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  • af Eric Adams
    177,95 kr.

    "Brooklyn Borough President and mayoral candidate Eric Adams is on a mission to tackle one of the most stubborn health problems in the country: chronic disease in the African American community. African Americans are heavier and sicker than any other group in the U.S., with nearly half of all black adults suffering from some form of cardiovascular disease. After Adams woke up with severe vision loss one day in 2016, he learned that he was one of the nearly 5 million black people living with diabetes-and, according to his doctor, he would have it for the rest of his life. A police officer for more than two decades, Adams was a connoisseur of the fast-food dollar menu. Like so many Americans with stressful jobs, the last thing he wanted to think about was eating healthfully. Fast food was easy, cheap, and comfortable. His diet followed him from the squad car to the state senate, and then to Brooklyn Borough Hall, where it finally caught up with him"--

  • af Mushtaq Haroon
    462,95 kr.

    This concise book on endocrinology and diabetes deals with the core knowledge with emphasis on clinical application, bed side assessment, evaluation, and workup of such patients.It is richly loaded with lists and tables outlining the clinical features, diagnosis, and management. Diabetes and Endocrinology serves as an invaluable supplement for the preparation of undergraduate and postgraduate viva voce and bedside short and long case examination. Facts are outlined in tabulated format for easy access and learning. Photographs and figures are added where necessary to augment understanding. The book will provide relevant knowledge and clinical skills to diagnose and assess the patient's problem and address most clinical perils in the subject at the bedside.

  • af Donnie Edison
    187,95 kr.

    This memoir serves as a roadmap for how to turn one's life right-side up, after it has been jolted upside-down, in the blink of an eye. Donnie's story proves this can happen to the best of us, but that doesn't mean we stop being our best.

  • af J Murray Hockings
    157,95 kr.

    GREAT NEWS FOR TYPE 2 DIABETICS! At last -- a simple, step-by-step guide to doing what many doctors thought impossible: reversing Type 2 Diabetes! The epidemic of obesity and bad eating habits in America has spawned an even worse condition: Type 2 Diabetes. This devastating condition affects 33 million and threatens 84 million Americans who have Pre-Diabetic symptoms and conditions. For years, a Type 2 diagnosis by a doctor meant fighting a losing battle to live free of the condition. But the doctors were wrong! The three most common lies about Type 2 Diabetes 1. Diabetes can't be reversed. 2. Medications are the only thing available to "manage" your Diabetes. 3. It's a waste of your time and money to attempt to reverse Diabetes with natural therapy. But as this book demonstrates, it is possible to reverse Type 2 Diabetes. Get an early grip on turning back this nearly invisible life-threatening illness. Don't live with the lies of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Food Manufacturers and the Medical Profession. This small guide by Dr. J. Murray Hockings, D.C., will help you fight back and perform a medical miracle -- turn around a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes by starting down a new revolutionary path to health and wellness. Your return to health starts here!

  • af Sheila Z. Stirling
    237,95 kr.

    This Amazing Wellness guide has over 130 pages of cutting edge holistic wellness tips and things to do and not do. Find out what foods are good for specific organs, learn how certain medicional teas can aid you in staying well. and so much more. Now Sheila Z PhD shares secrets of Staying well in these trying times and far beyond.

  • af Jessica Freeman
    117,95 kr.

    You've recently been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, and are beginning to realize that it affects every area of your life. You're feeling overwhelmed right now and might be wondering how to navigate the next 10 or 20 years. The Type 1 Life for Adults is for adults who need insight and guidance on how to handle day-to-day life with their diagnosis. In this book, you'll find many of my own experiences sprinkled in, as well as stories from other individuals with Type 1 diabetes.

  • af Nadia Al-Samarrie
    212,95 kr.

  • af Dawna Stone
    152,95 kr.

    Diet Stacking is the silver bullet in the quest to find a long-term solution to weight loss. Diet Stacking allows for a continued burst of motivation (motivation that often fades when a single diet is used alone). By stacking the best scientifically proven weight loss diets, you can reap the reward of each diet-weight loss, better health, disease prevention, and more-without the motivational struggle to adhere to the same strict dietary rules for weeks, months or years.The choice to use the term "stacking" in the name Diet Stacking is an important one. In essence, you "stack" diets one after another no different than you would stack building blocks. One serves as a foundation for the next, and in the process, you achieve better results than you would using a single diet alone. Diet Stacking: -Disrupts the normal dieting process-Increases motivation-Delivers quick weight loss that lastsTake the First Step and Find Your Stack!

  • af Robert Grant Fines
    107,95 kr.

    House-training the Diabetes Monster is for anyone concerned with type II diabetes, either for themselves or someone close to them. It is written from a successful health coaching perspective, where the author simplifies our basic physiology as it relates to diabetes. He then outlines the steps he uses in helping his clients either avoid, control, and best of all reverse type II diabetes. He guides the reader through six easy steps to get their disease under control followed by four more steps to take total control back. The authors lifelong passion has been health and nutrition. After many years working as a CEO and Chief Technology Officer, he changed careers and became a Certified Health Coach through the Integrative Institute of Nutrition. "The strategies I successfully use as a health coach are outlined in this book, starting with getting your mind right about the required changes, learning the basic's of how your body metabolizes carbohydrates, and a new outlook on food." Many doctors have encouraged Grant to write this book, including the two who's quotes endorsing the book are seen on the back cover. According to Dr. Jonathan Paul Navar from Texas Tech University Health Science Center, he says "Finally an approach that gets to the cause of this disease. As a practicing Primary Care Physician I manage and treat diabetes daily. I wish I had two hours per office visit to spend reading House-training the Diabetes Monster with all of my diabetic and pre-diabetic patients. This book helps people to understand diabetes, helps set them up for success, and provides the tools necessary to conquer the diabetes monster. I recommend it to all my patients and I use the nutritional principles detailed in this book to treat and reverse diabetes in my daily practice." Q: Why did you write a book about Diabetes? A: I've lived a life surrounded by diabetes. I don't have it, but I watched my father become a type II diabetic when he was in his late thirties and I was six. His disease progressed quickly and complications started despite his trying to follow his doctor and nutritionists advice. What I've learned was despite their best intentions, they had no idea how to treat him. With advances in research, we know the cause of type II diabetes and that it is controllable and even reversible in many instances. What's the point of having great science if we are not going to use it? Q: What makes you qualified to write such a book A: Health and nutrition has been my life's passion. After holding a number of 'C' level jobs, I enrolled and became a Certified Health Coach through the Integrative Institute of Nutrition. I love working with people and while the 'C' level jobs were rewarding, nothing tops helping someone overcome type II diabetes. The strategies I use are outlined in this book, starting with getting your mind right about the required changes, how to heal your body, and a new outlook on food. Q: Why should someone read this book? A: It is written for everyone to understand. The physiological factors behind type II diabetes are very complex, but I have made them very easy to comprehend. You really need this basic physiology to grasp what goes on inside your body when you eat something. I've also made it easier to differentiate between carbohydrates by categorizing them into good, ok and bad. I've done the same with fats. Good fats, which I call body friendly fats, are society's most maligned food, mainly because people don't know how to differentiate between them and bad fats. This knowledge is critical in order to live a healthier life. I've broken my strategies into two sections, first is the easy steps which includes learning a new mindset towards food, how best to fast, and which supplements to take. When the reader is ready, the section on taking on more includes how to restore your gut health and about cholesterol ratios.

  • af Roberta M. O'Connell
    142,95 kr.

    I give you this book with my love and hope. There are way too many people suffering from Diabetes unnecessarily. Another title, "I Want To Live" is the same as this book, except it contains pictures of the recipes. I created this one for you at a lower cost, so more people could get it and get healthy faster. Please don't wait; you life could depend on it. I went from a 9.1A1C to 5.2 in one year. If you're serious about living a happy, healthy life, read this book and do the work. Please! I wrote it all down FOR YOU.

  • af Stephen Forbess
    207,95 kr.

    Learn how many have been able to help type 2 diabetes & hypoglycemia, naturally and safely. Get tips and tools to get healthy and help lower medications safely. Dr. Stephen Forbess, with over 30 years of experience, goes over natural methods to help overcome this condition, so you can safely help yourself. Chapters are devoted to describing the condition, the most common causes in modern day society, as well as an overview of the various natural helps to help stop and reverse the forward progression of the condition. The emphasis is to promote and allow the body to help heal the pancreas, which is the primary organ that is failing in type 2 Diabetes. As the pancreas heals, Dr. Forbess describes methods to asses this improvements, so your doctors can begin lowering medications, for those on insulin or other drugs. The book is also great for hypoglycemics and pre-diabetics, as hypoglycemia and pre-diabetes are precursors to type 2 Diabetes. Using these techniques, MOST people CAN stop and reverse type 2 Diabetes naturally, if they take the right steps. Most drugs prescribed to "treat" type 2 diabetes, are a simply a tool to "manage" the illness. They never reverse the condition. If you have a bacterial infections, antibiotics are given until the condition is gone, then they are removed. Not so with type 2 Diabetes. . . . They are told to take the drug FOREVER... And in spite of all they do, the condition for many continues to worsen, they end up with severe and permanent eye, nerve, and kidney conditions that sometimes gets even worse with amputations and organ transplants. The book discusses how to help restore life to the pancreas, as that is the key to long term improvement of type 2 Diabetes and hypoglycemia. The reader can expect to learn this path to help safely improve the condition through natural methods.

  • af Laura Flynn M. B. a.
    77,95 kr.

  • af Dayna Frei & Stacey Smith-Bradfield
    197,95 kr.

    Type 1 Diabetes and Babysitting: A Parent's Toolkit gives you the ability to fill in specific information about your child and thoroughly train your caregiver. Information such as: - How to give shots - What to do with a high or low blood sugar - Troubleshooting pumps - Meal and insulin planning Along with step-by-step instructions covering all aspects of your child's care, we've included pull-out pages for a babysitter and sleepovers. Overwhelmed. That's the feeling of a parent whose child has just been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. The days that follow are a blur of handouts, booklets, phone calls, notes scribbled after conversations with doctors and nurses. We stuff these papers into some sort of homemade binder or folder, hoping they will cover all the bases of emergencies and critical situations. The worst possible scenarios are always in the back of our minds. We quickly become experts at diabetes care for our kid, and things like "diabetic ketoacidosis" and "basal rates" and "rapid acting insulin" don't give us pause. It hits us: how can we possibly feel comfortable leaving our child with anyone else besides a doctor, a nurse ... anyone medically trained? We're afraid to ask someone to watch our child because of the complex care involved. In reality, we are asking a lot. We are asking someone to be levelheaded enough to make decisions about a disease that is completely unpredictable. On the other hand, we want our kid to be "normal" and stay at a friend's house. As parents, we need and want to take a break, but when you're afraid of leaving your child in someone else's care, Date Night goes by the wayside. How do we navigate sleepovers, day care, play dates, and trips to Grandma's house? What if there was something geared toward a teen-aged sitter? Or a grandparent? Something in layman's terms that a person not immersed in the world of diabetes could understand? Type 1 Diabetes and Babysitting: A Parent's Toolkit is the only comprehensive guide available that is user friendly and completely adaptable to a child's specific needs. Julie Marmon, M.D. says, "This book provides parents a method to convey crucial data and not worry that important details have been glossed over. The step-by-step instructions and flow charts with areas to personalize, streamline care and remove fear from a situation which may be scary for sitters and family members. Great work!"

  • af Kenneth Wright
    77,95 kr.

  • af Laurie Endicott Thomas
    177,95 kr.

    French people use the term thin diabetes (diabète maigre) to refer to type 1 diabetes: the severe, incurable form of diabetes mellitus that tends to strike children. French people use the term fat diabetes (diabète gras) to refer to type 2 diabetes: the milder, reversible form of diabetes mellitus that occurs in overweight people. In this fascinating book, Laurie Endicott Thomas provides clear and often surprising explanations of why people get diabetes, and what they can do about it. Diabetes does not result from eating too much sugar and starch. Type 2 diabetes results from eating too much fat, and type 1 diabetes results from a problem in the immune system. Type 2 diabetes is not really a disease. It is a defense mechanism. If you have type 2 diabetes, you are a naturally thin person, and your body is willing to sacrifice everything to keep you from gaining even more weight from a diet that is too rich in fat. The solution to this problem is to a low-fat vegan (purely plant-based) diet. Such a diet reverses type 2 diabetes and helps to improve the health of people with type 1 diabetes. If an entire family adopts this diet for the benefit of a diabetic family member, everyone will benefit! This book explains how to use food to fight diabetes. It even includes meal planning tips and quick and easy recipes.

  • af Daen E. Scott Aprn
    167,95 kr.

    One in ten people in the United States has diabetes, and the rate is on the rise. Despite theses large numbers diabetes is rarely discussed, and most people with diabetes don't regularly talk with friends or family about their condition. Rotten Hobby aims to break down the stigma around diabetes by providing an honest look at what it is really like to live with it. Mixing humor and solid information this book is for anyone with diabetes and those who have friends or family with diabetes.

  • af Daniele Hargenrader
    162,95 kr.

    Daniele Hargenrader reaches over 1,000,000 people with diabetes every month through her videos, training programs, and as the Community Ambassador for Diabetes Daily, where she shares her expertise on mindset, fitness, nutrition and more. "If every single person living with diabetes could read this book and apply Daniele's life-changing wisdom, millions of lives would be improved, billions of dollars would be saved, and the face of health in America would be entirely transformed." - Dr. Jody Stanislaw, PWD, Naturopathic Doctor, and Author, Hunger What is a Diabetes Dominator? Diabetes Dominator is a state of mind: Instead of diabetes being perceived as a weakness or a curse, diabetes can actually be a great source of strength if we choose to let it. We all have the power to turn adversity into advantage. Diabetes can be a catalyst for improving our lives, paying closer attention to what matters most in life, and for being of service to others. I didn't always feel this way, and that's why I wrote this book. 3 BONUSES: Get my online health and wellness training program for FREE (worth over $100) when you take action now. See for details. This is the book I wish my mom and dad had when times looked darkest. This is the book that I wish I could go back and give to my younger self, to tell myself that it's going to be okay. To show myself that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that instead of feeling weak, hopeless, defeated, and unworthy for the rest of my life, that instead I will end up being stronger than I ever imagined possible. Since I can't go back and tell myself that, the best thing I can do now is give you the message. "Daniele has a passion for helping people see the potential opportunities in the wake of their challenges. From her own compelling personal story, to the way she has risen to become an effective advocate for people with diabetes in the diabetes online community through her engaging interviews and constructive outlook, Daniele proves to the community that all of us who live with chronic disease can be the dynamic change-makers of our own stories." - Melissa Lee, PWD, Patient Advocate and Interim Executive Director, Diabetes Hands Foundation "I believe in the power of peer support and sharing our positive stories. Daniele inspires and uplifts all of us through her tireless dedication to share and transform the way we look at diabetes." - Christel Marchand Aprigliano, PWD, Patient Advocate, CEO of The Diabetes Collective, Founder, The Diabetes UnConference "To paraphrase the late great Yogi Berra, "50% of diabetes is 90% mental." Daniele never lets us forget that we're People first, With Diabetes second." -Gary Scheiner MS, CDE, PWDOwner Integrated Diabetes Services, Author, Think Like a Pancreas "Daniele is a consistent source of positivity, ambition, and inspiration. She knows type 1 diabetes firsthand, she's experienced struggle and she's worked her way towards success. She's shared her journey and wisdom on achieving success in many ways, and her book is the official cherry on top! If you're looking for the motivation to create change in your own life with diabetes, I highly recommend this book--and anything else Daniele chooses to share with all of us!"-Ginger Vieira, PWD, Author, Dealing with Diabetes Burnout "Daniele owns her D! She's what Sugar Surfing is all about: the empowered person with diabetes capable of making the tough choices, learning from the results, then taking control to a new level. Let her show you a new path to living well with diabetes. Her book is a must read"Stephen Ponder MD, CDE, PWDAuthor, Sugar Surfing

  • af Jonathan Prins
    177,95 kr.

    Type 2 Diabetes is reversible! After being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in early 2011 the author undertook exhaustive research to better understand the disease that he had been diagnosed with. What started out as a collection of research articles from several respected doctors and researchers slowly took shape as a book on how to undo the damage and prevent it from happening again. Inside this book there is information on dietary protocols and supplements that type 2 diabetics need to know about. Included are recipes that the author formulated and used personally as well as suggested exercise systems to help with weight loss and general fitness. If you are a type 2 diabetic then you need to read this book to find out what you need to know to get off medication and live a life free from diabetes and medications. A recent study by the CDC has shown that it is in fact possible, in a small percentage of people, to cure type 2 diabetes through lifestyle changes that include diet and exercise. If you want to live a life free from Type 2 Diabetes, then Cure Diabetes Naturally may help you to achieve this.

  • af Tim Hoy
    132,95 kr.

    With so many books on diabetes available, trying to decide on something that will resonate and help you is really tough. Tested takes many thoughts and ideas and condenses them into a practical, inspirational book. As those that reviewed this book attest, it will help anyone facing the challenge of living with Type 1diabetes and provide a road map for success. Need real world tips for your diabetes, that can actually get results?Living with Type 1 diabetes is overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way. With tips and ideas from those who have diabetes and are leading remarkably successful lives, be inspired to get your life and diabetes control where it needs to be.How Is this book any different from the usual diabetic books? Tim Hoy (BPhed(hons)) is a Type 1 diabetic of 43 years, who is an expert in both what it takes to be successful and more importantly how to do it with diabetes. By combining this knowledge along with interviewing others that have walked the same path, Tim has provided a road map to get you past the doubt of managing Type 1 and into a world of possibilities."Tested" features practical approaches in managing Type 1 diabetes through in depth analysis of those who took on incredible challenges living with the disease and succeeded. This book offers new approaches that allow you to move past the mental blocks, so you can get back control of not just your diabetes but also your life.What sort of information can I expect to find?With over 10 unique chapters of ground breaking tips and ideas, you can expect to be less confused about what to do, and more confident in the management of your disease.This book provides a clear path to successfully managing your diabetes without the endless theories and complicated algorithms that litter other medical books on Type 1. Best of all, they are referenced and backed up by published science.Are you still struggling trying to get good blood glucose control?We follow a radio presenter, who took his A1c from 12% to under 7% and give you the tools to do the same by applying a simple adjustment to your focus. Just diagnosed?Read how an entrepreneur, a 7 year old, and 3 university students, navigated their life changing moments and were able to achieve their goals in the process.Has diabetes got you feeling overwhelmed?Get some great insight into how to manage the many bits of information that are given to you, from an Olympic Gold medalist. His diagnosis occurred as he was trying to win his record breaking 5th consecutive gold medal. By using the same mindset he used, you too can succeed without diabetes exhausting you (even if a gold medal isn't in your immediate future).Do you need some inspiration and connection?Discover how two young ladies met doing outdoor adventure with fellow Type 1's, formed a group that has one of the largest online followings of Type 1 diabetics and now have made a business that makes a difference from their collaboration. By applying their ideas to your situation, you will find a way to connect with others and potentially find your calling in the process.Has having Type 1 diabetes caused you endless worry and led you to give up on your dreams?Change your outcomes and learn how two different men used their diagnosis to fund their full time jobs. One who summited Mount Everest and the other who started a World class sports team of Type 1 diabetics. By implementing their methods, you can feel the exhilaration that comes from completing a big challenge and in the process, improve your long term diabetes outcomes.The information is both easy to read and to apply to your situation. It is designed to be full of great ideas without pages of repetitive information.Start making diabetes management easier and get back control of your life.Click the "Buy" button now and start enjoying your life again.

  • af Kelley Akins
    167,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Correa
    217,95 kr.

    35 "

  • af David Khorram MD
    152,95 kr.

    Millions of people lose vision from diabetes. Make sure you're not one of them. In this revised and updated second edition, award-winning ophthalmologist, writer and educator, Dr. David Khorram serves as your guide, giving you the knowledge you need to keep your vision for a lifetime. This easy to understand guide begins with a description of how the eye works and how diabetes causes damage, not just in the eye but throughout the body. Dr. Khorram then discusses the stages of diabetic retinopathy, as well as other diabetic related problems such as cataracts, fluctuating vision and double vision. Dr. Khorram goes on to explain the types of doctors that provide diabetic eye care, the details of the eye exam, and an overview of special eye tests that you may need to evaluate diabetic eye disease. A separate section discussed treatment of diabetic eye disease, including laser treatment, surgery, and the use of revolutionary drugs such as Avastin which can stabilize and even reverse vision loss. Finally, Dr. Khorram touches on issues related to control of diabetes and other health problems that can play a major role in helping you prevent blindness. "An outstanding book for people with diabetes and their families." John T. Thompson, MD, President, American Society of Retina Specialists "The depth and clarity of Dr. Khorram's book are amazing and it is a godsend to people with diabetes." Frank Harritt, Founder and CEO of Diabetes Self-Defense, LLC "Having lived with diabetes for over 30 years and treated patients with diabetes for more than 20, I can say that Dr. Khorram does an outstanding job explaining the how's and why's of diabetic eye care in a sensible and understandable way. This is one book that I plan to read for a lifetime!" Gary Scheiner, MS, CDE, author of Think Like a Pancreas: A practical guide to managing diabetes with insulin "If knowledge leads to action, you are well on your way to a lifetime of healthy vision. This book answers all your questions..." Jill Weisenberger, MS, RD, CDE, author of Diabetes Weight Loss - Week by Week "I thoroughly enjoyed the book. I was blown away by all the details provided and with photos to illustrate the information. The book is a complete guide on the progression of the effects of diabetes on the eyes, and covers the latest developments of treatment alternatives. A good reference book to understand what your doctor is trying to convey. Very well written in a casual and personal style. P.S. Armed with information from Dr. Khorram's book I was able to convince my husband to drastically modify his diet to control his diabetes. We just saw our physician. Not only has my husband lost 20 pounds in three months, but his AC1 is 5.6! His cholesterol is also normal and his medications have been cut way back. Now he has the motivation to monitor himself and we are gradually adding healthy carbs." smithwic, Amazon review of the first edition

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