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Forbedring af hukommelsen og teknikker for tænkning

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  • af Jeffrey Mason
    123,95 kr.

    The Gift Your Father Will Enjoy and AppreciateDad, I Want to Hear Your Story is the popular and cherished way for Fathers to share the memories and joys of their life while also creating a cherished legacy for you and the entire family.This is the Original and Best-Selling Way for Your Dad to Share His Life StoryDad, I Want to Hear Your Story will guide your Father with prompts and questions, making it fun and easy for him to share the stories of his childhood, teens, and adult years. This will be the tales of his life, his victories, his challenges, and his lessons. You will give your Dad a gift he will cherish while also giving yourself the gift of knowing him a little bit better.Think of all you will learn about your Dad when you read the stories of his life experiences. What will he share? What will you discover? What will you learn?Imagine Reading About the Details of His Amazing Life and Journey.Bestselling author Jeffrey Mason and Hear Your Story Books have expertly created this incredibly popular series of guided journals that have helped thousands share their story, chronicle their memories, and create a legacy for their families.Newly Expanded and Upgraded. More Prompts, More Pages, and More Space for your Dad to Share His Life and His Story with You!Over 250 expertly created guided prompts to make it simple for your father to share his memories with you.Each question has plenty of room for your Dad to write and share his life stories.Give your father the original memory-guided journal. Tens of thousands have been bought for and cherished by Dads all over the world.Order Dad I Want to Hear Your Story and give your Father the gift that will continue to give as the years go by."My Dad loved telling us all of his stories." - Samuel Robert"I gave this book to my Dad for Christmas and he told me it was his favorite gift." - Christy Harris"I learned so much about my Dad because of this wonderful book." -Joe Costa

  • - Sådan træner du din hjerne
    af Troels W. Kjær
    318,95 kr.

    I bogen Hjernestarter vil Troels W. Kjær forklare, hvordan man kan træne sin hjerne til at gå fra første til femte gear.Bogen er delt op i tre dele. I første del følger vi to studerende, der eksperimenterer med hjernetræning i et forsøg over 6 uger. Derudover vil de overordnede principper for træningen blive gennemgået. I anden del forklarer Troels W. Kjær på simpel vis, hvad der løbende er sket med forsøgspersonernes hjerner under forsøget. Sidste del indeholder en masse øvelser og råd til, hvordan man selv træner sin hjerne.Hjernestarter er en bog for alle, der gerne vil have mere ud af de små grå. Vil du blive skarpere på arbejdet, bedre til at huske eller få mere motivation, så er det om at få hjernen op i gear.Troels W. Kjær er hjerneforsker, forfatter og foredragsholder. Han arbejder som overlæge ved Sjællands Universitetshospital og er professor ved Københavns Universitet. Han har lavet tv om hjernen og han har tidligere skrevet bogen “Knivskarp” sammen med skuespiller Mikael Birkkjær.

  • Spar 27%
    - Bliv bedre til at huske
    af Troels W. Kjær & Anne-Mette Futtrup
    108,95 kr.

    Hjernen kan blive større og stærkere gennem træning – på lige fod med andre af kroppens muskler. Selv små øvelser i hverdagen kan gøre en forskel. De fleste kender det: Man går i supermarkedet på vej hjem fra arbejde efter nogle få ting til aftensmaden – kartofler, salat, tomater og oksefars – men kommer kun hjem med kartofler, salat og oksefars. Eller man står over for én, der hilser hjerteligt, mens man forgæves graver i sin hjerne efter personens navn. Det er ikke usædvanligt at have huller i hukommelsen. Nogle gange er det de små ting, vi glemmer. Andre gange kan det være vigtige pointer under en arbejdspræsentation, en tale eller lign. Uanset hvad, er det frygtelig irriterende. Den gode nyhed er, at vi alle med en forholdsvis lille indsats kan forbedre vores hukommelse. I Klæbehjerne gennemgår professor og hjerneforsker Troels W. Kjær sammen med journalist Anne Mette Futtrup, hvordan hjernen kan blive større og stærkere gennem træning – på lige fod med biceps og triceps. Selv små uvante udfordringer i dagligdagen kan gøre en forskel. I bogen kan man teste sin hukommelse, og man præsenteres for metoder og teknikker til at lære at huske bedre. Desuden får man tre omfattende træningsprogrammer – et til begyndere, et til øvede og et til dem, der vil indføre egentlige livsstilsændringer, der gavner hukommelsen. Hvert program rummer 28 meget forskellige øvelser, som hver især specifikt påvirker hukommelsescentrene i ens hjerne, så man kommer til at huske bedre. Troels W. Kjær er hjerneforsker og forfatter til bl.a. bestselleren Knivskarp, der udkom i 2014. Han har igennem flere år specialiseret sig i, hvordan hjernen stimuleres, måles og vejes. I sin forskning har han bl.a. arbejdet med, hvad der sker med hjernen, når man ikke giver den optimale betingelser. Troels W. Kjær er ansat som overlæge på Roskilde Sygehus' neurologiske afdeling. Anne Mette Futtrup (f. 1968) er freelancejournalist og redaktør.

  • Spar 17%
    - Succes, selvværd, trivsel og glæde med mentaltræning
    af Jørgen Svenstrup
    248,95 kr.

    Spørg ikke, hvad mentaltræning kan gøre for dig. Spørg, hvad du kan gøre med mentaltræning. Hvis man spørger Jørgen Svenstrup, er det enkle svar: det meste. I Nøglen til din hjerne forklarer Jørgen Svenstrup, hvordan de allerfleste med systematisk mentaltræning kan forandre deres liv. Det handler om at bearbejde de suggestioner og overbevisninger, vi går rundt med, så vi ikke hænger fast i overbevisninger som ”Jeg får aldrig et job” eller ”Jeg er sådan en, der går ned med stress.” Bogen har to målgrupper. Den første er dem, der har været ramt af en eller flere psykiske ubalancer, fx stress, bekymringer, selvværdsproblemer eller angst. Den anden er dem, der har det godt og er tilfreds med livet, men ønsker at få det bedre eller har konkrete mål og ønsker, de vil opnå, fx drømmejobbet, vægttab, sunde kostvaner, bedre parforhold, mere sex …

  • af Ryder Carroll
    208,95 kr.

    Bogen til liste-elskere, multitaskere og kreative hoveder, som har brug for struktur. Bullet Journal-metoden er en genial metode til mental oprydning og struktur – den vil flytte dig fra at være passager til at blive pilot i dit eget liv! Ryder Carroll er skaberen af Bullet Journal-metoden, som er en international megatrend med millioner af brugere. Bullet Journal-metoden kombinerer elementer fra dagbogen, to do-listen og ønskelisten:  *  Hold styr på fortiden: Med pen og papir og intet andet skaber du et klart og overskueligt overblik over dine tanker.  *  Få orden på nutiden: Find ro i din hverdag ved at bruge din to-do-liste på en mere mindful, systematisk og produktiv made.  *  Planlæg fremtiden: Transformer dine diffuse interesser til meningsfulde mål, og bryd så disse mål ned til skridt, du kan tage handling på og opnå store forandringer.

  • af Richard Cater
    89,50 - 166,95 kr.

  • Spar 10%
    - Sådan skaber du gode arbejdsbetingelser for din hjerne
    af Trine Kolding
    223,95 kr.

    Trine Kolding – tidsekspert og -coach – hjælper dig til at lægge tankemylder, uro, overspringshandlinger og multitasking bag dig, så du kan finde, styrke og fastholde dit fokus.Længe har vi jagtet tiden og forsøgt at skabe mere af den. Men tid som en knap ressource er overhalet af evnen til at fokusere. Det er nemlig uinteressant at få mere tid, hvis du konstant er ufokuseret og mentalt fraværende.Vi lever i en verden fuld af stimuli. Døgnet rundt er der på arbejdspladsen, i fritiden og i familielivet kamp om vores opmærksomhed. Vi bliver fodret med informationer døgnet rundt, mens distraktioner og afbrydelser står i kø for at stjæle vores fokus.Vores hjerner er ikke gearede til dette konstante bombardement. Vi bliver ganske enkelt overstimulerede og får svært ved at koncentrere os, være opmærksomme og lære nye ting.Med hjælp fra denne bog kan du blive bedre til at fokusere og koncentrere dig. Du vil også opleve, at du får mere overskud i din hverdag, bliver mere effektiv, bedre til at styre dine tanker og får tingene afsluttet.

  • - Vores kognitive evner skærpes ved anstrengelse
    af Charlotte Koldbye & Kamilla Miskowiak
    231,95 kr.

    Gå i supermarkedet uden indkøbsseddel. Det gør din evolutionshjerne godt. Vi tror, at vores hjerner er overanstrengte på grund af vores digitale liv. Det modsatte er tilfældet. Vores hjerner er underanstrengte, fordi de mangler fordybelse og udfordringer. Forklaringen er, at menneskets ældgamle evolutionshjerne stadig er sat på ’overlevelse’ og skal trænes i nye måder at tænke på. Professor i kognitiv neuropsykiatri Kamilla Woznica Miskowiak og videnskabsjournalist Charlotte Koldbye tager dig med på en storslået tur gennem livets hjernestadier og forklarer, hvordan hjernen fungerer i praksis, hvordan den præges igennem livet, og hvordan vi reducerer risikoen for kognitivt forfald, så hukommelsen og koncentrationsevnen bevares fra barndom til alderdom. Hjernen skal trænes og vedligeholdes som resten af kroppen. Denne bog indeholder gode råd til moderne hjernestimulering. Du kan for eksempel lære: • Husketeknikker fra Oldtidens Grækenland.• Nonnernes hemmelighed til hjernesundhed.• At træne hjernen med virtual reality.

  • - Til den ambitiøse leder der har kronisk travlt
    af Mirja Bang
    248,95 kr.

    Ved du, hvordan du samarbejder med din lunefulde hjerne? For at præstere har du brug for en stærk og hurtig hjerne. Overophedede hjerner arbejder langsomt, og mange af os kommer til at presse vores hjerner så meget, at vi sænker vores tempo, uden at vi opdager det. Hjernefablen viser dig forskellen på sundt og usundt pres, og den åbner dine øjne for det store potentiale, der gemmer sig i din hjerne. Du får videnskabeligt funderede fakta serveret i et varmt fabelsprog, der aktiverer din huskemotor, så din nye viden lagrer sig automatisk i din langtidshukommelse, mens du læser. Og så introducerer bogen dig til en hemmelighed, der afslører, hvordan du kan skabe mere tid. "Jeg har ikke set hjerneforskning formidlet på denne måde tidligere. Denne form gør forskningen anvendelig i menneskers hverdag, og det er vigtigt.” Rune W. Berg, hjerneforsker Institut for Neurovidenskab, Københavns Universitet "Underfundig og fascinerende! Mirja har skabt en fortælling, der fanger din opmærksomhed og får dig til at glemme, at du faktisk er i gang med at lære om hjernens imponerende hemmeligheder. Fyldt med humor og gribende kendsgerninger fører Hjernefablen dig ind i en verden, hvor hemmelighederne bag effektivitet, fokus og ro bliver afsløret. Et must-read!" Marshall Goldsmith, #1 Leadership Thinker i verden (Thinkers 50), New York Times bestseller forfatter ”Det fineste og sværeste, man kan gøre i denne verden, er at tage noget, som er ekstremt komplekst og vigtigt og gøre det enkelt, sjovt og anvendeligt. Det gør Mirja Bang Hansen, og det kan fremtiden godt li’.” Anne Skare Nielsen, fremtidsforsker Universal Futurist

  • af Pia Hauge
    278,95 kr.

    KONTORKOMA er en tankevækkende fortælling om det moderne arbejdsliv og en lettilgængelig håndbog i, hvordan du værner om din hjerne og udnytter dine evner bedst muligt i en støjende verden. Når vi fordyber os i arbejdet, lukker vi op for vores allerfineste tænkning – og vi bliver i stand til at levere kvalitet og arbejde effektivt. Men fordybelsen er truet i en verden, hvor storrumskontorer og digital tilgængelighed kendetegner de fleste arbejdspladser. Resultatet er KONTORKOMA. En tilstand, hvor hjernens tænkekraft er nedsat på grund af støj og forstyrrelser. Ironisk nok er det de funktioner, vi er allermest afhængige af i arbejdet, som hjernen først lukker ned for: Vi får svært ved at koncentrere os og være kreative – og vi bliver stressede. Heldigvis er der gode nyheder: Fordybelse er ikke så svært endda. Det kræver hverken mindfulness-instruktører eller fuld tilbagetrækning til de dybe svenske skove. Denne bog giver dig opskriften på fordybelse i arbejdslivet.

  • af Dandapani
    158,95 kr.

    ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS BY LEARNING TO FOCUS.Focus can be learned and improved with practice, just like learning to read or write.Focus is at the core of all human success, yet we are constantly distracted.Distraction is damaging relationships, our working lives and our happiness.Whether you're seeking to improve yourself as a team member or a leader, a partner or a parent, a student or a teacher, this book will help you learn how to focus and in doing so, dramatically improve your productivity, relationships, mental health, happiness and your ability to achieve your life goals.Drawing on ancient Hindu monastic tradition, Dandapani shows us in this ten-step guide that concentration is a skill we can learn and improve with practice.

  • af Charan Ranganath
    165,95 kr.

    Memory is far more than a record of the past. In this groundbreaking tour of the mind and brain, one of the world’s top memory researchers reveals the powerful role memory plays in nearly every aspect of our lives, from recalling faces and names, to learning, decision-making, trauma and healing.A new understanding of memory is emerging from the latest scientific research. In Why We Remember, pioneering neuroscientist and psychologist Charan Ranganath radically reframes the way we think about the everyday act of remembering. Combining accessible language with cutting-edge research, he reveals the surprising ways our brains record the past and how we use that information to understand who we are in the present, and to imagine and plan for the future.Memory, Dr. Ranganath shows, is a highly transformative force that shapes how we experience the world in often invisible and sometimes destructive ways. Knowing this can help us with daily remembering tasks, like finding our keys, and with the challenge of memory loss as we age. What’s more, when we work with the brain’s ability to learn and reinterpret past events, we can heal trauma, shed our biases, learn faster, and grow in self-awareness.Including fascinating studies and examples from pop culture, and drawing on Ranganath’s life as a scientist, father, and child of immigrants, Why We Remember is a captivating read that unveils the hidden role memory plays throughout our lives. When we understand its power-- and its quirks--we can cut through the clutter and remember the things we want to remember. We can make freer choices and plan a happier future.

  • af Tilly Rose
    173,95 kr.

    A collection of 25 of Tilly Rose's vintage-inspired floral designs to embroider, love and cherish. A beautiful package of 48 pages of reusable transfer designs to be stitched with love. Wildflowers provide an endless source of inspiration, and this first book in Tilly Rose's new series draws on the beautiful outdoors as Tilly takes you on a journey of discovery to unveil the historic inspiration behind her creations, before putting her own modern spin on her truly unique designs. Discover 25 original embroidery designs, inspired by nature along with the fascinating vintage heritage that surrounds us all. Tilly unveils the historic background to each of her designs, before putting her own modern spin on her truly unique stitched designs, each of which are sumptuously photographed in detail. Take inspiration from her stitched designs and use the variety of transfers in the book to create your own floral arrangements to stitch using your own choice of fabrics and threads. The transfer designs are printed on iron-on paper, which can be cut out and used up to ten times, allowing you to create an array of beautiful designs over and over. A detachable illustrated stitch guide, covering the 14 stitches used in the main designs, is included in the book, which makes the perfect handy reference to pop in your sewing bag when stitching on the go. Tilly Rose's 3rd book will no doubt inspire stitchers once again to use your own findings, experiences and special fabrics to stitch pieces that are memorable and meaningful to you.

  • af Scott Branson
    178,95 - 1.045,95 kr.

  • af Lesley-Ann Noel
    136,95 kr.

    "Learn how to use design to fight for equity and inclusion, featuring ten strategies for taking creative risks to bring about change-from Stanford University's"--

  • af Dr Sanjay Gupta
    146,95 - 153,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Fagan & Laura Dodsworth
    96,95 - 168,95 kr.

  • af Tansel Ali
    153,95 kr.

    Shortcuts and brain hacks for learning new skills fast! Three-time Australian Memory Champion Tansel Ali reveals the secret to learning new skills fast--easy-to-learn memory strategies, including mind mapping, visualization techniques, and mnemonic devices. If you'd like to study for exams efficiently, speak a foreign language, memorize a speech, learn to play a new musical instrument, or improve your general knowledge, memory-training expert Tansel shows you how to do it quickly and effectively with the aid of a few memory tricks. Packed with practical exercises for honing memory and training your brain to learn well and learn fast, this is the ultimate book for sharpening your mind and expand your knowledge.

  • af Rupi Kaur
    268,95 kr.

  • af Ahyiana Angel
    283,95 kr.

    Quit Playing Small is the essential source of daily encouragement that you didn't know you needed. Author and Switch, Pivot or Quit® Podcast Host, Ahyiana Angel, tackles day-to-day doubts flipping them on their head with her practical advice, equipping you with quick mindset shifts to help you take control of your days and feed your spirit with thought-provoking inspirations.Ahyiana understands how hard it can be to explain your plans, pinpoint your frustrations, or share your dreams with family and friends. That's why each section was thoughtfully created to help you re-energize the confidence you need daily to develop a strategy and be bold enough to navigate this complex series of scenarios called life. Let the pages of this book accompany you through the twists and turns of your journey and encourage you to keep going on the days where it feels impossible. The fluid structure allows you to start from any point that best suits your needs.Similar to the Switch, Pivot or Quit® podcast -named one of "The 6 Best Podcasts To Listen To For Career Advice" by and featured among Apple Podcasts "Bold Women"-the pages of Quit Playing Small will inspire action, evoke emotion, and spark ideas to achieve greatness. It's a collection of inspiration for people who are ready to push themselves past their limits to reach their greatest potential. It's layers of life lessons, insights, and encouragement from a sassy big-sister type.

  • af Natalie Goldberg
    183,95 kr.

    Natalie Goldberg, author of the bestselling Writing Down The Bones, teaches a method of writing that can take you beyond craft to the true source of creative power: The mind that is "raw, full of energy, alive and hungry."Here is compassionate, practical, and often humorous advice about how to find time to write, how to discover your personal style, how to make sentences come alive, and how to overcome procrastination and writer's block-including more than thirty provocative "Try this" exercises to get your pen moving.And here also is a larger vision of the writer's task: balancing daily responsibilities with a commitment to writing; knowing when to take risks as a writer and a human being; coming to terms with success and failure and loss; and learning self-acceptance-both in life and art.Wild Mind will change your way of writing. It may also change your life.

  • - Embracing Stress Relief and Positive Thinking Through Mindful Living
    af Dave Drayton
    178,95 - 218,95 kr.

    In the hustle of modern life, true clarity often eludes us. "The Art of Noticing: Embracing Stress Relief and Positive Thinking Through Mindful Living" is your guide to unfurling the sails and navigating the vast ocean of the unnoticed. This isn't just a book; it's a journey that transforms the mundane into the extraordinary, led by the wisdom of renowned mindfulness expert Jay Shetty.Dive into Part I: From Blind Spots to Brilliant Insights, where you'll awaken your inner curiosity and learn to see beyond the veil of the ordinary. Experience the profound moments of Kelvin and understand the Invisible Gorilla Experiment that unveils the science behind perception.Unveil the Extraordinary in the Everyday with Part II, as you decode the unspoken language of life itself. Discover the power of nonverbal cues, the art of active listening, and the hidden depths of your senses through the experiences of Sophia.Master the Art of Noticing in Part III, where every chapter is an opportunity to fuel your curiosity and reclaim your attention from the digital deluge. Oliver's story, along with neuroscience-based strategies, will empower you to live healthier and more aware.With a 30-Day Noticing Toolkit and practical, fun exercises, this book is not just about reading - it's about action. Every page is a step towards a life of less stress, more positivity, and an abundance of creativity. Let "The Art of Noticing" guide you to a world where gratitude, happiness, and discovery are not just felt but lived.Are you ready to transform the way you see the world? "The Art of Noticing" is your first step. Add it to your cart and begin the journey of a lifetime.

  • af Mustafa Nejem
    113,95 kr.

    In the city of NeoMind, memories have become the ultimate currency, and Leah, an artist burdened by debt, finds herself drawn into an underground market. Here, the most cherished moments are commodified for financial gain. As Leah navigates this shadowy labyrinth, she unveils a haunting secret about the origins of these memories and the profound, heartwrenching consequences they inflict on those who trade them. This revelation propels her into a desperate quest for truth, forcing her to challenge the boundaries of the city and confront the darkest, most sinister secrets of this nostalgia-driven economy.

  • af Daniel Hietala
    112,95 kr.

    For some reason, life as a writer lends itself to disappointment, dejection, fear, and isolation. As a result, many writers become discouraged after years of false starts and unfinished manuscripts, while some never found a way to sustain a life of writing while working a full-time job and raising a family. Sound familiar? If so, take this 21-day journey with us and change your life as a writer with two critical lessons: How to form a writing habit and how to write well. We cover each step of writing a story, novella, or novel from scratch. If you suffer from writer's block, we will focus you each day with guidance, examples, and how to avoid major writing mistakes. The goal of this step-by-step manual is to increase your ability, motivation, and confidence by re-engineering your habits and, over three weeks, manifest the writer inside of you!

  • af Peter Hollins
    238,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Sharon Jones
    193,95 kr.

    The national bestseller"This book has made me laugh and cry, filled me with joy, and inspired me." -TikTok user camrynbanksNow with thirty pages of new questions -- the phenomenally popular secret journal filled with private prompts for personal reflection, self-exploration, and fueling creativityWith more than three million copies sold, Burn After Writing is the must-have journal for teens, tweens, and TikTok fans that helps you discover who you really are – when no one else is looking. Through incisive questions and thought experiments, this self-discovery tool helps you learn new things while letting others go. Imagine instead of publicly declaring your feelings for others, you privately declared your feelings for yourself?    Help your heart by turning off the comments and muting the accounts that drive you into jealousy for a few moments a night. Whether you are going through the ups and downs of growing up, or know a few young people who are, you will flourish by finding free expression—even if through a few tears!    Push your limits, reflect on your past, present, and future, and create a secret book that's about you, and just for you. This is not a diary, and there is no posting required. And when you're finished, toss it, hide it, or Burn After Writing.    Now expanded with thirty new pages of questions that probe even deeper into who you are when no one's looking.

  • af Mehmet Kunkel
    243,95 kr.

    This book explains how to get past obstacles if you're having trouble training your brain to adapt to minimalism, avoiding excessive stuff, learning about the psychology of the minimalist lifestyle, real-world case studies, examples of minimalists from various professions, managing and training your personality to live with the needs rather than the wants through multiple approaches, strategies to stop overbuying, and learning about the advantages of minimalism and how it can boost your confidence and self-esteem once you become entirely minimalist. This book will assist you in determining your personality's possible weak points and how to strengthen them.However, the reality is that the majority of individuals are not purposefully making things more complex; instead, it is simply that they need to possess the appropriate tools for simplifying their lives. The adoption of a minimalist lifestyle and the reduction of the unnecessary 'baggage' of life that weighs us down can be accomplished through the use of tactics that are simple and effective as well. Read this tutorial to learn how to do it.Not only will you learn methods for decluttering, but you will also learn how to alter your thinking to achieve the desired outcomes! It will provide you with techniques and tips that are effective and of great value, and when you put them into action, they will assist you in overcoming the issue permanently. Feel more pride in the things you already own, and draw more happiness from the things you own. This book aims to teach you how to simplify your life and create a home that will help you save money while also making you proud of your accomplishments. When you do this, you will be able to design a home that is conducive to the lifestyle you hope to lead, and you will find that everything is much simpler and more fun for you.

  • af Vladimir Feldmann
    243,95 kr.

    Our homes have the potential to become overpowering to us over time. When there is a buildup of clutter and things you feel you can never get rid of, an interior that was once relaxing and inviting can become claustrophobic. This is because of the accumulation of clutter. Little treasures of memories and commonplace items that we have accumulated throughout our lives are scattered around our homes.Recently, the term "minimalism" has likely been used rather frequently, particularly in the context of ecologically conscious practices. The idea gradually began to reach the forefront of our consciousness as the number of people adopting minimalist lifestyles rose. One of the goals of minimalism is to get closer to the things that provide you pleasure. Please don't trust it. Everyone is well aware that the quality of life has nothing to do with consumer goods and that substance is not a criterion for success. Living a minimalist lifestyle, you are liberated from debt, unrest, and the rat race. When you eliminate something alien to you, whether an unused item, a needless purchase, or an unmet mission, it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.The majority of other books are theoretical and teach you about the history of minimalist living and the idea behind it. This book will teach you those topics and provide you with questions and applications that you can use in your regular life to help you put what you learn into practice. You will quickly get constructive advice on how to reduce the amount of clutter in your house, as well as in your life, to discover a more profound meaning in the relationships you have and the experiences you have, rather than the superficial meaning that comes from having a lot of material possessions. You will be able to take pleasure in the more profound aspects of life with the assistance of this book, which will assist you in holding your money and your possessions loosely.In this book, minimalist ideas will be broken down into simple, bite-sized morsels for easy comprehension. In addition to many other topics, we will discuss minimalist stress reduction, budgeting, and organization. Join the rest of the crowd, download the book immediately, and discover why minimalism is becoming an increasingly popular trend.

  • af Holger Nils Pohl
    208,95 kr.

    In this book you will find 100 drawings - explained step by step. These help you toimprove your drawing skills. You can work on them at your own pace whenever you feel like it. The instructions are suitable for children and adults and are intended to simply bring you joy. You are welcome to play around - without pressure or theneed for perfection. Drawing is not magic and simple visualizations make a big difference. This simple guide will help you discover a more visual way of working.

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