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Håndtering af spiseforstyrrelser

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  • af Klish T. Kinderman
    162,95 kr.

    Are you concerned about your child's well-being as they battle the destructive cycle of Bulimia and Binge eating? As a caring parent, you hold the power to help your child break free from these debilitating disorders and guide them toward a life of health and happiness. And that is where "Help Your Child Overcome Bulimia and Binge Eating" comes in. This book is an invaluable resource that will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and support that you need to transform your child's life. In this book, you will discover a compassionate and comprehensive approach to addressing the complex challenges associated with bulimia and binge eating. Drawing from years of experience in the field, Klish Kinderman offers practical guidance and evidence-based strategies that empower parents like you to become the guiding light your child desperately needs. Inside this book, you will find the following: Understanding Bulimia and Binge Eating: Gain deep insights into the underlying causes, emotional triggers, and behavioral patterns behind these disorders. By unraveling the mystery, you will be better equipped to support your child effectively.Nurturing a Supportive Environment: Create a safe and non-judgmental space where your child feels comfortable discussing their struggles. Learn proven communication techniques to foster trust and build a strong foundation for recovery.A Holistic Healing Approach: Explore a variety of therapeutic methods, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness practices, and nutrition education. Discover how to tailor these techniques to your child's unique needs, promoting sustainable recovery.Overcoming Relapse and Setbacks: Understand that the recovery journey is not linear, and setbacks may occur. Learn how to navigate these challenges, provide unwavering support, and reinforce resilience in your child.Supporting Long-Term Recovery: Discover strategies to empower your child beyond the confines of their eating disorder. Foster a lifestyle of self-care, healthy relationships, and emotional well-being that will safeguard their long-term recovery.And much more... "Help Your Child Overcome Bulimia and Binge Eating" is not just a book; it is a lifeline for parents navigating the treacherous waters of bulimia and binge eating. Don't let eating disorders define your child's future-empower yourself today and embark on this transformative journey toward lasting recovery.

  • af Klish T. Kinderman
    152,95 kr.

    Has your child stopped eating his or her favorite food, or does he/she refuse to eat out with friends? Are you tired of mealtime battles, endless negotiations, and worrying about your child's nutritional intake? Look no further! This empowering book offers a refreshing perspective that will not only change your child's relationship with food but also bring peace and joy back to your dinner table. Rather than resorting to forceful tactics or giving in to unhealthy eating patterns, this book empowers you with proven strategies to navigate this challenging phase successfully. Inside this book, you will discover: Understanding the root causes of Anorexia: Gain deep insights into the underlying causes of your child's food aversions, including sensory issues, developmental factors, and learned behaviors, allowing you to address the problem at its core. Building a positive mealtime environment: Learn how to create a nurturing and stress-free atmosphere that encourages your child to explore new foods and develop a sense of curiosity, making mealtimes a delightful bonding experience for the whole family. Practical strategies for picky eaters: Discover a wide range of proven techniques, from food exposure strategies to flavor pairing, texture modification, and gradual food introductions, ensuring that your child's nutritional needs are met while expanding their palate. Long-term habits for a lifetime: Equip your child with the essential life skills needed to maintain healthy eating habits as they grow, ensuring that their aversion to food is conquered once and for all. And Much More…Filled with practical exercises, this book is a compassionate and comprehensive roadmap to help parents navigate the challenging terrain of picky eating. Break free from frustration and anxiety, and empower yourself with the knowledge and tools to transform your child's eating habits and lay the foundation for a lifetime of health and well-being.

  • - Dengang jeg fløj
    af Majbrit Jensen
    257,95 kr.

    Hvis du tror, en spiseforstyrrelse handler om mad, tager du fejl. Hvis du tror, en spiseforstyrrelse er en fejlslåen slankekur, tager du fejl. Hvis du tror, man sagtens kan spotte en anorektiker, tager du fejl. Hvis du tror, problemerne kan løses ved at tage på, tager du fejl. Hvis du tror, psykisk sygdom gør en svag, tager du fejl. Hvis du tror, man ikke kan have et godt liv med diagnoser, tager du fejl. Gør dig klar til at smide fordommene. Gør dig klar til at udvide din horisont. Fri igen - Dengang jeg fløj giver dig ikke kun svaret på, hvordan det er at have en spiseforstyrrelse. Du får også svaret på hvorfor. Hvorfor får man en spiseforstyrrelse? Hvorfor vælger man at holde fast, selvom man godt selv kan se, hvor fucked up ens liv er? Fri igen er en personlig beretning om at leve med en spiseforstyrrelse. Men det er ikke en fortælling uden håb. Det er også fortællingen om, at det er muligt at slippe fri igen. Det er muligt at blive rask. Det er muligt at få et godt liv på trods af diagnoser og udfordringer. Og så er det ikke mindst fortællingen om at genfinde sig selv. Genfinde troen på sig selv. Finde sin plads i livet. Finde de manglende brikker, man hele livet har manglet. Uddrag af bogen Nu er jeg udskrevet. Nu er jeg ’rask’. Nu kan jeg bare fortsætte som jeg plejer. Men skal jeg det? Eller er det nu, jeg skal ændre kurs? Var det et vink med en vognstang fra min krop om, at nu er det nu? Jeg blev i hvert fald rystet i min grundvold. Det kan også ske for mig. Jeg er ikke så superstærk og udødelig, som jeg har bildt mig selv ind. Min krop siger også stop på et tidspunkt. Jeg har fået en gevaldig øjenåbner. Vildt, det skulle komme hertil, før jeg indser, den måde jeg lever på virkelig ikke går mere, hvis jeg vil overleve. jeg bliver nødt til at gøre noget andet for ikke at dø af det her. Så derfor kører tankerne rundt i knolden på mig. Om forfatteren Majbrit Jensen var i ni år fanget af spiseforstyrrelsen. I dag skriver hun bøger og holder foredrag for at bryde tabuet og skabe større forståelse for psykisk sygdom – et emne, som alt for ofte bliver tiet ihjel. Desuden har hun Instagramprofilen, hvor hun åbent skriver om livet med spiseforstyrrelsen, psykisk sårbarhed og livet som autist.

  • af Anna Nave
    100,95 kr.

  • af Zenzile R. Legend MDIV
    201,95 kr.

    The greatest evils are the ones that infiltrate our lives without our knowledge, and a bad relationship with food can deal as much damage as any weapon or disease. Having been diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, Reverend Zenzile R. Legend knew something had to change, or she was risking a premature death by her own two hands. Flawed, Favored, & Fabulous: Chronicles of a Former Fat Girl is a deeply personal book about Legend's own weight loss journey and the lessons she has learned along the way. It took Legend over thirty years to learn how to become thoughtful in her eating habits. After research, trial and error, and fluctuating body image, her relationship with food changed for better, and her relationship with God and herself flourished in ways unimaginable. Legend transformed not only her diet and physical appearance, but her perspective on self-worth, inner strength, and having trust in Christ to release us from our vices. By integrating mind, body, and spirit, Legend has formed valuable lessons, strategies, insights, and instructions within this work that will help anyone who is struggling to lose weight and rebuild their self-esteem. Life should be fulfilling, but we must play an active role in ensuring our own mental and physical wellbeing; we must begin choosing ourselves over our temptations. In the end, the only thing standing in the way of you evolving into your best self is you. Rev. Zenzile R. Legend is a gifted teacher, an anointed speaker, and an experienced life coach. In 35 years of pastoral ministry, Rev. Zenzi has been used to heal, deliver, encourage, inspire, strengthen, empower, restore, challenge, and uplift thousands of people. Although she was raised in Oakland, Rev. Zenzi left the Bay Area for 10 years to pursue a degree in Communications at Howard University in Washington D.C. Upon graduation, she went on to receive her MDiv from Colgate Rochester Divinity School in Rochester, NY, and then was called to plant a church back in Oakland. Recently, her dramatic weight loss broadened the scope of her life's work to include helping others to get healthy and to evolve into the best version of themselves in mind, body, and spirit. Rev. Zenzile has committed herself to modeling a personal relationship with God that is not only fulfilling but transformative; she is passionate about the fact that "it's not about religion but relationship.

  • af Sergio Rijo
    132,95 kr.

    Do you find yourself turning to food for comfort or relief from stress, anxiety, or other emotions? If so, you're not alone. Emotional eating is a common struggle that many people face, but there is a way to break free from this cycle. Mindful Eating for Emotional Freedom is a guide to healing your relationship with food and breaking free from emotional eating habits.In this book, you'll learn about the power of mindful eating and how it can help you tune into your body's hunger and fullness signals. You'll discover techniques and tools to help you practice mindful eating in everyday life, including mindfulness meditation, breathwork, and body awareness exercises. With these practices, you can learn to nourish your body with intention and awareness, rather than turning to food for emotional comfort.Mindful Eating for Emotional Freedom takes a practical and compassionate approach to healing your relationship with food. You'll find guidance on setting realistic goals, overcoming setbacks, and staying on track for long-term success. You'll also learn how to identify triggers for emotional eating and develop strategies for coping with stress and other emotions in a healthy way.By practicing mindful eating, you can break free from emotional eating habits and find emotional freedom. You can learn to nourish your body with healthy and satisfying foods, rather than turning to food for emotional relief. Mindful Eating for Emotional Freedom provides the tools and techniques to help you on your journey to a healthier relationship with food and overall well-being.

  • af Judson Brewer
    248,95 kr.

    "A program proven to heal our relationship with food and our bodies.Anyone who struggles with overeating knows what it's like to feel out of control and to feel the guilt attached to it. While ordinary anxiety feels like something that happens to us, the siren song of food cravings feels like something we should be able to control. The result is a toxic cocktail of shame and self-loathing that makes it impossible to change our behavior. The Hunger Habit is based on Judson Brewer's deeply researched plan proven to help us understand what is going on in our brains so that we can heal the shame and overcome overeating. The step-by-step program focuses on the power of awareness; there is no willpower, calorie-counting, or restricted eating. Setbacks are a good thing! The key is to learn how to work with our brains rather than to fight cravings, and to adopt an attitude of self-kindness rather than self-judgment."--

  • af Jeffrica Williams
    152,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Tara Whitney
    157,95 kr.

    You're driven and accomplished. You set high standards for yourself. You're also trying to diet your way to a slimmer body. Despite doing everything you think you're supposed to do, you still feel like you can't measure up. Instead of feeling successful, you're exhausted and frustrated. Truly Seen explores why your tireless efforts aren't paying off. The Promise of the Thin and Perfect is a powerful cultural mechanism that tells women they need to reach external standards of perfection and thinness to be attractive, successful, and happy. These ideals are rarely achievable, but that hasn't stopped you from trying.You've worked tirelessly to prove yourself. You've waited to pursue your dreams and passions until you've felt good enough-a time that hasn't arrived. And you've hidden yourself by only showing the world a woman who has her shit together. Until now, you haven't questioned these strategies. They just feel normal and mandatory. It's time to stop trying to be an ideal version of you. It hasn't made you feel more successful-it's only harming your health and eroding your sanity. As a CPA and working mom who stepped away from perfectionism ideals and diet culture, Tara Whitney leverages her expertise as an intuitive eating counselor, yoga teacher, and coach to share concrete ways to break free from cultural ideals so you can define success and happiness for yourself.

  • af Sabina Singwell
    77,95 kr.

    "Love your body" is an easy slogan to throw around, but a hard expectation to fulfill. When we force body positivity on ourselves, we often end up feeling guilty and worse than when we started.But what if we've got it backwards? What if a feeling of love for our bodies didn't come from our brains, but vice versa?What if your body sent love to your mind rather than the other way around?Written by the founder of the School of Bitchcraft, these love letters feel like they're delivered straight from your own heart. Containing 31 individual love letters, readers can tap in daily to a sense of ease in the body-the very thing we long for the most (and that shame can never deliver). Instead of forcing a message of "embrace your curves!" on yourself, Love Letters From Your Body gently invites you to sense what is already there: a radiant, unrepeatable being who is already worthy of love.Full of warm, gentle advice for healing your body image, this collection will soothe body anxiety and enhance a genuine, loving connection with yourself.

  • af Genevieve Lardizabal
    207,95 kr.

  • af Signe Katrine Dinesen
    247,95 kr.

    Bank hjerte, bank er et sandt mesterværk skrevet af Signe Katrine Dinesen ♥️ Som læser er du draget fra start til slut. Signes måde at skrive og formidle på er formidabelt – intet mindre. Signe har anoreksi – og autisme. Endelig en bog der beskriver kompleksiteten og samtidig logikken i, at vi skal se på samt hjælpe spiseforstyrrede på en anden måde, når der er tale om komorbiditet. Signe skulle forstå sin autisme, før hun kunne blive fri af anoreksien. Denne bog er virkelig et MUST READ, hvis du er behandler, pårørende eller selv kæmper med en spiseforstyrrelse (og evt har mistanke om, at spiseforstyrrelsen er der for at hjælpe dig med at håndtere din “anderledeshed”♥️). Noget af bagsideteksten:I Bank hjerte, bank følger vi Signe og oplever i tilbageblik hendes teenageår med indlæggelse på en psykiatrisk afdeling, sultestrejke, ensomhed, autisme og en familie, der er på sammenbruddets rand. Samtidig er det en bog om liv, vilje og ikke mindst håb, der får Signe til at rejse sig efter sit fald og finde lys i mørket. Bank hjerte, bank rammer ned i et stærkt stigende samfundsproblem. Mange unge rammes af psykisk sygdom og må kæmpe en hård kamp for et meningsfyldt liv. Dette er tilfældet for Signe, der i syv år kæmper med en livstruende spiseforstyrrelse, indtil en ny selvindsigt og stigende selverkendelse en dag åbner døren for hende.Signe Katrine Dinesen har skrevet en vigtig bog, der ikke kun sætter tanker i gang i forhold til psykisk sygdom, men også om at turde være sig selv. Det er en bog, der inviterer os til at tale højt om det svære, at rumme det vi finder anderledes og om at turde gå nye veje.Smuk, barsk og humoristisk fortalt. En bog alle kan lære af.

  • - Ramt af psykisk sygdom
    af Camilla Kimmie Plytsgaard Kirk
    247,95 kr.

    Bagsidetekst:”Jeg var glad og sorgløs. Jeg havde store drømme. Jeg var parat til at kaste mig over hele verden. Jeg var fuld af eventyrlyst, energi og begejstring for livet. Jeg var opsat på at gøre mit allerbedste indenfor alt, hvad jeg foretog mig. Jeg var ung, og jeg var lykkelig. Jeg havde relativt let ved næsten alt, hvad jeg foretog mig, så jeg satte ingen grænser for mig selv. Alting syntes muligt.” Men det fortsætter ikke. Alt forandrer sig på et øjeblik. Eventyrlysten, energien og begejstringen for livet forsvinder som dug for solen. Mit liv kollapser.

  • af Charlotte Bellows
    227,95 kr.

    Charlotte Bellows wrote The Definition of Beautiful, her debut book, while attending high school. She grew up in Calgary, Alberta, and has left to live her most beautiful life. She may be back.

  • af Dr Sarah Pegrum
    237,95 kr.

    It's a common reaction to put things on hold because of how you feel about your body or weight. This guide encourages you to take a step back from harmful social attitudes towards weight, and use ACT to support your journey from shame to meaningful, positive action and compassionate self-understanding.

  • - En personlig fortælling om at vinde over en altødelæggende anoreksi
    af Signe Andrup
    167,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Anoreksi er en kamp, som ingen andre end dem, der er ramt, vil kunne forstå. Denne bog er en personlig fortælling, som tager dig med ind i det inderste og skildrer det, der formede en langvarig anoreksi. Om de mange ulige kampe, der blev udkæmpet for at tilfredsstille den. Om de mest forbudte tanker og handlinger, der omgav den. Det er en mors vidnesbyrd til sin søn. Om hendes far, der formede og fravalgte. Om en sygdom, der ødelagde en hel ungdom og næsten et helt liv. Om en facade, der opretholdtes, imens alt stod i flammer. Men bogen fortæller også, hvordan kampen kan vindes, selvom det i de mørkeste stunder virker håbløst. Om de afgørende valg og møder. En fortælling, der tjener til personlig bearbejdelse, men også samfundsoplysning, så andre kan finde inspiration til at søge eller hjælpe deres ramte mod lyset.

  • af Shannon Michelle
    247,95 kr.

    Have you struggled to keep food down for several months now? Do you remember the last time you ate without feeling weighed down and guilty? When was the last time you looked in the mirror without grimacing? I can help you. This book is dedicated to those suffering with an eating disorder called Bulimia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experience with the disease. The personal accounts within this book can aid in identifying and overcoming this disorder. Too many teen girls walk the halls of school living in their heads and starving their bodies. This book can help you to see the beautiful girl in the mirror, enjoy food again and begin talking about your feelings without fear of judgment.Twenty years ago, I was caught in the grips of Bulimia Nervosa. The disorder made me feel as though I had an anchor inside of me. I stood at 5 foot 2 inches, weighted 92 pounds, and wore a size zero in jeans. I will relate to you within this book the ways to beat this eating disorder. Eating disorders can take their toll on you, your relationships, and your life. I have written this book as a guide for you to find an outlet for your thoughts, coping mechanisms for your stress and a way forward in your daily interactions with family, friends, and peers.It is important to understand, this disease is not attention seeking, but instead a reaction to overattentive environments. If you read through this book, you will find tips and guides to cope with school, sports, family, and friends. It is not easy being a teenage girl, especially in high school. This guide serves to help navigate the daily pressures young women are under in their everyday lives.Can you honestly say you like the people you are around? Are you friends with each other or is it safer to be bored in a group than to be bored alone? I can show you the way forward. I can help you out of this self-destructive cycle you have fallen into.Within 'Inner Anchor', you will discover:Ways to improve your self-esteem through self-reflectionTips to eat full meals three times a day without feeling guiltyOpen communication with your parents about your feelingsImprove communication with your siblings about your daily lifeImprove communication with your friends about your true selfOpen your daily schedule to new opportunities with new friends, activities, and groupsWho you were before people told you who you wereWhen struggling with bulimia, the world can feel like a fishbowl with no way out. The fixation on weight, the positive attention accompanying a tiny waist and the superficial interactions of daily life can feel like living under a microscope. Exploring the possibilities of making new friends, joining new groups, trying new sports is what overcoming this eating disorder is all about.The ability to move forward from external opinions and truly see your value in the mirror instead of the numbers on the scale is what this book is all about. I understand the struggle. I see you and understand you. This book is dedicated to helping you overcome Bulimia Nervosa.I invite you to read through this guide. You have an opportunity to change your reflection without harming yourself in the process. Take it. Take back control of your life.

  • af Lærke Malmbak & Björk Friis
    207,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Kvinderne i parken står der næsten hver dag. Med deres efterfødselsudposninger laver de træningsøvelser, nogle gange med stofbleer viklet om de vågne børn, så de kan hejses op og ned langs hofterne.Stakkels små kettlebellbabyer, tænker fortælleren foragtfuldt fra bænken. Selv foretrak hun at pulstræne gennem endeløse barnevognsture i Københavns gader, altid sulten, indtil sulten gnavede så meget, at hun måtte søge læ i et buskads med brune bagerposer.Vi legede gemmeleg med verden er en roman om at overgå til moderskabet i følge med en maskeret spise-forstyrrelse. Det er fortællingen om en kvindes vandringer rundt om sin fire-årige søn i lejlighedens snævre rum og sommetider ud i byen, hvor synene i gaderne blander sig med erindringer om en tid, hvor kroppen gennemgik drastiske forandringer. Forandringer, som trænger i baggrunden, efterhånden som barnets tilkomst åbner sprækker til katastrofer, der er større end hende selv.

  • af Brooke Heberling
    232,95 kr.

    Brooke Heberling is a shining force of love, truth, humor, and hope. Her story is a testament to the power of an unbreakable spirit and steadfast faith.--Jessica Flint, Founder and CEO of Recovery WarriorsA must-read: Ruby Blue's dive into darkness is heart wrenching; her journey to find peace within herself painful and relatable, but worth the struggle as her rise into the light is inspiring!--Rita Herron, USA Today Bestselling AuthorRuby Blue is as fascinating as a storm rolling in through a majestic mountain range: powerful, reckless, and remarkably beautiful to witness. She's fought her way through two life-altering heartaches, a sixteen-year battle with a debilitating eating disorder, and a running addiction that nearly took her life. However, it's her husband's simple, promiscuous proposition to her best friend that makes her question everything. As a mother, she wants to continue to do what's best for her two children, but with her marriage dangling by a thread, right now, she's just desperately trying to stay afloat in her recovery and not fall back into the comforting arms of the disorders that almost killed her years ago.Although the odds of success are tremendously stacked against her, Ruby refuses to give up. Her strength, bravery, and intentionality are a reminder that we all have the capability to overcome incredible obstacles. Her humanity, humility, and humor are proof that we don't have to navigate them perfectly to succeed in living our truth. Ruby Blue's not just a character in a book. She's the embodiment of anyone who's ever been brave enough to go toe-to-toe with their childhood traumas, defy the toxic body image ideals of society, and fight for freedom from addiction.Brooke Heberling's first novel will make you laugh, cry, swoon, and applaud, all while inspiring you to fight to protect your own peace.

  • af Jenna Hollenstein
    172,95 kr.

  • af Sanae Ishida
    237,95 kr.

  • af Katie H. Willcox
    191,95 kr.

  • af Sophia Purcell
    95,95 kr.

  • af Mille Eigard Andersen
    197,95 kr.

    En spiseforstyrrelse er en kæmpe rustning, som du tager på for ikke at mærke dine følelser. Og det er vanvittigt, hvor godt det virker! Du flytter fokus fra alt det, du ikke kan holde ud at forholde dig til. Og efterhånden forsvinder det, der er inde i selve rustningen – dig! Tilbage er rustningen uden indhold, og hverken krop, følelser, identitet eller seksualitet mærkes. Men hvad ligger bag en spiseforstyrrelse? Hvorfor tager man en rustning på? Hvad er det, der er svært at forholde sig til af følelser, kropslig udvikling og oplevelser?Og bunder en spiseforstyrrelse i en forstyrrelse i seksualiteten, eller forstyrrer spiseforstyrrelsen seksualiteten? Er der en sammenhæng på nogen måde? Det dykker jeg ned i, når jeg i denne bog lader 15 modige og dejlige kvinder fortælle deres historie med spiseforstyrrelse men med en særlig twist på: seksualitet. Jeg kommer også ind på, hvad en sund seksualitet vil sige, samt hvordan man starter med at lære at være i sin krop.

  • af Shannon Michelle
    247,95 kr.

    Have you struggled with a loss of appetite for several months now? Do you remember the last time you ate without thinking about a scale? When was the last time you looked in the mirror without grimacing? I can help you. This book is dedicated to those suffering with an eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. I am writing based on my experience with the disease. The personal accounts within this book can aid in identifying and overcoming this disorder. Too many teen girls walk the halls of school living in their heads and starving their bodies. This book can help you to see the beautiful girl in the mirror, regain your appetite and begin talking about your feelings without fear of judgment.Twenty years ago, I was caught in the grips of Anorexia Nervosa. The disorder made me feel as though I was cutting myself on the inside. I stood at 5 foot 2 inches, weighted 92 pounds, and wore a size zero in jeans. I will relate to you within this book the ways to beat this eating disorder. Eating disorders can take their toll on you, your relationships, and your life. I have written this book as a guide for you to find an outlet for your thoughts, coping mechanisms for your stress and a way forward in your daily interactions with family, friends, and peers.It is important to understand, this disease is not attention seeking, but instead a reaction to overattentive environments. If you read through this book, you will find tips and guides to cope with school, sports, family, and friends. It is not easy being a teenage girl, especially in high school. This guide serves to help navigate the daily pressures young women are under in their everyday lives.Within 'Cutting Yourself on the Inside', you will discover:Ways to improve your self-esteem through self-reflectionTips to eat full meals three times a day without feeling guiltyOpen communication with your parents about your feelingsImprove communication with your siblings about your daily lifeImprove communication with your friends about your true selfOpen your daily schedule to new opportunities with new friends, activities, and groupsWho you were before people told you who you wereThe ability to move forward from external opinions and truly see your value in the mirror instead of the numbers on the scale is what this book is all about. I understand the struggle. I see you and understand you. This book is dedicated to helping you overcome Anorexia Nervosa.I invite you to read through this guide. You have an opportunity to change your reflection without harming yourself in the process. Take it. Take back control of your life.

  • af Alayna Burke
    177,95 kr.

  • af Paulyna Ardilla
    157,95 kr.

    Una guía para mujeres que gozan su cuerpito chuloAprende a disfrutarte sin preocupacionesToda la info para gozar y cuidar tu cuerpito: consentimiento, menstruación, relaciones, dudas y otras maneras de conocernos mejor.«En esta divertida guía ilustrada, Paulyna Ardilla reivindica la educación sexual que nos negaron en la secundaria y nos invita a conectar con nuestros cuerpos desde el placer». Ale Higareda, de Malvestida

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