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Idræt: Træning og coaching

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  • af Clive Palmer
    367,95 kr.

    Welcome to Volume 17 (2023) Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies (JQRSS) comprising papers from first-time authors alongside more experienced writers, all wishing to share their ideas stemming from primary research or through critical discussion articles. A glance down the contents page reveals a range of contributions which may be informative and thought provoking for people at different points on their journey through education and/or research experience. Reviewers' comments have been incorporated at the end of papers with a view to stimulating further discussion about a given topic. I hope readers will gain as much from browsing the experiences of others formulated through these pages as much as I have enjoyed working with the authors and editing this volume.

  • af Annemari Munk Svendsen & Kasper Lasthein Madsen
    227,95 kr.

    Idrætsfaget spiller en central rolle i både folkeskole og gymnasium, fordi bevægelsesmæssige og sanselige oplevelser baner vej for liv, fællesskab og nærvær. Samtidig opnår eleverne kendskab til idrættens betydning for vores sociale, mentale og fysiske sundhed og bliver derigennem kritiske og bevidste brugere af de mange trænings- og sundhedstilbud, der er i vores samfund. Endelig er idræt et vigtigt dannelsesfag, som kvalificerer eleverne gennem kundskaber og viden. Det socialiserer dem, så de kan indgå i og håndtere fællesskabets normer og værdier. Og det bidrager til, at de bliver selvstændige og frie subjekter med ret til at eksistere. Men idrætsfaget har også en række udfordringer. Bl.a. er der problemer med elevernes deltagelse og motivation. I Fagdidaktik i idræt gives bud på en aktuel fagdidaktik med udvalgte greb og tilhørende pejlemærker for en idrætspædagogik, der modsvarer de udfordringer, som idrætsfaget har. Bogens forfattere har valgt at fokusere på, at idrætslæreren skal kunne fremme meningsfulde idrætsoplevelser, integrere teori og praksis, inddrage digitale medier i undervisningen, anvende idrætsdidaktiske modeller, skabe kreativitetsfremmende læringsmiljøer, sikre inkluderende læringsmiljøer og integrere forskellige evalueringsformer i idrætsfaget. Forfatterne er: Annemari Munk Svendsen, ph.d., studieleder ved Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, SDU. Kasper Lasthein Madsen, ph.d., adjunkt ved forskningscenter for pædagogik og dannelse, VIA. Anette Bentholm, ph.d., lektor ved Neuropædagogisk Kompetencecenter, UCN. Andreas Bolding Christensen, lektor på læreruddannelsen, UCL og FIIBL, SDU og Esben Volshøj, lektor på læreruddannelsen og forskningsprogram for krop, idræt og bevægelse, VIA.

  • af Glaister Prince
    317,95 kr.

    A history of how Meadowbrook High a Cinderella co-educational School in Kingston, Jamaica won 7 major trophies in 4 years in the 1980s and soaring beyond all expectations with DISCIPLINE, DETERMINATION and DEDICATION.

  • af Bill Geist
    182,95 kr.

    One coach's completely unauthorized tale of survival, set in the manicured sandlots of suburban New JerseyBill Geist, semi-permanent coach of Curl Up 'N Dye's Fighting Hairdressers, brings us a riotously funny record of an institution and its inmates-the innocent kids, the ruthless coaches, the shameless moms, and the litigious dads. Just when it seems that Little League may be no place for a kid, this all-star line-up of conniving commissioners and mitt-impaired fielders sends the sport off and over the wall.Praise for Little League Confidential "Bill Geist is the funniest writer since Marcel Proust-I mean Mark Twain-no, make that Yogi Berra."-Russell Baker"A lighthearted romp . . . essential reading for seasons to come."-The New York Times Book Review "Very, very, very funny."-Larry King, USA Today

  • af Jin Dao
    173,95 kr.

    Gruppenspiele haben im Sporttraining oder -unterricht zahleiche Funktionen und positive Effekte. Sie machen den Kindern Spaß, sorgen für Beschäftigung und motivieren zu guten sportlichen Leistungen. Darüber hinaus können sie spielerisch Motorik, Koordination, Balance, Kondition, Dynamik, Körperkraft, kognitive Fähigkeiten, Sozialverhalten und emotionale Reife verbessern. Die Spiele, die in diesem Buch vorgestellt werden, sind in Fangspiele, Abwurfspiele, Laufspiele, Ballspiele, Spiele für mehr Selbstbewusstsein, Achtsamkeitsspiele und Raufspiele unterteilt. So kann stets auf ein großes Repertoire zurückgegriffen werden, gleich wie viele Kinder teilnehmen, ob in einer Turnhalle oder im Außenbereich gespielt wird, ob Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung stehen, welcher Zeitansatz vorhanden ist usw. Zusätzlich beinhaltet das Buch eine Sammlung von zahlreichen Positionen aus dem Kinder-Yoga, die jederzeit als Entspannungs- und Gymnastikübungen in das Training oder den Unterricht eingebaut werden können.

  • af Jordon Replogle
    152,95 kr.

    Dive into the strategic world of flag football with Jordon Replogle, a seasoned gridiron veteran with a passion for the game that spans playing fields and coaching sidelines alike. In this comprehensive playbook, Replogle shares his wealth of experience, providing readers with a tactical roadmap to elevate their flag football game."Flag Football 6v6 Playbook" is not just a guide; it's a treasure trove of insider knowledge derived from Replogle's remarkable journey through high school, college, semi-pro, and arena football. As a coach with eight seasons of flag football under his belt, Jordon seamlessly translates his on-field prowess into a resource that caters to players and coaches at all levels.Inside this playbook, readers will find a dynamic array of sample plays that have been battle-tested on the field. From clever offensive formations to strategic defensive setups. The book also features a sample practice outline, allowing coaches to structure their training sessions effectively, maximizing player development and team cohesion.One unique highlight of the playbook is the inclusion of play sheets and wristband plays, providing practical tools for immediate implementation on the field. Replogle's meticulous attention to detail ensures that both novice and experienced players can grasp the intricacies of flag football strategy.Whether you're a player looking to up your game or a coach aiming to refine your team's approach, "Flag Football 6v6 Playbook" by Jordon Replogle is your indispensable guide to mastering the art of flag football. Get ready to take your plays, formations, and overall understanding of the game to the next level with the wisdom of a true football aficionado.

  • af Leonardo Faccio
    162,95 kr.

  • af Ian O'Connor
    212,95 - 274,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERThe definitive biography of college basketball's all-time winningest coach, Mike Krzyzewski.Mike Krzyzewski, known worldwide as ?Coach K,? is a five-time national champion at Duke, the NCAA's all-time leader in victories with nearly 1,200, and the first man to lead Team USA to three Olympic basketball gold medals. Through unprecedented access to Krzyzewski's best friends, closest advisers, fiercest adversaries, and generations of his players and assistants, three-time New York Times bestselling author Ian O'Connor takes you behind the Blue Devil curtain with a penetrating examination of the great but flawed leader as he closes out his iconic career.Krzyzewski built a staggering basketball empire that has endured for more than four decades, placing him among the all-time titans of American sport, and yet there has never been a defining portrait of the coach and his program. Until now. O'Connor uses scores of interviews with those who know Krzyzewski best to deliver previously untold stories about the relationships that define the venerable Coach K, including the one with his volcanic mentor, Bob Knight, that died a premature death. Krzyzewski was always driven by an inner rage fueled by his tough Chicago upbringing, and by the blue-collar Polish-American parents who raised him to fight for a better life. With updated coverage of Coach K's stunning final season, O'Connor shows you sides of the man and his methods that will surprise even the most dedicated Duke fan.?Basketball fans might feel as though they already know Coach K?or Mike Krzyzewski, the decades-long coach of the Duke Blue Devils who's set to retire after this season. In this insightful biography, sportswriter O'Connor captures the formative experiences and inner drive that catapulted the coach to icon status. Even the most die-hard fans will learn something.? ? Washington Post

  • af Christian Dohrn
    195,95 kr.

    Der Markt ist übersättigt mit einer Vielzahl von mehr oder wenigen attraktiven Sauna- und Wellnessanlagen. Der Begriff "Wellness" wird geradezu inflationär benutzt. Es ist an der Zeit und liegt an Ihnen, die Spreu deutlich vom Weizen zu trennen; dieses Buch wird Ihnen die Werkzeuge dafür an die Hand geben.Die Redakteure vieler Zeitschriften und Magazine fühlen sich regelmäßig veranlasst, "Saunaratgeber" zu publizieren. Da staunt mitunter der Laie und der Fachmann wundert sich. Lassen auch Sie sich künftig kein X mehr für ein U vormachen, profitieren vom Insiderwissen eines Ausbilders für Saunameister und bewerten eine Saunaanlage nach harten Fakten. Der Autor ist kritisch, kompetent und unabhängig. Dieses Buch macht Lust auf Sauna! Sie werden es nicht so schnell wieder aus der Hand legen. Mitunter ironisch und auch sarkastisch, aber immer mit einem Augenzwinkern wird Punkt für Punkt die deutsche Saunakultur betrachtet und kommentiert. Für den Saunaneuling mehr als eine praktische Einführung in die Materie und der erfahrene Saunagänger staunt, was er bisher wohl übersehen hat. Der glückliche Heimsauna-Besitzer wird sich über das ausführliche Aufguss-Tutorial freuen, so geht alles ganz einfach von der Hand. Sie erfahren viel über das gesundheitsbewusste "richtige" Saunieren - aber keine Sorge, die Freude an einem entspannenden Saunatag steht im Vordergrund. Erfahren Sie, worauf Sie Ihrer Gesundheit zuliebe achten sollten und wie Sie schnell und effektiv in einer Saunaanlage die Spreu vom Weizen trennen können. Schauen Sie einmal hinter die Kulissen aus dem Blickwinkel eines Insiders und erlangen vielleicht neue Sichtweisen?Dieses Buch gehört einfach in Ihre Saunatasche!

  • af Matt Fitzgerald
    232,95 kr.

    "Drawing on modern psychology, neuroscience, and performance theory, The Other Talent offers a fascinating exploration of the best athletes' winning mindset, revealing how you can tap into your own potential and strengthen your self-discipline for better emotional intelligence and sustainable performance improvements"--

  • af Nick Thompson
    159,95 - 198,95 kr.

  • af Paul Simpson
    192,95 kr.

    The ultimate collection of soccer's greatest lore and legends, by two of the world's most knowledgeable soccer journalistsWho Invented the Bicycle Kick? is a rollicking run through 100 years of global soccer history that will surprise and delight fans old and new. Veteran soccer journalists Paul Simpson and Uli Hesse bring together the sublime feats, legendary personalities, neglected heroes, bizarre twists of fate, and fascinating mysteries that have shaped the world's most popular game, including: Who invented the bicycle kick? Why does a football match last 90 minutes? Who scored the fastest goal ever? Which match produced the largest number of red cards? Why are seven dead cats buried under a stadium in Argentina? Which team was banned from the World Cup after refusing to play in shoes? Who had the most powerful leg in soccer history?Providing answers to more than 100 mysteries, Simpson and Hesse explore the beautiful game as never before, shedding new light on legends such as Pele, Maradona, Messi, Beckham, Ronaldo, and Rooney, and uncovering lost histories of international clubs like Manchester United, Chelsea, Barcelona, Liverpool, Arsenal, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, and more. Challenging conventional wisdom and destroying many urban myths, Who Invented the Bicycle Kick? is a must-read for every soccer lover.Illustrated with 100 archival photos

  • af Peter Richmond
    212,95 kr.

    They were the NFL's ultimate outlaws, black-clad iconoclasts who, with a peculiar mix of machismo and brotherhood, of postgrad degrees and firearms, merrily defied pro football corporatism. The Oakland Raiders of the 1970s were some of the most outrageous, beloved, and violent football teams ever to play the game. In this rollicking biography, Peter Richmond tells the story of Oakland's wrecking crew of psychos, oddballs, and geniuses who won six division titles and a Super Bowl under the brilliant leadership of coach John Madden and owner Al Davis. Richmond goes inside the locker room and onto the field with Ken Stabler, Willie Brown, Fred Biletnikoff, George Atkinson, Phil Villapiano, and the rest of this band of brothers who made the Raiders legendary. Funny, raunchy, and inspiring, Badasses celebrates the '70s Raiders as the last teams to play professional football the way it was meant to be played: down and very, very dirty.

  • af Mike Freeman
    192,95 kr.

    Each year, every football team sets out to play a perfect season. Only one has ever succeeded in beating the odds.The Miami Dolphins of the late 1960s were a laughingstock, a franchise where careers went to die. Then came Coach Don Shula. In just a few short years?through hard work, long practices, and his no-nonsense attitude?Shula transformed the team into a championship franchise. Led by such greats as Larry Csonka, Bob Griese, Nick Buoniconti, Larry Little, Mercury Morris, and Jake Scott, the team was undefeated in the 1972 regular season and went on to win Super Bowl VII. Along the way, the Dolphins became the team of the 1970s, with Miami as a fascinating backdrop.Based on years of research and interviews, Undefeated, by award-winning journalist Mike Freeman, examines what is perhaps the single greatest accomplishment in team sports history: the unforgettable season in which the Dolphins didn't lose a single game. There has never been a football team like those Miami Dolphins, and there may never be again.

  • af John Smoltz
    192,95 kr.

    As a seven-year-old kid pitching a ball against a brick wall, John Smoltz decided to be a professional baseball player when he grew up. And from that simple decision until his last season on the mound in the major leagues, it was his faith, work ethic, and love for the game that propelled him through challenges that would have ruined other athletes.Starting and Closing chronicles the final season in a legendary career that included fourteen years in one of the most dominant rotations in baseball, a Cy Young Award, and a World Series title?all while battling and overcoming "career-ending" injuries. Recounting a season that tested his perseverance and deepened his faith, Smoltz flashes back to watershed moments in the skeptic-defying journey from being one of the best starting pitchers of all time, to closer, to starter again. What emerges is an inspirational story from a man who believed not just in himself but in God's plan for him?and one more year.

  • af Stanley Harris
    252,95 - 445,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Michael Holley
    182,95 kr.

    In War Room, New York Times bestselling author Michael Holley gives readers an unprecedented look behind the scenes at three contending National Football League teams?from the draft room to the locker room to the sidelines?and grants access to the brilliant minds of Bill Belichick and his former protégés, Thomas Dimitroff and Scott Pioli.In 1991, while he was with the Cleveland Browns football organization, Belichick was struck by the Big Idea: how to build the perfect team, one draft pick and one trade at a time. This strategy obsessed him, leading him on a remarkable personal and professional journey filled with miraculous finishes, heartbreaking losses, shattered relationships . . . and ultimately three Super Bowl championships. In Massachusetts, Belichick reunited with two former office employees from the Ohio days?Pioli, a low-paid scouting assistant, and Dimitroff, a groundskeeper and part-time scout?and together they refined and burnished Belichick's method for constructing a winning team. The end result was one of the greatest franchises in modern NFL history: the New England Patriots. Packed with never-before-told anecdotes and insights from team officials, players, coaches, and scouts, War Room is a fascinating, often astonishing story of grit and genius, and the art of building a championship team.

  • af Michael Kane
    267,95 kr.

  • af Michael Lardon
    257,95 kr.

  • af Adam Anderson
    112,95 kr.

    Sports Betting Bible is a revolutionary platform that has redefined the way sports enthusiasts engage with their favorite games. Combining cutting-edge technology with a passion for all things sports, Sports Betting Bible offers a unique and immersive experience for fans worldwide.At the core of Sports Betting Bible's appeal is its user-friendly interface, designed to cater to both seasoned sports aficionados and casual viewers. The platform covers a diverse range of sports, from mainstream favorites like football, basketball, and soccer to niche interests such as extreme sports, eSports, and even emerging sports that are gaining popularity globally.One standout feature of Sports Betting Bible is its real-time updates and live coverage, ensuring that users never miss a moment of the action. Whether it's a buzzer-beater in basketball, a last-minute goal in soccer, or a thrilling finish in a motorsport race, Sports Betting Bible delivers the excitement directly to users' screens. The platform also provides comprehensive statistics, analysis, and expert commentary, enhancing the overall viewing experience and allowing users to delve deeper into the intricacies of their favorite sports.For those who prefer a more interactive experience, Sports Betting Bible goes beyond traditional sports broadcasting. The platform incorporates gamification elements, allowing users to participate in fantasy leagues, prediction games, and challenges. This adds a layer of competitiveness and engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants in the sports community.Another standout aspect of Sports Betting Bible is its commitment to inclusivity. The platform recognizes that sports fandom knows no boundaries, and it celebrates the diversity of athletes, teams, and fans around the world. Users can access content in multiple languages, ensuring that sports enthusiasts from different regions can enjoy a personalized experience in their native tongue.In addition to its focus on mainstream sports, Sports Betting Bible also spotlights inspiring stories and lesser-known sports, giving a platform to athletes who may not receive widespread attention. This commitment to showcasing the breadth and depth of the sports world sets Sports Betting Bible apart as a platform that values the entire spectrum of athletic achievement.Social connectivity is a key component of Sports Betting Bibles vision. Users can engage with fellow fans, share their thoughts, and participate in discussions through the platform's integrated social features. This sense of community fosters a shared passion for sports and creates a space where fans can connect regardless of geographical distances.Sports Betting Bible's dedication to innovation extends to its technological infrastructure. The platform utilizes state-of-the-art streaming technology, ensuring high-quality video and seamless playback across various devices. Whether users are watching on a big screen at home or on the go with their mobile devices, Sports Betting Bible adapts to deliver an optimal viewing experience.In conclusion, Sports Betting Bible is more than just a sports streaming platform; it's a dynamic and inclusive community for sports enthusiasts worldwide. By combining real-time updates, interactive features, inclusivity, and cutting-edge technology, Sports Betting Bible has elevated the sports viewing experience to new heights, catering to the diverse tastes and preferences of fans across the globe.

  • af Vésteinn Hafsteinsson
    227,95 kr.

    In Training for Gold: The Plan that Made Daniel Ståhl an Olympic Champion, Vésteinn Hafsteinsson details the training system he devised and implemented to help Daniel Ståhl win discus gold at the Tokyo Olympic Games. That plan was the result of decades of research and experimentation by Vésteinn, and in this clear, concise explanation he reveals training principles that will benefit coaches and athletes striving to achieve peak performance in any sport.

  • af Manuel Narvaez
    447,95 kr.

    The 'Basketball Coaching Principles' is a book that provides coaches with ideas and concepts about basketball fundamentals. These fundamentals are called 'principles' because they are general guiding principles that do not change regardless of the coaching philosophies or the basketball rules that have changed over time. Following these principles is essential if coaches want to have a functional basketball team and a successful coaching career. The book is divided into three major domain areas: Coaching Principles, Offensive Principles, and Defensive Principles. Each principle is numbered and referenced from these significant areas. Basketball is a combination of art and science, and the mastery of it comes through the constant practice of principles that regulate the excellence and perfection of coaching. This book provides coaches with a series of ideas and concepts to guide their perspective on coaching, laying a foundation for them to reach out for excellence and perfection. Unfortunately, many talented student-athletes are misguided and led down a path toward failure, often never reaching their full potential. The Basketball Coaching Principles offer a unique approach by incorporating Lean Management principles to improve efficiency and Art of War strategies to help develop effective execution strategies. This book aims to inspire coaches to question their methods and become the best possible version of themselves. By teaching life skills and techniques, coaches can help student-athletes succeed both on and off the court. I hope this book serves as a guide to help coaches become the best version of themselves and empower student-athletes to reach their full potential through the life skills and techniques taught.

  • af Lorena Menze
    768,95 kr.

    Partizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen kann zu ihrer Persönlichkeitsentwicklung beitragen, die eine zentrale Aufgabe der Schule ist. Demgegenüber obliegt es ihr aber auch, Selektionsentscheidungen über die Zukunft der Schülerinnen und Schüler zu treffen. Diese Ambivalenz manifestiert sich ganz konkret in Form der Leistungsbeurteilung. Hier sehen sich Lehrkräfte mit der Herausforderung zwischen mitbestimmter Beteiligung der Schülerinnern und Schüler und fremdbestimmter Bewertung ihrer Leistungen konfrontiert.In diesem Buch werden Möglichkeiten und Motive zur Partizipation von Schüler*innen bei der Leistungsbeurteilung aus der Perspektive von Sportlehrkräften dargestellt. Dabei wird ein theoretisches Konstrukt der Partizipation von Schüler*innen umfassend dargelegt, gefolgt von der Betrachtung der Leistungsbeurteilung im (Sport-)Unterricht. Auf Basis von qualitativen Interviews mit Sportlehrkräften werden erstens die Situationstypen Leistungsvereinbarung, -erbringung, -feststellung, -bewertung ermittelt, die wiederum weitere Subkategorien beinhalten. Zweitens werden sechs übergeordnete Motive der Lehrkräfte als handlungsleitend für die Implementation von Partizipation bei verschiedenen Phasen der Leistungsbeurteilung herausgearbeitet. Als zentrales Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung zeigt sich, dass Partizipation bei der Leistungsbeurteilung durchaus umgesetzt wird, hier allerdings die Tragweite des jeweiligen Entscheidungsspielraums variiert und sich dahingehend auch die Motive zwischen einem eher instrumentalisierten und einem rechtebasierten Einsatz von Partizipation unterscheiden.

  • af John DeWitt
    182,95 kr.

  • af Falcon Focus
    92,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿ Vous avez du mal à trouver le cadeau parfait pour votre amateur de football ? Vous êtes curieux de connaître les histoires inédites et les faits remarquables de Messi ? Envie d'une plongée dans la carrière légendaire de Messi ?Plongez dans le monde fascinant de Lionel Messi avec cette collection complète de jeux-questionnaires, d'histoires et de questions triviales conçus pour les fans comme vous. De ses premières années à Rosario, en Argentine, à ses exploits légendaires avec Barcelone et au-delà, ce livre vous emmène dans un voyage passionnant à travers la vie et l'époque du Petit Magicien . - Découvrez des histoires captivantes sur l'enfance de Messi et son ascension vers la célébrité du football.- Explorez les hauts et les bas de son illustre carrière, de ses nombreux records et prix à ses moments les plus emblématiques sur le terrain.- Testez vos connaissances avec une variété de questions triviales stimulantes qui sépareront les vrais aficionados de Messi des autres.- Découvrez le style de jeu de Messi, son programme d'entraînement et son impact sur le beau jeu.Que vous soyez un fan depuis longtemps ou que vous commencez tout juste à apprécier le génie de Lionel Messi, ce livre offre quelque chose pour tout le monde. C'est le compagnon idéal pour votre table basse, un sujet de conversation lors de rencontres ou un cadeau charmant pour tout amateur de football. ¿N'attendez pas ! Défilez vers le haut et lancez-vous dans votre voyage pour devenir un connaisseur de Messi dès aujourd'hui !

  • af Joey David
    212,95 kr.

    The BORA Defensive System is a unique defensive approach that is characterized by constant and never-ending disruption of your opponent's ability to run an offense. BORA stands for a barrage of organized chaos and relentless attacks. Although there are many books that teach pressure defense, this is pressure defense on steroids! This defensive approach puts the offense under relentless stress and makes them play against their will. BORA will improve your team's intensity and communication, allow for more players to contribute and receive quality playing time, and will help neutralize the star player and a team that is better skilled. BORA is exciting for players, coaches, and fans. Many of the defensive skills and drills in this book have never been seen before. Utilizing these actions and concepts will undoubtedly make your team better defensively and help you win more games.

  • af Michael Markens
    287,95 - 387,95 kr.

  • af Michael Markens
    143,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af Chris King
    132,95 kr.

    In this book you'll find 20 soccer games that will ensure your players are engaged and enjoying themselves while still developing their essential soccer skills. Lots of positivity and encouragement is key when coaching kids soccer! And these Christmas soccer drills will help you run a great training session and get the kids coming back again and again. You'll find that you can use any number of players for all the drills in "Kicking It With Santa".You'll be having a jolly old time with soccer games such as:TIC TAC TOE - HO HO HO!DEFEND THE NORTH POLE!SNOWMAN PENALTY SHOOTOUTSANTAS v ELVESGET THE COACH FIT FOR CHRISTMASDO WHAT SANTA DOES!Merry Christmas and happy coaching!

  • af Ricarda Antonie Kleine
    463,95 kr.

    In regelmäßigen Abständen stimmen Delegierte von internationalen Sportverbänden über die Vergabe von sportlichen Großereignissen ab. Mit einer solchen Vergabe treffen Sportverbände keine bloße Standortentscheidung, sondern setzen im Rahmen ihrer Wettkampforganisation mittels Austragungsbedingungen gezielt wirtschaftliche Interessen um. Dank ihrer Veranstalterposition und der daraus resultierenden rechtlichen Gestaltungsmacht können Sportverbände die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen für eine Vergabe festlegen und sich exklusive Vermarktungsrechte sichern. Die bestmögliche Umsetzung der wirtschaftlichen Ziele ist für den veranstaltenden Sportverband ebenso bedeutsam wie die Qualität der angebotenen Leistungen. Dies macht Vergabeentscheidungen besonders anfällig für Korruption.Die Autorin zeigt in dieser Doktorarbeit auf, dass eine Vergabeentscheidung, die sich nicht allein nach Geeignetheit und Qualität der angebotenen Leistungen richtet, den leistungsbezogenen und lauteren Wettbewerb stört und befasst sich mit der Frage:Ist eine von Korruption beeinflusste Stimmabgabe bei einer Vergabeentscheidung über sportliche Großereignisse nach §¿299¿StGB strafbar?

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