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Marketing er efterhånden et vidt begreb, som vedrører flere områder. Her har vi prøvet at dække de fleste behov indenfor marketing med gode marketingsbøger. Der er mange forskellige måder at arbejde med marketing på. Det kan både være digitalt eller analogt via. billboards eller lignende. Derfor er der et varieret udvalg og med interessante bøger af eksperter i området. Vi har bøger, som er lavet af tidligere giganter på markedet med forskellige synspunkter, og hvordan du kan sikre dig en god position på markedet. Derudover har vi også skolebøger, som er lavet med det specifikke formål at lære læseren eller lytteren så meget som overhovedet muligt inden for fagområdet. Hvis du ikke har berørt marketing før og godt kunne tænke dig at lære og forstå markedsføring, så er der bøger specifikt til dette. Tjek vores udvalg ud og se om du ikke finder noget inspiration til dit kommende projekt!
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  • - Why the Subscription Model Will Be Your Company s Future and What to Do About It
    af Tien Tzuo & Gabe Weisert
    165,95 kr.

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE CMI MANAGEMENT BOOK OF THE YEAR INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP AWARDToday's consumers prefer the advantages of access over the hassles of ownership. It's not just internet services like Netflix and Spotify; even industrial firms like GE and Caterpillar are reinventing themselves as solutions providers. Whether you sell software, clothes, insurance, or industrial machines, you need to master the transition to the subscription model.Adapting to the subscription economy takes more than just deciding to sell subscriptions instead of products. You'll have to reinvent your company from the inside out -- from your accounting to your entire IT architecture. No matter how large or small your company, Subscribed gives you a practical, step-by-step framework to rebuild your business around a customer-centric, recurring revenue model.In ten years, we'll be subscribing to everything: information technology, transportation, retail, healthcare, even housing. Informed by insights straight from the servers of Zuora, the world's largest subscription finance platform, Subscribed is the book that explains how this shift really works -- and how business leaders can prepare and prosper.

  • - Getting the Customer to Yes: How Problem-Centric Selling Increases Sales by Changing Everything You Know About Relationships, Overcoming Objections, Closing and Price
    af Keenan
    223,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Zig Ziglar
    145,95 kr.

    Whether presenting a product or principle, service or idea, we all engage in sales. Zig Ziglar presents winning techniques for getting a positive response and establishing dynamic relationships. Readers discover how to:o project warmth, enthusiasm, and integrity o effectively use 100 creative closes o increase productivity and professionalismo overcome the five basic reasons people will not buyo deal respectfully with challenging prospects

  • - Teori og praksis
    af Jens Graff
    527,95 kr.

    Markedsføring. Teori og praksis er en grundlæggende indføring i centrale begreber, modeller og teorier inden for markedsføring. Digital markedsføring, sociale medier og digitalisering ses som en integreret del af markedsføringsaktiviteterne. Bogen er struktureret som en traditionel markedsføringsplan. Det giver et naturligt flow, som letter forståelsen af indholdet. Bogen har fokus på det indlæringsmæssige og den konkrete brug af teorien i praksis. Bogens forfattere er undervisere, forskere og praktikere, der alle har et skarpt blik for markedsføringspraksis hvordan man i praksis kan arbejde med fagets teorier og modeller. Markedsføring. Teori og praksis er til studerende på diplom-, akademi- og bacheloruddannelserne på de danske erhvervsakademier og handelshøjskoler.

  • af Nana Gaardboe Dall & Katrine Thielke
    257,95 kr.

    Sidder du med brugere på de sociale medier som er vrede eller frustrerede? Og mangler du redskaber til at håndtere situationen?Ved at læse bogen "Når tasterne taler", får du en forståelse af konflikterne på de sociale medier, hvorfor de opstår og hvordan du kan håndtere dem.Du får også et godt indblik i hvad dine brugere i virkeligheden efterspørger, og hvad der virker når bølgerne går højt i kommentarsporet. Bogen giver dig praktiske og implementerbare redskaber, der har afsæt i solid viden fra det konfliktteoretiske felt, samt det digitale univers.Desuden får du et indblik i DSBs arbejde med vores metoder og den gevinst de har haft ved at arbejde med dem.Det får du: En række praktiske metoder og modeller, som du kan bruge med det samme i dit arbejde med sociale medier - eller skriftlig kommunikation i det hele taget Den konflikteoretiske baggrund for at konflikter opstår så hurtigt på sociale medier Forståelse for blandingen af den skriftlige og mundtlige kommunikation, som er noget særligt for sociale medier En gennemgang af en håndfuld andre tilgange til at arbejde med moderation på sociale medierBogen er skrevet til kommunikationspraktikere og social media managers, som arbejder for virksomheder, organisationer eller medier.Men privatpersoner kan også have glæde af metoderne i bogen.

  • - Using Data, Technology, and Inbound Selling to go from $0 to $100 Million
    af Mark Roberge
    205,95 kr.

    Use data, technology, and inbound selling to build a remarkable team and accelerate sales The Sales Acceleration Formula provides a scalable, predictable approach to growing revenue and building a winning sales team.

  • af Will Guidara
    113,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Jerry Acuff & Jeremy Miner
    167,95 kr.

  • af Fred Reichheld
    297,95 kr.

    Great leaders embrace a higher purpose to win. The NetPromoter System shines as their guiding star.Fewmanagement ideas have spread so far and wide as the Net Promoter System (NPS).Since its conception almost two decades ago by customer loyalty guru FredReichheld, thousands of companies around the world have adopteditfrom industrial titans such as Mercedes-Benz and Cummins to techgiants like Apple and Amazon to digital innovators such as Warby Parker andPeloton.Now, Reichheld has raised the bar yet again. InWinning on Purpose, he demonstrates that the primary purposeof a business should be to enrich the lives of its customers. Why? Because whencustomers feel this love, they come back for more and bring their friendsgeneratinggood profits. This is NPS 3.0 and it puts a new take on the age-old GoldenRuletreat customers the way you would want a loved onetreatedat the heart of enduring business success. As the compellingexamples in this book illustrate, companies with superior NPS consistentlydeliver higher returns to shareholders across a wide array ofindustries.But winning on purpose isn't easy. Reichheld alsoexplains why many NPS practitioners achieve just a small fraction of the system'sfull potential, and he presents the newest thinking and best practices fordoing NPS right. He unveils the Earned Growth Rate (EGR): the first reliable,complementary accounting measure that can truly leverage the power ofNPS.With keen insight and moving personal stories, Reichheldadvances the thinking and practice of NPS. Winning onPurpose is your indispensable guide for inspiring customer lovewithin your own teams and using Net Promoter to achieve both personal and businesssuccess.

  • af Ole E. Andersen
    62,95 - 318,95 kr.

    Forstå forbrugerne er den første danske bog, der med en marketing-synsvinkel strukturerer, analyserer og forklarer forbrugernes opfattelse af verden, deres motiver, holdninger og adfærd. Fra valg af mærke eller butik til køb af hus eller bil. Denne forståelse vil give et bedre grundlag for beslutninger om fremtidige markedsføringsaktiviteter på de stadigt mere dynamiske markeder med stigende medieudbud og bevidste forbrugere.

  • - Straight Line Selling: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success
    af Jordan Belfort
    157,95 kr.

    Jordan Belfortimmortalized by Leonardo DiCaprio in the hit movie The Wolf of Wall Streetreveals the step-by-step sales and persuasion system proven to turn anyone into a sales-closing, money-earning rock star.For the first time ever, Jordan Belfort opens his playbook and gives you access to his exclusive step-by-step systemthe same system he used to create massive wealth for himself, his clients, and his sales teams. Until now this revolutionary program was only available through Jordan's $1,997 online training. Now, in Way of the Wolf, Belfort is ready to unleash the power of persuasion to a whole new generation, revealing how anyone can bounce back from devastating setbacks, master the art of persuasion, and build wealth. Every technique, every strategy, and every tip has been tested and proven to work in real-life situations. Written in his own inimitable voice, Way of the Wolf cracks the code on how to persuade anyone to do anything, and coaches readersregardless of age, education, or skill levelto be a master sales person, negotiator, closer, entrepreneur, or speaker.

  • - From Amway to Zombies
    af Randy Gage
    197,95 kr.

    The eagerly awaited sequel to the worldwide bestseller How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine from Direct Selling icon and Hall of Famer Randy GageRandy Gage revolutionized the Direct Selling profession with the bestselling phenomenon How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine, translated into more than 20 languages. Now he's at it again with the long-waited sequel: Direct Selling Success. This all-new book is the ultimate textbook on creating success in the business. You'll learn everything from choosing the right company, finding the best candidates, becoming a rock star recruiter--to advanced skills like making powerful presentations, becoming a leader, and creating a leadership factory on your team.Since Randy's previous book took the profession by storm, there have been significant changes to the business that demand a fully up-to-date sequel: Regulatory oversight of the industry has increased dramatically, it's now much trickier to make simple product or income claims, and distributors are hungry for the right information on how to get it done. The business model has gained widespread public acceptance--it's now common for industry companies to secure naming rights for sports arenas and sponsor major league teams. Even Warren Buffet and Forbes Magazine promote the business. More and more people are taking on side hustles and are considering or already in the business.Maybe the biggest change is the impact of e-commerce, social media, and mobile apps on the business today. Randy's up-to-the-minute book explains how you can become successful in this new environment. The need for expert, proven guidance on the Direct Selling and Network Marketing profession has never been greater than right now. Direct Selling Success will help you:* Choose the best company for you* Locate the best candidates* Become a Rock Star recruiter* Design your system to create maximum duplication* Employ the latest e-commerce and social media marketing techniques to grow your business* Conduct powerful persuasive presentations* Become a positive, dynamic leader for your teamThe Direct Selling industry continues to experience robust growth. The opportunity to generate passive income and create complete financial freedom is immense under current conditions. Direct Selling Success is a must-have resource for anyone who wants to build a team of customers and distributors that will generate residual income for years to come.

  • - for små virksomheder
    af Hanne Wick & Dorthe Klyvø
    297,95 kr.

    Hvordan laver man en markedsføringsplan?Hvad kan jeg bruge de sociale medier til?Hvor finder jeg inspiration til at skrive gode nyhedsbreve?Hvordan kan jeg bruge PR i min markedsføring?Disse og mange andre helt grundlæggende spørgsmål finder man svar på i Markedsføringshåndbogen – for små virksomheder. Det er målet med bogen at hjælpe indehavere af mindre virksomheder til at bruge både tid og penge bedst muligt i forhold til markedsføringen.Markedsføringshåndbogen giver de helt basale, hands-on og grundlæggende redskaber, der klæder læseren på til selv at løse opgaverne, men også til at blive en dygtig indkøber, når der skal købes hjælp til de opgaver, man ikke selv har lyst, tid eller kompetencer til at løse.Med Markedsføringshåndbogen – for små virksomheder får man både en praktisk gør-det-selv-bog, et let forståeligt opslagsværk og en kilde til inspiration.

  • - A Business Model for Medical Technologies and Medical Devices
    af Marianne Rosager & Charlotte Bruun Piester
    412,95 kr.

    MedTech Marketing is for anyone who wants to make a difference within the MedTech industry(MedTech is short for medical devices and medical technologies).“What does it take to be successful in the MedTech industry?” Seeking to answer this question, the book presents a business model, theory, concrete action plans, real-life case stories, best-in-class examples, alongside viewpoints from industry experts.MedTech Marketing is a new discipline, but a highly necessary one. Time to market, sales curves and staying ahead of the competition are all becoming more challenging and complex, due to: increased regulatory demands and changing payer structures pressure on healthcare expenditures and reimbursement the need for highly specialised competencies and value-based evidence the need for optimal digital and analogue considerations in the marketing mix universal and intense competition.All of these are costly elements that require strict focus and careful prioritisation.If you are looking for a clear, straightforward, cost-efficient and structured process, this book offers a new MedTech model that addresses the industry’s challenges by guiding you all the way from idea generation to market success.“The unique feature of this book is the complete presentation of how MedTech products come to life, from idea to design, development, testing, documentation and through to marketing and success.” Henrik Harboe, entrepreneur and medical doctor“The book puts MedTech in the spotlight, contributing to the creation of a common language that the industry in general lacks ... Case studies throughout the book put the many topics into context in a constructive way.” Niels Ole Andersen, regulatory expert

  • af Will Guidara
    197,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEREssential lessons in hospitality for every business, from the former co-owner of legendary restaurant Eleven Madison Park.Will Guidara was twenty-six when he took the helm of Eleven Madison Park, a struggling New York City two-star brasserie that had never quite lived up to its majestic room. Eleven years later, EMP was named the best restaurant in the world.How did Guidara pull off this unprecedented transformation? Radical reinvention, a true partnership between the kitchen and the dining room-and memorable, over-the-top, bespoke hospitality. Guidara's team surprised a family who had never seen snow with a magical sledding trip to Central Park after their dinner; they filled a private dining room with sand, complete with mai-tais and beach chairs, to console a couple with a cancelled vacation. And his hospitality extended beyond those dining at the restaurant to his own team, who learned to deliver praise and criticism with intention; why the answer to some of the most pernicious business dilemmas is to give more-not less; and the magic that can happen when a busser starts thinking like an owner.Today, every business can choose to be a hospitality business-and we can all transform ordinary transactions into extraordinary experiences. Featuring sparkling stories of his journey through restaurants, with the industry's most famous players like Daniel Boulud and Danny Meyer, Guidara urges us all to find the magic in what we do-for ourselves, the people we work with, and the people we serve.

  • af Gary Vaynerchuk
    212,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Alina Wheeler
    445,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • - A Proven Framework to Drive Impactful Client Outcomes for Your Company
    af McCulloch Wayne McCulloch
    197,95 - 282,95 kr.

  • - Marketing Through Design in the Digital Age
    af Marco Spies
    543,95 kr.

    This illustrated, extensively updated guide focuses on branded interaction design (BIxD), the brand-oriented design of interactive applications.

  • - The Most Human Company Wins
    af Mark W Schaefer
    237,95 - 240,95 kr.

  • af Ross Brennan, Louise Canning & Raymond McDowell
    758,95 - 1.788,95 kr.

    Suitable for students taking B2B marketing modules, this title takes in both European and US approaches to form a balanced, globally minded text. It covers both the theory and practice of global business-to-business marketing. It also includes coverage of digital and social media marketing in the b2b environment, to reflect online developments.

  • - Scandinavian Edition
    af Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong & Anders Parment
    821,95 kr.

    Principles of Marketing Scandinavian Edition is an ideal introductory text for undergraduate students and practitioners alike. This, the second Scandinavian edition, is true to Kotler and Armstrongs classic conceptual framework, which has proved itself an exceptional introduction to marketing and has been used by millions of students all over the world. Principles of Marketing book outlines and discusses concepts and ideas that help students and practitioners develop an effective marketing strategy for todays markets. Cases and examples are written to reflect current best practice in Scandinavian and European companies. The book describes and explains how these companies deal with challenges in domestic and international markets. Set within a Scandinavian context, the text is nonetheless global in scope and thus very relevant for modern marketers.

  • - Mindset, strategi, ledelse og performance i fremtidens forretningsmodeller
    af Per Østergaard Jacobsen
    228,99 kr.

    CRM 5.0 – De ustyrlige kunder i en digital tidsalder er en håndbog i kundeorientering med fokus på mindset, strategi, ledelse & performance i fremtidens (bæredygtige) forretningsmodeller. Ikke alene har vi et bud på løsningen til at forhindre et fejlslået CRM-projekt. Værktøjskassen kan også anvendes på de mange digitaliseringsprojekter som kommer de kommende år.Vi har udviklet på den populære Business Model Canvas og gjort den tidssvarende. Vi udfordrer de forskellige kundetilfredshedsmålinger og NPS vanetænkningen.Vi lukker definitivt ned for AIDA modellen og præsentere en ny model for kunderejsen baseret på kundens ECO-system og med kundeværdi med udgangspunkt i kortlægningen af forbrugeradfærden.Vi ser på den nye loyalitetsmodel, og på segmenteringsmodeller.Vi advarer mod at anvende personas og kommer naturligvis med opskriften på hvordan man gør det rigtige rigtigt.Det starter med dig som leder/beslutningstager/influencer og medarbejder. Er du klar til at udvikle, forandre og forankre?Professor Torsten Ringberg, CBS, Lektor Pernille Rydèn, DTU og Christian Daugaard, Nordisk SoMe Lead, BCG, er gæsteskribenter.

  • - Make Better Marketing Decisions
    af Paul Dervan
    172,95 kr.

    Run With Foxes is a must-read collection of real-life stories revealing the messy reality of decision-making in marketing and the secrets of making better decisions.

  • - Building Continuous Customer Relationships for Competitive Advantage
    af Nicolaj Siggelkow
    367,95 kr.

    Business Models for Transforming Customer RelationshipsWhat if there were a way to turn occasional, sporadic transactions with customers into long-term, continuous relationships--while simultaneously driving dramatic improvements in operational efficiency? What if you could break your existing trade-offs between superior customer experience and low cost?This is the promise of a connected strategy. New forms of connectivity--involving frequent, low-friction, customized interactions--mean that companies can now anticipate customer needs as they arise, or even before. Simultaneously, enabled by these technologies, companies can create new business models that deliver more value to customers. Connected strategies are win-win: Customers get a dramatically improved experience, while companies boost operational efficiency.In this book, strategy and operations experts Nicolaj Siggelkow and Christian Terwiesch reveal the emergence of connected strategies as a new source of competitive advantage. With in-depth examples from companies operating in industries such as healthcare, financial services, mobility, retail, entertainment, nonprofit, and education, Connected Strategy identifies the four pathways--respond-to-desire, curated offering, coach behavior, and automatic execution--for turning episodic interactions into continuous relationships. The authors show how each pathway creates a competitive advantage, then guide you through the critical decisions for creating and implementing your own connected strategies.Whether you're trying to revitalize strategy in an established company or disrupt an industry as a startup, this book will help you:Reshape your connections with your customersFind new ways to connect with existing suppliers while also activating new sources of capacityCreate the right revenue modelMake the best technology choices to support your strategyIntegrating rich examples, how-to advice, and practical tools in the form of "workshop chapters" throughout, this book is the ultimate resource for creating competitive advantage through connected relationships with your customers and redefined connections in your industry.

  • - How Ultra High Performers Leverage Sales-Specific Emotional Intelligence to Close the Complex Deal
    af Jeb Blount
    215,95 kr.

    The New Psychology of Selling The sales profession is in the midst of a perfect storm. Buyers have more power more information, more at stake, and more control over the sales process than any time in history.

  • - Think Now, Design Later
    af Pete Barry
    245,95 kr.

    Inclding chapters on interactive advertising and integrated advertising, this edition contains fifty specially drawn new illustrations of key campaigns. It covers every aspect of the business, from how to write copy and learn the creative process to how agencies work and the different strategies used for all types of media.

  • - How Smart Companies Design the Product Around the Price
    af Madhavan Ramanujam
    235,95 kr.

    Surprising rules for successful monetization Innovation is the most important driver of growth. Today, more than ever, companies need to innovate to survive. But successful innovation measured in dollars and cents is a very hard target to hit.

  • - Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy
    af Martin Lindstrom
    267,95 kr.

    Discover the tricks, strategies and manipulations that businesses, advertisers and retailers across the world use to engineer human desire and compel consumers to open their wallets, with this insider's-view.

  • - What Marketers Don't Know
    af Byron (Professor Sharp
    325,95 kr.

    This book provides evidence-based answers to the key questions asked by marketers every day. Tackling issues such as how brands grow, how advertising really works, what price promotions really do and how loyalty programs really affect loyalty, How Brands Grow presents decades of research in a style that is written for marketing professionals to grow their brands.

Marketing bøger

Et emne som er voksende konstant og specielt i tider hvor den digitale verden er eksploderet. Det er begyndt, at være den eneste måde virksomheder markedsføre på, da det er en glimrende metode til at ramme flere kunder på en gang. Vi ser i dag stadig markedsføring på de gule busser og busstoppesteder, det er også stadig en fantastisk måde at markedsføre sig på. Men det handler i dag om, at få flere kunder og bruge så lidt penge på anskaffelsen som muligt. Derfor er den digitale verden utrolig stor. Vores bøger om marketing indeholder en række af forskellige områder som sagt, du kunne f.eks. dykke ned i et kig på salg og forstå hvordan brugerne egentlig agerer i bestemte brancher. Det er nemlig det som er fokus inden for den digitale verden, nemlig den målgruppe, som virksomheden målretter sine produkter og reklamer mod. Der har vi specifikke bøger som undersøger fænomenet og hvordan du kan komme tættere på den rette kunde til din branche. Bøgerne indeholder meget viden som er baseret på eksperter der har samlet den gennem mange år og derfor kan du roligt læse dem! Vi har studiebøger og bøger af tidligere erhvervsledere der har styret virksomheder i mange år. Det er bøger som kigger på de underbevidste tanker hos brugerne og hvordan vi kan nå dem gennem den digitale verden. Hvis du er langt i karrieren og mangler cases til analyse som eksempler til enten de studerende eller medarbejdere, har vi bøger som indeholder specifikt dette. Internatioanle virksomhedscases er f.eks. en af disse, og den har utrolig gode eksempler på hvordan man løser problemer inden for forskellige områder. Det er også en faktor som spiller en stor rolle i dag, at kunne forstå andre kulturer, hvis du ønsker at arbejde med et internationalt marked. Bøgerne kigger på hvad de forskellige lande er tiltrukket af og hvordan man når disse brugere bedst. Find din næste marketing bog hos os i dag!

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