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Undervisning for elever med adfærdsvanskeligheder, sociale eller følelsesmæssige vanskeligheder

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  • - En håndbog i at lære børn med socialkognitive vanskeligheder at forstå og handle i den sociale verden
    af Eva Bartram, Camilla Tan Høegh, Mads Rune Dahlstrøm, mfl.
    276,95 - 287,95 kr.

    SOCIAL LÆRING præsenterer en konkret og praksisnær metode til at give de professionelle i skoleverdenen retning og systematik i deres møde med børn med socialkognitive vanskeligheder.Social Læring-metoden er udviklet af bogens forfattere og bygger på et børnesyn, der er inspireret af positiv voksenstøtte og Nest programmet. Nest er oprindeligt udviklet i New York i USA som et skoleprogram til undervisning af børn med autisme sammen med børn uden autisme. Bogen og metoden udspringer af forfatternes mangeårige arbejde i Nest programmet i Danmark, der blev startet i Aarhus i 2016. Bogen tager udgangspunkt i en mindre gruppe og bruger den som platform til at implementere indsatser i det større klassefællesskab. Social Læring er således en metode, der har potentiale til at indgå og bidrage i de mellemformer, der løbende opstår mellem det almene og specielle i skoleverdenen.Bogens overordnede mål er således at støtte, vejlede og inspirere professionelle voksne i arbejdet med at få børn med socialkognitive vanskeligheder til at lykkes bedre i fællesskaber. SOCIAL LÆRING henvender sig til lærere, pædagoger og PPR-psykologer, der arbejder praksisnært ind i skoleverdenen samt uddannelsesinstitutioner, der er rettet mod pædagog- og læreruddannelsen.Bogens forfattere:Alle bogens forfattere har været en del af Nest projektet i Aarhus siden opstarten i 2016.- EVA BARTRAM (RED.) er aut. psykolog, specialist i klinisk børneneuropsykologi og tilknyttet specialpædagogisk sektion i PPR Aarhus.- MADS DAHLSTRØM (RED.) er lærer og cand.pæd. i pædagogisk filosofi og arbejder i dag som konsulent i Viborg Kommune.- CAMILLA TAN HØEGH er aut. psykolog og tilknyttet specialpædagogisk sektion i PPR Aarhus.- RIKKE LAMBÆK er lærer i en Nest klasse og konstitueret pædagogisk leder for Nest klasserne på Katrinebjergskolen.- KARINA DAMGAARD POULSEN er børnehaveklasseleder på Katrinebjergskolen i en Nest klasse og ansvarlig for Social Læring på tværs af Nest årgangene.- MORTEN BÆKKE RØNN er børnehaveklasseleder på Katrinebjergskolen i en Nest klasse og ansvarlig for Social Læring på tværs af Nest årgangene.

  • - En praksisguide i rummelighed
    af Helle Overballe Mogensen
    237,95 kr.

    Hvordan kan man tilpasse en almindelig skolehverdag til et barn med særlige behov, uden at det vælter klassens hverdag, eller påfører lærere og pædagoger mange timers ekstra forberedelse? Der findes mange bøger om særlig pædagogik, men hvordan denne skal udmøntes i praksis, i et klasselokale med 25 andre elever; det er straks sværere at finde beskrevet. Denne bog er skrevet af en praktiker og tænkt som en slags kogebog, om realistiske hensyn, til elever med særlige behov. Hensigten med bogen er, at give brugbare, pædagogiske redskaber, der er så simple og overkommelige, at bogen finder en naturlig plads på skrivebordet når timen, dagen og ugen skal planlægges. Med enkle handlinger kan der bid for bid skabes en mere positiv hverdag for eleven, klassen og læreren.

  • af Toby Karten
    287,95 kr.

    Hvordan inkluderer du bedst børn med ADHD eller autisme i din klasse?Hvad skal du være opmærksom på, når en af dine elever er ordblind?Hvordan skaber du det bedste læringsrum for elever med nedsat hørelse eller et talehandicap?Find styrken hos børn med særlige behov er skrevet til dig, der underviser i grundskolen, og som mangler de nødvendige redskaber til at inkludere børn med særlige behov på den bedst mulige måde.Hvert kapitel fortæller kort og overskueligt om en diagnose, lidelse eller et særligt behov, og om hvordan du kan inddrage alle elever i fællesskabet. Kapitlerne er inddelt i: 1) Hvorfor og hvordan? 2) Styrker og kendetegn, 3) Strategier i klassen og 4) Inklusionsstrategier.Toby Karten har undervist børn med diagnoser og særlige behov i mere end 30 år. Hun giver i denne bog råd om og vejledning i, hvordan du kan fokusere på hvert enkelt barns styrker og muligheder, så det kommer både den enkelte og hele klassen til gode.

  • af Lori L. Desautels
    337,95 kr.

    This book is an absolute must-read for educators.Educator fatigue and burnout are at an all-time high. Students are carrying their mental and emotional exhaustion into the classroom.Intentional Neuroplasticity explores the plasticity of the brain and nervous system, while learning how adversity and trauma impact a student's developing nervous system to affect behaviors--which ultimately changes the way educators approach discipline and engagement.Neuroplasticity is more than the latest and greatest buzzword-when educational practitioners are informed and encouraged to share this dynamic, miraculous superpower of human potentiality, both teachers and children understand why they feel the way they do, and how feelings and thoughts impact their mood, motivation, and engagement. When we empower and relieve our nervous systems with the language of science and deepened understanding of why we sense, feel, and behave the ways we do, we are preparing for a lifetime of possibility through the knowledge of brain and body architecture and plasticity.With the growing body of research in relational and affective neuroscience, our schools can benefit and serve the whole student as we prioritize the nervous system by addressing the embodied experiences, generational and historical trauma, and the stories they hold.Lori Desautels is a teacher, not a neuroscientist-she knows that the translations and applications from the affective, developmental, social, and relational neuroscience research are critical to educational practitioners now more than ever. No one could have been prepared for the emotional and social losses, challenging behaviors, and dysregulation that are impacting the well-being of our students during the past few years-our collective nervous systems feel the tension and unrest. Intentional Neuroplasticity: Moving Our Nervous Systems and Educational System Toward Post-Traumatic Growth can provide educators cutting-edge information, practices, tools, and exercises to regulate and empower themselves and their students for resiliency and success! KIRKUS¿REVIEWS writes: "A manual for empathic and trauma-informed teaching. In her latest book, Desautels, an assistant professor in Indiana-based Butler University's College of Education, builds on her work in Connections Over Compliance (2020) to offer a framework to create an effective learning environment for students while also optimizing teachers' mental health. Drawing on applied educational neuroscience and polyvagal theory (which foregrounds the role of the vagus nerve on emotions and reactions to trauma), Desautels explains how to approach and maintain emotional regulation, help students achieve stability, and create a supportive environment that allows space for learning. The book encourages teachers to coregulate with students, modeling such behaviors as deep breathing, taking breaks, and mindfulness, while also understanding that the methods they find most useful may not be the ones their students prefer. Desautels addresses the specific problems that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought to the learning experience but reminds readers that there's always been a need for welcoming approaches to teaching. The book includes several 'Guest Reflections' by other teachers, which offer additional perspectives on trauma-informed teaching and provide concrete examples of implementing this book's highlighted techniques. Desautels acknowledges that her methods may require a fundamental shift in classroom management, but she persuasively presents the work as worthwhile.

  • - Om at styrke udsatte unges evne til at gennemføre en uddannelse
    af Rasmus Thy Grøn & Maiken Damborg Jørgensen
    232,95 - 287,95 kr.

    For udsatte unge er hverdagen og skolegangen en kamp, som er svær at vinde. Lærernes arbejde med denne særlige gruppe er svær og kræver mange pædagogiske ressourcer, og at man tør tænke krav og muligheder på nye måder. Hvordan kan man som lærer og uddannelsesinstitution hjælpe de unge til at bryde dårlige mønstre, ændre mindset – og blive mønsterbrydere? Det handler denne bog om. Erfaringerne og de mange gode råd er hentet fra et forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt på en uddannelsesinstitution, hvor man satte massivt ind for at støtte udsatte unge i at få succes i skolen. Omdrejningspunktet er, at der skal sættes ind på alle områder i de unges liv: skole, koncentrationsevne og ro, forberedelse, mødetid, søvn, kost, motion, relationer, exit fra kriminelle miljøer og det særlige at gøre noget godt for andre. Det kan lade sig gøre at ændre de unges mindset fra at føle sig fastlåst i en dårlig livsbane til at se muligheder – både i sig selv, i uddannelseslivet og i omverdenen. Bogen henvender sig til lærere, pædagoger, studievejledere, skoleledere og andre faggrupper i folkeskolen, på ungdomsuddannelser, den forberedende grunduddannelse – FGU, erhvervsuddannelser m.v. Alle der arbejder med udsatte unge og ønsker at gøre en forskel i deres liv og hjælpe dem til at gennemføre en uddannelse. "En ny ramme kan bogstaveligt talt give nyt liv til et maleri. Sådan er det nok også med pædagogik. Den kan være den ramme, der giver nye muligheder til elever og studerende, som måske ellers ikke havde en chance, eller som havde forspildt dem, de havde. Denne bog kan være det første skridt. Nogle gange kan komplekse problemstillinger nemlig håndteres med enkle indsigter og en vilje til at handle på dem." - Lene Tanggaard, professor, ph.d., Aalborg Universitet, rektor på Designskolen Kolding

  • - Hvordan kan læreren møde elever med stille adfærd?
    af Anne-Lise Sæteren
    222,95 - 253,94 kr.

    De stille elever undgår at svare mundtligt og virker tilbagetrukne eller indadvendte, hvilket kan hindre deres læring og udvikling. Bogen giver konkrete metoder, som læreren kan bruge til at imødekomme og hjælpe de stille elever, så de oplever mestring og udvikling i klasselokalet. Alle lærere møder elever, der virker tilbagetrukne, generte, sky, ængstelige eller indadvendte. De stille elever gør ikke meget væsen af sig, og i modsætning til elever med udadreagerende adfærd er de ikke til gene for andre i klassen. Men selvom den stille adfærd ikke skaber problemer for omgivelserne, kan den give store vanskeligheder for eleven selv. De stille elever deltager ikke i klassens aktiviteter, undgår at svare mundtligt eller tage ordet og fremstår som utilpasse i sociale situationer. Adfærden hindrer den enkelte elevs læring og udvikling - både fagligt og socialt - og kan stå i vejen for at skabe og holde fast i relationer til andre. Disse elever er mere ensomme, har oftere lavt selvværd og negativ selvopfattelse, og de er i risiko for på sigt at udvikle angst og depression. Stille elever i skolen præsenterer viden om stille adfærd, hvad der kan være årsagerne, og hvilke konsekvenser adfærden kan have. Bogen giver konkrete metoder, som læreren kan bruge til at imødekomme og hjælpe de stille elever, så de oplever mestring, læring og udvikling i klasselokalet. Bogens metoder og viden bliver vist, analyseret og foldet ud gennem casen om læreren Alice, hendes klasse og den stille elev Sara. Situationer fra klasselokalet viser, hvordan Alice hjælper og udfordrer Sara til at blive en del af klassen og få succesoplevelser i skolen.

  • af Peter Stimpfle
    399,95 - 516,95 kr.

  • af Audrey Hokoda
    451,95 - 1.668,95 kr.

    From Trauma to Resiliency integrates research and practice of trauma-informed care, reviewing the neuroscience of trauma and highlighting relationship-based interventions for diverse populations that have faced multiple traumas.

  • af Sophie Klar
    166,95 - 232,95 kr.

  • af Anika Krishnan
    282,95 kr.

    Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Its Lifelong ImportanceSocial and emotional learning (SEL) is a set of skills that influence how we interact with others and manage our emotions. They are essential for success in all areas of our lives.Some SEL skills include:· Self-awareness: Being aware of our own emotions, thoughts, and beliefs.· Self-regulation: Managing our emotions and controlling our behavior.Selfregulation· Social skills: Building relationships with others and collaborating.Social skills· Social justice: Respecting the feelings and needs of others.Social justiceSEL skills help us with the following:· Improve our own health and well-being. SEL skills help us manage our emotions, which can improve mental health and well-being.· Build strong relationships with others. SEL skills help us build relationships with others and collaborate, which can help us find joy and meaning in our lives.· Be successful in school and work. SEL skills help us focus, pay attention, and manage stress, which can all contribute to academic and career success.· Make positive contributions to society. SEL skills help us understand and appreciate the perspectives of others, which can lead to more inclusive and equitable communities.SEL skills can be learned and developed at any age. There are many resources available to help people of all ages learn and practice SEL skills.Here are some tips for developing SEL skills:· Be mindful of your emotions. Pay attention to how you feel and why you feel that way.· Develop healthy coping mechanisms. Learn how to manage your emotions in a healthy way.· Practice active listening. Really listen to what others are saying, and try to understand their perspective.· Be open to feedback. Ask for feedback from others on how you can improve your SEL skills.SEL skills are essential for a happy, healthy, and successful life. By

  • af Shawn A Henry
    508,95 kr.

    Transform the way your school engages with autistic children!The Comprehensive Autism Planning System for Individuals (CAPS) is a reflection of its creator. In his role as a state and national leader, Shawn Henry serves as an advocate for autistic individuals. Shawn and co-author Brenda Smith Myles clearly describe each element of the CAPS model in a well-organized text. Throughout the book, the authors and expert contributors highlight a variety of evidence-based strategies that correspond to each area of the CAPS. The CAPS model illustrates their ability to create meaningful change through realistic and practical means. It's a simple, yet powerful system.This innovative approach helps teachers and educational teams plan and implement a student's education across the school, including the individualized education program (IEP), and the curriculum relevant to the student. It takes the team through the process of planning out the goals and objectives to be targeted in each activity of the day, the modifications and accommodations that should be provided to support the student in each activity, the sensory supports needed to help the student stay focused, and the communication and social supports that create an environment for successful learning.In addition, the authors explain the types of data to collect for each area and note what reinforcers have been shown to be successful. While this system was developed for use with individuals on the autism spectrum, it can also be an essential tool for any student, regardless of the types of supports and needs they have.This third edition has been updated to address current trends in special education instruction and research; emphasis is placed on: InclusionSuccessful practices that support learning for autistic studentsEvidence-based practices and case studies that apply the CAPS system to post-secondary educationThrough the CAPS, autistic individuals have access to meaningful instruction that will allow them to reach their full potential.

  • af Peter Vermeulen
    387,95 kr.

    What Really Works for Children with Autism aims to be a guide for anyone who has a child with autism, as well as for educators and caregivers. Many difficulties for these children arise due to a lack of knowledge about exactly what autism is and what its consequences are. This book provides detailed information about: What autism is and what the 10 most important needs of these children are.How you can support them in their sometimes strange or difficult behavior.How to deal with this as a (grand)parent, teacher, therapist, or supervisor.When you get to know the specific characteristics, abilities, challenges and needs of a child with autism better, you will see their behavior in a different light. Knowing how their brain works and what their real needs are will give you a deeper understanding of why things can be difficult for them and you. What Really Works for Children with Autism also helps you to develop strategies that will create positive moments at home or in the classroom, so that autistic children can develop meaningful relationships with with the important people in their lives.As mentioned, the authors note that autistic children have ten major needs: 1. Being understood2. Clarity3. Predictability4. Getting direction5. Connection6. Good agreements and rules7. A positive self-esteem8. A feeling of general well-being9. Meaning10. Encouragement

  • af Alice Robert
    427,95 kr.

    Awareness Discovered" by Alice Robert unveils a captivating exploration into the realms of self-discovery and mindfulness. In this thought-provoking narrative, Robert delves into the intricate layers of human consciousness, unraveling the mysteries that shroud our perception of reality. The author skillfully navigates through the labyrinth of introspection, guiding readers on a transformative journey towards heightened awareness.Through poignant anecdotes and profound insights, Alice Robert invites readers to question preconceived notions and embrace the power of mindfulness in shaping a more fulfilling existence. The book serves as a beacon, illuminating the path to self-awareness and encouraging individuals to embark on a profound quest for understanding. Robert's prose is both eloquent and evocative, capturing the nuances of the human experience with a keen sensitivity that resonates deeply."Awareness Discovered" transcends traditional self-help literature, offering a unique blend of philosophy and practical guidance. With each page, Alice Robert challenges readers to peel back the layers of their own consciousness, fostering a heightened sense of mindfulness in the process. This book is a testament to the author's commitment to unraveling the complexities of the human mind, providing readers with a valuable resource for personal growth and enlightenment

  • af Adonis Green
    98,95 kr.

    The length of this book is purposely short to acknowledge individuals with ADHD. This book was also created to give individuals that don't have ADHD an example of what a person who does may experience from day to day. Being different is what makes us unique.

  • af Vishnu Vardhan
    262,95 kr.

    Introduction to intuition and its role in decision-makingWe all have experienced the power of intuition at some point in our lives. That moment when you just know something is right or wrong, even if you don't have a logical explanation for it. Intuition is a powerful tool that can guide us through life's difficult decisions and lead us to success.It is difficult to define intuition because it is an abstract concept. It is often described as "inner knowledge" or "the sixth sense." It is the opposite of logic and analysis, which are processes used by the conscious and thinking part of our minds. Intuition comes from our subconscious mind instead, which is a vast repository of our experiences, memories, and emotions.Intuition can manifest itself in many ways. Some people experience sudden internal feelings, such as a strong sense of "yes" or "no." Others receive insights through dreams or visions. Some simply have a deep sense of "knowing" about a specific outcome.Intuition can play an important role in decision-making. Logic and analysis help us weigh our options and consider their potential consequences. But sometimes, even with all the information, we can still find it difficult to decide what to do. That's where intuition comes in. Our intuition can have access to all the information, including information stored in the subconscious mind. This can give us a broader perspective and guide us in the right direction.Using intuition is not always easy. Many times, we can ignore the voice of our intuition because it doesn't align with logic or scares us. Additionally, our intuition can be influenced by our biases and beliefs, which can lead to bad decisions.

  • af Linda Hill
    182,95 kr.

    Si siempre quisiste aprender a gestionar tus emociones para empatizar con otras personas, superar desafíos y conocerte a ti mismo, pero sientes que todavía no lo has logrado, sigue leyendo...¿Sientes vergüenza, miedo o ansiedad a la hora de relacionarte con otras personas en tu vida cotidiana? ¿No sabes cómo afrontar algunas situaciones en el trabajo? ¿Crees que te falta motivación y autoconfianza para poder alcanzar ciertos objetivos?En Inteligencia emocional para adultos: 7 pasos para ser emocionalmente inteligente y mejorar tus relaciones hoy mismo, descubrirás:¿ Para qué sirve la inteligencia emocional¿ La guía definitiva para una correcta autovaloración y autoconfianza¿ Trucos para vencer la timidez, la vergüenza y la ansiedad social¿ Por qué tenemos que aprender a perdonar para sanar¿ Secretos para gestionar las emociones en el trabajo y lidiar con personas especialmente difíciles¿ 10 tips que te permitirán ser un buen líder¿ Qué son las habilidades blandas y por qué se requieren en el trabajo¿ Todo lo que hay que hacer y lo que no hay que hacer a la hora de enfrentar un momento difícil¿ ¡y mucho más!¿Te imaginas cómo te sentirás cuando finalmente logres convertirte en una persona emocionalmente inteligente? No hay dudas de que tu vida cambiará al 100%, porque serás capaz de identificar tus emociones y también las de los demás, guiando tus comportamientos en lo personal, lo social, lo laboral, lo familiar y en cada ámbito de tu vida.

  • af Laura
    297,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced and demanding world, managing our emotions has become more crucial than ever. Emotional empowerment is the key to taking control of our feelings and leading a fulfilling life. By understanding and harnessing the power of our emotions, we can navigate through life's challenges with confidence and resilience. This subchapter explores the significance of emotional empowerment and how it can positively impact every aspect of our lives.Emotional empowerment begins with self-awareness. Understanding our emotions allows us to recognize and name them, enabling us to respond appropriately to different situations. By acknowledging our feelings, we can avoid being overwhelmed or reactive, and instead, respond in a way that aligns with our values and goals. This self-awareness is the foundation for effectively managing our emotions.One of the key benefits of emotional empowerment is the ability to regulate our emotions. By developing strategies and techniques to manage our emotions, we can prevent them from controlling our actions and decisions. This empowers us to make rational choices rather than being driven by impulsive or negative emotions. Learning to regulate our emotions also helps us build healthier relationships, as we can communicate and empathize effectively with others.Moreover, emotional empowerment allows us to build resilience in the face of adversity. Life is filled with ups and downs, but by understanding our emotions, we can bounce back from setbacks and challenges more quickly. Emotional resilience helps us maintain a positive outlook and find solutions, even in the most difficult situations. It enables us to adapt to change, overcome obstacles, and continue moving forward.In addition to personal growth, emotional empowerment has a profound impact on our overall well-being. Research has shown that individuals who are emotionally empowered experience lower levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. By managing our emotions effectively, we can improve our mental health and enjoy greater emotional stability. This, in turn, positively influences our physical health and overall quality of life.

  • af Arjun Singh
    272,95 kr.

    Headlines are your first and possibly last chance to grab someone's attention and get them to read your content. That's why it's important to write headers that are persuasive and effective. It is important to note that what works for one audience may not work for another. It is important to do your research and know your audience when crafting persuasive headlines.Use strong verbs: Verbs are the powerhouses of any sentence, and this is especially true when it comes to headlines. Use verbs that are active, strong, and descriptive. For example, instead of saying "Ways to Save Money," try "5 Proven Ways to Save Money Now."Create a sense of urgency: People are more likely to read something if they feel that they need to read it right away. Create a sense of urgency by using words like "today," "now," or "limited time." For example, instead of saying "Tips for Getting a Promotion," try "How to Get a Promotion Today."Highlight benefits: Everyone is interested in hearing about how they can benefit from something. Highlight the benefits of your content in your headlines. For example, instead of saying "Learn About Retirement Planning," try "5 Easy Steps to a Comfortable Retirement."

  • af Clara Kennedy Witherspoon
    127,95 kr.

    Shantika the Superhero is a must-read book for educators and parents to gain insight into supporting the academic, social, and emotional needs of the whole child.

  • af Sophie Tales
    222,95 kr.

    This book provides you with the knowledge and strategies to understand behaviour as communication, and better support pupils who have experienced Adverse Childhood Experiences.

  • af William Robson Scott
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Lara Fair
    152,95 kr.

    Four data collection methods (photovoice, go-along interviews, journaling and talanoa) are described that were employed by teachers in an Alternative Education (AE) setting in New Zealand to collect stories of, and more deeply understand, previous unsuccessful schooling experiences and aspirations of our students. AE is often a last chance option for students who have been excluded from mainstream schools. Choices of methods for collecting stories were largely determined by the students' ability to 'give voice' to enable them to feel safe in telling their own stories. The stories collection was part of action research (AR) Reconnaissance Phase (current situation prior to implementation of improvements) data collection designed to ultimately create improved teaching and learning experiences. The content of the stories themselves and outcomes of improvement in teaching and learning are outlined in subsequent papers. The focus of this paper is solely on employment of methods from our perspective as teachers and it is written in our voice, with a minor level of guidance from the research team leading the AR.

  • af Anne Williford
    607,95 - 1.047,95 kr.

  • af Seema
    272,95 kr.

    Understanding Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years due to its profound impact on personal and professional success. In this subchapter, we delve into the depths of this fascinating subject, exploring what emotional intelligence is, why it matters, and how it can be developed and harnessed. At its core, emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It involves being aware of our own emotional states and using this awareness to navigate social interactions effectively. Emotionally intelligent individuals possess a heightened sense of empathy, enabling them to understand and relate to others on a deeper level. Why does emotional intelligence matter? Well, research has shown that EI plays a crucial role in various aspects of our lives. From personal relationships to leadership abilities, emotional intelligence influences how we handle conflicts, make decisions, and communicate effectively. It is a key factor in building and maintaining successful relationships, both at home and in the workplace. Fortunately, emotional intelligence is not a fixed trait; it can be developed and enhanced over time with practice and self-reflection. In this subchapter, we will explore practical techniques and strategies for improving emotional intelligence, such as cultivating self-awareness, managing stress and emotions, and improving social skills. Moreover, we will shed light on the benefits of emotional intelligence in conflict resolution and negotiation. By understanding and managing our emotions effectively, we can navigate difficult conversations and resolve conflicts with empathy and understanding. Emotional intelligence allows us to approach conflicts with a calm and rational mindset, fostering better communication and collaboration.

  • af Brian Dan
    472,95 kr.

    In the world of horticulture, Brian Dan emerges as a beacon of progress, tirelessly pushing the boundaries of this age-old science. His work has not only transformed the way we cultivate plants but has also contributed significantly to sustainable agriculture and environmental preservation.Brian Dan's groundbreaking research has brought about a revolution in horticultural practices. Through innovative techniques, he has enhanced crop yields while reducing the environmental footprint. His studies on precision agriculture have shown how data-driven decisions can optimize resource utilization, resulting in healthier crops and reduced wastage.Furthermore, Brian's advocacy for organic horticulture has redefined our approach to pest control and soil health. His commitment to biodiversity and natural ecosystems has promoted the use of beneficial insects and the preservation of native plant species in agricultural landscapes.Brian Dan's contributions extend beyond the laboratory. He has been an influential educator, training a new generation of horticulturists who share his vision for sustainable and ethical practices. His publications and public lectures have inspired farmers and gardeners worldwide to embrace progressive horticultural methods.As we look to the future of horticulture, Brian Dan's work remains a beacon of hope and progress, showing us that we can feed the world while nurturing our planet. His dedication to the field continues to inspire us to reach new heights in sustainable and productive agriculture.

  • af Temple Grandin
    192,95 kr.

    La Dra. Temple Grandin analiza los problemas reales que enfrentan los padres, maestros y niños todos los días. He aquí un manual conciso que ilustra lo que Temple ha descubierto que funciona en el campo de la educación. Los temas incluyen: La importancia de la intervención tempranaEnseñanza para diferentes tipos de pensamientoDesarrollando talento motivar a los estudiantes Manteniendo altas expectativas¡Y mucho más!En estas útiles páginas, la Dra. Grandin ofrece lo que se debe y no se debe hacer, estrategias prácticas y consejos para probarlo ahora, todo ello basado en su perspectiva interna y su extensa investigación. Curiosamente, sostiene que la educación de los niños en el espectro del autismo debe centrarse en sus fortalezas pasadas por alto para fomentar sus contribuciones únicas al mundo.Como ha señalado Publishers Weekly, "para los educadores o padres de niños autistas, este será un recurso valioso."In the Spanish version of Autism and Education, Dr. Temple Grandin discusses the real issues that parents, teachers, and kids face every day. Here is a concise handbook that illustrates what Temple has found to work in the field of education. Topics include: The importance of early intervention Teaching for different types of thinkingDeveloping talentMotivating studentsKeeping high expectationsAnd much more!In these helpful pages, Dr. Grandin offers do's and don'ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her insider perspective and extensive research. Interestingly, she argues that education for kids on the autism spectrum must focus on their overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions to the world. As Publishers Weekly has noted "For educators or parents of autistic children, this will be a valuable resource."

  • af Joseph Claybaugh Gordon
    217,95 - 352,95 kr.

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