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Drivhuse, vinterhaver, terrasser, gårdhaver, havestuer og orangerier

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  • - Dyrkning, indretning, afslapning
    af Bente Mortensen & Jesper Carl Corfitzen
    187,95 kr.

    Drivhuset er skrevet af to haveeksperter og giver dig svar på alle de spørgsmål, der dukker op, når man har besluttet sig for at få et drivhus. Bogen har inspiration til valg af materialer og indretning samt placering i haven. Den gennemgår de forskellige plantetyper og arter, som kan dyrkes i drivhuset, de enkelte planters vækstbetingelser samt formering, dyrkning, pasning og pleje. Endvidere får du alt at vide om drivhusets indeklima, vinteropbevaring af planter, skadevoldere og plantesygdomme. Læs desuden om, hvordan du selv kan høste frø og formere en lang række planter nemt og lavpraktisk.Drivhuset er en inspirerende og praktisk grundbog for alle, der gerne vil have et glashus i baghaven eller midt i byen, hvor man kan opleve glæden ved at dyrke sine egne frugter, grøntsager og prydplanter – og hvor man kan nyde livet.

  • - Med naturen som læremester
    af Birgit Rothmann & Thinna Aniella Michelsen
    230,95 kr.

    Forestil dig en have, hvor træerne drypper med frisk frugt, buske er smykket med lækre bær, gourmetsvampe spirer i skyggen, hårdføre kiwier giver frugt højt oppe i en lund af lindetræer. Snørklede rum med urtespiraler, høje vægge af beplantede jerngitre og bunden tætpakket med højbede, der giver kontur i landskabet. Du er nu netop trådt ind i riget Kærbakkens Permahave på Samsø – hvor naturen er din læremester. Ideen bag permakultur er enkel: Tag dig af jorden, og jorden vil tage sig af dig. I klare logiske trin tilbyder bogen de værktøjer, du har brug for for at gøre din have til et overdådigt spisekammer i pagt med naturen. Bogen dækker de grundlæggende principper for nordisk permakultur, viser hele designprocessen med detaljerede oplysninger om planter, vand, mad, dyr og strukturer til en færdig helhedsplan. Fyldt med eksempler fra det virkelige liv og trin for trin-projekter vil denne bog være en uvurderlig ressource og hjælpe dig til at ændre dit stykke land, stort som lille, til et bæredygtigt økosystem og en spiselig oase. Permakultur betyder ‘vedvarende kultur’. Begrebet stammer fra et planlægningssystem for jordbrug introduceret i 1970’erne af australierne Bill Mollison og David Holmgren. Det handler om opbygningen af en vedvarende dyrkning ved hjælp af økologisk bæredygtige systemer, som er i fuld harmoni med naturen og dens ressourcer.Om forfatterne Birgit Rothmann er uddannet lærer og skolebibliotekar og har i mange år arbejdet som lærer, undervisningskonsulent og international koordinator på en række projekter i udlandet. Birgit er født og opvokset på en planteskole i Midtjylland og har i over 40 år fungeret som havekonsulent i fritiden. På en tur til La Gomera i 2010 opdagede hun permakulturen og blev straks bidt af tankerne bag. Har siden taget International Permakultur Designkursus og arbejder i dag med udbredelse af permakultur og design af skovhaver. Thinna Aniella Michelsen er uddannet fra Københavns Film- og Fotoskole i 2012 og havde eget atelier i København fra 2013-15. Flyttede i 2015 til Samsø. Thinna finder sin inspiration i naturen, hvor hun på ture med sit kamera oplever det, der sker; de store vidder, de små snoninger, de hårde og bløde linjer, som vejret skaber. I 2016 har hun især fordybet sig i permakultur og skovhaver.

  • - flere blomster til bestøverne
    af Persille Ingerslev
    257,95 kr.

    »Der er mere magi i verden, end man umiddelbart skulle tro. Der er flere muligheder og mere skønhed, end vi aner, og bedst af alt er det lige ved vores fødder, underordnet hvor vi bor.«Persille IngerslevMagien finder vi i jord, planter og blomster. Blomster er mad for bestøvere, og det er der brug for. Uden insekter og bestøvere, ingen mad til os mennesker – men verdens insektbestand er reduceret med rundt regnet 80 % i løbet af de seneste 40 år, simpelthen fordi der ikke er nok blomster og dermed nektar til dem. Lad os ændre på det!Persille Ingerslev og fotograf Kira Dinesen fortæller i Gratis gardening om mere end 100 blomstersorter, du kan så i altankassen, baggården, højbedet eller haven – uden at det koster dig en krone.Persille Ingerslev er gendyrker og blomsterfan. De grønne planter har hjulpet hende ud af angst, depression og stress, og i dag lever hun af at videreformidle sin viden om gendyrk af grønsager og blomster. Følg Persille Ingerslev på Facebook: ‘Persilles Hjemmedyrk’.

  • - Skab grønne oaser i dit hjem
    af Anders Røyneberg
    247,95 kr.

    Vil du gerne vide, hvordan du får held med dine stueplanter? Hvordan du bruger dem i indretningen, og hvordan du virkelig får dem til at stortrives?Anders Røyneberg, også kendt som @arcticgardener, har over 100 grønne planter i sin lejlighed i Oslo. I denne bog kommer han med sine bedste råd om, hvilke planter der passer til dig, og hvordan du skal passe dem med jord, gødning, vand og lys for at få mest ud af dem. Du lærer, hvordan du kan tage aflæggere og stiklinger, og hvordan du skal gøre, hvis du skal ud at rejse, så dine planter stadig har det fint, når du kommer hjem igen.Anders Røyneberg viser, hvordan du kan indrette og style dit hjem med planter som rumdelere, og viser eksempler på gode måder at gruppere dem på, samt hvordan du bruger spejle, krukker og potter. Hvilke planter er gode i stuen eller på badeværelset, hvilke planter renser luften på kontoret eller er robuste nok til at kunne tåle et åbent soveværelsesvindue? Hvilke planter passer godt til husets forskellige rum? Alt dette giver bogen dig svar på.

  • - Året rundt
    af Christine Granild
    297,95 kr.

    Hverdagshaven – året rundt tager gennem personlige fortællinger læseren med i haven og forklarer på en lettilgængelig måde, hvordan den dyrkes året rundt. Bogen egner sig til alle niveauer og giver den nye og erfarne haveejer et grundlæggende indblik i, hvordan haver anlægges, dyrkes og vedligeholdes med vægt på biodiversitet og økologiske dyrkningsprincipper.Bogen henvender sig til læsere med store og små haver, så her kan både landbohaveejeren, drivhusdyrkeren og børnefamilien med krukker på altanen finde ny viden og inspiration uanset ambitionsniveauet.Forfatteren folder havens udfordringer ud og giver konkrete svar på, hvordan de løses. Gennem praktiske tiltag gennemgås havearbejdet med blomster, grøntsager og frugt året rundt. Fra forspiring, såning, høst og vinteropbevaring til afsnit om beskæring, kompost, gødning og efterafgrøder formidles et dybdegående indblik i havelivets mange aspekter på en simpel måde.Læseren guides til valg af haveredskaber og får DIY-forslag til, hvordan man på bæredygtig vis kan lave sine egne eller bruge haven til hygge, når arbejdsredskaberne stilles i skuret.Christine Granild har formidlet sin store praktiske og teoretiske viden i landsdækkende medier og driver havemagasinet HVERDAGSHAVEN.dkCHRISTINE GRANILD fik sin første have lang tid før, hun begyndte i skole. Den var fyldt med farvestrålende sommerblomster, og senere voksede rækker med ærter, gulerødder og radiser frem. Det blev begyndelsen på et liv med hverdagshaver og jord under neglene.Fra sit landsted dyrker hun i dag en selvforsynende køkkenhave på 400 m2, har to drivhuse og alt det løse, hvor blomster, træer og buske folder sig ud. Året rundt er haven et levende sted med sommerblomster, grøntsager, stauder, frugttræer, bærbuske, ukrudt mellem rækkerne og skræppende høns, ænder, bier, insekter og sommerfugle.

  • - Fra ide til have
    af Nadia Dyrhoff
    224,95 kr.

    Havedesigner Nadia Dyrhoff tager dig med en turbagom kulisserne, så du ved hjælp af enkle elementerkan skabe din egen personlige have.Vælg dit temaGennemgå havens elementerLad dig inspirere af andre haverSammensæt dine ønsker og drømmeVælg dine bedste ideerog design din drømmehave

  • af Anne Airaksinen
    237,95 kr.

    Taloesitteet pinoutuivat vaivihkaa keittiönpöydälle ja omakotitalon rakentaminen alkoi näyttäytyä toteutettavissa olevalta projektilta. Niinpä tartuimme toimeen, nostimme pinon päällimmäiseksi hirsitaloesitteen ja aloimme järjestelemään elämäämme unelman mukaisesti.Työmaalla vietettiin lopulta kolme vuotta. Tavoitteena oli rakentaa terveellinen talo mahdollisimman paljon itse tehden. Toki leikkiin ryhtyessä oli tiedossa, että rakennusprojekti vie aikaa ja voimia.Kirja opastaa kiertoteitä rakennusajan kompastuskiville sekä tarjoaa vinkkejä, kuinka varautua rakentamisen aikaisiin haasteisiin ja säästää budjetissa.Entä kun rakennuspöly on laskeutunut ja rakennusaikaa voi katsoa taaksepäin elämän yhtenä ajanjaksona, jalat oikaistuna sohvalle takkatulen ääressä? Oliko kaikki puurtamisen ja tuhansien työmaalla vietettyjen tuntien arvoista?

  • af Franz Habegger
    210,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Nancy C Shirley
    377,95 kr.

    Good for most eastern states. Grow and store food when times are tough. The easy way to get started now. Improve on what you are already doing. Live the old-fashioned way: healthy, natural, organic.

  • af John Claudius Loudon
    312,95 - 417,95 kr.

  • af Geremy Green
    297,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Wietse Jehaes
    127,95 kr.

    Discover the Magic of Growing and Cooking Your Tomatoes-All in One Inspiring Book!Have you ever savored a homegrown tomato bursting with flavor and wondered what it takes to cultivate this marvelous fruit in your backyard? Or perhaps you're a cooking enthusiast eager to transform these gems into sumptuous meals? "Tomato Tales: A Gardener's Journey from Soil to Sauce" is your all-in-one guide to mastering the art and science of growing and cooking tomatoes.What You'll Find Inside:Gardening Essentials: Learn about the different varieties of tomatoes, the soil and climate they love, and how to combat pests naturally. Expert advice, diagrams, and step-by-step instructions make it easy for gardeners of all levels.Culinary Adventures: Turn your garden yield into culinary masterpieces. Whether it's a simple Marinara sauce or an elaborate tomato-based gourmet dish, you'll find recipes that delight the palate and respect the ingredients.Sustainability and Beyond: This book isn't just about tomatoes; it's also a manifesto for sustainable living. Learn how to make compost from kitchen waste, save seeds for future crops, and engage in practices that enrich your dinner plate and the environment.Personal Narratives: Wietse Jehaes shares heartwarming anecdotes and hard-earned wisdom from their own experiences in both gardening and cooking, making this not just a how-to guide but a journey of passion and discovery.Unearth the secrets to producing the juiciest, most flavorful tomatoes, and discover how to transform them into dishes that will wow your family and friends. "Tomato Tales: A Gardener's Journey from Soil to Sauce" celebrates what makes this fruit truly extraordinary.

  • af Levi Rawson Taft
    152,95 kr.

  • af Jen Racine
    117,95 kr.

    Ready to learn about some of the most gorgeous plants on every plant parent's wishlist?If you're a plant parent who has mastered the basics of the more common houseplants, perhaps you are ready for some new, unique and special plants? Coloring is a great way for seasoned plant-lovers to learn more about plants they may want to add to their collection as well as for newcomers to expand their knowledge base. In this creative book you will find thirty illustrations of plants in decorative pots labeled with helpful information such as recommended light, how often to water and fertilize, place of origin and more. Easy-to-color but detailed illustrations are set against simple backgrounds (check interior pages or back of book for examples).Plants include: Alocasia Regal Shield, Calathea Rattlesnake, Mini Monstera, Neon Pothos, Philodendron Florida Ghost, Polka Dot Begonia, Purple Shamrock, Ric Rac Cactus, Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight, Staghorn Fern, Starfish Snake Plant, Strawberry Cream Syngonium, Stromathe Triostar, Sweetheart Hoya, Swiss Cheese Plant, Velvet Cardboard Anthurium, Watermelon Peperomia and more!Pair this book with a houseplant for a unique and thoughtful gift.Perfect for: housewarming giftnew plant parentsplant loversminimalistshomeschoollearning about plantsurban gardenersdecorating with plantsLook for the companion book, The Plant Parent Coloring Book.

  • af Gloria Luna
    977,95 kr.

  • af Milly Cyper
    1.197,95 kr.

    **Unlock the Hidden Wonders of "Hydroponic Garden Secrets": Your Blueprint to Flourishing Harvests and Gardening Mastery!**Are you ready to uncover the well-guarded mysteries of hydroponic gardening and witness your plants flourish like never before? Step into the world of "Hydroponic Garden Secrets," where gardening becomes an art, and your green oasis transforms into a thriving sanctuary of beauty and abundance.**Synopsis:**In "Hydroponic Garden Secrets," gardening enthusiasts of all levels are invited to embark on an extraordinary journey. From the moment you open the pages, you'll be captivated by the secrets, tips, and techniques that propel your hydroponic garden to greatness.Whether you're a complete beginner or a seasoned green thumb, this book is your guide to mastering the art of soil-less gardening. It reveals the keys to understanding plant nutrition, harnessing the power of light, optimizing water and nutrient delivery, and ultimately creating a lush, vibrant, and sustainable garden that defies conventional limits.**Why "Hydroponic Garden Secrets" is a Must-Have:**1. **Profound Gardening Wisdom:** Delve deep into the well of gardening knowledge, drawn from seasoned experts and horticulturists. The book uncovers secrets that have been passed down through generations, making you privy to time-tested wisdom and innovative techniques.2. **Revolutionary Techniques:** Prepare to be amazed by cutting-edge approaches that push the boundaries of conventional gardening. "Hydroponic Garden Secrets" showcases revolutionary ideas that challenge the status quo and elevate your gardening game.3. **Spectacular Yields:** Imagine harvesting an abundance of healthy, nutrient-rich produce year-round, all from the comfort of your home. By mastering the art of hydroponics, you'll witness yields that surpass anything you've ever grown before.4. **Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving:** Every gardener encounters challenges, but fear not! This book equips you with expert troubleshooting tips and problem-solving strategies to ensure your garden thrives even in the face of adversity.5. **Sustainable Gardening:** Embrace an eco-conscious lifestyle as you reduce water usage and eliminate harmful chemicals from your gardening routine. "Hydroponic Garden Secrets" empowers you to create a sustainable oasis that nurtures both your plants and the environment.6. **Transformative Journey:** Beyond being just a gardening guide, "Hydroponic Garden Secrets" takes you on a transformative journey. Experience the joy of nurturing life, cultivating mindfulness, and finding solace in the beauty of nature.**Join the Elite Gardening Circle:**"Hydroponic Garden Secrets" is more than a book; it's a gateway to an elite gardening circle. Join a community of passionate green thumbs, share insights, and celebrate the joys of flourishing harvests.Whether you dream of becoming a self-sufficient gardener, crave a greener lifestyle, or simply want to immerse yourself in the wonders of hydroponics, this book is your key to unlocking the garden of your dreams.Are you ready to unveil the secrets that will change your gardening journey forever? Secure your copy of "Hydroponic Garden Secrets" today and sow the seeds of a fruitful, enchanting garden that will leave your friends and family in awe. Happy gardening!

  • - med hækle- og strikketøj
    af Sys Fredens
    227,95 kr.

    Livet i haven bliver endnu bedre, hvis du omgiver dig med smukke og brugbare ting, du selv har lavet. I denne bog får du en samling hækle- og strikkeopskrifter på små og nemme ting, som man kan bruge og nyde i det grønne. Her er opskrifter på en solhat, veste, sjaler, sokker, pulsvarmere og bluser, puder, opbevaringskurve, plantesnor, urtepotteskjulere og tæpper – og meget mere. SYS FREDENS vil være kendt af mange hæklere og strikkere, dels som indehaver af garnbutikker, først i København og siden i Aarhus, dels for sine mange lettilgængelige bøger med hæklet og strikket tøj og boligtilbehør, og dels som engageret underviser og foredragsholder om emnet.

  • af Arupratan Ghosh
    1.137,95 kr.

    This book is for both teachers and students of universities and colleges who are working on, or are interested in, the subject of 'Greenhouse Technology', or in dealing with subjects related to crop science. This book also targets researchers, extension workers and individual entrepreneurs to provide a clear and handy idea about greenhouse technology. The book is divided into 8 chapters. Chapter 1 contains the introduction, which elaborates on the reason and necessity of cultivation under greenhouse, the definition of greenhouse, and the history and present scenario of greenhouse cultivation. Chapter 2 narrates the meaning of greenhouse technology, the planning of greenhouse, the subjects involved in it, the fundamental points which are required to be understood for different climatic situations and the purpose of a greenhouse. Chapter 3 deals with the importance of different climatic and non-climatic factors in selecting proper greenhouse technology.

  • af Shan Hall
    922,95 kr.

    Introducing "The Ultimate Greenhouse Gardening Guide" - a comprehensive and empowering book that unlocks the secrets to successful greenhouse gardening. Whether you're a seasoned horticulturist or just beginning your gardening journey, this book is your invaluable companion to cultivating thriving plants, extending growing seasons, and creating a verdant oasis in your own backyard.Within the pages of this guide, you'll discover a wealth of knowledge and practical advice that will transform your greenhouse into a haven of vibrant, healthy, and bountiful plants. From selecting the perfect greenhouse structure to creating an optimal growing environment, this book covers every aspect of greenhouse gardening, leaving no stone unturned.Immerse yourself in a world of botanical wonders as you explore a diverse range of plant species that thrive in greenhouse environments. Learn the secrets to nurturing flourishing flowers, succulent fruits, crisp vegetables, and aromatic herbs throughout the year. Unlock the mysteries of greenhouse microclimates, master the art of proper ventilation and irrigation, and understand the delicate balance of light, temperature, and humidity that ensures optimal plant growth."The Ultimate Greenhouse Gardening Guide" goes beyond basic gardening principles. It delves into advanced techniques such as hydroponics, vertical gardening, and organic pest management, empowering you to push the boundaries of traditional gardening and achieve exceptional results. Discover the joy of growing exotic plants, experimenting with rare varieties, and creating lush displays that will leave your friends and neighbors in awe.This book is not just a compilation of instructions; it's an invitation to embark on a journey of discovery, connection, and tranquility. Explore the therapeutic benefits of greenhouse gardening as you immerse yourself in nature's embrace. Find solace and serenity in the rhythmic process of nurturing and tending to your plants. Cultivate a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between humans and the natural world, and create a sanctuary that nurtures your soul as well as your plants.With its stunning photography and vivid illustrations, "The Ultimate Greenhouse Gardening Guide" will inspire and captivate your imagination. From lush tropical jungles to meticulously organized plant collections, each image showcases the beauty and potential of greenhouse gardening. Let the visual feast fuel your creativity and motivate you to transform your greenhouse into a captivating and thriving paradise.Don't miss the opportunity to elevate your gardening skills and unlock the full potential of your greenhouse. Order your copy of "The Ultimate Greenhouse Gardening Guide" today and embark on a journey of botanical mastery. Experience the joy of year-round gardening, indulge in the flavors of freshly harvested produce, and revel in the beauty of a greenhouse that flourishes under your care. Embrace the power of greenhouse gardening and create a flourishing oasis that will be the envy of gardeners everywhere.

  • af Daisy Green
    637,95 kr.

    Introducing "Greenhouse Gardening: Unleashing Nature's Power for Year-Round Bounty"Discover the secret to transforming your gardening journey into a thriving, bountiful paradise with the revolutionary book, "Greenhouse Gardening." Immerse yourself in the captivating world of greenhouse cultivation and unlock the true potential of your gardening ambitions.Step into a realm where nature's wonders and human ingenuity unite, offering you an unparalleled opportunity to cultivate flourishing plants, fruits, and vegetables all year long. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb seeking to expand your gardening prowess or a novice explorer taking your first steps into the enchanting world of gardening, this book is your ultimate guide."Greenhouse Gardening" unravels the mysteries of harnessing the power of controlled environments to create a haven of botanical bliss. Within its pages, you'll embark on an inspiring journey through the art and science of greenhouse gardening, meticulously crafted by horticultural experts who share their decades of wisdom and experience.This comprehensive guide delves into every aspect of greenhouse gardening, providing you with invaluable insights on:1. Selecting the Perfect Greenhouse: Discover the wide range of greenhouse options available, from small and compact structures to grand designs, and learn how to choose the one that perfectly suits your needs and aspirations.2. Mastering Environmental Control: Unleash your ability to manipulate temperature, humidity, ventilation, and lighting, creating an optimal microclimate that ensures your plants thrive regardless of the season.3. Nurturing a Diverse Plant Kingdom: Unlock the potential to cultivate an astonishing variety of plants, including delicate flowers, succulent fruits, vibrant herbs, and exotic species, all within the protective embrace of your greenhouse.4. Effective Watering and Feeding Strategies: Learn the art of hydration and nutrition, discovering the precise techniques to keep your plants healthy, vibrant, and full of vitality.5. Pest and Disease Management: Arm yourself with invaluable knowledge on identifying, preventing, and combating pests and diseases, safeguarding your precious plants and preserving their beauty.6. Extending the Growing Season: Seamlessly transition from one season to the next, relishing the joys of year-round gardening and harvesting the rewards of your labor when others are still waiting for spring.7. Practical Tips and Techniques: From seed propagation and transplanting to pruning and crop rotation, gain expert guidance on all the essential techniques to cultivate and care for your greenhouse plants.Prepare to be captivated by stunning visuals that bring the greenhouse world to life, showcasing awe-inspiring green spaces bursting with vibrant colors and lush foliage. Engaging anecdotes and success stories from seasoned gardeners will ignite your passion and inspire you to create your own botanical masterpiece."Greenhouse Gardening" isn't just a book; it's your gateway to unlocking the extraordinary potential of nature's power. Immerse yourself in its pages and embark on a journey that will elevate your gardening experience to new heights.Whether you dream of harvesting plump tomatoes in the heart of winter, reveling in the scent of blooming orchids year-round, or creating an oasis of serenity and beauty in your backyard, "Greenhouse Gardening" will equip you with the knowledge, inspiration, and confidence to turn your dreams into a living, breathing reality.

  • af Nicolas Campos
    247,95 kr.

    Do you like the thought of eating organic veggies from your own garden?Read on if the response is affirmative. You will now comprehend how to use indoor growing to create a wholesome, chemical-free garden.Innovative gardening techniques like hydroponics or greenhouse gardening can hasten the ripening of your plants by 25%, increasing their yield by 30%. You will learn everything about hydroponic, aquaponic, aeroponic, and greenhouse gardening in this book, including its advantages and significance. Don't let it undermine your finest growth attempts without you even realizing it if you lack the necessary abilities and information! And if you are one of those people who has imagined their garden as the envy of all who view it?So indoor growing also has a lot of attractive benefits! By understanding the fundamentals from this book, you can advance your garden to new heights. The fact that indoor growing is so diverse is the nicest thing. Also, it will help you to cultivate fresh, organic produce that will result in your most delicious harvest, making better use of the area in your garden.Whatever your objective, this manual will assist you in achieving it. This collection will teach you:The essential information on hydroponic, aquaponic, and aeroponic systems.Consider your budget, time, space, and level of experience when choosing the system that best suits your needs.Find out which media and crops work best with each system.Recognize the importance of fertilizers and lighting for thriving gardening.Learn how to spot and combat pests and diseases in your outdoor garden.Understand what it means to garden in a greenhouse.Learn about the many greenhouse kinds and pick the one that best suits your requirements.Find out how to heat your greenhouse and use ventilation to keep the appropriate humidity level.For your plants' best growth, learn how to water them properly and use illumination.Learn about the important tools you'll need to maintain the health of your garden.Discover how to organize the year-round growing of a variety of crops for gardening.Learn how to grow a variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your greenhouse.This package's simple explanations, figures, and drawings will help you save time, effort, and money. Thousands Of People Love Gardening, But Only A Few Manage To Grow High-Quality Fruit And Vegetables At Home. *The book pack does not consist of 4 separate books, but combines all 4 books into one book.

  • - sådan forbinder du dig til naturen
    af Doreen Møller Holmquist
    223,95 kr.

    Naturens cirkel – sådan forbinder du dig til naturen er en fagbog af Doreen Møller Holmquist. Doreen Møller Holmquist inviterer dig på en rejse igennem årets 12 måneder, hvor vi blandt andet, vil fokusere på sansernes påvirkning i naturen, shamanisme, vintertræthed, urter, terapihave og skovbadning. Hvordan du kan afkoble og genoplade i naturen og få den balance tilbage, som du mangler. På den måde får du mindre stress og vil derfor blive bedre til at mærke dig selv og dine behov.Undgå stress – Mød naturenFormålet med Naturens cirkel er, at lokke flere ud i naturen eller deres haver på nye måder og derved hjælpe dem med at føle sig forbundet med naturen. Nutildags flytter mange mennesker til storbyerne og lever derfor ikke i overensstemmelse med naturens rytme. Hver dag er 35.000 danskere sygemeldt med stress (ifølge stressforeningen). Og WHO siger, at stress bliver dette årtis store folkesygdom.Doreen tror, at stress og flere af vores livsstils sygdomme skyldes, at vi er kommet for langt væk fra vores naturlige forbundethed til naturen. Denne bog er hendes bidrag til at modvirke den stress vi har i Danmark. Bogen gennemgår alle årets måneder. Så man får et indblik i hver måneds energi og charme.Bryd hamsterhjulet“Jeg kunne ønsker mig en verden, hvor vi bryder så meget med hamsterhjulet som vi kan og prioriterer tid i naturen.”I bogen foreslår hun masser af ideer til det og håber, at det vil lokke læseren derud og at disse naturfrirum vil give læseren glæde og overskud til at tænke og være kreativ. Doreen forestiller sig at det vil være en spændende verden, der ville komme ud af det. En verden, der er befolket af kreative, harmoniske og mere autentiske mennesker.Følges bogen måned for måned igennem hele bogen, kan læseren gennemgå en selvudvikling.

  • af Kevin S. Stevenson
    232,95 kr.

    Looking to get your hands dirty with some greenhouse gardening? Look no further than "Greenhouse Gardening for Beginners"! This comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to get started with your very own greenhouse, from selecting the perfect location to maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels. But that's not all - greenhouse gardening also comes with a whole host of benefits! With a greenhouse, you can grow your own organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs year-round, regardless of the weather outside. And with the ability to control the environment within your greenhouse, you can avoid the use of harmful pesticides and herbicides, resulting in healthier and more flavorful produce. So why wait? Get your hands on "Greenhouse Gardening for Beginners" today and start reaping the benefits of your very own greenhouse!

  • af Kevin S. Stevenson
    282,95 kr.

    Hi there, organic gardening enthusiasts! Are you looking for a book to help you get started growing your own organic produce with success? Then "Companion Planting for Beginners" is just what you need! This book offers you all the information you need to start growing your vegetables, herbs, and flowers in an organic and nature-friendly way. With this book, you'll learn about the importance of "companion planting," which is the technique of planting together plants that help each other grow and thrive.Companion planting is the strategic placement of plants in close proximity so that the plants can help one another out. It allows you to maximize the use of space while taking advantage of the natural abilities of each plant.You'll discover which plants are compatible with each other and how they can help each other, such as by keeping the soil healthy and protecting each other from pests. You'll also find information on how to get the best organic products from your gardening efforts. You'll learn how to prepare the soil, how to plant, and how to care for your plants to get healthy and tasty vegetables, aromatic herbs, and colorful flowers. In addition, in "Companion Planting for Beginners," you'll find out:¿ What companion planting is and how it can benefit you.¿ Allelopathy: The chemical abilities of plants.¿ How to create the Compost.¿ Why crop rotation is vital to healthy soil and low pest populationsAnd much more If you're looking for an easy-to-follow and accessible book to get started growing organic produce in your garden, then "Companion Planting for Beginners" is perfect for you! We guarantee you won't regret it!What are you waiting for?Get This Book Now!

  • - Step-By-Step Guide to Design And Build Your Own Passive Solar Greenhouse in as Little as 30 Days Without Drowning in a Sea of Technical Jargon
    af Small Footprint Press
    187,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Small Footprint Press
    217,95 - 297,95 kr.

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