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  • af Christian Rook
    204,95 kr.

    "Matthes: Dein Abenteuer in Aruba!"In diesem aufregenden Buch für dich und deine Freunde, die zwischen 8 und 12 Jahre alt sind, erlebst du die spannende Kombination von Jim Knopf, Sherlock Holmes, Indiana Jones und der Schatzinsel, zusammen mit einem echten Reiseführer für Aruba.Stell dir Matthes vor, einen jungen Helden, der genauso mutig wie Jim Knopf, genauso clever wie Sherlock Holmes und genauso abenteuerlustig wie Indiana Jones ist. Zusammen mit seiner sprechenden Lokomotive Emma, dem verrückten Bürgermeister Willi Hoffmann und der mutigen Journalistin Ingrid Wichtig begibt sich Matthes auf eine abenteuerliche Schatzsuche, die der legendären Schatzinsel ähnelt. Doch diese Geschichte hat einen besonderen Twist - sie ist auch eine Reise durch die atemberaubende Insel Aruba.Begleitet Matthes und seine Freunde, während sie gegen die gefährlichen H-Brüder aus Aruba kämpfen und eine Reihe kniffliger Rätsel lösen müssen, um den verborgenen Schatz zu finden. Wer wird ihn zuerst entdecken? Und wo genau ist dieser Schatz vergraben? Mit den hinterlistigen H-Brüdern immer auf den Fersen, muss Matthes ständig neue Herausforderungen meistern und auf unerwartete Wendungen reagieren.Die Geschichte entfaltet sich auf zwei parallelen Ebenen: Du folgst Matthes und seinen Freunden auf ihrer aufregenden Reise, aber es gibt auch eine andere Geschichte, in der der Autor und seine Kinder agieren. Sie kommentieren die Ereignisse gelegentlich und haben einen indirekten Einfluss auf die Handlung, was der Geschichte eine gemütliche Gute-Nacht-Geschichten-Atmosphäre verleiht. Schließlich werden der Autor und seine Kinder zu unerwarteten Helden und helfen dabei, die H-Brüder in Aruba zu schnappen.Dieses Buch kombiniert Abenteuer, Fantasie und Humor und führt dich gleichzeitig durch zeitgenössische und historische Ereignisse, von der Titanic bis zu Vulkanausbrüchen in Island und Piraten in der Karibik. Diese Elemente werden auf eine Art und Weise präsentiert, die sowohl für Kinder als auch für Erwachsene faszinierend ist. Es ist ein einzigartiges Meisterwerk, geschrieben in einem herzerwärmenden Stil und mit einer Prise Humor, die es zu einem Muss für Abenteurer wie dich macht. Begib dich auf dieses außergewöhnliche Abenteuer mit Matthes und lass die Magie von Aruba für dich lebendig werden!

  • af Sigridur Hagalín Björnsdóttir
    157,95 - 198,94 kr.

    Jordskælv ryster Reykjanes-halvøen, der huser to tredjedele af den islandske befolkning og utallige turister, og vækker de sovende vulkaner. Ingen kender dem bedre end geologen Anna Arnardóttir, som står over for den vigtigste opgave i sin karriere. Men katastrofen lurer i horisonten, både i undergrunden og i Annas privatliv, hvor hendes tilsyneladende perfekte ægteskab pludselig befinder sig på usikker grund.“Karrierens og familielivets katastrofer flettes sammen på ekstremt spændende vis, og resulatet bliver eksplosivt begge steder.” - Morgunblaðið

  • af Hanne Strager
    166,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Hanne Strager fortæller om sine egne oplevelser med spækhuggere og om sine rejser rundt i verden, hvor hun har samlet beretninger om forholdet mellem mennesker og spækhuggere.Blandt andet:Den islandske spækhuggerkrig i 1950’erne, hvor amerikanske soldater fra Keflavik-basen med dybvandsbomber og maskingeværer dræbte mange hundrede spækhuggere.Hanne Stragers forskningsprojekt om norske spækhuggeres dialekter.Twofold Bay i det sydøstlige Australien, hvor hvalfangere og spækhuggere gennem 70-80 år samarbejdede om at dræbe bardehvaler. Spækhuggerne spiste tungen og læberne – hvalfangerne var kun interesserede i spækket. Spækhuggerne annoncerede en stor bardehvals ankomst ved at slå med halen. Samarbejdet eksisterede i 70-80 år.Det russiske forskningsprojekt ved Kamchatkahalvøen, hvor man har identificeret 25 familier med 800 individer og studerer spækhuggernes sociale struktur. Om spækhuggere som angriber både i Biscayen og har i nogle tilfælde sænket dem. Bogen er illustreret med 50 af Hanne Stragers fotos fra hele verden.

  • af Úa Matthíasdóttir
    242,95 kr.

    Islandia es el ultimo paraiso natural de Europa, donde la vida tranquila de sus habitantes contrasta con la agitacion telurica de sus mas de cuarenta volcanes activos. Un pais donde el fuego y el hielo, los glaciares y la lava humeante, se combinan para formar un paisaje unico en el mundo. Esta guia ofrece al viajero los mejores consejos para organizar el viaje e informacion detallada de todos los puntos de imprescindible visita a lo largo y ancho de la isla; asi como mapas y fotografias de cada region. Contiene ademas una amplia informacion practica actualizada en 2022 para conocer las posibilidades de alojamiento y restauracion para todos los gustos y presupuestos, asi como las direcciones mas utiles en cada rincon del pais.

  • af A. J. Atlas
    287,95 kr.

    Imagine if our pets could travel the world with us.What adventures would they have? What trouble would they get into? What friends would they make? In the Travels with Zozo... series of illustrated children's books for ages 4-8 years old, a fun-loving family of four brings their pet bunny, Zozo, on their trips around the world, and Zozo's escapades are bound to amaze, amuse, and inspire you. Author A.J. Atlas' extensive travel experiences in nearly fifty countries and throughout all fifty U.S. states provide firsthand insight into the settings for the books. Award-winning illustrator Anne Zimanski uses bright colors and expert digital artistry to turn the real-life places into beautifully colorful, imaginative worlds for Zozo and readers to explore. She adds an abundance of charm and heart to the culturally-diverse characters whom Zozo meets, and she packs Zozo's sweet, little, furry face full of emotion. Then, together, Atlas and Zimanski keep the pages filled with goofy gags and funny antics. So many, in fact, that rereading the stories is sure to surprise you with something new and keep you laughing. The ninth book in the award-winning picture book series, Travels with Zozo...under the Night Sky, takes readers to Iceland. Beneath a dark sky filled with twinkling stars, pet bunny Zozo sees the shimmering colors of the aurora borealis, or northern lights. Curiosity leads her to follow the lights to a snowy pasture where she meets five friendly Icelandic horses. The horses offer Zozo friendship, entertainment, and a kid-friendly explanation of how the northern lights appear in the sky. On page after beautifully-illustrated page, accurate depictions of the stars and constellations of the Northern Hemisphere add a unique richness to the layers of Zozo's nighttime adventure. Likewise, whimsically illustrated locals-such as breakdancing arctic foxes, a snowshoeing mouse, an energetic snowy owl, and many others-bring depth and humor to the wintery North Atlantic island landscape showcased in this premium full-color 32-page book. Children and grownups alike are sure to fall in love with the "hoppity, floppity, huggable, snuggable" pet bunny, Zozo, in this expertly-illustrated, pint-sized, Nordic travel log. They will be amazed by the detailed illustrations of Iceland's actual land and sky while laughing at the goofy goings-on in every corner of the pages. Bring your imagination and let Zozo be your guide to a world of amazing places!

  • af Ragnar Jonasson & Katrín Jakobsdóttir
    187,95 - 205,95 kr.

    ”Underspillet genialitet … Et helstøbt plot med forrygende karakterer og masser af overraskende twists.”THE NEW YORK TIMES I 1956 tilbringer den femtenårige pige Laura sin sommerferie på den lille ø Videy, der ligger ud for Reykjaviks kyst, hvor hun arbejder hos et ægtepar. Men sidst på sommeren forsvinder hun sporløst. Mysteriet om Lauras forsvinden bliver Islands mest kendte uopklarede sag. I 1986 fejrer Reykjavik sit 200-års jubilæum, og i byen gør man sig klar til at være vært for topmødet mellem Ronald Reagan og Mikhail Gorbatjov. Mens verdens øjne hviler på Reykjavik, modtager den unge journalist Valur et mystisk brev med nye oplysninger om den nu tredive år gamle sag. Han påbegynder sin egen efterforskning af Lauras forsvinden fra den lille ø. Men så går det op for ham, at der er nogen i Reykjavik, der ønsker at holde hendes skæbne hemmelig for enhver pris … Islands statsminister, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, og den islandske krimistjerne Ragnar Jónasson har sammen skrevet en stemningsmættet kriminalroman, der er inspireret af virkelige hændelser.

  • af Alexandra Kelpin
    487,95 kr.

    Drei Jahre sind vergangen nach Erlas Abenteuer in der Anderswelt. Sie lebt seitdem wieder in Hamburg, zusammen mit ihrer Mutter und derem neuen Freund Hans, hofft aber darauf, zurückzukehren und vor allem Kjartan wiederzusehen. Seltsame Träume, die sie mit ihrem Vater Sindri teilt, bringen sie dazu, nach Island zu reisen, wo sie Zeugin mehrerer ungewöhnlicher Geschehnisse wird. Schwäne stürzen tot vom Himmel und ein Steinregen bringt ihren Vater in Lebensgefahr. Sie lernt die Professorin Sif kennen, die ihr einen Weg aufzeigt, Kjartan wiederzusehen. Doch alles hat seinen Preis... Erla erfährt von einem heimlichen Projekt, das ein besonders geschütztes Naturgebiet auf Island zerstört hat und den Groll der darin lebenden Naturwesen heraufbeschwört. Die Natur beginnt, sich zu wehren und versetzt Island durch das Eingreifen des verborgenen Volkes in einen Ausnahmezustand...Nach zahlreichen Abenteuern, in denen auch der Lebensstein immer wieder eine Rolle spielt und durch bisher ungeahnte Fähigkeiten überrascht, treffen alle Handlungsstränge in Ásbýrgi zusammen, dem Sitz der Verborgenen im Norden Islands...Auch der zweite Band der Erzählung um den Lebensstein entführt den Leser in eine abenteuerliche Welt inmitten der isländischen Landschaft.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    277,95 kr.

    Iceland, also known as the Land of Fire and Ice, is well-known for its breathtaking landscapes, geothermal marvels, and distinctive cultural history. Whale watching, on the other hand, is without a doubt one of the most mesmerizing and awe-inspiring activities that this Nordic island nation has to offer. Iceland's rich marine ecology is home to a vast assortment of whales and other marine life, making it a prime location for anyone seeking encounters with these gentle giants of the sea. Because Iceland is situated in the North Atlantic Ocean, it is one of the best places in the world to watch whales. Whales have found paradise in this natural havenIceland's icy seas provide a safe sanctuary for a wide range of whale species, making it an ideal destination for individuals who have always dreamed of seeing these beautiful creatures in their native environment. The country's advantageous position between the Arctic and Atlantic oceans enables a continuous flow of nutrient-rich waters, making it a perfect home for both resident whales and whales that migrate through the area. Orcas, humpback whales, and minke whales are among the whale species that are most frequently spotted in Icelandic seas. Humpback whales and blue whales, two of the largest mammals on Earth, also make occasional visits in Icelandic waters. The large whales that inhabit IcelandIt's not uncommon for humpback whales, which are famous for their unique melodies and acrobatic performances, to take center stage on whale watching cruises in Iceland. These gentle giants can grow to a length of up to 50 feet and are famous for their beautiful breaches and tail flukes, which provide onlookers with moments that are just breath-taking. On the other hand, minke whales are more difficult to spot, yet they are nevertheless often encountered. They have a reputation for having a slick appearance and moving in an elegant manner, which has made them a favorite subject for photographers and fans. For those who are interested in wildlife, one of the most engaging things they can do is watch minke whales feed and surface. These waters in the Arctic are ruled by orcas, which are the most dangerous predators in the ocean. Whale watchers who are lucky enough to catch a glimpse of these black-and-white giants in their family pods are treated to a fascinating show. Their intelligence as well as their behavior of working together to hunt is quite remarkable. Observation of Whales in a Responsible MannerIceland is dedicated to whale watching activities that are both responsible and sustainable, placing a priority on the protection of these incredible animals and the ecosystem in which they live in the ocean. The operators of tours abide by ethical norms, which ensure that the natural behaviors of whales are not altered in any way by the trips. When vessels are in close proximity to whales, appropriate distances are kept between them, and the engines are silenced to reduce the amount of noise pollution.

  • af Brynja Svane
    257,95 kr.

  • af Danielle Desir Corbett
    222,95 kr.

    This travel guide is written by and for the traveling black woman who is eager to experience Iceland's incredible landscapes, unique foods, rich culture & strong tradition.

  • af Rut Ríkey Tryggvadóttir
    104,95 kr.

    Hef verið langdvölum í Flórens á Ítalíu við listsköpun auk þess að bæta við mig námi í textílhönnun í listaháskóla þar ásamt ítölsku- og menningarnámi. Ég hef einnig verið með listsmiðjur í Kaupmannahöfn, í Svíþjóð, Sydney og Melbourne í Ástralíu s.l. 15 ár. Blandaði saman við þetta námi við Meistaraskólann, útskrifaðist 2019 með láði og var verðlaunuð af Samtökum Iðnaðarins fyrir framúrskarandi námsárangur. Kenni sjálfstæð námskeið í textíl, bæði tví- og þrívíddar aðferðir.

  • - Esbjerg 1970-82
    af Frode Oldenburg Jørgensen
    147,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Efter tre‭ ‬år som maskinmester i Mærsk gik jeg i land‭. ‬Først blev det et værkførerjob på‭ ‬Motorfabrikken Dan‭. ‬Her er I med på‭ ‬fabrikkens indre linjer og fiskerihavnens hektiske arbejdsliv og miljø‭. ‬Hyre på‭ ‬fabriksskibet‭ ‬Lumino‭ ‬blev det næste‭. ‬Et arbejde med udfordringer i en speciel verden‭. ‬‬Da efteråret nærmede sig‭, ‬fortsatte jeg ved Claus Sørensen som afløsermester på‭ ‬slæbebådene og andre nødvendige gøremål‭. ‬Herunder‭ ‬m/s Bungsborg‭ ‬og tortursejlads langt fra Esbjerg‭. ‬Havets kræfter sendte mig ind på‭ ‬smult vande‭. ‬Jeg fik hyre som maskinchef på‭ ‬Rømø‭-‬Sylt Færgeriet‭, ‬hvor ansvar og service blev krydret med oplevelser‭, ‬hvor Asger Lindinger sad for bordenden‭. ‬‬Tilbage i Esbjerg blev jeg ansat som maskinmester på‭ ‬Luminofabrikken‭, ‬hvor specielt arbejdet med fabriksskibet fik mig tilbage‭. ‬Under ansættelsesforholdet var jeg på‭ ‬forretningsrejse med Tage Sørensen og arbejdsrejse til Island og depot på‭ ‬Næstved Havn‭. ‬Ombygning af kutter‭ ‬Lumino‭ ‬til produkttanker på‭ ‬Struer Værft‭, ‬med mange oplevelser‭. ‬

  • af Hannah Kent
    117,95 kr.

    Inspired by a true story, Hannah Kent's Burial Rites was shortlisted for The Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction, The Guardian First Book Award and The International IMPAC Dublin Literary Awards. In northern Iceland, 1829, Agnes Magnusdottir is condemned to death for her part in the brutal murder of her lover.Agnes is sent to wait out her final months on the farm of district officer Jon Jonsson, his wife and their two daughters. Horrified to have a convicted murderer in their midst, the family avoid contact with Agnes. Only Toti, the young assistant priest appointed Agnes's spiritual guardian, is compelled to try to understand her. As the year progresses and the hardships of rural life force the household to work side by side, Agnes's story begins to emerge and with it the family's terrible realization that all is not as they had assumed.Based on actual events, Burial Rites is an astonishing and moving novel about the truths we claim to know and the ways in which we interpret what we're told. In beautiful, cut-glass prose, Hannah Kent portrays Iceland's formidable landscape, in which every day is a battle for survival, and asks, how can one woman hope to endure when her life depends upon the stories told by others?Burial Rites is perfect for fans of Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood and The Lifeboat by Charlotte Rogan.

  • af Robert Ornicevic
    1.212,95 kr.

    Journey into the heart of Iceland's rich mythological landscape with Stjepan Ornicevic's "The Myths and Legends of Iceland." From ancient sagas and gods to modern urban legends, this comprehensive exploration offers a captivating insight into a culture imbued with magic, heroism, and mystery.Through 20 detailed chapters, Ornicevic unfolds the unique stories that have shaped Iceland's identity, influenced art and literature, and continue to inspire belief and wonder. Discover the trolls and elves that dwell in the land, the heroics of ancient warriors, the chilling tales of the undead, and the prophecies of the end of the world."The Myths and Legends of Iceland" is more than a collection of tales; it's a deep dive into a world where the mystical and the real coalesce. It's a celebration of storytelling, a study of cultural heritage, and a testament to the enduring human fascination with the unknown. Whether a casual reader, folklore enthusiast, or a scholar, this book offers a mesmerizing encounter with Iceland's extraordinary mythical legacy.

  • af Rick Steves
    232,95 kr.

    From vast glaciers to steaming volcanic lakes, experience the land of the midnight sun with Rick Steves. Inside Rick Steves Iceland you'll find:Comprehensive coverage for spending a week or more exploring Iceland, including the best road tripsRick's strategic advice on how to get the most out of your time and money, with rankings of his must-see favorites Top sights and hidden gems, from the stunning northern lights to hidden hikes and cozy bookstores How to connect with culture: Soak in hidden hot springs, sample smoked fish, and chat with locals in welcoming rural towns Beat the crowds, skip the lines, and avoid tourist traps with Rick's candid, humorous insight The best places to eat, sleep, and relaxSelf-guided walking tours of lively Reykjavík and incredible museums as well as mile-by-mile scenic driving toursDetailed maps for exploring on the go Useful resources including a packing list, a historical overview, and helpful Icelandic phrases Over 600 bible-thin pages include everything worth seeing without weighing you down Complete, up-to-date information on Reykjavík, the Reykjanes Peninsula, the Golden Circle, the South Coast, the Westman Islands, West Iceland, the Ring Road, the East Fjords, and more Make the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Iceland. Expanding your trip? Try Rick Steves Scandinavia or Rick Steves Scandinavian & Northern European Cruise Ports.

  • af Satu Ramo
    144,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Da kriminalkommissær Hildur Rúnarsdóttir var barn, forsvandt hendes søstre Rósa og Björk. Nu, 25 år senere, begynder mysteriet at blive opklaret, og traumerne fra Hildurs barndom vender tilbage. På et skispor i en afsidesliggende egn af Island finder man liget af en magtfuld lokalpolitiker. Han er blevet skudt, og Hildur og hendes makker, Jakob, sættes på sagen. De første, oplagte spor ender blindt, og Hildur må i stedet grave dybt i fortiden og i de dødes hemmeligheder for at finde morderen. Til sidst står kun et spørgsmål tilbage: Er alle hemmeligheder værd at opklare? Om forfatteren:Finske Satu Rämö (f. 1980) flyttede til Island for over tyve år siden, men har med krimiserien om islandske Hildur fået kæmpe succes i hjemlandet Finland med over 200.000 solgte eksemplarer. "Rósa & Björk" er andet bind i Hildur-trilogien, bind 3 udkommer på dansk i 2025.

  • af Carl Joh. Jac. Keyser
    147,95 kr.

    The history of the Icelandic Republic is the story of refugees, adventurers and free spirits who escaped an ambitious autocrat and built their own state on this distant island of fire and ice.By 930, the new state had developed enough to establish the Althing, the national assembly of all Icelanders of voting age. It has survived all the turmoil of time to this day.But the history of the Icelandic Republic is also a history of failure. Aristotle is reported to have said that "democracy arises from the pursuit of freedom and equality for all citizens, taking into account the number of citizens but not their peculiarities". These idiosyncrasies, such as vanity, greed for power and the concentration of wealth through ruthless and selfish behaviour, led to the collapse and downfall of this progressive and exemplary social order of the Vikings. The laughing stock was the Norwegian king, under whose rule the republic eventually came to be.The medieval Icelandic Republic can be seen as a historically early failed democratic state.And that is what makes the downfall of the Icelandic Republic so relevant today. When individuals take advantage of a system for their own benefit, it becomes dangerous for everyone.

  • af Meena Thiruvengadam
    197,95 kr.

    Lonely Planet's Iceland is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Drive the Ring Road, glimpse the northern lights, and swim in the Blue Lagoon; all with your trusted travel companion.

  • af Dagmar Walser
    437,95 kr.

  • af Pam Stucky
    172,95 kr.

  • af Emma Strandberg
    153,95 kr.

    Where the f**k is Blönduós? is both a triumph of travel writing and a masterpiece of memoir. It deserves a space on every bookcase and in every suitcase. Richard Moriarty - The Sun. Having survived a terrifying burglary, Emma had reached a point in life where she feared being awake and dreaded falling asleep. She grabbed her late mother's notebooks, packed her car with warm clothes, a swimsuit that had seen better days, a set of winter tyres and a brand new tent, and caught a ferry to Iceland. Surtsey was an unexpected eruption - just as my own birth was unplanned and something of an interruption. So captivated by the magic of Iceland, our mother returned home with a bar of Toblerone for each of us. There were no hugs or questions as to our welfare. My sisters and I had been alone for three weeks. I was almost 5 years old. Inspired by a six-month journey to Iceland in wintertime, "Where the f**k is Blönduós?" is moving, honest, and entertaining. Why would a middle-aged woman choose to spend a winter alone in the far north of Iceland? It's a fair question, though the answer isn't quite so straightforward. I dreamed of lying on a blanket gazing up into the night sky, holding my breath in anticipation of the colourful aurora that may soon dance overhead, without being asked, "Will you be long?" By battling the elements, conquering her fears, and learning to knit, all under the watchful gaze of the small community, Emma made sense of the past, found peace with the present, and felt strong enough to deal with the future. Authentic, gripping, and as vivid as a cold winter's night, this inspirational Icelandic adventure will take you on an unforgettable journey of discovery and healing. Chris Riches - Daily Express

  • af Ragnar Jonasson
    99,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Ævar þór Benediktsson
    97,95 - 125,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Libson
    362,95 kr.

    An intimate and evocative portrayal of children and childhood in rural Iceland by photographer Nancy Libson.

  • af Nancy Marie Brown
    152,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Gyrðir Elíasson
    257,95 kr.

    Prisbelønnede Gyrðir Elíasson – bl.a. Halldór Laxness litteraturpris, Den islandske litteraturpris, Nordisk Råds Litteraturpris – har indtil nu kun været oversat med prosa til dansk; nu kan lyrikeren Elíasson nydes i dobbelt-digtsamlingen Nogle almindelige ord om solens afkøling og Her vokser ingen citrontræer, på elegant dansk ved Erik Skyum-Nielsen.

  • af Ragnar Jonasson
    73,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Øen er anden bog i den internationalt hyldede krimiserie om Hulda Hermannsdottir fra Reykjavik Politi.Da Hulda Hermannsdottir ankommer til den mystiske og vanskeligt tilgængelige ø Ellidaey, finder hun tre chokerede venner i en jagthytte. De var fire, som tog af sted på tur, men hvad er der blevet af den sidste ven? Alle tre lader de til at vide mere, end de vil fortælle. Ti år tidligere, i efteråret 1987, rejste et ungt kærestepar på en romantisk weekend til Vestfjordene i Island. En tur, som fik en brat afslutning og katastrofale konsekvenser for en familie.Det store spørgsmål for Hulda er, om der er en forbindelse mellem de to sager. Er der en morder, der hjemsøger disse øde steder?Øen er andet bind i trilogien om politefterforsker Hulda Hermannsdottir. Trilogien er fortalt i omvendt kronologi, og i denne bog møder vi Hulda midtvejs i sin karriere. Hulda prøver at opklare de to sager, men hun er også optaget af en privat efterforskning, der skal kaste lys over hendes egen familie og historie.Med trilogien om Hulda har Ragnar Jónasson slået sit navn fast som ny nordisk krimistjerne.

  • af Ida Pfeiffer & Frederic Guillaume Bergmann
    272,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Ragnar Jonasson
    187,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Den islandske krimistjerne har skrevet en isnende uhyggelig spændingsroman om et ubønhørligt skæbnedrama. De fire gamle venner Armann, Daniel, Helena og Gunnlaugur er på deres årlige genforeningstur. Denne gang på rypejagt i det islandske højland. Turen går dog ikke helt som planlagt, da en voldsom snestorm bryder ud, og de må søge ly i en forladt jagthytte. Hytten ligger helt isoleret, og der er ingen mulighed for at kommunikere med omverdenen. Men det går snart op for de fire venner, at de ikke er alene … Mens mørket falder på, kommer en gammel tragedie op til overfladen. I takt med at stormen tager til, vokser panikken, og det, der skulle have været en hyggelig udflugt, udvikler sig til en kamp om overlevelse. Men hvem er de fire venners største fjende: den islandske naturkraft, det ukendte som gemmer sig i hytten – eller hinanden? „Stemningen er så intens, at man ikke kan lade være med at klamre sig til bogen.“THE TIMES

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