neighbor's Rights- The Prophet of Allah's Treatment of the Poor- The Prophet of Allah's Treatment of Captives and Servants- The Prophet of Allah's Treatment of Women- The Prophet of Allah's Treatment of Orphans- The Prophet of Allah's Standards in the Treatment of Animals**Part Three (Pages 99-148):- The Heart's Blend in Following the Prophet of Allah- Adhering to the Prophet of Allah with Love*- The Mirror of His Love and Morals: Asr'us-Saadah- Touching Hymns of Prophetic Love- The Companions' Love of the Prophet of Allah- The Fountain of Love after the Companions - Salawat'us-Sharifah**Part Four (Pages 149-Conclusion):- The Greatest Need for the Heart and the Mind: An Exemplary Character*- The Education that Makes Man: Divine Teaching- The Tendencies of Taking Example and Imitation- The Exemplary Characters of Prophets- How Much Do We Love Him?- Using the Heart and the Reason- The Sole Example... The Blessed Prophet- The Greatest of All Miracles- The Blind Vilify the Sun- A Lover Follows the Beloved- Following Him Requires an Education of the Heart- The Prophet of Allah's Value and Us- The Trial of Love and Adab- The Measure of Loving Him- The Mark of Loving Him- The Difficulty of Properly Explaining HimJourney through these pages and emerge with a deep understanding of the Prophet's exemplary character, a beacon guiding hearts and minds towards the path of love, compassion, and unwavering devotion.

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    137,95 kr.

    In the profound exploration of the essence of a meaningful life, Osman Nuri Topbas unveils the fundamental pillars that provide true purpose-taqwa (piety) and sincerity. In "Ikhlas and Taqwa," Topbas skillfully navigates the intricate landscapes of spiritual growth, emphasizing the necessity of curbing earthly desires and fortifying spiritual potential through prayer and benevolent deeds. Beyond religious boundaries, taqwa is presented as an indispensable element in every facet of life, permeating belief, worship, interactions with others, and even every breath taken.To possess taqwa, as elucidated by Topbas, is to be a confidant of Allah Almighty, nurturing a spiritually robust heart capable of deriving lessons from the divine manifestations of power in the universe. The merit of entering paradise through divine grace becomes attainable through this sincerity and piety. The author draws inspiration from the holy Quran, particularly from the verse: "He indeed shall be successful who purifies himself" (Ala, 87:14), encapsulating the essence of a purified inner world and a heart that finds joy in aligning deeds with divine will.The narrative extends gratitude to Allah Almighty for endowing mankind with divine knowledge, sincerity (ikhlas), and taqwa. Praises are bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad II, the beacon of love, the sun of guidance, and the epitome of sincerity and taqwa."Ikhlas and Taqwa" underscores the significance of conscious living, emphasizing that human life is spent either in awareness of Allah Almighty and sincerity towards Him or in a state of ignorance, rendering life devoid of meaning. The book contends that to lead a purposeful life, one must cultivate taqwa, curbing base desires and augmenting spiritual potential through prayer and altruism.The pursuit of sincerity and taqwa, as Topbas asserts, necessitates the purification of the inner world from spiritual ailments, enabling hearts to find joy in actions and prayers aligned with divine will. Attaining unity with Allah in the heart involves adopting divine characteristics such as mercy and forgiveness, seeking divine satisfaction in every action and breath.Topbas acknowledges the arduous spiritual battle required to achieve such elevated standards, drawing on the Quranic imagery of the wonders of creation as a testament to the difficulty of the struggle. The book concludes with a powerful reminder that only those who purify their hearts will find salvation, reinforcing the transformative journey of "Ikhlas and Taqwa" as a guide to spiritual enlightenment and a purposeful life.

  • af Musa Topba¿
    162,95 kr.

    The friends of Allah do not seek publicity or praise from other people; Allah the Almighty Himself praises them and loves them. In elevating their ranks, He even regards those who love the friends of Allah, in reality, love Allah. Among these friends of Allah, is the Sultan of Gnostics, Mahmud Sami Ramazanölu of Adana.Through his deep love of Allah, all his actions were carried out in accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet, the Pride of the Universe. All the virtues of the blessed Prophet's character were united in this man; and so those who read his life story with care and consideration will, inshallah, derive benefit from doing so.Table of ContentsHis Birth.The First Chapter..His Character and Spiritual Qualities...His Obedience and Love For the Prophet.His Abstinence From That Which is Harâm (Unlawful).His Generosity..His Compassion Towards Allah's Creatures..His Modesty..His Suhbats (Sufi Discourses).The Traditions of The Prophet He Would Narrate FrequentlyHis Manners in Offering Sacrifices to Allah.. (Glory Be Unto Him)His Manner of Receiving Guests..His Visits and Servicesto Others.Selfless (Dhâtî) Love..His Visits to DamascusHis Works.The Second Chapter.His Final Days.The Third Chapter.What Those Who Knewhim Said About Him.Nabi Effendi of Avanoz, The Majdhûb.Sayyid Shafiq Arvasi..Muhammad Ahmad Kurdî.Abdul-wahhab Al-salâhî (qs).Sayyid Muhammad Makki (qs).'Ali Yakta (qs).Ahmad A¿a of Ladik (qs).A Child With High Spiritual Qualities.'Ali Haydar of Charshamba (qs).Hajj Nuri Effendi of Safranbolu (qs)Mahir Iz.Hafiz Mustafa of Bay¿nd¿r.Ramadhân Al-bûtî (Sallama-hu Allah).Baha Kitapc¿Muhammed Hajjar..Muhammad Harranî.Rajab Al-tâî (qs)..Sayyid Nasr of Yemen And Hasan Effendi of VanMejzub Jemil Baba.A Memory of Bursa.

  • af Faruk Salman
    362,95 kr.

    This is a beautiful, rich and comprehensive reader-friendly primer for young adults on ritual purity, prayer, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage and sacrifice according to the Maliki School. It is beautiful in its design, alternating its clear topical presentations with multifaceted quizzes that ensure one reads and re-reads the material and colourful narratives that enliven it as well as give it human depth. It is rich because it provides young wayfarers with all the necessary wares for a safe, successful journey from this world to our Maker through the salutary and salvific acts and words that frame our true identity - servanthood. Finally, it is comprehensive in that it covers the gamut of essential issues in Tahara, Salat, Siyam, Zakat and Hajj with the same scrupulously accurate and exhaustive concern of the concise classics of bygone times, all in the most accessible contemporary idiom.Dive into the heartwarming world of "My Beautiful Religion," a beacon of Islamic knowledge tailored for our beloved children. This book unravels the essence of our beautiful religion, Islam, paying tribute to the teachings of our master, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and his esteemed family and Companions.¿ Key Highlights:1. Love as the Essence: Explore the profound love of God, the very essence of our religion. Learn how this love, initially etched in our hearts, shapes our behavior, transforms us into accomplished beings, and deepens our faith through good deeds and acts of worship.2. Faith March Through Generations: Follow the sacred faith march initiated by our Prophet, continuing through generations. Acknowledge the responsibility that our beloved children carry as the future torchbearers of material and moral values, passed down from the heart to heart.3. Engaging Approaches for Learning: - Quranic Verses and Hadiths framed for emphasis. - Purposeful Commands and Prohibitions explored to unveil their wisdom and benefits. - "Question and Answer" method enhances comprehension. - Visual elements, including pictures, tables, and graphs, to captivate young minds. - Sweet evocations of Prophet Muhammad and prayers to enrich the soul.

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    397,95 kr.

    How amazing is the human personality? We imitate the one that we admire. It's an inclination since the Creation. Therefore, the formation of human personality gives a special place to the admiration of those we love. To look like a loved one, to take as example his virtue, his personality and his dignity emerges from divine wisdom.From this point of view, human beings need a wise, elegant and tender heart guide. Here we are, these are the prophets and after them their successors, the scholars and the devout rights, which our Lord has given to humanity as exemplary guides and figures who have for all their lives been pictures of virtue and purity.As a result, they symbolized in their surroundings the imperishable beauty of precious treasures and brought to the world a "civilization of virtues".Here are in summary, the benefits of virtues they have brought to humanity: the peace and freshness of souls, the healing of sick hearts, the comfort of hearts tired and saddened.As Malik bin Dinar said:"The beautiful parables of the pious servant are nothing else than gifts of Paradise."In summary, with regard to examples, each of the parables has been gratified to us with the value of precious pearls.Table of ContentsPART 1 - FAITH AND WORSHIP 1. To Live one's faith with a passion2. Sincerity3. Taqwa (Piety and God-consciousness)4. Tawba and Istigfar5. Obedience to the commands of Allah and His Messenger6. Fastidiousness in worshipa. Supererogatory [optional] worshipb. Praying in Congregationc. Night Worshipd. Prayer and Supplicatione. Humility and deep reverence (khushu)7. To be familiar with the Holy Qur'an8. Zikrullah and Salawat-i Sharifa9. Anxiety and preparation for death and the afterlifePART 2 - ISLAMIC CHARACTER AND THE DISPOSITION OF THE HEART/2011. Lovea. Love for Allah (Muhabbetullah).b. Love for the Messenger of Allahc. Love for our fellow Muslims.d. Love for all creatures2. Fear and hope3. Tazim or reverence..4. Honouring one's trust and Keeping One's Promise.5. Sadaqat (Loyalty and devotion)6. Acceptance of one's condition7. Tawakkul and Submission.8. Ihsan and the state of being alert.9. Tawadhu' (Humility)10. Hilm and Musamaha (gentleness and tolerance).11. To have a good opinion of everything.12. Generosity and Selflessness.13. Kanaat and istigna (Contentedness and being free from want)...14. Abstinence from the world.15. Patience and fortitude.16. Hamd (Praise) and Shukur (Gratitude)17. Shajaa' (Courage).18. Istiqama (Uprightness).19. Appreciativeness and loyalty.20. Chastity and modesty.21. Intelligence (Fatanah) and Discernment (Firasah)22. Purification of the heart and soul

  • af Faruk Salman
    362,95 kr.

    This is a beautiful, rich and comprehensive reader-friendly primer for young adults on ritual purity, prayer, fasting, zakat, pilgrimage and sacrifice according to the Shafii School. It is beautiful in its design, alternating its clear topical presentations with multifaceted quizzes that ensure one reads and re-reads the material and colourful narratives that enliven it as well as give it human depth. It is rich because it provides young wayfarers with all the necessary wares for a safe, successful journey from this world to our Maker through the salutary and salvific acts and words that frame our true identity - servanthood. Finally, it is comprehensive in that it covers the gamut of essential issues in Tahara, Salat, Siyam, Zakat and Hajj with the same scrupulously accurate and exhaustive concern of the concise classics of bygone times, all in the most accessible contemporary idiom.Dive into the heartwarming world of "My Beautiful Religion," a beacon of Islamic knowledge tailored for our beloved children. This book unravels the essence of our beautiful religion, Islam, paying tribute to the teachings of our master, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), and his esteemed family and Companions.¿ Key Highlights:1. Love as the Essence: Explore the profound love of God, the very essence of our religion. Learn how this love, initially etched in our hearts, shapes our behavior, transforms us into accomplished beings, and deepens our faith through good deeds and acts of worship.2. Faith March Through Generations: Follow the sacred faith march initiated by our Prophet, continuing through generations. Acknowledge the responsibility that our beloved children carry as the future torchbearers of material and moral values, passed down from the heart to heart.3. Engaging Approaches for Learning: - Quranic Verses and Hadiths framed for emphasis. - Purposeful Commands and Prohibitions explored to unveil their wisdom and benefits. - "Question and Answer" method enhances comprehension. - Visual elements, including pictures, tables, and graphs, to captivate young minds. - Sweet evocations of Prophet Muhammad and prayers to enrich the soul.

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    167,95 kr.

    The greatest fruit of the blessing of faith is to look at creation with the eyes of the Creator and to approach all creatures with love. This elevates the life of a human being to higher levels and causes him or her to enter a world of forgiveness, mercy and love. One can then spread love and mercy to all creation.Mercy is a fire that is never extinguished in the heart of a Muslim. In this world, it is the distinguishing essence of being human which leads us through the heart to union with our Lord.... A believer is always on the first line of every struggle which bestows peace to the hearts of othersTable of ContentsThe secret in the love of AllahThe Perfect ManStanding firm on the path of AllahBeing with the righteous and the truthfulSincerity towards AllahFear and HopeHeedlessnessThe beautification of deathRizq (sustenance)Light and DarknessExcellence (Ihs¿n) and Vigilance (Mur¿qabah)Mankind's RealitySelflessness (¿th¿r)Islam Gives Life to MankindThe Significance of Manners in TasawwufLove (mahabbah)

  • af M. Ya¿ar Kandem¿R
    162,95 kr.

    Introducing "40 Hadith for Children with Stories," a captivating compilation designed to instil the teachings of Islam in the hearts of young readers. This enlightening book, tailored for children, presents essential hadiths accompanied by engaging stories that convey moral lessons and Islamic values. Each narrative in this collection is crafted to capture the imagination of young minds while fostering a deep understanding of the profound wisdom found in the ahadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).Embark on a journey with your child through tales that weave together important life lessons, promoting virtues such as honesty, kindness, patience, and gratitude. The vivid storytelling, paired with relatable scenarios, brings the timeless wisdom of hadiths to life, making it accessible and enjoyable for children."40 Hadith for Children with Stories" is not just a book; it is a tool to inspire curiosity, nurture a love for learning, and cultivate a strong foundation of Islamic values. The stories within these pages encourage reflection, discussion, and a deeper connection to the principles of Islam.This book serves as an invaluable resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers seeking to impart the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to the young hearts and minds that will shape the future of our Ummah. As your child explores the inspiring narratives within, they will not only learn about the Prophet's exemplary character but also gain insights into the beauty and wisdom of Islam.Make "40 Hadith for Children with Stories" an integral part of your child's reading journey-a treasury of timeless tales that nurture both the mind and the soul.Table of ContentsForewordThe BirdsA ThornThe CoatThe MirrorThe 'Meanie'A GhostA Neighbor in ParadiseTooth MedicineThe WalletThe PoisonThe BeltAngerThe RaceThe GoldThe ThiefThe MorselThe MoneyThe MediatorHide and SeekSpoilsportsThe Cherry TreeThe Brave SonThe KidThe Talented ChildThe Plastic Plate The Fountain-Pen A Liar The Echo Bread The Miser The CarThe Chestnut TreeThe ShoesSmokeSun-Dried BricksThe GuestThe WoodsmanThe Bloody FileThe DogThe Yellow CowSources Of The Ahadith

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    167,95 kr.

    The author, Osman Nuri Topbä currently lives in Istanbul. He has received both a traditional and a modern education. He has written many books covering different aspects of Islam as a religion and as a civilization. One recurring subject in his writing bears on demonstrating the importance of mercy, of love and of care in our social relations as the very fabric of an authentic Islamic way of life. This book, which was written in a climate of love for the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, reflects his mercy, the most distinguished characteristics of the Prophet's way of life and morality. It intends to guide people to kindness and refinement of heart, and thus aims to help them gain happiness in this world and the Hereafter.The information presented in this book has been collected from the most reliable and earliest possible scholarly sources which are thoroughly cited in footnotes. The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad have been chosen only from authentic collections of hadith. For those who desire to obtain further information the Arabic sources have been provided.Table of ContentsThe pride of the universe How He Honored the World.His exemplary life and place among the prophetsThe Prophet as Perceived by the Polytheists The character traits of the prophet of mercyPurity of Soul in the Prophet of Mercy Courtesy, Compassion and Altruism in the Life of the Prophet of Mercy.His Exemplary Conduct with People.The Courtesy of the Prophet of Mercy towards the Needy.The Gradual Education of the People by the ProphetThe Conduct of the Prophet of Mercy with Women.The Conduct of the Prophet of Mercy with Animals.The Conduct of the Prophet of Mercy with Orphans.The Prophet's Advice about the Rights of Neighbors.The Prophet's Conduct with Criminals and Captives of War.His Behavior towards Enemies and non-Muslims.The Forgiveness of the Prophet.The Generosity of the ProphetThe Generosity of the Companions.The Prophet's Sincerity, Honesty and Integrity.The Bashfulness of the Prophet.The Altruism of the Prophet.His Loyalty.

  • af Osman Nuri Topba¿
    222,95 kr.

    In "Islam, Spirit, and Form" by Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas, a profound exploration unfolds, delving into the essence of Islam beyond mere ritualistic practice. In an era where the mechanical repetition of religious customs often overshadows the true spirit of Islam, this book serves as a beacon, aiming to reignite the spiritual radiance inherent in Islamic worship.With a unique blend of historical narratives, tales of prophets and their companions, and the lives of exemplary Sufis, Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas weaves a tapestry that seeks to illuminate the profound connection between the spiritual essence of Islamic practice and its ritual form. Drawing inspiration from the poetry of Rumi, Yunus Emre, and other Sufi luminaries, the author endeavors to infuse passion into the spiritual journey.The book meticulously dissects the Five Pillars of Islam, offering insights into faith, belief in angels, books of Allah, prophets, the Hereafter, and destiny. The author provides an eloquent exploration of prayer (Salat/Namaz), unraveling its prerequisites, its significance in congregation, and its role as a unique refuge in the journey toward spiritual fulfillment.The chapters on Zakat and Infaq (Poor-Due and Spending for Others) not only elucidate the economic philosophy integral to Islam but also exude a captivating beauty in their exploration of the etiquette of spending and the requirements of Zakat.As the narrative unfolds to the pilgrimage to Mecca and the holy month of Ramadan, Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas provides rich insights into the construction of the Ka'aba, the significance of the Lesser Pilgrimage (Umrah), and the profound spiritual journey of fasting during Ramadan."Islam, Spirit, and Form" is not just a book; it is a guide that invites readers to rediscover the profound spiritual dimensions of Islamic practice. Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbas navigates the intersection of faith and ritual, providing a compelling roadmap for those seeking to imbue their religious journey with genuine spiritual essence.

  • af Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri
    187,95 kr.

    Seasons of Wisdom is mostly collated from the closing unscripted talks given by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri at annual conferences held in South Africa.Seasons of Wisdom is mostly collated from the closing unscripted talks given by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri to seal the annual conferences held by the Academy of Self Knowledge in South Africa. It was his love for Qur'an that brought about a situation of regularly sharing commentaries and delights in the eternal Truth that whatever is known and unknown emanates from one Cosmic Source that is not subject to space or time."Every living entity is a combination of a mysterious divine spirit or soul, which provides life and is eternal and boundless in nature, and a physical identity which connects the divine attributes of the soul with all earthly, transient realities and shadows. With intelligence and faith you will realize how these descriptions will provide seeds of prescriptions. If you dwell on either, you realise they are two facets of the same reality. One describes and the other leads to responsibility and drive. From the inert to the dynamic and moving." Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri

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