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  • af Annette Rosenkilde Jensen, Birgit Refsgaard Iversen, Pernille Bak Skouenborg, mfl.
    397,95 kr.

    Akut sygepleje beskriver klinisk sygepleje til patienter med akutte somatiske sygdomme. I bogen er sygeplejefaglig observation, analyse og intervention i fokus. Der er en grundig introduktion til ABCDE-systematikken, og bogen præsenterer metoder og en faglig argumenteret sygeplejepraksis relateret til akut sygdom. Bogens opbygning Bogen består af 14 kapitler, som samlet giver en bred indsigt i akutte kliniske problemstillinger. Alle kapitler indledes med en case, som tydeliggør emnet og viser kompleksiteten i det kliniske felt. Bogen er også forsynet med faktuelle og begrebslige bokse, der perspektiverer de enkelte emner og ansporer til fordybelse. Desuden afsluttes alle kapitler med studiespørgsmål, hvor læseren udfordres til refleksion og repetition. Målgruppe Bogen henvender sig især til sygeplejestuderende på modul 10, 11 og 12, men den kan også være til stor gavn for sygeplejersker, der til dagligt arbejder med akutte kliniske problemstillinger. Målet er, at læseren får større indsigt i pleje til den akut syge patient, men i høj grad også bedre faglig evne til at observere, argumentere og udføre målrettede interventioner. Om redaktøren Susanne Jastrup (f. 1974) er uddannet sygeplejerske i 1997. Diplomuddannelse i sygepleje 2001 og cand. cur i 2007. Har arbejdet som sygeplejerske på kirurgiske afdelinger indtil 2003 og var derefter uddannelsesansvarlig sygeplejerske på Regionshospitalet i Randers indtil 2008. Har været på sygeplejerskeuddannelsen i Århus siden 2008 og underviser i sygepleje og i mikrobiologi. Tog i 2011 et kursus i traumesygepleje (ATCN) for at kvalificere sig til at undervise i akut sygepleje.

  • - for læger og sygeplejersker
    af Kent Kristensen, Helle Hedegaard Hein, Flemming Hansen, mfl.
    487,95 kr.

    Akutbogen – for læger og sygeplejersker beskriver modtagelsen, plejen og behandlingen af patienter med akut sygdom. I kraft af den nyeste udvikling er akutmedicin blevet et kerneområde med en klar tværfaglig profil. Landets akutafdelinger er blevet den primære indgang i sundhedsvæsenet for et stort antal patienter, ligesom stadig flere patientforløb grundlægges her.Denne bog retter sig primært til læger og sygeplejersker, som beskæftiger sig med akut og kritisk syge patienter. Den kan anvendes på de postgraduate uddannelser inden for det lægefaglige og sygeplejefaglige speciale, og studerende på grunduddannelsesniveau og nyuddannet personale kan også have glæde af bogen. Det samme gælder bioanalytikere, fysioterapeuter og ergoterapeuter, som også indgår i teamsamarbejdet i en akutafdeling.Akutbogen – for læger og sygeplejersker er skrevet af erfarne eksperter, som alle har en stor indsigt i det akutmedicinske område. Den er opdelt i tre hovedele, og på tværs af bogens kapitler er der især fokus på det tværfaglige teamsamarbejde. Mange faggrupper er involveret i modtagelsen, plejen og behandlingen af den akutte patient, og det er afgørende for kvaliteten af de enkelte patientforløb på tværs af professioner, afdelinger og sektorer i sundhedsvæsenet.

  • af Steen Hundborg
    547,95 kr.

    FADL’s Forlag udgiver nu bind 4 i det store sygeplejeværk af Steen Hundborg, som er målrettet sygeplejerskeuddannelsens seneste bekendtgørelse, og det store værk har fokus på klinisk beslutningstagning, klinisk lederskab og patientinvolvering - og nu akutte tilstande. Lærebogen i fire bind kan anvendes gennem hele uddannelsen. Målgruppen er sygeplejestuderende, sygeplejersker, kliniske vejledere og andre som ønsker en opdateret sygeplejefaglig viden.Fjerde bind handler om sygepleje og akutte tilstande. Der fokuseres på teori og og klinik i forskningsbaserede sygeplejefaglige områder, som har indflydelse på akut sygepleje. Læseren får en bred og nuanceret indføring i problemstillinger, der knytter sig til akutsygeplejen.Forfatterne har inddraget patientinvolvering, klinisk lederskab og klinisk beslutningstagen, hvor det forekommer relevant. I firebindsværket er der 94 kapitler, som kan anvendes i både den teoretiske og kliniske del af uddannelsen. Hvert kapitel er på 20–25 sider, og de er alle pædagogisk designet med resuméer, faktabokse, cases og referencer til de andre bind. Bøgerne inddrager den nyeste forskning, og 129 forfattere med specifikke akademiske kompetencer har bidraget med at skrive kapitlerne, som også er blevet bedømt af lektorer og sygeplejestuderende. Det nye firebindsværk er tiltænkt som den nye, pensumdækkende lærebog til sygeplejerskeuddannelsen.

  • af Victoria Lee
    401,95 kr.

    'Exam Essentials: SBAs for Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine' is a single best answer (SBA) exam preparation book for those sitting exams for pre-hospital emergency medicine and all associated areas. It is structured around the curriculum for the Fellowship in Immediate Medical Care (FIMC) providing a crucial resource for those sitting this tenacious exam. It would also be an exceptional resource for those >With questions covering a variety of topics, including working in emergency medical systems, providing pre-hospital emergency care, equipment, rescue and extrication, transfer, major incidents, and team resource management, professionals sitting the Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine (DRTM) and the Diploma in Major Incident Management (Dip MIM), will also find the book useful. Other examples of relevant exams include the Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (MRCEM), Fellowship of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine (FRCEM), European Board Examination in Emergency Medicine (EBEEM) (European Society for Emergency Medicine), US Board of Certification in Emergency Medicine (BCEM), Diploma of Pre-hospital and Retrieval Medicine (Australasian College for Emergency Medicine, Australia), but this list is not exhaustive. Candidates sitting for postgraduate examinations in emergency medicine, pre-hospital emergency medicine, and retrieval and transfer medicine across the globe will find this an immeasurably helpful resource for exam technique and an invaluable guide to boost >This book is designed to give the reader as much practice at single best answer (SBA) questions as possible. These questions can be notoriously tricky to navigate, and it is through practice that builds competence in exam technique. Each question is provided with the correct answer, corresponding rationale and further resources.

  • af Michael J. Asken
    242,95 kr.

    The Code, cardiopulmonary arrest and resuscitation, is emblematic of the greatest challenge and most stressful situation for nurses and other members of the health care team. Stress and sub-optimal outcomes are rarely the result of motivation or technical skills. It is a lack of training and experience with mental toughness or psychological performance skills that degrade performance at these times. The Code Calm Mindset gathers information on these essential psychological and consolidates them for nurses and nursing students to help maximize their confidence at such critical times. The information here is applicable to all medical emergencies, aspects of nursing care, and nurses' personal lives.

  • af Wesley Davis
    532,95 kr.

    "Since the emergency medicine specialty's inception in the 1960s, APRNs have worked alongside physician colleagues providing emergency care to patients of all ages and acuities. As emergency care evolved and ED census levels rapidly grew during the 1990s, utilization of APRNs was essential to increasing emergency staffing, efficiency, patient satisfaction, and quality of care. The growing need for APRNs prepared with emergency-specific competencies resulted in the creation of the emergency nurse practitioner (ENP) profession and the establishment of educational and training programs to support the role"--

  • af Cynthia Broze
    412,95 kr.

    A group of pilots and nurses in 1936 battle against the national nursing organizations, the Red Cross, and the military as they attempt to form the first air ambulance specialty in the U.S.-the Air Evacuation Flight Nurse.

  • af David Berg
    107,95 kr.

    -Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.

  • af David Berg
    102,95 kr.

    -Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.

  • af David Berg
    102,95 kr.

    -Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.

  • af David Berg
    102,95 kr.

    -Extraordinary encounters. Unexpected humor. Endless challenges. Life-threatening diseases. Unthinkable trauma.- Welcome to STAT: Crazy Medical Stories as told by the healthcare professionals themselves. From peculiar conditions and mysterious ailments to remarkable recoveries and perplexing medical mysteries, Stat: Crazy Medical Stories, draws from real-life accounts. Each chapter unveils crazy medical cases as narrated by the healthcare professionals themselves. The stories take you on a captivating journey across various disciplines, including general medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and more. Prepare for a rollercoaster of emotions; you'll laugh, cry, and be shocked as you delve into the bizarre and unconventional experiences encountered by our extraordinary healthcare professionals.

  • af David Berg
    102,95 kr.

  • af Air & Surface Transport Nurses Associati
    1.263,95 kr.

    Prepare for certification as a flight and ground transport nurse! ASTNA: Patient Transport: Principles & Practice, 6th Edition addresses the scenarios and injuries commonly encountered in transport nursing, and provides a comprehensive, one-of-a-kind study tool for taking certification exams including the CFRN®, CTRN®, FP-C®, and CCP-C®. Coverage includes the role of air and ground transport personnel, along with topics such as transport physiology, communications, teamwork, safety, airway management, shock, and the different types of trauma. New to this edition is an Aviation for Medical Personnel chapter. Written by the Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association, this resource helps you gain the knowledge and skills you need to succeed on your exam and to transport patients safely.In-depth coverage of expert care delivery in transport meets the needs of all healthcare providers including registered nurses, paramedics, physicians, respiratory therapists, pilots, mechanics, and communication specialists.Real-life scenarios demonstrate how to apply concepts to situations similar to those seen in practice.Information on important safety regulations is based on the latest updates from the Federal Aviation Association and the National Transportation Safety Board.Coverage of injuries commonly encountered in flight and ground nursing includes discussions of pathophysiology, assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation.Detailed coverage of management issues include scene management, communication, safety, disaster management/triage, quality management, and marketing/public relations.Focus on interprofessionalism and collaboration emphasizes the importance of teamwork in ensuring successful patient outcomes.Evolve website includes 350 questions and answers mapped to the CRFN®/CTRN® exams for additional preparation.NEW! New Aviation for Medical Personnel chapter is written from the perspective of a veteran transport pilot, and provides valuable information on the idiosyncrasies, tips, and tricks about transport aircraft transport.NEW! Updated and new content on diversity and inclusion covers this timely issue - both among colleagues and patients.NEW! Additional information on technology used in transport nursing/critical care includes topics such as point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS).NEW! Content on COVID-19 as it relates to trauma transport is included.NEW! More philosophical, psychological, and wellness-associated content is added.

  • af David Berg
    97,95 kr.

  • af Richard Williams
    653,95 kr.

    "Examines the psychosocial and mental health aspects of preparing for and responding to emergencies, major incidents, terrorist attacks, disasters, epidemics, and pandemics. Important for mental health practitioners, people working in trauma and emergency care and humanitarian care, public health practitioners, and experts in emergency planning"--

  • af Marian Facciolo
    252,95 - 377,95 kr.

  • af Lynn Sayre Visser
    792,95 kr.

    Awarded third place in the 2023 AJN Book of the Year Awards in Critical Care-Emergency Nursing.Provides critical information to help healthcare providers ensure patient safety by preventing "misses" or "near-misses"Newly updated, this life-saving pocket-sized clinical manual guides triage nurses to rapidly recognize life-threatening or life-altering conditions. The second edition delivers new chapters on endocrine emergencies, hematologic and oncologic emergencies, sexual assault and intimate partner violence, and human trafficking. Pediatric and older adult chapters offer extensive new information on assessment, triage pearls, and key tips for age-related emergencies. Also included is updated STEMI, Stroke, and Sepsis guidelines.Focusing on patient-driven chief complaints, this resource provides a wealth of concise information covering each body system along with first-line questions, assessments, and interventions to determine the patient's level of urgency, sick versus not sick. Prominent icons denote critical signs and symptoms and deliver invaluable information from experienced triage/ED nurses. Content encompasses triage, waiting room and legal issues, high-risk medical conditions, and special issues in emergency care. Including action steps to aid in prioritizing during a crisis, the resource covers trauma, burns, active shooter/active threat, and emergency management during a disaster. Reference tables and checklists facilitate at-a-glance retrieval of crucial information. Opportunities for customization include space for taking notes, inscribing important phone numbers, and pasting facility-specific policies/procedures.New to the Second Edition:New chapters addressing endocrine emergencies, hematologic and oncologic emergencies, sexual assault and intimate partner violence, and human traffickingExpanded content in the triage, pediatric, and older adult chaptersEnhanced red flags, triage considerations, and key tips, along with updates to the screening toolsReformatted and condensed chief complaint layout throughout the book to increase accessibility of informationWorst-case scenarios to consider throughout each body system chapterAccess to the Pediatric Assessment Triangle and pediatric vital signs and detailed information for performing the A-B-C-D-E assessmentKey Features:Expedites critical decision-making with quick access to key reference materialDelivers information honed from decades of combined emergency nursing experienceUses icons to quickly direct the user to relevant content areasEnhances clinical judgment with essential tips regarding common chief complaintsSheds light on complex issues with unique patient presentationsHighlights key pediatric and older-adult considerationsCovers disaster response and active shooter/violent situation action stepsAccess to blank pages for customizing the book to meet individual needs

  • af Rudolph Brown
    152,95 kr.

    Disasters can happen anywhere, inflicting substantial damage and inconvenience. Unpreparedness can make these occurrences more distressing and stressful. Preparing for emergencies and calamities is crucial.Being prepared with the right gear and knowing how to handle different types of situations increases the odds of surviving a disaster. Preparation and understanding improve crisis response. This can boost survival and reduce the disaster's impact on one's family.Prepare for catastrophes and disasters in many ways. Emergency plans are crucial. This should include a plan to evacuate your home and communicate with loved ones if you're separated.Create an emergency supply kit with non-perishable food, water, a flashlight, a first aid kit, and other basics.A complete catastrophe preparedness guide? Done! Our book contains useful information and practical ideas to keep you and your family safe in an emergency.Preparing for the unexpected is crucial in these uncertain times. Our book covers everything from emergency kits and plans to staying cool and making wise judgments in a disaster.Inside:Expert guidance on developing a family-specific emergency pack.Create a communication and evacuation strategy step-by-step.Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters: safety tipsManaging power outages, water shortages, and other problemsAdvice for stranded or injured catastrophe victimsInformation and assistance resources.Prepare early. Get your copy today and start protecting your family.

  • af Steffen Gräber
    501,95 kr.

    Im Rahmen der Fürsorgepflicht eines Arbeitgebers gehört es zu dessen Aufgaben, Gefahren zu erfassen und geeignete Maßnahmen zu deren Vermeidung zu treffen. In den Medien oft thematisiert scheint Gewalt in Notaufnahmen eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle zu spielen. Mit Blick auf die erwähnte Fürsorgepflicht des Arbeitgebers ist es verwunderlich, dass zur Quantifizierung von Gewalt in Notaufnahmen kaum verlässliche Daten vorhanden sind. Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet zunächst Hintergründe zur Entstehung von Gewalt und stellt diese im Kontext ¿Notaufnahme¿ dar. Anschließend erfolgt die Darstellung, Auswertung und der Vergleich einer achtwöchig retrospektiven und einer achtwöchig prospektiven Erfassung von Gewalt mittels Fragebögen. Als Ergebnis wird eine mögliche standardisierte Vorgehensweise zum Umgang mit Gewalt entlang ihrer Eskalationsstufen aufgezeigt

  • af Markus Einstolz
    152,95 kr.

    Natural catastrophes cause widespread devastation and disruption around the world. Unpreparedness can exacerbate the tension and unpleasantness of these situations. It's critical to be prepared for emergencies.Having the correct supplies and learning how to react in different scenarios might improve your chances of surviving a disaster. Knowledge and training yield dividends in a crisis. This increases the family's chances of survival and lowers the impact of the calamity.There are numerous methods for preparing for disasters and calamities. Make a plan in case of an unexpected event. If you become separated from your loved ones, you should have a plan in place for how to leave the house and contact them.In case of an emergency, assemble a survival kit including nonperishable food, water, a flashlight, and a first aid kit.What about a comprehensive handbook to disaster preparedness? Done! Using the information and suggestions in this book can keep you and your loved ones safe in an emergency.In these uncertain times, keeping an open mind and an emergency supply on hand is critical. We cover everything from creating emergency plans and equipment to staying calm and making sound judgments in a crisis.Inside, you'll find expert tips on assembling a household survival pack.Create a technique of constant interaction and a quick exit.Advice about how to keep safe during earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoesWater scarcity and power outages are two issues that must be addressed.What to do if you become lost or injured in an emergency, as well as tools and resources for capturing data.The Importance of Getting Started Early Get a copy now to start safeguarding your loved ones.

  • af Robert Burnham
    292,95 kr.

    The New Nurse in LA (Lower Arkansas) is a fictional account of survival of a solider leaving Southeast Asia, the Army, and choosing nursing as a career. He brings with him the dark memories of war. Surviving nursing school, he moves to the woodlands of south Arkansas. He started in a small hospital ICU. He later discovers his passion for the ER. Life skills learned in the Army help and hinder as he learns more about nursing. He finds peace in a small country church. There he's welcomed home. He also finds a little girl and her mother. The are connected by a twist of fate. Chasing is dreams, life, and work become complicated. Ambulances, ER's, and helicopters keep him busy as he chases his dreams. He comes to the realization the being an ER Nurse is who you are, not what you do. Robert Burnham is from Camden Arkansas. Like his Father, he joined the military at eighteen. After the military, he graduated from Southern Arkansas University Department of Nursing. In almost forty years in nursing all were emergency care related. Working in Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and California, gave him an overview of the EMS System. The hospital level, he served as a staff nurse, charge nurse, department head, nurse educator, EMT, and flight nurse. The State level he served on the Arkansas State Life Support Committee. The international level, he served with the International Olympic Committee in Los Angeles during the Games of the XXIII Olympiad. He taught many aspects of emergency care to his peers. He maintained board certification in emergency nursing during his career. Retired, he and his wife live in central Arkansas. He enjoys telling stories about experiences in what he jokingly calls the Gar Hole.

  • af Gregory R. Ciottone
    1.496,95 kr.

    While medical specialists in disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response are needed worldwide, the initial phase of disaster response is almost entirely dependent upon local resources-making it essential that all healthcare personnel have a working knowledge of the field and stand ready to integrate into the response system. Ciottone's Disaster Medicine, 3rd Edition, is the most comprehensive reference available to help accomplish these goals in every community. It thoroughly covers isolated domestic events as well as global disasters and humanitarian crises. Dr. Gregory Ciottone and more than 200 worldwide authorities share their knowledge and expertise on the preparation, assessment, and management of both natural and man-made disasters, including lessons learned by the responders to contemporary disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, Australian and western U.S. wildfires, European heatwaves, the Beirut explosion, recent hurricanes and typhoons, and the global refugee crisis. Part 1 offers an A-to-Z resource for every aspect of disaster medicine and management, while Part 2 features an exhaustive compilation of every conceivable disaster event, organized to facilitate quick reference in a real-time setting. Covers basic concepts such as identification of risks, organizational preparedness, equipment planning, disaster education and training, and more advanced concepts such as disaster risk reduction, health in complex emergencies, building local disaster resiliency, psychological impact of disasters on children, and more. Contains new decision trees throughout that help guide you through the decision-making process in difficult situations. Uses an easy-to-follow, templated approach to historical perspectives, overviews of current practice including pre-incident and post-incident actions, medical treatment of casualties, and potential pitfalls. Includes updated sections on man-made disasters, including mass casualties, active shooter situations, integrated response to terrorist attacks, and chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear/high-yield explosives disasters. Discusses the latest technologies, such as the use of mobile disaster applications, drone response systems, and virtual reality simulation training. Features thoroughly updated information on crisis leadership, practical applications of disaster epidemiology, disaster and climate change, and the integration of non-government agencies (NGOs) in disaster response-a critical topic for those responding to humanitarian needs overseas. Includes new chapters on Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Disaster Medicine in a Changing Climate, Disaster Response in Asia, Building Local Capacity and Disaster Resiliency, Civilian-Military Coordination in Disaster Response, Medical Simulation in Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Nursing, Crisis Meta-Leadership, Palliative Care in Disasters, Counter-Terrorism Medicine, SARS CoV (COVID-19 and SARS), and Disasters in Space Travel. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.

  • af Roger Kiser
    177,95 kr.

  • af Falgout
    332,95 kr.

    Introducing our CEN Study Guide 2022-2023: Test Prep with 825+ Practice Questions for the Certified Emergency Nurse Exam [3rd Edition]! Ascencia Test Prep's CEN Study Guide includes everything you need to pass the Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) exam the first time.A FULL practice test with detailed answer explanationsTips and tricksAccess to online flashcards, additional practice test, and moreAscencia Test Prep's CEN Study Guide is aligned with the official BCEN CEN exam framework. Topics covered include: Cardiovascular EmergenciesRespiratory EmergenciesNeurological EmergenciesGastrointestinal EmergenciesGenitourinary EmergenciesGynecological EmergenciesObstetrical EmergenciesMental Health EmergenciesMedical Emergencies: ShockMedical Emergencies: Renal DisordersMedical Emergencies: Endocrine DisordersMedical Emergencies: Poisoning and WithdrawalMedical Emergencies: Hematology and ImmunologyMusculoskeletal EmergenciesWound EmergenciesMaxillofacial EmergenciesOcular Emergenciesand more... The Board of Certification for Emergency Nursing (BCEN) was not involved in the creation or production of this product, is not in any way affiliated with Ascencia Test Prep, and does not sponsor or endorse this product.

  • af Dale M. Bayliss & Darlene Atkinson
    347,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Coulter
    157,95 kr.

    Elizabeth and Sue bring their hearts and humor to real stories from Sue's many missions. Their engaging spirit will carry you from Emergency Room pranks to African riverboats and lions. You're invited to open your heart and travel along with Sue on her journeys to change the world, One Nurse At A Time. One Nurse At A Time is a non-profit organization that helps nurses become involved in volunteer work. We believe that nurses are pebbles, which, when dropped into the pond, make far-reaching ripples. If we can put more nurses into the world, we will exponentially impact healthcare for those most in need. For more information, please go to

  • af Patricia Ann Bemis
    872,95 kr.

    This sixth Emergency Nursing Bible updates and streamlines the original edition (it is 62 pages shorter) making it even easier to use by busy ER personnel in need of a fast and easy reference tool. Along with this, the original taxonomy and terminology have been updated. Author Patricia Ann Bemis, R.N., has carefully sifted the language of each page of the last edition to bring it up to date. For example, the patient is now the client and the current illness/past history are the client's story. Each of the 35 chapters is keyed to a different client complaint, including: -Interview questions to determine the client's story -Nursing domains and classes -Initial plan of care -Ongoing plan of care -Discharge plan of care Initial repetitive nursing are have been moved to Chapter 34, Triage in a Nutshell. Nurses deal with human responses to health problems and life processes. The 2015-2017 NANDA-I nursing diagnoses taxonomy is a way to classify and categorize these responses. The taxonomy is grouped into 13 domains, or spheres of knowledge, and contains 47 classes and 235 nursing diagnoses. Each client has a story that is different from all others. That story is what leads the nurse to the nursing domains, classes, diagnoses, and plans of care.

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