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International markedsføring, 5. udgave er udarbejdet til undervisning på erhvervsakademiuddannelserne og i overensstemmelse med studieordninger og fagplaner. Lærebogen er velegnet til markedsføringsøkonom, finansøkonom, akademiøkonom/merkonom. HA, HD og andre videregående uddannelser, hvor fagområdet markedsføring indgår i uddannelsesforløbet.Ved udarbejdelsen af denne nye udgave er der sket en opdatering i overensstemmelse med de nyeste udviklingstendenser i markedsføringsteorierne.I bogen er der indarbejdet en række nye teorier og modeller - ligesom nogle områder er opdateret, f.eks. kommunikation og anvendelse af sociale medier.Undervisningsmaterialet omfatter:LærebogCases og opgaver (udkommer januar 2016)E-læringsmateriale på bogens website.
Cases og opgaver til International markedsføring, 5. udgave, er udarbejdet til undervisning i markedsføring/marketing på erhvervsakademiuddannelser og i overensstemmelse med studieordninger og fagplaner. Cases og opgaver er velegnet til markedsføringsøkonom, finansøkonom, handelsøkonom, logistikøkonom, serviceøkonom, akademiøkonom/merkonom, HA, HD og andre videregående uddannelser, hvor fagområdet markedsføring/marketing indgår i uddannelsesforløbet.
Denne lærebog er p.t. udsolgt. 4. udgave er under udarbejdelse og udkommer primo juni 2011. 3. UDGAVEN FÅS SOM E-BOG. International markedsføring 3. udgave er specielt udarbejdet til undervisning i markedsføring på KVU-niveau. Lærebogsmaterialet er i overensstemmelse med studieordning og fagplan for faget international handel ved uddannelsen Markedsføringsøkonom og dækker pensum for samtlige 3 semestre. Bogen er desuden særdeles velegnet ved følgende KVU-er: Finansøkonom, Serviceøkonom og Multimediedesigner. Lærebogsmaterialet er også særdeles velegnet ved undervisning ved Akademiuddannelserne.
Brandingeksperten Martin Lindstrom, den moderne marketings Sherlock Holmes, har et blik for de detaljer, vi andre ikke bemærker. Han zoomer ind i stedet for ud og viser, hvordan man kan arbejde kvalitativt med data frem for kvantitativt. 300 dage om året tilbringer han som gæst i fremmede menneskers hjem verden over, hvor han roder i affaldsspanden, studerer mobilregningen, åbner køleskabet og rutineret graver sig vej gennem rodet i børneværelset. Disse detaljer, de små data, kan nemlig afsløre globale tendenser, de kan fortælle om drømme, vi ikke vidste, vi havde, eller de kan indeholde idéen til et produkt, ingen endnu havde opdaget, vi manglede.
DANSKE EVENTYR I IRAN fortæller historien om Iran via de danskere, der i tidernes løb er rejst til landet for at prøve lykken. Ét eventyr handler om danskeres imponerende jernbanebyggeri i de iranske bjerge i 1930’erne. Det regnes stadig for en af de største ingeniørpræstationer i dansk erhvervslivs historie. Et andet eventyr handler om eksporten af fetaost, der antog så enormt et omfang, at den endte i Guinness Rekordbog. Carsten Niebuhrs ”store arabiske ekspedition” i 1761, der bragte ham til Persien i 1765, udgør det ældste eventyr. De danske eventyr i Iran rummer både store succeser og katastrofale fiaskoer. Alt sammen fortalt i et medrivende sprog og baseret på over 100 interviews med danskere, der har prøvet lykken i Iran. Bogen indeholder desuden et væld af flotte og aldrig før publicerede billeder. Den henvender sig både til eventyrlystne læsere, der aldrig har været i Iran før, og til erhvervsfolk og herboende iranere, som vil vide mere om de tætte historiske bånd mellem Danmark og Iran.
Sæt stenalderhjernen på stand by og skru op for den kulturelle intelligens! Det moderne arbejdsliv foregår i en global kontekst, næsten uanset hvor vi er og hvem vi er. Desværre er vores hjerner konstrueret til at fungere i stenalderlandsby og ikke på et komplekst, internationalt arbejdsmarked. Bogen beskriver denne udfordring og viser, hvordan vi øger vores kulturelle intelligens trods de psykologiske rygmarvsreaktioner.Kulturforståelse for stenalderhjerner er en motiverende og humoristisk selvhjælpsbog med to ret store målgrupper: nemlig de danskere, som har brug for at lære sig selv bedre at kende for at kunne agere kulturelt intelligent, når jobbet fører dem ind i flerkulturelle sammenhænge – og de udlændinge, som enten i deres eget land eller som expats i Danmark skal arbejde sammen med disse danskere.Dennis Nørmark gennemgår de træk, som karakteriserer den danske kultur og danskernes opfattelse af, hvad det er at være dansker, især set ud fra en arbejdsmarkedskontekst. Med enkle og underholdende eksempler klæder han læseren på til at kunne at begå sig bedre i interkulturelle sammenhænge. Og hans budskab er, at især danskerne skal blive bedre til at forstå både sig selv og de andre: ”Kulturforståelse handler om at ændre mind-set, det handler om at gå til tingene uden om automatpiloten, tænke sig lidt bedre om og at udvide sine forklarings- og forståelsesmodeller. Det er et spørgsmål om vane og disciplin, om at gøre sig lidt mere umage med at forstå sin omverden at udvide horisonten og gøre rammerne større. Det kræver viden, men også vilje, forside en hundredtusindårig, stammeorienteret stenalderhjerne ofte står i vejen.”Bogen rummer en række beskrivelser af erhvervs- og forhandlingskulturen i forskellige lande og kontinenter, især med udgangspunkt i magtstruktur og de såkaldt feminine/maskuline værdier. Læseren får gode råd til, hvordan man med sin danske kultur i bagagen kan håndtere kulturforskellene og der er masser af anbefalinger af konkrete færdigheder, der skal til, for at lykkes i en interkulturel kontekst. Med andre ord: Fremtidens globale super-kompetence hedder Kulturel Intelligens - denne bog er en step-by-step guide til, hvordan det lykkes!Kulturforståelse for stenalderhjerner er en gennemredigeret og opdateret version af førsteudgaven, som udkom i 2011. Bogen henvender sig især til ledere, HR-folk, og alle, hvis erhvervsmæssige succes afhænger af evnen til at kunne begå sig interkulturelt – herhjemme eller ude i verden.
International markedsføring, 6. udgave er udarbejdet til undervisning på erhvervsakademiuddannelser og i overensstemmelse med studieordninger og fagplaner. Lærebog og tilhørende opgavesamling med cases og opgaver er velegnet på uddannelser til markedsføringsøkonom, finansøkonom, handelsøkonom, logistikøkonom, serviceøkonom, akademiøkonom / merkonom, HA, HD og andre videregående uddannelser, hvor fagområdet markedsføring / marketing indgår i uddannelsesforløbet. Cases og opgaver til International markedsføring, 6. udgave, har til formål at understøtte og perspektivere arbejdet med lærebogens emner. Sammenhængen mellem lærebogens emner og virksomhedens markedsføringsproces er illustreret i lærebogens figur 1.2 side 20.Undervisningsmaterialet omfatter også e-læringsmateriale på bogens website. Gå ind på Trojkas website www.trojka.dk, klik på ONLINE TROJKA og vælg iTrojka. I den viste bogreol klikkes på ikon med bogens forside. Det er muligt at downloade PowerPoints med alle lærebogens figurer fra bogens website. For undervisere er der adgang til vejledning til løsning af cases og opgaver. Det sidste kræver adgangskode, som undervisere kan få udleveret ved personlig henvendelse via telefon eller mail til forlaget. Juni 2019Forfatterne
Regardless of whether we want to deal with the Chinese, integrate staff from India or work with various different regions in the same country, cultural habits are there to trip us up. Conventional thinking and lack of cultural intelligence constantly wreck masses of opportunities. And if you are one of those expats here in the Kingdom of Denmark, then you have bigger challenges than most.According to studies around a third of highly skilled people who move to Denmark get negatively surprised by the cultural differences. Butthat’s not very surprising. In the social sciences it’s nothing new that Denmark and the rest of Scandinavia are significantly culturally differentfrom a lot of other places in the world.You can’t find a country with more trust, less religiousness, a greater emphasis on equality but also a significant tendency to social reclusivenessand much more. But why are they so different and how do you crack the code of Danish society?Dennis Nørmark has written an easy-to-read and practical book. With specific examples, funny anecdotes and thorough research, he givesus a solid tool for collaboration and co-existence. First and foremost about encounters with Danes, but he also gives examples from the whole world in this easy-to-read handbook about how we can take control of our most primitive instincts and turn cultural problems into opportunities.The book is also available in Danish.
Going Global on a Shoestring behandler udfordringerne for den lille og mellemstore virksomhed i forbindelse med global ekspansion i softwareindustrien. Den giver tips og tricks til, hvordan det gode produkt kan finde internationale kunder, når man kun råder over et lille budget. Bogen er på Engelsk.
A stunning new account of Amazon and Jeff Bezos from Brad Stone, author of The Everything Store
Smart Brevity, a masterpiece crafted by the renowned author Mike Allen, is a book that truly lives up to its name. Published recently on January 12, 2023, by Hodder And Stoughton Ltd., this work of art is a must-read for all literature enthusiasts. The genre of this book is not confined to a single category, as it gracefully intertwines various themes, making it a captivating read from start to end. Allen's unique writing style and the smart brevity of his narration keep the readers hooked, as he transports them into a world crafted by his imagination. The book is a testament to Allen's literary prowess and is a significant addition to the collection of Hodder And Stoughton Ltd. Don't miss out on this literary gem!
The theme of this new edition is CHANGE. First of all, cultures change: Business behavior in markets around the world is constantly evolving, impelled by generational shifts, improvements in education and (especially) increasing exposure to the world marketplace. That is why all 43 Negotiator Profiles have been thoroughly updated, with new cases and fresh examples added.In addition, international managers' challenges have changed too. For example, just a few years ago participants at Global Management seminars around the world were mainly interested in how to communicate and negotiate with overseas partners. But they now find that their toughest challenges are how to manage overseas subsidiaries, strategic alliances and international partnerships. To reflect these new realities the book's time-tested framework for understanding cross-cultural negotiating behavior has been expanded to include a wide variety of practical pointers on managing in today's global marketplace. This new edition is important for everyone involved with global management, whether student or manager, because cultures and business challenges change. Think of this as your survival guide for doing business in cultures other than your own.
Change happens so fast today that a company must be able to react long before it is obvious that it is necessary. This booklet is about how boards add value in times of radical change. If you optimize your business based on old rules, you run the risk of not only performing poorly in the current season but of becoming irrelevant in the coming season. This is the dilemma all companies face: Should they risk reinventing themselves or risk not to? Is it sufficient tooptimize the existing business or is it time to reinvent it? Not only are century old platforms being disrupted simultaneously, the World is facing increasing geopolitical turbulence and an expanded stakeholder environment increasingly expect companies to solve pain points across their value chains. These are conditions that boards and executive teams face as they chart their strategic journeys. This booklet is a practitioners’ guide on how you navigate in such times and how boards can drive continuous reinvention. This is a leadership moment
Forlaget skriver International markedsføring, 7. udgave er udarbejdet til undervisning på erhvervsakademiuddannelser og i overensstemmelse med studieordninger og fagplaner. Lærebog og tilhørende opgavesamling med cases og opgaver er velegnet på uddannelser til markedsføringsøkonom, finansøkonom, handelsøkonom, logistikøkonom, serviceøkonom, akademi- og diplomuddannelserne, HA, HD og andre videregående uddannelser, hvor fagområdet markedsføring / marketing indgår i uddannelsesforløbet.Cases og opgaver til International markedsføring, 7. udgave, har til formål at understøtte og perspektivere arbejdet med lærebogens emner. Sammenhængen mellem lærebogens emner og virksomhedens markedsføringsproces er illustreret i lærebogens figur 1.2 side 20.Undervisningsmaterialet omfatter også e-læringsmateriale på bogens website. Gå ind på Trojkas website www.trojka.dk, klik på ONLINE TROJKA og vælg iTrojka. I den viste bogreol klikkes på ikon med bogens forside.Det er muligt at downloade PowerPoints med alle lærebogens figurer fra bogens website. For undervisere er der adgang til vejledning til løsning af cases og opgaver. Det sidste kræver adgangskode, som undervisere kan få udleveret ved personlig henvendelse via mail til forlaget.Juni 2023Forfatterne
Denmark is a great place to work - if you know the unwritten rules of Danish working culture. The Danish "flat hierarchy" means that you may find yourself interacting with top management even as a junior employee. Your Danish boss will expect you to be proactive, work independently, and quickly admit mistakes when you makethem. This book explains some of these unstated assumptions of the Danish workplace, as well as how to find a job in Denmark.- Is learning to speak Danish necessary?- How can you promote your skills in a job interview without breaking "The Jante Law"?- Is it true that Danish bosses encourage you to disagree with them?- Why is it so important to take a break and eat cake with your colleagues?- What's it like to be an international boss leading a Danish team?
In July 2011, the oil tanker Brillante Virtuoso was drifting through the treacherous Gulf of Aden when a crew of pirates attacked and set her ablaze in a devastating explosion. But when David Mockett, a maritime surveyor working for Lloyd's of London, inspected the damaged vessel, he was left with more questions than answers. Soon after his inspection, he was murdered. Dead in the Water is a shocking expose of the criminal inner-workings of international shipping, an old-world industry at the backbone of our global economy. Through first-hand accounts of those who lived the hijacking-from members of the ship'screw and witnesses to the attacks, to the ex-London detectives turned private investigators seeking to solve Mockett's murder-award-winning reporters Matthew Campbell and Kit Chellel piece together the astounding truth behind one of the most brazen financial frauds in history.
Inspiration til iværksætteren.Da Sophie Trelles-Tvede var atten og studerende, opfandt hun verdens første spiralformede hårelastik, den berømteinvisibobble. Prisen var Sofies opsparing og en masse for-ever-lost-vodka-tonics. I dag er Sofie 28, hun har solgt mere end 100 millioner hårelastikker på verdensplan fordeltpå 85.000 butikker i mere end 70 lande.100 Millioner hårelastikker og en vodka tonic er et humoristisk og inspirerende behind-the-scenes smugkig ind i Sophies vilde iværksætterkontor: hvad gjorde hun, da hendes produkt blev piratkopieret; da et skib med10.000 hårelastikker brændte, da Amazon fjernede hendes produkt lige før jul, eller da en tyfon ødelagde hendes fabrik i Kina, uden at hun fik noget at vide – i flere uger. Hemmeligheden bag invisibobbles-succesen er alle historierne om, hvordan man agerer hurtigt – fortalt med humor og til inspiration for alle håbefulde iværksættere derude.
Doing business in Denmark is fun and profitable for many Americans, but they don't always understand the cultural differences between Denmark and the US. The high-energy, high confidence American way of selling can be a bit much for the Danes, who are by nature on a somewhat lower volume setting.Danish business culture also prioritizes effectiveness over long hours, so Americans doing business with Danes will need to accept that their Danish colleagues often leave the office at 3:30 or 4 in the afternoon, and take every day of their legally-required five weeks of annual paid vacation. "Working with Danes: Tips for Americans" offers insights on many aspects of doing business in Denmark for Americans.It includes many do's and don'ts of Danish business etiquette, like making sure to introduce yourself every member of the team instead of just focusing your attention on the top managers.And it talks about the lighter aspects of Danish workplace culture, such as the importance of bringing a cake to celebrate success - and no, you don't have to bake the cake. In fact, it's better if you don't. Written by a dual citizen of US and Denmark who has worked at both large and small firms in both countries, "Working with Danes: Tips for Americans" goes beyond simple business etiquette in Denmark to look at the deeper aspects of the two countries' approach to work and to creating value.It is the companion volume to her previous book, "Working with Americans: Tips for Danes", the basis of several seminars focusing on co-operation between the US and Denmark."Working with Danes: Tips for Americans" explains the Danish passion for trustworthiness and transparency, as well as the modesty inherent in "Jante Law" that can keep Danes from talking up themselves or their products. A light, informative read, the book will give you a good sense of the differences between American business culture and Danish business culture.
Your digital marketing approach should be built around inbound marketing. Attract them in, show them that you take them seriously, close the transaction, and impress the delighted client. The activity of "inbound marketing" may fall under the more general heading of "digital marketing." To put it briefly, digital marketing refers to all of your company's online advertising campaigns. When executed correctly, inbound marketing has the potential to generate a consistent flow of qualified leads and eventually yield recurring business. We promise the best possible visitors to your website with a blend of digital advertising and search engine optimisation (SEO). Providing exclusive content aids in converting website visitors into possible clients.
This thesis examines the concept of mission investing (MI) and thus the role the mission of nonprofit organizations (NPO) plays when fungible financial assets are invested. In contrast to the traditional separation of programming and investment policies, MI stands for the explicit inclusion of the organization's mission into financial decisionmaking. Although initially developed in the context of grantmaking foundations, the concept of MI can be applied to any NPO with fungible assets. NPO as mission-driven organizations differ substantially from regular "for-profit" companies in the way they evaluate organizational performance. Therefore, questions regarding the assessment of desirability and the evaluation of investment opportunities arise. This thesis consists of four articles which all answer a different sub-question regarding the concept and logic of MI and thus adds to a more profound understanding of nonprofit investment management and complements existing theoretical analyses with empirical findings on value-based portfolio selection. In their exploratory approach, these four essays contribute to a holistic understanding of how investment decisions within a mission-oriented organization should be planned and evaluated - independent of their social or financial nature. In applying a logic framework approach, it is shown that the strict separation of social (such as grants) and financial investments within NPO leads to a misallocation of scarce resources. Only by judging both types of investments based on their combined ultimate mission-related impact, an optimal allocation of the initial inputs can be achieved. Thanks to the linkage of both, social and financial investments, the evaluation of investments within NPO is not about either financial return or impact only, but everything in between (i.e., hybrid investments, such as venture philanthropy or impact investments). Further, this thesis also bridges linguistic gaps between nonprofit research and finance and supplies practitioners with insights on how to structure investment processes in NPO and what effects they may expect from mission-based portfolio selection. This allows for a more effective allocation of tax-exempt funds in terms of achieving higher degrees of mission-effectiveness.
Decoding Global Growth is your comprehensive guidebook, offering a roadmap to navigate the intricate landscape of global expansion.
This book brings together research related to sustainability, green, and eco-entrepreneurship to explore what the author describes as cleaner entrepreneurship, which also links to social issues and public policy. Particularly in emerging markets, public policies have encouraged the co-creation of sustainable entrepreneurial activities.It begins by discussing sustainable entrepreneurship in the context of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) and presents global perspectives of entrepreneurship and social consciousness. It then presents a framework describing how sustainable entrepreneurship can address issues such as poverty, access to healthcare, and gender inequality. The book closes by laying out future standpoints of green entrepreneurship and how global-local partnerships will encourage reverse innovation and collective business development projects.
Boeing Max 737's twin crashes, Volkswagen's Dieselgate scandal, worms in Cadbury's chocolates, cyanide in Tylenol, the #MeToo movement... In the past 24-48 hours, chances are you have read about a brand believed to have transgressed in some part of the world. These and other transgressions - real or perceived - plague company brands and, as in the case of the #MeToo movement, human brands, routinely and globally. And they often come with serious consequences: consumer injury, billions of dollars in recovery and restitution, legal nightmares, bankruptcy, and damage to the brand. Despite their universal prevalence, negative outcomes, and the justified media frenzy around their occurrence, in-depth, thorough, and critical reflections on brand transgressions are scarce. Consequently, barring the lens of some quick-fix solution, managers lack a precise understanding of how to handle such potentially explosive situations. Managing Brand Transgressions: 8 Principles to Transform Your Brand presents over 25 case studies of brands like Boeing, Cadbury, Dolce & Gabbana, Fox News, Maggi, Starbucks, Stoli Vodka, and Tylenol in countries such as USA, China, India, UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, and Latvia. Through these real-life stories, the book captures a snapshot of approximately 50 years of company responses to crises - some successful, some not - caused by brand transgressions. Most importantly, it provides managers with a roadmap of eight principles that companies must use to turn transgressions into opportunities and transform their brands from inside out. Thoroughly researched, gripping, and provocative, this book can guide a brand not only through its crisis but prevent it from becoming a dinosaur.
Set against the backdrop of a rising population in Africa and the lowering opportunities for white collar jobs, as well as the continent¿s limited access to resources, this edited collection demystifies the interconnectedness between the factors and actors involved with innovation and entrepreneurship development in sub-Saharan Africäs (SSA) informal economy for more effective, result-oriented outcomes.Exposing the underlying motivations that define uniqueness in Africäs innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, particularly in the informal sector, the editors argue that there is a significant knowledge gap that this book seeks to fill, concerning institutionalization, motivational factors and the harnessing of the innovative potentials of Africäs informal sector entrepreneurs and their supporting role in achieving a more sustainable African regionBy identifying patterns of domesticating entrepreneurship theories and showcasing the latest research, the book covers awide array of topics that discuss a multidisciplinary and multicultural perspective to entrepreneurship theory and practices in Africa. In this way the book contributes to the goals of SDG 9 ('Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation') in Africa.
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