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Shopping guides

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  • - En livsnyders guide til 52 uger uden alt det unødvendige
    af Trine Baadsgaard
    160,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Er du træt af hovedløst forbrug, eller står du midt i økonomisk kaos under en skilsmisse eller på grund af arbejdsløshed, så giver Et år uden overforbrug – 52 uger uden alt det unødvendige overblik og ekstra penge. Uge for uge, krone for krone får du råd til dine drømme uden en traditionel, kedelig og grå spare-tankegang. Ryd i stedet op i dine rutiner og find ud af, hvad der gør dig glad – det skal du nemlig bruge dine penge på. Et år uden overforbrug giver dig hundredvis af effektive ideer til at trimme dit forbrug – og livsglæde plus kolde kontanter. Forfatter Trine Baadsgaard rådgiver om forbrug, arbejder med at begrænse madspild og driver bloggen

  • af Megan Hess
    247,95 kr.

    The long-awaited new book in Megan Hess's travel 'through a fashion eye' series - this time covering London!

  • af Lutz Spilker
    201,95 kr.

    Die Erfindung des Träumens - Illusion, Sehnsucht und TrugIn ¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ entführt uns der Autor auf eine faszinierende Reise in die tiefsten Sphären des menschlichen Bewusstseins. Mit wissenschaftlicher Akkuratesse und gleichzeitig einer erzählerischen Leichtigkeit entfaltet sich eine umfangreiche und bahnbrechende Untersuchung über die Natur und Bedeutung von Träumen.Der Autor nimmt den Leser an die Hand und führt ihn durch die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Neurobiologie, Psychologie und Traumforschung. Der Leser erfährt, wie Träume im Gehirn entstehen, welche Rolle sie für unsere psychische Gesundheit spielen und welchen Einfluss sie auf kreative Prozesse und Problemlösungsstrategien haben.Doch ¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ ist mehr als eine bloße wissenschaftliche Abhandlung. Durch geschickte Verknüpfung von fundiertem Fachwissen und einem mitreißenden Erzählstil entsteht eine Dokumentation, die den Leser von Anfang bis Ende in ihren Bann zieht. Im Zentrum steht nicht nur die Analyse von Träumen, sondern auch die Frage nach ihrer evolutionären Funktion und ihrer kulturellen Bedeutung.Der Autor wirft dabei einen Blick auf eindrucksvolle Fallstudien, historische Perspektiven und interkulturelle Unterschiede im Verständnis von Träumen. Das Buch regt nicht nur zum Nachdenken an, sondern öffnet auch Türen zu neuen Denkansätzen über die vielschichtige Welt des menschlichen Geistes.¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ ist ein intellektuelles Abenteuer, das die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Fiktion aufhebt. Mit einer beeindruckenden Verbindung von Tiefgang und Zugänglichkeit lädt dieses Buch dazu ein, das Mysterium des Träumens in all seinen Aspekten zu entdecken und zu verstehen.

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    292,95 kr.

    Malls assume a urgent part in molding the contemporary retail scene, filling in as diverse centers that stretch out past simple business exchanges. The idea of malls has gone through a striking development, changing from straightforward commercial centers to dynamic, coordinated spaces that take special care of different shopper needs. Lately, another influx of malls has been divulged, rethinking the conventional retail insight and establishing vivid conditions that mix business, diversion, and local area commitment. These cutting edge malls are portrayed by their creative plans and key designs, frequently highlighting a blend of retail outlets, feasting foundations, diversion settings, and mutual spaces. Draftsmen and architects are progressively centered around establishing tastefully satisfying and practical conditions that urge guests to wait and investigate. The design isn't just about structures; about creating an encounter reverberates with the contemporary purchaser. One prominent part of these uncovered malls is the accentuation on experiential retail. Past simple exchanges, these focuses focus on furnishing guests with a paramount and pleasant experience. From intuitive shows and state of the art innovation establishments to spring up occasions and themed zones, these focuses go past the conventional shopping worldview. Guests are welcome to submerge themselves in an organized air that rises above the utilitarian parts of shopping. Besides, the reconciliation of innovation has turned into a sign of these cutting edge malls. Brilliant foundation, expanded reality applications, and consistent online-to-disconnected encounters are flawlessly woven into the texture of these spaces. Portable applications permit customers to explore the middle proficiently, access select arrangements, and draw in with intuitive components, improving both comfort and commitment. Local area commitment is another key perspective that recognizes these malls. They act as get-together focuses for local people and sightseers the same, facilitating occasions, social exercises, and social drives. The point is to encourage a feeling of local area and make an objective where individuals might shop at any point as well as interface with others and offer encounters. Supportability is likewise a main thrust behind the plan and tasks of these retail outlets. From eco-accommodating development materials to energy-proficient frameworks, there is a cognizant work to limit the natural effect. A few habitats even integrate green spaces, roof gardens, and maintainable practices to make an agreeable harmony among business and environmental obligation. All in all, the recently disclosed malls address a change in perspective in the realm of retail. They are dynamic, experiential, and local area situated spaces that rise above the regular shopping experience. With a combination of creative plan, innovative mix, local area commitment, and supportability, these malls reclassify the manner in which we see and draw in with the demonstration of shopping, offering a brief look into the eventual fate of retail spaces

  • af Manuel Dosz
    320,95 kr.

    Entdecke mit "The Financial Freedom" von Manuel Dosz nicht nur einen Ratgeber, sondern deinen persönlichen Kompass zu einem finanziell erfüllten Leben. Dieses Buch ist dein Wegweiser durch klare Schritte, inspirierende Einsichten und erprobte Strategien, die finanzielle Freiheit greifbar machen. Handle jetzt - investiere in deine Zukunft und gestalte ein Leben nach deinen Regeln. Lass dieses Buch deine Begleitung auf der Reise zu Wohlstand und Unabhängigkeit sein. Mach den ersten Schritt und hol dir dein Expemplar - dein Schlüssel zu einer finanziellen Tranformation wartet auf dich.

  • af Jaxon Luca
    312,95 kr.

    Understanding Consumer PsychologyIn today's fast-paced consumer-driven world, understanding consumer psychology is essential for marketers and individuals alike. The subchapter "Understanding Consumer Psychology" from the book "The Mindful Shopper: Exploring Consumer Psychology for Everyone" aims to provide valuable insights into the intricate workings of the human mind and its impact on consumer behavior. This chapter is written for a diverse audience, including both marketers and individuals interested in gaining a deeper understanding of marketing and consumer behavior.Consumer psychology is the study of why people buy what they buy and how they make decisions regarding their purchases. It delves into the psychological factors that influence consumer behavior, such as motivation, perception, learning, and attitudes. By understanding these factors, marketers can create more effective strategies to attract and engage their target audience.For marketers, comprehending consumer psychology helps in designing marketing campaigns that resonate with the desires and aspirations of their target customers. It allows them to develop persuasive messages, tailor their products or services to meet specific needs, and utilize effective pricing and promotional strategies. By tapping into consumers' emotions, marketers can create a strong connection between their brand and the target audience, leading to increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.On the other hand, individuals can benefit from understanding consumer psychology to make more informed purchasing decisions. By being aware of the psychological tactics employed by marketers, individuals can resist impulse purchases, evaluate product claims critically, and make choices aligned with their true needs and values. Understanding one's own motivations and biases can lead to more mindful shopping, where purchases are made consciously and with greater satisfaction.This subchapter explores various aspects of consumer psychology, including the power of branding, the influence of social media, the impact of emotions on decision-making, and the role of cognitive biases. It provides real-world examples and practical tips to help readers navigate the complex landscape of consumer behavior.

  • af Lakshman Raj
    292,95 kr.

    In the fast-paced digital era, the landscape of consumer behavior has undergone a revolutionary transformation, giving rise to a new breed of influencers - the Online Shopping Influencers. These individuals wield remarkable power over the buying decisions of millions, leveraging their charisma and online presence to shape trends, promote products, and profoundly impact the e-commerce industry. In this insightful analysis, we delve deep into the phenomenon of Online Shopping Influencers to understand their significance and unravel the mechanics of their influence.Online Shopping Influencers have harnessed the potential of social media platforms, such as Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, to connect with vast audiences, effectively becoming trusted advisors to their followers. Their product recommendations, reviews, and unboxing videos possess a persuasive allure that transcends traditional marketing strategies. By tapping into their authenticity and relatability, brands can swiftly gain visibility, credibility, and a loyal customer base.This study examines the metrics and methodologies used to measure the impact of Online Shopping Influencers on consumer behavior. It also explores the ethical challenges surrounding sponsored content and disclosure. Moreover, we analyze the symbiotic relationship between influencers and brands, shedding light on how both parties benefit from this collaboration.Analyzing Online Shopping Influencers provides valuable insights for marketers, entrepreneurs, and consumers alike. As these influencers continue to shape the e-commerce landscape, understanding their influence dynamics becomes paramount in navigating the ever-evolving realm of online shopping.

  • af Megan Hess
    215,95 kr.

    From globally renowned illustrator Megan Hess, this special enlarged and updated edition of the bestselling sensation New York: Through A Fashion Eye shares the best places to play, sleep, eat and of course shop in the Big Apple. Skyscrapers, honking cabs and chic New Yorkers strutting the sidewalks – this is a city like no other. But where to visit, and what to do? Let Megan Hess take you on a fashion-lover's adventure through the city that never sleeps – from breakfast at Tiffany's to people watching in Central Park. Filled with Megan’s elegant illustrations,New York: Through A Fashion Eyein an insider's guide to one of the world's most-loved fashion cities. This special edition features a larger format, beautiful new cover, new revised content and a ribbon.

  • af Megan Hess
    247,95 kr.

    Paris is the epitome of style, an epicentre of elegance, and a must-see on every fashion-lover's list. But where to visit, and what to do? With her inimitable fashion eye, Megan Hess takes you on a personal tour of her favourite places. From people-watching on rue Saint-Honore¿ to cocktails at the Ritz, this is Paris at its most chic.

  • af Herold Zu Moschdehner
    227,95 kr.

    Erleben Sie die unglaublichen Produkte einer anderen Dimension! In diesem Buch nimmt Sie Autor Herold zu Moschdehner mit auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch die Kataloge einer fremden Welt. Entdecken Sie Produkte, die Sie sich in Ihren kühnsten Träumen nicht vorstellen können und lernen Sie eine Welt kennen, in der die Gesetze der Physik anders sind. Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für jeden, der neugierig auf neue Technologien und Innovationen ist. Kommen Sie mit auf die Reise in die andere Dimension! Herold zu Moschdehner - Einblick in die Produkte einer fremden Welt.Herold zu Moschdehner

  • af Robert Klanten
    344,95 kr.

    Think Big-Shop Small zeigt Läden, die mit einzigartigen Design-Konzepten ihre Produkte präsentieren und damit Kunden das Einkaufen neu erleben lassen.

  • af Jennifer Countess von Walderdorff
    162,95 kr.

  • af Mitch Lane
    165,95 kr.

    Feed Your Family for Under a Fiver, a book by Mitch Lane, is a must-have for every household. Published in 2023 by HarperCollins Publishers, this guide offers practical tips and recipes for feeding your family on a budget without compromising on taste or nutrition. The book belongs to the genre of cookbooks and is written in an easy-to-understand language. The author, Mitch Lane, is renowned for his innovative cooking methods and budget-friendly meal plans. This book is not just a cookbook; it's a comprehensive guide to managing your kitchen expenses efficiently. HarperCollins Publishers have done a fantastic job in presenting a book that is not only informative but also visually appealing. So, if you're looking to cook up a storm without burning a hole in your pocket, Feed Your Family for Under a Fiver is your go-to guide.

    112,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Nettleton Shoes of Worth pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of luxurious loafers, Nettleton Shoes of Worth. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    112,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Indestructo Trunks pocket journal features a travel poster illustration of a saleman selling Indestructo Trunks to a couple. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

  • af Letitia Stuart Savage
    257,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af David Humphrey
    247,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Shawna Holman
    212,95 kr.

    In A Healthier Home, Shawna Holman, founder of A Little Less Toxic, provides an inspirational yet achievable approach for making the home a safer space.

  • af Elodie Rambaud
    292,95 kr.

    A Parisian Stylist's Guide to the Best Shopping in the City of Light In this sophisticated insider's guide to the best of Paris shopping, stylist and interior decorator Elodie Rambaud provides a personal tour of the city, pointing out choice boutiques of every kind, mapping out the best shopping routes, and listing not-to-be-missed destinations in every quarter. With this book in hand, every dimension of Parisian shopping and the best of daily life is at your fingertips, from flea markets to artisan workshops, from bustling cafés to little-known gardens.Inside you'll find: An extensive list of more than 200 shopping destinations of every kind: trendsetting décor and antiques sellers, local green markets and gourmet food shops, craft suppliers and couture ateliers, and everything in between The address, telephone number, and Web site for every listing, as well as the closest metro station Valuable travel advice, including recommendations for hotels, cafés, bars, patisseries, festivals, salons, and markets Beautiful full-color photographs of every shop or location and comprehensive illustrated maps of the city, along with suggested itinerariesWhether you're traveling to Paris or exploring it from home, this gorgeous volume enables you to experience the city like a native.

  • af Robert Klanten
    396,95 kr.

    Lang lebe das Ladengeschäft ! Eine neue Generation von Gründern zeigt, was man von ihnen lernen kann.Der stationäre Einzelhandel wird derzeit von einer neuen Generation von Inhabern und Unternehmern revolutioniert. Ihre innovativen Konzepte und Verkaufsstrategien überlassen nichts dem Zufall, die Gründer sind gut mit Nachbarschaft und im Internet vernetzt und verkaufen überregional oder gar weltweit ihre Ware. Zusammengestellt von Courier, dem führenden Magazin für den modernes Unternehmertum, liefert dieses Buch Ratschläge und Inspiration wie sich der Traum vom eigenen Geschäft verwirklichen lässt. Eins ist klar: Retail ist tot, lang lebe Retail.

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