Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Smerter og smertebehandling

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  • - En bog om at genfinde balancen
    af Ole Kåre Føli i samarbejde med Dorte Kvist
    205,95 kr.

    Denne bog er baseret på interviews med Ole Kåre Føli foretaget helt op til få dage før hans død i april 2018. I dag kan man kurere sygdomme, som mennesker tidligere døde af, og fikse mekaniske skader på kroppen, som tidligere forkrøblede permanent. Men lægernes syn på kroppen som en slags maskine har vist sig at have nogle store begrænsninger, og meget tyder på, at vi i den vestlige verden nu er ved at nå den yderste kant af, hvad denne mekaniske kropsopfattelse kan redegøre for. Psyken skal indregnes i behandlingen. Ole Kåre Føli har, siden han var 12 år gammel, givet behandlinger med sine hænder – en behandlingsform, der siden skulle udmønte sig i metoden Body SDS. I 1998 blev Ole Kåre Føli behandler på cykelholdet Team CSC. Han arbejdede desuden med balletdansere fra både Danmark og New York City Ballet og mennesker i øvrigt, der havde brug for hans alternative behandling. I denne bog fortæller han om sit eget sygdomsforløb og forsøger at guide læseren frem til, hvad krop og psyke har brug for. En afgørende pointe er, at vi ikke kun skal behandle og dulme sygdomssymptomer, men gå dybere og finde årsagerne til, at en ubalance eller sygdom i første omgang er opstået i kroppen.

  • - Hvordan vi slipper fri af tidens perfekthedskultur
    af Sanne Østergaard Nissen
    132,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Perfektion er en illusion, og det ved vi godt, men de seneste 20-30 år er der sket en stigning i presset for at være perfekt. Tidens perfekthedskultur må og skal vi gøre op med, da perfektionisme kan føre til forskellige former for mistrivsel. Vejen ud af perfekthedskulturens onde cirkel er mangesidig. I bogen præsenteres vi for forskning fra den positive psykologi koblet sammen med inspiration fra den japanske filosofi wabi-sabi. Bogen viser, hvordan vi lærer at finde meningen i livets foranderlighed, i vores egen ufuldkommenhed og i livets fællesskaber. Det er også et opgør med forbrugsræs og troen på, at man kan købe, kontrollere eller forhaste sig lykkelig. Der gives 12 konkrete bud på sammen at finde veje til at leve fuldt ud med et mere balanceret fokus på: Trivsel. Kærlighed. Kreativitet. Opbyggelige relationer. Fællesskab. Flow. Glæde. Selvværd. Nærvær. Frihed. Mening. Mod. Styrker. Det er selve modet til at være uperfekt, der giver skønheden i livet.

  • - Afhjælp og mindsk dine kroniske smerterne
    af Lotte Heise & Morten Høgh
    176,95 kr.

    Kroniske smerter er, ligesom alle andre kroniske sygdomme, noget, der påvirker hele tilværelsen; i hjemmet, på arbejdspladsen og i fritiden. Mange menneskers viden om smerte er desværre forældet, og derfor kan det være svært at forstå, hvordan humør, adfærd og smerter hænger uløseligt sammen.Lotte Heise har selv haft smerter, siden hun var i starten af 20’erne. Sammen med smerteekspert Morten Høgh ønsker hun med denne bog at hjælpe folk med kroniske smerter på vejen mod bedring og samtidig hjælpe pårørende til at forstå, hvad det vil sige at leve med kroniske smerter.Bogen beskriver Lottes oplevelser af et liv med smerter, suppleret med den nyeste viden fra smerteforskningen samt gode råd til alle smerteramte. Der er ingen udløbsdato på kroniske smerter, men der findes løsninger! Du kan selv gøre meget for at afhjælpe og mindske smerterne. Det gælder også, selvom du har haft ondt i årevis. Med andre ord viser Lotte og Morten vejen til at lægge smerterne på hylden!“Det ville være dejligt at finde en form for ‘smertefællesskab’, for det har jeg tit savnet gennem mine 40 år med smerter. Det er mit inderligste ønske, at denne bog, der er til alle os, der har lyst til at skrige ‘AV!’ mange, mange gange om ­dagen, måske kan hjælpe læseren til at føle sig mindre plaget, mindre alene og MERE forstået!”– Lotte HeiseOm forfatterneLotte Heise (født 1959) er entertainer, foredragsholder og radiovært i Danmarks Radio. I 2017 havde hun 30-årsjubilæum med sine solooptrædener over hele Danmark og i udlandet. Læg smerterne på hylden er Lotte Heises 10. bog, og hun har bl.a. tidligere skrevet Lottes operabog og Selvfølgelig skal hun bo hos mig.Morten Høgh (født 1973) er ph.d., fysioterapeut (FysioDanmark Aarhus) og smerteforsker (Aalborg Universitet) og underviser i smerte- og neuro­videnskab i ind- og udland. Han er medforfatter på adskillige lærebøger og videnskabelige artikler og har siddet i flere arbejdsgrupper i bl.a. Sundhedsstyrelsen. Morten brænder for at nedbryde myter om kroniske smerter og derigennem gøre behandlingen bedre for dem, der lider af denne sygdom.

  • af Juliet Starrett
    185,95 kr.

    Built to Move by Kelly Starrett is a must-read for anyone interested in improving their physical performance. Published in 2023 by Orion Publishing Co, this book is a treasure trove of information on how to optimize your body's movement for maximum efficiency and strength. As a renowned author in the genre of health and fitness, Starrett combines his expertise with accessible writing to create a book that is both informative and engaging. Whether you're an athlete looking to enhance your performance or simply someone interested in better understanding your body, Built to Move is an invaluable resource. Don't miss out on this latest offering from Orion Publishing Co, one of the leading publishers in the field of health and fitness literature.

  • - Baggrund, evidens og behandling
    af Lars Arendt-Nielsen, Mads U. Werner & Nanna B. Finnerup
    687,95 kr.

    DET DANSKE HOVEDVÆRK OM SMERTER Lærebogen "Smerter: Baggrund, evidens og behandling" udgives i en stærkt udvidet 4. udgave. Kronisk smerte rammer mindst 16 % af den voksne danske befolkning og har særdeles store humanitære omkostninger for de ramte og deres pårørende. Kronisk svær smerte påvirker alle dimensioner af livet, inklusive personlige, familiære, arbejdsmæssige og sociale relationer. Smerte er desuden en betydelig samfundsøkonomiskfaktor: Udgifter relateret til kronisk smerte anslåsat udgøre mere end en tredjedel af de samlede årlige udgifter til sundhedsvæsenet. "Smerter: Baggrund, evidens og behandling" dækker de fysiologiske, diagnostiske og behandlingsmæssige aspekter af smerte. Denne 4. udgave er gennemgribende revideret og bl.a. udvidet med hele 17 nye kapitler. Bogen henvender sig bredt sundhedsfagligt og kan bruges af både studerende og færdiguddannede – læger, fysioterapeuter, kiropraktorer, sygeplejersker og tandlæger. Den kan anvendes som både lærebog, opslagsbog og generel vidensressource. OM FORFATTERNEMADS U. WERNER er overlæge, ph.d., DMSc ved Tværfagligt Smertecenter, Rigshospitalet, og docent i smerteforskning ved Lunds Universitet, Sverige. Han har arbejdet heltid ligeligt fordelt mellem akut, kræftrelateret og langvarig smerte siden 1992. Forskningsområder er humane smertemodeller samt patofysiologi bag persisterende postkirurgiske smerter.NANNA BRIX FINNERUP er dr.med., professor i neuropatisk smerteforskning og leder af Dansk Smerteforskningscenter, Institut for Klinisk Medicin, Aarhus Universitet og neurologisk afd. Aarhus Universitetshospital. Aktuelle forskningsområder er smertefuld polyneuropati ved diabetes og kemoterapi, postoperative og centrale neuropatiske smerter samt smertefysiologi og eksperimentelle smertemodeller.LARS ARENDT-NIELSEN er dr.med., ph.d. og professor i translatorisk smerteforskning, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aalborg Universitet .Forskningen omfatter biomarkører til vurdering af smerte/nociception fra hud, muskler og viscera. Den humane forskning i relation til raske forsøgspersoner og smertepatienter går på udvikling af nye diagnostiske profileringsværktøjer samt smerte-biomarkører til screening og profilering af nye smertestillende midler.

  • af Chana Studley
    207,95 kr.

    Da det går op for Deborah, at hendes kroniske rygsmerter er forsvundet, uden at hun har gjort noget for det, begynder hun nysgerrigt at undersøge sandheden om forbindelsen mellem krop og sind, og det fører hende ud på et internationalt eventyr. Kan hun finde vej i den medicinske verden og afmystificere oplevelsen af kroniske smerter, så hun kan hjælpe andre til at blive smertefri? Vil de tro på, at tanker er den glemte forbindelse?Smertefri er en inspirerende og medrivende roman om sammenhængen mellem smerter, stresstilstande og tankens kraft. Med indlevelse og humor beskrives en række letgenkendelige menneskeskæbner, der har det til fælles, at de føler sig fanget i deres historier om kroniske smerter, og vi følger dem på deres vej til frihed gennem indsigter i, hvad der skaber deres oplevelser.Chana Studley er forfatter, foredragsholder og 3P coach. I denne bog fortæller hun gennem bogens personer og handling om den medicinske forskning i kroniske smerter, om traditionelle og alternative behandlingsmetoder og placebo – og om den forståelse af sindet og tankens kraft, som hjalp hende selv til at blive smertefri.Forståelsen som kaldes De Tre Principper (3P), medfødt sundhed eller indefra-ud-forståelsen, deler hun nu med mennesker verden over, som oplever lige så enestående resultater.

  • - Practical Ways to Make Your Birth Better
    af Siobhan Miller
    165,95 kr.

    An up-to-date, modern, authoritative guide to hypnobirthing.

  • af Manuel C. Pardo
    949,95 kr.

  • - Opskrifter og gode råd til et smertefrit liv
    af Ricki Ostrov
    157,95 kr.

    Spændende international bog, nu udkommet på Dansk - den sunde kogebog i kombination med råd og anvisninger til hvordan du undgår hovedpine og migræner. Den er bl.a. anbefalet af af det amerikanske "The Migraine Action Association", med over 14.000 medlemmer. Bogen giver vejledning til, hvordan forbedret ernæring kan hjælpe personer som lider af hovedpine og migræne til en bedre og mere smerte reduceret dagligdag. Vejledningen indeholder råd og metodiker i forhold til at tackle årsagerne til hovedpine, samt genkende symptomerne tidligt, når de opstår. Med baggrund heri, gives læseren en række praktiske råd og vejledning til, hvordan symptomerne kan kontrolleres.Bogen hovedpine og migræner, giver læseren mere end 60 lækre og inspirerende mad opskrifter som kan være med til at lindre hovedpiner og migræner. Læseren får tips og vejledning til ortodokse og komplementære behandlinger. herunder yoga til at afslappe krop og sind, forbedre cirkulation og fjerne giftstoffer fra kroppen.

  • - Få greb om rygsmerterne
    af Birgitte Karlshøj
    167,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Har du ondt i ryggen? Så er du ikke alene. På en vilkårlig dag har 880.000 danskere ondt i ryggen. Rygsmerter kan tage pusten fra én, punktere privatlivet og energien til at gå på arbejde. Derfor er det vigtigt at vide, hvordan du reducerer smerterne, så du trives og kan få dagligdagen til at fungere, selvom du har ondt i ryggen.I bogen her får du svar på spørgsmål som: Hvordan indretter du bedst din dagligdag, når ryggen volder problemer? Er du selv skyld i, at ryggen gør ondt? Har ryggen brug for behandling eller ekstra hvile? Er nogle født med en svagere ryg end andre?Bevægelse er vigtigt for alle og særligt for rygpatienter. Det gælder om at finde noget, man kan lide, så man får det gjort. Bogen hjælper dig med at komme i gang, og du bliver præsenteret for en lang række fysiske øvelser, der styrker ryggen.Rygsmerter påvirkes i høj grad af, hvordan vi tænker, og af vores kultur og det samfund, vi lever i. Bogen giver dig ny viden og viser flere veje til et liv med færre smerter. Forfatteren er kiropraktor, driver en tværfaglig klinik og har over 20 års erfaring med behandling og rådgivning af patienter med rygsmerter.Om forfatterBirgitte Karlshøj er 48 år og er medejer og leder af en tværfaglig kiropraktisk klinik i Malmø. Hun er uddannet cand. manu fra Syddansk Universitet og fik sin autorisation som kiropraktor 2002 og købte klinikken i 2003. Hun deltager i forskningsprojekter, internationale konferencer og er bestyrelsesformand for Legitimerede Kiropraktors Rigsorganisations forskningsfond. Forfatteren brænder for at bygge bro mellem patienternes oplevelse af rygsmerter, den akademisk viden om ryggen og den kliniske erfaring. Hendes fritid blomstrer bedst med familieliv, bevægelse, træning, spændende dialoger og kunstneriske indspark.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Jon Kabat-Zinn
    165,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Goldstein, Irwin Goldstein, Caroline Pukall & mfl.
    232,95 kr.

  • af Christopher Hamilton
    157,95 kr.

    Do your knees have chronic pain and feel inflamed? Does it hurt so bad that it affects the quality of your life? What is exactly is Knee Pain and what are the best natural methods to give you relief from your pain? Knee Pain can strike at any time details a unique method of reversing knee symptoms by removing numerous triggers as well as toxins using a natural process. This is a simple, powerful & natural self treatment process which borrows its formulation directly from tried and tested facts as well as age old remedies.This book you will learn...Major Causes of Knee PainSeeking the Help of a DoctorTreatments for Knee PainSelf-Care Methods for Knee PainRecommended Exercises for the KneesMuch, much more!This must be cleared to enable blood flow to speed up. If you follow these techniques, some of them are manual, and some are gravity stretches, you will notice improvement straight away.

  • af Courtney Dale
    202,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Thanthullu Vasu
    248,95 kr.

    Back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide; the World Health Organization regards back pain as a condition for which the greatest number of people may benefit from rehabilitation. It is estimated that low back pain alone affects 619 million people globally and this is estimated to rise to 843 million people by 2050. Up to 60% of the adult population will have low back pain at some point in their lifetime; 5-7% of adults over 45 years of age are estimated to have >Healthcare professionals see people with back pain routinely in their clinical practice and so education and awareness of back pain and the various treatment options are vital for an effective outcome in these situations. Research has shown that healthcare professionals have a considerable and enduring influence upon the attitudes and beliefs of people with back pain. This book will help clinicians to positively influence the outcome of people suffering from>This book discusses back pain in great detail and is written in an easy-to-understand style, while keeping an evidence-based approach. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical students, and other healthcare professionals will find this book informative. People who suffer with back pain will also find the information useful to expand their knowledge in order to successfully >This book is of immense use to candidates preparing for examinations conducted by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK (FFPMRCA), American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA), Royal College of General Practitioners, UK (MRCGP), College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (FFPMCAI), American Board of Pain Medicine (ABPM), European Pain Federation (EFIC) (European Diploma in Pain Medicine [EDPM]), Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FPM), and the >The authors are both senior consultants in pain medicine practising in the United Kingdom and are consulted by thousands of patients every year. They have lectured at many international, national and regional meetings and are invited lecturers to public and patient groups on various health topics. They have organised workshops, meetings and seminars for the national anaesthetic and pain societies. They have published many articles, research and textbooks on pain medicine. Their aim is to create an awareness of chronic pain conditions among other healthcare professionals and the public.

  • af Mike Sobola
    205,95 kr.

    Your Path to Better Sleep, Clearer Thinking, Increased Balance, Flexibility, and Strength. Plus, FREE videos to guide your workouts! Are you tired of chronic pain? Do you want more flexibility? Do you want to lose weight, but diets alone aren't working? We have the solution! Introducing your detailed guide to chair yoga for seniors. This authentic 8.5" x 11" book is your key to regaining mobility, losing weight, gaining strength, and finding flexibility. Explore step-by-step chair yoga routines focusing on pain, balance, flexibility, and strength, and a 30-day workout plan to lose weight and get in shape! If you have issues related to chronic pain, extra weight, or getting fit, this book is for you. Chair yoga offers easy and effective ways to get moving and regain your independence so you can live on your terms.In this book, you'll discover:¿ 10-Minute Illustrated Routines: Simple yet effective chair yoga sequences to help alleviate pain, reduce stress, and restore flexibility and strength while burning calories.¿ Joint-Friendly Movements: Meticulously designed exercises to relieve stiff joints, ensuring you move more fluidly every day.¿ Combating Muscle Loss: Strategies to prevent muscle weakening, often linked to falls and unwanted injuries.¿ Addressing Chronic Pain: Delve into the root causes of discomfort and discover how specific exercises can provide relief.¿ Aging and Mobility: Understand how mobility evolves as we age and discover techniques to improve yours.¿ Return to an Active Lifestyle: Get moving and shed that extra weight.¿ 30-Day Transformation Plan: A structured guide that will take you from beginner to a confident and agile person, all in one month!Get moving and reclaim the active and healthy person you want to be. Let this book be your guide to fitness, weight loss, flexibility, and mobility. Dive in and start your journey towards a vibrant, active, and joyful life.

  • af Jemima Nelson
    132,95 kr.

    Unveil the extraordinary within the ordinary with 'Ultimate Power from My Pain,' a captivating journey artfully captured within the pages of this 70-page masterpiece. In this concise narrative, you'll be transported into a world where pain becomes the catalyst for unparalleled strength and resilience. Through every carefully curated page, the book shares poignant stories of individuals navigating the complexities of sickle cell disease. 'Ultimate Power from My Pain' is not just a book; it's a testament to the triumph of the human spirit over adversity, encapsulated in a perfectly compact 70 pages. Explore the depths of personal struggle, the highs of triumph, and the unwavering determination that transforms pain into power. This book is an immersive experience, a reminder that within every challenge lies the potential for profound growth. In just 70 pages, embark on a transformative journey that will resonate with your heart and leave you inspired. 'Ultimate Power from My Pain' is not only a read; it's an invitation to embrace your own strength, face adversity head-on, and discover the ultimate power that emerges from the crucible of pain. Don't miss this poignant and empowering narrative-unlock its wisdom and let your own journey begin.

  • af Arlene Feinblatt
    297,95 kr.

    "As a practicing Retina Surgeon/Ophthalmologist, who trained at, taught at, and has access to some of the best medical institutions in the world, it was only my personal interface, as a patient, with John E. Sarno, MD that led me out of my own inexplicable 'Health-Scare' labyrinth. In Breaking Out of Pain, a beautiful compendium of essays on the pioneering work of Dr. Sarno, several leaders in the field of mind-body science remind us that a leading diagnostic question for all patients needs to be, 'How are YOU doing and feeling in this thing called LIFE?'" - Michael J. Cooney, MD MBA, Managing Partner, Vitreous Retina Macula Consultants of New York, Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University Grossman School of Medicine"Dr. Sarno's seminal contributions to the field of Mindbody Medicine are duly honored in this collection of essays, commemorating his 100th birthday. I have been impressed by Dr. Sarno's work for decades. Fortunately, the impact of his ideas PERSISTS in recent paradigm shifts in the mainstream understanding and treatment of chronic pain." - Andrew T. Weil, MD, Founder, University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative MedicineHave you been living for years with pain? Have doctors been unable to explain satisfactorily why you're suffering? Does nothing seem to work, and do you feel like you've tried everything, including surgery?Maybe you're suffering from Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS), a Mindbody disorder. Delve into the world of Mindbody disorders and how they're commonly mis/undiagnosed. Learn how identical structural findings on imaging studies might appear in people without pain as well as in those struggling with discomfort and why physical treatments fail to treat Mindbody disorders. Gain an appreciation of the pioneering work of John E. Sarno, M.D. in diagnosing and treating Mindbody disorders as well as insight into how four healthcare professionals who worked directly with Dr. Sarno have been carrying on his legacy.Learn how you might finally break out of the clutches of chronic pain.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    262,95 kr.

    "Beyond the Pain: Long-Term Effects of Kidney Stones" delves into the enduring repercussions and lasting impact that kidney stones can have on individuals beyond the immediate and acute discomfort. This insightful exploration goes beyond the surface-level pain to uncover the potential consequences that may persist over time, shedding light on the intricate relationship between kidney stone episodes and a person's overall health. From the implications on kidney function to the risk of recurrent stone formation, this comprehensive discussion navigates through the intricate terrain of long-term effects, providing readers with valuable insights into managing and mitigating the aftermath of kidney stone experiences. Through a blend of medical expertise and practical advice, "Beyond the Pain" offers a holistic perspective on the journey of individuals grappling with kidney stones, empowering them to make informed decisions for their well-being and long-term health.

  • af Connie R. Faltynek
    207,95 kr.

    Step into the intriguing world of pain, an enduring global medical challenge that plagues countless lives and drives individuals to seek relief in doctor's offices worldwide. PAIN: The Culture and Science of Pain delves deep into the intricate web of history and various treatments of pain. Unveiling the limitations of current medications and alternative approaches, as well as the associated risks they carry, this captivating exploration uncovers a myriad of factors contributing to subpar pain relief. From cultural perspectives to ingrained biases, this book describes how they contribute to inadequate pain management. Drawing upon her vast expertise, the author masterfully navigates the complex terrain of pain, expertly bridging the gap between medical intricacies and cultural influences. The book provides profound insights into the pressing dilemma of inadequate pain relief, while also presenting promising glimpses of a future where pain may be finally conquered. PAIN offers both enlightenment and hope, transforming your perception of this ubiquitous human experience.

  • af Javier Quillo-Olvera
    945,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

    Endoscopic spinal surgery has become popular due its procedure-related benefits. The biportal endoscopic surgery is a recent technique, which has gained popularity in Asia, Europe, and Latin America since it can be applied to treat many diseases of the whole spine as cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral.Divided into thirty-four chapters, this first-ever book on unilateral biportal endoscopic spine surgery presents the technique history review and its current applications; the currently available technology and basic principles of this surgery: anesthesia, position, and operative room setup; endoscopic instruments, hydrostatic pressure, and intraoperative radiology; as well as anatomical considerations of basic approaches. It also details the techniques to resolve lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine diseases.Written by the world's most influential groups that perform the method, Unilateral Biportal Endoscopy of the Spine: An Atlas of Surgical Techniques will certainly be widely accepted by all surgeons interested to improve their daily practice in minimally invasive spine surgery.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    112,95 kr.

  • af Dmitri Souza
    867,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

    This book describes bedside pain management interventions for basic clinical situations commonly encountered during the inpatient care. It aims to provide clinicians with real-world practical information, including patient selection, required equipment, and procedure guidance, that will optimize patient management. Each chapter addresses a particular procedure or a set of procedures, with specialties selected according to the subject matter.  Physicians of any specialty practicing in hospital settings, residents, fellows in training, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, psychology, chiropractors, physical therapy and integrative medicine specialists will find this text to be comprehensive and practical.

  • af Marcia Dernie
    237,95 kr.

    "An inclusive guide to improving mobility, building strength, and increasing flexibility for every body and any size, shape, and ability"--

  • af Victoria Campbell
    222,95 - 692,95 kr.

  • af Jean Jacques Wyndaele
    867,95 - 1.221,95 kr.

    This book covers sensation in all major components of the pelvic region. The small pelvis is containing many different structures and viscera, and sensations elicited there are important for regulating a normal daily life and for warning that something is going wrong. The sensory system is driving in many aspects the motor activity, and precedes and guides the efferent functions. It is surprising that in the last 60 years the ratio between research and publications about sensory versus motor has gradually become less. There has been undoubtedly a rise in the number of publications written on pelvic sensation but in the same time the number of manuscripts on motor function have increased more.It is the hope that this compilation of most data available on sensation will be of interest for the reader, will incite to perform more research so that an important part of pelvic functional diagnosis and treatment modalities will use the whole of the mechanisms available.The book is intended for all interested in pelvic functions and the interactions between the different structures, specialists in urology, gastroenterology, sexuality, pain, pelvic floor function and dysfunction, paediatricians and geriatricians, neurologists, students and those in training . The reader will find interesting and challenging information, and suggestions for further research.

  • af Eddie Sherrill
    212,95 kr.

    The continuing advancement of technology has modified our behaviors in life. These behaviors in turn have led us to develop new kinds of body conditions. Prolonged daily activities such as typing on the computer have led people to develop carpal tunnel syndrome or simply, cts. The rate of people that have been suffering from this condition has become increasingly alarming; with estimates saying that 3% to 6% of the current population is affected by it. Here is a preview of what you'll learn...What is carpal tunnel syndromeCauses and symptoms of this conditionHow is this syndrome diagnosedCures and treatmentsCure through herbs and dietHow to set yourself up at home and work for less wrist painFood, yoga, less stress...much more!This is especially problematic if you spend a few hours or more each work day at a computer - your risk of injury is dramtically increased compared to someone who only spends one hour a day.The good news is that there is a lot you can to do to prevent, eliminate and reduce the possibility of injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, muscle-skeletal issues, etc.

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