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Håndtering af autisme/aspergers syndrom

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  • af Nayla Hanegan
    182,95 kr.

    In the hallowed halls of Meadowbrook Psychiatric Hospital, Emma Martin, a transgender woman seeking solace and self-discovery, embarks on a transformative journey of healing. Alongside a diverse cast of characters, she navigates the complexities of mental health, confronting past traumas, and embracing her true identity. Through art therapy, support groups, and the unwavering guidance of compassionate staff, Emma finds solace andconnection, inspiring her fellow patients along the way. Together, they illuminate the power of resilience and perseverance, proving that within the\ depths of struggle lies the potential for growth and self-acceptance.

  • af Lucy Talbott
    182,95 kr.

  • af Lashawn M. Toney
    172,95 kr.

    "Don't Bully Me Because I'm Different" delves deep into the heart of the matter, tackling the pervasive issue of bullying and the urgent need to address it head-on. Through heartfelt stories, insightful perspectives, and empowering messages, this book serves as a rallying cry for compassion, understanding, and acceptance of individuals who are perceived as different.

  • af Maria Fiala - Bohuslawsky
    152,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Elodie Atlantis
    117,95 kr.

    Élodie Atlantis est une artiste "ASPERGIRL" complète et engagée sur la neurodiversité (compositrice, chanteuse, écrivain, plasticienne). À l'âge de 37 ans, elle a été diagnostiquée autiste (TSA SDI), H.P.I. hétérogène avec de nombreux troubles associés, multi-dys, TDAH, TAG et compagnie.Elle transforme avec habileté et sensibilité ses handicaps invisibles en créations artistiques. Les ombres disparaissent sur scène grâce à ses intérêts spécifiques qui sont mis en lumière. Depuis toute petite, Élodie se sent en décalage avec les gens qui l'entourent.Elle essaye de lutter sans cesse pour aller au-delà de ses difficultés de communication, de compréhensions orales, de ses déficits en réciprocités sociales, son incapacité de se mettre à la place des autres, de son inflexibilité aux changements, de ses hypersensibilités sensorielles et de ses douleurs quotidiennes (syndrome d'Ehlers Danlos, également appelé la maladie du chewing-gum).Ce livre est un message positif pour toutes les personnes différentes. Il est possible d'être épanouie, en aménageant son quotidien pour vivre le mieux possible, les situations et les interactions avec les humains.Bienvenue dans son royaume de musiques et des Hippocornes magiques. Ce témoignage transparent de vérité véhicule ses raisonnements hors normes.

  • af Robert Callaway
    192,95 kr.

    What Will Our Families Be Like After This Life?We desire our strong, loving family connections we presently experience, to continue in the Spirit World and beyond.What is Christ's real plan for our families after this life?This great question is answered here. You will learn about:¿ What Christ's blessings are for us, now and forever¿ What the real purpose of this life is for us and our families¿ What Christ's plan is for those with no family in this life¿ How we can actually become as Christ is now, and the purpose of doing it¿ How Christ can lovingly help usThis sequel continues the life story of the Wilkinson family, showing us how to become a forever family. It illustrates how we can view ourselves from an even greater perspective, and shows our true missions in life.Included is a thought-provoking Reading Guide, to assist you to have a much better understanding of yourself. You will truly see the great significance of living this life, individually and with your family, along with your incomprehensible potential after this life is completed. Becoming Forever Families will prove to be very beneficial for everyone.This work also promises to make great reading for a book club.

  • af Autistic Self Advocacy Network
    297,95 kr.

    Este libro trata sobre lo que significa ser parte de la comunidad autista. Las personas autistas escribieron este libro. Algunas personas autistas apenas están aprendiendo sobre su autismo. Queríamos darles la bienvenida y brindarles mucha información importante, todo en un solo lugar.Este libro habla sobre qué es el autismo y cómo afecta nuestras vidas. Habla de nuestra historia, nuestra comunidad y nuestros derechos. Escribimos este libro en un lenguaje sencillo para que más personas puedan entenderlo.Escribimos este libro para personas autistas, pero cualquiera podra leerlo. Si no eres autista, este libro puede ayudarte a apoyar a las personas autistas que conoces. Si se pregunta si podría ser autista, este libro puede ayudarlo a obtener más información. Si eres autista, crees que podrías serlo o si quieres entender mejor a las personas autistas, este libro es para ti.¡Bienvenidos a la comunidad autista!

  • - Samtaler mellem mennesker
    af Nina Berg Gøttsche & Aase Holmgaard
    232,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Samtaler kan være frie, letløbende og fulde af forståelse. Men kommunikationen kan også være frustrerende, hvis man ikke føler sig hørt og forstået. Det sker ofte for mennesker med og uden autisme, som taler på hver sin kanal.Det kalder på et nyt syn på kommunikationen og nye metoder til at forstå og håndtere den med. Det får man i denne bog. Gennem bogens mange eksempler kan man lære at genkende, forstå og overvinde de barrierer, der kan gøre kommunikationen svær og præget af misforståelser og stærke følelser.AUTISME OG KOMMUNIKATION præsenterer en ny metode og forståelse af kommunikationen og samtaler mellem mennesker med og uden autisme.Bogen:• Præsenterer et nyt sprog og en ny metode til at analysere og forstå samtalen mellem mennesker med og uden autisme.• Er en vigtig vej til hjælp og ny læring.• Er banebrydende i sin tilgang, hvor alle – med eller uden autisme – er lige i den fælles kommunikation.• Forholder sig ikke til autisme som et handicap, men som en kommunikationsform.• Beskriver og navngiver forskellene på autistisk og neurotypisk sprogbrug – med en masse eksempler.• Giver et nyt sprog og begreber, som ligeværdigt giver den neurotypiske og den autistiske part samme ansvar for, om samtalen lykkes eller ej.• Rummer en analysemetode af eget talesprog for både den autistiske og den neurotypiske sprogbruger. En metode, der også kan bruges, når kommunikationen slår fejl.Det er en god metode til alle: autister og neurotypiske, professionelle og pårørende. Til lærere, pædagoger, psykologer, socialrådgivere, vejledere m.fl. Men især også til forældre, bedsteforældre, børn, kærester, søskende, venner … altså alle!

  • af Anne Pflug
    227,95 kr.

    Finding Your Superpowers: How to Discover and Nurture Strengths and Personal Interests intentionally mimics and uses popular images of superheroes. The book is a quick read with a fun and approachable format for a wide age range. The author has extensively interviewed families and experts, including talking/consulting directly with adults on the spectrum and has included examples, stories from individuals and families, as well as resources and further information resources in the text. At the end of each chapter the reader can note their discoveries. Additionally, the focus of this book is on discovering and nurturing the personal traits and focused interests people on the spectrum bring to their world. Through their individual strengths, autistic people can experience a positive and fulfilling life. The systems that surround neurodiverse people put more emphasis on the person's "deficits" and/or "developmental delays", rather than affirming those differences--often feeding low self-esteem, depression and anxiety. This book is a guide to engaging or challenging these systems, and how to nurture each person's superpowers. It is hard, but attainable.

  • af Madi Miled
    107,95 kr.

    Vous souhaitez mieux comprendre et soutenir les personnes atteintes d'autisme ? Ne cherchez pas plus loin ! Ce guide complet, rédigé spécialement pour les débutants, offre un aperçu clair et détaillé des troubles du spectre autistique (TSA), y compris ses causes, ses symptômes et ses traitements.Dans cet ouvrage, vous découvrirez un large éventail de sujets, notamment la prévalence des TSA, l'histoire des TSA, le processus d'évaluation et de diagnostic, ainsi que les différents types de traitements et d'interventions disponibles. De plus, vous trouverez des stratégies pratiques pour gérer la vie quotidienne avec les TSA et pour aider les personnes atteintes de TSA à atteindre leurs objectifs.Grâce à son langage facile à comprendre et à ses informations précieuses, ce livre est la ressource idéale pour tous ceux qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur les TSA, qu'ils soient parents, soignants, éducateurs ou professionnels. Il s'agit également d'une ressource précieuse pour les personnes atteintes de TSA et leurs familles, qui y trouveront des conseils pratiques pour gérer la vie quotidienne avec les TSA.N'attendez pas, ajoutez ce livre incontournable à votre collection dès aujourd'hui et commencez votre voyage vers la compréhension et le soutien des personnes atteintes de TSA.

  • af Signe Katrine Dinesen
    247,95 kr.

    Bank hjerte, bank er et sandt mesterværk skrevet af Signe Katrine Dinesen ♥️Som læser er du draget fra start til slut. Signes måde at skrive og formidle på er formidabelt – intet mindre.Signe har anoreksi – og autisme. Endelig en bog der beskriver kompleksiteten og samtidig logikken i, at vi skal se på samt hjælpe spiseforstyrrede på en anden måde, når der er tale om komorbiditet.Signe skulle forstå sin autisme, før hun kunne blive fri af anoreksien.Denne bog er virkelig et MUST READ, hvis du er behandler, pårørende eller selv kæmper med en spiseforstyrrelse (og evt har mistanke om, at spiseforstyrrelsen er der for at hjælpe dig med at håndtere din “anderledeshed”♥️).Noget af bagsideteksten:I Bank hjerte, bank følger vi Signe og oplever i tilbageblik hendes teenageår med indlæggelse på en psykiatrisk afdeling, sultestrejke, ensomhed, autisme og en familie, der er på sammenbruddets rand. Samtidig er det en bog om liv, vilje og ikke mindst håb, der får Signe til at rejse sig efter sit fald og finde lys i mørket. Bank hjerte, bank rammer ned i et stærkt stigende samfundsproblem. Mange unge rammes af psykisk sygdom og må kæmpe en hård kamp for et meningsfyldt liv. Dette er tilfældet for Signe, der i syv år kæmper med en livstruende spiseforstyrrelse, indtil en ny selvindsigt og stigende selverkendelse en dag åbner døren for hende.Signe Katrine Dinesen har skrevet en vigtig bog, der ikke kun sætter tanker i gang i forhold til psykisk sygdom, men også om at turde være sig selv. Det er en bog, der inviterer os til at tale højt om det svære, at rumme det vi finder anderledes og om at turde gå nye veje.Smuk, barsk og humoristisk fortalt.En bog alle kan lære af.

  • af Madi Miled
    102,95 kr.

    "Breaking Barriers: A Guide to Overcoming Challenges in College for Autistic Students" is a must-read for anyone looking to embark on the journey of higher education. Filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and expert insights, this book provides the tools and inspiration needed to achieve success in college and beyond. Whether you are an autistic student, a parent, or an educator, this book will empower you to unlock your full potential and navigate the path to college success with confidence. So why wait? Start unlocking your potential today and take your first step towards a brighter future.

  • af Madi Miled
    102,95 kr.

    "A Beginner's Guide to Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Autism" is an essential resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of autism and improve their ability to support those on the spectrum. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the definition and prevalence of autism, to the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available.By delving into the experiences of individuals with autism and their families, this book offers a unique and intimate perspective on the challenges faced by those on the spectrum. Whether you are a parent, teacher, caretaker, or simply someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of those with autism, this book provides practical strategies for building stronger relationships and improving the quality of life for individuals with autism.With its clear, concise, and accessible language, "A Beginner's Guide to Understanding and Supporting Individuals with Autism" is the perfect starting point for anyone looking to make a positive impact in the lives of those with autism. So why wait? Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow, and become a champion for individuals with autism today!

  • af Forrest Horton
    187,95 kr.

    ¿Te has preguntado si estás haciendo algo mal al crecer a tu hijo? ¿Qué se debe hacer diferente al cuidar a un niño con necesidades especiales? ¿A menudo te pierdes entre tanta información y no sabes cuál es la adecuada? Entonces sigue leyendo..."No tengo una discapacidad, tengo una habilidad diferente" - Robert M. HenselTener un hijo o una hija con autismo tiene un gran impacto en la vida familiar, incluso llegando a cambiar el ambiente para todos los involucrados.Como padres o madres, estamos a la expectativa de esas primeras interacciones con nuestros hijos como el contacto ocular, la sonrisa, el abrazo, etc. Sin embargo, estas interacciones cotidianas no suelen ser posibles con un niño o niña autista, por más que se desee. Este hecho tan importante tiene sus consecuencias en las primeras interacciones que los padres establecen con su bebé, pero también en los sentimientos que no se van a ver realizados, pudiendo afectar a la relación con su pareja y con el resto de los hijos.Por ello, la interacción y apoyo entre familiares en situaciones similares es sumamente importante. Sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta que no todos los padres se encuentran en condiciones de servir de apoyo para otras familias ¿Difícil no? En realidad, estas redes no se forman de manera espontánea, usualmente se forman por recomendaciones de libros, informes o especialistas que tienen contacto con las familias. En este libro, descubrirás: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el autismo en la actualidad.Métodos de crianza altamente efectivos para crecer niños con autismo. Conoce a fondo los síntomas presentes en un niño o niña autista. Cómo enseñarle con facilidad a un niño o niña autista.Y mucho más...El apoyo y orientación de profesionales en los primeros momentos son primordiales para que los padres puedan aprender a comprender y aceptar a su hijo/a. Una vez que logran mirar el mundo a través de los ojos del niño con autismo es posible comprender en gran medida sus comportamientos, incluso los problemáticos y desconcertantes.¡No te encuentras solo! Este libro es lo que tanto has buscado en tu camino de crianza ¡No esperes más y añade al carrito de compra!

  • af Madi Miled
    102,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding and supporting individuals with autism, also known as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Written for beginners, it provides a clear and detailed overview of ASD, including its causes, symptoms, and treatments.The book covers a wide range of topics, including the prevalence of ASD, the history of ASD, the evaluation and diagnosis process, and the different types of treatments and interventions available. It also includes practical strategies for managing daily life with ASD and for supporting individuals with ASD to achieve their goals.With its clear and accessible language, this book is an essential resource for anyone seeking to learn about ASD, including parents, caregivers, educators, and professionals. It is also a valuable resource for individuals with ASD and their families, as it provides practical tips and guidance for managing daily life with ASD.Whether you are new to the topic of ASD or have some experience with it, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking to learn more about this complex and fascinating disorder. So don't wait...

  • af Nancy Hughes
    277,95 kr.

    What does life look like with an autistic child? What do you need to know?Within these pages lies a children's book that also engages an adult perspective.This informative book is a great resource for both children and adults. It provides useful insights and helpful suggestions for families, teachers, doctors, and anyone interested in autism. It's the book I wish I had been given when I wanted to learn how to care for my autistic loved ones.

  • af Audrey Burt Saha
    232,95 kr.

    When Audrey discovered through a routine hearing exam that her cherub-like toddler was autistic, her life was forever changed. In this book she shares stories of being a parent, wife, mother, and community leader. Her stories include starting a much needed community nonprofit organization fueled by her love of running, creating a space in the world for her son (hence her family too), and acknowledging her children as being her greatest teachers. She awakened to the fact that the way she was approaching the future was no longer working and something needed to change. Within these pages are stories of deep love, devotion and the determination to live life to the fullest despite the obstacles. This book is Audrey finding her own voice in this authentic account of her parenting journey.

  • af Carrie P. Holzer
    207,95 kr.

    "He will likely never speak."Sometimes, being told that you can't do something lights a fire inside of you so fierce that you have no choice but to succeed ... and then blow all the doubts out of the water.After all, doubt shouldn't be a part of any child's puzzle. It's hard enough building puzzles under water, watching the pieces float away, dusting off the sand from some, and scurrying toward a treasure chest to discover more.This is how author Carrie P. Holzer experienced her son Cam's diagnosis of autism and the following decade of his journey. She compared it to building puzzles under water because of the challenge, as well as the knowledge that all the pieces are there somewhere.Sometimes you just have to look harder for them and turn them this way and that to fit.In Building Puzzles Under Water: An Autism Story, Carrie details the journey that her family took, the ups and downs, and the multiple successes they had with giving Cam the life he deserves, one where he gets to express himself and have friends, things that we all take for granted that were pieces the family wasn't sure Cam would ever discover.Today, Cam speaks, eloquently, expressively, and even colorfully, thanks to the dedication that Carrie and her family had to see him be everything he possibly could. She shares this journey with you, with the hopes that your family will have success in the depths of autism as well.

  • af Henny Kupferstein
    332,95 kr.

    The Doogri Method(TM) utilizes an evidence-based piano curriculum that guarantees results. In this second book in the series, note-reading milestones must be met before continuing with the next book in the series. This curriculum is protected for LDME(R) professionals trained to teach with the Doogri Method(TM).

  • af Clay Boatright
    237,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Preston & Michelle Preston
    212,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Lydia Williams & Rebekah R. Williams
    112,95 kr.

    This book is not a 5 step recovery plan for dealing with a mental illness or depression, but in my life I have struggled with these things. I still struggle, but it helps to know I have choices: I can choose to have a bad day or a good day by protecting my inner peace. I can choose to "hold it all in" or talk to trusted friends who can give counsel, a listening ear, or share a good laugh. Most of all, I can talk to God as a Friend and He is always there to help. Also, taking medications and being treated by doctors and psychiatrists who care is a good thing. Rebekah (Becky) R. Williams and her husband, Gary Williams resides in the small Michigan town of Watervliet, and have been married for more than thirty years. Together they have raised three daughters, two of which have autism. Becky attends Central Assembly of God Church (Revive Church) in Coloma, Michigan with Pastor Edward Richcreek and the congregation. Becky has known Jesus Christ as her personal Savior since 1978. When I think back over the years, there are a few statements I have known to be true: "It is a sign of good mental health when one can learn to laugh at oneself". And "It is the ones who can hold onto hope that truly get ahead in life". Other Books Written by Becky R. Williams Virtue & Praise (Blurb) 2009 Comfort & Joy (Xulon Press) 2012 Seeing the Silver Lining (Xulon Press) 2019

  • af Gwen Gates
    372,95 kr.

  • af Faith Truelove
    148,94 kr.

    This book is about the lighter side of neurodiversity. I wrote it because not many books are written with neurodiverse children in mind, especially books which are from a light-hearted perspective. I wrote it with the intention of enabling parents and children to understand that it is o.k to be different and I hope that this book enables both parents and children to connect with the characters. Much good can come out of the diagnosis of ASD. Children with ASD excel in many areas; a diagnosis of ASD could be the making of your child. Great people in the media have revealed that they are on the ASD spectrum and have achieved amazing things.

  • - fra børnehave til bosted
    af Dorthe Ørsig
    267,95 kr.

    Hvordan får man en familie til at fungere, når ens barn har infantil autisme og derudover får konstateret ADHD?Bogen her følger Frederik, fra han er fem år, til han som 21-årig flytter hjemmefra. Frederiks mor, Dorthe Ørsig, fortæller om alle de tiltag, hun har lavet for at hjælpe sin søn bedst muligt igennem hverdagen og livet. For hvordan får man bedst muligt sit barn til at sidde stille ved frisøren, spise sin madpakke og give sin søster plads? Og hvordan håndterer man, at han bliver teenager og snart voksen og derfor skal lære at være mere selvstændig?En families liv med autisme og ADHD er fuld af konkrete råd og tips til andre familier i samme situation. Små belønninger, KAT-kassen, Boardmaker, 'trappen' og en god portion kærlighed og tålmodighed har hjulpet Frederik og hans familie.Bliv inspireret og find den hjælp, der passer til lige netop din familie, hvis I også har børn med autisme, ADHD eller andre særlige behov.Dorthe Ørsig er fotograf, forfatter, lærer og familiebehandler. Hun holder foredrag om autisme og familieliv. Hun er mor til Frederik, der har autisme og ADHD, og Freja.

  • af Alyssa Matthews
    297,95 kr.

    An all in one guide to understanding your autistic, ADHD/ADD, OCD, ODD, and PDA child. This in not just "another" parenting book. This is THE guide book to understanding children, especially those with autism and ADHD.

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