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Intensiv sygepleje

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  • af Ingrid Egerod, Pia Dreyer, Anna Holm, mfl.
    313,95 kr.

    Sygepleje på intensiv beskriver sygeplejen til den intensive patient. Intensivsygepleje er et nyere speciale, der på få år har gennemgået store forandringer. Tidligere var der tale om pleje og behandling af sederede patienter, men nu er der overvejende tale om vågne patienter, der modtager sygepleje, behandling og rehabilitering. Ideen er at give et indblik i nyeste viden på området og bidrage med konkrete ideer til den daglige kliniske sygepleje.Bogen er forskningsbaseret, og målgruppen er sygeplejestuderende, undervisere og vejledere på bachelor- og kandidatniveau, ligesom bogen helt naturligt kan anvendes som grundbog på specialuddannelsen i intensivsygepleje. Den er også relevant for sygeplejersker, som til daglig arbejder med intensivpatienter. Studerende på andre sygeplejefaglige efter- og videreuddannelser kan også have gavn af bogen. Det samme gælder studerende og praktikere inden for andre fag, hvor man arbejder med pleje, behandling og rehabilitering af intensivpatienter.Sygepleje på intensiv er opbygget, så bogen samlet giver en bred introduktion til specialet, og den beskriver de mest centrale kliniske problemstillinger. Der er eksempler på sygepleje, som er anvendelige i klinisk praksis, og kapitlerne er forsynet med infobokse og definitioner. Der er også cases og studiespørgsmål, der kan give inspiration til undervisning, øvelser, opgaver og projekter.

  • - En guide for sundhedsprofessionelle
    af Barbara Voltelen & Jette Bjerre
    280,95 kr.

    Familiedialog og refleksion ved alvorlig sygdom beskæftiger sig med det dialogiske møde mellem sundhedsprofessionelle og familier med svær sygdom. Familiedialogens formål er at finde frem til måder, hvorpå familiemedlemmerne kan opdage nye løsninger på deres problemer. Med udgangspunkt i familiens behov. Voltelen og Bjerre giver konkrete bud på, hvordan familier, hvor én lider af kronisk eller livstruende sygdom, kan inviteres til familiedialoger, der styrker det levede liv. I Familiedialog og refleksion ved alvorlig sygdom præsenteres læseren for beskrivelser af systemiske og narrative teorier refleksion to-spors modellen kriser og sorg kærlighedens skjold familiestamtræ dialogiske processer stilhed i samtalen overbevisninger om sundhed og sygdom. I bogen kombinerer forfatterne teori på en tilgængelig måde med cases fra praksis, så læseren får konkrete redskaber til at indbyde til familiedialog også i det korte møde! Der lægges op til, at selv små forandringer i dagligdagen gør en forskel, ikke kun for den syge og deres nærmeste, men også for den sundhedsprofessionelle selv. Bogen henvender sig til alle sundhedsprofessionelle, der ønsker at styrke deres familiedialogiske kompetencer såsom fysioterapeuter, ergoterapeuter, sygeplejersker, demenskonsulenter, socialrådgivere, kiropraktorer og læger i primær og sekundær sundhedssektor. Ligeledes er bogen oplagt til undervisning på de forskellige sundhedsuddannelser.

  • af Britta Hørdam & Nausheen Christoffersen
    231,95 kr.

    SYGEPLEJE TIL IMMOBILE PATIENTERSelv et kortvarigt sengeleje kan medføre alvorlige komplikationer for patienter og borgere, hvorfor viden om korrekt lejring, mobilisering og opfyldelse af fundamentale behov er af afgørende betydning for at kunne forebygge komplikationer.Med udgangspunkt i huskereglen TOPSKUD beskriver de enkelte kapitler i HÅNDBOG I SYGEPLEJE: IMMOBILITET de hyppigste komplikationer med fokus på definition, anatomi og fysiologi, den sygeplejefaglige problemstilling, relevante observationer og interventioner, evt. parakliniske undersøgelser, behandling, prognose og profylakse.TOPSKUD står for:TromboseObstipationPneumoniSpidsfod/smerterKontrakturerUrinvejsinfektionDecubitusBogen er målrettet sygeplejestuderende, nyuddannede og nyansatte sygeple­jersker, der til daglig arbejder med immobile patienter og borgere i det danske sundhedsvæsen, og forfatterne er forskere og sundhedsprofessionelle, kliniske vejledere og undervisere på tværs af landet.

  • af Karen Ann Thompson
    197,95 - 272,95 kr.

    Written for graduate, medical floor, and surgical floor nurses, Pathway to ICU is a handy guidebook meant to encourage a transition or prep for an exciting entrance in the ICU.Designed to assist floor nurses transitioning to the demanding realm of intensive care or new nurses starting their first shifts in the ICU, this indispensable handbook offers a wealth of insights, practical suggestions, and valuable resources to ensure a seamless and successful transition. Guidance you'll find in this handbook includes:The knowledge and skills expected of an ICU nurse. Potential scenarios you may encounter-and how to navigate them with confidence and expertise.How to sharpen your analytical skills and become a nimble learner.Effective communication tactics that enable you to interact empathetically with patients, families, and the healthcare team, ensuring the highest quality care.Ways to manage your expectations and stress that accompanies the transition.While ICU nurses come from diverse backgrounds, certain abilities and mindsets pave the way for triumph. Learn how to embrace the challenge of a different patient load and the intensity of the ICU environment, where your ability to multitask and execute tasks promptly is paramount.Set sail on this self-directed voyage, knowing you have the tools and support to flourish in your new role. Pathway to ICU is your compass to steer you towards a rewarding and fulfilling career in intensive care nursing.

  • af Fabian Sachs
    328,95 - 435,95 kr.

  • af Jesse Delacruz
    1.572,95 kr.

    Serious injury refers to physical trauma caused to a body by an external force that requires immediate medical attention or hospitalization. Falls, burns, acts of violence, road accidents, natural disasters, faulty products, and extreme sports may result in severe injuries. Serious injuries may, but not necessarily lead to permanent disability, impairment or disfigurement. Severe injuries not only involve the physical impact on the body of a patient, but it also affects emotional and mental health. These mental health issues can further have a negative impact on the rate of recovery. The mental health issues which can be caused due to a severe injury include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that is triggered by a shocking event. This condition develops when the symptoms of trauma persist for weeks and months after the stressful event. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a treatment therapy, which is used for a variety of mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD. It helps people change their thought patterns in order to influence their behaviors and emotions. This book presents researches on various new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the care of severely injured patients. From theories to research to practical applications, clinical studies related to all contemporary topics of relevance to this area of medicine have been included herein.

  • af Anonym
    300,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Pflegewissenschaft - Akutpflege, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Blutzuckermessung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der Pflege von Patienten mit Diabetes. Diese Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über die Bedeutung und die Durchführung der Blutzuckermessung durch Pflegepersonal. Es werden die Grundlagen der Blutzuckermessung sowie die verschiedenen Methoden und Geräte zur Messung des Blutzuckers vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus werden wichtige Aspekte wie die Vorbereitung auf die Messung, die korrekte Durchführung des Verfahrens und der Umgang mit speziellen Situationen und Herausforderungen beleuchtet. Die Dokumentation der Messergebnisse und die Kommunikation mit dem medizinischen Team werden ebenfalls behandelt. Schulungs- und Fortbildungsmöglichkeiten für das Pflegepersonal sowie Maßnahmen zur Qualitätskontrolle und Sicherheit werden ebenfalls erläutert. Diese Arbeit bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über die Blutzuckermessung in der Pflege und betont die Bedeutung einer korrekten und zuverlässigen Messung für die optimale Versorgung der Patienten.

  • af Deborah Garbee
    449,95 kr.

    In this issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics, guest editor Deborah Garbee brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Older Adults in Critical Care. Top experts in the field provide readers with the latest on Delirium in Older Adults, Sepsis Across the Continuum, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, and more. Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented topics, including Improving Outcomes in Cardiovascular Geriatric Patients Related to Polypharmacy; Biofilm and Hospital-Acquired Infections in Older Adults; Implementation of Acute Care for Elders (ACE) and Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) in Critical Care; and more. Provides in-depth clinical reviews on older adults in critical care, offering actionable insights for critical care nurses. Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Maria Inguanzo Ortiz
    152,95 kr.

    Guía básica del Curso de Medicina Intensiva Neonatal y Pediátrica.

  • af David Brooke Struck
    695,95 kr.

    The war between realism and conventionalism bitterly rages ever strong. We find early skirmishes in Plato's Cratylus, in which Socrates examines and demonstrates the problems with both of these views of language; and the contemporary realist-empiricist debates in the philosophy of science carry on that same traditional feud. The feud in both of these cases, and many historical links in between, is the same: do humankind's concepts pick out the real furniture of the world, or not? This discussion is of course only one facet of a broader dialogue that concerns the very relationship between mind and world, and what I would like to do in this dissertation is call to our attention (and challenge) a particular presupposition that underlies both realism and conventionalism, in the hopes that we might make some headway in the debate between those two rivals, both alike in dignity. Of course, to assume that I might settle the issue once and for all would be a very bold move indeed, and so for those who fancy boldness, I invite you to take up the charge that I will begin (or, as you will see, continue) in the following chapters. For those who prefer more of a restrained approach, please consider these remarks not as intending to settle the dilemma, but rather to offer a third option few give much attention these days.

  • af Melissa Nunn
    449,95 kr.

    In this issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics, guest editor Dr. Melissa Nunn, Instructor of Clinical Nursing at LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing, brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Pediatric Intensive Care Nursing. Top experts in the field present systematic, evidence-based processes for decision making and care, addressing topics such as palliative communication in the PICU; dialysis care in the PICU; caring for hematology/oncology emergencies in the PICU; nurse-led rounds in the PICU; asthma care protocol implementation in the PICU; and more. Contains 12 relevant, practice-oriented topics including acute pain management protocols in the PICU; kangaroo care implementation; unplanned extubations in the PICU; pediatric delirium screening in the ICU; battling alarm fatigue within the PICU; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on pediatric intensive care nursing, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.Â

  • af Hannah Wunsch
    717,95 kr.

    In this issue of Critical Care Clinics, guest editor Dr. Hannah Wunsch brings her considerable expertise to the topic of History of Critical Care Medicine. The term "Critical Care Medicine? was first introduced in the 1950s at the University of Southern California-making 2023 the 70th anniversary of this subspecialty.  This issue provides a fascinating look at important aspects of the history of the field, which originated with the concept that immediately life-endangered patients, the critically ill and injured, may have substantially better chances of survival if provided with professionally advanced minute-to-minute objective measurements.Contains 10 practice-oriented topics including early pediatric ICU care; mechanical ventilation: negative to positive and back again; airway management over the last 100 years; critical care nursing from the 1950s to the 2020s; from strict bedrest to early mobilization: a history of physiotherapy in the ICU; visiting hours and the changing place of family in the ICU; and more.

  • af Julie S. (Performance Improvement Coordinator Snyder, Mariann M. (Professor of Nursing Technology, Kent State University Tuscarawas & mfl.
    628,95 kr.

  • af Gilbert-Kawai Ned
    975,95 kr.

    This comprehensive textbook is essential reading for doctors preparing to complete their training in Intensive Care Medicine. Covering areas such as neurological impairment and injury, perioperative care, infection and immunity, and transport, it is a valuable resource, packed full of practical advice, for all doctors training in the specialty.

  • af Robin Donohoe Dennison
    507,95 kr.

  • af Sherry Rivera
    449,95 kr.

    In this issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics, guest editor and Instructor of Clinical Nursing Dr. Sherry Rivera brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Nephrology. Nurses care for patients with acute, chronic, and end-stage kidney disease in all patient care settings. Early recognition of risk and disease can improve health outcomes and delay progression of disease. In this issue, top experts provide expert coverage of issues frequently encountered when providing nursing care to individuals with kidney disease. Contains 14 practice-oriented topics including medications and the kidney; race-based estimated glomerular filtration rate; acid-base disturbance and electrolyte disorders in nephrology patients; complications of kidney disease; COVID-19 and kidney disease; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on nephrology in critical care nursing, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Robin Scharfenberg
    350,95 kr.

    Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich Gesundheit - Pflegewissenschaft - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Akkon-Hochschule für Humanwissenschaften, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Ziel der vorliegenden Hausarbeit war es, die Möglichkeiten der Angehörigenintegration auf einer Intensivstation aufzuzeigen sowie deren bisherige Umsetzung auf deutschen Intensivstationen darzulegen. Neben der Betreuung der Patienten sind es die Angehörigen, die im pflegerischen Fokus stehen. Die zunehmende Professionalisierung der Intensivpflege-kräfte, die Verknappung zeitlicher Ressourcen sowie das Nichtvorhandensein von Konzepten oder Leitlinien erschweren die Bemühungen um die Integration und Begleitung von Angehörigen. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass Konzepte zur Familienkonferenz oder dem aktiven Angehörigentelefonat bisher keinen oder nur geringen Zugang auf deutschen Intensivstationen gefunden haben, während Empfehlungen zur angehörigenfreundlichen baulichen Ausstattung durchaus umgesetzt und Konzepte des Intensivtagebuchs oder der Informationsbroschüre bereits implementiert sind. Die essentielle Bedeutung der Angehörigen für den Genesungsprozess ist den behandelnden Pflegekräften und Ärzten seit Langem bewusst. Gemäß einer Umfrage des Deutschen Krankenhaus Instituts e.V., veröffentlicht im Krankenhausbarometer 2007, gehören Patientenzufriedenheit, eine hohe Qualität der Leistungserbringung sowie ein gutes Image der Einrichtung zu den drei wichtigsten Unternehmenszielen von Krankenhäusern in Deutschland (Blum, Offermanns & Perner, 2007). Dahingehend ist eine bedürfnisorientierte und vernünftige Betreuung [...]

  • af Nadiia Kudriashova
    143,95 kr.

    Academic Paper from the year 2017 in the subject Health - Nursing Science - Miscellaneous, grade: -, Medical College of Georgia, language: English, abstract: Nosocomial infections, having arisen at the dawn of the first medical institutions, became an increasingly complex and urgent problem of medicine. In modern conditions, the incidence of nosocomial infections, to a certain extent, reflects the quality of medical care provided to the population and is one of the important components of economic damage in practical health care.According to research conducted by a single methodology under the auspices of WHO in fourteen countries, an average 8% of hospitalized patients infections are infected with with nosocomial infections. In the European region, the incidence of nosocomial infections is more than 7%, in the United States - about 5%; mortality is 2.7% (El-Saed, Balkhy, & Weber, 2013). The most common variants of nosocomial infections include nosocomial pneumonia, urinary tract infections, catheter-associated infections, and pseudomembranous colitis, or antibiotic-associated diarrhea. It should be understood that the localization of nosocomial infection depends on both the etiology of the pathogen and the source of nosocomial infections. Approximately 1 in 10 cases ends in death (Boev & Kiss, 2016). However, at least half of the infections are preventable. Policies and programs to combat nosocomial infections are aimed at this prevention.

  • af Erin Marie Olszewski
    287,95 kr.

    Undercover Epicenter Nurse blows the lid off the COVID-19 pandemic.    What would you do if you discovered that the media and the government were lying to us all? And that hundreds, maybe thousands of people were dying because of it?    Army combat veteran and registered nurse Erin Olszewski’s most deeply held values were put to the test when she arrived as a travel nurse at Elmhurst Hospital in the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic. After serving in Iraq, she was back on the front lines—and this time, she found, the situation was even worse.    Rooms were filthy, nurses were lax with sanitation measures, and hospital-acquired cases of COVID-19 were spreading like wildfire.   Worse, people who had tested negative multiple times for COVID-19 were being labeled as COVID-confirmed and put on COVID-only floors. Put on ventilators and drugged up with sedatives, these patients quickly deteriorated—even though they did not have coronavirus when they checked in.   Doctors-in-training were refusing to perform CPR—and banning nurses from doing it—on dying patients whose families had not consented to “Do Not Resuscitate” orders.   Erin wasn’t about to stand by and let her patients keep dying on her watch, but she knew that if she told the truth, people wouldn’t believe her. It was just too shocking. Willing to go to battle for her patients, Erin made the decision to go deep undercover, recording conversations with other nurses, videos of malpractice, and more. She began to share what she found on social media. Unsurprisingly, she was fired for it.   Now, Erin is standing up to tell the whole horrifying story of what happened inside Elmhurst Hospital to demand justice for those who fell victim to the hospital’s greed. Not only must the staff be held accountable for their unethical actions; but also, this kind of corruption must be destroyed so that future Americans are not put at risks. The deaths have to end, and Erin won’t rest until the bad actors are exposed.   Undercover Epicenter Nurse: How Fraud, Negligence, and Greed Led to Unnecessary Deaths at Elmhurst Hospital is a shocking and infuriating inside exposé of the American healthcare system gone wrong. At the same time, it’s the story of a woman who traveled from the small-town streets of Wisconsin, to the battlefields of Iraq, to the mean streets of Queens, on a quest to help fight for her country. With this book, the real battle has begun.

  • af Lisa A. Gorski
    472,95 kr.

    Providing key information at a glance, this timely resource for the home care nurse offers clear, current practice guidelines for safely delivering IV therapy within the home. Written by one of the foremost experts in the field, the guide delivers not only evidence-based information in an easy-to-access, bulleted format, but also extensive descriptions, discussions, and rationale for in-depth consultation. It maintains a cogent focus on infection and complication prevention throughout and presents directives for achieving positive patient outcomes. It also focuses on patient education--an essential component of safe home infusion therapy;and includes case studies and Q&A sections to reinforce content. The guide addresses the foundations of home infusion therapy, including infusion access devices and infusion delivery methods. Effective and safe management of dehydration, antimicrobial infusions, and parenteral nutrition are addressed along with chemotherapy, pain management, cardiac-related infusion therapy, immunoglobulin infusion, and other home infusion therapies. Home care nurses who provide direct care, home care managers and educators, and nurses who provide home care discharge planning will find this Fast Facts guide to be an invaluable learning tool.Key FeaturesFocuses on patient selection, education, and monitoringDelivers evidence-based recommendationsPresents quick access bullet points along with in-depth informationDiscusses pediatric and geriatric implicationsIncludes case studies and critical thinking questions

    451,95 kr.

    In this issue of Critical Care Nursing Clinics, guest editor and Heart Failure and Valve Coordinator Nicole Jones, APRN, CNS, brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Heart Failure and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. Critical care nurses are vital to improving patient outcomes and the delivery of quality care in patients with heart failure, including recent emphases on the in-patient admission, faster diagnosis of acute or decompensated heart failure, in-patient management in an appropriate care environment, and planned discharge. In this issue, top experts in the field provide current updates in both the clinical care of the heart failure patient as well as nursing interventions to improve outcomes. Contains 12 relevant, practice-oriented topics including patient symptom perceptions and lay consultations prior to hospitalization with HF and how clinicians can improve care; barriers to heart failure treatment optimization; the role of telemedicine in improving GDMT for heart failure patients during a pandemic; nurse-led anesthesia for TAVR or other TAVR patient care improvements; TAVR efficiency/screening and care pathways for improving efficiency while maintaining outcomes; and more.  Provides in-depth clinical reviews on heart failure and transcatheter aortic valve replacement, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.  Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • - A Holistic Approach
    af PhD, Rn, ACNP-BC, mfl.
    1.207,95 kr.

    Presents a holistic approach to the complexities of critical care nursing. This book begins with the psychosocial concepts of care and progresses through assessment and management of a variety of disorders. It also features a bound-in CD-ROM and companion Website that include an NCLEX[registered] alternate item format tutorial.

  • af Judy E. Davidson
    426,95 kr.

    In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. Cynthia Bautista, Dr. Judy Davidson has put together a comprehensive issue on family and patient experience in the ICU. Expert authors have contributed clinical review articles on the following topics:  Humanizing Intensive Care: From Theory to Practice; FiCare; Patient''s Own Pets in the ICU; Sleep in the ICU; Implementation of a Patient and Family-Centered ICU Peer Support Program at a Veterans Affairs Hospital; Understanding the Experiences of Patients and Families in the ICU: More than Engagement; Implementing a Patient and Family Communication Bundle in the ICU; Integrating Primary Palliative Care into the ICU: The Critical Care Nurse Communicator Program; Bereavement Care in the Adult ICU: Directions for Practice; A review on the Use of Diaries; Supporting Families of Patients with Rare or Unusual Critical Illnesses; and Meeting the Special Needs of Families of CTICU patients. Readers will come away with the information they need to improve family and patients experiences in the ICU.

    438,95 kr.

    In collaboration with Consulting Editor, Dr. Cynthia Bautista, Dr. Mary Amatangelo has put together a comprehensive issue on nursing priorities for the stroke patient. Expert authors have contributed clinical review articles on the following topics: The Neurologic Exam; Large Vessel Occlusion; Blood Pressure Control for Ischemic Stroke; Malignant Hemispheric Stroke; Priority Nursing Interventions Caring for the Stroke Patient; Monitoring for Post-Stroke Seizures; Cryptogenic Stroke; In-House Stroke Code; Why Stroke Certification Matters; Stroke Rehabilitation; and Ethical Concerns in Caring for the Stroke Patient. Readers will come away with the information they need to improve outcomes for stroke patients in the ICU.

  • af Shu-Fen Wung
    521,95 kr.

    Dr. Wung is addressing an important component of critical care nursing: the role of technology in patient care. She has assembled top authors to provide current clinical information in the following areas: Sensory overload and technology in critical care; Alarm fatigue; Nurse-technology Interactions; Safety steps to prevent Infusion errors; Product design and medical devices for nurses ; Technologies to assess physiologic parameters (hemodynamics/cardio output); Technologies to support hemodynamics (e.g., balloon pump. ECMO, etc); Interactive computer programs for application of critical thinking skills; Information technology Electronic health records (EHR); Real-time detection of clinical care deviations in ICU; Medication safety technology; and eICU/iCARE. Readers will come away with the updates they need to improve patient outcomes.

  • af Patricia O'Malley
    519,95 kr.

    Dr. O''Malley is a well-known nurse researcer in the area of Hemaotology, and she has assembled top experts to write about the most important hemtaologic issues in critical care. The issue has articles devoted to the following topics: Cord blood banking; Leukemia and Lymphomas; Sickle Cell; Anticoagulants; Aplastic anemia & MDS; Hereditary Hemochromatosis and Pernicious Anemia; Hemophilia; Blood book: cells, products, transfusion; Anemia; Multiple Myeloma; DIC; and The lived experience of anemia without a cause. Nurses will come away with the clinical information they need to improve patient outcomes in the critical care setting.

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