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  • af Louise Harder Fischer & Ida Borch
    297,95 kr.

    Spørg Hvorfor handler om, hvordan du får en dybere forståelse af, hvad din målgruppe i virkeligheden tænker på, og hvordan du kommer tættere på en forståelse af dem ved at lave kvalitative undersøgelser: Hvad skal du lægge vægt på i samtalen? Og hvordan gennemfører du den?Bogen falder i tre dele:Del 1 handler om, hvorfor det er klogt at lytte til dine kunder og brugere. Om hvorfor det er vigtigt at gå i dybden med emner som megatrends, mindsets og mening hos din målgruppe.Del 2 handler om dem, der laver kvalitative undersøgelser. En række professionelle praktikere giver deres erfaringer og gode råd videre til dem, der skal arbejde med kvalitative undersøgelser for første gang.Del 3 handler om, hvordan du selv organiserer, gennemfører og afrapporterer undersøgelser og fokusgrupper.

  • af Martin Lindstrom
    187,95 kr.

  • af Jenni Romaniuk
    244,95 kr.

    Brand health measurement is one of the most common and expensive pieces of research companies conduct. All industries and sectors measure the health of their brand to some extent, which means knowing how to do this well is crucial knowledge.

  • af Peter Fader
    192,95 kr.

  • - trin for trin
    af Charlotte Albrechtsen & Cecilie Steentoft
    117,95 kr.

    Direktøren klapper, ingeniørerne er tilfredse, og sælgerne vil bare have produktet ud over rampen. MEN kunderne vender tommelfingeren nedad, og produktet sælger ikke. Det er rigtig ærgerligt! Ikke mindst fordi, du kunne have undgået situation ved at inddrage brugerne i udviklingen af dit produkt.Metoden hedder brugertest. Med en brugertest undersøger du, hvordan målgruppen oplever dit koncept, dit produkt eller din service. Testen giver dig viden til at skabe produkter, som målgruppen vil elske.Denne bog guider dig igennem den proces, det er at lave en brugertest fra start til slut.Bogen er beregnet til at blive brugt af dig, der også har travlt med alt mulig andet, og derfor er den kortfattet og går lige til sagen. Den trinvise tilgang til brugertest-metoden og de mange eksempler, forklaringer og illustrationer hjælper dig godt i gang.Du kan læse bogen i dag og gå i gang med at forberede din første brugertest i morgen.

  • - trin for trin
    af Charlotte Albrechtsen
    142,95 kr.

    Den stort anlagte kampagne har ikke den gennemslagskraft, organisationen havde håbet på. Opslagene på sociale medier får ikke nok likes, og de planlagte events flopper på grund af for få deltagere. Det er rigtig ærgerligt! Ikke mindst fordi, du kunne have undgået situation, hvis du havde haft en bedre forståelse for kampagnens målgruppe.Det kunne du have fået ved hjælp af personametoden. Når du laver personaer, bruger du empirisk viden om en målgruppe til at fremstille nuancerede portrætter af fiktive mennesker. Personaer formidler kompleks viden om målgruppen på en måde, der er overskuelig og gør det let at leve sig ind i de mennesker, det handler om.Denne bog guider dig igennem den proces, det er at lave en personaer fra start til slut.Bogen er beregnet til at blive brugt af dig, der også har travlt med alt mulig andet, og derfor er den kortfattet og går lige til sagen. Den trinvise tilgang til personametoden og de mange eksempler, forklaringer og illustrationer hjælper dig godt i gang.Du kan læse bogen i dag og tage hul på dit personaprojekt i morgen.

  • af David A. Aaker
    322,95 kr.

  • af Bernice Kanner
    332,95 kr.

    While women make up 52.1 percent of the U.S. population, they control two-thirds of the nation's disposable income. In Pocketbook Power noted marketing expert and bestselling author Bernice Kanner describes how female spending power has radically transformed the face of advertising and marketing over the past several decades. Combining compelling demographic and statistical information with eye-opening and entertaining "tales from the trenches," she explores how the ad world has responded to a female-dominated marketplace. Industry sector by industry sector, Kanner describes successful approaches that have been used to reach women consumers of apparel, financial services, health care, technology, and more. An entertaining and informative look at how today's women-dominated marketplace is shaking up the status quo on Madison Avenue Anatomizes some of the most successful (and unsuccessful) women-oriented campaigns of all times

  • af Vikram Mehta
    342,95 kr.

    Operations Research and Decision Making: An IntroductionIn our daily lives, we are often faced with situations where we need to make decisions, big or small. Sometimes, we make small choices like what to eat or where to go, while other times, we need to make decisions on serious matters like business, health, or policy. At such times, we try to consider all sides of the issue, gather information, and select the best option. However, the consequences of these decisions can often be far-reaching, and making a wrong decision can lead to losses.This is where operations research (OR) can help us. OR is a scientific discipline that uses mathematical modeling, data analysis, and optimization techniques to select the optimal or best option when faced with limited resources. It helps us make informed and data-driven decisions, even in uncertain situations.Definition of OROperations research is a scientific discipline that uses analytical techniques, mathematical modeling, and optimization methods to make optimal decisions for individuals, groups, organizations, or society. It uses systematic methods to make objective and data-driven decisions by making the best use of available limited resources.OR ApplicationsOR has a wide range of applications in a variety of fields, including:· Business: OR is used to improve efficiency, productivity, and profitability in businesses. For example, OR can be used to optimize production schedules, inventory levels, and transportation routes.· Healthcare: OR is used to improve the quality of care and efficiency of healthcare systems. For example, OR can be used to allocate resources, plan staffing, and develop treatment protocols.· Government: OR is used to improve public policy and decision-making. For example, OR can be used to allocate funding, plan transportation systems, and manage disasters.

  • af Engelbert Wimmer
    570,95 kr.

    The crisis in the auto industry has resulted in a race between Volkswagen, as challenger, and Toyota, as tattered global market leader. Whether it is theGerman or theJapanese firm that takes pole position, the winner will change the balance of power in the automotive industry and lead the way to the automobiles of the future.

  • af Monica Maria Coro¿
    1.628,95 - 1.978,95 kr.

  • af Natalie Dent
    197,95 kr.

    What if you could fill your business with dream clients that naturally set you up for success? Enriched Marketing reverse-engineers ideal clients into the fabric of your business through innovative sales psychology and easy brand storytelling.

  • af Ava Lumina
    172,95 kr.

    In a world where the first impression matters, and guest well-being takes center stage, this book, "Lavylites - The Future of Hotel Cosmetics," presents a revolutionary perspective on the significance and application of cosmetic products in the hotel industry. It is an exploration into the heart of hospitality, enriched with innovative ideas and forward-thinking concepts aimed at making every guest's stay an unforgettable experience.Within these pages, we unveil the latest trends and developments in hotel cosmetics, examining how Lavylites, an avant-garde cosmetic brand, is poised to transform the standards of the hospitality industry. From eco-friendly practices to personalized beauty solutions, this book sheds light on how Lavylites contributes to enhancing the hospitality experience while promoting sustainable practices.

  • af Uri Gneezy
    217,95 - 222,95 kr.

    An informative and entertaining account of how actions send signals that shape behaviors and how to design better incentives for better results in our life, our work, and our world

  • af Book Option
    172,95 kr.

    Welcome to Product Marketing: Effective Go-To-Market StrategyThe best products can still lose in the marketplace. Why? They are beaten by products with stronger product marketing. Good product marketing is the difference between "also-ran" products versus products that lead. And yet, product marketing is widely misunderstood. Although it includes segmenting customers, positioning your product, creating product collateral, and supporting sales teams, great product marketing achieves much more. It directs the best way to bring your product to market. It shapes what the world thinks about your product and category. It inspires others to tell your product's story.Product success starts with making the right strategic decisions. But the challenge for many product teams is that they are often so preoccupied with the tactics that they no longer see the forest for the trees.This Book will help you proactively create a winning product strategy and an actionable product roadmap using a wide range of proven tools and techniques.So Let's Do This! Sharpen your product strategy skills. See you on the inside!

  • af Natalie
    312,95 kr.

    In today's educational landscape, it is crucial for students to have an understanding of special education. This subchapter aims to provide students with an overview of special education, its purpose, and the innovative approaches used in educational research to support students with diverse learning needs.Special education is a specialized program designed to support students with disabilities or exceptionalities in their learning journey. It recognizes that each student is unique and requires individualized support to reach their full potential. The purpose of special education is to ensure that all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, have access to quality education and equal opportunities for success.One of the key principles of special education is inclusion, which emphasizes the importance of integrating students with disabilities into regular classrooms alongside their peers. This approach promotes social interaction, fosters empathy, and provides students with a sense of belonging. Inclusive classrooms also benefit typically developing students by fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment.Innovative approaches in special education research have led to significant advancements in how students with diverse learning needs are supported. Research has shown that personalized learning plans, assistive technology, and differentiated instruction can greatly enhance the learning experience for these students. Personalized learning plans involve tailoring teaching strategies and materials to meet the specific needs of each student. Assistive technology, such as speech-to-text software or adaptive learning tools, helps students overcome barriers and actively engage in the learning process. Differentiated instruction involves adapting teaching methods to accommodate the diverse learning styles, abilities, and interests of students.Moreover, educational research in special education has also highlighted the importance of collaboration among educators, parents, and other professionals involved in a student's education. Effective collaboration ensures that everyone is working towards a common goal and provides a holistic support system for students with diverse needs.By understanding special education, students can cultivate empathy and develop a greater appreciation for diversity. They can also gain insights into the various strategies and approaches used to support individuals with disabilities. This knowledge can be valuable not only to future educators but also to students who may interact with individuals with disabilities in their personal or professional lives.

  • af Bumblebee Edition
    427,95 kr.

    The book "Inbound Marketing, Revised and Updated: Attract, Engage, and Delight Customers Online" is a comprehensive guide to increasing online visibility and engagement. Written by top marketing and startup bloggers, the book provides the latest information on customer behavior and preferred digital experiences. It covers topics ranging from lead nurturing and visual marketing to advice on creating exceptional content through tool-building. With traditional marketing methods becoming less effective, the text emphasizes the importance of embracing inbound marketing, as practices like cold calling and email blasts are increasingly turning consumers off. The authors highlight the shift in consumer behavior, with more people conducting online research to choose products and companies that meet their needs. The book explains how marketers can capitalize on these opportunities, focusing on turning strangers into website visitors, converting visitors into leads, and nurturing leads into delighted customers. It delves into topics such as inbound marketing strategy, reputation management, and progress tracking, offering essential tools and resources for building an effective marketing strategy. Overall, the book outlines a comprehensive approach to attract, engage, and delight customers online, adapting to changes in consumer behavior.

  • af Theo Holland
    282,95 kr.

    Why Online Research is Important for StudentsIn today's digital age, the internet has become an indispensable tool for students. Gone are the days when one had to rely solely on traditional libraries and textbooks for research. Online research offers a wealth of information and resources at our fingertips, making it an essential skill for students to master. This subchapter will explore the reasons why online research is crucial for students, with a focus on saving time in internet technology usage.First and foremost, online research provides students with access to an enormous amount of information. The internet is a vast repository of knowledge, offering a wide range of sources such as academic journals, books, articles, and educational websites. With just a few clicks, students can find the information they need for their assignments, projects, or exams. This vast availability of resources saves students from the limitations of physical libraries and allows them to explore diverse perspectives and ideas.Moreover, online research enables students to save time by providing efficient search tools. Search engines like Google have revolutionized the way we find information. By using specific keywords, students can quickly locate relevant sources, eliminating the need to sift through numerous books or articles manually. Additionally, search engines often provide advanced search options that allow users to filter results based on factors such as publication date or source credibility, ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the information obtained.Furthermore, online research facilitates collaboration among students. With the internet, students can connect with peers from around the world, share ideas, and work on projects together. Platforms such as online forums, academic social networks, and collaborative document editors enable students to collaborate effectively, reducing the time spent on coordinating schedules and physical meetings.Finally, online research equips students with valuable digital literacy skills. In today's technology-driven society, being able to critically evaluate online sources and discern reliable information from misinformation is crucial. Online research teaches students to assess the credibility of sources, differentiate between reliable and biased information, and develop a discerning eye for quality content. These skills are not only essential for academic success but also for navigating the vast sea of information available on the internet in their personal and professional lives.

  • af Dirk Boll
    276,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Nripendra Singh
    907,95 kr.

    Readers will learn service quality, peer pressure, online reviewers' effect in the digital environment to aid in understanding the various risks and challenges involved in the digital environment, with examples of changing business and consumer scenario case studies as a result of Digital Transformation.

  • af John Lok
    1.067,95 kr.

    Prepare This book divides two part, first part discuss how AI can change market development to be better as well as second part discuss how Ai improves economic recession. Can apply robotics to bring advantages to change organizational structure in order to improve market development to be better in the future ? Different kinds of business organizations will encounter different kinds of challenges, e.g. cost increasing, staff shortage, reducing customers number or sale etc. challanges. So, when the organization can judge whether which aspects of weaknesses it is experiencing as well as it can know why and how to attempt to implement the most suitable or the best strategy to solve its challenge when it is facing. Then, the organization will have possible to continue to existen. Otherwise, if the organization can not find whether which aspects are its difficuties , it is facing. Then, it can not implement the most suitable strategy to solve its challenges. Then, it will be closed down in possible. In my this book, I shall attempt to indicate some organizational cases and find whether what weakness or difficulties it is facing. Then, I shall recommend the best strategy to attempt to help it to solve the kind of challenge, it is encountering. Any have interesting to learn business strategy students, they can learn new strategic knowledge to help these organizations to solve their challenges. Nowadays, robotic had been applies to different aspect to bring benefits to satisfy humans needs, they may include any hospitals' surgeon rooms medical surgeon equipment aspect, hotel room food delivery or hotel front line customer service aspect, shopping center, leisure places cleaning task aspect, student educational service aspect, warehouse logistic goods transport delivery tasks aspect , even general restaurants kitchen cooking tasks aspect, lawyer and accountant firms general bookkeeping, law writing draft clerical tasks aspects etc. Can robotic invention help employers to improve efficiencies or raise productivities in order to raise economic growth or it can be replaced low-skillful workers to cause any low-skillful jobs are done by artificial robots to achieve many low skillful workers will lose jobs and unemployment ratio will be influenced to raise in our societies? I write this first part aims to discuss whether future robotic invention may help our societies improve economic growth or it can bring recession. This book includes two parts to discuss, this part indicates what reasons to explain why robotics may influence our societies economic growth as well as second part indicates what reasons to explain why robotics may bring our social recession both in possible. Readers can make individual analysis to judge whether robotics can influence our social economic growth or it may bring recession more. This book second part aims to explain why and how future artificial intelligent technology ( big data gathering method) can be applied to assit businesses to predict why and when and how consumer behavior changes in service industry. I shall explain why traditional psychological and statistic and marketing methods are applied to predict consumer behaviors, human's judgement and analytical effort will be worse to compare AI machine's judgement and analytical effort in srvice industry. Also, I shall indicate different business organizations why they apply AI big data gathering method to help them to design any questionnaires ( surveys) questions which will be more valid and useful to conclude human's questionnaires ( surveys) design questions method to predict what service requirements can be satisfied to their potential service consumers' needs.Can apply (AI) learning machine predict what and how consumers service to satisfy their needs ? Can (AI) learning machine replace human marketing research method, e.g. survey or human psychological and micro and macro economic methods to predict consumers service needs more accurate? In

  • af George J. Doublin
    137,95 kr.

    How to Maintain the Dream!Network marketing is one of the most rapidly increasing job fields in the United States. Millions of people, just like you, have left dead-end employment to pursue their ambition of starting their own businesses. However, many of them discover that the first year in network marketing is often the most difficult-and, for some, the most demoralising.Mark Yarnell and Rene Reid Yarnell, two of the industry's most renowned and accomplished experts, present ideas for overcoming first-year challenges and positioning yourself for lasting success. The Yarnells offer a wealth of savvy guidance on everything you need to know to thrive in network marketing, including proven strategies for recruiting, training, and compensation. In an easy, step-by-step approach, you will learn how to: ·Deal with rejection ·Recruit and train ·Avoid overmanaging your downline ·Remain focused ·Stay enthusiastic ·Avoid unrealistic expectations ·Conduct those in-home meetings ·Ease out of another profession You owe it to yourself to read this inspiring book! "This will be the Bible of Network Marketing." - Doug Wead, former special assistant to the president, the Bush Administration

  • af Marco Perner
    227,95 kr.

    What people knew in the past, today's companies know even better in the face of increasing competition - advertising is essential, to survive in the market. Even if it may often sound like it - good marketing is not witchcraft. It's like darts.Every company in this world has the opportunity to reach the center of the market through targeted advertising efforts.The 50 marketing strategies presented in this book are probably the most widely used and significant in modern business - together we embark on an expedition through the marketing jungle that will finally bring some clarity to all the methods and practices out there. Are you ready to go?¿ 50 profitable and efficient marketing strategies¿ Each idea with graphic illustration of the structure¿ Includes templates for notes and your own tactics¿ Total book length 250 pages

  • af David Anderson
    257,95 kr.

    If you want to master the ever-changing world of search engine optimization, "Mastering SEO: Tips for Getting to the Top of Search Results" is the book for you. In today's digital world, where being seen online is key to success, it's important to understand and use the power of SEO.This book, written by an expert in the field, gives you the most up-to-date tips and tricks to get your website to the top of search results. Because SEO is always changing, companies and people who want to stand out in the online world need to keep up with the latest trends.Find out how to use the most popular keywords, make your website's layout work better, write interesting content, and get high-quality backlinks that will help your rankings. Learn how to do keyword study, promote your content, and build links in a way that works. The book also talks about how important it is for sites to load quickly, be mobile-friendly, and use social media marketing to improve SEO.Learn useful things about local SEO, how to optimize Google My Business, and how to get useful customer reviews to stay ahead in the competitive world of online business. Find out how to write useful, SEO-friendly content and how it can help your online success. Also, learn how to keep track of and understand key SEO metrics, make choices based on data, and keep up with the constant changes to search engine algorithms."Mastering SEO" is everything you need to learn how to do SEO right and get to the top of search results. If you want to be a successful business owner, digital marketer, or SEO worker in the future, this book will give you the latest tips and tricks to rule the internet and be successful in 2023 and beyond.

  • af Omar Hasan Salah
    411,95 kr.

    This book explores the challenges in adopting customer relationship management (CRM) models in developing countries, with a focus on Palestine. Examining the cultural, organizational, and technological contexts, it reveals how these factors create adoption gaps, impacting customer pressure, employee engagement, and security. The narrative, enriched by real-world examples from Palestine, underscores the unique hurdles faced by firms in such environments.Emphasizing the central role of customers in business, the book delves into the initiatives many firms take to enhance customer services, target profitable segments, and improve acquisition and retention. However, in developing nations, these efforts encounter distinctive challenges. The book offers a practical CRM model tailored to the specific needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), illustrating how technology can elevate competitiveness. With a strategic perspective, it positions CRM as a catalyst for SMEsto navigate the complexities of the dynamic economy, providing actionable insights for professionals, scholars, and business management students. This comprehensive guide encapsulates the nuances of CRM adoption, making it an invaluable resource for those seeking sustainable growth in developing country contexts.

  • af John Lok
    287,95 - 457,95 kr.

  • af Emma Swithdorf
    137,95 kr.

    introducing trend marketing for mobile devices in the contemporary day.This ebook will teach you about finding trends, how to stay on top of things online, how planning and vision can help you succeed, how much an hour a day can earn you, how to get organised from the start, what tools you'll need, how to organise your trends system, how to research popular trends, how to monetize your hot trends blog, pay per click systems, and other affiliate

  • af Saibal K. Pal
    382,95 kr.

    This book discusses Metaverse Technology, which is one of the emerging technologies around the world, through its concepts, definitions, architectural layers, economic implications, and presents comparison points with other allied areas like Web 3.0, Digital Twin, Blockchain, Multiverse, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Everything and Hyperautomation.The book also presents several use-cases and adoption areas of Metaverse technology, along with global outlook of top companies implementing this technology through major platforms and tools. The potential use of this technology for Public Sector is also explored in this book, apart from the suggested business framework for its adoption. Potential misuse and ethical concerns have also been summarised. This introductory book on Metaverse, written with a multidisciplinary approach, will provide readers with a clear understanding of what the Metaverse is, what technologies are involved in its creation, and its current aswell as potential future applications, in a very simple manner.

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