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  • af Bassey Ikpi
    182,95 kr.

    INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!In I'm Telling the Truth, but I'm Lying Bassey Ikpi explores her life?as a Nigerian-American immigrant, a black woman, a slam poet, a mother, a daughter, an artist?through the lens of her mental health and diagnosis of bipolar II and anxiety. Her remarkable memoir in essays implodes our preconceptions of the mind and normalcy as Bassey bares her own truths and lies for us all to behold with radical honesty and brutal intimacy.A The Root Favorite Books of the Year • A Good Housekeeping Best 60 Books of the Year • A YNaija 10 Notable Books of the Year • A GOOP 10 New Favorite Books • A Cup of Jo 5 Big Books of Fall • A Bitch Magazine Most Anticipated Books of 2019 • A Bustle 21 New Memoirs That Will Inspire, Motivate, and Captivate You • A Publishers Weekly Spring Preview Selection • An Electric Lit 48 Books by Women and Nonbinary Authors of Color to Read in 2019 • A Bookish Best Nonfiction of Summer Selection"We will not think or talk about mental health or normalcy the same after reading this momentous art object moonlighting as a colossal collection of essays.? ?Kiese Laymon, author of HeavyFrom her early childhood in Nigeria through her adolescence in Oklahoma, Bassey Ikpi lived with a tumult of emotions, cycling between extreme euphoria and deep depression?sometimes within the course of a single day. By the time she was in her early twenties, Bassey was a spoken word artist and traveling with HBO's Def Poetry Jam, channeling her life into art. But beneath the façade of the confident performer, Bassey's mental health was in a precipitous decline, culminating in a breakdown that resulted in hospitalization and a diagnosis of Bipolar II.In I'm Telling the Truth, But I'm Lying, Bassey Ikpi breaks open our understanding of mental health by giving us intimate access to her own. Exploring shame, confusion, medication, and family in the process, Bassey looks at how mental health impacts every aspect of our lives?how we appear to others, and more importantly to ourselves?and challenges our preconception about what it means to be "normal." Viscerally raw and honest, the result is an exploration of the stories we tell ourselves to make sense of who we are?and the ways, as honest as we try to be, each of these stories can also be a lie.

  • af David Lovelace
    257,95 kr.

    The Glass Castle meets An Unquiet Mind in a mesmerizing, loving memoir about growing up in a family plagued by bipolar disorder. Scattershot is David Lovelace's poignant, humorous, and vivid account of bipolar disorder's effects on his family, and his gripping exploits as he spent his life running from-and finally learning to embrace-the madness imprinted on his genes. Four out of five people in David Lovelace's immediate family have experienced bipolar disorder, including David himself. In 1986, his father, his brother, and David himself were all committed in quick succession. Only his sister has escaped the disease. A coming-of-age story punctuated by truly harrowing experiences, this devastating and empathetic portrait of the Lovelace family strips away the shame associated with bipolar disorder-a disease that affects approximately 5.7 million adult Americans-and celebrates the profound creative gifts that come with it.

  • af Juddy Thuo
    367,95 kr.

    Unlocking Inner Peace and Creating an Emotionally Empowered LifeTired of feeling like your emotions are in the driver's seat? Does stress and anxiety leave you feeling overwhelmed and out of control? Imagine a life where you navigate your emotions with confidence, find calm amidst the chaos, and cultivate lasting inner peace."Mastering Your Mood" is your everyday toolkit for emotional mastery. This practical guide equips you with proven strategies and techniques toUnderstand your emotional landscape: Identify triggers, decode your emotions' messages, and build emotional intelligence.Declutter your mind and body: Release emotional baggage, tame negative thoughts, and harness the power of mindfulness and movement for inner wellbeing.Rewrite the narrative of your emotions: Challenge negative thought patterns, cultivate gratitude, and use positive affirmations to empower yourself.Build resilience: Develop stress management techniques, practice self-compassion, and create healthy coping mechanisms to bounce back from challenges.Transform reactivity into response: Master your emotional triggers, learn to pause before reacting, and communicate effectively to set healthy boundaries.Cultivate inner peace: Embrace acceptance, practice gratitude, connect with nature, and discover the serenity within."Mastering Your Mood" is not just a book; it's a transformative journey. Each chapter provides actionable steps, insightful exercises, and real-life examples to help you:Develop a personalized toolkit: Discover the practices that resonate with you and create a sustainable routine for lasting change.Track your progress: Celebrate your achievements and learn from setbacks as you move closer to your emotional goals.Connect with a supportive community: Find inspiration and share your journey with others who are also seeking emotional empowerment.Ready to take control of your emotions and create a life filled with peace, purpose, and passion? Embrace the journey of self-discovery and unlock your full potential with "Mastering Your Mood."

  • af Kl Richards
    67,95 kr.

    Navigate the modern maze of life with Book of Alternative Quotes of Wisdom for Generation Z as your compass. This thoughtfully curated collection of quotes and affirmations is tailored to guide Generation Z through the daily challenges moulded by social media influences and the ever-evolving digital landscape. In a world where your social circles and self-identity play pivotal roles, this book helps you reflect on the company you keep - are they uplifting or do they tether your potential? It nudges you to identify the facets of life that challenge, change, and ultimately, define you. Structured in digestible sections, this book facilitates a gradual exploration of topics - from self-awareness to personal growth, and from chasing dreams to overcoming adversities. It's not just a book, but a catalyst for self-reflection and a beacon of motivation. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and goal setting as you delve into a wealth of positive affirmations and insightful quotes. Each page is designed to spark introspection, fostering a deeper understanding of your aspirations and the hurdles on your path. Whether you're seeking inspiration to tackle life's challenges head-on or in need of a daily dose of positivity, this book is a treasure trove of wisdom that resonates with the pulse of Generation Z.

  • af Leander Grayson
    132,95 kr.

    Are you currently navigating the complexities of grieving a recent loss? Was this loss someone dear to you? Are you seeking answers to the many questions that linger in your mind? Do persistent doubts keep you awake at night? Is the weight of grief becoming overwhelming? Is your mind in constant turmoil? Are feelings of loneliness and sorrow impacting your mental well-being? If these questions resonate with you, Shattered Pieces is here as more than just a book-it's a companion for your journey, offering understanding, solace, and a path toward healing.

  • af Selena Arnold
    102,95 kr.

    "Her True Colors: Black Girl Empowerment Coloring Book" is an inspiring coloring book designed to celebrate the diverse and beautiful experiences of Black girls. Through its vibrant illustrations and empowering messages, it encourages young readers to explore their creativity while embracing their unique identities, fostering self-confidence, and promoting a sense of empowerment. This coloring book serves as a creative and affirming platform for Black girls to express themselves and realize the strength of their individuality. "Her True Colors: Black Girl Empowerment Coloring Book" is a radiant celebration of Black girlhood, presented in a stunning 8x11 glossy format across 75 captivating pages. Each glossy page is a canvas waiting to be brought to life, showcasing a vibrant array of empowering illustrations and positive messages. This book is more than just a coloring experience; it's a journey of self-discovery and affirmation. With its glossy pages enhancing the vivid artwork, it provides a tangible and visually immersive experience, inviting young readers to embrace their uniqueness, celebrate their heritage, and find strength in their identity. This empowering coloring book is not just about adding color to the pages; it's about embracing one's true colors and shining brightly in a world that celebrates diversity and individuality.

  • af Letitia Scott
    232,95 kr.

    This book is to empower, enlighten and encourage the people. You don't know what you don't know!

  • af Cecily Shelton
    257,95 kr.

    This book is about living through pain after a significant loss of a loved one. Pain will come, and trials and tribulations are inevitable. Nevertheless, you can find purpose in your pain.

  • af Clara Bonneau
    192,95 kr.

    Vous sentez-vous parfois submergé par les défis et les obstacles de la vie? Découvrez la clé pour surmonter l'adversité et embrasser une vie de croissance et de réalisation.Dans "L'Art de Rebondir: Transformer les Épreuves en Triomphes," vous serez guidé à travers un parcours profondément transformateur. Que vous soyez confronté à des difficultés personnelles, professionnelles, ou émotionnelles, ce livre est conçu pour vous aider à:Découvrir Votre Résilience Intérieure: Apprenez à reconnaître et à exploiter vos forces, même dans les moments les plus difficiles.Faire Face avec Courage: Trouvez le courage nécessaire pour affronter n'importe quelle épreuve avec détermination et grâce.Bâtir un Réseau de Soutien: Créez une communauté solide qui vous soutiendra tout au long de votre parcours.Pratiquer la Pleine Conscience et la Méditation: Maîtrisez des techniques qui vous permettront de rester ancré et centré.Imaginez une vie où chaque défi devient une opportunité, où chaque échec est un tremplin vers la réussite. Avec ce livre, vous n'apprendrez pas seulement à surmonter les épreuves, vous apprendrez à les transformer en occasions de croissance personnelle et professionnelle. Voici ce qui vous attend:Techniques de Transformation Mentale: Explorez des méthodes scientifiquement prouvées pour changer vos habitudes et vos modes de pensée.Les Alliés de la Résilience: Comprenez l'importance du soutien social et apprenez à créer et à maintenir un réseau de soutien efficace.La Grâce en Action: Découvrez comment l'empathie et la flexibilité peuvent améliorer votre quotidien.Exercices et Témoignages Concrets: Profitez d'exemples réels et d'exercices pratiques pour mettre ces principes en action dans votre propre vie.Ne laissez pas la vie vous abattre. Prenez le contrôle et transformez chaque épreuve en triomphe. Commencez votre voyage vers la résilience et l'épanouissement. C'est votre moment. Saisissez-le!

  • af Ertugrul Odabasi
    157,95 kr.

    Mutlulu¿un aray¿¿¿, temel bir insan hedefi olup insan deneyiminin önemli bir yönünü olu¿turur. Bireyler, yäamlar¿nda mutlulu¿u, memnuniyeti ve tatmini aramak ve elde etmek için sürekli bir çaba içinde bulunurlar. Mutluluk, farkl¿ insanlar için farkl¿ anlamlar tä¿sa da genellikle ne¿e, tatmin, anlam ve amaç duygusu gibi olumlu duygularla ili¿kilendirilir.Mutlulu¿un izini sürmek, ki¿isel de¿erler, inançlar ve hayata kar¿¿ tutumlar gibi çe¿itli faktörleri içerir. Baz¿ insanlar, mutlulu¿u maddi varl¿klar, zenginlik veya bäar¿ yoluyla ararken, di¿erleri ili¿kilere, maneviyata veya ki¿isel geli¿ime odaklan¿rlar.Mutlulu¿un pe¿inden gitmek ayn¿ zamanda bireysel refah ve zihinsel säl¿kla s¿k¿ bir bäa sahiptir. Arät¿rmalar, olumlu duygular ve amaç duygusu yäayan ki¿ilerin daha iyi fiziksel säl¿¿a, güçlü bä¿¿¿kl¿k sistemlerine ve daha dü¿ük stres düzeylerine sahip olma olas¿l¿¿¿n¿n daha yüksek oldu¿unu göstermektedir.Mutlulu¿un pe¿inden gitmek zorlu ve zorlay¿c¿ olabilir. Hayat, mutlulu¿umuzu ve tatmin duygumuzu sarsabilecek zorluklar, aksilikler ve engellerle doludur. Bu, dayan¿kl¿l¿k, azim ve uyum sälama yetene¿i gerektirir.Mutlulu¿un izini sürmek ki¿isel bir yolculuktur; her birey, daha fazla mutluluk ve tatmin bulmak için kendi yolunu bulmal¿d¿r. Kendini yans¿tma, öz bak¿m, risk alma ve yeni f¿rsatlar¿ ke¿fetme arzusu aras¿nda bir denge kurmay¿ gerektirir. Olumlu duygular¿ geli¿tirme, anlaml¿ ili¿kiler kurma ve ki¿isel geli¿im pe¿inde ko¿ma yoluyla, bireyler daha fazla mutluluk deneyimleyebilir ve daha tatmin edici bir yäam sürdürebilirler.

  • af Editions Votreessentiel
    157,95 kr.

    Le Silence est Votre Superpouvoir : Découvrez la Puissance Cachée du Silence dans Votre Vie Quotidienne Vous sentez-vous souvent dépassé(e) par le bruit constant de la vie moderne ? Vous demandez-vous s'il existe un moyen simple mais puissant de naviguer dans le tumulte de la vie quotidienne ? Le silence est bien plus qu'une simple absence de bruit. C'est un outil, une stratégie, et oui, un superpouvoir. Dans ce livre révolutionnaire, découvrez comment le silence peut être votre allié le plus fidèle dans une multitude de situations, des négociations tendues aux relations interpersonnelles.Protection : Apprenez comment le silence peut être votre bouclier, protégeant votre vie privée et préservant votre image.Leadership : Découvrez pourquoi les meilleurs leaders sont souvent ceux qui maîtrisent l'art du silence et comment vous pouvez renforcer votre position de leader grâce à lui.Renforcement des Relations : Plongez dans les techniques pour utiliser le silence afin de renforcer vos relations, qu'elles soient personnelles ou professionnelles.Ne laissez pas cette opportunité vous échapper. Prenez le contrôle de votre vie, renforcez vos relations et montez les échelons du leadership en maîtrisant le superpouvoir du silence. Commandez votre copie dès maintenant et transformez votre vie grâce à la puissance du silence. Ce que vous découvrirez à l'intérieur :Des Stratégies Éprouvées : Des techniques basées sur des recherches approfondies et des études de cas réels.Des Exercices Pratiques : Des exercices pour vous aider à intégrer le silence dans votre vie quotidienne.Des Témoignages Inspirants : Des histoires de personnes comme vous qui ont transformé leur vie grâce au silence.Ne manquez pas cette chance de découvrir le superpouvoir que vous avez toujours eu, mais que vous n'avez peut-être jamais su exploiter. Commandez dès maintenant !

  • af Francesco Corradini
    247,95 kr.

    Experience the transformative potential of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a scientifically validated approach that helps individuals conquer obstacles and attain enduring mental and emotional wellness. This book is a source of inspiration for individuals looking for positive transformation, supported by convincing statistics and real-life examples of achievement. Envision a life free from the constraints of stress, anxiety, and physical discomfort - that is, the pledge of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).Each chapter, ranging from mindfulness to advanced breathing techniques and guided visualizations, provides specific methods to address anxiety effectively. It allows you to discover approaches specifically suited to your needs and lifestyle.You can consistently repeat the same erroneous choices. You need not experience misery, helplessness, or insignificance. You need not continue identifying yourself as an individual with little control over your life and surroundings. Imagine if I informed you that you can disengage from the tumultuous roller-coaster that represents your existence. What if you could eliminate recurring negative emotional responses that continuously and persistently put you in an unfavorable situation?Now is the moment to regain your composure, liberate yourself from the sensation that confines you, and overcome your apprehension in social situations. Fearful of humiliation, ridicule, misinterpretation, inadequacy in popularity or intelligence, excessive weight, or insufficient weight. You perceive a disparity in appearance, leading you to believe you cannot assimilate into your surroundings.

  • af Catherine Carrigan
    197,95 kr.

  • af Edward H Drummond
    257,95 kr.

    Valium. Atvian. Xanax. These benzodiapezines or "benzos" are among the most routinely prescribed medications in our society, used to treat chronic anxiety in millions of people. But these drugs can actually prolong and aggravate anxiety, causing individuals to postpone dealing with core problems and to increasingly rely on addictive medication with extremely debilitating effects. Of the more than 30 million people who take these drugs, more than four million are addicted.Dr. Edward H. Drummond offers hope with a revolutionary program for overcoming chronic anxiety without the use of tranquilizers. His approach flies in the face of established practices, particularly at a time when health care programs offer dwindling support for psychotherapy, preferring the cheaper course of having patients medicate themselves.Certain to inspire controversy, Benzo Blues is the work of a visionary author out to challenge the medical establishment. Its publication will be greeted with enormous interest by the millions of people affected by these powerful drugs, all of whom will find a new way of dealing with a lifelong problem.

  • af Hesham Mohamed Elsherif
    287,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Embracing the Shadows: Navigating Anxiety and Depression," a guide designed to illuminate the often challenging yet enlightening journey through the realms of anxiety and depression. This book aims to provide a beacon of understanding and hope for those who find themselves or their loved ones navigating these turbulent waters.In the pages that follow, we embark on a comprehensive exploration of anxiety and depression, disorders that are as complex as they are widespread. These conditions, often misunderstood and shrouded in stigma, touch the lives of countless individuals across the globe. Our journey is not just about understanding the clinical aspects of these disorders but also about recognizing the deeply personal experiences of those affected."Embracing the Shadows" is structured to offer insight, compassion, and practical guidance. The book is divided into several key sections, each designed to address different aspects of anxiety and depression:1. Understanding the Terrain: We begin by demystifying anxiety and depression, delving into their history, symptoms, and the science behind them. This section aims to provide a solid foundation of knowledge, breaking down complex medical jargon into accessible information.2. Personal Stories: Here, we share powerful narratives from individuals who have bravely navigated the murky depths of these conditions. Their stories offer a unique perspective and an opportunity for readers to find resonance and solidarity in shared experiences.3. Navigational Tools: This practical section equips you with strategies, techniques, and coping mechanisms to manage anxiety and depression. From cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques to lifestyle changes, we cover a range of approaches to suit different needs and preferences.4. Beyond the Individual: Understanding that anxiety and depression ripple out to affect families, friends, and communities, this section offers advice on how to support loved ones, foster empathetic environments, and build strong support networks.5. Illuminating the Path Forward: Finally, we look toward the future, discussing ongoing research, emerging treatments, and the evolving understanding of mental health. This section aims to inspire hope and encourage a proactive approach to mental wellness."Embracing the Shadows" is more than just a book; it is a journey of understanding, acceptance, and empowerment. Whether you are directly affected by anxiety and depression, supporting someone who is, or simply seeking to deepen your understanding, this book aims to be a valuable companion. As you turn these pages, may you find the light to navigate through the shadows and the strength to embrace the full spectrum of the human experience.Together, let us embark on this journey.Dr. Hesham Mohamed Elsherif

  • af Esteban Maestre
    212,95 kr.

    Discover the keys to comprehending and altering your cognitive processes as CBT becomes your friend when traversing the mental maze. Learn how to recognize and confront your negative thought patterns to reduce anxiety and become a calmer, more resilient version of yourself. You will understand the power of dynamic control as you study CBT approaches designed to improve emotional intelligence and promote healthier relationships.What causes panic attacks and how people get anxiety diagnoses will be revealed to you. You will discover the societal effects of anxiety based on the many studies conducted on the topic. The number of Americans who have anxiety and panic episodes may shock you.I have written the exact ten actions that saved my relationship and life. Even if you think you know these steps by heart, are you putting them into practice? Overthinking has real-life risks, including damaging relationships by causing insecurity and a loss of trust.A tried-and-true method for permanently overcoming your fears, concerns, and worries will be revealed to you. Anxieties and self-limiting ideas prevent millions of people from achieving their full potential. Even though most people know how bad this is, they have accepted it as part of their reality for so long that they can't seem to shake it.

  • af Imran Akram
    207,95 kr.

    In the vast expanse of our existence, the journey of the soul unfolds as an intricate and profound odyssey, a quest to understand the depths of our being and uncover the mysteries of our purpose. But for those grappling with bipolar disorder, this odyssey takes on a unique and challenging dimension. Welcome to 'Navigating Bipolar' - a powerful exploration that transcends the boundaries of time and space, delving into the intricacies of the human experience and spiritual awakening, interwoven with the complexities of bipolar disorder. As we turn the pages of this book, we embark on a quest that illuminates the dual nature of bipolar disorder - a tapestry of alternating cycles between manic highs and depressive lows. Here, knowledge, insight, and profound revelations intertwine with the distinct challenges faced by those experiencing this extraordinary path.These pages are a beacon of hope and a roadmap for those undertaking the odyssey of the soul amid the challenges of bipolar disorder. Join us as we navigate the intricate labyrinth of consciousness, forging a path towards resilience, self-discovery, and spiritual enlightenment.

  • af Amy Woods
    317,95 kr.

    An invitation to explore your own unique pathway through your eating disorder, and onwards to wellness.The Recovery & Wellness Workbook for Eating Disorders is a collection of concepts and challenges that can be helpful to explore when struggling with an eating disorder. It will take you through 11 different modules that include education, activities, explorations and reflections. Each module is created to assist you in understanding the eating disorder, to develop coping skills, explore what sustains the eating disorder and finally, how to rebuild life after, or in spite of the eating disorder.

  • af Matthew Mckay
    491,95 kr.

    The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook broke new ground in self-help resources when it was released more than ten years ago, offering readers unprecedented access to the core skills of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Now fully revised and updated, this second edition continues to offer straightforward, step-by-step exercises that will bring core DBT skills to thousands who need it.

  • af Akriti
    257,95 kr.

    Imagine that you have a beautiful light within you, one that reflects your true power and joy. The self-love journey is about discovering that light, nurturing it, and living with it in a sense of empowerment.On this journey, you will:Learn to respect your needs and desires.Identify your strengths, abilities, and unique qualities.Accept your flaws and imperfections.Stand up for yourself and listen to your inner voice.Learn to set boundaries and say "yes" and "no."Develop self-compassion and kindness.The self-love journey is not easy, but it is possible and incredibly rewarding. If you want to start this journey, begin today! Take some time for yourself each day, identify your needs, and take small steps toward self-love. When you discover your inner light, you can live with limitless happiness, joy, and empowerment.

  • af Faust Ruggiero
    177,95 kr.

    Are you ready to free yourself from depression's dark prison?Are you ready to understand everything you need to know about depression, start a program that can help you reduce its impact on your life, and free yourself from its debilitating stranglehold? If you are, The Fix Your Depression Handbook can help you get there. This is the third book in The Fix Yourself Empowerment series, following the award-winning titles The Fix Yourself Handbook and The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook.Consistent with all the books in The Fix Yourself Empowerment series, The Fix Your Depression Handbook takes you on a process journey. In these pages, depression is presented as a "life thief" that has invaded your body and mind, stealing from you everything you deem important and worthy. This helps you understand the most important point:Depression is not who you are; it is what you have.The Fix Your Depression Handbook will show you just how strong you can be. It moves away from the notion that depression is only a mental health problem to help you understand the crucial physical component that drives depression and how it works through your emotions and can cripple your intellect.Prepare yourself for a life-changing program. There is a way out of your depression, and this is that way! Follow me.

  • af Julius Spes
    192,95 kr.

    Emancipate and revitalize your lifeDo you feel entangled by the weight of your daily activities at work, at home, and in society?Do you feel drained and seem to have no energy to pull further despite the rest you try to get?Do you get bored by routine, and you are searching for meaning in your own life?This book "Liberation Psychology" provides you with 7 quick steps to self-rejuvenation that will help to give you the mental resilience to attain that aptitude that would revolutionize and revitalize your life and help you find meaning even in those things that are seemingly heavier and a burden too hard to bear. This can only kickstart from mental freedom.Attaining mental freedom is the first step to attaining self-rejuvenation and this book does it perfectly well. Do not let the cares and burdens of daily living drag you down but attain that emotional, psychological, and mental freedom that would make your day-to-day experience different by diving into these 7 actionable items that will change your life and give your life a new meaning and a new perspective.

  • af William George Jordan
    142,95 kr.

    "The Kingship of Self-Control" is a self-help book that emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and control in achieving personal and professional success. The author explores the idea that true power and mastery come from within, and he advocates for the development of self-control as a means to attain a more fulfilling and purposeful life. In the book, William George Jordan discusses various aspects of self-control, including the power of thought, the influence of habits, and the significance of mastering one's impulses and desires. The author suggests practical strategies and principles to cultivate self-control, enabling readers to overcome challenges and make better choices in their daily lives. Overall, "The Kingship of Self-Control" is a classic work in the genre of self-help literature, offering insights and guidance on the path to personal development and achieving one's goals through the mastery of self-control.

  • af Hesham Mohamed Elsherif
    457,95 kr.

    Every so often, a quiet revolution brews within the hearts and minds of individuals, a revolution that begins and ends with the mastery of one's emotional state. "From Reaction to Creation: Mastering Your Emotional Landscape" is not just a book; it's a vessel for this revolution, a guide designed to navigate the often tumultuous seas of emotional experience. As you hold this book in your hands, you are at the cusp of an inward odyssey from the darkness of reactive impulses to the light of creative power.The cover you see-a horizon shifting from a stormy sky to a luminous sunrise-mirrors the transformation you're about to undergo. Within these pages, I have laid bare the essence of our emotional foundations, explored the scientific mechanisms that underpin our feelings, and delved into the spiritual energy that emotions can unleash.This journey is deeply personal yet universally relevant. It begins with an introduction to why emotional mastery isn't just a luxury but a necessity for a fulfilled life. From understanding the very fabric of our emotions to harnessing them through emotional intelligence, each chapter builds upon the last, creating a comprehensive map for your journey.You will read about the science that decodes our emotional responses, the philosophical perspectives that have attempted to categorize them, and the spiritual beliefs that revere them as life's energy. The book doesn't shy away from the rawness of emotional contagion in our relationships or the roller-coaster of our emotional spectrum. Instead, it offers a proactive blueprint to break free from the reactive chains that bind us.The chapters are filled with personal anecdotes, real-life stories, and the collective wisdom of those who have walked this path. Techniques and exercises provide the tools for daily practice, ensuring that the concepts transcend from mere words to actionable change.As we venture through "The Power of Proactive Creation" and "The Journey Ahead: Continued Growth," the narrative shifts from theory to action, from understanding to application. Acknowledgments and resources offer a moment of gratitude and further exploration, while the index serves as your compass throughout.This book is an invitation to you, the reader, not only to read but to engage, reflect, and transform. Whether you're grappling with the chains of reactivity or seeking to refine your emotional prowess, the following chapters are a companion to your quest.I invite you to turn the page and step into a world where emotions are not your adversaries but your allies, where the storms of reaction give way to the creation of a dawn that is uniquely yours.Welcome to your emotional revolution.Dr. Hesham Mohamed Elsherif

  • af Tracilyn George
    227,95 kr.

    Har du eller en du er glad i en psykisk lidelse? Har du noen gang lurt på hva du kan gjøre for å hjelpe? Denne boken er svaret ditt! For å forstå depresjon fullt ut, må du lytte oppmerksomt og oppmerksomt til de av oss som er rammet.Det er viktig for alle med psykiske lidelser å bli behandlet med vennlighet, respekt og verdighet, ikke med stigma, skjevhet og hån, for vi kjemper en kamp utover ens visjon og forståelse. Bare fordi vi ikke ser syke ut, betyr det ikke at vi ikke er det. Hensikten med denne boken er å se på psykiske lidelser fra innsiden og ut fra en overlevendes ståsted.

  • af Remington James
    192,95 kr.

    Hey dads, tired of the toddler tug-of-war? Discover the ultimate guide to navigating the chaos, winning the bedtime battle, and savoring every laugh, leap, and 'why?' with your little one! It's almost 12 a.m. You're on your knees, scrubbing crayons off the living room wall, courtesy of your lively toddler's newfound artistic flair. The shades of the artwork might be fascinating, but all you can think of is the fresh coat of paint beneath. A few minutes later, you're engaged in the nightly bedtime war, reading "The Little Engine That Could" again for what you hope to be the last time, praying for the moment your little one's eyes finally close. Then, dawn breaks, and the famous "Why?" phase begins, where every response you offer leads to another, more complex question. "Why is the sky blue, Daddy?" "Why can't I have ice cream for breakfast?" Exhausted yet? Remember those days when changing a diaper felt like the ultimate test? Now, the stakes are higher, the questions are trickier, and the shoes are never in pairs. But guess what? You've got this! Welcome to the world of new fatherhood, a thrilling roller coaster ride filled with laughter, surprises, and many unforgettable "firsts." There are days when it's messy, when it's confusing, and when it's downright overwhelming. And that's where this book comes in... your hand-held guide to the toddler years, filled with wisdom, warmth, and wit, designed to turn challenges into triumphs. Here's a glimpse of what you'll discover in this essential guide: ¿ A 3-pronged approach to handle the challenges and joys of raising a toddler - all the wisdom, none of the stress!¿ Real-life dad-approved strategies to manage meltdowns without losing your cool in just under 5 minutes¿ 20 evidence-based social skills activities and games for kids, including the game-changer that's revolutionizing child interaction (#4 has been praised by psychologists)¿ The 10 little-known potty training strategies that work like magic - forget struggles and tears with these fun and foolproof methods.¿ 18 expert-approved tips for parents to get a good night's sleep - no more counting sheep¿ 5 incredible techniques to turn your baby's coos into conversations (the #1 secret method used by child language experts that you can apply today)¿ How to recharge your batteries with a life-saving survival kit to rejuvenate your parenting spirit in just 10 minutes a day And much more. Even if you feel like you're stumbling in the dark, even if the toddler years seem like a maze with no way out, you're not alone. With real-life stories, empathetic advice, and practical wisdom, this guide lights your path ahead. It's not just a book; it's a companion, a mentor, a friend - tailored specifically for new dads like you - cheering you on every step of the way.

  • af Giacomo Salvati
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    Alternatively, it can give rise to health complications in your life. Acquiring accurate information can aid in safeguarding oneself from these problems. It is possible to manage anger and prevent anxieties; these and many other items can be found within. These themes will facilitate the excellent transformation you seek in your life.I have documented the ten pivotal stages that profoundly transformed my relationship and ultimately rescued me. While you may believe you are already familiar with these procedures, are you genuinely implementing them? The perils of excessive rumination are genuine - it erodes trust, fosters uncertainty, and can ultimately stifle the affection you hold dear.Suppose you respond affirmatively to any of these inquiries. In that case, The Essential Guide to Healing Health Anxiety will provide the methodology to permanently cease the pattern of concern, apprehension, and skepticism. There exists a significant disparity between managing the symptoms of your anxiety and achieving genuine healing. Genuine healing occurs when you realize that something you used to dread intensely no longer has the same influence over you. Imagine the immense satisfaction of being free from illogical fear and gaining the ability to instantly perceive the thoughts and emotions that previously caused you to descend into a state of internal turmoil, bewilderment, dissatisfaction, and unease regarding your well-being.Are complex emotions overpowering you and adversely affecting your well-being and interpersonal connections? This guide offers a thorough and captivating exploration of practical techniques to enhance self-awareness and emotional regulation. The author of this book instructs readers on science-supported methods such as cognitive reframing, active listening, and mindfulness. These strategies aim to confront unproductive thinking, gain insight into one's emotional needs and triggers, and improve understanding. You will acquire the ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas positively and productively effectively.

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    Heeft u of een dierbare een psychische aandoening? Heeft u zich ooit afgevraagd wat u kunt doen om te helpen? Dit boek is jouw antwoord! Om depressie volledig te begrijpen, moet u aandachtig en aandachtig luisteren naar degenen onder ons die er last van hebben.Het is belangrijk dat iedereen met een psychische aandoening met vriendelijkheid, respect en waardigheid wordt behandeld, en niet met stigmatisering, vooroordelen en minachting, want we voeren een strijd die iemands visie en begrip te boven gaat. Dat we er niet ziek uitzien, betekent niet dat we dat niet zijn. Het doel van dit boek is om psychische aandoeningen van binnenuit te bekijken, vanuit het perspectief van één overlevende.

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