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  • af Parves Sultan
    2.091,95 - 2.100,95 kr.

    This book explores theories and brings empirical evidence of innovations in learning and teaching and practice-driven leadership and governance of higher education institutions across developed and developing countries aiming to recover and sustain during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. A fresh managerial approach to identifying the critical challenges, opportunities and strategies of higher education services management is the fundamental essence of this book. The book includes unique chapters, and these are carefully designed. This book has original scholarly contributions, including case studies, and explains how higher education institutions can deal with the challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The cross-cultural insights of both public and private sector higher education institutions across the globe are a helpful guide for academics, researchers, advanced students, and practitioners to identify and understand the best practices about what worked well and what did not during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The chapters help formulate a strategic recovery plan for higher education institutions to mitigate the challenges of the post-Covid-19 Pandemic.

  • af Glen Lehman
    1.617,95 - 1.626,95 kr.

    The book is about accountability processes and how they contribute solutions to our current environmental and global political problems. This book is different to other literature in this field. This is so because the dominant accountability discourse is shaped by what is defined as a neoliberal business case for social and environmental reform. This book assumes a nirvana stance within globalisation where all citizens operate within the parameters of the free market and will recover from adverse economic and political damage. Further this book uses neoliberalism and free-market reforms aims as examples to implement efficient management technologies and create more competitive pressures. Central to the argument of the book are perspectives on authenticity, expressivism and interpretivism which are found to provide a radical reworking of our understanding of being in the world. These frameworks offer a starting point for rethinking the way individuals, businesses and communities ought to be dealing politically with accountability and ecological crises. The argument builds to an accountability perspective that utilises work from expressivism, interpretivism, classical liberalism and postmodern theory. The theoretical quest undertaken in this book is to develop connections between accountability, democratic, ethical and ecological perspectives.

  • af C. Bonanni
    1.062,95 kr.

    An exploration of the interplay between social responsibility, entrepreneurship and the common good which is organized into four sections: business and the common good; educating responsible entrepreneurs; corporate social responsibility (CSR) challenges and the common good; and CSR and entrepreneurship in emerging economies

  • af Álvaro Capalo
    622,95 kr.

    Palliative care in Angola is still in the early stages of development, reflected in the lack of preparation of nurses in their technical training to intervene in palliative care.The aim of this study was to assess the perception of nursing students regarding the inclusion of palliative care in their undergraduate curricula, as well as to determine the importance they attach to this training and preparation for caring for patients in palliative care.109 nursing students (55.3% female) from the Instituto Superior de Ciências de Saúde and the Escola Superior Politécnica do Moxico answered a questionnaire on attitudes towards palliative care. The results revealed that the majority of students had not had contact with essential topics related to palliative care throughout their training.The students emphasized the importance of including palliative care in the compulsory curriculum of the nursing course. Based on the perceptions of Angolan nursing students, we conclude that training in palliative care during the course is not adequate to develop the necessary skills in this area.

  • af Chiheb Dghim
    457,95 kr.

    The figure of the foreign woman forms a central core of a mythologized West, and is the most common imported character. It has served, in turn, as a pretext for tackling the Western adventure, approaching the foreign woman and giving vent to the reveries and imaginings of the Arab character and his visions of an unknown feminine universe. Almost all Arab writers have used this female figure to express their opinions, impressions and fantasies about the West and its women. Moreover, as we shall see, her representation is varied, not static.

  • af Mehmet Ça¿r¿ K¿z¿lta¿
    692,95 kr.

    Os urbanos são a parte mais importante da civilização. A civilização é a acumulação total da humanidade. O mundo antigo continua a ser o centro do mundo atual também em termos de mente, sociedade, civilização e valores morais. A Turquia é um país vizinho e fronteiriço na ala sudeste da UE. Mais uma vez, a UE não é interrompida por estradas para o Extremo Oriente com a rota do Norte da Europa. A UE abastece-se de grandes quantidades de mercadorias provenientes do Extremo Oriente. A Turquia deve criar uma estrutura alternativa de sub-rotas para este fluxo de mercadorias. A este respeito, o sistema de transportes da UE é muito importante para a Turquia. A posição histórica do Mediterrâneo no eixo do comércio mundial é um facto. A UE desenvolve uma política intensiva de transportes terrestres na Europa Ocidental e marítimos no Mediterrâneo.

  • af Niels Kærgård
    1.392,95 - 1.711,95 kr.

  • af Erika Clegg
    232,95 kr.

    You've got a set of corporate values and you're comfortable they're the right ones. But you're deeply uncomfortable with thenagging feeling that they've basically been parked. You know if you worked with them you could make your culture blossom, but you don't know where to start.Sound familiar? Then dip into these pages and discover the one sure-fire way to fix that problem and transform yourorganisation. On the way you'll find stories of extraordinary values-driven leaders, challenge your own personal values, andpick up a host of hints and tips.This is not just a book: it's a workbook. You'll find plenty of room for your own jottings. So fill it with notes, fold the pages, and keep it to hand as you move towards an exceptional values-led culture.

  • af Jorge Vega Berrio
    277,95 kr.

    En este libro, que trata cuentos y recuerdos, puedes compartir y sentir tuyo un recuerdo y ser cómplice del protagonista. El autor apuesta con esperanza que su obra llegue a agradar con algo de emoción. Quiere entregar al lector una historia que no puede ser de otra forma, pero también desea que el lector se convierta en un cómplice idealista. El autor, en "Cuentos de mi abuela" y "Nitrógeno mutante", busca crear un ambiente y hacer sentir algo agradable al lector al experimentar las diferentes evocaciones y referencias, algunas del mundo de la música. Crea una dimensión para perderse en un laberinto de ideas de la juventud y la edad adulta, haciendo sutil referencia a lo que pudo ser la aventura del lector y del protagonista en uno solo, hipotéticamente, en situaciones en las que no puede uno solo encontrarse. El alter ego, como pseudoautor, que él mismo odiaría, un plano de una casa imaginaria donde habitan los fantasmas de la mente del autor.

  • af Stefan Brunnhuber
    1.326,95 - 1.335,95 kr.

  • af Mingboyeva Muborak
    672,95 kr.

    Current manual is addressed as a course book for the 2nd course students of Philology of Higher education on the discipline ¿Language aspects practice". It focuses mainly on enhancing the vocabulary range of learners which further helps to maintain other language skills. The manual has two key objectives of providing formal, subject-based education and of encouraging students¿ personal development in a wider social and cultural context. Formal education involves the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, concepts and skills within each subject area. Personal development takes place in a range of spiritual, moral, social and cultural contexts. It involves an awareness of appropriate behavior, understanding of the environment in which students work and live, and a development of their individual identity.

  • af Pallavi Ammu Thomas
    674,95 kr.

    In an era where precision and immediacy are paramount, biosensors stand as silent sentinels revolutionizing healthcare, industry, and our everyday lives. "Biosensors: Unveiling the Silent Revolution in Health and Technology" explores the profound significance of these miniature marvels, illuminating their pivotal role in diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and cutting-edge research.This book delves into the fundamental principles underlying biosensors, unraveling their intricate mechanisms that enable real-time detection of biological and chemical substances with unparalleled accuracy. From glucose monitoring for diabetes management to detecting pathogens swiftly during outbreaks, biosensors emerge as catalysts for proactive healthcare interventions, enhancing both patient outcomes and the efficiency of medical practices.Beyond healthcare, the book navigates the expansive landscape where biosensors intersect with environmental sustainability and industrial optimization. Highlighting their application in monitoring pollutants, ensuring food safety, and enabling precision agriculture, it unveils how biosensors are instrumental in shaping a safer and more sustainable future.

  • af Snehal Kotak
    947,95 kr.

    Consumers are progressively blending their digital and physical realms, engaging in multifaceted business networks. The association between banks and the retail ecosystem is poised to strengthen, offering customers a diverse array of products. Distinctions between financial and non-financial service providers will blur, giving rise to an interconnected and collaborative ecosystem of service providers. Banks will integrate financial services, wallets, payments, shopping services, etc., to enhance the customer experience through strategic partnerships and acquisitions. Future banks must be dynamic, aligning with technology to support a sustainable and scalable business model. The Indian banking landscape is expected to witness the emergence of both regional and national players. A successful bank in the future will eschew "one-size-fits-all products," function as a knowledge banker, cater to all financial needs seamlessly, demonstrate fundamental strength, manage risks, adhere to global regulations, and fully leverage IOS and Android platforms. Such a bank, with enhanced design and faster, convenient delivery channels, will undoubtedly be deemed successful.

  • af Manuel Moritz
    602,95 kr.

    Dieses Open-Access-Buch gibt aktuelle interdisziplinäre Forschungseinblicke rund um das Fab City-Konzept. Ein Ansatz, der beschreibt, wie Produktions- und Konsumptionsweisen gestaltet werden können, sodass einerseits globale Kollaboration in und durch Communities von der Ideengenerierung bis zur Produktentwicklung physischer Güter mittels quelloffener Technologien (Open Source Software und Hardware) ermöglicht wird und andererseits die Produktion dieser Güter lokal und somit möglichst nahe am Ort des Bedarfs sowie dezentral im Sinne einer verteilten Produktion erfolgen kann, beispielsweise in Fab(rication) Labs. Ziel ist die Schaffung einer möglichst nachhaltigen Produktion bzw. Wertschöpfung. Ökologisch nachhaltig, indem lange Transportwege vermieden und auf Grundlage von Kreislaufprinzipien lokale Stoffkreisläufe geschlossen werden. Ökonomisch nachhaltig, indem durch quelloffene Technologien Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen und durch föderierte Ansätze Abhängigkeiten vermieden werden. Sozial nachhaltig durch ein partizipatives Wertschöpfungssystem, in dem der Zugang zu Wissen und Knowhow sowie zu Produktionsmitteln unbeschränkt ist. Über den gesamten Produktentstehungsprozess und -lebenszyklus enthält das vorliegende, bilinguale Werk in deutscher und englischer Sprache Beiträge aus den Bereichen Citizen & Collaborative Innovation and Design, Circular Design & Economy, Open-Source-Software-Tools für die Entwicklung von Open Source Hardware, Digital Product Passport, föderierte (Open-Source-) Systeme, die Verbreitung von Open Source Hardware sowie technical literacy und economic governance.Prof. Neil Gershenfeld, Director of MIT¿s Center for Bits and Atoms, and Chairman of the board of The Fab Foundation:¿For many years the growth of cities has been an inexorable trend, with cities acting as regional magnets and engines;the resources enabling a Fab City can also help expand opportunity beyond cities. There is now an opportunity and need for labs that can develop, deploy, and measure the frontiers of Fab City technologies. This book provides a much-needed snapshot of the current state of that challenge.¿Tomas Diez, Executive Director of the Fab City Foundation: ¿This book is an invitation for large-scale collaboration to build distributed system that can support the development of alternative modes of production, in line with the social and ecological needs of our time.¿

  • af Elham Kasaeipour
    277,95 kr.

    The book is a collection of social and family short stories and cultural problems.He sometimes lifted his rough, wrinkled hands from his ears, and the sound of the hustle and bustle of the crowd and the cars left in traffic resonated in his head. He preferred to drown in a silent and obscure world where he could only hear the sound of his heavy breathing. His face full of pain and sad look told of the hard times time in his life. These damn days must pass so that may be an excruciating death that will come to him and take his revenge on life. His white hair, which extended to his side-whiskers, was reminiscent of the boring and irritating days he had gone through. There is no evidence better than white hair to show pain.

  • af Mehmet Ça¿r¿ K¿z¿lta¿
    346,95 kr.

    Urbans are the most important part of the civilization. Civilization is total cumulation of humanity. Transportation is bridge between history and technology, urban and civilization, communities and environment, military and states.Ancient world is still the center of today's world too in terms of mind, society, civilization, moral values. Turkey is a neighbouring and bordering country in the southeastern wing of the EU. Again, the EU is uninterrupted by roads to the Far East with the Northern European route. The EU supplies large quantities of goods from the Far East. Turkey must create an alternative subroute structure to this flow of goods. In this respect, the EU transport system is very important to Turkey. The Mediterranean's historic position within the world trade axis is a matter of fact. The EU is pursuing an intensive transport policy on land in Western Europe and in the Mediterranean by sea.

  • af Alim-Un Nisa
    297,95 kr.

    Shilajit or salajeet is natural organic-mineral product of predominantly natural biological origin, formed in the mountains (in mountain crevices and caves). Shilajit is a sticky, tar-like substance found in the rocks of the Himalayas, Altai, Caucasus, and other mountain ranges. Shilajit is not derived from a plant, instead, it is a complex organic-mineral substance that oozes out of the rocks in mountainous regions. The formation of Shilajit is a result of the decomposition of plant and microbial matter over centuries. Shilagit has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is believed to have various health benefits. It is often consumed as a dietary supplement and is rich in minerals, and other organic compounds.

  • af Christian A. Conrad
    775,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

  • af Ibrahim Adekunle Oreagba
    1.717,95 - 1.726,95 kr.

    This book brings together conceptual, theoretical, policy-based, and empirical contributions from multidisciplinary lenses to bridge the existing knowledge gap in the field of medicine, entrepreneurship and health economics. This book serves as a much needed intellectual resource providing guidance to the entrepreneurial-minded medical doctors (Medipreneurs), social entrepreneurs, policymakers, academics on the subject matter with a view of applying the knowledge gained for reinvigorating the healthcare delivery system leveraging a business approach. The contributions serve as a guide to connect entrepreneurially with market opportunities, especially to provide relevant health-oriented products, services, technologies and other medical solutions for social impact in the developed and developing countries with the overarching goal of assisting policymakers to accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3).Lukman Raimi is an Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship in the School of Business and Economics (SBE), Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD). He was formerly an Assistant Professor and the Chair of Entrepreneurship/Coordinator of the Graduate Program at the American University of Nigeria (AUN). He had also served as the Director Centre for Entrepreneurship in AUN. He is an Entrepreneurship Educator trained at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Ahmedabad, India under the World Bank-Step B Project. Ibrahim Adekunle Oreagba is a Consultant Pharmacist and Clinical Pharmacologist with a Masters and Doctorate degree in Pharmacology. He is a Fellow of the West African Postgraduate College of Pharmacists. He is a Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology, College of Medicine University of Lagos Idi-araba. He is currently a team lead at the African Centre of Excellence for Drug Research Herbal Medicine Development and Regulatory Science University of Lagos. An immediate past Editor-in-Chief of the West African Journal of Pharmacy, one-time Editor-in-Chief of the Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy, currently an Editor in the West African Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research, and an Editorial Consultant for the Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine, Journal of Basic Medical Sciences and the Journal of Basic and Social Pharmacy Research.

  • af Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
    112,95 kr.

    Effective leadership is a commitment to interaction and connection with people, some of whom are difficult to deal with on occasion.One thing I have learned over many years, in a variety of leadership and team roles, is conflict naturally happens when people come together. Conflict results when people with varying viewpoints, cultures, experiences and agendas attempt to connect or co-operate in a relationship, a venture or even a common cause of great importance. CONFLICT is simply a bi-product of the interaction and connection between people. Handling it effectively is a part of the leadership process! Resolve to be an 'effective' leader and welcome 'creative conflict' as an opportunity to help your team grow and succeed. Canada's Ideaman, Bob Hooey, partners with committed leaders and organizations to equip and motivate for profitable grown and enhanced success. He teaches secrets of idea-rich business and leadership development built on solid foundations and taking strategic action.He is the prolific author of 33 business and leadership success books and travels the world sharing his innovative Ideas At Work! Creative Conflict Idea-rich leadership strategies for team success.

  • af Luise Li Langergaard
    1.221,95 kr.

    The book brings together perspectives on entrepreneurship research, education and practice to understand social entrepreneurship in its wider societal, political and economic context. Its unique contribution comes from its interdisciplinary approach that spans from the societal to the organizational level, with specific focus social innovation and management. It views management of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise in light of its societal context and employs social innovation to critically assess social entrepreneurship as driver of change. The emergence of social entrepreneurship as an academic field is linked to several societal trends such as public austerity, financial crises, new social challenges and a growing counter-movement to globalised capitalism. Generally seen as organisations serving both social and economic objectives, social enterprises, social innovation and social entrepreneurship have their roots in civil society, civic activism or the solidarityeconomy, but also manifest themselves as for-profit companies, with new organisational forms emerging and old ones changing. The contributions in this book elucidate these developments and the role of social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. Furthermore, the book offers great insight into the specific ways of managing, leading and creating innovation in social enterprises as well as perspectives on how to understand their social impact or value creation.

  • af Jishnu Bhattacharyya
    717,95 - 993,95 kr.

  • af Veland Ramadani
    2.079,95 - 2.088,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Thakadipuram
    1.612,95 kr.

    This book investigates the lived experience of CEOs in their quest for wholeness and presents a model of spiritual intelligence for contemporary leadership. The experience of ethical and spiritual crisis in the post-modern society especially in organizational leadership, calls for deeper quest and spiritual intelligence. Four essential themes emerged from the analysis of the in-depth interviews with top leaders of different organizations across the globe: (1) Sensing Crisis, (2) Embracing Crisis (3) Awakening Hidden Wholeness, (4) and Serving Greater Good. From the analysis of the themes, a model of spiritual intelligence and leadership wholeness is constructed. This Spiritual Intelligence Model portrays the intra-dynamics of leaders¿ ongoing quest for wholeness penetrating through their existential, learning, spiritual, and moral dimensions of being and the five ethical dimensions of wholeness permeating through the personal, organizational, social, global, and environmental spheres of life. This book gives a fresh perspective on spiritual intelligence and leadership practice today.

  • af Solomon Kpandei
    664,95 kr.

    Leadership is a fundamental factor for the success or failure of any organization, group, community, or nation. This book explores how to build effective leadership that will enhance or fast-track growth and development at national and organizational levels. Scholars and development experts have identified failure of leadership by Africäs ruling class as the major cause of the continent's lag in development. The book is the outcome of a study set out to explore the connection between bad leadership and underdevelopment challenges faced on the African continent and to propose a solution to the problem. It proposes the development of transformational leadership culture as an ethical intervention to solve these challenges that have kept sub-Saharan Africa from achieving its development potentials. It equally identifies the role of global consultants, and recommends their involvement in birthing new leadership culture and systems in Africa. Its content is applicable globally as theories, practices, and examples are drawn from various organizations and continents across the world.

  • af Shridevi Jeevan Kamble
    504,95 kr.

    In the dynamic landscape of Intelligent Transportation Systems, this research pioneers strategies for efficient route prediction, particularly vital for emergency vehicles (EVs). The HL-CTP model employs incremental learning, enhancing accuracy by fine-tuning predictions based on historical data. Complementing this, the SG-TSE model adjusts traffic lights, minimizing the negative impact of congestion on both regular traffic and EV preemption. Recognizing the limitations of traditional machine learning in Internet of Vehicles networks, our third objective utilizes YOLOv4-based traffic monitoring, incorporating the Kalman filter for real-time IoV environment modeling. Policymakers can leverage this data for informed decisions, improving transportation efficiency, reducing congestion, and enhancing safety. Integrating RSUs efficiently manages network resources, contributes to smarter transportation systems, and elevates urban living standards. In conclusion, this research not only advances route prediction and EV preemption but also adds value to the broader landscape of intelligent and responsive transportation systems, benefiting society at large.

  • af Onofre Quezada
    187,95 kr.

    In a world torn apart by alien invasion, humanity finds itself between the darkness of survival and the uncertain light of resistance. In this epic tale, the resistance takes refuge underground, facing a constant duality: protecting their sanctuary while preparing for the inevitable conflict.Anna, David, Nathan and a diverse team struggle to find a balance between defending their refuge and unraveling the mysteries of the threat that stalks them. In their search, they discover that duality is not just a conflict, but a force that unites them in their fight.Through surprising discoveries in the underground tunnels and internal confrontations for the best strategy, the resistance immerses itself in an emotional and strategic journey. As tension grows and uncertainty looms over them, they face crucial decisions that challenge their convictions and lead them to a new understanding.This captivating tale tells the story of humanity at the crossroads, exploring duality not as a division, but as a path toward unification. Between shadows of uncertainty and glimmers of hope, the resistance discovers that true strength lies in the convergence of their differences and the ability to find a balance between two worlds in conflict.

  • af Nicholas Sozo
    207,95 kr.

    Unlock Your Inner Business Titan with "Wisdom Keys: From the Greatest Businessman to Have Ever Lived"Tired of the same old business advice? Want to tap into the secrets of a true legend, the man some say was the wisest and most successful businessman of all time? Look no further than "Wisdom Keys: From the Greatest Businessman to Have Ever Lived".This powerful book delves into the timeless wisdom of King Solomon, extracting 12 actionable nuggets from each chapter of the Book of Proverbs, specifically chosen for their direct relevance to the modern business world. Each month, you'll unlock a new key, a proven strategy honed by a king who built an empire from the ground up.Inside you'll discover keys to:Leadership mastery: Learn how to inspire, delegate, and navigate challenges with Solomon's legendary wisdom.Financial acumen: Uncover secrets to wealth creation, investment, and avoiding financial pitfalls.Strategic decision-making: Develop intuition, foresight, and the ability to make winning moves in any market.Building a winning team: Attract, retain, and motivate top talent with timeless principles of loyalty and trust.Ethical advantage: Stand out from the competition with integrity, fairness, and a commitment to building a better world.Overcoming adversity: Turn setbacks into stepping stones with resilience, adaptability, and unwavering faith."Wisdom Keys" is not just another business book. It's a treasure trove of ancient wisdom, retooled for the 21st century. It's your direct line to the mind of a legend, giving you the edge you need to dominate your market, build a lasting legacy, and achieve true business success. Pair each day with a new priceless nugget that is as powerful today as it was thousands of years ago.

  • af Mina Farmanbar
    1.563,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking proceedings volume explores the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across key domains¿healthcare, finance, education, robotics, industrial and other engineering applications ¿unveiling its transformative potential and practical implications. With a multidisciplinary lens, it transcends technical aspects, fostering a comprehensive understanding while bridging theory and practice. Approaching the subject matter with depth, the book combines theoretical foundations with real-world case studies, empowering researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts with the knowledge and tools to effectively harness AI. Encompassing diverse AI topics¿machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, data analytics and supervisory control ¿ the volume showcases state-of-the-art techniques propelling AI advancements. Structured into four parts: Part 1: Artificial Intelligence (AI), explores evolving deep neural networks, reinforcement learning, and explainable AI, providing a deep dive into the technical foundations of AI advancements. Part 2: Robotics and Control Systems, delves into the integration of AI in robotics and automatic control, addressing supervisory control, automated robotic movement coordination, anomaly detection, dynamic programming, and fault tolerance, offering insights into the evolving landscape of intelligent automation. Part 3: AI and Society, examines the societal impact of AI through chapters on ethical considerations, economic growth, environmental engagements, and hazard management, providing a holistic perspective on AI's role in shaping society. Part 4: PhD Symposium, presents the future of AI through cutting-edge research, covering legal and ethical dimensions, privacy considerations, and computationally efficient solutions, offering a glimpse into the next generation of AI advancements. Catering to a diverse audience¿from industry leaders to students¿the volume consolidates the expertise of renowned professionals, serving as a comprehensive resource for navigating the ever-evolving AI landscape. An essential reference for those staying at the forefront of AI developments.

  • af Thomas Duncan Bell
    240,95 - 748,95 kr.

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