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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: sociale forhold

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  • af Colin Butfield
    105,95 kr.

    An empowering and practical handbook for young changemakers who want to save the planet! Published in collaboration with the prestigious Earthshot Prize, featuring an introduction from HRH Prince William and contributions from environmental activists including Sir David Attenborough, Christiana Figueres and Shailene Woodley.'Our planet is the only home we have, and we must think big and dream bigger if we are to protect it.'- HRH Prince WilliamThe mission is simple: to repair our planet.Our home is in trouble. The good news is we can fix it - but we need YOUR help. So let's put our heads together and dream up ways to BUILD, CREATE and SHOUT about solutions to repair our planet. In the Earthshot Handbook for Future Dreamers and Thinkers, young readers will travel round the world, celebrating the diverse and rich habitats, amazing animals and wonderful landscapes that make up our planet. They'll learn about the problems and challenges facing those habitats. They will meet Earthshot innovators, entrepreneurs and game changers from the past and present from Wangari Maathai to David Attenborough. And importantly, they'll discover how they can become the changemakers of the future, helping to develop solutions to the world's biggest problems. Because even the smallest idea or Earthshot, has the power to change everything. Full of simple practical things young people can do or make to help save the planet, even from home, as well as big ideas and contributions from people around the globe, this is the ultimate handbook for future innovators and activists who want to make a difference.Contributors to this book:HRH Prince William Naturalist Sir David Attenborough Former UN Climate Chief Christiana FigueresActor Shailene WoodleyAstronaut Naoko YamazkiEnvironmental Activist Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim

  • af Pari Thomson
    92,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • af Clara Anganuzzi
    207,95 kr.

    "Ayla lives on a beautiful tropical island surrounded by a coral reef. Her mom is a marine biologist, and every day, the two go exploring together. One day, Ayla notices that many of the fish have disappeared, and the once-vibrant corals have turned pale. She and her mom set out to save the corals--but is it too late?"--

  • af Kate Scelsa
    155,95 - 177,95 kr.

    A witchy, atmospheric lesbian contemporary romance set in Salem--from the acclaimed author of Fans of the Impossible Life. Perfect for fans of Nina LaCour and Becky Albertalli.Seventeen-year-old Eleanor is the last person in Salem to believe in witchcraft--or think that her life could be transformed by mysterious forces. After losing her best friend and first love, Chloe, Eleanor has spent the past year in a haze, vowing to stay away from anything resembling romance.But when a handwritten guide to tarot arrives in the mail at the witchy souvenir store where Eleanor works, it seems to bring with it the message that magic is about to enter her life. Cynical Eleanor is quick to dismiss this promise, until real-life witch Pix shows up with an unusual invitation. Inspired by the magic and mystery of the tarot, Eleanor decides to open herself up to Pix and her coven of witches, and even to the possibility of a new romance.But Eleanor's complicated history continues to haunt her. She will have to reckon with the old ghosts that threaten to destroy everything, even her chance at new love.Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches is a romantic coming-of-age about learning to make peace with the past in order to accept the beauty of the present.

  • af Jadzia Axelrod
    145,95 kr.

    The DC Book of Pride is a captivating work by the talented Jadzia Axelrod. This book, published in 2023, is a gem in the literary world that you simply cannot miss. It's a unique blend of genres that keeps you hooked from the first page to the last. The book is published by the renowned Dorling Kindersley Ltd., a publisher known for their quality publications. The DC Book of Pride takes you on an unforgettable journey, making it a must-read. The book is written in English, making it accessible to a wide range of readers. Don't miss out on this masterpiece by Jadzia Axelrod.

  • af Mark Oshiro
    192,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Lynn Barnes
    105,95 kr.

    "Intrigue, riches, and romance abound in this thrilling sequel to the beloved bestselling The Inheritance Games. The Inheritance Games ended with a bombshell, and now heiress Avery Grambs has to pick up the pieces and find the man who might hold the answers to all of her questions--including why Tobias Hawthorne left his entire fortune to Avery, a virtual stranger, rather than to his own daughters or grandsons. Thanks to a DNA test, Avery knows that she's not a Hawthorne by blood, but clues pile up hinting at a deeper connection to the family than she had ever imagined. As the mystery grows and the plot thickens, Grayson and Jameson, two of the enigmatic and magnetic Hawthorne grandsons, continue to pull Avery in different directions. And there are threats lurking around every corner, as adversaries emerge who will stop at nothing to see Avery out of the picture--by any means necessary. With nonstop action, aspirational jet-setting, Knives Out-like family intrigue, swoonworthy romance, and billions of dollars hanging in the balance, The Hawthorne Legacy will thrill Jennifer Lynn Barnes fans and new readers alike."--

  • af Shaun Tan
    216,95 kr.

    The Arrival, a captivating masterpiece by Shaun Tan, was published in 2007 by Scholastic. This book, which belongs to the genre of graphic novels, takes the reader on an extraordinary journey of discovery and understanding. The Arrival is a universal tale of the challenges, the joys, and the emotional upheaval of immigration. Tan's beautiful and detailed illustrations tell a story of a man leaving his homeland and trying to navigate an unfamiliar, confusing, and sometimes scary world. The narrative is a poignant commentary on the experiences of immigrants around the world. With no words, only images, Shaun Tan manages to convey the feelings of fear, hope, and determination that come with starting anew in a strange place. Published by Scholastic, this book is a must-read, offering a rich and deep reading experience that will leave you pondering long after you've turned the last page.

  • af Lauren Oliver
    122,95 kr.

    How far would you go to escape your life? Heather never thought she would compete in Panic, a legendary game played by graduating seniors, where the stakes are high and the payoff is even higher. She'd never thought of herself as fearless, the kind of person who would fight to stand out. But when she finds something, and someone, to fight for, she will discover that she is braver than she ever thought.Dodge has never been afraid of Panic. His secret will fuel him and get him all the way through the game; he's sure of it. But what he doesn't know is that he's not the only one with a secret. Everyone has something to play for.

  • af Grit Scholz
    417,95 kr.

    Ich möchte mit diesem Buch eine natürliche, selbstverständliche Sichtweise auf die sonst den Blicken verborgenen weiblichen Genitalien, im Sanskrit "Yoni" genannt, ermöglichen. Das geschieht mit Hilfe von Fotografien, Fotomontagen sowie kreativer, künstlerischer Einbeziehung von Naturbildern und Malerei. Es soll die Schönheit, Vielfältigkeit und Einzigartigkeit der Yoni gezeigt werden. Wir alle können uns dabei erinnern, dass wir fast alle aus dem Inneren unserer Mutter durch dieses - Tor ins Leben - gekommen sind. Die Großartigkeit der Schöpfung und die Achtung vor dem Wunder LEBEN sind der Hintergrund dieses Buches, welches als Aufklärendes Anschauungsmaterial dienen möchte.

  • af Mette Vedsø
    214,95 kr.

    Prisbelønnede Mette Vedsø fortæller i Happy happy om 13-årige Ubbe, der bor i  byens grimmeste hus med 44 buslinjer i forhaven. Ved et tilfælde lander han i byens velhaverkvarter og får sin vante gang i golfklubben, noget hans far alt i verden ikke må vide - golf er kun for "rige svin".En varm og humoristisk roman om klasseforskelle, om at turde stå ved sig selv og sige fra – også selvom man kan såre dem, man holder allermest af.

  • af Natacha Godeau, Sophie de Mullenheim, Christelle Valat & mfl.
    187,95 kr.

    Hvorfor bliver det varmere og varmere?Hvad betyder det, når man taler om, at isen smelter?Hvorfor ændrer klimaet sig?Jorden har brug for din hjælp nu!Vær med på en rejse til de fire verdenshjørner og oplev alt fra tropiske skove, arktisk kulde, en sejltur over verdenshavene og endda en tur ud i rummet.Alt dette for at lære mere om vores planet og dens miljømæssige udfordringer.Faktasider kombineret med dejlige historier om læderskildpadden Frida, isbjørnen Izzy, orangutangen Ibo og rumfuglen Astro tager dig med på en fantastisk rejse og hjælper dig med at forstå det hele.Fra 5-10 år

  • - Om børn og selvskade
    af Lisbeth Zornig Andersen & Karen Gjesing
    43,94 - 164,95 kr.

    Hver femte ung i 9. klasse har prøvet at skære i sig selv (det vi nu kalder cutting), mens hver fjerde pige i 9. klasse er i risiko for at udvikle en spiseforstyrrelse. Det er alarmerende høje tal og derfor nødvendigt at give disse fænomener eller forstyrrelser opmærksomhed. I Jeg gør mig ondt, når … kommer livseksperterne – dem, der lever med skaderne og forstyrrelserne – selv til orde med forklaringer og anbefalinger. Livseksperternes råd suppleres af fageksperters vejledninger. Hvordan skal vi forstå denne risikoadfærd? Hvordan forebygger vi og støtter? Hvor kan vi finde råd, indsigt og viden? Der er ofte ikke lette svar og løsninger. Denne håndbog er ment som en håndsrækning til både fagpersonale og pårørende – og naturligvis de mennesker, der er bekymret for, om de selv er ved at udvikle en selvskadende adfærd.

  • - Individuelle og strukturelle forhold bag udsathed
    af Rockwool Fondens Forskningsenhed, Signe Hald Andersen, Jan Rose Skaksen & mfl.
    137,95 kr.

    Op mod 7 procent af en ungdomsårgang begynder voksen livet uden at være i uddannelse eller have en stabil tilknytning tilarbejdsmarkedet. En stor andel af disse unge vil fortsætte uden arbejde og uddannelse som voksne.Et liv på kanten af samfundet giver først og fremmest en socialt og materielt set fattigere tilværelse for den enkelte. Men deter også forbundet med store økonomiske omkostninger for fællesskabet i form af tabte skatteindtægter og øgede udgiftertil overførselsindkomster. Udsatte unge er derfor en af de helt store udfordringer for et socialt og økonomisk bæredygtigt velfærdssamfund.ROCKWOOL Fonden styrker gennem forskning og sociale interventioner vores viden om de udsatte unge. Det sker bl.a. gennemanalyser af deres baggrund og livssituation, hvilket netop er temaet i denne anden udgivelse på Gyldendal med en lettilgængelig præsentation af den løbende forskning i emnet.I bogen analyseres betydningen af sociale begivenheder fx i form af forældres skilsmisse eller af et liv i en familie med lavindkomst for den senere eksponering for udsathed. Måske er indretningen af arbejdsmarkedet et problem i sig selv, hvilkettages op i bogen. Andre kapitler analyserer, hvem de udsatte unge konkurrerer med på arbejdsmarkedet, og hvilken økonomiskgevinst, de unge kan se frem til, hvis de tager en uddannelse.

  • - Halvtreds år i frontlinjen
    af Ole Hammer
    237,95 kr.

    ”Bidrag til Danmarks indvandringshistorie” er en beretning om de sidste 50 års indvandringshistorie, sådan som forfatteren Ole Hammer selv har oplevet den og været en aktiv del af – som journalist, debattør og foredragsholder, som ansat i centrale funktioner og som samarbejdspartner for myndigheder, faglige og humanitære organisationer samt indvandrerorganisationer.Bogen er fyldt med historisk dokumentation, analyser, citater, eksempler og referencer. Den rummer erfaringer, viden og visioner, som læseren forhåbentligt vil reflektere over. Bogen er derfor et vigtigt bidrag til vores forståelse af det multikulturelle samfund og arbejdet med en positiv integration af indvandrere og flygtninge.

  • - Fortællinger af bydelsmødre
    af Lise Andersen
    177,95 kr.

    Fem kvinder fra forskellige dele af verden beretter deres barske livshistorier i denne bog. De har oplevet ting, som man end ikke i sin vildeste fantasi kan forestille sig. Historierne tager vejret fra én, men giver samtidig et unikt indblik i, hvad der får mennesker til at flygte fra alt det, de kender og holder af.Kvinderne er nu kommet igennem det, har slået sig ned i Danmark og har endda overskud til at støtte andre kvinder. Bogen har desuden en kort information om den uddannelse, kvinderne har taget for at blive bydelsmødre.

  • af Morten Dürr
    227,95 kr.

    “Zenobia” er historien om syriske Amina. Hun er på flugt fra krigen. Ved historiens begyndelse har hun sat ud i båd på vej tværs over Middelhavet. Båden tippes af en bølge. Amina havner i det kolde vand. I et langt flashback oplever vi i punktnedslag hendes liv i Syrien før, under og efter krigen forandrede hendes tilværelse.

  • af Martin Petersen
    216,95 kr.

    I skyggezonen er en gribende roman for unge om flugten fra syd til velfærden i nord, fortalt af Charlie på 18 år.Som dreng må Charlie finde mad på lossepladsen hjemme i Sugartown. I et desperat forsøg på at give ham et liv sender hans far ham og en kammerat til den velhavende City.  De to drenge rejser alene, og det bliver en rejse med skæbnesvangre konsekvenser. Efter syv år i flygtningelejr bliver Charlie udvist på sin 18 års fødselsdag. Han driver lidt rundt, men flytter til sidst ind i en besat ejendom. I begyndelsen klarer de sig, flygtningene, men der flytter flere og flere ind, tusinder kommer over havet, og pladsen er trang. Det er bare et spørgsmål om tid, før det hele eksploderer.I skyggezonen er en selvstændig fortsættelse af Exit Sugartown, og tilsammen fortæller de to bøger en saga om vor tids migranter.  Om nogle unge, der rejser ud for at få et anstændigt liv.Pressen skriver:»Det er umuligt ikke at være medfølende over for Charlie, og man kan heller ikke gøre så meget andet end at trække en smule på smilebåndet, og derefter tænke 'Nej, ikke smile, det er tragisk' når man tænker på de sære venskaber der opstår i Distriktet. God læselyst!«(9/10 stjerner) –»Martin Petersen er en god researcher. Han har rejst på de lokaliteter, som sætter aftryk i de to bøger. Han kender til udnyttelse, ydmygelse og prostitution.«– Steffen Larsen, Politiken, 15. november 2015»Ligesom i Exit Sugartown er forfatteren god til at beskrive sted, miljø og personer.«– Lektør, uge 47, 2015»En av årets mest läsvärda ungdomsromaner är ”I skyggezonen” «– Arne Toftegaard Pedersen, Svenska Dagbladet, 15. december 2015»Det er en utrolig velfortalt roman – til Young Adult-gruppen – som i den grad sender et vigtigt budskab og signal om den verden, som lige nu brutalt folder sig ud udenfor vore døre […] Fin læsning og brugbar i mange sammenhænge. Stor anbefaling! «– Kent Poulsen, Børn & Bøger

  • af Morten Andersen
    214,95 kr.

    En dag i april er en inspirerende historie af Morten Andersen. Det er en stærk fortælling om, hvad der sker når en ung mand fra det ene øjeblik til det andet bliver kørestolsbruger. Man får indblik i de fysiske og følelsesmæssige udfordringer en ulykkesramt mødes af. Men der er stadigvæk plads til smil, grin og kærlighed. Med et arbejde som medhjælper på en kvæggård, en plan om et ophold på Gymnastikhøjskolen i Ollerup og en karriere ved militæret for at ende med en uddannelse til politibetjent ligger livet lige foran Morten. Men en dag i april går det galt, og alle planer må vendes 180 grader.Den unge mand er i gang med at fejre sin 18-årsfødselsdag, da han lettere påvirket, sammen med to venner, sætter sig bag rattet i en bil og begiver sig ud på vejen. Det ender helt galt. Ved et voldsomt uheld, hvor bilen smadres til ukendelighed, brækker Morten ryggen og bliver kørestolsbruger fra den ene dag til den anden. Et liv, som han slet ikke kunne se sig selv i, før det sker.Men før Morten kan vende tilbage til livet uden for hospitalsverdenen, skal alt læres på ny.Da han ankommer til Fysiurgisk Hospital i Hornbæk, kan han intet andet end at spise selv. Alt skal læres igen. Og da alle muskler i den del af kroppen, der ikke er lammet, stort set er forsvundet, men kan genvindes, bliver det mange måneder med blod, sved, tårer og sex.Som læser får du et indblik i en verden, som de færreste oplever på egen krop. Samtidig får du den autentiske historie om Morten og hans kamp for at overleve og vende tilbage til et normalt liv. En livsbekræftende og stærk fortælling fra et virkeligt liv.

  • af Søren Østergaard & Nanna Pagh Bugge
    297,95 kr.

  • af David A. Adler
    67,95 kr.

  • af Rachel A Mazur
    176,95 - 269,95 kr.

  • af Pamela L. Laskin
    142,95 kr.

    What happens to the child left behind? Jubair's family is stuck in Myanmar, until his mother escapes-with three out of four children. On the cusp of adolescence, the young boy-interned to a farmer-is filled with rage. Jubair is left to sleep in the woods and fend for himself. He does not know how to read and write, so why does his mother even bother smuggling in these letters? Jubair begins to express this anger in his own letters, as he develops a level of literacy, eventually becoming a reader and writer. An epistolary novel, Why No Goodbye? explores loss, grief and transcendence.BlurbsAt times heartbreaking, at times shatteringly beautiful.… The rawness of Jabair's anger is all-encompassing and powerful.… Amid this pain are startling moments of joy and empathy. A beautiful meditation on forgiveness after great loss, and the unbearable pain of separation."-Marie-Helene Bertino, author of 2 A.M. at the Cat's PajamasBased on true events, Pamela L. Laskin captures the anguished survival of a 13-year-old boy after he is abandoned by his refugee family in war-torn Myanmar.… In breathtaking free verse, Laskin explores the heart of this uneducated, desperate man-child as he struggles with feelings of betrayal and rage, all while experiencing the aching confusion of new love. Informed by her own daughter's on-location aid work with refugees from Myanmar, Laskin goes beyond the headlines to create a stunningly poignant tale of grief, struggle, and emotional redemption.-Suzanne Weyn, author of The Bar Code Tattoo trilogyLaskin bravely and movingly tackles one of our decade's saddest and direst human rights crises. The protagonist of Why No Goodbye? must contend with a double loss: his family and his land. Laskin's use of letters written in verse convincingly portrays Jubair's dislocation and loneliness, while also ensuring that he and other characters remain flesh and blood, vital and very human. This is an extraordinary accomplishment.-Hasanthika Sirisena, author of The Other One, winner of The Juniper Prize for FictionThere has been a lot written about the Rohingya crisis in recent years, but nothing quite like this. Why No Goodbye? is unique in form and heart-wrenching in content. Through verse, the author helps expose the painful wake of the world's newest genocide.-Matthew Smith, co-founder and CEO, Fortify Rights

  • af Elanor Best
    76,95 - 119,95 kr.

    Learn how to save the planet with this activity book with card press-outs and stickers.

  • af Shonnelle Alleyne
    142,95 kr.

    Can a child be used by God? Who knew that going to school could be such an adventure? Let's enjoy the cold, snowy days in Boston with David and his two best friends, Daniel and Michal. Their day started out with laughter and making snow angels, only to be overcome with tears and someone getting hurt. What will they do now? Will they tell their parents? Will they remain friends? Most of all, what lessons will they learn?

  • af Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick
    172,95 kr.

    Can two very different families find their space in the world together? A wonderful wordless picture book offers stylish art, humor, and charm.A mother owl and her three little owlets live happily on their branch. That is, until the bat family moves in. The newfound neighbors (owls up top, bats hanging below) can't help but feel a little wary of one another. But babies are curious little creatures, and that curiosity, along with a wild, stormy night, might just bring these two families together. With subtly and hilariously shifting facial expressions and gestures, Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick brings her accessible graphic style to a warm and ingenious wordless tale that is sure to bring smiles to readers of all ages.

  • af Beth Asijie
    142,95 kr.

    How can you explain "faith" to your grandchildren, children, nieces, nephews, or little brothers and sisters? Grandma's Front Door is a simple and engaging book to help teach your beloved children the faith, love, and power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Grandma's Front Door takes place at my home, on my front door. Although this story is fiction, the two love doves in the book actually made their home on my front door, and of course, the children in the story are my grandchildren. A few months after the doves built their nest, the Lord gave me this story about God's faithfulness.

  • af Lynda Blackmon Lowery
    122,95 kr.

    A memoir of the Civil Rights Movement from one of its youngest heroes--now in paperback will an all-new discussion guide. As the youngest marcher in the 1965 voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Albama, Lynda Blackmon Lowery proved that young adults can be heroes. Jailed eleven times before her fifteenth birthday, Lowery fought alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. for the rights of African-Americans. In this memoir, she shows today's young readers what it means to fight nonviolently (even when the police are using violence, as in the Bloody Sunday protest) and how it felt to be part of changing American history. Straightforward and inspiring, this beautifully illustrated memoir brings readers into the middle of the Civil Rights Movement, complementing Common Core classroom learning and bringing history alive for young readers.

    309,95 kr.

    Ephra is an NGO based in Berlin. Ephra was founded by artist Rebecca Raue and focuses on empowering kids through contemporary art. The exhibition is the result of many years of studio visits with children from elementary schools.

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