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  • af Samuel Oyewole
    1.190,95 kr.

    This book showcases Nigerian and South African experiences on space politics, policy and strategy vis-à-vis their development and security aspirations, while contributing to the broader African and the Global-South perspectives on the subject. Space policy in developing countries such as Nigeria and South Africa is motivated by utilitarian promises that space and the attendant technologies have the potential to advance development and security interests of the affected nations. However, several decades into the orbital journey of these countries, little is known of their space politics, policies, strategies, capacities and capabilities, and realisation of desired objectives. Beyond pure and applied sciences reductionism, this book offers social science perspectives on space studies in Africa, as it examines the intricate relationships of historical, geographical, social, demographic, economic, political, administrative, and strategic factors, nationally, regionally and globally thathave shaped research and development of space science and technologies, and their benefits, in Nigeria and South Africa.

  • af Bozhang Dong
    1.759,95 - 1.771,95 kr.

  • af Cathy Swan
    193,95 kr.

    This study assumes Space Elevators can and must be built. "Space Elevators: The Green Road to Space," completed in April 2021, emphasizes that Space Elevators will not replace rockets but would join them on parallel paths towards the stars. This Dual Space Access Strategy will carry out the missions that are now planned and ensure the future we dream of becomes a reality. Space Elevators are needed to do the "heavy lifting" for movement off planet. Their transformational characteristics will enable so many of humanity's dreams by moving huge mass to far away destinations.Space Elevator Vision: Space Elevators are the Green Road to Space while they enable humanity's most important missions by moving massive tonnage to GEO and beyond. They accomplish this safely, routinely, inexpensively, efficiently, daily and they are environmentally neutral.

  • af Aeriel Leonard
    2.833,95 kr.

    The Magnesium Technology Symposium at the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition is one of the largest yearly gatherings of magnesium specialists in the world. Papers represent all aspects of the field, ranging from primary production to applications and recycling. Moreover, papers explore everything from basic research findings to industrialization. Magnesium Technology 2024 is a definitive reference that covers a broad spectrum of current topics, including novel extraction techniques; primary production; alloys and their production; integrated computational materials engineering; thermodynamics and kinetics; plasticity mechanisms; cast products and processing; wrought products and processing; forming, joining, and machining; corrosion and surface finishing; fatigue and fracture; dynamic response; structural applications; degradation and biomedical applications; emerging applications; additive manufacturing of powders; and recycling, ecological issues, and life cycle analysis.

  • af Nick Kanas
    560,95 - 718,95 kr.

  • af Xingqun Zhan
    1.771,95 kr.

    The book collects selected papers presented at the 7th International Conference on Aerospace System Science and Engineering (ICASSE 2023), organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China on July 6¿7, 2023. It provides a forum for experts in aeronautics and astronautics to share new ideas and findings. ICASSE conference has been organized annually since 2017 and host in Shanghai, Moscow, and Toronto in turn, where the three regional editors of journal Aerospace Systems are located. This book presents high-quality contributions in the subject area of Aerospace System Science and Engineering, including topics such as trans-space vehicle systems design and integration, air vehicle systems, space vehicle systems, near-space vehicle systems, opto-electronic system, aerospace robotics and unmanned system, aerospace robotics and unmanned system, communication, navigation and surveillance, dynamics and control, intelligent sensing and Information fusion, aerodynamics and aircraft design, aerospace propulsion, avionics system, air traffic management, earth observation, deep space exploration, bionic micro-aircraft/spacecraft.

  • af Thomas G Mayerhöfer
    1.617,95 kr.

    Wave Optics in Infrared Spectroscopy starts where conventional books about infrared spectroscopy end. Whereas the latter are based on the Bouguer-Beer-Lambert law, the cornerstones of this book are wave optics and dispersion theory.This gap between both levels of theory is bridged to allow a seamless transition from one to the other. Based on these foundations, the reader is able to choose which level of theory is adequate for the particular problem at hand. Advanced topics like 2D correlation analysis, chemometrics and strong coupling are introduced and viewed from a wave optics perspective. Spectral mixing rules are also considered to better understand spectra of heterogeneous samples. Finally, optical anisotropy is examined to allow a better understanding of spectral features due to orientation and orientational averaging. This discussion is based on a 4 x 4 matrix formalism, which is used not only to simulate and analyze complex materials, but also to understand vibrational circular dichroism from a (semi-) classical point of view.Wave Optics in Infrared Spectroscopy is written as a tool to reunite the fragmented field of infrared spectroscopy. It will appeal to chemists, physicists, and chemical/optical engineers.

  • af Claudia Barile
    560,95 - 718,95 kr.

  • af Vitaly Paimushin
    1.093,95 kr.

    This book is a useful source of knowledge for engineers and scientists in the field of mechanics of deformation and destruction of composite materials.In Chapter 1 three-dimensional equations of elasticity theory composed for the case of finite displacements and deformations of solids have been analyzed. It is found that the generally accepted simplifications known in the literature and carried out for the case of small deformations result in equations that are considered to be absolutely correct and consistent in all scientific and educational literature on mechanics of deformable solid bodies. However, this conclusion is not sufficiently well-founded as confirmed by formulation and solution of problems on the basis of generally accepted equations for determining both the stress-strain state (SSS) and the critical loads and buckling modes. In Chapter 2 the theoretical and experimental methods for determining the mechanical characteristics of fiber-reinforced plastics (FRPs) based on tensile and compression tests of flat specimens with [0]s , [±90]s, and [±45]2s lay-ups are analyzed. For FRPs with [±45]2s lay-ups, relations are derived for determining the components of lamina strains and stresses in the orthotropy axes of FRP monolayer in terms of axial strains and Poisson ratios of specimens measured in experiments. In Chapter 3 the structure of a unidirectional fibre composite of two types ELUR-P carbon fibre based on KhT-118 cold-curing binder and HSE 180 REM prepreg based on hot-curing binder has been studied. The diameters of fibres and fibre bundles (filaments) of both types of composites have been measured. Based on the results of the analysis of the composite material structure, a refined formulation of the linearised problems of a refined statement of linearized problems on flat internal multiscale buckling modes of a rigid lamina with either fibers or a fiber bundle is presented taking into account their interaction with an epoxy matrix. In Chapter 4 for shells of a layered structure based on the Timoshenkös model, taking into account the transverse compression used for each layer, two versions of two-dimensional equations are constructed that describe geometrically nonlinear deformation with arbitrary displacements and small deformations. The formulation of a linear problem on the initial (subcritical) stress-strain state of a test specimen from a unidirectional fibrous composite with the [900]s structure during tension-compression tests with shear is given. A numerical method for solving the formulated problem is developed, which is based on the reduction of the original problem to a system of integro-algebraic equations and the search for their numerical solution by the finite sum method. In Chapter 5 conclusions were done and directions for further research have been identified.

  • af George Barakos
    613,95 kr.

    This textbook is a multi-disciplinary compendium that includes several aspects of rotorcraft technology. It introduces the reader to the aerodynamic aspects of rotary wings and presents experimental techniques for aerodynamics. The chapters also cover rotorcraft engines and rotorcraft steady-state flight performance and stability. It explores several aspects of the tiltrotor configuration and lists challenges in their design, modelling and simulation. The reader will also find an introductory overview of flight control systems for rotorcraft, as well as the conceptual and preliminary design concepts for a conventional helicopter. This textbook contains video recordings of computer simulations that can be used alongside the main text.

  • af Patrick Chassaing
    718,95 - 1.208,95 kr.

  • af Ed Gibson
    293,95 kr.

    Finally, we, as humanity, have severed the chains of gravity that bound us to Earth. At long last, we have emerged from our cradle and embarked on the journey to explore and inhabit the near-infinite universe that surrounds us. This monumental achievement is the culmination of 4.5 billion years of evolution. We have come to realize that we no longer venture into the cosmos as individual humans; instead, we traverse the great expanse as "The Human" - a single, unified race known as the Human Race. Therefore, whenever a human launches from any corner of Earth, they deserve equal recognition and gratitude.Please understand that what you are about to read is not a work of fiction; it is more exhilarating than that. It delves into the realm of what is real and everlasting, something that will continue to captivate our collective aspirations and passions far into the future.Throughout this incredible journey, individuals from all walks of life have stepped forward, competing for the limited seats aboard spacecraft, undergoing rigorous training, and ultimately, venturing into the cosmos. An Astronaut or Cosmonaut, much like any individual on Earth, may carry multiple identities based on nationality, race, gender, ethnic origin, language, beliefs, wealth, body size, type, and capabilities. Yet, irrespective of these attributes, two unwavering requirements persist: the ability to cooperate and an unwavering determination to succeed."SPACE-Ever Further, Ever Faster-Now!" is a captivating account of Humanity's Greatest Adventure, penned by yours truly, an astronaut who played a pivotal role in our early space endeavors. I had the privilege of embarking on a mission with two exceptional crewmates aboard Skylab III, setting world and American records, and I have remained deeply involved in space programs for many years since.In the United States, our foray into space was driven not only by the realization of the monumental leap we were taking but also by the practical necessity of outpacing international competition spurred by the Soviet Sputnik, which passed directly overhead. Our proactive response began with the Mercury and Gemini Projects, culminating in numerous Moon landings, the Skylab mission, the Space Shuttle program, and the International Space Station. Currently, we stand on the threshold of human exploration of Mars and exoplanets beyond our Solar System, ventures that have recently commenced via remote exploration.Our ambitions extend far into the future, but our achievements thus far have been small steps in the grand scheme of things. Indeed, we have dipped our toes into the waters, but as we strive to wade a little deeper, we gaze upward, beholding the endless ocean of space before us - a boundless realm brimming with excitement, opportunities, challenges, and rewards that beckon to us all.The time has come. Let us forge ahead with unwavering determination!

  • af Rabia Javed
    2.443,95 kr.

    This book accumulates the most recent advancements in the field of bioengineering regarding hybrid science named nanobiotechnology and enriches the readers with vast and comprehensive knowledge about different biomedical applications of nanomaterials. It includes drug and gene delivery, tissue engineering, antimicrobial properties, hyperthermia, cancer therapy, bioimaging, biosensing, photoablation therapy, etc., utilizing the potential of different nanomaterials that are helpful for the well-being of diseased individuals. Furthermore, the concerns about multidrug-resistant microorganisms are increasing daily in the healthcare system. Since conventional therapies fail to combat various infectious diseases, novel nanotechnology techniques provide an alternative approach to developing innovative biomaterials. The novel features of nanomaterials need to be exploited for use in the biomedical engineering domain. They should be fabricated so that the novel multifunctional nanomaterials notonly improve drug efficacy but also reduce their side effects. Moreover, a detailed understanding of the nanotoxicological effects of promising biomedical nanomaterials should necessarily be explored using the cell culture approach. Corona of nanomaterials should be investigated in detail to determine its fate in the biological system regarding safety concerns. This is the most important feature that is novel and explored in this book and would be very helpful for customers like clinicians, scientists, engineers, and technicians who will gain extensive knowledge from this book and work together to get the desired results in the healthcare sector.

  • af Thokala Soloman Raju
    383,95 kr.

    This book highlights the dynamical behavior of self-similar waves in graded-index waveguides in (1+1)-dimensions and (2+1)-dimensions. The mechanism to control these optical similaritons by tailoring the tapering profile is presented. Various nonlinear waves like rogons, butterfly-shaped, and dromion-like waves and their controllable behavior are discussed in detail. The phenomenon of unbreakable Parity-Time symmetry of some of these waves has been delineated for different variety of solvable potentials. Compression of these exotic waves has been demonstrated for dispersion decreasing fiber and periodic management of dispersion and nonlinearity parameters. Competing cubic-quintic nonlinearity scenario and its potential implication on the dynamics of these similaritons has been described in detail. Symbiotic self-similar rogue waves have been discussed in (2+1)-dimensional garded-index waveguide. The book also includes numerical simulations that complement these analytical insights.

  • af Longjun Dong
    1.687,95 kr.

    In this book, we proposed velocity-free localization methods for acoustic and microseismic sources. This method does not require predetermination of wave velocity, which is a dynamically adjusted free real-time parameter. These methods solve the problem of large localization error caused by the difference between measured wave velocity and actual wave velocity in the source area and greatly improve the positioning accuracy.They are suitable for complex structures where the wave velocity changes dynamically in time and space, such as mines, bridges, buildings, pavements, loaded mechanical structures, dams, geothermal mining, oil extraction, and other engineering fields. This book includes progress in the development of localization methods, factors affecting the accuracy of source localization, analytical methods without the pre-measured wave velocity, velocity-free numerical methods for localizing acoustic sources, combined optimal velocity-free localization methods, velocity-free source localization considering complex paths of spatial structures, and theories as well as some cases of engineering applications of these methods.

  • af Guanghui Li
    1.318,95 - 1.384,95 kr.

    This book introduces the most inspiring progress in the production of ferronickel from laterite ores, from both theoretical and technological perspectives. Based on a detailed overview of nickel utilization from laterite ores, it provides the advances of four main methods for laterite ore processing, including the solid-sate reduction-magnetic separation process, the rotary kiln reduction-electric arc furnace smelting process, the Krupp-Renn process, and the sintering-blast furnace smelting process. Moreover, for mediating the adverse impacts of the byproducts in ferronickel and subsequent stainless-steel making, it presents pioneering technologies of utilization of ferronickel slag for producing value-added functional materials and recycling of stainless-steel pickling sludge for ferronickel making. This book is expected to offer the audiences a fascinating new insight into ferronickel making and related by-products valorization.

  • af John Edward Akin
    1.564,95 kr.

    This unique compendium approaches the relatively new Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) methods at senior undergraduates level in engineering or applied mathematics. It describes the differences between the well-established Finite Element Analysis (FEA) methods and why they are being replaced, or enhanced, by the latest developments in IGA.The book begins with summaries of the concepts of B-splines, NURBS, and 'knot vectors' which define them as exact representations of the geometry and as powerful analysis functions having higher continuity than the FEA use of Lagrange polynomials.The useful reference text includes Appendices with Matlab scripts for creating B-spline basis functions, topics in computer aided geometric design (CAGD) from which IGA arose, and matrix operations common to IGA and FEA. It also informs FEA users of the enhancements offered by IGA.

  • af Cristian Bulumac
    138,95 kr.

    Are you aware of the pressing issue of space debris and its potential risks to human spaceflight? Whether you're a curious mind, a space enthusiast, or an aspiring space traffic manager, this handbook is an essential companion for the mind journey in the vast expanse of space.The handbook provides a historical overview of our journey beyond the Earth, allowing you to gain insights into the origins of space debris and its consequences. You'll also learn about the vulnerabilities of satellites and the importance of space acronyms like LEO (Low Earth Orbit), MEO (Medium Earth Orbit), and GEO (Geostationary Orbit).As you explore the evolution of space traffic management and the international landscape of space governance, you'll gain clarity on new policies and regulations surrounding space debris. Ultimately, this handbook prompts reflection on our cosmic legacy and the consequences of the Wild West approach to space matters.Don't miss out on the opportunity to understand the intricacies of space sustainability - you don't need to be a rocket scientist to do so!

  • af Jack O'Connor
    238,95 kr.

    Complete Book of Rifles and Shotguns, first published in 1961 contains a lifetime of rifle and shotgun knowledge shared by master sportsman Jack O'Connor (1902-1978). From the cover of the original edition: Complete Book of Rifles and Shotguns is a comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to modern sporting rifles and how to use them, cartridges for small, medium and big game, barrels, stocks, sights, scopes, shooting techniques, where to hit them, modern shotguns and how to use them, double, pump, automatic, shotgun stocks, shells, chokes, care of your shotgun, history of sporting rifles and shotguns, complete glossary, plus Jack O'Connor's Seven Lesson "How to Shoot Course."Jack O'Connor has sighted down the barrels of practically every type of rifle and shotgun since he was nine years old, when he bought a fifth-hand .30/30 and began bringing game out of his native Arizona hills. He has hunted the North American continent from Southern Mexico to the Northern Yukon and has stalked big game in India, Africa and Iran. The Gun Editor of Outdoor Life, from his present base in Idaho he somehow manages to find time to test new equipment, range over the world's hunting grounds, write stories and columns for Outdoor Life and answer 2.000 fan letters a month. He is the author of several books, including Hunting in the Rockies, Hunting in the Southwest, The Rifle Book, The Big-Game Rifle and The Outdoor Life Shooting Book.In the Complete Book of Rifles and Shotguns he brings the gun lover a wealth of information on every kind of rifle and shotgun, past and present-seasoned with an occasional anecdote from his long experience in the field, all presented in the relaxed, informal O'Connor style.

  • af Jorge Peña Queralta
    1.093,95 kr.

    This volume presents the conference proceedings from FinDrones 2023. The book highlights recent drone technology developments by experts and academicians for applications in agriculture, forestry, and other industries. This iteration of FinDrones presents research using autonomous drones in various fields from environmental monitoring to farm robotics and from photogrammetry to search and rescue missions. Emphasis is placed on contextualizing the conference presentations and content to Finland and the unique challenges typical to the region. The work will interest academicians, entrepreneurs, and professionals involved in remote sensing applications of unmanned aerial vehicles and enthusiasts of drone technological developments.

  • - Hvordan magt og politik i rummet vil ændre verden
    af Tim Marshall
    218,95 kr.

    Spionsatellitter i kredsløb om månen.Rummetaller for milliarder af dollars.Mennesker på Mars i vores levetid.Det er ikke science fiction. Det er astropolitik. Et nyt rumkapløb er i gang – og det kan revolutionere livet på Jorden.Rummet er et vildt og lovløst sted. Det er allerede vitalt med hensyn til kommunikation, samfundsøkonomi, militærstrategi og internationale relationer på Jorden. Og det er menneskehedens nyeste arena for udforskning, udnyttelse – og sandsynligvis også erobring. Vi har kurs opad og udad, og vi tager vores magtkampe med os. Kina, USA og Rusland fører an, men andre forsøger også at gøre sig gældende.Tim Marshall er en førende ekspert i geopolitik, og i denne bog viser han os, hvordan vi er kommet dertil, hvor vi er i dag, og hvor vi er på vej hen. Læs om stormagtsrivalisering, teknologi, kommerciel udnyttelse, rumkrig – og hvad det betyder for os hernede på Jorden.

  • af Sanichiro Yoshida
    560,95 - 672,95 kr.

  • af Gerald R. Hintz
    672,95 kr.

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