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  • af Shoshana Zuboff
    228,95 - 337,95 kr.

    Enorm rigdom og magt er i dag koncentreret i nye markeder, hvor overvågning af og forudsigelser om vores adfærd bliver købt og solgt. Shoshana Zuboff betegner fænomenet overvågningskapitalisme og kalder det for en lige så stor omvæltning af den menneskelige tilværelse i dag, som den industrielle revolution var det i det 20. århundrede. Der er tale om en hidtil uset magtkonstellation karakteriseret ved ekstreme koncentrationer af viden uden demokratisk tilsyn – og prisen er vores frihed. Med begrænset modstand fra lovgivning og samfund truer overvågningskapitalismen vores nutid og vil dominere vores fremtid – hvis vi tillader det. Anmeldelser “Læs den – den er fremragende!” ★★★★★★ - Altinget ”Det hidtil mest ambitiøse forsøg på at tegne det store billede og forklare baggrunden for digitaliseringens følger, som vi oplever dem som individer og som samfundsborgere ... En fortsættelse af traditionen fra Adam Smith, Max Weber, Karl Polanyi og – tør man sige det – Karl Marx.” – The Observer ”En tilbundsgående researchet, fængende skrevet fortælling om overvågningskapitalismens opståen og dens skadelige virkninger for vores samfund... – New York Times Book Review ”... alle bør læse denne bog som et digitalt selvforsvar. Med stort klarsyn og moralsk mod demonstrerer Zuboff ikke alene, hvordan vores hjerner støvsuges for data, men også hvordan de ændres undervejs, hurtigt og radikalt.” – Naomi Klein, forfatter til Intet bliver som før og No Logo Om forfatteren Shoshana Zuboff er amerikansk socialpsykolog, filosof og professor emerita på Harvard Business School samt ekspert i den digitale revolution. Hun har udgivet en lang række bøger i spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi, psykologi, filosofi og økonomi, og i 1988 skrev hun The age of the Smart Machine: the Future of Work and Power, som blev et skelsættende hovedværk om computeriseringen af vores arbejde og liv.

  • - Med kommentarer
    af Kristian Korfits Nielsen & Anders Lotterup
    1.662,95 kr.

    Databeskyttelsesforordningen og databeskyttelsesloven med kommentarer beskriver reglerne og praksis vedrørende både forordningen og loven, som samlet set fremadrettet vil udgøre reguleringen af databeskyttelsesretten i Danmark.Lovkommentaren er et praktisk redskab for medarbejdere i den offentlige sektor, private virksomheder, foreninger m.v., som er beskæftiget med aktiviteter, der er omfattet af forordningen og loven, og for advokater, revisorer og andre rådgivere. Bogen indeholder relevant praksis fra Datatilsynet og relevante afgørelser fra bl.a. danske domstole, EU-Domstolen og det nye Europæiske Databeskyttelsesråd.

  • - Technology and the End of the Future
    af James Bridle
    117,95 - 166,95 kr.

    ';New Dark Ageis among the most unsettling and illuminating books I've read about the Internet, which is to say that it is among the most unsettling and illuminating books I've read about contemporary life.'New YorkerAs the world around us increases in technological complexity, our understanding of it diminishes. Underlying this trend is a single idea: the belief that our existence is understandable through computation, and more data is enough to help us build a better world. In reality, we are lost in a sea of information, increasingly divided by fundamentalism, simplistic narratives, conspiracy theories, and post-factual politics. Meanwhile, those in power use our lack of understanding to further their own interests. Despite the apparent accessibility of information, we're living in a new Dark Age. From rogue financial systems to shopping algorithms, from artificial intelligence to state secrecy, we no longer understand how our world is governed or presented to us. The media is filled with unverifiable speculation, much of it generated by anonymous software, while companies dominate their employees through surveillance and the threat of automation. In his brilliant new work, leading artist and writer James Bridle surveys the history of art, technology, and information systems, and reveals the dark clouds that gather over our dreams of the digital sublime.

  • af Bruce Schneier
    253,95 kr.

    A hack is any means of subverting a system's rules in unintended ways. The tax code isn't computer code, but a series of complex formulas. It has vulnerabilities; we call them "loopholes." We call exploits "tax avoidance strategies." And there is an entire industry of "black hat" hackers intent on finding exploitable loopholes in the tax code. We call them accountants and tax attorneys.In A Hacker's Mind, Bruce Schneier takes hacking out of the world of computing and uses it to analyse the systems that underpin our society: from tax laws to financial markets to politics. He reveals an array of powerful actors whose hacks bend our economic, political and legal systems to their advantage, at the expense of everyone else.Once you learn how to notice hacks, you'll start seeing them everywhere-and you'll never look at the world the same way again. Almost all systems have loopholes, and this is by design. Because if you can take advantage of them, the rules no longer apply to you.Unchecked, these hacks threaten to upend our financial markets, weaken our democracy and even affect the way we think. And when artificial intelligence starts thinking like a hacker-at inhuman speed and scale-the results could be catastrophic.But for those who would don the "white hat," we can understand the hacking mindset and rebuild our economic, political and legal systems to counter those who would exploit our society. And we can harness artificial intelligence to improve existing systems, predict and defend against hacks and realise a more equitable world.

  • af Brian C. Muraresku
    197,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER As seen on The Joe Rogan Experience!A groundbreaking dive into the role psychedelics have played in the origins of Western civilization, and a real-life quest for the Holy Grail.The most influential religious historian of the twentieth century, Huston Smith, once referred to it as the "best-kept secret" in history. Did the Ancient Greeks use drugs to find God? And did the earliest Christians inherit the same, secret tradition? A profound knowledge of visionary plants, herbs and fungi passed from one generation to the next, ever since the Stone Age?There is zero archaeological evidence for the original Eucharist - the sacred wine said to guarantee life after death for those who drink the blood of Jesus. The Holy Grail and its miraculous contents have never been found. In the absence of any hard data, whatever happened at the Last Supper remains an article of faith for today's 2.5 billion Christians. In an unprecedented search for real answers, The Immortality Key examines the archaic roots of the ritual that is performed every Sunday for nearly one third of the planet. Religion and science converge to paint a radical picture of Christianity's founding event...and, after centuries of debate, to solve history's greatest puzzle once and for all.Before the birth of Jesus, the Ancient Greeks found salvation in their own sacraments. Sacred beverages were routinely consumed as part of the so-called Ancient Mysteries - elaborate rites that led initiates to the brink of death. The best and brightest from Athens and Rome flocked to the spiritual capital of Eleusis, where a holy beer unleashed heavenly visions for two thousand years. Others drank the holy wine of Dionysus to become one with the god. In the 1970s, renegade scholars claimed this beer and wine - the original sacraments of Western civilization - were spiked with mind-altering drugs. In recent years, vindication for the disgraced theory has been quietly mounting in the laboratory. The constantly advancing fields of archaeobotany and archaeochemistry have hinted at the enduring use of hallucinogenic drinks in antiquity. And with a single dose of psilocybin, the psychopharmacologists at Johns Hopkins and NYU are now turning self-proclaimed atheists into instant believers. But the smoking gun remains elusive.If these sacraments survived for thousands of years in our remote prehistory, from the Stone Age to the Ancient Greeks, did they also survive into the age of Jesus? Was the Eucharist of the earliest Christians, in fact, a psychedelic Eucharist?With an unquenchable thirst for evidence, Brian C. Muraresku takes the reader on his twelve-year global hunt for proof. He tours the ruins of Greece with its government archaeologists. He gains access to the hidden collections of the Louvre Museum to show the continuity from pagan to Christian wine. He unravels the Ancient Greek of the New Testament with a Catholic priest. He spelunks into the catacombs under the streets of Rome to decipher the lost symbols of Christianity's oldest monuments. He breaches the secret archives of the Vatican to unearth manuscripts never before translated into English. And with leads from the archaeological chemists at the University of Pennsylvania and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he unveils the first scientific data for the ritual use of psychedelic drugs in classical antiquity.The Immortality Key reconstructs the suppressed history of women consecrating a forbidden, drugged Eucharist that was later banned by the Church Fathers. Women who were then targeted as witches during the Inquisition, when Europe's sacred pharmacology largely disappeared. Have the scientists of today resurrected this lost technology? Is Christianity capable of returning to its roots?Featuring a Foreword by Graham Hancock, the New York Times bestselling author of America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost Civilization.

  • af Laurent Richard & Sandrine Rigaud
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Mike Meyers
    443,95 kr.

    This bestselling on-the-job reference and test preparation guide has been fully revised for new 2022 exam objectivesThis fully revised and updated resource offers complete coverage of the latest release of CompTIA A+ exams 220-1101 & 220-1102. You'll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations. Designed to help you pass the CompTIA A+ exams with ease, this definitive guide also serves as an essential on-the-job IT reference.Covers all exam topics, including how to:Work with CPUs, RAM, BIOS, motherboards, power supplies, and other personal computer componentsInstall, configure, and maintain hard drivesManage input devices and removable mediaSet up, upgrade, and maintain Microsoft WindowsTroubleshoot and fix computer problemsInstall printers and other peripheralsConfigure and secure mobile devices>Connect to the InternetSet up wired and wireless networksProtect your personal computer and your networkImplement virtualization and cloud-based technologiesOnline content includes:Practice exams for 1101 & 1102 with hundreds of questionsOne hour of video training from Mike MeyersTotalSim simulations of performance-based questionsA collection of Mike Meyers' favorite shareware and freeware PC tools and utilities

  • af Susie Alegre
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Without a moment's pause, we share our most intimate thoughts with trillion-dollar tech companies. Their algorithms categorize us and jump to conclusions about who we are. They even shape our everyday thoughts and actions - from who we date to how we vote. But this is just the latest front in an age-old struggle.Part history and part manifesto, Freedom to Think charts the history and importance of our most basic human right: freedom of thought. From Galileo to Nudge Theory to Alexa, human rights lawyer Susie Alegre explores how the powerful have always sought to get inside our heads, influence how we think and shape what we buy. Providing a bold new framework to understand how our agency is being gradually undermined, Freedom to Think is a ground-breaking and vital charter for taking back our humanity and safeguarding our reason.

  • af Peer Schaumburg-Müller & Line Budtz Pedersen
    897,95 kr.

    Databeskyttelse i arbejdsretten – fra jura til praksis indeholder en samlet fremstilling af databeskyttelsesretten med fokus på arbejdsretten.Bogen indeholder både en analyse af de nye databeskyttelsesretlige regler og en lang række praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan reglerne kan håndteres i praksis – i form af paradigmer, vejledninger og forslag til forretningsgange.Bogen giver en præcis, konkret og brugbar gennemgang af de nye regler, uden at læseren skal kaste sig ud i nærmere studier af et meget kompliceret retsområde.Databeskyttelse i arbejdsretten – fra jura til praksis er et praktisk værktøj, der henvender sig til medarbejdere i virksomheder, arbejdsgiver- og lønmodtagerorganisationer, advokater, revisorer og andre rådgivere, der beskæftiger sig med persondataretten.Om forfatterneLine Budtz Pedersen er advokat og sektionschef i TDC Group. Hun har mange års erfaring med compliance og har i de seneste år indgående beskæftiget sig med inkorporeringen af databeskyttelsesforordningen.Peer Schaumburg-Müller er vicedirektør i TDC Group, ekstern lektor på CBS og adjungeret professor på Aalborg Universitet. Han er forfatter og medforfatter til en lang række bøger bl.a. inden for arbejdsret.

  • af Peter H. Gregory
    443,95 kr.

    Provides 100% coverage of every objective on the 2022 CISM examThis integrated self-study guide enables you to take the 2022 version of the challenging CISM exam with complete confidence. Written by an expert in the field, the book offers exam-focused coverage of information security governance, information risk management, information security program development and management, and information security incident management.CISM Certified Information Security Manager All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition features learning objectives, exam tips, practice questions, and in-depth explanations. All questions closely match those on the live test in tone, format, and content. Special design elements throughout provide real-world insight and call out potentially harmful situations. Beyond fully preparing you for the exam, the book also serves as a valuable on-the-job reference.Features complete coverage of all 2022 CISM exam domainsOnline content includes 300 practice questions in the customizable TotalTester(TM) exam engineWritten by a cybersecurity expert, author, and lecturer

  • af Joseph Steinberg
    374,95 kr.

    Over 700 pages of insight into all things cybersecurityCybersecurity All-in-One For Dummies covers a lot of ground in the world of keeping computer systems safe from those who want to break in. This book offers a one-stop resource on cybersecurity basics, personal security, business security, cloud security, security testing, and security awareness. Filled with content to help with both personal and business cybersecurity needs, this book shows you how to lock down your computers, devices, and systems--and explains why doing so is more important now than ever. Dig in for info on what kind of risks are out there, how to protect a variety of devices, strategies for testing your security, securing cloud data, and steps for creating an awareness program in an organization.* Explore the basics of cybersecurity at home and in business* Learn how to secure your devices, data, and cloud-based assets* Test your security to find holes and vulnerabilities before hackers do* Create a culture of cybersecurity throughout an entire organizationThis For Dummies All-in-One is a stellar reference for business owners and IT support pros who need a guide to making smart security choices. Any tech user with concerns about privacy and protection will also love this comprehensive guide.

  • - PC- og onlinesikkerhed
    af Lars Laursen
    197,95 - 268,95 kr.

    PC- og onlinesikkerhed er i stigende grad blevet vigtigt for pc-brugere over hele verden. Der er en lang række trusler, der kan ramme dig, når du er på Internettet. Du har måske hørt om en række former for skadelige programmer, der under ét kaldes for malware, og som kan ramme den intetanende pc- og smartphonebruger. Der kan være tale om: Virus – programmer, der smitter og inficerer ens egen og andre pc’er på netværket. Trojanske heste – programmer, som har en skadelig ladning af malware med sig. Spyware – programmer, der udspionerer din gøren og laden på pc’en, og som f.eks. sender dine indtastede kreditkortoplysninger videre til en bagmand. Keyloggere – programmer der registrerer alt, hvad du taster på tastaturet, og sender det til en bagmand. Zombier – din pc kan blive overtaget af en bagmand og skjult indlemmet i et netværk (botnet) af andre zombie-computere, som sammen angriber hjemmesider eller sender store mængder spam ud i verden. Adware – programmer, der viser reklamer på din pc og på hjemmesider, og som er meget irriterende. Ransomware – du kan blive afkrævet en løsesum for at slippe din pc fri for malware, der krypterer dine filer, så du ikke kan læse dem igen. Du lærer om: Identitetstyveri – pas på ikke at få stjålet dine personlige oplysninger, som kriminelle så kan misbruge. Fupbutikker – lær at spotte falske netbutikker, som sælger kopivarer under dække af at være ægte eller sælger dine kreditkortoplysninger. Digitalt selvforsvar – hvordan sikrer du din anonymitet på nettet? Lær om browseranonymitet og andre værktøjer såsom TOR-netværket, der øger din grad af anonymitet på både pc og smartphone. Dine børns onlinesikkerhed – Windows stiller en række værktøjer til rådighed for forældres styring af deres børns brug af pc’en. Læs også hvordan du sikrer dine børns smartphones og tablets. Adgangskoder – hvordan gør man dem sikre? Hvor mange skal man have? Lær også om farerne ved uopfordret tilsendte e-mails: At der kan følge malware med i en vedhæftet fil (bilag) i en e-mail. At du har vundet millioner i et lotteri, uden at du har deltaget i det. At en person har arvet en millionsum, men har brug for en udlænding (dig) til at overføre pengene til sig – mod betaling af en procentdel af arven. At blive mellemmand (muldyr) med en bankkonto til at modtage penge og sende dem videre for et udenlandsk firma – mod at beholde nogle få procent af beløbet. At dit NemID er midlertidigt suspenderet – indtil du oplyser dit NemID-log-ind og uploader et billede af dit nøglekort. Læs om farerne for og hvordan du sikrer dit NemID og netbank. At din PayPal-konto er blevet kompromitteret, og at du derfor skal bekræfte dit log-ind. At du skal sende din Verified-by-Visa-SMS-kode videre per SMS til en bagmand. At en person, du har fået kontakt med via en dating-hjemmeside, akut har brug for mange penge. Heldigvis kan man med oplysning og uddannelse og de rette sikkerhedsprogrammer gardere sig mod disse farer og færdes ret sikkert på nettet alligevel. Denne bog med mange illustrationer beskriver disse farer indgående og oplyser om, hvilke faresignaler du skal være agtpågivende overfor. Der er sammenligninger af antivirusprogrammer med firewall, så du kan se hvilke programmer, der er gode lige nu. Hvis du skulle være blevet ramt af malware, er der også beskrevet nogle fremgangsmåder, hvormed du kan fjerne den igen. Desuden lærer du om sikkerhedskopiering, så du ikke behøver at miste dine filer, hvis du rammes af ransomware.

  • af Andrew Taylor
    487,95 kr.

    Get started with Microsoft Intune and explore its many facets, including task automation with Microsoft GraphKey Features:Create and configure your new mobile device management (MDM) environmentBecome an Intune pro by mastering compliance policies, monitoring techniques, reporting practices, and application deployment proceduresLearn how to manage Windows, Android, iOS, and macOS devices using IntunePurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Microsoft Intune is a cloud-managed mobile device management (MDM) tool that empowers you to manage your end-user device estate across various platforms. While it is an excellent platform, the initial setup and configuration can be a daunting process, and mistakes made early on can be more challenging to resolve later. This book addresses these issues by guiding you through the end-to-end configuration of an Intune environment, incorporating best practices and utilizing the latest functionalities.In addition to setting up your environment, you'll delve into the Microsoft Graph platform to understand the underlying mechanisms behind the web GUI. This knowledge will enable you to automate a significant portion of your daily tasks using PowerShell.By the end of this book, you'll have established an Intune environment that supports Windows, Apple iOS, Apple macOS, and Android devices. You'll possess the expertise to add new configurations, policies, and applications, tailoring an environment to your specific requirements. Additionally, you'll have the ability to troubleshoot any issues that may arise and package and deploy your company applications. Overall, this book is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn how to use Microsoft Intune to manage their organization's end-user devices.What You Will Learn:Set up your Intune tenant and associated platform connectionsCreate and deploy device policies to your organization's devicesFind out how to package and deploy your applicationsExplore different ways to monitor and report on your environmentLeverage PowerShell to automate your daily tasksUnderstand the underlying workings of the Microsoft Graph platform and how it interacts with IntuneWho this book is for:This book is for IT professionals, end-user device administrators, and system administrators looking to transition to cloud-managed devices or enhance their current environment.

  • af Shobhit Mehta
    542,95 kr.

    Prepare to pass the ISACA CRISC exam with confidence, gain high-value skills, and propel yourself toward IT risk management masteryKey Features:Gain end-to-end coverage of all the topics assessed in the ISACA CRISC examApply and embed your learning with the help of practice quizzes and self-assessment questionsHave an in-depth guide handy as you progress in your enterprise IT risk management careerPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:For beginners and experienced IT risk professionals alike, acing the ISACA CRISC exam is no mean feat, and the application of this advanced skillset in your daily work poses a challenge. The ISACA Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC®) Certification Guide is a comprehensive guide to CRISC certification and beyond that'll help you to approach these daunting challenges with its step-by-step coverage of all aspects of the exam content and develop a highly sought-after skillset in the process.This book is divided into six sections, with each section equipped with everything you need to get to grips with the domains covered in the exam. There'll be no surprises on exam day - from GRC to ethical risk management, third-party security concerns to the ins and outs of control design, and IDS/IPS to the SDLC, no stone is left unturned in this book's systematic design covering all the topics so that you can sit for the exam with confidence. What's more, there are chapter-end self-assessment questions for you to test all that you've learned, as well as two book-end practice quizzes to really give you a leg up.By the end of this CRISC exam study guide, you'll not just have what it takes to breeze through the certification process, but will also be equipped with an invaluable resource to accompany you on your career path.What You Will Learn:Adopt the ISACA mindset and learn to apply it when attempting the CRISC examGrasp the three lines of defense model and understand risk capacityExplore the threat landscape and figure out vulnerability managementFamiliarize yourself with the concepts of BIA, RPO, RTO, and moreGet to grips with the four stages of risk responseManage third-party security risks and secure your systems with easeUse a full arsenal of InfoSec tools to protect your organizationTest your knowledge with self-assessment questions and practice quizzesWho this book is for:If you are a GRC or a risk management professional with experience in the management of IT audits or in the design, implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of IS controls, or are gearing up to take the CRISC exam, then this CRISC book is for you. Security analysts, penetration testers, SOC analysts, PMs, and other security or management professionals and executives will also benefit from this book.

  • af Jaap-Henk Hoepman
    200,95 kr.

    "This book debunks 10 myths about how hard it really is to design privacy-friendly systems" --

  • af Katharine Jarmul
    523,95 kr.

    Between major privacy regulations like the GDPR and CCPA and expensive and notorious data breaches, there has never been so much pressure to ensure data privacy. Unfortunately, integrating privacy into data systems is still complicated. This essential guide will give you a fundamental understanding of modern privacy building blocks, like differential privacy, federated learning, and encrypted computation. Based on hard-won lessons, this book provides solid advice and best practices for integrating breakthrough privacy-enhancing technologies into production systems. Practical Data Privacy answers important questions such as: What do privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA mean for my data workflows and data science use cases? What does "anonymized data" really mean? How do I actually anonymize data? How does federated learning and analysis work? Homomorphic encryption sounds great, but is it ready for use? How do I compare and choose the best privacy-preserving technologies and methods? Are there open-source libraries that can help? How do I ensure that my data science projects are secure by default and private by design? How do I work with governance and infosec teams to implement internal policies appropriately?

  • af Grit Scholz
    417,95 kr.

    Ich möchte mit diesem Buch eine natürliche, selbstverständliche Sichtweise auf die sonst den Blicken verborgenen weiblichen Genitalien, im Sanskrit "Yoni" genannt, ermöglichen. Das geschieht mit Hilfe von Fotografien, Fotomontagen sowie kreativer, künstlerischer Einbeziehung von Naturbildern und Malerei. Es soll die Schönheit, Vielfältigkeit und Einzigartigkeit der Yoni gezeigt werden. Wir alle können uns dabei erinnern, dass wir fast alle aus dem Inneren unserer Mutter durch dieses - Tor ins Leben - gekommen sind. Die Großartigkeit der Schöpfung und die Achtung vor dem Wunder LEBEN sind der Hintergrund dieses Buches, welches als Aufklärendes Anschauungsmaterial dienen möchte.

  • af Hanne Marie Motzfeldt
    627,95 kr.

    I 2016 blev EU's efterhånden så berømte databeskyttelsesforordning vedtaget. I 2018 fik forordningen virkning i dansk ret, og den regulerer i dag store dele af det digitale samfunds databehandling, suppleret af databeskyttelsesloven.Forordningens vagt og upræcist formulerede regler er i dag præciseret i en række retningslinjer, vejledninger, udtalelser og afgørelser fra Det Europæiske Databeskyttelsesråd og Datatilsynet, ligesom en række domme er afsagt siden 2018. Grundlæggende databeskyttelsesret gennemgår de væsentligste dele af den almindelige databeskyttelsesret under inddragelse af dette, nyere materiale.Gennemgangen er struktureret efter en række temaer: · Databeskyttelsesrettens nyere historik, formål og sigte · Databeskyttelsesrettens retskilder · Databeskyttelsesforordningens og –lovens anvendelsesområder · Databeskyttelsesrettens reguleringsmodel og aktører · De grundlæggende behandlingsprincipper · Kravene om behandlingsgrundlag og hjemmel · De registreredes rettigheder · De databeskyttelsesretlige ansvarlighedsregler · Reglerne om overførsler til tredjelande og internationale organisationer · Tilsyn, håndhævelse og sanktioner Bogen er blevet til på baggrund af et ønske om en opdatering af lærebogsmaterialet i databeskyttelsesret på Juridisk Fakultet, Københavns Universitet. Den er skrevet af lektor, ph.d. Hanne Marie Motzfeldt, der har undervist i faget siden 2019.

  • af Burcu Ayse Balci
    170,95 kr.

    Dette kompendium indeholder en overskuelig sammenfatning af Peter Blumes bog Databeskyttelsesret. Kompendiet behandler de eksakt samme emner som lærebogen, men inddrager og perspektiverer samtidig til den nye persondataforordning, som fremover vil danne grundlag for den danske persondataret samt for undervisningen i persondataret på Københavns Universitet og Copenhagen Business School. Kompendiet har primært fokus på det juridiske aspekt af persondataretten, som er det, den studerende vil blive eksamineret i, og fokuserer mindre på det retspolitiske aspekt, og den studerende vil således have let ved at følge op på lektien til dagens undervisning og samtidig være godt forberedt til eksamen. For virksomheder, der skal sørge for compliance med forordningen, kan kompendiet bruges som en håndbog til at skabe overblik over, hvilke krav der nu skal opfyldes, og hvilke krav der er blevet skærpet i forhold til tidligere, for at undgå de nye sanktioner, der følger med forordningen. Slutteligt kan kompendiet bruges af alle, der ønsker at kende til deres allerede eksisterende rettigheder, men også til de nye, spændende rettigheder, som følger med forordningen.

  • af Veena Grover
    460,95 kr.

    Examine the synergistic possibilities of combining blockchain, IoT, and AI technologies in supply chain management. This book will address the difficulties and possibilities of integrating these technologies and offer helpful implementation advice.The current state of supply chain management involves several challenges, including lack of transparency, limited visibility into product movements, inefficient inventory management, and difficulty in tracking and tracing products. Blockchain, IoT, and AI can potentially address some of these challenges and improve supply chain management.To help illustrate this, case studies and actual instances of businesses implementing or experimenting with blockchain, IoT, and AI technology in their supply chains are included in the book. You'll review helpful advice on implementation and highlight successful deployments, lessons learned, and the impact of these technologies on supply chain visibility, agility, sustainability, and customerexperience. This book further elaborates the fundamental concepts of AI and ML algorithms and demonstrates how AI can process enormous volumes of supply chain data to produce actionable insights, improve inventory control, forecast demand, and increase forecasting precision.This collective work will serve as a comprehensive guide for supply chain professionals, researchers, and technology enthusiasts interested in understanding the potential of blockchain, IoT, and AI technologies in revolutionizing supply chain management practices.

  • af Shui Yu
    1.391,95 kr.

    In this book, the authors highlight the latest research findings on the security and privacy of federated learning systems. The main attacks and counterattacks in this booming field are presented to readers in connection with inference, poisoning, generative adversarial networks, differential privacy, secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, and shuffle, respectively. The book offers an essential overview for researchers who are new to the field, while also equipping them to explore this ¿uncharted territory.¿ For each topic, the authors first present the key concepts, followed by the most important issues and solutions, with appropriate references for further reading. The book is self-contained, and all chapters can be read independently. It offers a valuable resource for master¿s students, upper undergraduates, Ph.D. students, and practicing engineers alike.

  • af Siddhartha Bhattacharyya
    1.391,95 - 1.782,95 kr.

  • af David Bellos
    145,95 kr.

    Copyright is everywhere. Your smartphone incorporates thousands of items of intellectual property. Someone owns the reproduction rights to photographs of your dining table. At this very moment, battles are raging over copyright in the output of artificial intelligence programs. Not only books but wallpaper, computer programs and cuddly toys are now deemed to be intellectual properties - making copyright a labyrinthine construction of laws covering almost all products of human creativity.Copyright has its roots in eighteenth-century London, where it was first established to limit printers' control of books. Principled arguments against copyright arose from the start and nearly abolished it in the nineteenth century. But a handful of little-noticed changes in the late twentieth century concentrated ownership of immaterial goods into very few hands.Who Owns This Sentence? is an often-humorous and always-enlightening cultural, legal, and global history of the idea that intangible things can be owned, and makes a persuasive case for seeing copyright as an engine of inequality in the twenty-first century.

  • af Black Hat Kathy
    294,95 kr.

    Secure Coding Practices: Fortifying Applications Against Cyber Threats is a comprehensive guide that explores the importance of secure coding, the fundamentals of cyber threats, common vulnerabilities, best practices in code development, authentication and authorization techniques, code review and testing, security in the software development life cycle, case studies, future trends in secure coding, and more. This book is essential for developers, IT professionals, and anyone interested in safeguarding their applications against cyber threats.

  • af Edward Franklin
    894,95 kr.

    Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin: A deep dive into the emerging technologies and innovations powered by blockchain, such as smart contracts, decentralized applications, digital identity, supply chain, voting, and more. Learn how blockchain works, why it matters, and how to use it for various purposes and industries.

  • af Alexander Wells
    165,95 kr.

    Dive into the exciting world of cryptocurrency investment with "Crypto Wealth Navigation: Cryptocurrency Investment Fundamentals". In this comprehensive guide, readers are taken on a journey through the digital age of wealth-building, exploring the intricacies of investing in cryptocurrencies and navigating the volatile yet lucrative landscape with confidence.Written for both beginners and seasoned investors, this book demystifies the complexities of cryptocurrency investment, offering clear explanations of fundamental concepts and practical strategies to build wealth in the ever-evolving crypto market. From understanding blockchain technology to mastering the art of portfolio diversification, readers will gain valuable insights into harnessing the power of cryptocurrencies to secure their financial future.Through insightful analysis and real-world examples, "Crypto Wealth Navigation" equips readers with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed investment decisions and mitigate risks in an increasingly digital economy. Whether you're looking to capitalize on the potential of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or emerging altcoins, this book provides a roadmap for success in navigating the dynamic world of cryptocurrency investment.With a focus on long-term wealth accumulation and financial independence, "Crypto Wealth Navigation" empowers readers to take control of their financial destiny and thrive in the digital age. Whether you're a newcomer to the crypto space or a seasoned investor seeking to refine your strategies, this book is your definitive guide to building wealth in the exciting and transformative world of cryptocurrency.

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