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  • - Kogebog
    af Morten Kaltoft & Emil Alsbo
    328,95 kr.

    Osteria 16 er en bog skrevet af Morten Kaltoft. Denne bog, der blev udgivet i 2020 af Strandberg Publishing, er en sand perle i genren. Morten Kaltoft tager læseren med på en kulinarisk rejse gennem de italienske osteriaer. Med sin dygtige fortælling og levende beskrivelser, formår Kaltoft at transportere læseren direkte til det italienske køkken. Osteria 16 er mere end bare en bog; det er en oplevelse, et vindue til Italien og dets rige madkultur. Denne bog er et must for enhver madentusiast eller person, der elsker Italien og dets kultur. Strandberg Publishing er stolte af at præsentere denne bog for verdenen, og vi er sikre på, at du vil nyde denne kulinariske rejse gennem Italien.

  • - En kogebog
    af Stine Kirkegaard & Ida Ravn
    278,95 kr.

    EASY PEACY er en kogebog med sæsonbaserede deleretter med få ingredienser, der er nemme at lave og smager skønt. Ud over opskrifter på snacks, små og større retter, salsa og sauce, brød og sødt indeholder EASY PEACY forslag til, hvordan man sammensætter og forbereder lækre menuer.Opskrifterne er inspireret af Italien, men har også spanske og franske islæt. Tilgangen til maden er derimod udpræget italiensk – simpelt anrettet, sæsonbaseret og frem for alt så nemt, at alle kan være med. Bogen er dedikeret til den gode middag, flotte og velsmagende råvarer og det smukke ved et måltid. Med sin legende og umiddelbare tilgang til maden ønsker Easy Peacy at vise, at det slet ikke behøver at være så svært.Stine Kirkegaard, der har adskillige års erfaring fra restaurationsbranchen, kommer ud af en madelskende familie. Hun startede Easy Peacy som et hobbyprojekt og solgte hjemmelavet mad fra sin lejlighed i København under Corona-pandemien i 2021.Siden da er det gået stærkt. Det lille køkken er skiftet ud med et industrikøkken, og efter et halvt år fik Ida Ravn ansvar for virksomhedens kreative ledelse, som binder kunst, billeder og video sammen med maden. Det stærke visuelle udtryk har i ligeså høj grad som den uhøjtidelige tilgang til maden været med at gøre Easy Peacy til det, det er i dag. Easy Peacy tilbyder frokostordninger, catering og leverer mad til store og små events for især modebranchen.

  • af Emil Alsbo & Morten Kaltoft
    283,95 kr.

    Den nye kogebog fra folkene bag Osteria 16 byder på 80 nye, enkle retter, lavet med få udsøgte råvarer og tilberedt med omhu. Opskrifterne er inspireret af det italienske køkken og spænder fra antipasti, pasta og risotto til masser af polenta, grønne retter og dessert. Retterne er skabt til uhøjtidelig servering – family style – som det kendes fra Osteria 16, de populære antipastirestauranter i Haderslevgade, Ravnsborggade og på Sønder Boulevard, ejet af barndomsvennerne Morten Kaltoft og Emil Alsbo.

  • af Anna-Kaya Frello & Henrik Leach
    248,95 kr.

    For snart 100 år siden rullede den første pølsevogn ud på gaden, og Danmarks nationale gadekøkken var født. Siden har pølsemænd serveret en ristet med det hele, når danskerne skulle stille den lille sult. Denne bog er en hyldest til pølsevognens plads i danskernes kulinariske hjerter – med et omfangsrigt billedmateriale og interviews med forfattere, kokke, billedkunstnere, forskere og ikke mindst pølsemænd og -damer. Hvordan har madkultur, industriel udvikling og arkitektur påvirket pølsevognen – fra 1920’ernes kogte pølse med rundstykke til 2010’ernes økologiske ristede med rodfrugtmos? Der er sket lidt af hvert, men er der alligevel sket for lidt nyt til at redde vores allesammens pølsevogn? Pølsevognen, som vi kender den, er døende, og endnu har ingen beskrevet dette unikke klenodie så gennemført som denne bog. Du står nu med en del af Danmarkshistorien i hånden.

  • - A baking book
    af Emil Glaser
    274,95 kr.

  • - En bagebog
    af Emil Glaser
    274,95 kr.

  • af Vaclav Smil
    166,95 kr.

    'There is no author whose books I look forward to more' BILL GATES'Concise and erudite . . . How to Feed the World is weighted with statistics, but there is something light and irresistible about the way Smil structures his argument and propels his narrative . . . The breadth of Smil's knowledge is as impressive as the depth' Talha Burki, LancetIn this ambitious, myth-busting book, leading scientist and internationally bestselling author Vaclav Smil investigates many of the burning questions facing the world today:Why are some of the world's biggest food producers also the countries with the most undernourished populations?Why is food waste a colossal 1,000kcal per person daily, and how can we solve that?Could we all go vegan and be healthy? Should we?How will we feed the ballooning population without killing the planet?How Food Really Works shows how we misunderstand the essentials of where our food really comes from, how our dietary requirements shape us, and why this impacts our planet in drastic ways. Ultimately, this data-based, rigorously researched guide explains how we will survive and thrive long into the future.'There is perhaps no other academic who paints pictures with numbers like Smil' GUARDIAN

  • af Armour And Company
    153,95 kr.

  • af A. Sabin
    193,95 kr.

  • af Charles Austin Bates
    398,95 kr.

  • af William Dietz
    293,95 kr.

    Spill The Tea aims to provide readers with the most vital information about the flavored tea industry. It distills 15 years of career knowledge by systematically answering top questions about flavored and blended tea, providing a complete view behind the blending room door.Through expert interviews, you will learn the following: What flavoring is-the differences between natural and artificial flavorThe anatomy of a tea blend-why and how to use certain ingredientsThe complex supply chain of flavored tea-what are the hidden costsAnd much more

  • af Chip Klose
    288,95 kr.

    Restaurants boast some of the highest failure rates of any industry, yet even worse is the sheer number of concepts that struggle just to break even. In The Restaurant Marketing Mindset, Chip Klose introduces a series of mindset shifts and actionable frameworks to help owners and operators finally take control of their marketing.With more than twenty years of operational experience--plus an MBA in food marketing--Klose has the authority, experience, and track record needed to speak confidently on the subject. Each lesson stacks one on top of the other, giving the reader a step-by-step plan to attract more diners, retain those diners, and spark word of mouth with the oneswho matter most.This book is for any chef, owner, or operator who's ever felt overwhelmed when it comes to marketing their restaurant.Each chapter is filled with powerful insights to help you build a more profitable (and sustainable) business.

  • af Ahmed Buzaian
    448,95 kr.

    A comprehensive overview of Olive oil production in Cyrenaica in the Roman period, to demonstrate its economic importance within the Roman Empire.

  • af Reema Reema
    1.928,95 kr.

    Food safety is critical in order to safeguard customers from common allergies and foodborne diseases. Food poisoning is among the most widely recognized reasons for sickness around the world. This volume seeks to educate readers on food safety and gives balanced arguments on pesticides, and genome modification among other elements influencing food safety. Billions of individuals on the planet are in danger of unsafe food. A large number become sick while others die from eating unsafe food. Thusly, safe food saves lives. Safe food enriches the individual and population health. Safe food further creates economic development of the location where sanitation is improved. Safe food supply relies upon both science and effective food policing. With technological improvements, new guidelines should be ratified to create a regular supply of food items that are protected and fit for consumption. As living standards improve, worries over food safety and possible impurities will continue being a significant medical concern. Consumers request quality and safe products they eat since food provides the necessary energy and nutrients for supporting life. Largely, consumers depend on the government to protect food items and guarantee sold foods meet minimum consumer safety standards. For instance, a container of olive oil named as 100 percent virgin olive oil should contain the very thing the name says aside from the naturally occurring minor components that are essential for the olive oil to last, and which can't be removed or disposed of totally without affecting the olive oil. The volume examines challenges and strategies in food safety and handling across different countries worldwide.

  • af Mark Scamman
    183,95 kr.

    As a young grocery store manager back in the early nineties, Mark Scamman was involved with a variety of shoplifting incidents, approximately two hundred and fifty in his first five years in management. The idea of stealing from a grocery store struck a nerve with him. It soon became apparent that shoplifting was a common occurrence not limited to gender, age, race, or social standing.Mark had witnessed shoplifting when he was working his way up through the ranks, but not to the degree he saw when he began looking for shoplifters in earnest. Over the years, Mark told his friends and family members shoplifting stories. Some made them laugh, some made them cry, and some just made them angry. He started to document the tales, thinking someday he would compile them in a book. For Christmas 2020, Mark got a Chromebook laptop-much better than pencil and paper. Larceny in the Aisles shares his experiences and his hopes for change that will better protect retailers from theft.

  • af Sandro Boscaini
    1.028,95 kr.

    Sandro Boscaini represents the sixth generation of a dynasty deeply rooted in the Valpolicella that has turned its love of the land and passion for Amarone, the legendary wine produced there, into the driving force behind a company and a brand that have acquired worldwide standing. This is his account of a family enterprise dating back to 1772, the year of the first harvest. It is a tale that covers two and a half centuries of winemaking tradition and innovation, told against the backdrop of historical events and interwoven with personal anecdotes and intriguing narrative regarding the family, its alliances, vineyards, cellars and vision for the future. While the first part is largely chronological, the second focuses more on management and company organization, describing how and why particular business strategies came into being. As the title of the book suggests, Masi is more than Amarone: it represents an enlightening case history of Made in Italy at its very best.

  • af Catherine Collins
    166,95 kr.

    A Pulitzer Prize-winning correspondent and a former private investigator dive deep into the murky waters of the international salmon farming industry, exposing the unappetizing truth about a fish that is not as good for you as you have been told.A decade ago, farmed Atlantic salmon replaced tuna as the most popular fish on North America's dinner tables. We are told salmon is healthy and environmentally friendly. The reality is disturbingly different.In Salmon Wars, investigative journalists Douglas Frantz and Catherine Collins bring readers to massive ocean feedlots where millions of salmon are crammed into parasite-plagued cages and fed a chemical-laced diet. The authors reveal the conditions inside hatcheries, where young salmon are treated like garbage, and at the farms that threaten our fragile coasts. They draw colorful portraits of characters, such as the big salmon farmer who poisoned his own backyard, the fly-fishing activist who risked everything to ban salmon farms in Puget Sound, and the American researcher driven out of Norway for raising the alarm about dangerous contaminants in the fish. Frantz and Collins document how the industrialization of Atlantic salmon threatens this keystone species, endangers our health and environment, and lines the pockets of our generation's version of Big Tobacco. And they show how it doesn't need to be this way.Just as Eric Schlosser's Fast Food Nation forced a reckoning with the Big Mac, the vivid stories, scientific research, and high-stakes finance at the heart of Salmon Wars will inspire readers to make choices that protect our health and our planet.

  • af Theresa Griffin Kennedy
    268,95 kr.

  • af Bette Lou Higgins
    278,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Rudy H. Garcia & Pat McGrath Avery
    243,95 - 463,95 kr.

  • af Michael Attias
    248,95 kr.

    Cater or Die was written for today's operator. We are in a new economy. Catering is no longer an option if you want to do more than just survive in the restaurant business. Catering is a high return, low cost vehicle to increase your restaurant bottom line. The incremental sales can double your profits without adding on the overhead of a second location. Each catering job "pays" you to market your restaurant. Whether you do a lot, a little or absolutely zero catering, the new economy is making catering mandatory. Just look at all of your competitors and chains jumping on the catering bandwagon. Michael Attias took his 104 seat restaurant just outside of Nashville, Tennessee and build catering sales to over a million dollars a year. It took Michael over 10 years of trial and error, plus hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment, to create a perfect marketing system to help restaurants build a million dollar catering business. He is now the #1 authority of helping restaurant owners add or expand their catering business; sharing what really works from his personal lessons and those of his clients. Read Cater or Die, and you'll learn: How to put the catering sales funnel to work bringing in a steady flow of new catering clients without breaking the bank or requiring you add another full time job to your overcrowded plate (you'll walk away with five ideas you can implement tomorrow). Learn how to navigate the social media jungle and focus on those activities that will generate sales, not waste you time. You'll learn what to do when the phone rings to turn price shoppers into catering clients for life. You will get two "must do's" for all catering jobs. Revealed: the "best practices" touch point to turn catering clients into family members. Plus get a foolproof system to get lost catering clients back, and much, much more.

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