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  • af Ulrich Wirth
    377,95 kr.

    In dem hier vorliegenden, stark erweiterten und an die Post-Covid 19-Welt angepassten Nachfolger von »Ausbildungscontrolling in Schulen für Gesundheitsfachberufe. Eine praktische Handreichung für Bildungsmanager im Gesundheitswesen« entwickelt Autor Ulrich Wirth ein effizientes Schulmanagement auf der Grundlage von Bildungscontrolling, wodurch die langfristige strategisch-planerische Ausrichtung von Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung in Pflegeschulen und Schulen für Gesundheitsfachberufe überhaupt erst möglich wird. Notwendiger denn je, denn der demografische Wandel hat den Ausbildungssektor fest im Würgegriff und setzt damit auch Gesundheitsschulen so stark wie nie unter Wettbewerbsdruck. In der Folge konkurrieren diese mit Unternehmen und Hochschulen um Auszubildende und Studierende. Untereinander wetteifern Schulen für Gesundheitsfachberufe um Medizinpädagog:innen und Praxisanleiter:innen, weil auch dieser Markt wie leergefegt ist. Universitätskliniken wie auch private Schulen des Gesundheitswesens müssen deswegen Strategien entwickeln, wie sie den durch den Fachkräftemangel entfachten Konkurrenzkampf bestmöglich bewältigen können. Lösungsansätze bestehen z.B. in der Implementierung von New Work, effizienterem Schulmanagement, neuen Wegen im Bildungsmarketing sowie lernergerechten Bildungskonzepten, mit denen sich Schulen profilieren können. Controlling ermöglicht das.Mit 20 Jahren Erfahrung als Bildungsmanager bei privatwirtschaftlichen und universitären Bildungsträgern hat der Autor ein anwenderfreundliches wie praxistaugliches Kennzahlensystem entwickelt, welches die Anforderungen von Pflegeschulen und Schulen für Gesundheitsberufe bestens abbildet.Dabei hat er sich ganz bewusst an der beruflichen Praxis derjenigen orientiert, die mit Controlling zu tun haben, dies aber niemals gelernt haben: Gemeint sind Pflegepädagog:innen oder Berufspädagog:innen, die aus einer Fachkarriere kommend eine Leitungsfunktion übernommen haben, ohne über solide betriebswirtschaftliche Kenntnisse zu verfügen. Das Ergebnis ist eine praxisorientierte und locker geschriebene Anleitung ohne allzu viel BWL-Sprech und ein Kennzahlensystem, mit dem Bildungsmanager:innen, Schulleiter:innen und QM-Verantwortliche Controlling in ihrer Bildungseinrichtung unmittelbar umsetzen können.

  • af Shamsiddin Raisov
    422,95 kr.

    This hand book was created in addition to the English language textbook and is designed to improve the reading comprehension and listening comprehension skills of high school students. By doing exercises, they may improve their both skills: listening and reading. In this hand book, pupils practice listening exercises based on B1 level and they improve their listening skill day by day. And also they will learn new word, phrase and collection in this hand book.

  • af Rasna Sehrawat
    367,95 kr.

    Over the last 20 years, there has been a tremendous shift in the way that users integrate technology into their personal lives. These changes have taken time to filter down into the educational sector, but slowly teachers have realized the need to adapt their practice to reflect the changing nature of technological use in the wider world. Today¿s learners have become particularly adapt at creating and collaboratively developing content for a wide variety of purposes, for example, so-called Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, forums, and wikis. Moreover, children and young people are now becoming increasingly interested in the concept of ¿content curation¿ ¿ selecting, showcasing, and sharing content with friends, family, and peers. The change from a ¿read Web¿ to a ¿read/write Web¿ has encouraged teachers to become increasingly inventive in their approach to engaging technologically savvy learners who want to publish their work within an ever-expanding arena. We advocate for evolution in educational practices and approaches to instruction, which not only align with the processes and operations of the world outside of school but also leverage the emerging power and potential of these.

  • af Gabin Fankem Boukem
    572,95 kr.

    Le présent ouvrage "Les 7 clés essentielles à connaître pour atteindre sa destinée avec précision" est écrit dans le but d'aider tout homme à la prise de conscience et de décision de l'atteinte de leur destinée en Christ.Toutes autres formules vantées par les hommes sur terre trouvent leur essence dans leur destinée pourvue par Dieu avant leur venue sur terre.Nous devons nous reconnecter avec Dieu afin d'entrer en possession de notre héritage. Nous devons savoir que, notre destinée est un porte-clés ayant en son sein un trousseau de clés.Elle contient la clé de la vie éternelle, paix, prospérité, richesse , la joie bref de tout ce donc un homme a besoin pour s'épanouir sur terre.Ne cherchons plus la ou les clé(s), mais le porte-clés contenant le trousseau de clés qui n'est rien d'autre que notre destinée. Boukem Fankem Gabin

  • af Zach Davis
    405,95 kr.

    Wenn Sie (zu) viel zu tun und zu wenig Zeit haben, Ihr Alltag von Unterbrechungen, Unvorhersehbarem und hohen Anforderungen gekennzeichnet ist, werden Sie hier fündig. Sie erfahren, wie Sie die Fremdsteuerung in den Griff bekommen und durch ein verbessertes Selbst- und Zeitmanagement Ihre Produktivität steigern und den Stresspegel senken.Dieses Werk zeichnet sich durch seine Praxistauglichkeit aus ¿ es ist von einem Praktiker für Praktiker entwickelt. Sie erhalten die Skills, die Sie für eine zunehmend herausfordernde Welt benötigen.Den kostenlosen Zugang zum Online-Kurs finden Sie direkt im Buch.

  • af Christian Harteis
    1.405,95 - 1.983,95 kr.

    The volume comprises a variety of research approaches that seek to explore and understand employees' learning and development through and for work. Working life reveals challenges through technological, economic and societal development that can only rudimentarily be addressed by formal education and training. Workplace learning becomes more and more important for employees and enterprises to successfully cope with these challenges.Workplace learning is a steadily growing field of educational research but it lacks so far a scholastic canon - there is rather a diversity of research approaches. This volume reflects this diversity by bringing together researchers from different countries and different theoretical backgrounds, presenting their current research on topics that all are relevant for understanding presages, processes and outcomes of workplace learning. Hence, this volume is of relevance for researchers as well as practitioners in the field and policy makers.

  • af Jens Löser
    321,95 kr.

    Keiner kauft aus Mitleid! Dieses Buch zeigt direkt und mit viel Humor auf, welche Glaubenssätze im Vertrieb Erfolg verhindern und wie du sie in positive Gedanken und bewusstes Handeln transformierst ¿ kurzum: wie du weniger Pech beim Denken hast.Denkst du auch manchmal, dass du nicht gut genug bist oder die anderen es leichter haben? Dann erfährst du in diesem Buch, wie du diese typischen Karrierekiller ausschalten und mit der Selbstsabotage Schluss machen kannst. Du lernst die größten 100 Denkfehler aus dem Verkaufsalltag kennen und erhältst sofort wirksame Alternativen in Form von positiven Glaubenssätzen, die dir im Ergebnis mehr Umsatz bringen.Und weil das Leben für langweilige Bücher zu kurz ist, soll dieser Espresso in Buchform dir Impulse geben, die im nächsten Kundentermin den kleinen, aber entscheidenden Unterschied ausmachen. Aha-Erlebnisse und Schmunzeln sind garantiert!

  • af Jian Li
    1.571,95 kr.

    This book explores the holistic development of vocational education in Chinese education system. It investigates the vocational education policy development, student development, allocation of teachers¿ resources, financial mechanism and system, students¿ financial aid, examination and enrollment, private vocational education system, and school-enterprise cooperation. In addition, this book critically examines and epitomizes the contextualized Chinäs vocational education reform from multiple dimensions. This book also offers an in-depth explorations and analysis of current Chinese vocational education reform comprehensively. This is a highly informative and carefully presented book, providing academic insight for scholars and researchers who are interested and work in research on Chinäs vocational education reform in China as well as the administrators and stakeholders in Chinese education system and graduate students who majoring in the field of educational policy.

  • af Ryan Craig
    307,95 kr.

    "In Apprentice Nation, education and workforce expert Ryan Craig explores how a modern apprenticeship system will allow students and job seekers to jumpstart their careers by learning while they earn - ultimately leading to greater economic opportunity, workforce diversity, and geographic mobility"--

  • af Elissa Simon
    452,95 kr.

    Introducing our NCE Study Guide 2023-2024: 650+ Practice Questions and Test Prep for the National Counselor Exam! Trivium Test Prep's NCE Study Guide 2023-2024 includes everything you need to pass the National Counselor Examination the first time.Quick review of the concepts covered on the National Counselor Examination2 full practice tests with detailed answer explanations[1 inside + 1 online]Tips and tricks from experienced counselorsAccess to online flash cards and moreTrivium Test Prep's NCE Study Guide 2023-2024 is aligned with the official NCE framework. Topics covered include: Counseling Attributes and SkillsGroup CounselingProfessional Practice and EthicsIntake, Assessment, and DiagnosisTreatment PlanningAreas of Clinical Focus: Mood and AnxietyFamily and RelationshipsPhysical IntersectionsSocial IssuesHuman Growth and Development The National Board for Certified Counselors was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Trivium Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product.

  • af R. Arulmurugan Ph. D.
    759,95 kr.

    The ¿Power Electronics Technical- Handbook¿ deals simple manner to understand the purpose of ¿semiconductor devices and its operations, various converters and its working. Guide you point by point of each power electronics topics. It is very helpful for basic learner and intermediate learner. The power electronics only play a vital role for electrical and electronics project or product developing in many company. In this book, you can learn power electronics without any help of others. Wish you all the best.

  • af Simon Flandin
    1.129,95 - 1.585,95 kr.

    This book offers various ways in which analyzing professional experience and activity in simulation training makes it possible to describe practice-based learning affordances and processes. Research has been conducted in various simulation programs in the domains of healthcare, victim rescue and population protection, involving healthcare workers, firemen, policemen, servicemen, and civil security leaders. "e;Work-as-done"e; (/ "e;training-as-done"e;) in simulation has been analyzed with ergonomics, occupational psychology, and vocational training approaches. The authors describe and discuss theoretical, methodological, and/or practical issues related to practitioner experience and activity in simulation training. The book also provides evidence on the conditions under which lived experience in simulation can foster or hinder learning, and derives appropriate orientations for simulation design and implementation.

  • af Emma Jones
    558,95 kr.

    This book provides a novel contribution to the wider bodies of literature on student and academic wellbeing by including a series of rich and nuanced discussions of specific aspects of the wellbeing of legal academics. It contains original research contributions on this topic drawing on insights from law, education and psychology and throws a spotlight on an emerging field of interest. In particular, it focuses attention on the need to understand the implications of workload, communication, competence, and community for academic wellbeing with the collection providing insight as to the amelioration of stress linked to these themes. Reference will be made to the key factors which influence each of these themes, such as the neo-liberal academy, the contours and staffing of the law school, the impact of COVID-19 and the role of values and ethics. Relevant theoretical perspectives relating to these themes, including self-determination theory and the notion of an ethic of care, will also bediscussed.

  • af Mariana Orozco
    1.384,95 kr.

  • af Rubén Clairat Wilson
    457,95 kr.

    This work can be wielded to systematize the historical educational research in Labor Education, as well as for those who need to deepen in this particular, giving it independent life and contextualizing the central nucleus of this book which is related to the history of Labor Education, the formation of its teachers and its approaches until 2023. We intend to make a small contribution to the project of Labor Education for the future, to conceive the historical process of Cuban educational ideas and theories as a guiding thread and to serve as a stimulus and guide for the possible and necessary alternative of transformation.This book does not mean that the studies and researches about the pedagogical approaches of the subject in Cuba are concluded, but it is a halt to make known where we are going, what we have achieved, to deepen in theoretical and practical aspects about the subject and, consequently, its future projection in the school and in the training of its teachers.

  • af Bob van Limburg
    422,95 kr.

    In dit boek wordt op een speelse manier kennisgemaakt met metacompetenties. Deze zijn al in gebruik in de medische wereld in de vorm van de Canmeds, maar de auteur propageert universeel gebruik. De auteur integreert sociale en natuurwetenschappen. Een citaat: ¿Het menselijk gedrags- en kennis systeem bestaat uit een zestal modules, kapitalen genaamd. Deze modules kunnen worden beschouwd als op zichzelf staande modules of apps, waartussen interacties bestaan. Interacties zijn bijna altijd zinvol, zij kunnen een mening versterken, een mening tenietdoen of zij kunnen iets nieuws opleveren. Dat laatste is het interessantste, en kan alleen gebeuren indien de verschillen in de oscillatie frequenties tussen de apps niet te groot zijn. Interacties leveren in dit geval nieuws en emergenties op.¿De auteur geeft nadrukkelijk aan dat verbeelding, ook volgens Einstein, belangrijker is dan kennis. Om met Bobby Kennedy te spreken in 1966 bij bij het bouwproject Bedford Stuyvesant, 1966, dat door bewoners zelf is opgeknapt: ¿Om dit project te laten slagen hebben we alle lef en verbeeldingskracht nodig van de mensen die hier wonen¿.

  • af Nguyen Truong Giang
    499,95 kr.

    The study aims to investigate using short stories to motivate intermediate EFL learners in essay writing at Vietnam Centre Point. More specifically, it attempts to fulfill the two guiding research questions: (1) What are the learners¿ attitudes towards using English short stories in enhancing writing essays? (2) How can short stories motivate EFL learners in essay writing? This study concerned 45 intermediate learners who were studying at Vietnam Centre Point, the researcher¿s workplace. This study adopted a sequential mixed-method approach to data collection and analysis. Both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered from the questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The findings expressed that the attitudes of the learners (containing affective, behavioral, and cognitive components) and factors motivating them (consisting of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) in their essay writing through using short stories mostly had positive outcomes.

  • af Jurg Kuster, Robert Lippmann, Christian Bachmann, mfl.
    1.223,95 kr.

  • af A. V. Ravikumar
    367,95 kr.

    This book consists of the following topics: Number systems, compliments, signed binary numbers, binary arithmetic, binary codes, conversion from one code to another code. In this book, different examples of problems can also be solved which are very useful in semester examinations for the students. The binary codes like excess-3, BCD code, hamming code with error detecting, Gray codes also be solved with different models.

  • af Niguse Degife
    367,95 kr.

    Main purpose of this study was to assess the factors associated with adult learners dropout from adult education program. Out of 299 target population 138 respondents were selected by using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. to achieve the objectives and answer the research questions three data collection instruments were utilized in the research design and methodology. These were questionnaire for the learners, interview for the coordinator, cluster adult education supervisor and town education officer and focused group discussion with adult education facilitators. The questionnaire was distributed to 128 learners of the program. This questionnaire included 27 statements to be completed by participants based on the 5 point liker type. The interview was administered for 1 coordinator, 1 cluster supervisor, and 1 town education officer and focused group discussion with 7 facilitators. The data obtained from these instruments were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. First, the result of the questionnaire was analyzed quantitatively and separately. Next the results of the interview and focus group discussion were analyzed qualitatively.

  • af Ma. Cybelle Ribeiro de Moura
    867,95 kr.

    Until the mid-2000s, language teaching in Brazil was delegated to Language Learning Centers, which suppressed the inefficiency of the proposed additional language teaching within basic education. Even for those who could afford to pay for this service, this reality intensified the common sense that foreign languages are not learned in regular schools and further amplified social inequality. This scenario has been undergoing major changes with the intensification of bilingual education proposals. In this scenario, we find the teaching figure and the necessary knowledge to act in this context. It was with the purpose of contributing to the formation of teachers for bilingual Portuguese-English education that I started the present investigation about the teachers' knowledge needs and the major difficulties encountered by educators who work with bilingual education of choice in the midst of the unprecedented context imposed by the pandemic of the new coronavirus and lockdown, and their voices and their places of speech constituted the foundations of the present research.

  • af Kosimov Abdulkhay
    561,95 kr.

    Nowadays, the quality teaching of English is one of the urgent problems. Special attention is paid to English language teaching in our country. Knowledge of English as a second language was defined as one of the main criteria in higher educational institutions. Therefore, it is the main task of us teachers to properly organize the learning and teaching process. In this process, we must identify and overcome the differences between language and culture and provide students with the knowledge and skills they need. Paying attention to the psychology of students, their areas of difficulty in the language learning process, and even tiny details in the second language acquisition can prevent future problems.

  • af Velpula Thirumala Rao
    562,95 kr.

    Shout out Mathematics form daily life and all civilization comes to a standstill. In the worlds of today nobody can live without Mathematics for a single day. Mathematics is intimately involved in every moment of everyones life. Right from human existence on this earth it has been a faithful companion. When man first wanted to answer the question: (How many? How much? How big? How long? Etc.,) he invented arithmetic. Algebra was devised to simplify arithmetical computations. For measurement and form Geometry was invented. To fmd the position of high mountains and stars Trigonometry was invented and developed and so on in the case of numerous other branches of Mathematics. The knowledge of this subject was born out of felt needs of men. This knowledge is therefore indispensable. As the needs grow, the knowledge is sound to grow.

  • af Maria Alice Silva-Amey
    197,95 kr.

    "With unwavering support, I endorse this magnificent book on chasing one's dreams. The book is a creative and innovative reflection of the incredible character of the author Maria Alice, whose passion and love for life display and express her determination and commitment to dream fulfillment. I applaud her on this work of literary art and hope it inspires today's generation and those to come in pursuing their highest goals in life." - Marcellene Watson-Derbigny, PhD, Associate Vice President, Student Retention and Academic Success, California State University, Sacramento"You have focused on understanding feelings as a way of understanding and appreciating "self," but also using this understanding as a way to direct oneself toward more gratifying career choices and empowering oneself to make smarter choices over one's career life. This is particularly challenging in the complex and diverse world you have described. I agree that it is valuable to focus on feelings as they are indicators of basic responses to environment and circumstances in the environment. This is the basic "approach/avoidance" instinct we are born with, but often ignored due to our social learning...to get a job and support yourself and endure the conditions simply because you need to work. Employers would do well to learn from your work as they often are instrumental in creating the work environment." - Al Striplen, MA, Healing Arts, Native American Counselor & Spiritual Guide

  • af Masoud Ghasemi
    382,95 kr.

    Today, researchers believe that the sense of number in the years before elementary school predicts the progress of elementary school mathematics. In the longitudinal research for number sense, sub-components such as: counting, number recognition, number knowledge, number operations, representation and communication have been determined in preschool and kindergarten. Research findings indicate that problems in these components in early childhood will lead to math problems in kindergarten and elementary school. Children at risk means children who are developmentally delayed or have problems in pre-primary school age, math disorders are children under 6 years old who are damaged in one of the fundamental concepts of number or one of the developmental dimensions.

  • af Anja Niekerken
    392,95 kr.

    Was macht eigentlich gute Führung aus? Stellt man diese Frage verschiedenen Menschen, gibt es darauf oft keine eindeutige Antwort. In den meisten Fällen haben die Befragten ein paar Vorbilder im Kopf. Aber warum gerade diese gute Führungskräfte sind oder waren, kann kaum jemand beantworten. Warum gute, charismatische Führung so schwer zu greifen ist, liegt vor allem daran, dass es dabei nicht um andere geht, sondern um sich selbst. Ein Widerspruch in sich? Im Gegenteil! Denn nur, wer sich selbst kennt, kann sich selbst führen. Und nur, wer sich selbst führen kann, kann andere mitnehmen. Aber sich selbst zu kennen, bedeutet nicht nur die eigenen Vorlieben und ein paar Schwächen zu kennen, sondern auch mit den eigenen Denkfehlern in Einklang zu sein. Das Natural-Leadership-Prinzip geht den Komponenten der Selbstführung auf den Grund und zeigt, wie man mit ehrlicher, konsequenter Selbstführung von der Führungskraft zur Führungspersönlichkeit wird. Ein Weg zur tieferen Selbsterkenntnis, zum selbstverständlichen Führen und zu einem bewussteren Leben.

  • af Rainer Skazel
    468,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch vermittelt sämtliche Kompetenzen, die erfolgreiche Verkäufer:innen im Außendienst zu Spitzenleistungen führen, kompakt und auf den Punkt. Verkaufen hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren grundlegend verändert. Dazu trägt entscheidend der digitale Wandel bei. In der Vergangenheit bewährte Fähigkeiten allein werden nicht mehr ausreichen, um mittelfristig mit den rasanten Veränderungen in der Geschäftswelt Schritt halten und ambitionierte Vertriebsziele erreichen zu können.Die Autor:innen beschreiben sämtliche Aufgabenbereiche von Vertrauensaufbau und Bedarfsanalyse bis hin zu Fragetechniken, Einwandbehandlung, Preisverhandlung, Verkaufsabschluss und Empfehlungsmanagement. Die Inhalte basieren auf dem Zertifikatsstudiengang Vertriebsfachfrau/-mann im Außendienst des DIV in Kooperation mit der Hochschule Karlsruhe.Zusätzliche Fragen per App: Laden Sie die Springer-Nature-Flashcards-App kostenlos herunter und nutzen Sie exklusives Zusatzmaterial, um Ihr Wissen zu prüfen.

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