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  • - Med den naturmedicinske faglige sygdomsforståelse og CEASE Therapy
    af Lone Lützen
    248,95 kr.

    Er det rigtigt for mig at lade mit barn følge det anbefalede børnevaccinationsprogram, som er frivilligt? Det var en problematik, jeg som mor måtte træffe et valg omkring. Var valget forkert, da min søn blev syg dagen efter en DiTePol vaccine? Undskyld, jeg lod dig vaccinere, min søn. Vaccinationsproblematikken er stadig aktuel. Denne bog giver med den naturmedicinske faglighed en mere nuanceret viden til at træffe beslutningen om vaccination på. Bogen belyser gennem teori og praktisk erfaring, at vacciner kan forårsage bivirkninger, være medvirkende til udviklingen af kroniske sygdomme og diagnoser som autisme og ADHD. Bogen har en beskrivelse af behandlingsformen CEASE Therapy, der er udviklet specielt til udrensning for bivirkninger efter vacciner. Der beskrives måder at styrke børnenes indre livskræfter på og lade dem følge deres indre kreative vej. ”Lone showed the video of what homeopathy and especially the CEASE Therapy did for her ADHD son, sort of a miracle. If we were only allowed to help all those suffering children, desperate parents and teachers out there!” Anne Vervarcke

  • af Adele Light
    313,95 - 458,95 kr.

  • af Esperanza Granados-Bezi
    298,95 - 358,95 kr.

  • af Fred Martin
    213,95 kr.

    In the following pages, we delve deep into the heart of burnout, dissecting its causes, symptoms, and far-reaching consequences. Drawing from the latest psychological research and real-world experiences, we unravel the intricate web of factors that contribute to burnout, such as excessive workload, lack of autonomy, and the erosion of work-life boundaries. Through a tapestry of relatable anecdotes and expert insights, readers will come to recognize the warning signs of burnout within themselves and their colleagues, fostering a sense of camaraderie and understanding. You will discover:How to overcome burnout without having to leave your jobSurefire ways to banish burnout from your system... and prevent it from ever coming backFoods that can help you say goodbye to stress... plus those you should avoid at all costsThe secret antidote to burnout that is so effective even prince harry swears by it!The three pillars of health and their role in stopping burnout in its tracksJob burnout is an issue that many people in the modern day workplace will face. It can cause a lot of issues with getting work done or when trying to be as efficient as possible in the work place, and while it is possible to avoid it, most businesses have begun to run their employees into the ground in order to meet high demands and make more profits, which in turn makes burnout more prevalent. Gone are the days of people working one job 9 to 5 and then getting to spend nights, weekends, holidays, and vacations off with their families without the hassles of worrying about work. Now it is common to always be on call, to come in early and to leave late, work extra hours, and bring work home.

  • af Hector B. Jacobs
    193,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Pink Ribbon: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Overcoming Breast Cancer"This insightful and compassionate guide offers a comprehensive exploration of breast cancer, providing readers with a deep understanding of the condition and empowering them with the knowledge needed to navigate its complexities. Written by leading experts in the field, this book combines medical expertise with personal stories to create a holistic resource for patients, caregivers, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of breast cancer.Inside, you'll discover:Medical Insights: A clear and accessible explanation of breast cancer, including its types, stages, and treatment options. The book demystifies medical terminology, making it accessible to readers with varying levels of medical knowledge.Treatment Strategies: An in-depth examination of current treatment approaches, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. It provides valuable information for making informed decisions about treatment plans.Support and Coping Mechanisms: Practical advice and strategies for dealing with the emotional and psychological impact of a breast cancer diagnosis. The book addresses topics such as self-care, mental health, and building a strong support system.Lifestyle and Wellness: Guidance on maintaining a healthy lifestyle during and after treatment, including nutrition, exercise, and complementary therapies. It emphasizes the importance of overall well-being in the healing process.Personal Narratives: Interspersed throughout the book are personal stories from breast cancer survivors and thrivers. These stories offer inspiration, hope, and a sense of camaraderie for readers on their journeys.Advocacy and Resources: Information on advocacy organizations, support groups, and resources dedicated to breast cancer awareness, research, and support. It empowers readers to become advocates for themselves and their communities."Beyond the Pink Ribbon" is an indispensable guide for anyone affected by breast cancer, providing not only valuable information but also a sense of community and empowerment. It is a book that strives to go beyond the medical facts, recognizing the multidimensional aspects of the breast cancer experience, and ultimately aims to uplift and support those facing this diagnosis.

  • af Roan Morrison
    168,95 kr.

    This book is about lifestyle changes and the required adjustments for men over 30. It contains information and recommendations to help men over 30 to achieve their full potential.

  • af Christine Thompson-Wells
    263,95 kr.

    Grandma's Personal Training, the Journal, allows a person to follow the suggested exercises in Grandma's Personal Training. The personal notes in the Journal helps and supports the person in developing a regular exercise health routine.

  • af Christine Thompson-Wells
    373,95 kr.

    It wasn't until I experienced an accident on the ski slopes in Australia, and had a severe neck injury, did I realise how important it was to keep myself physically fit. At the time of the accident, I didn't know the extent of the injury I had done to myself! A couple of days after the accident, my neck muscles went into spasm, and it was extremely painful to move my head in any direction. I went to a chiropractor, and there, through neck manipulation, the neck muscles were released, and movement returned to my head!After living in the United Kingdom for several years, we came back to Australia in late 2010. On a visit to the doctor, he thought it would be a goodidea for me to have a full bone scan. The shock of the scan image left me speechless. I had indeed, fractured my neck at the time of the accident onthe ski slopes! Recently, I had to go to our local hospital where I had an interview with a doctor for another medical issue. We ended up speaking about the fracturedneck I had experienced and said of the way my neck muscles had worked to keep my head straight while the spine repaired itself. It was nothing morethan a miracle, that my body had the intelligence to take over my wellbeing, that I am as able in my physical health today as I am. This experience is part of my inspiration for working with my personal trainer as I have done, that I pass on this information and experience to you.Christine

  • af Christine Thompson-Wells
    368,95 kr.

    When using the book, Grandma's Personal Trainer, and recording your progress in the Diary or Journal, or using both, it gives you a sense of empowerment. You are no longer leaving your health to chance, you are in control of how you feel, the activities you do and the choices you make. Such a discipline adds to quality of life, wellbeing, personal growth and satisfaction.Christine

  • af Jacinta Dumas
    228,95 kr.

    Trust Your Gut is an inspiring story about a mother and son navigating the road of behavioural issues, ADHD and autism. After missing the early intervention cut off, they are learning to navigate the emotions and trials that life is throwing at the family. Trust Your Gut shares the rollercoaster of emotions that the family face while trying to help their son. This is a book about learning to cope on a daily basis when the abnormal turns to normal, all while enjoying a good laugh. When the family have to think outside the box, you can see how the disastrous can be dealt with by humour. If you don't laugh, you'll cry!Trust Your Gut is a learning guide for parents, reminding them that they are not alone! There are so many families that are going through the same process and trials of children and their behaviour in today's society. Remember, there is no normal, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

  • af &923, &917, 913, mfl.
    428,95 kr.

    Τι είναι το Detox;Η αποτοξίνωση είναι ουσιαστικά ο καθαρισμός των εντέρων καθώς και των εσωτερικών οργάνων με αλλαγή διατροφής.Το σώμα μας αποτοξινώνεται με φυσικό τρόπο κάθε μέρα. Το σώμα έχει το δικό του σύστημα καθαρισμού που λειτουργεί συνεχώς-με ούρα, κόπρανα, ιδρώτα και με την αναπνοή μας, αποτοξινώνουμε συνεχώς.Λαμβάνουμε τοξίνες από τη ρύπανση, τις χημικές ουσίες και τα πρόσθετα τροφίμων, αλλά και από τα φάρμακα και τον καπνό. Αλλά η χειρότερη ρύπανση προκαλείται από τον εαυτό μας με την κατανάλωση πρόχειρου φαγητού ή συνδυασμούς τροφίμων που δεν μας κάνουν καλό. Η τροφή παραμένει άπεπτη στο έντερο, γεγονός που προκαλεί σήψη, επιτρέποντας στις τοξίνες να εξαπλωθούν στην κυκλοφορία του αίματος μέσω του εντερικού τοιχώματος. Επιβαρύνει τα νεφρά και το συκώτι, δουλειά των οποίων είναι να μας αποτοξινώνουν και να καθαρίζουν αυτές τις ουσίες.Όταν τα έντερα και τα εσωτερικά όργανα συμφορούνται, εμφανίζονται διάφορες ανισορροπίες στο σώμα και μπορεί να αισθάνεστε εξαντλημένοι, κουρασμένοι, να έχετε πόνους στις αρθρώσεις και να υποφέρετε από αϋπνία. Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις, οι διατροφοθεραπευτές συνιστούν να κάνετε πρώτα μια αποτοξίνωση πριν προσδιορίσετε μια διάγνωση, απλώς για να είναι πιο εύκολο να δείτε ποιο είναι το πραγματικό πρόβλημα.

  • af Joanna Ziobronowicz
    153,95 kr.

    This empowering guide to psychological, linguistic and (as a last resort) physical self-defence will help women reclaim their safety, strength and self-confidence.An empowering call for women to nurture their inner warrior spirit.Women are taught from childhood to be “good” — often at the expense of the assertive and confident behaviours that will help keep them safe. Defence expert and Jiu-Jitsu world champion Joanna Ziobronowicz shows us how to combat these people-pleasing tendencies, spot red flags earlier and cultivate innate mental and physical strengths which can prevent or de-escalate violence. Discover:Tips on breaking free from “good girl” conditioningHow to trust your intuition, spot warning signs and develop awarenessAdvice on staying calm in high-stress situationsHow to use body language to ward off unwelcome approachesTools to improve confidence and assertivenessHow to use your speech and emotional intelligence for de-escalation10 last-resort physical strategies for common attack scenariosHow to heal from violence-related traumaJoanna’s personal stories, alongside the voices of other women with all-too familiar experiences, strengthen this empowering call for women to nurture their inner warrior spirit and fight back. If you’ve ever felt unsafe at home, work or out and about, this book is for you.

  • af Veronica Eley
    168,95 kr.

    A verse memoir recounting the author's experience of trauma, therapy, and recovery.

  • af Patrick Marshwell
    138,95 kr.

    In this guide about Candida Albicans, you will read about: Its causes and symptoms Its diagnosis How it affects women Prevention and medication 3-step guide of managing this through diet.

  • - Lær dit barn at føle sig forbundet
    af Gitte Winter Graugaard
    168,95 kr.

    I HJERTEBROEN møder dit barn sin sjæl på en smuk regnbuebro. Gennem en dejlig meditation lærer du og dit barn at hente sjælen hjem. I en tid, hvor kun de færreste forældre er bevidste om sjælen, kommer mange børn på overarbejde. At lære sin sjæl at kende, fra man er lille, og vide, at man har den fineste ven i hjertet med sig gennem livet, er en utrolig gave. Alt for mange børn og unge føler sig ensomme og splittede indeni. Det er sjælen, der splittes og flagrer frit omkring os. Ved hjælp af meditation kan vi hente sjælen hjem igen. Som små lysende brikker i et magisk puslespil vil sjælsdelene da falde på plads. Når brikkerne lander, får vi en følelse af at være kommet hjem indeni. At føle sig hel indeni er en skøn følelse og gør det nemmere at falde i søvn. Sjælen er en livserfaren ven, som forbinder os til vores eget inderste, til hinanden, jorden og universet. Med forbundethed følger livsglæden. HJERTEBROEN er skrevet af bestsellerforfatter Gitte Winter Graugaard, som hjælper tusindvis af familier verden over med at lære at finde vej til hjertet og fylde sig selv med kærlighed. Denne bog er den tredje bog i serien HJERTELYS. Anbefales fra 5 år og op.

  • af Aurora Bergere
    318,95 kr.

    Young children learn and develop through their interactions with and the examples set by their primary caregivers. And often the best way to share with a child is through the use of storytelling. Super Intelligent, Emotional Me provides parents with nine stories they can read and share with their children to help them learn to respond to and shift their mental and emotional states, assisting them in achieving self-awareness and confidence. Deep and strong emotions like anger, self-esteem, a sense of belonging, and gratitude are explored. Author Aurora Bergere also provides parents with an overview of the complexities of emotional intelligence and neuro-linguistic programming skills that will be taught through each story, giving parents a deeper understanding of why these abilities are so important to develop. By learning emotional intelligence and NLP skills, parents can better understand and support their children's emotional and cognitive development. They can teach their children how to identify and regulate their emotions effectively, communicate their needs and feelings, and develop healthy relationships with others. Moreover, parents can use NLP techniques to help their children overcome limiting beliefs, develop positive self-talk, and set and achieve goals effectively. And an added bonus is the parent will now have these skills to use in their own relationships.

  • af Ingrid Kollak
    292,95 kr.

    Augenübungen mit vielen Variationen ¿ individuell oder in GruppenDie Augen sind durch lange Bildschirmarbeit besonders beansprucht. In diesem Buch werden vielfältige Augenübungen gezeigt, die ein möglichst langes, klares und schmerzfreies Sehen sowie die Regenerationsfähigkeit der Augen fördern. Dabei steht die Ganzheitlichkeit im Mittelpunkt ¿ die Augenübungen werden als Teil einer umfassenden Gesundheitsvorsorge verstanden.Die Übungen stammen aus der Augenheilkunde sowie aus anerkannten komplementären Verfahren der Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Rehabilitation. Jede Übung wird Schritt für Schritt erklärt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen verdeutlichen den genauen Ablauf.Die Übungen können als Anleitung an den Patienten weitergegeben werden, so dass der Patient aktiv in den Heilungsprozess involviert wird bzw. vorbeugen kann. Mithilfe der Übungen lassen sich Übungsprogramme individuell für Patienten und für Gesundheitskurse erstellen.Schritt für Schritt und mit Fotos wird durch die Übungen geführt, so dass das Wiederholen zu Hause für den Patienten möglich ist. Plus zum Buch: Die Übungsanleitungen sind als Download verfügbar.Das Buch richtet sich an Augenärzte, Optiker, Heilpraktiker, Physiotherapeuten und Trainer für Yoga, Tai Chi und Gesundheitskurse. Auch für interessierte Laien ist es gut verständlich.

  • af Andrew Duxbury
    193,95 kr.

    Everyone has a COVID pandemic story to tell. Dr. Andrew Duxbury has many: stories of a veteran geriatric physician caring for the most fragile patients in a university health system and in rural homes in the Deep South; stories of his concern for family, friends, fellow practitioners, and the state of our healthcare system nationwide; stories of his own isolation, of the loss of simple pleasures and passionate pastimes; stories of policies and politics that contributed to tens of thousands of needless deaths as well-known preventative measures were actively discouraged by state and local governments and exacerbated by cultural divides. This is a rare account of a rare time in American history, a contemporaneous record from the end of "normal", and the anxiety and despair felt by all, to the beginning of fragile hope for a better future.

  • af Jh Frenay
    128,95 kr.

    JH Frenay's 'Happiness is a Way of Life: Follow Your Path' is a transformative guide that takes you on a profound journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. This book is not just about finding happiness but about realizing your role as a co-creator of your reality. It delves into the power of purpose, emotions, intuition, creation, focus, determination, relationships, learning, nutrition, and ancient traditions. The author shares his personal 'aha' moments and insights, offering practical exercises to help you connect with your higher self and the world around you. This book is a beacon of love and light, inviting you to embrace your limitless potential and live a joyous life. Embark now on this transformative journey.

  • af Luna Curtis
    148,95 kr.

    If you want to lose weight, live longer, and have better health... then there's a method for you to do this without having to give up some of your favorite foods, take dangerous diet pills, or workout until you pass out...Losing weight is never easy, but when you stop looking for external sources and start really looking within your own body, you can unlock the weight loss secret that you've been looking for. What's even better, this method is completely natural and safe for your health. It is a way to take your body's functions and work with them, rather than against them, to find solutions to the biggest issues you've been faced with. This method is intermittent fasting. It makes a great positive impact on your body, your health and weight loss according to the latest research. And please don`t be afraid! There's no starvation involved, and it won't be for long periods, which could have negative effects on your body. When paired with a diet based around healthy whole foods, intermittent fasting has drastic results. The great benefit is that Intermittent fasting will also work for you because it's not deathly strict. It's not like falling off of your diet for a day will spiral you out of control and undo all the work that you've put in. What you'll learn in this guide:How to Start Intermittent Fasting Safely.The Most Useful Fasting Secrets for Weight Loss.How to detox and heal your body in the Natural Way.Best Intermittent Fasting Plans for Women.How to eat and fast for longevity and how to induce your Body`s anti-aging process.The Best Food Types and Optimal Meal Plans for Intermittent Fasting.Body and Mind Hacking You Need to Get Through the Difficulties of Fasting.Intermittent Fasting can be a kickstart to your diet, helping you shed the first few pounds to give you visible results needed to keep going. It could also be a longer-term solution to help you keep up a healthy and consistent weight. Even if you`ve tried popular weight-loss methods with no success, intermittent fasting can give you the results you have been looking for. In fact, weight loss is much easier than you had ever thought. Would you Like to know more?If you really want to lose weight and keep it off for good, then there's no better time to start than now. Don't put this off! You deserve to look and feel amazing!

  • af Joseph P Stevens
    108,95 kr.


  • af Eric Misiame
    198,95 kr.

    This comprehensive guide is a beacon of hope and knowledge for those navigating the challenging terrain of prostate cancer. Written with empathy and expertise, it offers a clear and detailed roadmap, empowering individuals with the information and resources they need to face this diagnosis head-on. From understanding the intricacies of prostate cancer and treatment options to providing practical advice for maintaining physical and emotional well-being, this guidebook is an invaluable companion for both patients and their loved ones. With step-by-step guidance and real-life stories of survival, it instills confidence and equips readers with the tools to not only survive, but thrive in their battle against prostate cancer. An essential resource for anyone on this journey towards healing and recovery.

  • af Lucie Kope¿Ková
    428,95 kr.

    Co je Detox?Detox je v podstat¿ öista st¿eva i vnit¿ních orgán¿ zm¿nou stravy.Näe t¿la se p¿irozen¿ detoxikují kädý den. T¿lo má sv¿j ¿istící systém, který neustále funguje - möí, stolicí , potem a dechem se neustále detoxikujeme.P¿ijímáme toxiny ze zne¿i¿t¿ní, chemikálií a potraviná¿ských p¿ísad, ale také z lék¿ a tabáku. Ale nejhor¿í zne¿i¿t¿ní si zp¿sobujeme sami jedením nezdravého jídla nebo kombinací potravin, které pro nás nejsou dobré. Potrava z¿stává nestrávená ve st¿ev¿, cö zp¿sobuje její hnilobu, cö umö¿uje ¿í¿ení toxin¿ do krevního ob¿hu p¿es st¿evní st¿nu. Zat¿¿uje ledviny a játra, jejich¿ úkolem je nás detoxikovat a tyto látky ¿istit.P¿i p¿ekrvení st¿ev a vnit¿ních orgán¿ dochází v t¿le k r¿zným nerovnováhám a m¿¿ete se cítit vy¿erpaní, unavení, mít bolavé klouby a trp¿t nespavostí. V mnoha p¿ípadech nutri¿ní terapeuti doporüují nejprve provést detox p¿ed stanovením diagnózy, jen aby bylo snaz¿í zjistit, jaký je skute¿ný problém.

  • af Maria Diaz
    428,95 kr.

    Ano ang Detox?Ang detox ay karaniwang ang paglilinis ng mga bituka pati na rin ang mga panloob na organo sa pamamagitan ng pagbabago ng diyeta.Ang ating katawan ay natural na nagde-detox araw-araw. Ang katawan ay may sariling sistema ng paglilinis na patuloy na gumagana-sa pamamagitan ng ihi, dumi , pawis, at sa ating hininga, palagi tayong nagde-detox.Kumuha kami ng mga lason mula sa polusyon, mga kemikal, at mga additives sa pagkain, ngunit din sa pamamagitan ng gamot at tabako. Ngunit ang pinakamasamang polusyon ay dulot ng sarili sa pamamagitan ng pagkain ng junk food o mga kumbinasyon ng pagkain na hindi mabuti para sa atin. Ang pagkain ay nananatiling hindi natutunaw sa bituka, na nagiging sanhi ng pagkabulok nito, na nagpapahintulot sa mga toxin na kumalat sa daloy ng dugo sa pamamagitan ng dingding ng bituka. Pinipigilan nito ang mga bato at atay

  • af Jon Gamble
    328,95 kr.

    A practical, easy to use guide, this book is distilled from 20 years of prescribing experience.Contains treatments for 50 common diseases, from tonsillitis to chronic fatigue syndrome...and includes clinical presentations, differential diagnoses & case examples.

  • af Greg Mangan
    238,95 kr.

    Build Muscles Without Weights FAST! Now your body becomes a fat-burning machine, today you can get into the best shape of your life-in a matter of weeks, in the convenience of your own home. Power Mega Pump Transformation Method is a perfect guide that shows you exactly how to get a powerful physique. This book has several phases, designed to get you mega fit and lean, more conditioned and challenge your upper and lower body. Marlon Birch and Greg Mangan created a remarkably efficient and effective body-transforming program based on the power of Self-Resistance and Isometrics. These no-equipment-required exercises are all one needs to build a powerful, perfectly proportioned, and classically beautiful physique. The workouts are more frequent but short and powerful. With the Power Mega Pump Transformation Method You Are Your Own Gym

  • af Luna Curtis
    148,95 kr.

    Do you want to look beautiful, fill your body with energy and get rid of a few extra pounds permanently? Would you like to eliminate toxins, stop the aging process and live longer in good health and shape? If you're ready to promote the health of every cell in your body without drugs, strict diets and exhausting fitness routines, then keep reading... The good news is that you can unlock your body`s natural self-cleansing process. You can use your own hidden resources to get rid of toxins, regulate your weight ,and be strong and resistant to diseases. You could live better and healthier, look amazing and be full of energy with the help of the Nobel-awarding concept of Autophagy. It is is a biological process within human body cells that promotes the correct recycling of cellular waste material... Every person is different, and this is why this guide has put together four different methods of achieving autophagy, with the desire to provide alternatives and ensure that everyone is covered. All of the strategies are very effective, medically approved, and are the best bet towards shedding those extra pounds while ensuring that you promote health in every part of your body What you`ll learn:Best Natural Ways to Induce Autophagy.How to use Autophagy for Weight Loss.Simple Training and Exercises to Achieve Autophagy.Best Autophagy Diet Plans and Tips.How to Combine Fasting, Diet, and Intensive Training.Powerful Strategies to Maintain Autophagy.Secrets of Safe Water Fasting.Foods that Help to Induce Autophagy.How to Avoid Starvation while Fasting.This manual is for everyone who wants better health now and in the future. It is for all who want to look good, to have a strong immune system and protection from diseases. It is your anti-aging guide to a long, healthy life, in great physical and mental shape. Even if you haven`t got the significant results through popular dieting, you can achieve success with the help of this complete manual.

  • af Verna R. Benjamin-Lambert
    138,95 - 238,95 kr.

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