Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025


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  • af Linda Anne Barkas
    562,95 - 1.873,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Ervin Kelley
    292,95 kr.

    "Through exotic storytelling, human behavior insights, and proven design techniques, Kevin Kelley-an attention architect and cofounder of Shook Kelley, a strategic design firm that pioneered the field of "convening"-unfolds why physical places are essential to civil society, business, and community"--

  • af Santino Spencer
    112,95 kr.

    Are you new to marketing or struggling to get started with understanding marketing analytics? Do you want to be able to answer questions like - how do our marketing activities compare to the competition? Are your marketing resources properly allocated? Marketing Analytics is the guide you need! We will teach you how to establish your marketing analytics strategy in 7 easy steps. This guide is designed to provide you with all the tools you need in a concise, easy to understand format that will answer all your burning questions and get you on your way to establishing successful marketing analytics. Marketing analytics encompasses technologies and processes that enable marketing strategists to evaluate the success of their initiatives. Strategists accomplish this by measuring performance in the various channels they are present in, business metrics like marketing effectiveness, marking attribution, and return on investment (ROI). The purpose of marketing analytics is to collect data from across all marketing channels and consolidate it into a market view. Marketing Analytics provides you some pointers and tips for navigating a marketing analytics strategy, it also asks you to think and consider how you currently are strategizing. It helps you to evaluate where you are and what you, as an individual, need to change to push it to the next level. In a comprehensive step-by-step reference format, each chapter corresponds to a specific element of marketing analytics. The clear-cut organization makes it simple to follow along and refer back to areas you still feel confused about as you go. This guide is complete with coherent examples to help you distinguish between each element and log them into your long-term memory. YOU'LL LEARN:How to determine stakeholdersWays to navigate data integrationThe importance of key performance indicatorsWays of implementing analyticsThe importance of data governanceThe purpose of conducting financial analysisThe role of ITHow to measure successWhat to look for with VendorsAnd much more! To help you on this journey of achieving the goal of becoming a marketing analyst, this guide goes through many actionable examples and strategies. As you press yourself to grow, you will find that there are so many experiences you have already had that will help formulate your ability to establish successful marketing analytics. Let's get started!

  • af Anastasia Karklina Gabriel
    397,95 - 1.312,95 kr.

  • af Arthur Lämmle
    307,95 kr.

    Aus der Erkenntnis, die das Schriftstück anbietet, wird es einem ermöglicht die folgenden Fähigkeiten auszubilden:1. Faktoren, die das Kaufverhalten beeinflussen, zu erkennen.2. Segmente zu bilden und Zielgruppen zu identifizieren.3. Marketinginstrumente zur Verhaltensbeeinflussung für sich zu nutzen.4. In den Kaufprozess eines privaten Endverbrauchers beeinflussend einzugreifen.Die aufgeführten Fähigkeiten unterstützen sowohl bei der Ausrichtung der Marketingaktivitäten als auch bei einer effizienten sowie effektiven Gestaltung dieser. Aus den Marketingaktivitäten selbst leiten sich wiederum Strategien und Maßnahmen für ein Unternehmen als Ganzes ab. Zum Beispiel bei der Formulierung des Alleinstellungsmerkmals oder bei der Strukturierung des Unternehmens.Eines ist jedoch Gewiss, dass man mit den erwähnten Fähigkeiten in die Lage versetzt wird, neue Kundensegmente zu erschließen, bestehende Kundensegmente besser zu befriedigen sowie strategische Geschäftspartner leichter von sich zu überzeugen.In diesem Sinne viel Spaß und Freude bei der Anwendung der Fähigkeiten:- Zielgruppen identifizieren- Zielgruppen mittels Einsatzes einer Marke oder des AIDA-Skriptes vom Leistungsangebot zu überzeugen- Kaufentscheidungen privater Endverbraucher durch raffiniertes Einwirken in den Kaufprozess zu den eigenen Gunsten beeinflussen

  • af Bruce Keaney
    137,95 kr.

    This book provides an in-depth look of article marketing. It goes over the fundamentals of article writing, such as the four important parts that all articles must have and how to write an effective plan. The tutorial also discusses how to get your creative juices flowing as well as how to prepare your pieces for submission to article directories. It also includes hot recommendations for getting your content seen, as well as strategies for developing a resource box that encourages readers to click. Finally, the guide provides ideas and tactics for overcoming writer's block and producing high-quality articles for people who struggle with writing. Get your copy today!

  • af Emilie Johnson
    137,95 kr.

    Why Facebook is a good tool for online marketers, how to make more money using Facebook, how easy it is to earn on Facebook, how it can expand your business, and how to amass 500 friends in 30 days! Why use Facebook? and other introduction-related topics are covered in this book. How to create a Facebook account, develop a compelling profile, add friends and expand your network, obtain more than 500 friends in 30 days, use Facebook ads to find qualified prospects, and much more! Get your copy today!

  • af Kristian A. Alomá
    177,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Pawan Kumar, Rajesh Verma & Sumesh Dadwal
    2.162,95 - 2.842,95 kr.

  • af Jan Y. Yang
    359,95 kr.

    From business models to unique selling propositions, from product offerings to sales, marketing and pricing strategies, this book reveals what sets Chinese electric car manufacturers apart from their Western counterparts.Chinese automakers are gradually establishing themselves as the new trendsetters in the automotive industry as they make technological advances in various fields, especially in electric vehicles. As more of them look overseas for opportunities, especially in the European market, it is time for the local players to better understand who they are up against and take steps to keep up with the rapid growth of their Far Eastern competitors. Based on Simon-Kucher¿s project experience, this book shows what is going on behind the Great Wall, informs readers about the latest technological trends and advances in China, and offers suggestions on what Chinese newcomers should bring with them when they come to town. Sharing valuable insights for all readerswith an interest in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, this book will be particularly relevant for managers and decision-makers at Western OEMs, suppliers, and other relevant players in the automotive industry.

  • af Marc Helmold
    616,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch befasst sich mit dem Total Revenue Management (TRM), einem aufkommenden Konzept im Revenue Management, das die bestehenden Prinzipien und Instrumente des Revenue Managements in alle Gewinnbereiche einbezieht. Es ist ein professioneller Leitfaden für denoptimalen und innovativen Einsatz von TRM, um Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen. Der Leser erhält einen umfassenden Einblick in die Strategien, Instrumente und Prinzipien des TRM, einschließlich bestehender und neu entstehender Ertragsströme entlang der Wertschöpfungskette. Der Autor bietet eine transparente und ganzheitliche Erklärung von Preisstrategien, Segmentierungsmethoden und Vertriebsprinzipien, die die Umsetzung von TRM in Unternehmen ermöglichen.

  • af Kelly (Goldsmiths Meng & Michael J. G. (University of Leeds Parnwell
    569,95 - 1.879,95 kr.

  • af John Lok
    132,95 kr.

    In my this book first part, I shall considerate on businessmen and customers both beneficial view point to explain how to apply behavioral economic concept to predict how their specific industries marketing development trend or consumer behavioral changing trend in these micro economic (individual consumer psychological shopping change trend) and macro-economic (global every specific industry marketing changing trend) environment. In my this book second part, I concentrate on indicate whether any artificial intelligence (AI) tools will be one kind of good consumer behavioral prediction method to be choose to apply to predict consumer behaviors. of methods to predict consumer behaviors? Does it have weaknesses to be applied to predict consumer behaviors, instead of strengths? Can it be applied to predic I shall indicate some examples, cases to give reasonable evidences to analyze whether (AI) tools will be one kind suitable tool to be applied to predict when and how consumer behavioral changes. If (AI) can be one kind tool to attempt to be applied to predict when and how consumer behavioral changes. Will it replace other kindst consumer behaviors depending on any situations of only some situation? Finally, I believe that any readers can find answers to answer above these questions in this book.

  • af Gokhan Yildirim & Raoul V. Kubler
    540,95 - 1.822,95 kr.

  • - trin for trin
    af Charlotte Albrechtsen & Helena Linde Pedersen
    167,95 kr.

    Målgruppens respons på virksomhedens nye produkt er ikke som forventet. Masser af potentielle kunder har i spørgeskemaer og interviews hævdet, at de ville købe produktet. Men det sker ikke. Kunderne siger ét, men gør noget andet – hvorfor? Det vil du gerne undersøge. Men du har ikke tid til at foretage langvarige observationer blandt målgruppen, som i øvrigt er spredt over hele landet.Derfor beslutter du dig for at gennemføre en mobiletnografisk undersøgelse, hvor kunderne selv dokumenterer deres hverdag ved hjælp af deres smartphone. Det sker ved, at de besvarer opgaver og spørgsmål, du stiller dem. Med telefonen som stedfortræder kommer du med ind i deltagernes private hjem og andre steder, hvor det ellers ville være svært at være med. Du får et nært og detaljerigt indblik i deres hverdag og en dyb forståelse for den kontekst, virksomhedens produkt skal passe ind i.Denne bog guider igennem den proces, det er at gennemføre en mobiletnografisk undersøgelse fra start til slut.Bogen er beregnet til at blive brugt af dig, der også har travlt med alt muligt andet, og derfor er den kortfattet og går lige til sagen. Bogens trinvise tilgang til den mobiletnografiske metode og de mange eksempler, forklaringer og illustrationer hjælper dig godt i gang.Du kan læse bogen i dag og gå i gang med at forberede din mobiletnografiske undersøgelse i morgen.

  • af Drew Eric Whitman
    197,95 kr.

    "This book examines the hidden principles specific to successful online ads and email promotions and the numerous and potent psychological techniques they employ to make them so persuasive"--

  • af Dan Ariely
    187,95 - 287,95 kr.

  • af Kevin White
    267,95 kr.

    Let's face it: in the sea of self-publishing, most authors' books don't get noticed, much less read. They put in all this work to write a book that no one sees. And this is where Spirit Media's Ultimate Book Marketing Guide comes into play to change the trajectory of the entire publishing experience.This guide pulls together the knowledge and expertise that bestselling author, entrepreneur, and pastor Kevin White learned the hard way in the publication of his first bestselling book, Audacious Generosity-including the invaluable lessons he learned while self-publishing his next two bestsellers, Get to the Point and What's Your Word? Kevin learned so much that he started his own publishing company in 2021, Spirit Media, to help other authors hone their visions and achieve their goals.Today, Spirit Media is helping authors refine their brands for marketing success, professionally editing and polishing authors' manuscripts, ghostwriting as needed, creating professional graphic design of book covers, and publishing authors' works in paperback, hardback, eBook, and audiobook formats. In addition, Spirit Media offers guidance on multiple forms of marketing and brand reinforcement opportunities that a professional author needs-podcasts, websites, live broadcasts, magazine articles, blogs, social media, YouTube channels, videos, TV and radio spots, and more. And in Spirit Media's Ultimate Book Marketing Guide, White shares his formula for publishing success so that others can follow the Spirit Media approach and carve out a solid path to success.With Spirit Media's Ultimate Book Marketing Guide, aspiring authors learn to tap into White's proven formula for branding and marketing success, as well as how to distribute their books in print, audio books, digitally, on Amazon, and with every means of distribution imaginable. And they also learn to leverage book clubs, influencers, book awards, and more to help promote their brands and both develop and grow a loyal following of readers.Marketing-as White learned in his own early self-publishing experiences-is the key difference between success or failure as an author. And in Spirit Media's Ultimate Book Marketing Guide, White gives readers his secrets for how to become a bestselling author too.

  • af Ritu Srivastava
    307,95 kr.

    This book uses insights from services marketing to illustrate how financial service providers should utilize service marketing concepts to provide customers with quality, satisfaction, and memorable experience.Marketing has been traditionally goods oriented with a business to customer focus. However, it is established that financial service organizations also need a focused marketing strategy in the business to consumer space.This book uses insights from services marketing to illustrate how financial service providers should utilize service marketing concepts to provide customers with quality, satisfaction, and memorable experience. This book is particularly useful to managers in financial organizations, executives enrolled in a management course, faculty and post graduate students of a management course.

  • af Jorg Blechschmidt
    326,95 kr.

  • af Katharina A. Schuck
    127,95 kr.

    Obwohl Konsumenten ihrem Wunsch nach Luxusmode heute vermehrt mit Se-condhand-Gütern gerecht werden, sei es aus einem Bedürfnis nach Nachhaltigkeit heraus oder aus anderen Gründen, sind bislang wenige Luxusmodemarken mit ei-genen Secondhand-Plattformen in diesem Markt aktiv.Der vorliegende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Vorbereitung von zwei Discrete-Choice-Experimenten, die zwischen Luxusmarken der unteren und der oberen Preisklasse unterscheiden. Im Rahmen dieser Vorbereitung sollen Faktoren ermit-telt werden, die die Zahlungsbereitschaft der Konsumenten beeinflussen wie bei-spielsweise Plattformmerkmale oder die Art der Eigentümerschaft. Auf diese Weise können wertvolle Implikationen für Luxusmarken hergeleitet werden, die auch Auf-schlüsse über den finanziellen Spielraum liefern, in dem die Marken operieren kön-nen, wenn sie sich zur Realisierung einer eigenen Secondhand-Plattform entscheiden.

  • af Claude Diderich
    615,95 kr.

    In diesem Buch wird die Anwendung der Design-Thinking-Methode zur Entwicklung von neuartigen Strategien und neuer Geschäftsideen dargestellt. Neue Strategien sind nötig, da die wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen sich in den letzten Jahren schneller verändert haben als jemals zuvor. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Erfüllen von Kundenbedürfnissen, dem Einsatz von verfügbaren Fähigkeiten und der Positionierung im Wettbewerb mit dem Ziel, finanziell erfolgreich zu sein.Der Autor führt den Leser durch den Dschungel der Entwicklung einer Strategie für nachhaltiges Wachstum und Rentabilität. Er behandelt das Thema Strategieentwicklung auf ganzheitliche Art und Weise, indem er abduktives Denken, iterative Kundenbeobachtung und Empathie mit der Entwicklung von Ideen und Validierung von Prototypen durch Kunden kombiniert.Dieses Buch wendet die Design-Thinking-Methode zur Strategieentwicklung auf einzigartige Weise an. Es ist ein Muss für Hochschulabsolventen, MBAs und Führungskräfte, die sich für Innovation und Strategie interessieren, sowie für Strategen, Innovationsmanager, Analysten und Unternehmensberater.Aus dem InhaltKonzepte und Theorien zur innovativen StrategieentwicklungEin strukturierter Ansatz zur StrategieentwicklungSchaffung der Grundlagen für eine erfolgreiche StrategieIterative Entwicklung des der Strategie zugrunde liegenden GeschäftsmodellsDie entworfene Strategie dem Wettbewerbsumfeld aussetzen

  • af Natalie T. Wood
    367,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to examine the influence of sWOM and provide guidance on how to operationalize its growing power.Each day, millions of consumers venture online to search and exchange product information, seek out, and share opinions.Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has been shown to influence consumer actions across a variety of industries. A significant portion of eWOM occurs on social media platforms. Social word of mouth (sWOM)-a subset of eWOM-has incredible reach with the potential to influence over 4.6 billion active social media consumers.The purpose of this book is to examine the influence of sWOM and provide guidance on how to operationalize its growing power. Our goal in writing this book is to bring together industry best practices and academic research to help you construct social media content thatspeaks with your brand voice, stimulates engagement, inspires consumers to #share, and complies with industry and federal guidelines.

  • af Gaurav Gupta
    1.526,95 kr.

    This book concentrates on understanding the relationship of religiosity with various aspects of consumption and consumer behaviour to improve policy and build on an under represented topic.

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