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The Library is a sacred place; it is a place to learn, discover, question, and relax. The Library brings me peace. Using poetry to discuss the Library may help someone else find peace in a place that is so serene and educationally beneficial. Poetry can give a fresh perspective on the revered place.
En ældre kunstner befinder sig i et kreativt dødvande og undgår tegnebordet for i stedet at søge efter fossiler ved havet. Hun foragter de andre stensamlere, dem der samler på hulsten og navnlig dem, der maler på sten. Men alle har lov til at blive klogere.Stensamleren / Evige gentagelser er en bog fortalt i ord og billeder, såvel som en karrebæksk poetik. En humoristisk, smuk og klog beretning om nødvendighed, koncentration og vedholdenhed, som alle udøvere og kendere af de forskellige kunstformer vil nyde at læse, betragte og spejle sig i.Dorte Karrebæk (f. 1946) er uddannet fra Kunsthåndværkerskolen i 1968 og har bl.a. illustreret et utal af bøger samt selv skrevet en hel del. Hun er bl.a. tildelt Statens Kunstfonds livsvarige hædersydelse og Holbergmedaljen. Det meste af sit liv har hun boet ved havet, både i Spanien og Danmark. I dag ved stranden i Juelsminde.
The importance of play for healthy development is undeniable. Aspects of play have been linked to the development of social skills, health and fitness, motivation, curiosity, innovation, imagination, and problem solving. Both theory and research suggest that play of various types is critical for healthy development and that playfulness is an important quality across the life span. However, opportunities to play and quality of play facilities in schools, after-school programs, childcare centers, community parks, and museums are not equitable by race, socio-economic status, and ability. And racial profiling, immigrant status, illness, and incarceration interfere with child¿s play. The first section of the book defines play and social justice and describes disparities in play opportunities in childcare, schools, and communities as well as inequities in how play is interpreted. The next section describes pre-school, elementary, high school, and university programs that use play to liberate, teach, and build community as well as after-school, hospital, and community programs that help to level the playing field of opportunity. The final part of the book discusses ways to ameliorate inequities through research and advocacy. Four research methods are described that are useful for conducting studies on the amount of play children experience, attitudes toward play, and the effect of play on other variables. Finally, a child, a parent, and a teacher describe ways they tried to obtain more recess, using various methods of advocacy. The appendix provides resources indispensable for those convinced that play for all is indeed a social justice issue worthy of advocacy.
Konkurrencedrengen er en ungdomsroman, som beskriver børn og unges liv i en hurtigt omskiftelig og foranderlig verden, hvor konkurrence og præstation har taget overhånd. Det er ikke en ungdomsroman i traditionel forstand. Det er hovedpersonens refleksioner som voksen, der skaber bogen. Bogens hovedperson er en romanfigur, som træder frem som en levende ”lærebog”, og pointerne bliver skåret ud i pap. Bogen er på én gang en ungdomsroman og lærebog, som kan bruges i undervisningen i udskolingen og ungdomsuddannelserne. Fortællingen kan også bidrage til, at vi får taget de vigtige og nødvendige samtaler med hinanden og med vores børn og unge om det gode liv. Men det er ikke nok.Hvis vi virkelig vil have, at de unge skal ændre adfærd, må forældrene kigge på sig selv. Det er ikke så meget det, forældre siger, men det, de gør, der har den afgørende betydning for de unges liv og udvikling.
Vidste du, at det kræver lige så meget vand at lave et par jeans, som du drikker på ti år? Og vidste du, at der i Ghana findes et helt bjerg af gammelt tøj, som ingen gider at gå i?Vi køber mere tøj end nogensinde, og modefirmaerne producerer nye modeller i et tempo, der aldrig før er set. Det er hårdt for vores jordklode og for klimaet.Moden vs. Kloden forklarer i øjenhøjde, om nogle af de udfordringer produktionen af tøj giver for klimaet, naturen og de mennesker, der fremstiller det – og så giver den en række bud på, hvordan du som ung stadig kan være med på moden, uden at det bliver på bekostning af kloden.Læs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dkFAKTA Klodebog
Unravel the complexities of library management with this resource-rich guide designed for today's career professionals. While maintaining a friendly and conversational tone, it delves deep into the core principles and methodologies in managing modern libraries. - You'll begin with an exploration of the fundamental principles of library management, including mission setting, user-centricity, stewardship, and the importance of collaboration and accessibility. - The guide also navigates the terrain of intellectual property rights and copyright issues, providing the reader with the knowledge to ensure compliance while maximizing resource usage. - It sheds light on complex themes like user privacy, data protection, and inclusivity, all of which play a pivotal role in today's digital age. - You'll be presented with practical insights into professional ethics, disaster planning, protection of library materials, and the process of recovery after a disaster. - The guide emphasizes the value of continuous improvement, innovation, and strategic decision-making based on data. - With a detailed focus on the evolving role of public libraries in the digital age, this book provides strategies to adapt to changing user needs and expectations.- It concludes with real-world case studies, a template for a strategic plan, and a comprehensive list of further readings and resources.In essence, this is a must-have guide that not only teaches you what library management is but also shows you how to do it effectively. This is an essential companion for library professionals aspiring to navigate the complexities of managing a library in today's ever-evolving landscape.
Mastering the HiSET Math Test: 10 Full-Length Practice Tests10 Full-Length HiSET Math Practice Tests is your ultimate guide, meticulously designed to arm you with the mathematical prowess, self-assurance, and mental readiness needed to shine in the 2023 HiSET Math Test. This comprehensive resource supplies ten authentic, full-length HiSET Math practice tests, helping students familiarize themselves with the test structure and the key mathematical principles vital for triumphant performance on the day of the test.Each practice test question comes with an in-depth answer and explanation, allowing learners to pinpoint areas of weakness, learn from errors, and make significant strides in boosting their HiSET Math scores.Achieving outstanding results on the HiSET Math Test is contingent on thorough practice across all mathematical areas evaluated, and that's precisely what 10 Full-Length HiSET Math Practice Tests delivers. This newly updated edition has been intentionally curated to mirror questions from the latest HiSET Math tests, positioning it as an invaluable study tool for students seeking enhanced practice and higher scores on the HiSET Math Test. Upon completion of the practice tests in this book, test takers will have solidified a robust foundation and gained sufficient practice, setting them up for success on the HiSET Math Test.This book is your key to unlocking victory on the HiSET Math Test!10 Full-Length HiSET Math Practice Tests offers an array of exciting, unique features to aid students in elevating their test performance, including: - Content completely in line with the 2023 HiSET Test- Comprehensive overview of all HiSET Math concepts and topics evaluated- Detailed answers and explanations for each HiSET Math practice question>This practice book enables you to: - Hone Your Math Proficiencies- Develop Superior Problem-Solving Techniques- Shine in Every Mathematical Area- Increase Your Self-Belief>Your Key to Dominating the HiSET Math Test: 10 Full-Length HiSET Math Practice Tests is the most comprehensive practice test resource you need to ace the HiSET Math Test. With its thorough coverage of HiSET Math and easy-to-grasp explanations, this practice book provides you with the knowledge and abilities needed to achieve stellar results on the HiSET Math Test.Invest in Your Academic Success Now: Secure your copy of 10 Full-Length HiSET Math Practice Tests today and embark on your path to test preparedness. With this book as your trusted ally, you'll be ready to conquer the HiSET Math Test.
Madkundskab – Valgfag og prøve er elevens arbejdsbog til valgfaget i 7. -8. klasse.Bogen hjælper eleverne med at træne og samle deres viden inden for fagets fire indholdsområder.Med arbejdsbogen får eleverne praktiske opgaver om råvarer, madlavning, sundhed og madkultur gennem arbejdet med fagets teknikker og metoder i køkkenet. Og med opgaver og eksempler på prøveoplæg kan eleverne forberede sig på den afsluttende prøve.Brug arbejdsbogen gennem hele valgfaget, og lad eleverne arbejde med opgaverne i den rækkefølge, der passer bedst til holdets øvrige teoretiske og praktiske arbejde.Bogen indeholder: opgaver, der kommer hele vejen rundt om fagets indholdsområder praktiske øvelser i teknikker og metoder relevant viden via QR-koder beskrivelser af centrale fagbegreber prøveforberedende opgaver eksempler på prøveoplæg.
This book develops the challenges that history teaching must face as a curricular subject at the beginning of the 21st century. These challenges are related, both to new epistemological approaches in history education, and also to the development of new activities, active-learning methodologies, and historical thinking competencies. In terms of new approaches, this book suggests activities regarding invisible topics such as social and economic impacts in history, inequalities, church and science, gender equality, power and violence, prosecuted by justice, peasantry and the urban world, family and daily life, terror or travelers and their cross-currents. Regarding the activities, the incidence of new technologies in social relations and the effects of globalization is very remarkable for our students. The authors highlight the need for changes in teaching and learning history.
World of Fitness is designed to be both a motivational book as well as an introductory guide for bodybuilding. This book caters to those who wish to sculpt their body while looking for the motivation to complete such a task. Included are workout plans, descriptions of workouts, and the anatomy of muscles, as well as descriptions of how to target them to ensure the results one is looking to acquire is achieved. Incorporating real-life scenarios, World of Fitness uses examples from everyday living conditions to add context to the disciplines of the humbling lifestyle. This book is broken down by human fundamentals, addressing the mental and emotional aspects of fitness that needs to be acknowledged prior to committing to the lifestyle, followed by the physical part of fitness.
Help make spelling more appealing to your child with this collection of 70 brightly coloured, fun-themed word lists! Explore words related to topics that actually interest students (e.g. social media, photography, & spies)Cover essential spelling rules for Year 8 (e.g. Greek & Latin roots, word building, and homophones & near homophones)Reinforce words used in other areas studied at school (e.g. physics, World War I, and figures of speech)Target synonyms for key words that students overuse (e.g. 'boring', 'lucky', & 'surprised') Plus, for your convenience,Each list is made up of 25 to 30 wordsThis book includes an Index to the spelling rules, patterns, and themed areas dealt with by each of the lists
Die eigene Identität zeichnet einen Menschen aus. Sie ist vielfältig, bunt und hält sich in den seltensten Fällen an eine vorgegebene Norm. Identität hängt dabei von vielen verschiedenen Bereichen eines Lebens ab und verändert sich im Lebenslauf: Wie ist meine körperliche Ausstattung und Verfasstheit und welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus? Wie ist mein Selbstbild vom eigenen Körper? Welche Rolle als Mann oder Frau nehme ich ein und welche (biblischen) Vorbilder gibt es dafür? Wie ist es mit der eigenen Geschlechtlichkeit und was ist, wenn die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit gar nicht so klar und einfach zu fassen ist? Welchen Einfluss hat meine Familie auf die eigene Identität und welche Formen von Partnerschaft oder Familie sind für mich erstrebenswert? Warum habe ich mir genau diese Arbeit ausgesucht und welchen Einfluss hat mein Beruf auf meine Identität?Die praxiserprobten Module greifen deswegen Bereiche des Menschseins und der Identität auf wie Körperlichkeit, Geschlechterrollen, Geschlechtsidentität, Familienbilder oder das eigene Arbeitsleben. Dabei wird immer wieder die Frage nach den eigenen Vorstellungen von einem gelingenden Leben gestellt. Zwei weitere Leitlinien ziehen sich aber an vielen Stellen durch den Band: die Verknüpfung der Themen mit biblischen Bezügen sowie der Blick auf die Beruflichkeit und den Arbeitsalltag, der die eigene Identität prägt. Dass Menschsein auf Grundlage des biblisch-christlichen Menschenbildes grundsätzlich bejaht ist, aber unterschiedlich und vielfältig ausgelebt werden kann und darf, ist Grundlage des ganzen Bandes.
Annette Collin er frisør og makeupartist og aktiv viking fra Danmark.Dette er hendes sidste nye bog om de smukke vikingefletninger i hendes tre-bogs serie “Vikingeflet”;VikingefletSkjoldmøen & VikingenOldnordisk Flet– på en ny måde Annette Collins' bøger kan ses på hylderne på vikingemuseer i Danmark, Norge og Sverige samt på autentiske vikingemarkeder og festivaler i Norden.Annette Collin er i denne bog vendt tilbage til oltiden og er blevet inspireret af flettekunsten fra bronzealderen, jernalderen og vikingetiden - og skaber igen en ny og unik flettebog, som begyndere og øvede kan lære at flette deres hår som vikingerne og deres forfædre. Men også med ny inspiration, med nye fletninger inspireret af oldnordisk tradtioner og symboler.Denne bog indeholder 22 nye unikke og smukke fletninger med lette step-by-step instruktioner til, hvordan du kan flette dit hår som en viking og deres forfædre.Bogen er opdelt i de 3 oldnordiske tidsaldre:BronzealderBronzealder flet - på en ny mådeJernalder Jernealder flet - på en ny mådeVikingealderenVikingeflet - på en ny mådeHver tidsalder indeholder vejledning til fletning af en historisk rekonstruktion af et flettefund og en række moderne fortolkninger.Rigt illustreret med mange smukke billeder af kvinder og mænd i autentisk tøj og flettet hår giver bogen dig inspiration og letforståelige vejledninger til at flette både historiske fletninger og nye fletninger baseret på oldnordiske traditioner, symboler og ornamenter fra antikken.Udover mange spændende ideer til oldnordisk flet, giver bogen dig også inspirerende eksempler på andre typer hovedbeklædning, der tager udgangspunkt i den gammelnordiske tradition.Og så kan den gamle nordiske æstetik i ovennævnte kategorier leve videre i vore dages hår – på en ny måde.Derudover indeholder bogen historiske fakta sider med de autentiske fund fra det stolte nordiske hårflettehåndværk.Bogen er også en fantastisk lærebog for enhver lærer eller facilitator, der ønsker at skabe en workshop for elever og publikum.Hver fletning er kendetegnet ved sin sværhedsgrad; “Let”, “Mellem” og “Svær” og hvor lang tid det tager at flette og de ting du skal bruge.På de historiske fakta sider kan du læse, hvilke historiske kilder Annette Collin blandt andet brugte som inspiration;"Arden snoninger""Flettet hårknude fra Vingmose""Vimose kam"God fornøjelse ❤️Annette Collin
The Best Prep Book to Help You Ace the AFOQT Math Test!The surest way to succeed on AFOQT Math Test is with intensive practice in every math topic tested--and that's what you will get in AFOQT Math Workbook 2020 & 2021. Each chapter of this comprehensive workbook goes into detail to cover all of the content likely to appear on the AFOQT Math test. Not only does this perfect workbook offer everything you will ever need to succeed on the AFOQT Math test, it also contains two complete and realistic AFOQT Math tests to help you measure your exam-readiness, find your weak areas, and learn from your mistakes.AFOQT Math Workbook 2020 & 2021 is designed by AFOQT test prep experts to address the needs of AFOQT test takers who must have a working knowledge of basic Math. This comprehensive workbook with over 2,500 sample questions and 2 complete AFOQT tests is all you need to fully prepare for the AFOQT Math.Separate math chapters offer a complete review of the AFOQT Math test, including: Arithmetic and Number OperationsAlgebra and Functions, Geometry and MeasurementData analysis, Statistics, & Probability... and also includes two full-length practice tests!AFOQT Math Workbook 2020 & 2021 contains many exciting and unique features to help you improve your test scores, including: Content 100% aligned with the 2020 and 2021 AFOQT testWritten by AFOQT Math expertsComplete coverage of all AFOQT Math concepts and topics which you will be testedOver 2,500 additional AFOQT math practice questions in both multiple-choice and grid-in formats with answers grouped by topic, so you can focus on your weak areasAbundant Math skill building exercises to help test-takers approach different question types that might be unfamiliar to themExercises on different AFOQT Math topics such as integers, percent, equations, polynomials, exponents and radicals2 full-length practice tests (featuring new question types) with detailed answersGet ready for the AFOQT Math Test with a PERFECT Math Workbook!Published By: Effortless Math Education
The PowerRev Way is to develop the total athlete; meaning their body, mind, and heart; through sports performance training. Designed to encourage, equip and enable individuals and coaches with the tools to develop safe and effective training programs for any sport. As a comprehensive resource for students interested in a career in performance training or those coaches with years of experience or new to strength and conditioning coaches, The PowerRev Way provides necessary information in one place. The book provides detailed material on activities for practical application and instruction on how to design safe and effective programs. The PowerRev Way features one of the most extensive exercise libraries available, including warm-up, core, plyometrics, agility, speed, and a wide variety of resistance training exercises. In addition to a plethora of practical resources, the book addresses how to be a transformational coach of influence and has sections devoted to program development, evaluation, testing, and recovery and nutrition. The PowerRev Way is a thorough resource for the coach who wants to work at their craft but also sees the opportunity to develop themselves to live better in all areas of life. PowerRev Way doesn't stop with the coach's development; the information regarding development for their athletes is comprehensive, detailing the physiology behind the performance and principles to guide the coach in applying all the movements and athletic drills. The PowerRev Way may genuinely be considered a coaching reference manual, presented with an informative, easy to understand delivery that a coach will go to again and again when designing effective daily workouts and long-term one-of-a-kind progressions. PowerRev's Four Laws of Victory provide a way to teach character through the themes of respect, humility, commitment, and love. Once the foundation of good character is in place, a sports person or team can begin to reach their full potential. If you are ready to develop athletes completely, the PowerRev Way will help you succeed.
Indestructibleconscious pervade whole universe.Additionally, every moment cosmic rays hit this earth never to return. Hence, every life on earth is guided by cosmic intellectwhich iscosmic executor and source of all creation, existence, and dissolution. Universal Soul filteredin to Individual Soul by which all sentient living beings from an ant to elephant, sees form, hears sound, smells scent articulate speech and discriminate between sweet and not.Five senses, five sensual objects, five organs of action, five elemental forces, the mind, the intellect, self and chitta,what are called as field.The knower of field (Conscious spirit) experience feelings and passion, sorrow or happiness, love or hate,and commits sin or virtue. It is the same for allthesentient living entity from an ant to elephant and from days of Dinosaursto this day.Further, Supreme Soul (God)dwells in the cavity of the heart of all sentient living entity as witness. While essence of Vedas and the Upanishads focuses more on knowledge of creationand dissolution; Bhagavathgitha for a way of life; mythological stories of the Yore, Ramayana and Mahabharatha focuses more on values for sustenance and furtherance oflife.
PEOPLE form habits which cause nervous strain. When these habits have fixed themselves for long enough upon their victims, the nerves give way and severe depression or some other form of nervous prostration is the result. If such an illness turns the attention to its cause, and so starts the sufferer toward a radical change from habits which cause nervous strain to habits which bring nervous strength, then the illness can be the beginning of better and permanent health.
Bookmarks - My Personal Reading Journey is the ultimate tool for book lovers and avid readers who want to keep track of their reading progress and explore new literary horizons. With its sleek and modern design, this 240+ page reading log is packed with features that will help you achieve your reading goals and take your literary journey to the next level.The journal includes space for tracking up to 120 books, with two pages dedicated to each book for recording important information like title, author, publication date, and more. But what sets Bookmarks apart is the extra space at the end of each book section for you to fill in your opinions, impressions, feelings, or anything else you want to remember about the book you read.But that's not all - Bookmarks also includes original challenges to help you broaden your reading horizons. You'll be challenged to read a book from the year you were born or a book you never thought you'd read, in a different genre or culture. These challenges will help you expand your literary knowledge and discover new authors and genres you might have otherwise overlooked.With Bookmarks - My Personal Reading Journey, you'll be able to create a personal library of your reading history, set reading goals, and track your reading habits. This book journal is perfect for anyone looking to stay organized and motivated while embarking on their literary journey. Whether you're a casual reader or a serious bookworm, Bookmarks is the perfect companion for all your reading adventures.
Shows how persuasive academic writing enhances officers' effectiveness in their regular duties, especially as they reach more senior levels of service. This title explains the differences between staff writing and academic writing, and outlines some of the common errors military personnel make when transitioning from one to the other.
Intimacy is a crucial component to healthy relationships. Many survivors of child sexual abuse suffer with intimacy, self-image, and healthy sexual relationships. Learn practical tools in a faith-based context how intimacy can be restored, and relationships can thrive, most importantly your marriage.
For the adult survivor child sexual abuse is a devastating and debilitating trauma, whether it was a one-time occurrence or happened frequently over many years. When you break your silence, healing can begin. When you release the power, the secret has held over you, often for many years, it helps understand that you were a child, and you had no power. God wants to heal those wounds. Learn a biblical based approachto break your silence and travel the path of healing. Step out of the darkness and into the light of victory, relinquishing the shame and guilt associated with being sexually abused as a child and clothe yourself with the love of Christ.
Immigrant Chronicle is a powerful and moving collection of poems that offers a unique perspective on the immigrant experience. The poems are full of feeling and emotion, and they provide valuable insight into the challenges and triumphs of immigrants.
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