Bag om Top UK Pharmaceutical Wholesalers
This study looks at all companies registered in the United Kingdom where they identify themselves as wholesalers of pharmaceutical goods.
This study includes companies that are dormant or non-trading some of which might be latent while others may operate under their owners' names but incorporate to protect the business name. In addition, all newly incorporated companies are included. The study will exclude those companies that do not specifically identify themselves as wholesalers of pharmaceutical goods.
The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the key movers and shakers in the UK pharmaceutical wholesale sector. Only key data has been isolated, particularly the company's net worth and total assets, but also its full name, date incorporated, registered office, other activities, shareholders, directors (with date of birth, occupation and nationality) and number of employees.
Two indicators of size are used: net worth and total assets. These are preferable to turnover which is influenced by profit margins and whether the companies are capital or labour intensive.
In the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, new company incorporations in the pharmaceutical wholesale sector were 188, 258 and 483 respectively.
In 1966, the National Association of Pharmaceutical Distributors (NAPD) was formed, which became from 1991, the British Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers or BAPW. In 2016, BAPW rebranded itself the Healthcare Distribution Association UK (HCA). The HCA represents businesses who supply medicines, medical devices and healthcare services for patients, pharmacies, hospitals, dispensing doctors and the pharmaceutical industry. Their members distribute over 90% of NHS medicines.
GIRP, 'Groupement International de la Repartition Pharmaceutique' or 'European Association of Pharmaceutical Full-line Wholesalers', is the umbrella organisation of pharmaceutical full-line wholesalers in Europe.
The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) promotes and supports the interests of all NHS community pharmacies in England. Community pharmacists were known in the past as chemists.
The Commercial Medicines Unit (CMU) is part of the Medicine, Pharmacy and Industry Group of the Department of Health & Social Care which looks at supply and procurement in hospitals.
Pharmaceutical full-line wholesalers carry the full range of medicinal products and they own their stock. Nearly three-quarters of all medicines sold in Europe are distributed through pharmaceutical full-line wholesalers.
The market growth of the pharmaceutical wholesale sector has risen slowly. This is mainly due to the growing importance of alternative distribution systems such as Direct-to-Pharmacy (DTP) and Reduced Wholesale Agreements (RWA).
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