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  • af Estevan Cavalcanti
    312,95 kr.

    Delve into the nuanced world of bipolar disorder (BD) and pregnancy with this groundbreaking study, offering a comprehensive exploration of women's concerns and experiences. In this illuminating research, 38 participants, including 20 diagnosed with BD-I and 18 with BD-II, share their insights through open-ended online questionnaires and telephone surveys.Unveiling six key findings through qualitative thematic analysis, the study uncovers the profound concerns of women of childbearing years diagnosed with BD. From fears of potential harm to unborn children to a thirst for knowledge and dissatisfaction with available information, this study sheds light on the multifaceted landscape of managing BD during pregnancy.

  • af Julius Spes
    192,95 kr.

    Emancipate and revitalize your lifeDo you feel entangled by the weight of your daily activities at work, at home, and in society?Do you feel drained and seem to have no energy to pull further despite the rest you try to get?Do you get bored by routine, and you are searching for meaning in your own life?This book "Liberation Psychology" provides you with 7 quick steps to self-rejuvenation that will help to give you the mental resilience to attain that aptitude that would revolutionize and revitalize your life and help you find meaning even in those things that are seemingly heavier and a burden too hard to bear. This can only kickstart from mental freedom.Attaining mental freedom is the first step to attaining self-rejuvenation and this book does it perfectly well. Do not let the cares and burdens of daily living drag you down but attain that emotional, psychological, and mental freedom that would make your day-to-day experience different by diving into these 7 actionable items that will change your life and give your life a new meaning and a new perspective.

  • af Carisa Bishop
    272,95 kr.

    Discover the power of personal resilience with Building Resiliency - a workbook and prompt journal based on the principles of salutogenesis. This innovative approach to wellness emphasizes growth and development, with health viewed as an engaged, fulfilling, and meaningful life. Through the use of prompts, creative activities, and inspiration, Building Resiliency supports the cultivation of personal resilience - a quality that can be created, sustained, and sharpened over time. Drawing from peer-reviewed research on resiliency, its impact on mental health, and how it is cultivated, this workbook offers clear, instructive, and evidence-based support for anyone on their journey to a thriving life. With Building Resiliency, readers can build skills, self-awareness, and knowledge that contribute to the development of resiliency. Don't ignore life's challenges and difficulties - view them through a different and more adaptive lens. Join us on the path to learning, healing, and growth!

  • af Zbigniew Obermayr
    212,95 kr.

    Raising children can be challenging, and it is common for individuals to experience moments of losing their composure. However, allowing your anger to become uncontrollable can harm your relationships, weaken trust, and result in enduring emotional harm. However, what if a more healthful approach existed to redirect your frustrations and instill discipline in your children, all while preventing your anger from overpowering you?Practical techniques to soothe your thoughts and diffuse anger before its eruption.Effective communication strategies can establish trust and foster a strong bond with your child, especially in intense anger-critical strategies for comprehending the factors that provoke your rage and effectively halting their progression.Effective parenting strategies that cultivate self-assured, emotionally stable children who flourish rather than merely endure.Delve into the complexities of anger management tailored explicitly for new mothers, discover inner strength, and embark on a path towards balanced parenting and individual well-being. Monica M. Grey provides compassionate guidance during this transformative journey, offering profound insights, empowering strategies, and enlightening wisdom that lead to balanced and joyful parenting.This is because a child may suffer long-lasting consequences from an angry parent. Childhood trauma can endure into adulthood, impacting an individual's conduct and social connections. Hence, parents who grapple with managing their anger should promptly seek assistance. Due to the strong probability, your anger is likely to have adverse effects on your children and the family's overall well-being.

  • af William George Jordan
    137,95 kr.

    "The Kingship of Self-Control" is a self-help book that emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and control in achieving personal and professional success. The author explores the idea that true power and mastery come from within, and he advocates for the development of self-control as a means to attain a more fulfilling and purposeful life. In the book, William George Jordan discusses various aspects of self-control, including the power of thought, the influence of habits, and the significance of mastering one's impulses and desires. The author suggests practical strategies and principles to cultivate self-control, enabling readers to overcome challenges and make better choices in their daily lives. Overall, "The Kingship of Self-Control" is a classic work in the genre of self-help literature, offering insights and guidance on the path to personal development and achieving one's goals through the mastery of self-control.

  • af Hesham Mohamed Elsherif
    432,95 kr.

    Every so often, a quiet revolution brews within the hearts and minds of individuals, a revolution that begins and ends with the mastery of one's emotional state. "From Reaction to Creation: Mastering Your Emotional Landscape" is not just a book; it's a vessel for this revolution, a guide designed to navigate the often tumultuous seas of emotional experience. As you hold this book in your hands, you are at the cusp of an inward odyssey from the darkness of reactive impulses to the light of creative power.The cover you see-a horizon shifting from a stormy sky to a luminous sunrise-mirrors the transformation you're about to undergo. Within these pages, I have laid bare the essence of our emotional foundations, explored the scientific mechanisms that underpin our feelings, and delved into the spiritual energy that emotions can unleash.This journey is deeply personal yet universally relevant. It begins with an introduction to why emotional mastery isn't just a luxury but a necessity for a fulfilled life. From understanding the very fabric of our emotions to harnessing them through emotional intelligence, each chapter builds upon the last, creating a comprehensive map for your journey.You will read about the science that decodes our emotional responses, the philosophical perspectives that have attempted to categorize them, and the spiritual beliefs that revere them as life's energy. The book doesn't shy away from the rawness of emotional contagion in our relationships or the roller-coaster of our emotional spectrum. Instead, it offers a proactive blueprint to break free from the reactive chains that bind us.The chapters are filled with personal anecdotes, real-life stories, and the collective wisdom of those who have walked this path. Techniques and exercises provide the tools for daily practice, ensuring that the concepts transcend from mere words to actionable change.As we venture through "The Power of Proactive Creation" and "The Journey Ahead: Continued Growth," the narrative shifts from theory to action, from understanding to application. Acknowledgments and resources offer a moment of gratitude and further exploration, while the index serves as your compass throughout.This book is an invitation to you, the reader, not only to read but to engage, reflect, and transform. Whether you're grappling with the chains of reactivity or seeking to refine your emotional prowess, the following chapters are a companion to your quest.I invite you to turn the page and step into a world where emotions are not your adversaries but your allies, where the storms of reaction give way to the creation of a dawn that is uniquely yours.Welcome to your emotional revolution.Dr. Hesham Mohamed Elsherif

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Har du eller en du er glad i en psykisk lidelse? Har du noen gang lurt på hva du kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Denne boken er svaret ditt! For å forstå depresjon fullt ut, må du lytte oppmerksomt og oppmerksomt til de av oss som er rammet.Det er viktig for alle med psykiske lidelser å bli behandlet med vennlighet, respekt og verdighet, ikke med stigma, skjevhet og hån, for vi kjemper en kamp utover ens visjon og forståelse. Bare fordi vi ikke ser syke ut, betyr det ikke at vi ikke er det. Hensikten med denne boken er å se på psykiske lidelser fra innsiden og ut fra en overlevendes ståsted.

  • af Remington James
    187,95 kr.

    Hey dads, tired of the toddler tug-of-war? Discover the ultimate guide to navigating the chaos, winning the bedtime battle, and savoring every laugh, leap, and 'why?' with your little one! It's almost 12 a.m. You're on your knees, scrubbing crayons off the living room wall, courtesy of your lively toddler's newfound artistic flair. The shades of the artwork might be fascinating, but all you can think of is the fresh coat of paint beneath. A few minutes later, you're engaged in the nightly bedtime war, reading "The Little Engine That Could" again for what you hope to be the last time, praying for the moment your little one's eyes finally close. Then, dawn breaks, and the famous "Why?" phase begins, where every response you offer leads to another, more complex question. "Why is the sky blue, Daddy?" "Why can't I have ice cream for breakfast?" Exhausted yet? Remember those days when changing a diaper felt like the ultimate test? Now, the stakes are higher, the questions are trickier, and the shoes are never in pairs. But guess what? You've got this! Welcome to the world of new fatherhood, a thrilling roller coaster ride filled with laughter, surprises, and many unforgettable "firsts." There are days when it's messy, when it's confusing, and when it's downright overwhelming. And that's where this book comes in... your hand-held guide to the toddler years, filled with wisdom, warmth, and wit, designed to turn challenges into triumphs. Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover in this essential guide: ¿ A 3-pronged approach to handle the challenges and joys of raising a toddler - all the wisdom, none of the stress!¿ Real-life dad-approved strategies to manage meltdowns without losing your cool in just under 5 minutes¿ 20 evidence-based social skills activities and games for kids, including the game-changer that's revolutionizing child interaction (#4 has been praised by psychologists)¿ The 10 little-known potty training strategies that work like magic - forget struggles and tears with these fun and foolproof methods.¿ 18 expert-approved tips for parents to get a good night's sleep - no more counting sheep¿ 5 incredible techniques to turn your baby's coos into conversations (the #1 secret method used by child language experts that you can apply today)¿ How to recharge your batteries with a life-saving survival kit to rejuvenate your parenting spirit in just 10 minutes a day And much more. Even if you feel like you're stumbling in the dark, even if the toddler years seem like a maze with no way out, you're not alone. With real-life stories, empathetic advice, and practical wisdom, this guide lights your path ahead. It's not just a book; it's a companion, a mentor, a friend - tailored specifically for new dads like you - cheering you on every step of the way.

  • af Oscar J. Hirsch
    132,95 kr.

    For you, what does creativity mean? Most people understand them to mean the arts, such as music and writing. Everything is creative in the same way-everything new, anything never created before, comes from the original mental ability. Find out everything you require right here.

  • af Adam W. Scott
    132,95 kr.

    I'm Going To Teach You How To Achieve Success With Network Marketing!Learn How To Use Manifesting Successfully To Give Your Marketing Efforts A Huge Push!This can be a highly useful technique for conditioning the mind to concentrate exclusively on the ideal result in any given situation, after which it can be directed towards successfully accomplishing that predetermined notion.If the person is able to use all of their mental and physical abilities to function as one, they should have no trouble achieving this.When the desired outcome materialises, the decision to succeed at anything is more solidified.Distractions can be avoided by using manifestations to keep the person focused and totally focused on the intended outcome. However, you may be thinking, "I've been attempting to use manifesting with little to no success for a while now."Simply said, beliefs are the mental processes that a person has running through their head all the time. But you have to know how to use it correctly! Without the correct knowledge and skills, your manifesting efforts will leave you feeling as if there is no solution to your success issues. However if you're willing to go through the learning curve, you will eventually get the results you deserve! Here's What You Can Learn: - Manifesting Basics - Decide On Your Specific Goal - Use Imagery - Use Mantras - Use Affirmations - Use Your Sleep Time For Manifesting - Connect To The Universe - Believe In Yourself - And so much more...

  • af Giacomo Salvati
    217,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Matthew David Bird
    327,95 kr.

    Collegiate athletes experience mental health concerns at similar rates to non-athletestudents, however, the student-athlete population underutilizes professional mental health helpwith only 10% of those in need seeking services. Criticisms of the extant research on studentathletemental health help-seeking include studies that lack theoretical guidance, andconvenience samples who are not experiencing a mental health issue. The aim of this study wasto conduct a theoretically driven investigation assessing factors of help-seeking associated withthe Health Belief Model and Reasoned Action Approach while sampling student-athletes whoidentified as currently experiencing a personal or emotional health concern. More specifically,the purpose of this study was to investigate which factors of help-seeking behavior predict thelikelihood that a student-athlete will seek professional help, and to identify the differences inhelp-seeking factors between student-athletes with a lower likelihood of seeking help comparedto those with a higher likelihood of seeking help. Participants were 269 NCAA student-athleteswho completed an online survey assessing factors related to their help-seeking behavior. Amultiple liner regression reveled that perceived benefits, perceived susceptibility, and perceivedattitudes factors were significant predictors of the likelihood that a student-athlete would seektreatment. Results from a one-way MANOVA showed significant differences between the lowerlikelihood and the higher likelihood of seeking help group on the perceived seriousness,perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, instrumental barriers, stigma-related barriers, andthe perceived attitudes factors. Additional information gathered in this study suggests the mostfrequently reported factors which prevented student-athletes from seeking help include a beliefthe issues they are experiencing is not that serious, or a desire to seek help from a source otherthan a mental health professional. Findings from this study have implications for athleticdepartments, campus counseling centers, and future interventions designed to enhance mentalhealth help-seeking.

  • af Lily Morrison
    157,95 kr.

    Are you steering through life's challenges, trying to embrace self-care without breaking the bank? Bid farewell to financial stress and guilt with our guide-a treasure chest of practical tips empowering you to prioritize well-being on any budget.¿¿¿¿¿Unlock the Secrets of Mindful Spending!Sail through financial stress with our guide's insights into mindful spending. Each dollar invested in your well-being becomes a step toward a richer, more fulfilling life. This isn't just a guide; it's your ticket to a sustainable, budget-friendly self-care journey.Discover Budget-Friendly Practices You'll Love!No more overwhelming wellness trends! Dive into practical, budget-friendly self-care practices that seamlessly fit into your vibrant life. From DIY spa days to affordable meal planning, each idea is designed for you.¿¿¿Celebrate Everyday Victories!Say goodbye to external wellness pressures. Embrace a journey where progress is celebrated, and self-care isn't a luxury but a way of life. Your victories are the jewels of your self-care journey, and this guide helps you cherish them.Embark on Your Well-Being Adventure!Ready to celebrate well-being without compromise? Click below to dive into a world of affordable self-care, mindfulness, and community support. Let your well-being adventure begin with our eBook guide!

  • af Lloyd Potter
    177,95 kr.

    Alternatively, it can give rise to health complications in your life. Acquiring accurate information can aid in safeguarding oneself from these problems. It is possible to manage anger and prevent anxieties; these and many other items can be found within. These themes will facilitate the excellent transformation you seek in your life.I have documented the ten pivotal stages that profoundly transformed my relationship and ultimately rescued me. While you may believe you are already familiar with these procedures, are you genuinely implementing them? The perils of excessive rumination are genuine - it erodes trust, fosters uncertainty, and can ultimately stifle the affection you hold dear.Suppose you respond affirmatively to any of these inquiries. In that case, The Essential Guide to Healing Health Anxiety will provide the methodology to permanently cease the pattern of concern, apprehension, and skepticism. There exists a significant disparity between managing the symptoms of your anxiety and achieving genuine healing. Genuine healing occurs when you realize that something you used to dread intensely no longer has the same influence over you. Imagine the immense satisfaction of being free from illogical fear and gaining the ability to instantly perceive the thoughts and emotions that previously caused you to descend into a state of internal turmoil, bewilderment, dissatisfaction, and unease regarding your well-being.Are complex emotions overpowering you and adversely affecting your well-being and interpersonal connections? This guide offers a thorough and captivating exploration of practical techniques to enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation. The author of this book instructs readers on science-supported methods such as cognitive reframing, active listening, and mindfulness. These strategies aim to confront unproductive thinking, gain insight into one's emotional needs and triggers, and improve understanding. You will acquire the ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas positively and productively effectively.

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Heeft u of een dierbare een psychische aandoening? Heeft u zich ooit afgevraagd wat u kunt doen om te helpen? Dit boek is jouw antwoord! Om depressie volledig te begrijpen, moet u aandachtig en aandachtig luisteren naar degenen onder ons die er last van hebben.Het is belangrijk dat iedereen met een psychische aandoening met vriendelijkheid, respect en waardigheid wordt behandeld, en niet met stigmatisering, vooroordelen en minachting, want we voeren een strijd die iemands visie en begrip te boven gaat. Dat we er niet ziek uitzien, betekent niet dat we dat niet zijn. Het doel van dit boek is om psychische aandoeningen van binnenuit te bekijken, vanuit het perspectief van één overlevende.

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Você ou um ente querido tem uma doença mental? Você já se perguntou o que pode fazer para ajudar? Este livro é a sua resposta! Para compreender completamente a depressão, você deve ouvir atentamente e com atenção aqueles de nós que sofrem.É importante que qualquer pessoa com doença mental seja tratada com bondade, respeito e dignidade, e não com estigma, preconceito e desprezo, pois estamos a travar uma batalha que vai além da visão e compreensão de cada um. Só porque não parecemos doentes, não significa que não estejamos. O objetivo deste livro é examinar a doença mental de dentro para fora, do ponto de vista de um sobrevivente.

  • af Little Bookies
    176,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Har du eller någon närstående en psykisk sjukdom? Har du någonsin undrat vad du kan göra för att hjälpa? Den här boken är ditt svar! För att förstå depression till fullo måste du lyssna uppmärksamt och uppmärksamt på de av oss som lider.Det är viktigt för alla med psykisk ohälsa att bli behandlade med vänlighet, respekt och värdighet, inte med stigmatisering, partiskhet och hån, för vi utkämpar en kamp bortom ens vision och förståelse. Bara för att vi inte ser sjuka ut betyder det inte att vi inte är det. Syftet med den här boken är att se på psykisk ohälsa inifrån och ut ur en överlevandes synvinkel.

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Ert þú eða ástvinur með geðsjúkdóm? Hefur þú einhvern tíma velt því fyrir þér hvað þú getur gert til að hjálpa? Þessi bók er svarið þitt! Til að skilja þunglyndi til fulls verður þú að hlusta af athygli og athygli á okkur sem þjást.Það er mikilvægt fyrir alla sem eru með geðsjúkdóma að vera meðhöndlaðir af góðvild, virðingu og reisn, ekki með fordómum, hlutdrægni og fyrirlitningu, því við erum að berjast umfram sýn og skilning. Bara vegna þess að við lítum ekki út fyrir að vera veik þýðir það ekki að við séum það ekki. Tilgangur þessarar bókar er að skoða geðsjúkdóma innan frá og út frá sjónarhóli eins eftirlifenda.

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Vous ou un de vos proches souffrez d'une maladie mentale ? Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé ce que vous pouviez faire pour aider ? Ce livre est votre réponse ! Pour bien comprendre la dépression, vous devez écouter attentivement ceux d'entre nous qui en souffrent.Il est important que toute personne atteinte de maladie mentale soit traitée avec gentillesse, respect et dignité, et non avec stigmatisation, préjugés et mépris, car nous menons une bataille qui dépasse la vision et la compréhension de chacun. Ce n'est pas parce que nous n'avons pas l'air malade que nous ne le sommes pas. Le but de ce livre est d'examiner la maladie mentale de l'intérieur, du point de vue d'un survivant.

  • af Shalom Knotts
    197,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Tracilyn George
    217,95 kr.

    Tu o una persona cara avete una malattia mentale? Ti sei mai chiesto cosa puoi fare per aiutare? Questo libro è la tua risposta! Per comprendere appieno la depressione, devi ascoltare intensamente e attentamente quelli di noi che ne sono afflitti.È importante che chiunque soffra di una malattia mentale sia trattato con gentilezza, rispetto e dignità, non con stigmatizzazione, pregiudizi e disprezzo, perché stiamo combattendo una battaglia che va oltre la nostra visione e comprensione. Solo perché non sembriamo malati, non significa che non lo siamo. Lo scopo di questo libro è guardare la malattia mentale dall'interno verso l'esterno, dal punto di vista di un sopravvissuto.

  • af Rowena Bernal
    77,95 kr.

    This book is a story, narrated from a first-person perspective of a young woman named Annie. The story show's Annie's struggles to cope with the day when you have so many distractions in your mind. It shows how a regular one day for other people is a fight for survival for people like Annie. It is a story about a day full of pain and desperation but wrapped in hope and faith.

  • af Mark Sloan
    217,95 kr.

    Exploitez le pouvoir du bleu de méthylène pour révolutionner votre santé et votre vie! Les percées scientifiques du XXe siècle ont révélé que pratiquement toutes les maladies existantes sont d'origine métabolique et que l'amélioration de la fonction mitochondriale cellulaire est le moyen le plus rapide de rétablir la santé. Développé à l'origine pour la teinture des tissus par l'industrie textile, vous allez apprendre pourquoi le bleu de méthylène est l'un des médicaments métaboliques les plus puissants jamais découverts. Your Complete Guide to Methylene Blue vous montrera les secrets de la thérapie par teinture, et comment l'utiliser pour améliorer la fonction mitochondriale et renforcer puissamment le métabolisme de votre corps. Mark Sloan, auteur de best-sellers, est le créateur du blog populaire Endalldisease, qui fournit des informations sur la santé fondées sur des preuves et a aidé des dizaines de milliers de personnes à retrouver la santé. Après avoir perdu sa mère d'un cancer à l'âge de 12 ans, Mark a consacré sa vie à trouver des thérapies plus sûres et plus efficaces pour les maladies de toutes sortes. Dans ce livre, vous apprendrez comment :Augmenter radicalement votre niveau d'énergie et passer à l'action dans votre vie.Booster vos fonctions cérébrales, votre mémoire et votre créativitéSoulager les douleurs et accélérer la réparation des blessures et des plaiesAméliorer la fonction sexuelle, les performances et la fertilitéÉliminer les pensées dépressives et se sentir mieux dans sa vieLe bleu de méthylène est votre guide ultime pour comprendre ce qu'est la maladie, ce qu'elle n'est pas, et comment utiliser le bleu de méthylène pour améliorer considérablement votre santé et votre qualité de vie. Commencez immédiatement ! Procurez-vous votre exemplaire dès maintenant en cliquant sur le bouton ACHETER MAINTENANT en haut de cette page!

  • af Johann Hari
    237,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Vi står over for en sundhedsmæssig global katastrofe. Aldrig har så mange mennesker været deprimerede eller oplevet angst: WHO forudsiger, at depression i 2030 vil udgøre den største sundhedsfaglige byrde globalt set – og det er blandt alle sygdomme.Videnskabsjournalist Johann Hari har selv kæmpet med depression og været på antidepressiva. Bogen her er en personligt drevet, grundresearchet, indigneret og velskrevet undersøgelse af, hvad vi tror, vi ved om depression og behandlingen af den, og hvorfor det er så fejlbehæftet. Vi har vænnet os til at betragte depression som en kemisk ubalance i den enkelte hjerne, der behandles bedst med medicin – men når vi ser på de egentlige resultater af de studier, der findes af medicinens effekt, er den påfaldende lille, og når vi ser nærmere på, hvordan depression udvikler sig i vores samfund i dag, forekommer det dybt usandsynligt, at det udelukkende kan forklares som afvigelser i individers hjerner. I bogen rejser Hari verden rundt og taler med de forskere, der ved mest – og han kommer frem til ni årsager til depression. Nogle er biologiske, resten samfundsmæssige. Ni årsager, der samtidig kan være svaret på, hvordan vi redder vores samfund fra at blive fuldt ud defineret af depression i det 21. århundrede.

  • af Fabian Fischer
    257,95 kr.

    In our fast-paced and demanding world, it is crucial to recognize the significance of mental health. Mental health encompasses our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act. It is an integral part of our overall well-being and contributes to our ability to handle stress, build healthy relationships, and make positive life choices. This subchapter aims to shed light on the importance of mental health and its connection to self-care.First and foremost, understanding the significance of mental health is essential for everyone. Mental health issues can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background. By prioritizing mental health, we can cultivate resilience and develop effective coping mechanisms to navigate life's challenges. It enables us to maintain a balanced perspective, make informed decisions, and find fulfillment in our personal and professional lives.Self-care plays a crucial role in maintaining and improving mental health. Taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and mentally is not a luxury but a necessity. Engaging in self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, adequate sleep, and hobbies can boost our overall well-being and contribute to a positive mindset. By incorporating self-care practices into our daily routines, we can reduce stress levels, enhance self-esteem, and promote a sense of inner peace.Moreover, practicing self-care is an act of self-compassion. It involves acknowledging our needs, setting boundaries, and prioritizing our well-being. When we prioritize our mental health, we become more attuned to our emotions and can better manage stress and anxiety. Self-care allows us to recharge and rejuvenate, enabling us to be more present and engaged in our relationships and responsibilities.Recognizing the importance of mental health also helps reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. By openly discussing mental health concerns and seeking support, we create a supportive environment that encourages others to do the same. Mental health is just as vital as physical health, and addressing it with empathy and understanding is essential for personal growth and societal progress.

  • af Maya Litvak
    167,95 kr.

    Over 50% of people in the United States alone are diagnosed with a mental illness before the end of their lifetime, and 1 out of every 5 people experience a mental health issue in any given year according to the CDC. It is more common than cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, yet, mental health often gets sidelined when we think of our overall health and wellness. But mental health is undeniably an equally important part of our overall health. Inside Your Mind explores the world of mental health with you-its ups and downs, historical evolution, exciting future advancements, and more! We all experience unique mental health journeys, and this book aims to normalize the conversation around mental health in hopes of squashing its stigma. Inside Your Mind was written to empower you to be inspired to become a proactive advocate for your mental health and learn the necessary tools to introduce positive, healthy practices in your life. Beyond this, we hope for you to not only become comfortable in your skin but also learn how to give yourselves the love and compassion you show others. The content of Inside Your Mind stems from the curriculum distributed by Fulphil, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has created engaging and fun trajectory-changing educational content for thousands of youth nationally to empower them to build compassion and equip them with the skills needed to create a positive impact on the world. But first, that must begin with how we take care of ourselves!

  • af Jessica Button
    192,95 kr.

    Delve deep into the illusions and delusions of a 34 year old schizophrenic woman See the world through the eyes of this sublime world of both disaster and laughter. With each poem there is a message to take hold, make what you will of them as these pages unfold. In a per suite for truth there is a wealth of knowledge and intelligence but the illness has thread and could ultimately be the curse that destroys her. It could also be an awakening that only if one really tries to seek further from the norm can one discover this true beauty of magic and soul.

  • af Jessica Sierra
    217,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    127,95 kr.

    In "The Depression Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Depression Management," author [Your Name] provides a comprehensive guide to understanding, managing, and ultimately overcoming depression. This enlightening book delves into the intricacies of depression, exploring its various types and symptoms. From the neurochemical imbalances affecting mood to the psychosocial factors influencing mental health, readers gain a profound understanding of this complex condition. The author goes beyond traditional approaches, advocating for holistic strategies such as diet, exercise, mindfulness, and art therapy.Readers are taken on a journey through medical interventions, including antidepressant medications and innovative treatments like Ketamine Infusion Therapy. The book emphasizes personalized depression management plans, guiding readers in assessing symptoms, setting realistic goals, and creating robust support networks. Practical advice on overcoming challenges, dealing with stigma, and managing relapses is provided, fostering resilience and growth. The author also addresses the crucial role of loved ones in supporting individuals with depression, offering insights into effective communication, crisis recognition, and caregiver self-care.As readers progress through the book, they are equipped with tools to thrive beyond depression. The guide explores cultivating meaning and purpose, rediscovering joy, building resilience, and fostering healthy relationships. With a focus on mindset shifts, embracing change, and celebrating successes, this book is a roadmap to long-term wellness and a life beyond the shadows of depression.

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