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Sociale færdigheder og håndtering af andre mennesker

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  • - En indre og ydre rejse
    af Henrik Sylvest
    167,95 kr.

    Nepal tur retur beskriver veloplagt og autentisk den stofudløste psykose, Henrik Sylvest oplevede som ung i slutningen af 60’erne. Det er en dybt personlig beretning, som levende skildrer en dannelsesrejse til Indien og Nepal med LSD, hash og syre som rejsekammerater. Tilbage i Danmark er vi med inden for murerne på Sankt Hans og Oringe, som giver et sjældent indblik i datidens psykiatri og behandlingsmetoder. Psykiater Martin Balslev Jørgensen har skrevet forordet. Og bagerst i bogen er et kort afsnit med fakta om rusmidler og psykoser skrevet af psykiater Raben Rosenberg.

  • af Charles Duhigg
    259,95 kr.

    "We all know people who seem capable of connecting with almost anyone. They are the ones we turn to for advice, the ones who ask deep questions but also seem to hear what we are trying to say. What do they know about conversation that makes them so special? And what can they tell us about how communication really works? Supercommunicators, Charles Duhigg argues, understand--some by intuition, some by hard-won experience--that there is a science to how human beings connect through words. They understand that whenever we speak, we're actually participating in one of three distinct conversations: What is this really about? How do we feel? And who are we? They know the importance of recognizing--and then matching--each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations and hidden beliefs that color and inform everything we say. Our pasts, our values, our affiliations-our identities-shape every discussion we have, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work"--

  • - God Ledelse Starter Indefra
    af Lotte Juul Lauesen
    297,95 kr.

    Indre lederskab er forudsætningen for det ydre lederskab, og begynder med selvindsigt.Lotte Juul Lauesen introducerer Ledelseskompasset som et enkelt og visuelt værktøj til at forstå og udvikle organisationen som en levende organisme. Bogen henvender sig til ledere, mellemledere, lærere, pædagoger – alle som i deres virke har ansvar for andre. Du vil genkende hvert område som kvaliteter i dig selv og dine medarbejdere igennem de mange levende eksempler, og du vil blive i stand til at få øje på styrker og blinde pletter. Du vil få et redskab, et kompas, du kan orientere dig efter, i lederskabets – og livets – store kompleksitet. Ledelseskompasset tilbyder en helt ny forståelsesramme såvel som et selv- og medarbejderudviklingsredskab og en nøgle til at skabe bæredygtige forandringer i organisationen.Bogen er illustreret af Ina Marie Graneberg. ––– “Dette er en bog om ledelse og lederskab. Og det handler om dig, læseren. Hele vejen igennem peger pilen – med respekt og ydmyghed – mod dig. Du skal skabe dit eget ledelsesredskab. Der er syv ledelseskvaliteter, menneskekvaliteter, og de er krumtappen i hele bogen. Denne bog har en værdig helhedsforståelse af menneske, virksomhed og ledelse, og det er blandt andet det, der gør denne bog til en enestående bog.” Steen Hildebrandt,Ph.D., professor emeritus, Aarhus Universitet.

  • af Nate Klemp
    147,95 kr.

    The 80/80 Marriage: A New Model for a Happier, Stronger Relationship is a riveting book by Nate Klemp. Published by Penguin Life in 2022, this masterpiece is a must-read for anyone looking to enhance their understanding of relationships. The book delves into the concept of an 80/80 marriage, a new model that promises a happier and stronger relationship. Nate Klemp, with his profound understanding of the subject, takes the readers on a journey that is both enlightening and compelling. This book is a valuable addition to the genre of self-help and relationship advice. If you are seeking a book that offers a fresh perspective on marriage, this is the one for you. Published by Penguin Life, it reflects their commitment to bringing forth thought-provoking content for their readers. Grab your copy today and embark on a journey towards a happier, stronger relationship.

  • af Thomas Erikson
    197,95 kr.

    Do you ever think you're the only one making any sense? Or tried to reason with your partner with disastrous results? Do long, rambling answers drive you crazy? Or does your colleague's abrasive manner rub you the wrong way?You are not alone. After a disastrous meeting with a highly successful entrepreneur, who was genuinely convinced he was 'surrounded by idiots', communication expert and bestselling author, Thomas Erikson dedicated himself to understanding how people function and why we often struggle to connect with certain types of people.Surrounded by Idiots is an international phenomenon, selling over 1.5 million copies worldwide. It offers a simple, yet ground-breaking method for assessing the personalities of people we communicate with - in and out of the office - based on four personality types (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), and provides insights into how we can adjust the way we speak and share information.Erikson will help you understand yourself better, hone communication and social skills, handle conflict with confidence, improve dynamics with your boss and team, and get the best out of the people you deal with and manage. He also shares simple tricks on body language, improving written communication, advice on when to back away or when to push on, and when to speak up or shut up. Packed with 'aha!' and 'oh no!' moments, Surrounded by Idiots will help you understand and communicate with those around you, even people you currently think are beyond all comprehension.And with a bit of luck you can also be confident that the idiot out there isn't you!

  • af Joe Keohane
    212,95 kr.

    A “meticulously researched and buoyantly written” (Esquire) look at what happens when we talk to strangers, and why it affects everything from our own health and well-being to the rise and fall of nations in the tradition of Susan Cain’s Quiet and Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens“This lively, searching work makes the case that welcoming ‘others’ isn’t just the bedrock of civilization, it’s the surest path to the best of what life has to offer.”—Ayad Akhtar, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Homeland ElegiesIn our cities, we stand in silence at the pharmacy and in check-out lines at the grocery store, distracted by our phones, barely acknowledging one another, even as rates of loneliness skyrocket. Online, we retreat into ideological silos reinforced by algorithms designed to serve us only familiar ideas and like-minded users. In our politics, we are increasingly consumed by a fear of people we’ve never met. But what if strangers—so often blamed for our most pressing political, social, and personal problems—are actually the solution?In The Power of Strangers, Joe Keohane sets out on a journey to discover what happens when we bridge the distance between us and people we don’t know. He learns that while we’re wired to sometimes fear, distrust, and even hate strangers, people and societies that have learned to connect with strangers benefit immensely. Digging into a growing body of cutting-edge research on the surprising social and psychological benefits that come from talking to strangers, Keohane finds that even passing interactions can enhance empathy, happiness, and cognitive development, ease loneliness and isolation, and root us in the world, deepening our sense of belonging. And all the while, Keohane gathers practical tips from experts on how to talk to strangers, and tries them out himself in the wild, to awkward, entertaining, and frequently poignant effect.Warm, witty, erudite, and profound, equal parts sweeping history and self-help journey, this deeply researched book will inspire readers to see everything—from major geopolitical shifts to trips to the corner store—in an entirely new light, showing them that talking to strangers isn’t just a way to live; it’s a way to survive.

  • af Carmine Gallo
    127,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • - 6 rollerog 4 positioner til løsningsfokuseret ledelse
    af Helen Bailey & Mark McKergow
    312,95 kr.

    En bog om, hvordan man som leder kan arbejde løsningsfokuseret ved at anskue sin rolle som vært for et samarbejde. Ledelse handler ikke længere om at være helten, der går forrest og får alting til at ske, men om at tænke som en vært, der formår at skabe relationer og ved, hvornår det er bedst at træde et skridt frem eller et skridt tilbage. At tænke som en vært er en metafor, de fleste kan forholde sig til, og bruges her som indgangsvinkel til løsningsfokuseret ledelse. Lederen som vært beskriver ændringen fra den historiske ledertype til den moderne værtsleder, der skal kunne skabe relationer til andre og opmuntre dem til at tage et næste skridt ud fra bedste håb, visioner og intentioner for fremtiden. Det kræver, at værtslederen selv er bevidst om sin egen position og rolle – med andre ord, om lederen skal træde et skridt frem eller tilbage undervejs, og hvilken rolle lederen udfylder. Lederen som vært er en detaljeret gennemgang, der afdækker 6 roller og 4 positioner, som en værtsleder kan indtage. Denne tilgang er så let genkendelig og anvendelig, at den straks kan bringes i spil i både arbejde og mange andre sammenhænge ud fra tanken om værtskab som ledelsesværktøj. Bogen er systematisk bygget op, hvert kapitel slutter med hovedpunkter og spørgsmål til eftertanke, og der linkes til omfattende ekstramateriale og kilder, så det både er nemt og overskueligt at komme i gang og efterfølgende fordybe sig. Forfatterne, Mark McKergow og Helen Bailey, er nogle af de fremmeste kapaciteter internationalt inden for coaching, løsningsfokuseret ledelse og værtslederskab. Mark McKergow er medforfatter til tre bøger, deriblandt The Solutions Focus. Lederen som vært henvender sig til ledere, undervisere, facilitatorer, studerende og alle andre, der er interesserede i den løsningsfokuserede tilgang. Til dem, der er interesserede i forandringsledelse og værtslederskab. Til dem, der ønsker konkrete og nemme-at-gå-til-øvelser.

  • af Tine Wøbbe
    182,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er psykopati spændende? Hvad er psykopati, hvilke behandlingsformer er der, og hvordan undgår man at blive offer for en psykopat?Måske kender du ikke selv en psykopat, men har hørt om psykopati. Begrebet psykopati bliver ofte brugt i flæng i både rigtige og forkerte sammenhænge. De fleste opfatter en psykopat som et menneske, man helst ikke vil i nærheden af - og slet ikke have en tæt relation til.Kort & godt om PSYKOPATI giver baggrund og viden om, hvad psykopati er, hvordan det viser sig, hos hvem det udarter sig, og hvorfor det sker. Og ikke mindst hvad man kan gøre eller ikke gøre, hvis man møder en psykopat på sin vej, hvad enten det er professionelt eller personligt.Bogen er til alle, der interesser sig for psykopati. Den er også til dig, der har været eller er tæt på en psykopat – privat eller professionelt – og gerne vil vide mere om emnet.Om forfatteren:Tine Wøbbe er chefpsykolog, specialist og supervisor i psykopatologi og psykoterapi.

  • af Cleveland Rose
    165,95 kr.

    Fill you with anxiety, and you are sick and tired of avoiding confrontations or feeling anxious when the need to address a sensitive topic with a colleague, a supervisor, an employee, etc. arises? And are you looking for a guide to equip you with the necessary conversational skills, particularly when having difficult conversations at work, so you no longer hate it when you have to have difficult conversations?In this book, you'll learn;The truth about difficult conversationTips for handling difficult conversationsBe sure about the issue at handProperly manage emotionsBe silent conformablyInitiating a difficult conversation is similar to having a cold. We all come down with frequent colds, and thus, we know how much of a nuisance it can be despite the fact that it does not have any cure. Difficult conversations should not be avoided as this is an integral part of managing our challenges and thus streamlining our relationships whether in the office, at home or anywhere else.

  • af LILLI Hoch-Corona
    114,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af LILLI Hoch-Corona
    165,95 kr.

  • af Oliver Oettgen
    215,95 kr.

    Das Buch "Handwerksdenker und Influencer" bietet einen tiefgreifenden Einblick in die Schnittstelle zwischen traditionellem Handwerk und der modernen digitalen Welt der Influencer. Es beleuchtet, wie Handwerksberufe durch den Einsatz von Social Media und Influencer-Marketing neu belebt und für jüngere Generationen attraktiver gemacht werden können. Der Fokus liegt auf der Darstellung des Handwerks als eine kreative und zukunftsorientierte Branche, die sowohl traditionelle Fertigkeiten als auch innovative Technologien vereint. Durch die Verbindung von Handwerkskunst und digitalen Medien eröffnet das Buch neue Perspektiven auf Karrieremöglichkeiten im Handwerk und zeigt auf, wie durch authentisches Storytelling und gezielte Kommunikationsstrategien das Image des Handwerks verbessert und der Fachkräftemangel adressiert werden kann. Es dient als Inspiration und Leitfaden für Handwerker, Unternehmer und Influencer, die die Kraft der sozialen Medien nutzen möchten, um das Handwerk neu zu definieren und zu fördern.

  • af Roberto Del Nuovo
    156,95 kr.

    Ti piacerebbe riuscire a migliorare immediatamente i rapporti interpersonali e capire come influenzare gli altri senza sforzi, grazie all'utilizzo corretto di tecniche proibite della persuasione e manipolazione? Se la risposta è "SI", allora sei nel posto giusto! Non ti preoccupare se non sai ancora nulla di manipolazione e persuasione,all'interno di questo libro troverai tecniche e strategie facili da apprendere e da applicare per manipolare ed evitare di essere manipolati.In questo libro scoprirai: 10 tecniche di persuasione proibita semplici ed efficaci4 modi segreti per manipolare sempre le persone21 modi semplici per evitare di essere manipolati dalle altre personeCome inviare i messaggi corretti con il proprio corpo, al subconscio del nostro interlocutore per influenzarlo senza che se ne accorgaCome leggere il linguaggio verbale e del corpo delle altre persone per capire la loro personalità in modo da poter persuadere in modo efficace e veloceBONUS Tecniche proibite ed esercizi funzionali di manipolazione e persuasione mentale... e molto altro ancora! Dopo aver letto questo libro, comprenderai l'abilità di persuadere e influenzare gli altri da una parte e difenderti dai "persuasori professionisti" dall'altra. Imparerai la metodologia utilizzata dai più grandi esperti di psicologia per controllare i pensieri, le azioni e i comportamenti altrui. Quindi, sei pronto ad iniziare il tuo viaggio nel vasto mondo della manipolazione? Ora puoi diventare un maestro manipolatore grazie a questi principi e tecniche proibite di persuasione e manipolazione mentale! Cosa aspetti clicca su "Acquista Ora" e diventa subito un maestro della manipolazione e della persuasione!

  • af C. P. Kumar
    215,95 kr.

    "Everyday Wisdom: Small Tips for a Fulfilling Life" is a comprehensive guide to navigating the complexities of modern living with ease and grace. With a diverse array of topics ranging from mindfulness and self-care to productivity and relationships, this book offers practical advice and actionable tips for cultivating inner peace, enhancing well-being, and fostering meaningful connections. Each chapter delves into a specific aspect of personal growth and development, providing readers with the tools they need to lead a more fulfilling and balanced life. Whether you are looking to improve your mental clarity, strengthen your relationships, or streamline your daily routines, "Everyday Wisdom" offers invaluable insights and strategies to help you thrive in every aspect of life.

  • af Rae A. Stonehouse
    217,95 kr.

    Unlock the essence of true success with Rae A. Stonehouse's transformative guide, "Simplifying Success: A No-Nonsense Guide to Achieving Your Goals." This book is not just another self-help manual; it's a clarion call to redefine what success means to you. Stonehouse strips away the complexities and distractions that clutter our path to achievement, offering a clearer, more meaningful approach to personal and professional fulfillment. Dive into the heart of what really matters with practical advice on decluttering your objectives, focusing on holistic well-being, and aligning your actions with your deepest values. Stonehouse doesn't just tell you to chase your dreams; he shows you how to live them, emphasizing the importance of resilience, adaptability, and self-care in the journey towards your goals. "Simplifying Success" is more than achieving what you set out to do; it's about finding joy in the journey, learning from setbacks, and making a positive impact beyond yourself. Through engaging stories, actionable strategies, and insightful reflections, Stonehouse guides you to celebrate small wins, learn from every step, and continuously set the stage for greater achievements. Whether you're a seasoned professional seeking renewed inspiration or a dreamer looking to set your course, this book is your roadmap to a life of achievement and fulfillment. Embrace simplicity, focus on what truly matters, and start living a more meaningful and rewarding life today with "Simplifying Success." Join Rae A. Stonehouse on this journey to simplifying success, where less is truly more, and your biggest goals are not just achievable but meaningful.

  • af Roberto Del Nuovo
    154,95 kr.

    Scopri il segreto del successo nelle tue interazioni quotidiane con il nostro ebook rivoluzionario sul "Linguaggio Del Corpo". Preparati a dominare il potere dei segnali non verbali e a trasformare le tue relazioni personali e professionali con la nostra guida definitiva. Ecco perché dovresti assolutamente avere questo ebook:Svela i Segreti Nascosti: Con questo ebook, avrai accesso a un tesoro di conoscenze che svelano i segreti del linguaggio del corpo. Impara a interpretare i gesti, le espressioni facciali e persino i piccoli dettagli che spesso passano inosservati, ma che trasmettono un mondo di informazioni.Massimizza le Tue Interazioni: Conosci qualcuno da poco? Trattativa importante in corso? Questo ebook ti fornirà le conoscenze necessarie per massimizzare ogni interazione. Impara a leggere il linguaggio del corpo degli altri per capire cosa pensano e sentono, anche quando non lo esprimono con le parole.Sviluppa una Comunicazione Autentica: Il linguaggio del corpo è una forma di comunicazione autentica e potente. Con il nostro ebook, imparerai a trasmettere fiducia, assertività e sincerità attraverso il tuo linguaggio del corpo, creando connessioni più profonde e durature con gli altri.Applicazioni Pratiche e Consigli Esperti: Non solo ti forniremo la teoria, ma anche strumenti pratici e consigli esperti per mettere subito in pratica ciò che impari. Che tu stia cercando di migliorare le tue relazioni personali o desideri fare progressi nella tua carriera, troverai suggerimenti utili per ogni situazione. Con il nostro ebook sul "Linguaggio Del Corpo", sarai pronto a navigare con sicurezza in qualsiasi situazione sociale o professionale, sbloccando il tuo potenziale e raggiungendo nuovi livelli di successo e connessione umana.Non perdere l'opportunità di trasformare la tua vita oggi stesso!

  • af Daniel Payne
    101,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced world, communication plays a vital role in every aspect of our lives. Whether it's at work, in our personal relationships, or even in casual conversations, effective communication is essential for building strong connections and fostering understanding. Communication is a key skill that sets successful individuals apart from the rest. Whether you are interacting with colleagues, clients, friends, or family members, being a powerful communicator can make a significant difference in how your message is received and understood.

  • af Marta Negron
    159,95 kr.

    Atravesar los años de la pre-adolescencia puede ser duro y confuso. Los interminables cambios y presiones pueden hacer que te sientas abrumada, sola e insegura.Eso sin mencionar que, como chica pre-adolescente, estás intentando desarrollar tu propia identidad y sentido del estilo.Quieres ganar confianza en ti misma y sentirte cómoda con tu cuerpo. Quieres descubrir tu verdadero yo, crear relaciones significativas con los demás y descubrir formas de construir una imagen positiva de ti misma.Afortunadamente, existen HERRAMIENTAS SECRETAS que pueden ayudarte a hacer exactamente eso, ¡y te las revelamos en este libro!

  • af R. Radhakrishnan
    142,95 kr.

    Why Effective Communication Matters?Effective communication is a skill often overlooked, yet it is absolutely crucial for building relationships, resolving conflicts, and achieving success in various aspects of life.Communication skills are essential in our personal lives, professional lives, and interactions with others.Effective communication is a mindset, valuing the power of words and recognizing the impact of interactions.Every conversation is an opportunity to connect, inspire, and make a difference.Challenges in communication are opportunities for growth.The knowledge gained is a passport to becoming an effective communicator, capable of influencing and inspiring others.Embrace the power of words and use it to create positive change in all aspects of life.What this book will help you with?Welcome to the ultimate guide in communication excellence: Communication Mastery: Unlock your Full Potential.In a world where effective communication can spell the difference between success and stagnation, this comprehensive handbook is your key to becoming a true communication master.This isn't just another book; it's a journey toward expertise. Whether you're a professional looking to skyrocket your career, a student seeking to enhance your social and academic life, or anyone desiring stronger connections in personal relationships, this book is your indispensable companion.Here's what "Communication Mastery" has in store for you:A Comprehensive Approach: This book delves deep into the art and science of communication. From the fundamental principles of active listening to the intricate nuances of nonverbal cues, it covers it all. It's a comprehensive resource that leaves no stone unturned.Unlock Your Full Potential: This title isn't a mere promise; it's a commitment. By the time you finish this book, you'll have transformed into a communication powerhouse. You'll unlock your full potential, both personally and professionally.Universal Appeal: This book is designed for everyone. It doesn't matter if you're interested in improving your personal or professional communication-this book caters to both. It's a one-stop resource for individuals seeking a complete guide to communication excellence.Empowering, Practical and Motivating: The promise of unlocking your full potential is not just motivating; it's invigorating. This book isn't just about theory; it's about practicality and actionable steps that lead to transformation.Invest in "Communication Mastery" and watch as your life transforms through the power of effective communication. This isn't just a book; it's your personal mentor on the path to communication excellence. Don't miss the opportunity to unlock your full potential.

  • af Mark Anstey
    124,95 kr.

    Life is a process of mutual persuasion. Whatever our walk of life much of our everyday energy in interpersonal, intergroup and international relations is directed at trying to get others to do as we want, to change their behavior or beliefs. Change can evoke resistance, tensions rise, people find themselves in conflicts they cannot see a way out of. They precondition talks; become entrapped by escalation dynamics; struggle to listen effectively; misjudge one another's intentions, capacity, commitment or competencies; and make choices whose consequences they haven't thought through. Current and future relations become marooned on unresolved issues from the past. Some see better returns in perpetuating than resolving differences. Predatory neighbours and difficult political, social and economic conditions reduce the wriggle room for creative problem-solving. Drawing on 35 years of experience as a mediator in a changing South Africa, as a conflict scholar, and as a trainer across over 30 countries Mark Anstey shares insights into how people have broken through such impasses.

  • af Nancy Gruver
    257,95 kr.

    The expert guide to girl talk. How to Say It(r) to Girls provides a wellspring of practical advice for parents on how to broach uncomfortable subjects with girls of all ages, or how to simply open the lines of communication. This book offers concrete words, phrases, and sample dialogues to help parents figure out what to say and how best to say it.

  • af Nancy Davy
    154,95 kr.

    I'd like to welcome all of you; our returning writers, as well as those of you who may be discovering my writer's challenges for the first time. My first book, Dreaming in Color, begins with a look at free style writing and gradually turns towards structured writing and poetic expression. You'll find it to be a series of challenges, posed with the hope of honing our descriptive writing skills; and perhaps even prompting the courage to aspiring writers to put a pen to paper. Word Art now adds another level to our undertaking. We explore journal-type compositions and attempt a free-writing challenge. We examine our life journeys and write about positivity, personal achievements, gratitude and a variety of emotions. We learn about the importance of releasing our grief, and, equally important, celebrating the goodness that life has to offer. We re-visit important literary devices such as repetition, symbolism, and personification as well as some favorite exercises from the first collection and add some extreme (and delightful) syllable challenges. Each of these twenty challenges is intended to reach into our mind and our heart and draw out something different. I have provided each challenge with an example. These exercises may be humorous or serious; some providing lookbacks on our past or comments on the present. My intention with both of these books is to illustrate the power of words, and help you discover that the power lies within each of us. Our words can convey a broad range of emotions. They are reactions to our life's blessings and its challenges. They can find humor when sorely needed, share passion, and express grief. All are inspiring. All are healing. I hope you'll enjoy both of these works and that they may move you; if you have not been already, to also seek a path toward sharing your thoughts and expressing yourself through the written word.

  • af Kiran Garrett
    259,95 kr.

    Does crippling self-doubt cause you to play small instead of courageously pursuing your dreams? If low self-esteem is dimming your light and preventing you from taking control of your happiness, "Take Control of Your Life: Cultivating the Mindset for Self-Esteem and Confidence" is the empowering personal growth guide for you. In 15 paradigm-shifting chapters, this book equips you with mindset shifts and daily practices for constructing unshakeable confidence from within. You'll discover how to define your unique life purpose, expand comfort zones, nurture resilience and relate to yourself with self-acceptance. Practical lessons reveal how to: Silence the inner critic through mindfulness and self-compassionOvercome imposter syndrome by reframing failure as essential feedbackBoost self-belief by tracking tiny daily progress towards goalsEstablish empowering morning and evening routinesSet healthy boundaries around criticism and comparisonsCreate a community of supporters who nurture your growthTake small but courageous risks to build confidence through action If you're exhausted by external validation yet doubting your inner wisdom, this book provides the roadmap for firmly anchoring your self-worth from within. Includes reflections and exercises to help reinforce lessons between chapters. Stop playing small to meet others' standards. Start boldly stepping into your potential by cultivating the mindset for self-esteem and confidence with "Take Control of Your Life" as your guide!

  • af Tunde Gbotosho
    512,95 kr.

    'Talking to Black People' stands out as more than just a guide; it's a journey into the nuances of cultural awareness and effective communication.

  • af Holger Markgraf
    395,95 kr.

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