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  • af Mogens Pahuus, Birgit Bidstrup Jørgensen, Rita Nielsen, mfl.
    283,94 kr.

    ÅNDELIG OMSORG beskriver en tværprofessionel kerneydelse, som har stor betydning for, hvordan patienter og borgere gennemlever svære livsomstændigheder. Historisk set har åndelig omsorg været afgørende for arbejdet i sundhedsvæsenet – ikke mindst i sygeplejefaget. I de senere år har begrebet fået fornyet aktualitet, men nu også i stigende grad uden for sygeplejen som en central del af arbejdet i hele det moderne sundhedsvæsen.Bogen viser med eksempler fra både forskning og daglig praksis, hvordan åndelig omsorg på forskellige måder kan være på spil i sundhedsvæsenet. Den henvender sig til en bred vifte af studerende og sundhedsprofessionelle – eksempelvis sygeplejersker, ergoterapeuter, fysioterapeuter, jordemødre, psykologer, læger, præster, imamer og andre, der i deres praksis møder mennesker isituationer, hvor en professionel indsats over for eksistentielle og åndelige spørgsmål kan være nødvendig.ÅNDELIG OMSORG er skrevet af eksperter med forskellig faglig baggrund. Bogen præsenterer generelle perspektiver på åndelig omsorg, men den beskriver også mere praktisk og konkret, hvilken rolle åndelige og eksistentielle problemstillinger spiller, når mennesker rammes af sygdom eller på anden måde står i eksistentielt set vanskelige situationer.

  • af Nathan E Goldstein
    1.054,95 kr.

    Using a practical, question-and-answer approach, Evidence-Based Practice of Palliative Medicine, 2nd Edition, helps you provide optimal care for patients and families who are dealing with serious illness. This unique reference focuses on patient and family/caregiver-centered care, highlighting the benefits of palliative care and best practices for delivery. The highly practical, user-friendly format sets it apart from other texts in the field, with concise, readable chapters organized around clinical questions that you’re most likely to encounter in everyday care. Uniquely organized using a question-and-answer approach, making it easy to find answers to common questions asked by practitioners and patients. Up-to-date, reader-friendly chapters explore interventions, assessment techniques, treatment modalities, recommendations and guidelines, communication techniques, and available resources for palliative care. Expanded discussions on hospice in every chapter, and a new emphasis on pediatrics, with increased material on pediatric malignancies, developmental delays, cystic fibrosis, and perinatal palliative care. New chapters on wellness of the palliative care practitioner, patients with opioid use disorders, telehealth in palliative care, health disparities, rural palliative care, caring for people with hematologic malignancies, integrative and alternative therapies, LGBTQ+ populations, mobile health technologies, and national palliative care implementation strategies. High-quality evidence gathered and reviewed by leading experts in palliative medicine, including clinicians, educators, and researchers across a broad range of disciplines. Numerous algorithms throughout help you make informed decisions, and "take-home" points in every chapter provide a quick summary of key content. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text and figures from the book on a variety of devices. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.

  • - Æstetik, eksistens og omsorg
    af Karen Marie Dalgaard, Finn Thorbjørn Hansen, Regner Birkelund, mfl.
    338,94 kr.

    Hospice – æstetik, eksistens og omsorg præsenterer den mangfoldighed af empiriske undersøgelser, som de seneste år er foretaget på danske hospicer. Bogen er forskningsbaseret og giver indblik i den nyeste viden på området. Den er skrevet af forfattere med baggrund i vidt forskellige fagområder såsom sygepleje, teologi, filosofi og antropologi, men alle med en særlig indsigt i hospice som fagligt område.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med eller på anden måde interesserer sig for hospicefeltet. Den er relevant i både professionsbacheloruddannelser, diplom-, master- og kandidatuddannelser. Det samme gælder efteruddannelser inden for fag, der har berøring med palliation. Den vil ligeledes være relevant for politikere og andre beslutningstagere med interesse for sundhedsområdet og for den, der blot ønsker indsigt i, hvad der kendetegner hospicefeltet i Danmark.Hospice – æstetik, eksistens og omsorg er opbygget om fire grundtemaer. Først er der tre introducerende kapitler om hospice som institution i Danmark. Herefter er der fokus på æstetik, fordi der generelt gøres meget ud af, at patienter og pårørende kan opleve at være i smukke omgivelser. Eksistens er et tredje vigtigt tema, og her giver bogen forskellige billeder på både livet og døden.  Det fjerde tema er omsorg, der belyses ud fra flere perspektiver.

  • af Arnav Mehta
    282,95 kr.

    Addressing Common Misconceptions and Fears about Palliative CareThe first step to understanding palliative care is to address the misconceptions and fears that surround it. It is essential to know what it truly is for a person with a serious illness and their family. Let's address these misconceptions and clarify what palliative care actually is and how it can help.Misconception #1: Palliative care means giving up on life.Truth: While palliative care does address the dying process, it is not intended to give up on treatment. It works alongside treatment options to improve quality of life at the end of life. By providing pain management, symptom relief, emotional support, and spiritual care, palliative care helps individuals live fully, die peacefully, and make the most of their remaining time before death.Misconception #2: Palliative care means treatment has been given up.Truth: Palliative care can be provided either alone or alongside other treatments. Sometimes, treatments can help slow or stop the progression of a disease, while palliative care focuses on managing symptoms and improving quality of life. Palliative care and treatment complement each other and help patients achieve their goals.Here are some additional tips for addressing misconceptions and fears about palliative care:· Talk to your doctor or another healthcare provider about palliative care. They can help you understand what it is and how it can benefit you or your loved one.· Read about palliative care online or in books. There is a wealth of information available to help you learn more about this important type of care.· Talk to other people who have received palliative care. They can share their personal experiences and help you to see the benefits of this type of care.

  • af Katie Engelhart
    197,95 - 261,95 kr.

    A riveting, incisive, and wide-ranging book about the Right to Die movement, and the doctors, patients, and activists at the heart of this increasingly urgent issue.*Finalist for the New York Public Library's 2022 Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism "A remarkably nuanced, empathetic, and well-crafted work of journalism."-Brooke Jarvis, The New YorkerMore states and countries are passing right-to-die laws that allow the sick and suffering to end their lives at pre-planned moments, with the help of physicians. But The Inevitable moves beyond margins of the law to the people who are meticulously planning their final hours-far from medical offices, legislative chambers, hospital ethics committees, and polite conversation. Further still, it shines a light on the people who help them: loved ones and, sometimes, clandestine groups on the Internet that together form the "euthanasia underground."Katie Engelhart, a veteran journalist, focuses on six people representing different aspects of the right to die debate. Two are doctors: a California physician who runs a boutique assisted death clinic and has written more lethal prescriptions than anyone else in the U.S.; an Australian named Philip Nitschke who lost his medical license for teaching people how to end their lives painlessly and peacefully at "DIY Death" workshops. The other four chapters belong to people who said they wanted to die because they were suffering unbearably-of old age, chronic illness, dementia, and mental anguish-and saw suicide as their only option.Spanning North America, Europe, and Australia, The Inevitable offers a deeply reported and fearless look at a morally tangled subject. It introduces readers to ordinary people who are fighting to find dignity and authenticity in the final hours of their lives.

  • af Atul Gawande
    158,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Julie Casson
    267,95 kr.

    Julie Casson traces her husband Nigel's extraordinary journey from diagnosis of motor neurone disease to his successful death at Dignitas in Zurich. A rare and intimate account of one man's ultimate triumph over suffering and disease.

  • af Delia Chiaramonte
    217,95 kr.

    Are you stressed and exhausted because someone you love is seriously ill? Do you wish you felt less overwhelmed and more certain about how to help?Coping Courageously will be your guide. You will learn:The most important things to do, and not do, when a loved one is sickInsider strategies for getting the best medical careA simple and effective approach for managing your own stressSkills to confidently talk about tough topicsYou will be touched and inspired by the stories of Dr. Chiaramonte's patients. More importantly, Coping Courageously will give you the peace of mind, confidence, and tools to effectively support your loved one without depleting yourself.

  • af Ashlee C. Whitney
    187,95 kr.

    In 'Palliative Wisdom,' we embark on a compassionate investigation of palliative care's transformational influence. This practical guide integrates sincere wisdom with actionable insights, providing a comprehensive resource for patients, families, and healthcare professionals facing the difficult road of serious illness.This book digs into the intricate components of communication, symptom management, and holistic well-being with empathy and knowledge. It gives readers practical tools for navigating complex issues, while also encouraging resilience and understanding in the face of life's most difficult circumstances. "Palliative Wisdom" is a priceless resource for anyone looking for direction and solace during times of transition since it offers real-life tales, professional advice, and approachable direction. This book offers you the opportunity to learn about the tremendous wisdom that goes along with the practice of palliative care, whether you are a patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional. It illuminates a path of compassion, dignity, and grace.

  • af Fabian Sachs
    326,95 - 433,95 kr.

  • af Nita Ferry
    1.562,95 kr.

    Pediatric palliative care is referred to as a specialized medical care for those infants and children who are suffering from a serious disease. The main goal of palliative care is to relieve the symptoms and stress of the disease. The intention is to enhance the family's quality of life along with the child. It can be given in conjunction with curative treatment and is appropriate for patients of all ages and at any stage of disease. Pediatric palliative care is centered on the family and it facilitates the coordination and communication of care. It is focused on the need of the patient and not prognosis. Thus, it is important to start the palliative care for the child as soon as possible. It deals with serious diseases such as cancer, neurologic disorders, genetic disorders, heart and lung conditions, prematurity, etc. This book explores the interdisciplinary aspects of pediatric palliative care in the present day scenario. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of medicine as well as for experts.

  • af Diane Fasselius
    202,95 kr.

    This book is a thought-provoking read that delves into the complex world of end-of-life care. As a nurse with years of experience in chronic illness and hospice care, the author shares stories gathered personally and from co-workers into insights that offer a unique perspective on the challenges and rewards of the important field of end-of-life care.This book is recommended for anyone interested in health care, spirituality, loss, or grief and is a must-read for anyone in the medical profession or anyone who wants to better understand the emotionally charged gift of caring for the dying. It is a reflection that offers comfort and guidance to those who are grieving. It is a powerful and uplifting read that will be of great value to anyone who has experienced loss. A very informative read.

  • af Anne Elsebet Overgaard
    187,95 kr.

    Anne Elsebet Overgaards bog, Åndelig omsorg – en lærebog, som i sin oprindelige udgave udkom i 2003 på Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck. Bogen er stadig yderst aktuel, men var udsolgt fra forlaget i årevis og derfor efterspurgt antikvarisk. Den nye udgave indeholder bl.a. tanker af Kari Martinsen og Birgit Bidstrup Jørgensen genoptryk af den oprindelige udgave fra 2003.

  • af Renae Green
    229,95 kr.

    This story is about how one brave woman chose to live her life with faith and love despite having ALS. Michelle Serlet was not only my sister but a daughter, aunt, cousin, wife, mother, Mimi, and friend to hundreds of people. Although her journey with ALS was not an easy one, she chose to live "Only Today" and reassign the ALS acronym to write A Love Story that epitomizes all she learned through her illness. We hope that you can use her story as an inspiration for your own walk, whether you are a person diagnosed with a terminal illness or a precious caregiver. You will also find many tips and suggestions offered by other caregivers that may make the tremendous job of caregiving a little easier. Please note that all of the book's proceeds are going to the ALS of the Heartland. To God be the Glory!

  • af John Wyatt
    152,95 kr.

    In this book, John Wyatt analyses the arguments in favour of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide and shows how unstable their foundations are. Instead, Wyatt suggests a more humane path forward: one that is both achievable and more honouring to the patient.

  • af Sabine Wöger
    379,95 kr.

    Das Buch richtet sich an jene, die Menschen am Lebensende möglichst kompetent pflegen und begleiten wollen. Es enthält wissenswerte Informationen über den Ablebensprozess und über die Pflege Sterbender. Begegnungs- und Berührungsängste, auch die Furcht vor dem eigenen Sterben, sollen durch diese Schrift reduziert werden. Die Ausführungen werden mit der Einladung, über das eigene Leben und Sterben nachzudenken, umrahmt. Die Lesenden halten eine auf Wissen und Praxiserfahrung basierende Hilfestellung in Händen, deren Inhalte mit Bedacht gewählt und mit Zeichnungen der Autorin versehen wurden.

  • af Carol Rose
    297,95 kr.

    This book represents the cutting edge in evidence-based aromatherapy for palliative care. By integrating the appropriate use of essential oils with conventional pharmacological treatments, Rose highlights the efficacy of a patient-centred approach to end-of-life care.

  • af Hadley Vlahos
    282,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Passionate advocate for end-of-life care and TikTok star Hadley Vlahos shares moving stories of joy, wisdom, and redemption from her patients’ final moments in this “brilliant” (Zibby Owens, Good Morning America) memoir. “This extraordinary book helps dispel fear around death and dying—revealing it to be a natural part of our soul’s evolution.”—Laura Lynne Jackson, New York Times bestselling author of Signs and The Light Between UsTalking about death and dying is considered taboo in polite company, and even in the medical field. Our ideas about dying are confusing at best: Will our memories flash before our eyes? Regrets consume our thoughts? Does a bright light appear at the end of a tunnel? For most people, it will be a slower process, one eased with preparedness, good humor, and a bit of faith. At the forefront of changing attitudes around palliative care is hospice nurse Hadley Vlahos, who shows that end-of-life care can teach us just as much about how to live as it does about how we die. Vlahos was raised in a strict religious household, but began questioning her beliefs in high school after the sudden death of a friend. When she got pregnant at nineteen, she was shunned by her community and enrolled herself in nursing school to be able to support herself and her baby. But nursing soon became more than a job: when she focused on palliative care and hospice work, it became a calling.  In The In-Between, Vlahos recounts the most impactful experiences she’s had with the people she’s worked with—from the woman who never once questioned her faith until she was close to death, to the older man seeing visions of his late daughter, to the young patient who laments that she spent too much of her short life worrying about what others thought of her—while also sharing her own fascinating journey. Written with profound insight, humility, and respect, The In-Between is a heartrending memoir that shows how caring for others can transform a life while also offering wisdom and comfort for those dealing with loss and providing inspiration for how to live now.

  • af Robert Fine
    1.219,95 kr.

    Examines crucial concerns in palliative care, including the proper balance between comfort and cure for the patient, the integration of spiritual well-being, and the challenges of providing care in the absence of basic medical services and supplies.

  • af Marcia Brennan
    272,95 kr.

  • af Karen Sue Farr
    132,95 kr.

    This collection of hospice stories overflows with passion of both hope and despair. Read intriguing stories inspired by Karen's ten years as a hospice nurse. Journey with ten patients through their struggle with a life threatening diagnosis. Experience different family dynamics of coping with fear and death. Learn how to live with hospice support. Enjoy the gems hidden between the chapters Dancing with Angels shares ten hospice experiences. These fictitious stories draw on events from Karen's ten years as a hospice nurse. She chooses settings and events that emphasize how hospice functions under the federal guidelines. (1)Red Knitted Slippers: A financially strapped Viet Nam Vet dies in his brother's home. (2)Heaven, I've Been There: A single mother with an 'out of body' experience has no fear of dying. (3)Bagels and Lox: A grandmother lives one week in her son's home after experiencing a massive stroke. (4)Get on Board: A grandfather has concern about his grand-children's spirituality. (5)Orange Bucket: A contractor attempts all holistic and known medical interventions to cure cancer. (6)I Found My Lost Daughter: A Korean War vet finds a daughter born out of wedlock. (7)Where is Ernie? A father with Alzheimer ends his ten year journey confused in a skilled nursing facility. (8)I Want Chocolate at my Memorial: Hospice care extends the life of a ninety-four year old chocoholic grandmother. (9)Queen Victoria: A widow without family wrestles with her self-image. (10)B-17 Bomber's Final Flight: A World War II Veteran struggles with his wife's difficulties in accepting his death. Each story shares a hospice journey and how different people faced the reality of death. Hospice does not promise to add or subtract days to life. These stories show how some patients lived longer and more comfortably when hospice controlled their symptoms. Hospice treats the whole patient, physically, emotionally and spiritually with understanding and support.

  • af Dave Leffmann
    297,95 kr.

    This personal yet clinically relevant guide stands out as a must read for anyone faced with caregiving. These pages, penned from the heart and soul of a physical therapist turned caregiver, offers simple yet well thought through and medically accurate essays, external links, even video, to help you with most everything you will face on your journey. The links are written out so you may find them from the paper version with a smart reader text to digital app, or by simply doing a search. A website and Youtube channel accompany this work.This book was written by experts, but with the personal touch of people who have walked this journey themselves. It is longer and more complete than most, but designed so the caregiver can quickly access what they need when they need it. This book will help you stay healthy and happy, build a caregiving team, and perform high quality home caregiving. It can help you manage the medical system, including insurance, Medicare and Medicaid, home professional caregivers and long term care if needed. It was written to help you and your loved one find the gifts in this profound and intimate time.

  • af Angela L. Williams
    997,95 kr.

    "Provides basic consumer health information about management of end-of-life symptoms, caregiving and facility evaluation, and legal and economic issues associated with end-of-life. Includes index, glossary of related terms, and other resources"--

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