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Uddannelsesstrategier og uddannelsespolitik

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  • - Deltagelse eller udskillelse i undervisningen?
    af Lotte Hedegaard-Sørensen
    248,95 - 368,95 kr.

    Fokus skal ikke alene rettes mod børnene og deres individuelle diagnoser. Nogle børn tilhører en kulturel minoritet, er socialt eller følelsesmæssigt udsatte eller har særlige behov, og det stiller krav til undervisningen og dens opbygning. Det handler om at fremme en pædagogisk, sociologisk forståelse, der inviterer til, at skolerne pædagogisk og didaktisk forholder sig til børns forskellige betingelser for at deltage i undervisningen.Hovedansvaret ligger hos de fagpersoner, der arbejder med at give børnene et godt skole- og hverdagsliv. Lærerne kan dog ikke gøre det alene. Det kræver massiv støtte fra både de lokale skoleledelser, fra kommunalpolitikere og fra Christiansborg.Inklusion og eksklusion henvender sig til lærere og lærerstuderende, SFO- og skolepædagoger og øvrige fagpersoner (f.eks. inklusionsvejledere, AKT-vejledere og konsulenter fra PPR). Dertil skoleledere og politiske beslutningstagere.

  • - Erfaringer fra praksis
    af Micki Sonne Kaa Sunesen
    244,95 - 288,95 kr.

    Fra praktikere til praktikere: Masser af inspiration og velafprøvede redskaber til at arbejde med co-teaching i skolen.Skab gode rammer for udviklingsarbejdet, lav en årsplan, aftal fælles forberedelsestid, afklar makkerparrets kompetencer og ansvarsområder og følg løbende op med strategimøder. Det ernogle af bogens mange gode anbefalinger fra skoler i Aalborg Kommune, som i over to år har arbejdet med co-teaching i den pædagogiske udvikling af 48 folkeskoler.Bogen er skrevet af alle de mange professionelle, som er dybt involveret i processen – lærere, pædagoger, vejledere, konsulenter og ledere samt bogens hovedforfatter, Micki Sonne KaaSunesen. Alle byder ind med erfaringer, overvejelser, konklusioner og perspektiver.CO-TEACHING OG PROFESSIONELT SAMARBEJDE er praksisnær og fuld af viden og greb til at håndtere arbejdet med co-teaching i praksis. Hvert kapitel giver anbefalinger til, hvordan man kan gribe arbejdet an, og konkrete redskaber til at håndtere udfordringer, som kan opstå undervejs.Bogen er til alle på grundskoleområdet: lærere, pædagoger, pædagogiske konsulenter, psykologer og skoleledere.

  • af Preben Olund Kirkegaard, Birgitte Lund Nielsen, Kirsten Hyldahl, mfl.
    398,95 kr.

    Feedback er et komplekst og mangfoldigt begreb. Skåret helt ind til benet er der tale om en vurderende respons, som har til hensigt at fremme studerendes tegn på læring og give viden om udvikling af undervisningen. Feedback kan altså forstås som information om afstanden mellem de studerendes faktiske kompetenceniveau og de ønskede tegn på læring og som en dialog, der skal støtte de studerendes læring. Hen over 11 kapitler belyser denne antologi forskellige måder at forstå og udfolde feedbackprocesser i læreruddannelsen på og præsenterer nye kriterier for, hvad der er god feedbackpraksis inden for læreruddannelsens faglige områder. Bogen er inddelt i hhv. en teoretisk og en praksisrettet del. Første del af antologien bidrager med forskningsbaserede og teoretiske perspektiver på feedbackbegrebet inden for læreruddannelsen, mens de praksisrettede kapitler i anden del har til formål atinspirere læseren til refleksion og udvikling af egen undervisnings- og feedbackpraksis. Bogen henvender sig til studerende og undervisere på læreruddannelsen, og bogens forfattere er Karsten Agergaard, Tine Hedegaard Bruun, Marianne Ellegaard, Kirsten Hyldahl (red.), Preben Olund Kirkegaard (red.), Henriette Lorenzen, Niels Bech Lukassen, Marie Neergaard, Birgitte Lund Nielsen, Sanne Schnell Nielsen, Christopher Neil Prilop, Bent Sortkær (red.), Martin Storm-Andersen og Neriman Tiftikci.

  • - En balance mellem person, rolle og organisation
    af Sanna Lassen
    428,95 kr.

    Folkeskolens ressourceperson – en balance mellem person, rolle og orga­nisation handler om, hvad der kendetegner den særlige rolle og funktion, som en ressourceperson udfylder i folkeskolen. Bogen belyser de forskellige forventninger, der knyttes til rollen, de problemer, den bliver en løsning på, og hvordan ressourcepersonens rolle kan anvendes mest fyldestgørende i en skolehverdag, der både må forholde sig til og skabe sammenhæng mellem undervisningspædagogik, organisatoriske strategier og politiske målsætninger. Ressourcepersoner bliver ofte knyttet til en forståelse af distribueret ledelse, hvor skolens formelle ledelse kan uddelegere beslutningskraft til ressource-personerne. Her bliver ressourcepersoner set som en positiv ressource i håndteringen af den faglige ledelse. Den distribuerede ledelse ser dog ikke ud til at kunne lade sig realisere i praksis, og der er derfor behov for at forholde sig til ressourcepersoner i folkeskolen som en rolle ”i sig selv”, hvor rollen hverken forstås med afsæt i det kollegiale samarbejde eller den formelle ledelse. Bogen præsenterer en model, som kan bruges som ud­gangspunkt for at diskutere, rammesætte, italesætte, legitimere og define­re ressourcepersonen. Ambitionen er at skabe bedre balance mellem den praksis, der udfolder sig i skolernes hverdag, og de intentioner eller idealer, rollen ofte tilskrives. Bogen kan inspirere både skoler og forvaltninger til at se på organisering med ressourcepersoner på en ny måde. Dertil er bogen et relevant bidrag på diplomuddannelsen i ledelse, på læreruddannelsen og pædagoguddannel­sen inden for retningen skolepædagoger.

  • af Carlo Grevy & Erik René Nielsen
    168,95 kr.

    I denne tankevækkende antologi samler redaktør Poul-Erik Feldstedt bidrag fra to fremtrædende eksperter inden for skoleverdenen. Carlo Grevy, en mangeårig lektor på læreruddannelsen, og Erik René Nielsen, en erfaren skolelærer, kaster et kritisk blik på den danske folkeskoles nuværende tilstand og de potentielle veje ud af krisen. Carlo Grevy udfordrer den etablerede skolekultur og peger på vigtigheden af at tage skolens formål og mening alvorligt. Han argumenterer for en hermeneutisk forankret pædagogik, der tager udgangspunkt i børnenes livsverden. Erik René Nielsen supplerer dette perspektiv med sine egne erfaringer som praktiserende lærer og fremhæver vigtigheden af selvrefleksion og kritisk tænkning i undervisningen. Sammen præsenterer de to forfattere et nuanceret billede af skoledebatten i Danmark og udfordrer læseren til at tænke dybere over skolens rolle i samfundet. Antologien giver ikke blot en analyse af problemstillingerne, men også konkrete eksempler på, hvordan en forbedret skolekultur kan realiseres. Denne antologi er et must-read for alle, der er engageret i fremtiden for dansk skolevæsen. Det er en opfordring til handling og en påmindelse om, at skolens formål og mening bør være retningsgivende for alle dens aktører.

  • af Kirin Hilaire
    155,95 kr.

    Mit diesem Band der "Reihe Vielfalt normalisieren - Das Pluralistische Inklusionsmodell" wird das inklusiv-pluralistische Konzept erstmalig veröffentlicht. Es besteht aus folgenden Inhalten:1. SÄULE/barrierefreie Teilhabe ermöglichen2. SÄULE/inklusive Kompetenzen vermitteln3. SÄULE/pluralistische Inhalte nutzen.Das Modell strukturiert die umfangreiche Komplexität der Themenfelder Inklusion, Vielfalt, Diversitätssensibilität, Pluralismus, Mulitperspektivität usw. in einen übersichtlichen, kompakten Rahmen. Damit lässt sich leicht kommunizieren, um was es bei Inklusion eigentlich geht und vor allem wie diese praktisch umsetzbar ist, auch ohne weitgehende Expertise zu haben.Im Band 1 liegt der Fokus auf der 3. SÄULE/Inhalte. Darin enthalten sind sieben Checklisten, mit denen Sie einfach und ganzheitlich erfassen können, inwieweit die Bildungsinhalte Ihrer Schule tatsächlich inklusiv und vielfältig sind und was Sie tun können, um Inklusion inhaltlich voranzutreiben.

  • af Harlan R. Musil
    140,95 - 228,95 kr.

  • af Giacinto Achilli
    200,95 kr.

    Dealings with the Inquisition or, Papal Rome, Her Priests, and Her Jesuits" is a memoir written by Giacinto Achilli, an Italian Ex-Dominican friar. First published in 1851, the book tells the story of Achilli's adventures in the Catholic Church, including his time spent in the Dominican order and his later run-ins with the Jesuits and the Inquisition. Giacinto Achilli provides an in-depth analysis of the Catholic Church's internal operations, highlighting the Jesuit order's influence and the Inquisition's methods. He talks about how the Inquisition's repressive methods and the Church's dogma have demoralized him. The story exposes the supposed wrongdoing, deceit, and secrecy in the Church hierarchy and offers a critical viewpoint on Papal Rome's operations. The memoir also touches on more general topics like censorship, religious intolerance, and the silence of dissident voices inside the Catholic Church. A more comprehensive knowledge of the power relationships and disputes inside the Church in the 19th century is made possible by Achilli's experiences as a defector and his disclosures regarding the Inquisition.

  • af Raghu Korrapati
    204,95 kr.

    For many international students, pursuing higher education in the United States is a dream come true. However, navigating the complex regulations of maintaining F1 student visa status, and transitioning to H-1B status can be complex and daunting for many students. As an F1 visa holder, you are required to maintain your student status to remain in the United States legally. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in serious consequences, including the revocation of your visa and even deportation. There have been spikes in the number of Request for Evidences (RFES) issued during the H-1B applications adjudication process. This is due to lack of evidence submitted by the petitioners to prove their compliance in maintaining the F1 (and OPT/CPT) statuses. Often, this also results in H-1B petition denial, forcing the students to wait multiple years for their H-1B visa.This book is designed to guide F1 visa students to understand the requirements for maintaining their student status and provide practical guidance on how to stay compliant with these regulations whether you are enrolled in a University, or undergoing OPT (or CPT), or planning to transition to H-1B visa. Whether you are a first-time international student or have been studying in the United States for some time, this book offers valuable insights into the nuances of F1 visa regulations. The author, Dr Raghu Korrapati, draws upon his extensive experience working with international students and navigating the US visa system. With clear, concise language and actionable advice, this book is an essential resource for any international student seeking to maximize their educational experience in the United States while maintaining legal status, complying with regulations, and achieving their career goals.

  • af Cornelia Sorabji
    125,95 kr.

    The author, whose works include "Love and Life behind the Purdah" and "Sun Babies," is well-known for fusing Eastern and Western viewpoints in a unique way. Her legal training at Lincoln's Inn and Oxford education, as a Christian Parsee, demonstrate her diverse upbringing. She has dedicated her life to the admirable goal of supporting and lessening the difficulties that her sisters who are sequestered behind the purdahs endure. This collection of thoughtful studies of Indian women is a monument to her dedication. Her profound knowledge of Eastern and Western cultures allows her to illuminate the complexities of Indian women's lives, hardships, and victories. By using the power of her words, she creates a bridge across worlds by providing a distinct viewpoint while also promoting empathy and understanding amongst nations.

    97,95 kr.

    Activity Book themed vacation packed with fun challenges to stimulate the mind and provide hours of entertainment! With 100 pages of brain-teasing activities including Word Searches, Grid numbers and Mazes, this book is perfect for adults and children alike. Here's why you'll love it: 100 pages of diverse puzzles and games to keep you entertained for hours.Varied difficulty levels suitable for both beginners and puzzle enthusiasts.Wide range of activities including Word Searches, Grid numbers and Mazes to keep everyone engaged.Perfect for family bonding, road trips, on board of an aircraft, train or relaxing evenings at home.Compact size makes it convenient to carry wherever you go.Get ready to challenge yourself and have fun with our Activity Book Vacation theme!

  • af The Cheekyprimate
    97,95 kr.

    In the inspiring pages of this "Portraits of Heroes", you will discover incredible stories of courage and determination that have shaped our world!

  • af Ellen Duthie
    173,95 kr.

    "Compiles questions about death posed by children worldwide." —Publishers Weekly Two writers and an illustrator walk into a book and find themselves with thirty-eight questions about death asked by boys and girls between five and fifften years old. How and what will they answer? For mortal beings of all ages comes Dying to Ask, a book born out of an international project where children were invited to ask questions about death based on a series of workshops. The result? Hundreds of questions from countries all over the world. Herein lies thirty-eight questions that best represented the breadth and depth of children’s interest in death and related matters, complete with psychological and scientific proofing. Thoughtful, tender, and surprisingly joyful, this illustrated book is an invitation to talk, think, and ask further questions about death. Some of the questions: Will I die? Where do we go when we die? Will we all become extinct one day? If someone you love dies, how long are you sad for? Why do people say “rest in peace” rather than “rest in fun?” Recommended for mortals of all ages. To be enjoyed alone starting at age 8 and in company starting at age 6.

  • af Renee S Creese
    129,95 kr.

    Lina is so excited about her first day of first grade! She can't wait to meet her new teacher and new friends. Because of her different textured hair, she realizes that she is the only one in her class whose hair is a different texture. When she gets back home, she tells her mother about her day at school. Her mother gives her words of encouragement. Lina is inspired by her mother's words and teaches her classmates about her hair and being different. This story will motivate and empower readers to treat each other's differences with respect.This adorable picture book is a great way to teach children to respect each other's differences and helps children understand the importance of being kind.Kids learn how to respect differences.Teach kindness towards others.A cute and well-written story.High-quality, colorful illustrations.Perfect for preschool and kindergarten, elementary school.It's the perfect gift book for boys and girls, ages 4-8, from preschool to elementary school. It helps parents, grandparents, teachers, teach the importance of being kind and respectful to each other's differences.Add this children's book to your cart and enjoy!

  • af Judy Violinjudy Naillon
    133,95 kr.

    This Axolotl is no accident! Join Axel Axolotl at his violin lesson where he learns about sharps, flats & naturals which are all called accidentals! He'll learn how to write and play them and you can too with The Accidental Axolotl-Violin from veteran music educator "ViolinJudy" Mrs. Judy Naillon. With books in the Very Fun Violin Library you'll "learn to love music & love to learn music!"This book includesexercisesworksheetspieces to show off your new knowledgefun puzzlesengaging contentan excellent addition to engage your violin learner!

  • af Shani King
    182,95 kr.

    Finding Rebecca examines the casual disappearance of America's first Black female doctor from records and memory. But the search for her story and her final resting place, more than one hundred years after her death, turned up a few murky details that author Shani King uses to piece together a picture of the life she led, her hardships and her many accomplishments. Young readers will discover more about this trailblazing first--and help ensure that she is lost no longer.

  • af Active Brains
    119,95 kr.

    Hey kids! Have you ever wondered what a giraffe might say? Find out now with I am a Giraffe.Inside this book you will discover: Fascinating facts about giraffe life and behaviorWild giraffe photos in vibrant colorFun quotes from the giraffes themselvesWhether it's a gift for a young nature enthusiast, a birthday surprise, or a spontaneous present, this book is a perfect addition to nurture a lifelong appreciation for the wonders of the animal kingdom and the joy of learning.

  • af Active Brains
    119,95 kr.

    Hey kids! Have you ever wondered what a BEAR might say? Find out now with I am a Bear.Inside this book you will discover: Fascinating facts about bear life and behaviorWild bear photos in vibrant colorFun quotes from the bears themselvesWhether it's a gift for a young nature enthusiast, a birthday surprise, or a spontaneous present, this book is a perfect addition to nurture a lifelong appreciation for the wonders of the animal kingdom and the joy of learning.

  • af Andrea Stein
    123,95 kr.

    Explore magical symbols and knot magic in this new learn-to-count board book! The Witch's Ladder: A Counting 1-10 Book is a bewitching journey through the numbers one to ten, designed to help babies and toddlers learn to count using a traditional folk magic spell. The Witch's Ladder: A Counting 1-10 Book is a learn-to-count board book that introduces magical symbols and knot magic along with number identification. How many knots can you find on each page? Each page of The Witch's Ladder features a traditional witch's ladder spell being crafted from string, with feathers, rocks, and charms being added progressively. As they count up with the increasing knots and charms on each page, little ones will be captivated by predicting the rhyming text and watching the shifting light and shadows. By knot of 1, the spell's begun. By knot of 2, the spell's come true. By knot of 3, so it shall be. The Witch's Ladder: A Counting 1-10 Book will inspire your child to learn to count to ten and identify their numbers, using large text with emphasized numerals and a rhyming structure that encourages them to call out the numbers on each page.

  • af Once Upon A Dance
    200,95 kr.

    Ballerina Kittina is back! And she brought a friend! Poulette, the dancing chicken, photobombs while Ballerina Konora and Kittina offer advice in this highly entertaining book for aspiring young ballet dancers. The mother-daughter team of Once Upon a Dance talks technique, ballet goals, and choreographic process, plus straight talk on how to prepare for a ballet career. Falling into Dance follows Dance Stance, winner of three first-place book awards and a Kirkus Reviews Starred Review.

  • af Mike Stone
    134,95 kr.

    It's all here - everything you need to know to become a man, no matter what your age. In this ultimate self-help book for boys, you will find successful life strategies, practical advice that works, and tips for teenage boys that no one else has ever told you before, and that no one else will ever tell you again. Read this book and discover for yourself: 7 Magic Words to Cool a Heated Argument and Open Any DoorHow to Make People Trust YouWhy Your Words Have PowerHow to Avoid Trouble Before it Happens and How to Be Ready If it DoesEasy, Result-Producing Exercises to Build Your Body FastHow to Attract Girls - and Why You Shouldn'tWhy You Should Never Enlist in the MilitaryAn Instant Litmus Test for Girls - If They Do This, Dump Them ImmediatelyHow Hollywood Movies and Television are Deliberately Setting You Up for Failure (It's Even Worse for Girls)Why So Many Men Go Their Own Way with Women (MGTOW)Wealth, Money, Power! How Men Handle Money . . . and How You Should TooWhat's Wrong with the World Today and How You Can Fix ItSelf-Help Books for Boys and Teens The Most Amazing Journey of Your Life Starts Right Here You're going to encounter some absolutely mind-blowing information in this book. How you process that information is entirely up to you. You can dismiss it without cause . . . Or embrace it and become a man. One thing I guarantee - you won't be bored. From this day forward, you'll know exactly what it takes to become a man. You'll know what's expected of you and how to begin planning the remainder of your life. Consider today to be the dividing point between your time on this earth as a boy and your time on this earth as a man. Inside this book you'll find ten important steps to master. Master these ten steps and you'll be a man, no matter what your age. In fact, you don't even have to master these steps. Just become proficient in them, just become better than average, because here's a secret: most adult men never master them. Most adult men are lucky if they become proficient in only two or three of these ten steps. Only a handful of men have mastered more than five or six of them and I've never met a man who has mastered all ten. Here's another secret: men today are a pathetic lot. They've become weak, feminine, facsimiles of real men. If you become proficient in these ten steps, you'll stand head and shoulders above them. You'll be a man among men. So here's your key to success . . . Do your best at mastering these ten steps and you'll be so far ahead of the pack your friends and family will be amazed. In return, I promise to give it to you straight in the pages of this book. I'm going to explain to you in simple language the way life really works. It's not what you think. It's not what you've been taught in school and it's not what you've read in any other book or heard from any other person. Over the next few minutes, you're going to read things that will leave you stunned, breathless, and eager for more. Reality as you know it is about to be turned upside down. Before you finish reading this book, you'll have a stronger grasp on reality than anyone you know and anyone else you'll ever meet. Are you ready to take that journey? If so, then I invite you now to come along for the ride of your life. The first step is easy. Simply open the book and begin reading. Note to parents: If you're looking for the typical feel-good book about being true to yourself and "following your dreams," this isn't that book. What's more, your son doesn't need that. What he needs is cold, hard, practical advice about the reality of life. That's what this book delivers. It's 240 power-packed pages of solid advice for teen boys. It's not for wimps.

  • af Lydia Winter
    127,95 kr.

    Voulez-vous aider votre enfant à faire de réels progrès en anglais? (Préface + vocabulaire en français.)Le deuxième livre de dialogues de notre série pour débutants est pour les enfants qui commencent à parler un peu d'anglais.Katie, Jack, Anna et Sam apprennent à mieux se connaître en parlant de l'école, de la maison, des vacances et des loisirs. Jack doit renoncer à quelque chose qu'il aime, mais apprendra-t-il de cette expérience?La meilleure façon d'apprendre l'anglais est de l'entendre, de le parler, et d'utiliser les mêmes mots clefs. Encore et encore, tout en ajoutant progressivement du contenu.Votre enfant peut maintenant parler anglais avec des enfants anglais, en participant à des dialogues progressifs, en répondant à des questions et en se débrouillant dans de nouvelles conversations. Il y a aussi des recherches de mots.Écrit par une enseignante du Royaume-Uni spécialisée dans l'enseignement aux enfants d'âge primaire.

  • af Jorge Argueta & Lucia Angela Perez
    116,95 kr.

  • af Haley Healey
    134,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Haley Healey
    134,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Demola Allen
    180,95 kr.

    Adino has a huge, vivid imagination and often uses it to envision himself working in all the businesses and occupations he finds interesting. Everything from an airplane pilot to an optician to being a principal. Adino wants to do it all. Hopefully his mother, father, and sister can keep up!

  • af Charlotte J Shanley
    167,95 - 283,95 kr.

  • af Dani Banani
    108,95 kr.

    Get ready for a chibi adventure with the Chibi Activity Fun book. Adorable chibi characters guide kids through a variety of entertaining and engaging activities including games, puzzles, riddles, mazes, coloring pages, spot-the-difference, and seek-and-find. The children's activity book is divided into 4 seasonal sections with seasonally themed coloring pages and stickers in each.

  • af Jay Leslie
    182,95 kr.

    As a young girl, playwright Lorraine Hansberry walked everywhere with a notebook, eager to capture the sights, sounds, and stories of the people around her. First Lorraine watched her parents triumph in the Supreme Court case of Hansberry v. Lee. Then she discovered the magic of theater. Next, she unlocked the power of her voice, crafting A Raisin in the Sun. Her play went on to influence generations of artists and the world was never the same

  • af Zorena Nlewem
    182,95 kr.

    "Welcome to your sanctuary of inspiration and self-discovery! This journal is your dedicated space to explore your innermost thoughts, dreams, and aspirations. Through reflection and introspection, you'll uncover the limitless potential within yourself. Embrace the journey of growth, resilience, and transformation as you navigate life's twists and turns. Cultivate gratitude, courage, and positivity to fuel your path forward. Infuse each page with creativity, authenticity, and passion as you embrace the beauty of your unique journey.

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