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Religiøse problemstillinger og debatter

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  • af K. C. McCraw
    167,95 kr.

    The story takes place in an imaginary city, Malfaxe, located near the east coast of Maryland. Although it concerns several dynamic personalities, it revolves mainly around Emmitt Braedeikk, an egotistical bank manager and bachelor who is persuaded to run for mayor.Comparatively speaking, the idea of Emmitt being a banker is of trivial importance. Both bizarre and sometimes humorous personal problems often linger in the background and the story attempts to deal with issues that many times seem to be at the heart of some of America's most eroding trials. Crime, dishonest politicians, and penal overcrowding are but just a few. When uncanny terrorism enters the scene, the stage becomes set for complete chaos. Add a certain amount of sibling rivalry and science fiction to the mix and nothing short of divine intervention appears helpful.Through all of this, Emmitt does, however, develop a love life. Unfortunately, his mistress is a minister's daughter, one-third his own age and is involved heavily in prostitution. The author works to combine all of this into a happy, although realistic, ending and trust that the reader finds the story fun to embrace.

  • af Jarrod Tanny
    337,95 kr.

    Are there degrees of coincidence? Is it poor hygiene to "double dip" a chip? Is it appropriate to say "God bless you" to a woman who sneezes if her husband does not? If you named a kid Rasputin, do you think that would have a negative effect on his life? For nine seasons, the Seinfeld gang engaged in argument and debate over such weighty matters of etiquette, leaving no stone unturned, no double-dipped chip ignored, no exposed nipple on a greeting card unexamined. But Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer were hardly the first to do this. In fact, they built their comedy around the sort of discussions we can find in the greatest collection of texts in the Jewish religion: The Babylonian Talmud. Like the eminent Rabbis of ancient Israel and Babylon, the Seinfeld gang spent their days poring over the excruciating minutiae of every single event imaginable. Seinfeld is the Jewish Talmud of a new generation. Thus does Jarrod Tanny bring you the The Seinfeld Talmud - Seinfeld as analyzed by the Sages of the Near East who gave us the illustrious Talmud, which, depending on whom you ask, is either the most comprehensive body of Jewish law ever produced or thousands of pages about nothing. This parodic take on Seinfeld through the lens of Jewishness will appeal to Seinfeld aficionados and anyone interested in the remarkable role Jewish culture has played in shaping American entertainment. Come join the masters of Judaic Law on their quest to master Seinfeld's domain.

  • af Christena Cleveland
    175,95 kr.

    In this timely, much-needed book, theologian, social psychologist, and activist Christena Cleveland recounts her personal journey to dismantle the cultural ?whitemalegod? and uncover the Sacred Black Feminine, introducing a Black Female God who imbues us with hope, healing, and liberating presence.For years, Christena Cleveland spoke about racial reconciliation to congregations, justice organizations, and colleges. But she increasingly felt she could no longer trust in the God she'd been implicitly taught to worship?a white male God who preferentially empowered white men despite his claim to love all people. A God who clearly did not relate to, advocate for, or affirm a Black woman like Christena. Her crisis of faith sent her on an intellectual and spiritual journey through history and across France, on a 400-mile walking pilgrimage to the ancient shrines of Black Madonnas to find healing in the Sacred Black Feminine. God Is a Black Woman is the chronicle of her liberating transformation and a critique of a society shaped by white patriarchal Christianity and culture. Christena reveals how America's collective idea of God as a white man has perpetuated hurt, hopelessness, and racial and gender oppression. Integrating her powerful personal story, womanist ideology, as well as theological, historical, and social science research, she invites us to take seriously the truth that God is not white nor male and gives us a new and hopeful path for connecting with the divine and honoring the sacredness of all Black people.

  • - Om brug og misbrug af ytringsfriheden
    af Per Stig Møller
    227,95 kr.

    Af forfatteren til bestsellerne ”Sommeren ’45”, ”De fire isbjerge”og ”Afgørende øjeblikke” Ny bog af Per Stig Møller giver historisk baggrund for aktuel debat om ytringsfriheden i anledning af 175-året for grundloven. Er det overhovedet muligt både at stå fast på den uindskrænkede ytringsfrihed og være et tolerant multikulturelt samfund, hvor mange minoriteters og særgruppers følelser og grænser skal imødekommes? Svaret er ikke enkelt. Det ved vi fra Muhammedkrisen i 2005-2006 og den seneste Korankrise i 2023.Som altid henter Per Stig Møller hjælp i historien, som viser, at de store dilemmaer ikke blot hører vores tid til, men løber gennem århundrederne: Fra Sokrates og Erasmus af Rotterdam over renæssancens hekseforfølgelser til oplysningstidens Voltaire og Holberg og videre gennem moderniteten til vore dages kamp om sandheden i form af misinformation, manipulation og spin. Bogens perspektiv er på ofrenes og martyrernes side – dem, der ofrede sig for retten til at ytre sig. Men sandheden er aldrig ren og ubesmittet, for historien viser, at der også i sandhedens navn er begået store forbrydelser.PER STIG MØLLER, født 1942, er dr.phil.og tidligere minister. Kaj Munk-ekspert og forfatter til en række anmelderroste bestsellere som ”Sommeren ’45”, ”De fire isbjerge”og ”Afgørende øjeblikke”. Aktiv debattør, politisk kommentator og foredragsholder.

  • - Hvordan man sejrer i en tid af ufornuft
    af Douglas Murray
    307,95 kr.

    I løbet af nogle få årtier er den vestlige tradition gået fra at være fejret til at være pinlig og anakronistisk og sluttelig til at være noget skamfuldt. Den vendte sig fra at være en fortælling, som skulle inspirere mennesker og nære dem i deres liv, til at være en fortælling, som skal udskamme mennesker. Og det var ikke blot begrebet ”vestlig”, som kritikere protesterede mod. Det var alt, som var forbundet med dette begreb. Endog ”civilisation”.Der er mange facetter af denne krig mod Vesten. Den udkæmpes på tværs af medierne og gennem hele uddannelsessystemet – så tidlig som i børnehaveklasserne. Den er meget udbredt i den bredere kultur, hvor alle vigtigere kulturinstitutioner enten er under pres eller frivilligt lægger afstand til deres egen fortid.For ofte fremstiller vi denne kamp helt forkert. Vi tillader os at betragte den som temporær eller som findende sted i periferien, eller vi affærdiger den som en kulturkrig. Vi misfortolker deltagernes mål, eller vi undervurderer den rolle, denne krig vil få i kommende generationers liv.(fra Douglas Murrays indledning til bogen)

  • af Karen Armstrong
    182,95 kr.

    "Since the beginning of time, humankind has looked upon nature and seen the divine. In the writings of the great thinkers across religions, the natural world inspires everything from fear, to awe, to tranquil contemplation; God, or however one defined the sublime, was present in everything. Yet today, even as we admire a tree or take in a striking landscape, we rarely see nature as sacred. In this short but deeply powerful book, the best-selling historian of religion Karen Armstrong re-sacralizes nature for modern times. Drawing on her vast knowledge of the world's religious traditions, she vividly describes nature's central place in spirituality across the centuries. In bringing this age-old wisdom to life, Armstrong shows modern readers how to rediscover nature's potency and form a connection to something greater than ourselves." --Publisher's website.

  • af George Johnson
    192,95 kr.

    Are there really laws governing the universe? Or is the order we see a mere artifact of the way evolution wired the brain? And is what we call science only a set of myths in which quarks, DNA, and information fill the role once occupied by gods? These questions lie at the heart of George Johnson's audacious exploration of the border between science and religion, cosmic accident and timeless law. Northern New Mexico is home both to the most provocative new enterprises in quantum physics, information science, and the evolution of complexity and to the cosmologies of the Tewa Indians and the Catholic Penitentes. As it draws the reader into this landscape, juxtaposing the systems of belief that have taken root there, Fire in the Mind into a gripping intellectual adventure story that compels us to ask where science ends and religion begins."A must for all those seriously interested in the key ideas at the frontier of scientific discourse."--Paul Davies

  • af Joseph Kinyanjui Karanja
    342,95 kr.

    Prosperity Gospel vs The GospelSweety foods are tasty at the glands. It feels good to have it in the mouth. However, as these delicacies, flavoured with salts, sugars, colorings, Preservatives, acids, artificial additives and fats get into our stomachs, and finally absorbed in the bloodstream, they end up costing us dearly, through life threatening diseases, or even death.Herbs and fibre rich food on the other hand are bitter and tasteless. However, as they get absorbed into our bodies, they rejuvenate our body cells, clearing every trace of infection. This is occasioned by their possession of healing properties and nutritional value. They do not only boost vitality. Rather, they promote our health as well.This is exactly what happens when we consume prosperity gospel stuff. Prosperity gospel is sweet to the ear, and appealing to the eye. However, the effects are disastrous. Prosperity gospel does not only malnourish the Spirit man. Rather, it kills him altogether.Prosperity gospel is so popular. It is the most sought product at the market today. It sells like hot cakes. This is contrary to the true gospel that is shunned, hence, fulfilling the scripture in 2 Timothy 4: 3-4. "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables." (nkjv)'Prosperity gospel' depicts itself as The Gospel, though in actual sense it is not. Beneath it lies deception that is not noticeable. The spiritual venom concealed in prosperity gospel is highly dangerous. It slowly consumes its recipient's soul, and eventually kills it.This book aims at unveiling this flawed and mega deception, and attempt to separate the lie from the Truth.Dr Joseph Kinyanjui Karanja is the senior pastor of The Fruitful Brethren Christian Centre, Ruiru, Kenya. He holds a Doctorate in counseling, a Doctorate in Christian Theology, a Masters in Counseling Psychology, and a Bachelors degree in Education (Arts), among others. Dr Kinyanjui is also the author of 'The Eschatological Dilemma'.

  • af Edward A. Engelbrecht
    657,95 kr.

    Charges of forgery, heresy, legalism, and immorality turn on the question of whether Martin Luther taught a third use of the Law for the Christian life. For the past sixty years, well-meaning scholars believed they settled the question-with dire consequences.Friends of the Law sets forth a completely new body of evidence that shows how little Luther's teaching was understood. This new book looks at the doctrine of the Law and invites a new consensus that could change the way Christians view the Reformation and even their daily walk with God.Containsdata tablestranslations of passages not available in Englishappendicesbibliography on Law and Gospel

  • af Roger Bergman
    352,95 - 477,95 kr.

  • af Roman Dziarski
    212,95 - 1.347,95 kr.

    "Extraordinary storytelling about unfathomable horror." - Library Journal (starred review)"[A] worthy tribute to the extraordinary bravery of a remarkable woman." -- Publishers WeeklyIn World War II's Poland, thirty year old Zofia Sterner and her husband Wacek refuse to be classified as Jews destined for extermination.Instead, they evade the Nazis and the Soviets in several dramatic escapes and selflessly rescue many Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto and a labor camp, later becoming active participants in the Warsaw Uprising where they are taken prisoner. This retelling, captured through diaries, interviews, war crime trial testimonies, and letters, detail the Sterners' heroic rescues, escapes, and ultimate survival. A true story of hope amid horrifying tragedy, How We Outwitted and Survived the Nazis illustrates how war brings out the worst and the best in people, and how true humanity and heroism of ordinary people are revealed by their willingness to risk everything and help others. This story is about being human under the most inhumane conditions.

  • af Stephen Jay Gould
    192,95 kr.

  • af Tim Townsend
    307,95 kr.

    The gripping story of the American army chaplain sent to save the souls of the Nazis incarcerated at NurembergLutheran minister Henry Gerecke was fifty years old when he enlisted as an army chaplain during World War II. As two of his three sons faced danger and death on the battlefield, Gerecke tended to the battered bodies and souls of wounded and dying GIs outside London. But at the close of the European theater, with Hitler defeated and scores of American troops returning home to resume their lives, Gerecke received his most challenging assignment: he was sent to Nuremberg to minister to the twenty-one imprisoned Nazi leaders awaiting trial for crimes against humanity.A crucial yet largely untold coda to the horrors of World War II, Mission at Nuremberg unearths groundbreaking new research and compelling firsthand accounts to take us deep inside the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, into the very cells of the accused and the courtroom where they answered to the world for their crimes. Never before in modern history had man accomplished mass slaughter with such precision. These twenty-one Nazis had sat at the right hand of Adolf Hitler; Hermann Goering, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Keitel, Hans Frank, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner were the orchestrators, and in some cases the direct perpetrators, of the most methodical genocide in history.As the drama leading to the court's final judgments unfolds, Tim Townsend brings Henry Gerecke's impossible moral quandary to life: How, having risked his own life (and those of his sons) to eliminate the Nazi threat, could he now win the confidence of these men? In the months after the war ended, Gerecke had visited Dachau. He had touched the walls of the camp's crematorium. He had seen the consequences of the choices these men had made, the orders they had given and carried out. As he worked to form compassionate relationships with them, how could he preach the gospel of mercy, knowing full well the devastating nature of the atrocities they had committed? And as the day came nearer when he had to escort these men to the gallows, what comfort could he offer?and what promises of salvation could he make?to evil itself? Detailed, harrowing, and emotionally charged, Mission at Nuremberg is an incisive new history of the Nuremberg trials as well as a nuanced reflection on the nature of morality and sin, the price of empathy, and the limits of forgiveness.

  • af John McClellan
    222,95 kr.

    Piracy flourished in the caribbean because of the existence of pirate seaports such as port royal in jamaica, tortuga in haiti, and nassau in the bahamas.Inspired by notions of self-government, they established a crude but distinctive form of democracy in the bahamas, carving out their own zone of freedom in which indentured servants were released and leaders chosen or deposed by a vote. Discover a plethora of topics such asWhen pirates owned the seasThe roots of piracyThe original pirates of the caribbeanThe pirate roundPiracy after the spanish war of successionThe pirates of the barbary coastThe modern-day piratesAnd much more!This unique book seamlessly weaves together history, adventure, and intrigue, delivering a comprehensive and accurate portrayal of pirates and their enduring legacy. Experience the thrill of pirate lore without the distractions of illustrations or visual aids-this text-only masterpiece allows your imagination to run wild as you envision the daring escapades and untamed characters that define the world of piracy.

  • af Sean J. McGrath
    297,95 - 457,95 kr.

  • af Allen A. Sweet
    231,95 kr.

    Many of the seven billion people who live on the earth look to either science or religion as the ultimate source of authority in their lives. But why must there be a conflict between the two? Why can't science and religion support each other?The Unity of Truth shows why and how it makes perfect sense for science and religion to be mutually supportive. Beginning with the accepted truths of modern science and the beliefs of traditional Christianity, authors Allen A. Sweet, C. Frances Sweet, and Fritz Jaensch use their diverse expertise to deliver a deeper level of understanding of the ways in which science and religion can coexist.Relying on a thorough knowledge of physics, theology, and mathematics, this study addresses the paradox of how God communicates with our material world without violating any of the laws of science. Individual chapters discuss some of the most popular quandaries associated with combining science and religion. In addition, it considers the beginning and end of our universe, the evolution of life, and the meaning of human emotions from the scientific and theological perspectives, thus pushing understanding to a higher plateau of wisdom.Rational and devoid of rhetoric, The Unity of Truth seeks to help resolve the ongoing battle between religion and science, delivering a thoughtful narrative designed to open minds and hearts.

  • af Henry Walter Spaulding
    246,95 kr.

    Christian sexual ethics operates from a place of privilege when it does not consider those impacted by its moral prescriptions. A large majority of publications on Christian sexual ethics consider choices and images abstracted from lived conditions of the people called to make these decisions. As such, it leaves out many for whom sex is neither welcome nor a choice. As such, these same texts present images of sexual subjects that marginalize those that do not fit. As the book presents, sexuality, both Christian and otherwise, prioritizes a language of purity that strangles the life of those imaged impure. The present book remedies this emphasis through the language of iconoclasm that blasphemes these images and opens theological reflection beyond the boundary of image-based approaches. Utilizing a qualitative study of survivors of trafficking and those who grew up under evangelical purity teachings, Spaulding narrates sexual ethics in light of their testimonies and the theological resources of iconoclasm to articulate a more just and loving sexuality. The new emphasis on sexual ethics not only resists the prescriptions that create the conditions of sex trafficking but the creation of new communities capable of solidarity and mutuality with those caught in the web of trafficking.

  • af Guillermo Gonzalez
    201,95 kr.

    Earth. The Final Frontier

  • af Russell P Johnson
    1.100,95 kr.

    How can one speak and act in ways that overcome entrenched social conflicts? In polarized societies, some insist that the survival of democracy depends on people abiding by rules of civility and mutual respect. Others argue that the political situation is so dire that one's values need to be fought for by any means necessary. Across the political spectrum, people feel like they need to choose between the morality of dialogue and the effectiveness of protest. Beyond Civility in Social Conflict makes an important intervention in this debate. Taking insights from nonviolent direct action, it provides a model for advocacy that is both compassionate and critical. Successful communicators can help their opponents by dismantling the illusions and unjust systems that impede human flourishing and pit people against one another. The final chapter turns specifically to Christian ethics, and what it means to 'love your enemies' by disagreeing with them.

  • af Eduard Tropea
    403,95 - 529,95 kr.

  • af Stuart Vyse
    162,95 kr.

    Overtro omhandler overtroens natur og historie fra antikken til nutiden. I to årtusinder har begrebet været anvendt nedladende om fremmede religioner og forkert religiøs praksis. Efter oplysningstiden blev overtro brugt til at adskille fornuft fra ufornuft. Trods moderne sofistikerede og teknologiske fremskridt er overtroisk tro og adfærd stadig udbredt i dag. Stuart Vyse dykker ned i de forskellige populære overtroiske forestillinger og de psykologiske årsager bag deres fortsatte eksistens i en fascinerende fortælling om et interessant og ganske udbredt fænomen.

  • af Nicholas Morieson
    1.282,95 - 1.289,95 kr.

    This books explores the rise of civilizational populism throughout the world, and its consequences. Civilizational populism posits that democracy ought to be based upon enacting the `people¿s will¿, yet it adds a new and troubling dimension to populism¿s thin ideology: a civilization based classification of peoples and division of society. Today, we increasingly find not conflict between civilizations, but conflict within states over their civilizational identity. From Western Europe to Turkey, and from India and Pakistan to Indonesia, populists are increasingly employing a civilization based classification of peoples in order to define the identities of `the people¿ and their perceived enemies. This book is the first to examine civilizational populism as global phenomenon rather than a uniquely Western form of politics. Through a series of case studies, the book examines the role played by religion in forming civilizational identities, but also investigates the often deleterious consequences of civilizational populism entering the political mainstream. Prof. Ihsan Yilmaz is the Research Chair of Islamic Studies at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. He is the author of many books, including most recently published Populist and Pro-Violence State Religion: The Diyanet¿s Construction of Erdöanist Islam in Turkey (2022) and Creating the Desired Citizen: Ideology, State and Islam in Turkey (2021).Dr. Nicholas Morieson is a Research Fellow at the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia, and has previously worked as a lecturer at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne. He is the author of Religion and the Populist Radical Right: Secular Christianism and Populism in Western Europe (2021).

  • af Lal Tin Hre
    442,95 kr.

    This research work is a historical-theological analysis on the reasons and causes of church schism among the Chins in Myanmar. The schism started in 1930s and become worse since 1978. It is estimated that there are already more than 70 denominations and sects among the Chins even before the celebration of Centennial Jubilee of the arrival of the Gospel in the Chin Land, which was held in Haka in 1999. It is sad to see the way a divisive denominationalism plays such an important role among the churches and occupies the hearts of the people. Five main possible facts have been pointed out which caused schism in Chin Christianity, such as hlimsangism (a charismatic movement), evangelical movements and fundamentalism, politico-economic factors, leadership role and socio-cultural reason.

  • af Arno Tausch
    810,95 kr.

    Angesichts der unfassbaren Pogrome, die die Terrororganisation Hamas, beginnend mit dem 7. Oktober 2023, in Israel verübte, und angesichts der Welle des globalen Antisemitismus und der antijüdischen Gewalt, die seither über die Welt hereingebrochen ist, ist eine empirisch orientierte Analyse von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam von absoluter Wichtigkeit. Die Beiträge in diesem Buch versuchen, basierend auf Meinungsumfragen, einen aktuellen und empirisch abgesicherten Beitrag über das Verhältnis von Antisemitismus, Terrorismus und politischem Islam zu präsentieren, der dem internationalen Forschungsstand entspricht. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass der Antisemitismus der sogenannten "gemäßigten Islamisten" die Verbreitung der Ideologie des brutalen Terrorismus erst ermöglicht und sogar in Mode gebracht hat.

  • af Peter Ahkia
    117,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Shannel S Silwimba
    227,95 kr.

    This book, The Doctrine of Prosperity, is part of a larger work that was originally written for the Swahili-speaking church. It explores in depth the origin of Prosperity, as an outcome of the God's Covenants which works by the Blessing.We scrutinize the will of God YHWH to measure the accurateness of this Doctrine. We therefore noticed only two approaches to be appropriate for the entire Swahili speaking Church to achieve this gift by grace. We also looked at Israel past and present giving many examples as of these days confirming The Doctrine of Prosperity.However, the entire Doctrine was settled under the two theological premises: that we receive our prosperity while at rest by faith, or by faith and obedience while at rest. There are much more biblical studies within, which shall change your current perspective regarding wealthy and riches for believers. Nothing you think is an opposition to this Doctrine is not analyzed, clarified, and compared to the early understandings of the Hebrew sages.

  • af Ignatius Benjamin Fury
    107,95 - 217,95 kr.

  • af Charles K. Bellinger
    247,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Krzysztof Tr¿bski
    442,95 kr.

    This publication offers a reflection on the phenomenon of euthanasia within the context of history, legislation, and contemporary society. Its intention is to present a theoretical perspective capable of opposing the reasons given by euthanasia proponents and to offer practical alternatives that are more feasible and humane than "escaping suffering through death".The main idea of this book can be summarized in the following sentence: the best medicine for patients in the terminal phase of the disease, always effective and permanently available, is a competent and caring presence enriched with the human warmth that only another person can provide.

  • af Kumiko Haba
    2.153,95 - 2.162,95 kr.

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