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  • af Tracy Call
    157,95 kr.

    Screaming orgasms are one of the greatest highs we can experience in our personal lives-so why should we demand anything less in our professional lives?After more than a decade as a high-achieving media CEO, Tracy Call noticed a pattern: women's success and progress in the boardroom seems to have a lot of parallels to how steamy things are in their bedrooms. If a woman feels stuck in the wrong job or career, she often feels stuck in the wrong sexual relationship as well.If this sounds familiar, the good news is you are definitely not alone. The even better news is you can have great sex and great business at once-and in G Spot for the C Suite, Call teaches businesswomen exactly how to achieve it.G Spot for The C Suite tackles the spicy subjects they forgot to cover in business school, including:-How masturbation can give you the courage to try new entrepreneurial directions-The secrets to creating electric chemistry with clients and colleagues-Sex-positive and LGBTQ-inclusive leadership and workplace culture-Telling a professional one-night stand from a true and long-lasting careerPlus countless other insights to bring a dose of much-needed magnetism to the boardroom.With humor, wisdom and hard-earned grit from a career spent as the only woman in the room, Call offers women a witty new way to build their professional careers to a climax-plus all the ins-and-outs of how to stay on top when they arrive.

  • af C. Richard Weylman
    277,95 kr.

    The first book to detail both what and then exactly how professionals can elevate their client and prospective client experiences to capture their lasting loyalty.

  • af Ralph Lange
    621,95 kr.

    Dieses Buch verrät, wie Sie Ihre Kunden begeistern und Geschäftskontakte zu unvergesslichen Erlebnissen machen. Susanne Beckmann und Ralph Lange präsentieren in ihrem Buch die geballte Erfahrung aus über 20 Jahren Praxis für eine Transformation in Ihrem Unternehmen. Wie kann New Work Ihren Service verändern und wie leiten Sie einen Kulturwandel hin zu wirklich exzellenter Kundenorientierung ein? Emotional Power verbindet innovative Ansätze mit bewährten Techniken, die Ihre Kunden und Mitarbeiter gleichermaßen stärken.Das Besondere an Emotional Power? Es ist kein typischer Ratgeber. Die Autoren setzen auf Authentizität und scheuen sich dabei nicht, Humor als Werkzeug einzusetzen. Denn, wie sie betonen (nach Guy de Maupassant): ¿Es sind die Begegnungen mit Menschen, die das Leben lebenswert machen.¿ Und genau das ist der Kern von Emotional Power ¿ Menschen begegnen und dabei begeistern. Erleben Sie, wie Kundenbeziehungen aufblühen und werden Sie Teil dieser Bewegung ¿ für begeisterte Kunden, motivierte Mitarbeiter und nachhaltige Umsätze.

  • af Sanjivan Saini
    537,95 kr.

    The book titled "Introduction to Reverse Logistics,"authored by Sanjivan Saini, delves into the dynamic andincreasingly pivotal realm of reverse logistics. In today'sinterconnected and environmentally-conscious world,the process of managing goods and materials flowingbackward in the supply chain has gained paramountsignificance. This comprehensive guide offers readers anuanced understanding of the principles, practices, andcomplexities that underpin reverse logistics.The book commences with a lucid exploration of thefundamental concepts of reverse logistics, elucidatingits significance and its pivotal role in sustainabilityefforts. Delving into the need and principles of reverselogistics, it delves into the intricate web of factorsdriving the resurgence of returned goods,remanufacturing, recycling, and more.Through systematic chapters, the author adeptlynavigates readers through the intricate landscape ofreverse logistics, dissecting its multifaceted aspects.These encompass the diverse circumstancesnecessitating reverse logistics, the myriad modesthrough which it is executed, and the economic andecological implications it holds.The author leverages real-world examples and casestudies to enrich the reader's understanding,illustrating the practical applications of reverse logisticsin diverse industries. Discussions on optimizing freightexpenses, managing returns for recycling, and theintegration of reverse logistics within the broaderlogistics system provide a well-rounded perspective.As the final chapters unfold, the book explores thechallenges and opportunities that reverse logisticspresents to businesses, coupled with an in-depthanalysis of its impact on the economy. The interplaybetween technology, regulatory frameworks, andsustainability goals in the context ofreverse logistics isthoughtfully examined, underscoring its role in shapingthe future of supply chain management.Sanjivan Saini's "Introduction to Reverse Logistics"offers a valuable resource for students, practitioners,and academicians seeking a comprehensive overview ofthis evolving field. With its insightful narratives andpractical insights, the book serves as a compass, guidingreadersthrough the labyrinth of reverse logistics whilenurturing a keen awareness of its potential to transformmodern supply chains.

  • af Sophie Hundertmark
    667,95 kr.

    ¿Dieses Buch liefert einen Überblick über den aktuellen Stand des Kundendialog-Managements in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation. Die rasante Entwicklung im Kundenmanagement durch die Digitalisierung erfordert innovative Ansätze, um den steigenden Ansprüchen der Kunden gerecht zu werden sowie eine schnellere und relevantere Kundenkommunikation zu ermöglichen. Renommierte Beitragsautoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis stellen Ansätze zur Optimierung von Kundendialogstrategien vor. Sie liefern einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten moderner Marketing-Automation, widmen sich dem Nutzungsgrad von Künstlicher Intelligenz und ihren Potentialen im Marketing sowie der Rolle der Datenerhebung und -nutzung. Ergänzend werden Beispiele für automatisierte Dialoge, die verkaufen, präsentiert. Ebenfalls gehen die Beitragsautoren auf die oft vernachlässigten Kundendialoge im Service ein. Dabei ist die Organisationsform des Customer Contact Centers aktueller denn je. Es werden die wichtigsten Kennzahlen und Benchmarks im Kundenservice aufgezeigt und hervorgehoben, dass auch automatisierte Kontakte wesentlich auf der Grundvoraussetzung des Vertrauens basieren. Zudem wird das Experiment von der Hochschule Luzern zum Design optimaler Chatbots «Be the bot» vorgestellt. Praxis-Beispiele von HUK24, Swisscard AECS und CSS Krankenversicherung runden dieses Werk ab.Dieses Fachbuch ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug für alle, die sich mit den Herausforderungen des modernen Kundendialog-Managements auseinandersetzen und nach nachhaltigen Strategien suchen.

  • af Christian Dach
    194,95 kr.

    Dieses essential erläutert, wie B2B-Unternehmen Inbound-Marketing erfolgreich umsetzen können, um ihre Vertriebsergebnisse nachhaltig zu verbessern. Der Schlüssel liegt in kontinuierlich generiertem Content, der über geeignete Kanäle ausgespielt wird ¿ mit dem Ziel, dass Potenzialkunden von sich aus auf das verkaufende Unternehmen zukommen. Marketing-Automation-Software ermöglicht dabei eine individuelle und gleichzeitig kostengünstige Interaktion mit potenziellen Kunden. Ist ein Lead ¿Sales Ready¿, kann der Vertrieb den bereits interessierten und qualifizierten Kontakt übernehmen.Prof. Dr. Christian Dach beschreibt kompakt und auf den Punkt, wie B2B-Unternehmen diesen Ansatz zielführend im Unternehmen implementieren können und dadurch hochbezahlte Verkaufsmitarbeiter wesentlich effektiver einsetzen sowie die Conversion-Rate deutlich steigern können.

  • af Veit Etzold & Florian Pfänder
    193,95 kr.

    Dieses essential gibt einen kompakten Überblick darüber, was Marketingorganisationen im New Normal beachten müssen. Denn unzählige neue Anforderungen innerhalb der VUCA-Welt haben die Gesetzmäßigkeiten des wirtschaftlichen Miteinanders zwischen Unternehmen und ihren Kunden maßgeblich verändert und die Coronakrise ist hier als beispiellose Entwicklung zu sehen.Dies lässt Unternehmen mit vielen Aufgaben zurück, vor allem müssen die Komponenten Markt- und Kundenorientierung im Rahmen der Marketingstrategie neu gedacht und zeitgemäße strategische Leitplanken zwecks Kundenbindung entwickelt werden. In Zeiten des Wandels und der Krisen bedarf es nun neuer Sichtweisen für die Aufgaben von Morgen, um die eigene Marketingstrategie in einer zunehmend komplexer werdenden Welt noch krisenfester zu gestalten.

  • af Manfred Bruhn
    945,95 kr.

    This book provides assistance for ensuring and increasing service quality. Manfred Bruhn presents a holistic, scientifically based approach to quality management for services, which is consistently oriented to the management process with the phases of analysis, planning, control and monitoring of quality management. Core parts of the book are procedures for measuring service quality, instruments for controlling quality and expectation management, the implementation of quality management based on ISO 9000 ff. standards as well as the EFQM model, and comprehensive quality controlling to ensure effectiveness and efficiency.In the eleven editions to date, the work has evolved into a handbook and can be used as a reference work for the various topics of quality management for services. Individual topics of quality management or the respective chapters can be worked through independently of each other.In the 12th edition, all chapters have been updated. In particular, thenew version of the EFQM Model 2020 has been comprehensively presented.The contentsBasics of quality management for servicesAnalysis of service qualityPlanning and control of quality management for servicesImplementation of quality management for servicesQuality controlling for services

  • af Patrick Siegfried
    554,95 - 852,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the implications of digitalisation in the mobility service industry. Based on an analysis of more than 450 survey responses, it explores and assesses mobility in the age of digitalisation. The content covers both changes in the relationship between the company and its customers and a potential paradigm shift among leading companies. The findings suggest that a shift from traditional mobility management to a more customer-centred management perspective is both widely accepted and increasingly necessary. Nevertheless, the inclusion of services that are not primarily concerned with overcoming spatial distances is considered to be less attractive.Given its scope, the book will be of interest to researchers and professionals who are involved in digitalisation in the mobility service industry.

  • af Stefan Helmke
    718,95 kr.

    Dieses CRM-Standardwerk behandelt die wesentlichen Fragen im Rahmen der Einsetzung und Organisation von Customer Relationship Management. Dies betrifft sowohl die Verzahnung mit Marketing- und Vertriebsprozessen, die systematische Zielbildung als auch die Ressourcensteuerung. Renommierte Autoren liefern wertvolle praxisorientierte Fakten, um die zielgerichtete Planung, die Umsetzung und die nachhaltige organisatorische Verankerung zu gewährleisten und damit zur Steigerung der Effizienz und Effektivität des CRM-Ansatzes in der Unternehmenspraxis beizutragen.In der 7. Auflage wurden alle Beiträge überarbeitet und neue Entwicklungen integriert.

  • af Devendra Dubey
    102,95 kr.

    "Do we know What our Customers Want? Do we know why they choose us? Do we know how to create delightful Customer experience? Do we know how a happy and winning customer can boost our business multifold?"The Book 'Win with Your Customer' is answer to all these questions. The book comes with a practical guide to lead organisations and professionals alike - towards a great successful Business.

  • af Pia Löffler
    194,95 kr.

    Dieses essential widmet sich dem Projekt ¿Online-Kanzleimarketing¿ ¿ von der ersten Idee über die Entwicklung einer nachhaltigen Marketingstrategie bis hin zur Umsetzung einzelner Marketingmaßnahmen (z.B. Erstellung einer Kanzleiwebsite, Schaltung Google Ads, Einrichtung von Social-Media-Kanälen). Neben theoretischen Grundlagen geht es vor allem um alltagsnahe, gut umsetzbare praktische Tipps und Ratschläge: für Kanzleiinhaberinnen und -inhaber genauso wie für Marketingverantwortliche in Kanzleien.

  • af Reji Laberje
    162,95 kr.

    In Growing On Purpose: The Formula to Strengthen Your Team AND Improve Your Customer Experience, best selling author Dave Molenda brings together expansive sales experience to show readers how to combine team strength (achieved through intentional communication) and positive, individualized customer experiences to achieve a fully engaged business. Through his unique model of Guidance and Support, Molenda is immediately both relatable and practical. Thoroughly backed up with statistics and studies, he introduces the must-know formula to GROW as a person and a business . . . on purpose.

  • af Juan Carlos Gazquez-Abad
    1.774,95 kr.

    The 2023 International Conference on National Brand & Private Label Marketing is a unique academic forum to present and discuss original, rigorous, and significant contributions from researchers around the world on marketing issues facing retailers, store brand managers and national brand managers.The two-day event covered a wide range of topics from varied fields including retailing, marketing, general business, psychology, economics and statistics. The conference addressed diverse areas of application such as branding strategies, innovation in private labels, private label consumers, customer databases, Covid-19 consequences, loyalty programs, sustainability, and online grocery retailing, among others. A wide variety of theoretical and methodological approached have been used in these areas.This volume presents the proceedings of this 2023 NB&PL marketing conference in a collection of original, rigorous, and relevant contributions.

  • af Gregg Lederman
    147,95 kr.

    Customers love it when employees are ENGAGED to deliver an experience. However, it doesn't come easy for most companies. The level to which your workforce is ENGAGED also has a significant impact every day on employees' happiness and productivity, the customer experience, and your company's profitability.Your company can be one that customers love to do business with ... one that turns customers into loyal followers who buy more and more often. The journey through ENGAGED!, will teach you what leading companies do to create "customer love."In this book, you'll discover the Eight Principles that every manager needs to create a workforce that "lives the company brand" in ways that leads to an experience that helps you create customers for life. With the tools and techniques outlined in this book, your company can: Get all employees "on stage" to deliver a more consistent customer experience.Increase employees' happiness so they make your customers happier.Go beyond announcing your culture to getting every employee consistently living it.Quantify your culture and customer experience to create unheard of visibility that gets everyone focused on results.Create an environment of appreciation that empowers employees and helps them to become more motivated and committed to your company's success.Fill every manager's toolbox with practical and proven techniques for making your company's values and desired customer experience a part of the conversation ... every day!Gregg Lederman taps into his vast experience of helping many "best companies to work for" to share his proven principles for defining the work culture and customer experience, reminding the workforce to live the brand daily, and-most importantly-quantifying the experience and holding the workforce accountable for financial results.This book dispels popular myths about employee rewards (they don't work the way you think they do) and employee and customer satisfaction efforts (which, for most companies, are more of a distraction than useful data linked to tangible results). The author introduces the ENGAGED Index (a tool you can use to find out how ENGAGED your company is). This book will help you put your plan together so that rather than imagining what could be, you'll actually design what should be.

  • af Monique Richardson
    207,95 kr.

    Monique Richardson draws on decades of experience and examples of exceptional service-driven leaders and organisations across all sectors to show that caring for your people is at the heart of all service leadership.

  • af Sueanne Carr
    257,95 kr.

    We've all encountered businesses that just seem to 'get it'. Beyond their product or service, they do everything right. They bring magic to your encounter. They take standard and make it special. They take nice and make it remarkable. Leading the Customer-led Revolution is for brave business leaders who are charged with driving customer-led change in their organisation. It offers a framework for thinking and a plan of action to help your business become a truly customer-led organisation. Wherever you are on the journey, this book will provide you with the focus, priorities and tools to bring the magic to your customers, and take your senior leaders and wider team on the journey with you. In this practical, comprehensive and entertaining book, you will learn: what's powering the customer-led revolution and why you need to act now how to better understand customers to create true and lasting customer connection how to close the gap between your strategy and your operations how to avoid common pitfalls and get the edge in your industry how to create customer experiences that stand out from the competition how to unlock your customer data and use it to your advantage how to throw out the old ways of doing business and start your own revolution. Leading the Customer-led Revolution takes the confusion and angst out of becoming a customer-led organisation by providing a clear and actionable roadmap for success.

  • af Micah Solomon
    223,95 kr.

    Today's most sought-after "customer service sleuth" and turnaround expert unlocks the secrets to transforming customer service and building unshakeable customer engagement and loyaltyCustomer service done right is one of today's most powerful competitive advantages. In Can Your Customer Service Do This? Micah Solomon-who has worked with brands from Auberge Resorts to Audi of America, from Cleveland Clinic to the NFL Players Association-shares everything he knows about creating a world-class customer experience and building sustainable bottom-line success. With wit and clarity, Micah shares real-life customer service detective examples and the customer service transformation that follows.. Micah Solomon is one of the top customer service trainers, training designers, keynote speakers, and authors on the subjects of customer service, customer experience, and hospitality. . This comprehensive guide and toolkit builds on Solomon's 3 decades' experience of building and rebuilding customer service at some of the great companies and brands of our time.. The author's clients include Microsoft, Audi of America, Merck Pharmaceuticals, Cleveland Clinic, The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), and some of the leading Five-Star (Forbes-rated) hotels and resorts in America and around the world. Solomon helps readers to learn the art of anticipatory customer service-getting inside the heads of the customer, empathizing with their dissatisfaction, examining processes and procedures that are antiquated or not competitive enough, and learning to be innovative about modifying or optimizing various different modes of customer service and the methods available today, and he also shares the customer service training he uses to transform customer service performance across multiple industries, including his well-known "MAMA Method" of working successfully with upset customers. Whether your business is an established brand or just starting out, Micah Solomon offers step-by-step secrets that will one-up the competition and build sustainable bottom line success through lasting customer engagement and loyalty.

  • af Alka Jarvis
    597,95 kr.

    For the past decade, process validation issues ranked within the top six of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) form 483 observation findings issued each year. This poses a substantial problem for the medical device industry and is the reason why the authors wanted to write this book. The authors will share their collective knowledge: to help organizations improve patient safety and increase profitability while maintaining a state of compliance with regulations and standards.This book was written to assist quality technicians, engineers, managers, and others that need to plan, conduct, and monitor validation activities. To that end, the intent of this book is to provide the quality professional working in virtually any industry a quick, convenient, and comprehensive guide to properly conducting process validations that meet regulatory and certification requirements. It provides an introduction and background to the requirements necessary to perform process validations that will comply with regulatory and certification body requirements.

  • af Joseph Kaswengi & Aurore Ingarao
    1.966,95 kr.

  • af Josh Liebman
    172,95 kr.

    The Hospitality Mentality enhances the guest experience and creates raving fans-and return guests!

  • af Juliann Allen
    2.457,95 kr.

    Marketing is one of the most optimistic business disciplines with the goal of serving consumers or organizations and increasing customer satisfaction and happiness. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the optimism of the world, thus hindering these marketing goals. This book explore the challenges faced by marketers during and post-COVID-19 and offers strategies for marketers to invoke a sense of optimism as the world enters the ¿new normal¿. It provides success stories and regional case studies to offer marketers new ways in which to serve consumers and satisfy their needs. It also acknowledges the role digital technology and innovation have played a crucial role during these dark times and how they impact current and future customer experiences. Founded in 1971, the Academy of Marketing Science is an international organization dedicated to promoting timely explorations of phenomena related to the science of marketing in theory, research, and practice. Among itsservices to members and the community at large, the Academy offers conferences, congresses, and symposia that attract delegates from around the world. Presentations from these events are published in this Proceedings series, which offers a comprehensive archive of volumes reflecting the evolution of the field. Volumes deliver cutting-edge research and insights, complementing the Academy¿s flagship journals, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS) and AMS Review.

  • af Michael Kleinaltenkamp
    853,95 kr.

    End of 2022, nearly 200,000 people indicated holding a position as a customer success manager on LinkedIn. Customer success management (CSM) is thus the fastest growing business function. It was first implemented in selected service businesses, but currently CSM applications are spreading globally across industries.This book provides a clear understanding of CSM for practitioners based on comprehensibly prepared knowledge from practical and scientific resources. The book can be used as a practical guide to learn about CSM process and the roles, necessary capabilities, and expectations toward customer success managers. Furthermore, it also shows how CSM differs from and, at the same time, relates to existing customer-related management concepts such as value-based selling, key account management and customer relationship management. The presented insights are not only relevant for customer success managers, but also for those aiming at such a position in the future. The bookis also useful for supplier and customer representatives who are connected with customer success management activities in their daily business.

  • af Chris Smoje
    292,95 kr.

    EVERYTHING FLOWS FROM A CULTURE OF SERVICE EXCELLENCE BUT HOW DO YOU GET THERE?The collaboration of leaders and their teams in this undertaking is critical. Packed with stories that engage, models to help put it all together and questions for reflection, this book provides thought-provoking, relevant and practical ways for leaders to relentlessly go 'All In', empower their people and make the organisation renowned for service excellence. All-In Culture gives you everything you need to:¿ Excite and inspire managers and staff members about customer service for today's businesses¿ Demonstrate convincingly what it means to be of service¿ Adopt and successfully implement best practice to make your service culture 'thrive'¿ Become truly service-focused and make your mark on the organisational culture

  • af Amandeep Singh, Amit Mittal & Murat Unanoglu
    2.162,95 - 2.842,95 kr.

  • af Kay Paschal
    237,95 kr.

    Best Book for Parents Runner-Up - 2023 Zibby AwardsWHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU? How many moms ask themselves that question every day-whether working outside of the home or not, whether seeking advice or thinking we have all the answers . . . we all want to be "the best mommy." In Insert Giggle Giggle: Laughing Your Way through Raising Kids and Running a Business, Kay shares advice and funny family stories on a range of parenting topics and giggles through mistakes made and successes enjoyed in raising her two boys as well as observing and learning firsthand from thousands of moms and dads with their children during her twenty-five years of owning a preschool. Striving to stay true to being a hands-on mom while starting and leading a business to the pinnacle of success, you may see a little of yourself in the pursuit of "having it all" and giggle at the absurdity of anyone questioning that cliché and illusion. Of course we have it all (insert giggle giggle), we are moms! Merging sober guidance on some tough subjects while weaving touching insights on treating customers and employees with respect and compassion, Insert Giggle Giggle shows all of us that there is humor as well as lessons learned, in almost every aspect of being a mom and being a businesswoman. Always remember, each day, to insert and share a giggle giggle . . . and oh yeah, love your kids.

  • af David Brownlee
    152,95 kr.

    Customer Service Success, The 6 Keys To Deliver A World-Class Experience, offers you new solutions to the age-old challenges that you face in your business every day...How do you keep your customers happy so that they never leave you? How do you get your clients excited to come back to your businesses time and time again? How do you create raving fan customers that will tell all of their friends, family and colleagues that they must to do business with you? This book will answer all of these questions for you and more in a simple, easy-to-follow format that is entertaining and educational. The concepts and strategies in this book are the same ones that David Brownlee has taught to over 2 million students from around the world that have found extraordinary success with their customers. This book was written to be a fast and easy read that gets you straight to the point of what you need in order to deliver a world-class customer service experience every time - regardless of what is going on around you. Inside, you'll discover:· How to get 5-star, online reviews from every customer or your business· How to turn around your upset customers and make them a customer for life· How to diffuse any of your customer service issues with confidence· A new perspective on how to use empathy in your customer service strategy· How to decipher exactly what your customers want and need from you· And more ninja secrets that will help your business grow, increase revenues and attract customers!Customer Service Success, the 6 Keys To Deliver A World-Class Experience is your new, fast and easy to use resource for you to grow your business, increase your revenues and create loyal customers for life.

  • af Halina Starzyczná
    556,95 kr.

    Online shopping is undergoing significant changes around the globe, evolving in the food and non-food segments alike. Representing a vital distribution channel that reaches countless customers, sales from online shopping have long-since exceeded USD 1000 billion per year and are growing steadily. This book is intended for general readers and professionals interested in companies¿ strategic orientation in connection with their online format and building and strengthening customer loyalty. In this regard, their business strategies are not considered in their full scope and complexity; instead, the book focuses more narrowly on the relationship between business strategy, buying behavior and customer loyalty.

  • af Chris Jennings
    237,95 - 342,95 kr.

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