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  • af Bradnock Hall
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Ben Fischer
    1.537,95 kr.

    Marketing is one of the primary aspects of business management. It is intended to create a new customer base as well as retain and satisfy it. It includes advertising, distribution and selling. Public relations refer to the management of the spread of information between an organization and the public. It maintains and establishes relationships between the organization, the target audience and the media. Writing news releases, designing communications campaigns, working with the press, writing speeches and arranging interviews are all functional areas of public relations. This textbook aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of marketing and public relations. Also included is a detailed explanation of the various concepts, principles and methodologies intrinsic to these fields. It will prove to be a complete reference guide to managers in all professional domains.

  • af Hugh Mangeya
    549,95 kr.

    This book examines current practices in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as the challenges faced and the intersection with culture.

  • af Giuliana Sorce
    545,95 kr.

    This book examines the central role media and communication play in the activities of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) around the globe, how NGOs communicate with key publics, engage stakeholders, target political actors, enable input from civil society, and create participatory opportunities.

  • af Terry O'Reilly
    182,95 kr.

    Canada's most famous adman spills a career's worth of marketing secrets, so anyone can compete with the best in their business--whatever that business might be.Big companies spend a fortune marketing their wares and services. Can yours? Invariably people ask advertising veteran and CBC Radio host Terry O'Reilly one question more than any other: How does a little business compete with the big guys? After decades at the helm of an award-winning advertising production company, and over a decade exploring the art and science of marketing for CBC Radio, O'Reilly delivers all the answers they--and anyone with something to sell--ever wanted to know. Following his bestselling Age of Persuasion, O'Reilly collects a lifetime of marketing wisdom into an indispensable guide to competing for your customers' attention. From understanding what business you're really in and foregoing the extra mile in favour of the extra inch, to the benefits of counterintuitive thinking and knowing an opportunity when you see one, This I Know will help anyone understand the fundamentals of good marketing strategy and building the relationships that turn good marketing into great results, no matter how big or small your budget.

  • af Annina Baur
    190,95 kr.

    Dieses essential richtet sich an Verantwortliche für Pressearbeit, die ihre Themen optimal in den Medien platzieren wollen. Und es richtet sich an alle, die verstehen wollen, wie Nachrichten entstehen. Die Autoren erläutern, nach welchen Kriterien Redaktionen Nachrichten selektieren und wie man durch dieses Wissen Medienpräsenz erlangt. Da Nachrichten nie ein direktes Abbild der Realität sind und Auswahlentscheidungen unterliegen, ist das Verständnis des ,,Nachrichtenfilters" im redaktionellen Journalismus von zentraler Bedeutung, um die eigene Botschaft optimal zu platzieren. Wie dies gelingen kann, wird anhand von praktischen Beispielen aufgezeigt und durch eine Zehn-Punkte-Strategie ergänzt.

  • af Cornelius B. Pratt, Isaac A. Blankson, Albert A. Anani-Bossman & mfl.
    1.342,95 kr.

    This two-part volume, the first of its kind, examines current pedagogical modules and research directions in public relations and communication management, identifying emerging issues driving the practice in Africa. In comparison to its Western and Asian counterparts, literature on public relations management in Africa is limited, and much of it is examined through the lenses of Western philosophies and pedagogies, failing to reflect Africa's socioeconomic, political, and cultural contexts. This project aims to change that. ¿Albert Volume 2 brings together African scholars, moving beyond organizational impact to share the wider theoretical and practical perspectives on the practice of public relations on the continent, within its cultural, global, and technological milieu.Through conceptual discussions and empirical analyses, this volume shows how Africa is gradually coming out of the shadows of the Western world by building a body of knowledge the reflects the nature of public relations management on the continent. Chapters cover: how public relations contributes to strategic management in Africa; health communication and public relations management; strategic management of issues, as well as the implications of the fourth industrial revolution for public relations practice in Africa.

  • af Albert A. Anani-Bossman
    1.619,95 kr.

    This two-part volume examines current pedagogical modules, research directions and other emerging issues in public relations and communication management in Africa. In comparison to its Western and Asian counterparts, the literature on public relations management in Africa is limited, and much of it is examined through the lenses of Western philosophies and pedagogies that do not generally resonate with Africa's socioeconomic, political, and cultural contexts. This book aims to change that. Through analyzing the organizational dynamic, Volume 1 brings together contributors from across Africa to provide valuable insights into how public relations contributes to organizational effectiveness on the continent. Chapters discussed include a review of public relations research in Africa, the role of the African CEO as a public relations activist, the use of social and digital media in public relations, the measurement and evaluation of communication programs, and the implications of the fourth industrial revolution on public relations practice in Africa. Providing important pathways and overviews of public relations management in Africa, this volume not only highlights current practices but offers insights into the future of the practice within its evolving global landscape.

  • af Linda Rinke
    557,95 kr.

    Übergreifendes Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, die Professionalisierung von Investor Relations (IR) in börsennotierten KMU in Deutschland zu erforschen sowie zu ihrer zukünftigen Etablierung in den Unternehmen beizutragen. Zu diesem Zweck analysiert die Autorin theoretisch und empirisch gestützt die unterschiedlichen Bedürfnisse der relevanten Bezugsgruppen für IR. Daraufhin untersucht und priorisiert sie verpflichtende und freiwillige Kommunikationsmaßnahmen für die Bezugsgruppen. Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen leistet die Arbeit einen Beitrag zur Professionalisierung der IR-Kommunikation u.a. durch Erstellung eines Anforderungskatalogs und Ableitung konkreter Handlungsempfehlungen für börsennotierte KMU in Deutschland.

  • af Henning Schweer
    182,95 kr.

    In einer zunehmend von Krisen und medialer Polarisierung geprägten Welt, wird eine gute Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für Unternehmen immer wichtiger. Eine erfolgreiche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit ist dabei kein Hexenwerk, sondern folgt klaren und verständlichen Prinzipien, die jede und jeder anwenden kann. Dieser kompakte Ratgeber gibt Ihnen hierzu einfache und klare Empfehlungen an die Hand, wie Sie die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Ihres Unternehmens professionalisieren und rasch verbessern können. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie praktische Tipps zu den wichtigsten PR-Arbeitsfeldern wie Pressearbeit, interne Kommunikation und Krisenmanagement.

  • af Janet M. Cramer, Carlnita P. Greene & Lynn M. Walters
    635,95 - 1.714,95 kr.

  • af Izdihar Jamil
    127,95 kr.

    Are you tired of being the best-kept secret in your industry? Do you want to be recognized as the go-to expert in your field? Look no further than "Are You Visible?" -The ultimate guide to being seen, heard and chosen.Dr. Izdihar Jamil, a visibility expert and TEDxHuntingtonBeach Curator, shares her personal philosophy and proven strategies to help you stand out from the crowd. With her exclusive and intimate approach, she treats her clients like family and empowers them to become the best at what they do.In this book, you'll learn the top tips for building your personal brand and becoming the go-to leader, using Dr. Jamil's proven system to get predictable results. "Are You Visible?" is a must-read for anyone looking to make an impact in their industry. Get your copy today and start being seen as the expert you are!"Dr. Izdihar Jamil is a shining light of inspiration. In her new book, Are You Visible?, she enthusiastically shares clear action steps on how to increase online visibility. Beyond increasing visibility, she encourages the professional to strive to be the go-to leader in their industry. Her experience and wisdom have led me to believe this is possible while maintaining a harmonious balance of work and family life. I highly recommend all of her books." - Drew Lawrence, Multi-platinum hit Songwriter and Artist Development Coach"When it comes to self-publishing a book, Izdihar is my go-to expert. With Izdihar's knowledge, enthusiasm and strategies she makes the daunting task of writing a book a reality. If you're looking for a business coach look no further!" - Tim Hmelar, Home Builder and Realtor to Silicon Valley Business Titans."Dr. Izdihar Jamil's book is the best visibility roadmap you can have. Her greatest gift is providing you with her expertise in a straightforward, understandable, and thoroughly enjoyable format. To all of the entrepreneurs out there, this is a must-own book for your collection." - Deb Rosman, Public Speaker & Poet of The Grieving Heart and International Bestselling Author of It is Done!"Are you Visible? is jam-packed with value-added knowledge from leading visibility expert Izdihar Jamil! This book provides vital information so that you can become the go-to expert in your field." - Amber Howard, Four times #1 International Bestselling Author and Leadership Expert. ABOUT. Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.-#1 International Bestselling Author of Money Makers, TV Show Host and Visibility Expert-has appeared on FORBES, Fox TV, and She helps leaders to be SEEN, HEARD and CHOSEN as the go-to experts in their field with proven, predictable and effective methods. She's also the Curator for TEDxHuntingtonBeach. She lives in California with her husband and children, she loves baking and reading.

  • af Uwe Seebacher
    648,95 kr.

    Das Buch macht deutlich, warum eine Neugestaltung der Unternehmenskommunikation erforderlich ist und bietet zugleich praktikable Konzepte und Leitfäden für die Umsetzung.Die Kommunikationsabteilungen haben die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung, Virtualisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz bislang viel zu wenig genutzt. Zudem leiden Unternehmen - wie auch Politik und öffentliche Institutionen - unter einem Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust in der Gesellschaft. Um Krisen aktiv vorzubeugen, müssen Unternehmen in der Lage sein, Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit aufzubauen. Das erfordert ein völlig neues Interaktionssystem, das agil, datengetrieben, vorausschauend, schnell und interaktiv statt nur kommunikativ und reaktiv ist.Dafür muss eine zeitgemäße, datenbasierte 24/7 All-2-All (A2A) Interaktionsstruktur aufgebaut, Prozesse optimiert, wiederkehrende Aufgaben automatisiert sowie aktuelle Konzepte und Technologien für die Interaktion genutzt werden. Damit lassen sich Kosteneinsparungen, verkürzte Bearbeitungszeiten, Steigerung der Effizienz und Effektivität des Interaktionsprozesses und eine verbesserte Markenaktivierung erreichen aber auch kommunikative Risiken minimieren und Shitstorms vermeiden. Am Ende steht ein nachweisbarer Beitrag zu den Unternehmensergebnissen.Das Buch bietet ein Prozessmodell zur Transformation der Unternehmenskommunikation als Leitfaden für die Transformation. Ein Self-Assessment-Tool ermöglicht die aktuelle Standortbestimmung und ist damit der Ausgangspunkt für die Optimierung. Abgerundet wird der Inhalt durch eine CommTechStack-Empfehlung.Aus dem InhaltTheoretische und methodische GrundlagenVon der Unternehmenskommunikation zur UnternehmensinteraktionSo sieht die neue Welt der Unternehmenskommunikation ausDas Prozessmodell zur Transformation der UnternehmenskommunikationDas Self-Assessment als Standort-BestimmungDer InTechStack für vorausschauende A2A-UnternehmensinteraktionDer AutorUwe Seebacher ist einer der weltweit führenden Methoden- und Strukturwissenschaftler mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung als Autor, Investor, Professor und Keynote Speaker. Er ist Professor für Marketing und Kommunikation an der FH der WKW Wien für Marketing und Kommunikation sowie für Predictive Intelligence an der Fachhochschule München.

  • af Ed Zitron
    307,95 kr.

    Industry veteran Ed Zitron's follow-up to his best-selling public relations bible This Is How You Pitch will show you how to get the same results as a pricey, pushy publicist, without having to spend five figures, as well as how the secrets of PR can change every aspect of your day to day life.

  • af Mark Hunter LaVigne
    157,95 kr.

    With contributions by Kim Blanchette and Colleen KillingsworthIntroduction by Daniel GrangerThis book was created to assist entry-level communicators in learning how to develop successful campaigns, as well as to provide more seasoned practitioners with a refresher on the elements of an effective communication plan. It covers:the creation of executive summaries using the RACE formula; research and analysis;the setting of goals and objectives;identification of target audiences and key messages;development of strategies, tactics, timelines, and budgets;effective use of human resources in a campaign; andevaluation of a campaign's outcome.Case studies of real-life campaigns round out this invaluable guidebook.

  • af Lynne M. Webb
    555,95 kr.

    This is the first collection of readings on computer-mediated communication focusing exclusively on interpersonal interactions. Examining messages exchanged via email, Twitter, Facebook, websites, and blogs, the authors analyze communication issues of ongoing importance in relationships including deception, disclosure, identity, influence, perception, privacy, sexual fidelity, and social support. The book examines subjects that attract intense student interest ¿ including online performance of gender, online dating, and using computer-mediated communication to achieve family/work life balance ¿ and will inspire further research and course development in the area of computer-mediated communication in personal relationships. Because it provides a synthesis of ideas at the nexus of interpersonal communication theory and computer-mediated communication theory, the book can serve as a textbook for advanced undergraduate as well as graduate courses.

  • af Eric Kwame Adae
    1.124,95 kr.

    Breaking new ground in his analysis of CEO activism within a non-Western sociocultural context, this book presents an exciting exploration of the theoretical, managerial, practical and methodological implications of CEO activism today.

  • - Concepts, Practices, Data, Law and Ethics
    af USA) Lipschultz & Jeremy Harris (University of Nebraska at Omaha
    596,95 - 1.739,95 kr.

  • af Aoife (Griffith College O'Donnell
    485,95 - 1.648,95 kr.

  • af Gail Rubin
    358,95 kr.

    Before I Die Festivals give people an attractive way to learn about the many elements of being prepared for death. With a combination of entertainment, education, and discussions, Before I Die Festivals put the "fun" in funeral planning. People can visit funeral homes and cemeteries without having to experience a death in the family. This manual details how to create a Before I Die Festival with information gleaned from author Gail Rubin's five years of hosting these outside-the-box events that get people to plan for end-of-life issues. The Before I Die Festival in a Box® gives you the tools and guidance to hold your own Festival. Whether you run a funeral home or cemetery, a relatedend-of-life business, or as an individual who wants to bring this kind of event to your community, this manual and the associated tools provide what you need to hold a successful event. In addition to the manual, the kit from includes a copy of Newly-Dead® The Game, Death EdBingo!, guidelines for holding a Death Cafe, and the 4-DVD set of the TV interview series, A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those Who Don't Plan to Die. The eBook version stands alone from the bonus items with the Before I Die Festival in a Box¿ printed version.

  • af Gina F. Rubel
    307,95 kr.

    The only PR book you'll ever need. For decades, high-profile corporate and law firm leaders have called on Gina Rubel, president and CEO of Furia Rubel Communications, for high-stakes public relations, crisis planning, and incident response support. In Everyday PR: Harnessing Public Relations to Build Relationships, Brands & Businesses, Rubel draws upon her deep experience in all aspects of PR to help business owners, corporate executives, marketing professionals, and communications students of all types identify and capitalize on opportunities to grow their businesses. Rubel reveals the secrets and tools that helped her become recognized by PRNews as one of their Top Women in the Industry in the category of Innovators, including: ' Eight steps for developing a strategic public relations plan ' How to speak the language of journalists ' How to write a press release that gets noticed ' The right way to infuse diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility into your message ' Cutting-edge best practices for internal as well as external communications This is the ultimate no-nonsense, practical handbook to mastering the art and science of leaving a lasting, positive impression that is vital to success in today's image-conscious world.

  • af H. Khatun
    167,95 kr.

  • af Julia Levasier
    835,95 kr.

    Das vorliegende Buch uber politische Interessenvertretung behandelt anhand einer Fallstudie an der Schnittstelle zwischen EU-Verkehrs-, Klima- und Energiepolitik eine Forschungslucke der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Es wird untersucht, welche Bedeutung Informalitat in der fachpolitischen EU-Interessenvertretung zukommt. Informalitat wird sowohl in der offentlichen Debatte als auch in der einschlagigen akademischen Diskussion als konstitutive Bedingung von Interessenvertretung angenommen und als funktionsspezifische Handlungs- bzw. kommunikative Sphare vorausgesetzt. Als kommunikativer Wirkmechanismus im Lobbying-Kontext wurde Informalitat bislang nicht untersucht. Die Innovation der Arbeit besteht zudem darin, dass nicht nur die Akteure der Interessenvertretung und deren Strategien zur Einflussnahme auf politische Akteure, sondern auch die sog. Outside-Dimension der Interessenvertretung betrachtet wird. Diese bezieht journalistische Akteure und die speziell auf sie abzielenden Steuerungsversuche von Interessenvertreter*innen mit in die Analyse ein.

  • - A European Communication Perspective
    af Sonia Pedro Sebastiao
    1.530,95 kr.

    This book uses an innovative interdisciplinary approach to explain how communication is a necessary condition for diplomacy in a digital and relationship-driven world. Divided into three parts, it highlights the importance of communication strategies and processes in contemporary society and in current global socio-political events in general, particularly within the field of diplomacy.  The first part discusses the main theoretical debates that shaped the central concepts of the project, while the second part of the book presents further practical approaches and examples of diplomatic practice. Lastly, the third part focuses on pedagogical and methodological approaches, which can be useful in diplomacy and communication classes and for the implementation of a European curriculum.This interdisciplinary book will appeal to students, researchers, policy-makers, and practitioners from various disciplines, including international relations, political science, business, and communication.

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