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Denne charmerende rejseskildring henvender sig til rejsevante, modne mennesker, som vil kunne nikke genkendende til beskrivelser af steder og mennesker rundtomkring i verden.Ægteparret var ikke på jordomrejse i gængs forstand, men levede livet, mens de flyttede sig langsomt fra sted til sted igennem femogtyve år.Rejserne førte dem til omkring firs lande, de sidste ti år med deres lille datter. Efter skilsmisse og tilbagevenden til Danmark begyndte et nyt kapitel, som ledte til en kandidateksamen i teologi og præstegerning i en moden alder.Både rejseliv og livet efter var en dans på blomster såvel som pigtråd. Alligevel udtrykker bogen optimisme, gåpåmod og sprudlende livsglæde, hvor rejseminder, skæbnefortællinger og refleksioner flettes sammen. Forfatterens sigte er at indgyde andre mennesker overbevisningen om, at alternative livsformer er mulige, og at det aldrig er for sent at begynde et nyt liv.Endelig fremstår bogen som en kærlighedserklæring til en elsket ægtemand og rejsekammerat.
Die VIA ROMEA GERMANICA ist eigentlich kein originärer Pilgerweg, sondern der Rückweg des Abts Abert von Stade bei seiner Dienstreise zum Papst in Rom 1236. Natürlich bediente sich Albert bei dieser Reise der vorhandenen sogenannten Altstraßen, also der damaligen Straßen, die auch von anderen Reisenden, Händlern, Kutschen und Kurieren oder auch Truppen genutzt wurden. Dieser Weg wurde, nachdem er in Vergessenheit geraten war, ab 2007 wieder rekonstruiert und - nun mit Start in Stade - als Rom-Pilgerweg wiederbelebt. Je ein deutscher und italienischer Förderverein bietet im Web alle wichtigen Informationen zu diesem noch recht wenig bekannten Weg an. Mich reizte dieser Weg vor allem, weil er kein Jakobsweg, sondern ein Rom-Weg ist, weil es kaum Pilgerberichte über ihn gibt und mich seine erstaunlich gute Infrastruktur sehr interessierte. Gemeinsam mit meinem Hund Kito, der bei allen Pilgertagen seit Juli 2021 stets an meiner Seite war, pilgerte ich im Sommer 2023 von Stade bis Nordhausen am südlichen Harzrand. Dieses Büchlein gibt unsere Erlebnisse und Eindrücke wieder.
Just prior to the flight of Mark Dake's parents from Toronto to visit him in Seoul - where he was teaching English - his mother phoned to ask if they needed to get inoculated for disease. Realizing how little North Americans know about South Korea, Dake decided to write a travel book, to introduce the country to foreigners. He purchased an old car, and, with his best friend, Kim Heju as translator, spent an intensive, exhaustive four months driving 5,000 miles through the nation's villages, towns, mountains, plains and islands.Along the way, he discovered some strange things: an island of lepers; a Shangril-La where locals live past 100; a seaside village where everyone is a diver. He kidnapped a dog destined to be stew, and he swam in waters where a 2,500-pound great white shark had been hauled aboard a fishing trawler. He interviewed a would-be king and an elderly woman imprisoned during the Japanese occupation. Citing overwork, Heju temporarily quit the journey after six weeks. Two other translators bailed prematurely. Dake had a million places to explore and needed answers. If fellow travelers couldn't keep up, tough luck, it was full-steam ahead! Dake, a former reporter, has spent about twenty years between 1995 and 2022 living and working in South Korea. He leaves no stones unturned on this fascinating journey through an ancient and modern land.
Immerse in Irish culture with this book, an inspiring mix of songs, stories, poems, and more. Ideal for bedtime reading or travel. A true gem for those who value Ireland's rich heritage.
Ukendt Land – den yderste grænse handler om en række vilde danske og udenlandske opdagelsesrejsende og eventyrere. Det er historien om mænd og kvinder, som brød med, hvad folk troede var muligt og begav sig ud i det ukendte. Mange drog ud for fædrelandet eller videnskaben, mens andre var på jagt efter berømmelsen eller bare drømmen om eventyret. De fleste kom hjem igen, men for nogle af dem gik det skæbnesvangert galt. I Ukendt Land finder vi bjergbestigere, polarfarere og skibbrudne; vi følger i sporene på geniale forskere og eventyrlystne lykkejægere. Undervejs møder vi både en dødsforagtende linedanser, kvinden der rejste Jorden rundt hurtigere end Jules Vernes’ romanhelt og selveste verdens ondeste mand. Eventyrene går over isklædte vidder og gennem hede ørkener og fugtige jungler; til de højeste punkter på Jorden, til dybet under havets overflade og til sindets mystiske afkroge.OBS! E-bogsudgaven indeholder ikke illustrationer.
Ønsket om at forfølge og forstå sin diffuse åndelige længsel, som forfatteren har haft med sig fra barns-ben, får hende til at drage ud på en to år lang pilgrimsrejse til spirituelle centre, klostre og kirkesamfund i Frankrig, England og Israel. Rejsen former sig samtidig som en undersøgelse af tidens spirituelle strømninger gennem studier af Biblen, andre centrale tekster, samt især de kristne mystikere. Den indre og den ydre rejse væves sammen til et billedtæppe af møder og steder, åndelig indsigt og levet liv på godt og ondt.
Das Land Italien wurde in Reiseberichten des langen 19. Jahrhunderts nicht nur als europäischer Süden, sondern auch als ,Orient' wahrgenommen. Die vorliegende Arbeit evaluiert erstmals in einer Monografie die wichtigsten theoretischen Grundlagen zu dieser ,orientalischen' Lesart Italiens und leistet an den Fallbeispielen Palermo und Apulien eine intensive Quellenanalyse. Dazu werden altbekannte sowie bislang unentdeckte Reiseberichte von Briten, Deutschen und Italienern ausgewertet, und es wird auch ein Ausblick auf muslimische Reisende gegeben. Auf anschauliche Weise werden die Orientalisierungen Italiens - von romantischen Träumereien im Stile von 1001 Nacht über nationalistische Rassismen bis zu historisch fundierten Beobachtungen - analysiert und kritisch eingeordnet. Die Analyse umfasst dabei sowohl die Bereiche Architektur, Ethnographie, Historiographie wie auch Naturbeobachtungen. Die Arbeit versteht sich letztlich insofern als Innovation, als dass sie auf die historischen, rhetorischen, symbolischen und ästhetischen Mehrdeutigkeiten des europäischen Landes Italien hinweisen möchte.
"The quest to uncover the history of a mysterious painting, and an exploration of art in the twentieth century and beyond"--
Join the author in the first in a series of "Travels with Spot" adventures. Part travelogue and part personal reflections, "Paris to Zurich" takes the reader along as a traveling companion on a Viking River Cruise "Paris to the Swiss Alps" in Spring 2019. Sit back. Relax. Enjoy the sights, cities, and serenity of the trip. There will be more adventures to come.
Andalusia, this beautiful part of Spain, evokes thoughts of wonderful and pleasurable things. Proud flamenco, mighty cathedrals, breathtaking landscapes and a climate that we in Germany can only dream of.This travelogue describes a round trip in Andalusia and describes the impressions and reflections charac-terised by the experiences and encounters on this journey.
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A writer uses the same adventurous spirit that took him all over the world to look inward and embark on a journey of self-discovery.If there was one thing Dustin Grinnell craved, it was adventure. From running the Paris marathon, to bungee jumping in New Zealand, to watching the sunrise at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Grinnell spent his twenties and thirties traveling across the globe in search of new experiences. But as he indulged his wanderlust, he noticed he seldom looked inward to explore himself: What did he want, and where was he really going?In this insightful collection of twenty-five memoir essays, Grinnell discovers amazing places-and bit by bit, himself. Whether he's exploring his relationship with his father, trying to find satisfaction in Corporate America, or searching for love, Grinnell's essays offer readers a window into the complexities of human relationships and the natural world, with insights that are both deeply personal and universally resonant. «Few writers have Dustin Grinnell's ability to tell a great story while imparting sociopolitical insights.»(Bruce E. Levine, author of Resisting Illegitimate Authority)«Dustin Grinnell's essays explore how to live. He presents the unvarnished truth of his 'evolution from magical to critical thinker' in vivid, precise language that left me hungry to keep reading. I jogged beside him through a tunnel during the Paris marathon and felt the lurch of a bungee cord in New Zealand. Although a marketing writer for many years, there's no crafting of the best possible image here. His subjects lead him to inspect how he came to his beliefs and his actions. Dustin reads deeply, to study traditions across culture and setting, and then to examine his life through the lens of philosophers, artists, adventurers, and psychotherapists. This is a thoughtful and rich collection of essays that inspires, challenges, and ultimately satisfies.»(Penny Kittle, author of The Greatest Catch: A Life in Teaching)«Lost & Found is a poignant, dark, and moving work that captures the deepest moments of introspection, doubt, and, ultimately, perseverance and acceptance. Dustin Grinnell has opened up his own skepticism about who and what he, and perhaps all of us, really are and what we each wish to pursue. His essay collection raises the question of what will become of us if we simply forge onward, ignoring the whips and scorns of our lived experience in the blind pursuit of some undefined progress. It demands instead that we reflect on the most challenging portions of our lives so we can find, through that rockiness, a sense of who and what we truly are.»(Trevor (T.H.) Paul, author of The Legacy Chronicle series)
Du willst Pilgern als spannenden Weg und persönliches Abenteuer erleben, um zu dir selbst oder zu mehr zu finden? Du bist dir aber noch nicht sicher, ob du den langen und beschwerlichen Pilgerweg nach Santiago de Compostela auf dich nehmen willst. Finde heraus, ob Pilgern überhaupt etwas für dich ist. Mit diesem Buch kannst du in das Thema Pilgern hineinschnuppern, denn es führt dich informativ und unterhaltsam an das Thema Pilgern heran. Mehrere Pilgerinnen und Pilger berichten von ihren Erfahrungen auf dem Oberschwäbischen Jakobsweg und auf dem Weg bis nach Santiago de Compostela. Zahlreiche Fotos vermitteln einen lebendigen Eindruck der Pilgerreisen und machen Lust darauf, beim nächsten Schnupperpilgern-Event dabei zu sein oder den großen Weg bis Santiago de Compostela zu gehen.Bis dahin wünschen die Autoren Dietmar Pfaff und Natalie Dechant Buen Camino!
Discover the Whispers of Winter: A Journey Through Snow-Covered MemoriesPicture a world where the crunch of fresh snow underfoot syncs with the pulse of adventure, and the brisk air fills your lungs as you embark on a journey through "Winter's Playground: The Timeless Tales of Snowy Recreation." This enchanting compendium captures not just the essence of winter sports, but the very soul found in each snowflake that touches down upon our expansive winter wonderland.Begin your odyssey by strapping on the ancient skis that were once Norse warriors' trusted allies. Feel the thrilling rush as you chart the evolution of alpine skiing and snowboarding, from their subversive beginnings to the cultural phenomena that have captured imaginations worldwide. Glide across the storied ice and stand shoulder to shoulder with hockey legends, tracing the sport from humble pond games to the rinks that birthed national pride and international camaraderie.Wander further into the serene silence of Nordic skiing, and let the steady rhythm of your heartbeat become one with the landscape. Or, delight in the innocent merriment of sledding, an activity whose age-old joy has echoed through the ages, from survival to exhilarating competition. Crank up the engine and cut through the quiet with the roar of snowmobiles, tying together communities with trails that dance through woodlands and over the open tundra.The call of the wild beckons as the narratives of dog sledding paint a vivid tableau of endurance and companionship, the Iditarod standing as a testament to the resilient bond between humans and their canine companions. For those drawn to elegance, let the artistry of figure skating and the strategic dance of curling inspire and entertain, while the meticulous craft of snow sculpting offers a glance at transient masterpieces born from cold canvases.Finally, envision the global celebrations that color the coldest months, transforming the chill into a palette of cultural expression, before looking ahead to the sustainable future of these cherished pastimes. This tale is interwoven with reflections on preserving the magic of winter's embrace amid a changing world. Make your mark in the snow - embrace the season that transforms the world into a playground of possibility."Winter's Playground" is not a mere recount of historical facts; it's an invitation to continue the legacy, to add your story to the saga of snowy recreation. So, bundle up, step into the frostbitten air, and prepare to etch your path on winter's canvas.
"Poésies" est un recueil de poèmes d'Arthur Rimbaud, l'un des plus célèbres poètes français du XIXe siècle. Publié en 1895 après sa mort, ce recueil comprend une sélection de ses poèmes les plus emblématiques, dont certains ont été écrits pendant sa jeunesse. Rimbaud est reconnu pour sa révolution poétique, utilisant des images frappantes, une langue innovante et des émotions intenses pour capturer l'essence de la vie, de la passion, de la révolte et de la quête de spiritualité. Ses poèmes ont influencé de manière significative la poésie moderne et continuent d'inspirer de nombreux lecteurs et écrivains.
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