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Digital disruption in healthcare is generating new technologies, applications, and large data sets, and these are all precipitating significant changes in healthcare processes. Emerging applications due to digital disruption and their impact on healthcare delivery and quality are becoming some of the key focus areas of research. However, to date, systematic, generalizable, full-scale evaluation of these new technologies/applications is lacking. Little is known about the net short- or long-term health and wellness impacts of digital technologies. Similarly, the care-delivery and management process changes caused by digital disruption are forcing healthcare organizations to react rather than plan for them in advance. Given these gaps, this book addresses the technology, applications, data, and process aspects of digital disruption in healthcare.This volume is a collection of key areas in health and wellness impacted by digital disruption. It highlights the benefits, barriers, facilitators, and transformative forces that are shaping healthcare digital disruption. Topics explored in the chapters include:Towards Network Medicine: Implementation of Panomics and Artificial Intelligence for Precision MedicineTelehealth Implementation: A Synopsis of Patients' Experience of Clinical OutcomesRealising the Healthcare Value Proposition of Better Access, Quality and Value of Care by Incorporating the Social Determinants of Health with Digital HealthThe Internet Hospital in the Time of COVID-19: An Example from China Given the diverse interest in healthcare delivery solutions today, the need is broad across academia and the healthcare industry for a comprehensive resource for teaching, practice, and research. Digital Disruption in Healthcare is a point-of-entry resource for transferring theory into practice for heads of IT departments in hospitals, consultants, and academia, as well as scholars and researchers. Both graduate and undergraduate students as well as certificate-seeking health informatics and public health students would benefit from this book. Furthermore, it is useful for healthcare stakeholders including healthcare professionals, clinicians, medical administrators, managers, consultants, policy-makers, and IT practitioners within the healthcare space.
This text aims to provide a comprehensive review of general emergency surgery, the branch of medicine that treats patients presenting to the hospital with a wide variety of emergency conditions. It includes a section focusing on clinical aspects, management, logistics, patient cohorts and perioperative considerations in the context of general emergency surgery and trauma. Other sections describe various conditions and diseases in specific anatomical structures to enable readers to easily find the information they need. Written and edited by international experts and opinion leaders in the field, this book is a valuable reference resource for general and emergency surgeons, trauma surgeons, emergency physicians and nurses. It will also be of interest to residents, students and all other healthcare professionals involved in the management of emergency surgical patients.
The book presents the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of innovative medicine facilities, as presented by architects and engineers at the International Scientific and Practical Conference Engineering, Construction and Infrastructure Solutions for Innovative Medicine Facilities, held in St. Petersburg, Russia, on May 19-21, 2021. It covers a wide diversity of topics, including the global challenges of our time and the challenges of developing the infrastructure of innovative medicine; current issues of engineering and construction of medical facilities during the pandemic; current issues of engineering and construction of biomedical research infrastructure; formation and development of a comfortable environment for the protection of public health; biological and environmental safety in the engineering, construction and technical operation of biomedical facilities. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, highlight numerous exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaborations.
ALPHA DENTISTRY proudly presents LEADERSHIP, CHANGING THE WORLD FROM A DENTAL CHAIR. This time, Dr. Bak is leading the charge of rebuilding the foundations of the dental industry, especially after the light shed by COVID. More than once, populations from all around the world have expressed their negative perceptions and uneasy feelings about the dental industry. For decades, we turned deaf and blinded to these criticisms. In the worse health crisis of our lifetime, our specialists, experts and all our doctors were benched, despite being health professionals... The message is clear, the whole field must be rethought and better adapted to our modern societies. In the hope of bringing new ideas and philosophies, Dr. Bak is joined by Dr. Mahsa Khaghani from Spain and Dr. Nagy Katalin from Hungary, along with Dr. Paul Dominique, Dr. Paul Ouellette, Dr. Arash Hakhamian and Dr. Marilyn Sandor from the USA, Dr. Gurien Demiraqi from Albania, Dr. Bennete Fernandes from Malaysia, and Dr. Sandra Fabiano from Brazil to lead this history journey looking to modernize and make dentistry more accessible and affordable. It will take leadership and courage to assemble all of the world's dental industry and bridge the gaps to a better future. It starts by listening and then, dialoguing. LEADERSHIP is an inclusive dialogue. This is the first volume of this new series in which International Dental leaders will be joining forces to rebuild Dentistry. First mission: lower the costs of dentistry. Welcome to the Alphas.
This book addresses both the philosophical and more tangible actionable components of attaining financial well-being as a medical professional. In an engaging, narrative-driven format, it relays the importance of managing one¿s finances¿even with the high salary of a doctor. Money Matters in Medicine is an accessible, invaluable resource for early-career physicians who wish to incorporate intelligent money management skills in their development as medical professionals. Chapters include information on becoming financially literate, how to approach insurance, creating a savings rate, and the top mistakes most doctors make with their money. Though there are many financial self-help books in the market, this book stands out, as it rests on philosophies and core standards held by those in the medical community. It presents the strategies to promote financial well-being and ultimately help doctors become more effective physicians with financial freedom. Thebook includes easy-to-understand guidelines and intuitive steps for readers to take massive action in their lives to improve their financial well-being.
Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit prägt das Gesundheitswesen der Zukunft. Gemeinsam auf Augenhöhe erfolgreich sein, muss das Handlungsprinzip unterschiedlicher Berufsgruppen sein. Dies erfordert eine gut abgestimmte interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit, den Einsatz geeigneter Methoden und das Management komplexer Prozesse.Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt theoretische Zusammenhänge umfassend und systematisch. Es zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, interprofessionelle Teams zu leiten und erfolgreich zu gestalten. Dabei legt das Buch großen Wert auf methodisches, praxisnahes Handeln und verliert sich nicht in abstrakten Ideen. Arbeitsmethoden, Führungsverhalten und -modelle werden lösungsorientiert erläutert. Auch neue Ansätze, wie die laterale Führung und die Rolle des interprofessionellen Managers sind Teil des Inhalts.Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende, Projekt- und Teamleiter, Verantwortliche von interprofessionellen Teams und Qualitäts- und Risikomanager. Ziel ist, die eigene Rolle zu stärken und die Managementkompetenz zu unterstützen.Zu den vielfältigen Anwendungsgebieten zählen:Management und Führung interprofessioneller Teams im klinischen Alltag, in der Qualitätsentwicklung, im Prozessmanagement, Changemanagement, Konfliktmanagement und im Risikomanagement. Sprich im täglichen Miteinander der Berufsgruppen.
Einfach ein gutes Team!Ohne Teamarbeit funktioniert das Gesundheitswesen nicht. Ob bei der stationren Aufnahme, whrend des Aufenthaltes eines Patienten in einer Einrichtung, bei der berleitung, im Praxisteam, in der Rehabilitation ... Angehrige der verschiedenen Berufsgruppen im Gesundheitswesen mssen somit ber ein hohes Ma an Teamfhigkeit verfgen. Mglichkeiten der Verbesserung gibt es immer. Welche Mglichkeiten wie umgesetzt werden knnen, ist Inhalt des handlichen Ratgebers. Anhand von Fallbeispielen und vielen praktischen Tipps vermittelt Susanne Mller, Psychologin und NLP-Coach, wie die Teamarbeit verbessert werden kann, welche Stolperfallen lauern und wie man sie umgeht, wie sozialen Kompetenz und Teamfhigkeit gestrkt werden kann - und wie man auch mit unfairen Situationen, wie Mobbing und Bossing, im Team umgehen kann.
This book uniquely provides actionable strategies along the wellness continuum in multiple dimensions: personal, institutional and professional; while applicable across disciplines: nursing and allied health, advanced practice providers and physicians. Further, the content is presented in a manner that can be taught to those entering the workforce, or serve as a primer for Wellness Officers. Most mental health texts focus on the needs of patients and ignore the mental health needs of clinicians. This book fills that gap embracing wellness initiatives as a matter of mental health. Wellness strategies for Inclusion Diversity and Equity are presented. The often ignored subject of suicide is approached head-on with evidence-based strategies for prevention. At the far end of the continuum of wellness, grief management after losing a colleague to death and/or suicide will be addressed. Each chapter includes learning objectives, a brief presentation of the science, application of principles into wellness practice, opportunities for future research and discussion questions. Artwork created by healthcare workers are included to augment transfer of knowledge through art as a way of knowing. Videos are offered to demonstrate through simulation lessons taught through the book.
Når forskning og innovation både er udfordringen og løsningenDet danske sundhedsvæsen er ramt af udfordringer. Med den demografiske udvikling forventes flere ældre og multisygdomsramte patienter, og hertil føjer sig et stigende problem med at sikre et godt arbejdsmiljø med kvalificeret personale.I denne antologi tager en række eksperter afsæt i sundhedsvæsenets udfordringer, når de undersøger, hvordan vi kan afhjælpe problemerne og skabe fremtidens sundhedsvæsen. Potentialet ved strategisk at inkorporere forskning og innovation i forskellige udviklingstendenser udfoldes, og flere vinkler på, hvordan man kan sammentænke drift, forskning, innovation og uddannelse i praksis, præsenteres:- Missionsorienteret forskning og innovation- Udvikling af forskningskultur på tværs af en stor organisation- Det offentlig-private samarbejde- Det digitaliserede sundhedsvæsen- Forsknings- og innovationsbroen- Klinisk kvalitet som outcome- Brugerinddragelse.Det danske sundhedsvæsen har behov for ledere, der kan lede i en kompleks organisatorisk virkelighed og forstår at lede udvikling og innovation ind i driften, så det får reel impact for både personale og patienter. Bogen kan læses som inspiration og debatoplæg af alle i sundhedssektoren med lederambitioner og -ansvar.
Hvordan sikrer vi et systematisk arbejde med kvalitet og patientsikkerhed i det danske sundhedsvæsen? Der er en stigende ulighed i sundhed og en øget sygdomsbyrde med især kroniske sygdomme og en stigende ældrebefolkning, ligesom 10% af alle patienter udsættes for en alvorlig utilsigtet hændelse. Samtidig tabes mange økonomiske ressourcer på gulvet på grund af dårlig kvalitet og svigtende patientsikkerhed. Disse udfordringer kan afhjælpes med systematisk arbejde med kvalitet og patientsikkerhed som i bogen er beskrevet af førende danske forskere og klinikere.Bogen henvender sig til alle sundhedsfaglige uddannelser på både universiteterne og på professionshøjskolerne, og den er i høj grad også relevant til kurser i faglige organisationer og videnskabelige sammenslutninger. Konkret er bogen især henvendt til læger, sygeplejersker, fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter, bioanalytikere, radiografer, jordemødre, psykologer og social- og sundhedsassistenter. Den kan også læses med stort udbytte af politikere og ledere på alle niveauer.Kvalitet og patientsikkerhed dækker alle relevante begreber, metoder og gældende terminologi i det samlede sundhedsvæsen – fra kommunerne over praksissektoren til hospitalerne. Der er fokus på: Det patientcentrerede sundhedsvæsen - fra retlige rammer til tilrettelæggelse af patientforløb Kvalitetsmåling Kvalitetsforbedring Statistisk proceskontrol Ledelse af kvalitet Oversættelse og implementering af kvalitetsstrategier Kvalitet og økonomi - herunder prisen for god kvalitet og de økonomiske konsekvenser af dårlig kvalitet.
The role of leadership in driving innovation through its different stages is fully explored in this book to enable clinical leaders and managers to design innovation frameworks. The book highlights how to maximize the benefits of innovation for organizations and integrated care systems while acknowledging that the process of innovation within healthcare organizations can be complex and needs to be well orchestrated to enable innovation to spread and sustain. The book examines the leadership enablers in healthcare innovation highlighting a new and refreshing strategic model of innovation. The model is used as the foundation to support the process of innovation, from ideation to implementation, within contemporary and ambitious healthcare organizations.
This book offers basic knowledge on Design Thinking as a method, process and philosophy. It presents thoughtful Design Thinking case examples and tools for nurses and other healthcare professionals, researchers, students and educators to support their development as creative and transformative leaders in their fields.Healthcare managers of the past viewed patients¿ needs merely as targets for population-level health outcomes to be validated in the final phases of developing interventions and services. Today we know better. Patients¿ needs and experiences should be viewed as sources of innovation at the front-end of the development process. It provides the basis for applying design thinking to develop better healthcare services and health tech applications.Today, the success of any healthcare service depends on complex interactions between various stakeholders, and new solutions can only be delivered effectively through co-creative and collaborative efforts. Coordinating such efforts relies on strong concepts that can only result from properly run design processes, that this book describes in light of case studies around the world.Design thinking is crucial generalist skill and is receiving increasing attention in the field, as forward-thinking organizations delve into the practice. It can change the way medical solutions are created and how clinical services are delivered. By driving innovation by means of empathy and practicality, design thinking provides tools for those seeking to drive radical renewal in the field.
Are you a medical professional looking to expand your linguistic horizons? Ready to connect with your Spanish-speaking patients on a deeper level? Then look no further! This book is the essential guide for healthcare providers eager to learn Spanish quickly and effectively, all while having a blast! Our expertly crafted book is designed with YOU in mind, offering a clear, engaging, and humorous approach to learning medical Spanish. We understand your busy schedule, and we've tailored our content to suit your needs. So, whether you're a doctor, nurse, or therapist, you'll find valuable lessons that help you communicate with patients in no time. Here's what you can expect from the book:A friendly, humorous tone that makes learning fun and stress-freeComprehensive coverage of medical scenarios, from primary care to mental healthEssential grammar lessons, pronunciation tips, and a thorough medical glossarySimulated patient encounters to practice real-life communication skillsStrategies for building trust, rapport, and cultural sensitivityTips for working with interpreters and navigating virtual consultationsLoads of resources, including apps, podcasts, and online tools for continued learningNot only will this book help you acquire the language skills necessary to serve your Spanish-speaking patients, but it will also provide you with the tools to improve your listening, empathy, and nonverbal communication. With our book by your side, you'll become the healthcare superhero your patients deserve! Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your medical career and create meaningful connections with your patients. Grab your copy today and say adiós to language barriers!
The aim of this book is to inform nurses about the most common and the more serious errors made in caring for neonatal patients. Nurses play the largest role in patient care and their overwhelming workload may sometimes lead to errors that are, in some cases, irreversible or even fatal, putting a great deal of responsibility on nurses to avoid errors. And amongst patients that nurses care for, the most vulnerable of these are neonates. This book covers learnings about the uniqueness of neonatal patients and common conditions that are seen with patients in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Factors that are predisposing and contributing factors for nursing errors are reviewed. The types of errors, consequences, detection, and monitoring for nursing errors are included. The book describes how errors can be avoided with necessary precautions, and managed appropriately based on current evidence-based practice. Recommendations for further study are also provided. This resource can be a useful tool for professional nurses, as well as nurse educators, leaders, and mentors to educate and guide their students and novice nurses.
Sprachbarrieren sind in öffentlichen Einrichtungen keine Seltenheit. Um sie abzubauen, werden Sprachmittlerinnen und Sprachmittler benötigt. In diesem Buch wird aufgezeigt, wie eine flächendeckende, effektive und rechtskonforme Versorgung mit Sprachmittlung etabliert werden kann. Hierfür wird erstmals der Bedarf an Sprachmittlung in öffentlichen Einrichtungen realistisch eingeschätzt. Organisationsmodelle für eine bedarfsgerechte Vermittlung von Sprachmittlungsleistungen werden ebenso vorgestellt wie rechtliche Aspekte und Qualifikationsprofile. Die formulierten Handreichungen sind wissenschaftlich fundiert und an der Praxis orientiert. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an diejenigen, die an innovativen Konzepten für den systematischen Umgang mit Sprachbarrieren in Deutschland interessiert sind.
Despite blockchain being an emerging technology that is mainly applied in the financial and logistics domain areas, it has great potential to be applied in other industries to generate a wider impact. Due to the need for social distancing globally, blockchain has great opportunities to be adopted in digital health including health insurance, pharmaceutical supply chain, remote diagnosis, and more. Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare Through Blockchain Technology Applications explores the current applications and future opportunities of blockchain technology in digital health and provides a reference for the development of blockchain in digital health for the future. Covering key topics such as privacy, blockchain economy, and cryptocurrency, this reference work is ideal for computer scientists, healthcare professionals, policymakers, researchers, scholars, academicians, practitioners, instructors, and students.
It has become clear that managing and maintaining state-of-the-art healthcare facilities is more important than ever before. Healthcare consists of many different institutions and supports personnel ranging from laboratories of universities, public and private hospitals, research centers of health institutions, public health institutes, institutions, and organizations engaged in research and development in the field of medicine. For all these entities to be successful, there needs to be coordination among the bodies and quality must be kept at a very high level. The Handbook of Research on Quality and Competitiveness in the Healthcare Services Sector considers the current state of the healthcare services sector and examines future directions. Covering topics such as quality excellence models, accreditation, and e-health, this major reference work is an essential resource for economists, healthcare specialists, government officials, consultants, business leaders and executives, healthcare professionals, IT managers, students and educators of higher education, researchers, and academicians.
This open access book evaluates African healthcare systems from multiple perspectives. By examining empirical data from various African countries, it analyzes the effects of socioeconomic factors such as urbanization, population growth, and education on various health indicators, including the situation of health professionals, patients's decision making, health resource distribution, mortality rates, and the burden of disease. Furthermore, topics such as the use of social media in healthcare and insurance policy in Africa are addressed. This book appeals to scholars and professionals interested in healthcare in Africa.
This comprehensive text provides information on fundamental principles of clinical practice and how these can be implemented to provide excellent treatment to the patients. The triads of health care delivery include Physicians, Pharmacist and Nurses that have distinct roles and responsibilities of patient care. Effective pharmacy practice requires an understanding of the social context within which pharmacy is practiced, recognizing the particular needs and circumstances of the users of pharmaceutical services and of pharmacy's place within health service provision. This book presents a contemporary view of pharmacy practice research covering theories, methodologies, models and techniques that are applicable. The initial chapters describe the basics of pharmacy profession and what is the key role and responsibilities of Pharmacist in health care delivery. The central part of the book illustrates the community, hospital and ethics regarding drug formulation. The last chapters cover the therapeutic aspect of pharmacy and how these can be employed to improve patient's health care facilities.
This book provides caregivers and administrators with high-quality support for strategic decision making in the selection and use of medical devices so as to ensure value optimization. Medical treatment is increasingly complex, with wide application of medical devices and corresponding involvement of physics and engineering. A multidisciplinary methodology that brings together expertise from key disciplines in a holistic, system-oriented approach is essential in controlling this complexity and further improving health care. This book will help readers to understand the design, validation, and application of medical devices and the standards and regulations that apply to them across the world. In addition, it provides technical, operational, and economic perspectives on their use. The relevance of concepts such as expenditure optimization and sustainability to medical device technology is explained and healthcare reimbursement systems are discussed from different points of view. Readers will gain a clear appreciation of the managerial and economic implications of the use of medical devices and how to get the most out of them. Academic research, industrial experiences, and case studies are presented as appropriate.
YOUR PRACTICE (BUSINESS) IS MORE THAN JUST ANOTHER PROCEDUREIn Treating People Not Patients, Dr. Michael Sonick provides an invaluable look into the principles that have allowed him to create a state-of-the-art patient centric practice. His back and front stage processes are not only applicable to the practice of dentistry, but to any business that serves people. His insights will empower you to grow your practice or business by changing how you view the people you serve and your role as a professional. You will . . .- Discover the role hospitality plays to make people feel better- Understand the power of great service through human connection- Learn how to create a first-class impeccable office environment- Build a servant hearted team that provides a WOW experience- Value mentorship to build excellence into your practice- Establish and exercise integrity in all of your work.Alleviate Fears and Establish Trust to Relate Better with Your Patients and Customers Today!
A straightforward and personal guide to managingand organizing small and large research groupsMANAGING SCIENCE: A Practical Guide aims to contribute specific advice and lived experience to all leaders of research projects. The book touches on the most important steps in the research process, and it covers, among other things, how to develop the best ideas, generate hypotheses, apply for funding, hire the most competent employees, and publish successful articles. In addition, the book presents different approaches to leadership and organising both small and large research groups.In this book, writer and researcher Torben F. Ørntoft has interviewed 18 successful professorsand research leaders from Denmark, England, Finland, and Sweden who have contributed their input on the structure and management of the ideal research group. Additionally, Ørntoft has drawn on his own experience as a leader of a large Danish research group.Torben F. Ørntoft, M.D.-Ph.D. (born 1953) is specialised in clinical biochemistry. From 1996-2017, he was chief physician and head of department at Aarhus University Hospital, first for The Department of Clinical Biochemistry, and then for The Department of Molecular Medicine. He became a Professor of Molecular Medicine at Aarhus University in 1999.
HÅNDBOG I FORSKNINGSLEDELSE sigter efter at bidrage med konkrete råd og levet erfaring til alle ledere af forskningsprojekter. Bogen berører de vigtigste trin i forskningsprocessen og kommer blandt andet ind på idéudvikling, generering af hypoteser, fondsansøgningsprocessen, ansættelse af medarbejdere, organisering af små og store forskergrupper, ledelsesstil og publicering af artikler.Forfatter og forsker Torben F. Ørntoft har i denne bog interviewet 18 succesfulde professorer og forskningsledere både fra Danmark, England, Sverige og Finland, som er kommet med deres indspark til opbygningen og ledelsen af den ideelle forskergruppe. Ørntoft har ligeledes trukket på sin egen erfaring som leder af en stor forskergruppe.Torben F. Ørntoft (f. 1953) er læge og dr.med. Han er speciallæge i klinisk biokemi og var i årene 1996-2017 ledende overlæge på Aarhus Universitetshospital, først for Klinisk Biokemisk Afdeling og senere for Molekylær Medicinsk Afdeling. I 1999 blev han professor ved Aarhus Universitet i molekylær medicin.
Are you thinking about starting your own dental practice and want to get it right the first time?For the enterprising dentist The Simple Guide to Starting a Dental Practice and Getting it Right the First Time is an invaluable resource. Starting a practice from scratch in today's competitive market can be a scary proposition, but The Simple Guide will walk you through the steps to turn your dream into a reality. With practical advice for every step along the way, to-do lists and templates, this guide can help you ensure that your practice is set up for long-term success. In this book, you'll learn:How to find the ideal location with patients that are perfect for your practiceHow to build a comprehensive business plan and arrange financingHow to design and staff your new practiceand more...¿Preparation is key for a successful practice start-up. The work you do now will lay the foundation of your practice, and with the advice in this guide, you can make sure that foundation is one that will lead to long-term career and financial success. Manfred Purtzki is a CPA and dental practice transitions specialist with more than forty years' experience assisting dentists. He has been a contributor to the Just for Dentists newsletter (now a blog) since 1989 and is the author of several publications focusing on buying and selling dental practices. He is a popular speaker at dental conferences. Manfred launched Purtzki Transitions, a full-service practice transition and valuation firm in 1992.
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