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Oldtidens religioner og mytologier

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  • af Jack Jensen
    45,95 - 92,95 kr.

    En frit fabulerende og fantasifuld fortælling om forskellige former for forståelse. Foruden om min fortolkning af runer og gjallar.

  • af Bjørn-Morten Gundersen
    227,95 kr.

    På mindre end 24 timer ændrer Silkes liv sig markant. Hun er 17 år, bor hos sine plejeforældre og sidder en aften på terrassen pakket ind i sin dyne.Den aften møder hun væsnet Mirar, der lokker hende med sig.Snart er Silke viklet ind i et spind af magi, halve sandheder, vold, blod og mord.En verden, som de fleste mennesker har glemt, åbner sig for hende i den årtusindlange fejde mellem Skovkongen og Natmoderen. Med livet som indsats er det nu op til Silke at samle brikkerne i et umuligt puslespil. Om forfatterenBjørn-Morten Vang Gundersen (f. 1990) fører med denne bog en drøm ud i livet.Natbarnet er den første i rækken om Mirars plan, og hvordan den unge Silke passer ind i det hele.Serien er en hyldest til de nordiske myter, naturen, sagnvæsner og menneskelig overtro.

  • af Vilhelm Grønbech
    407,95 kr.

    Nordiske myter og sagn er et af de populæreste værker i Vilhelm Grønbechs store forfatterskab. Det er en række levende og fængslende genfortællinger, som giver læseren en grundig introduktion til den nordiske mytologi - lige fra den første jætte Ymer, hvis døde krop dannede jorden, til Skjoldungesagnene.Bogen er inddelt i to afsnit; det ene om myter og det andet om sagaer og slægtssagn. Myterne beretter om verdens tilblivelse og om de nordiske guder, bl.a. Odin, Loke, Balder og Tor. I sagaerne genfortæller Grønbech de kendte sagn om bl.a. Vølund og Amled, om Vølsungerne og deres bedrifter.

  • - En introduktion til Hermesskrifterne
    af Jørgen Podemann Sørensen
    118,95 - 137,95 kr.

    I løbet af vor tidsregnings første århundreder skrev ukendte forfattere i Ægypten en række traktater, tænkt som støtte for et indre, åndeligt liv. Disse skrifter kom til at gå under den ægyptiske visdomsgud Thoths navn, og da den græske standardoversættelse af Thoth var Hermes, kaldes de endnu i dag de hermetiske skrifter.De blev til som led i en bred strømning i senantikkens religionshistorie, hvor menneskets sind mere og mere blev religionens arena.I Vesteuropa blev Hermesskrifterne først kendt i renæssancen, men navnlig deres syn på naturen som guddommelig har været til stor inspiration også for senere tider.

  • - På rejse i det ukendte
    af Klaus Aarsleff
    222,95 kr.

    Som globetrotter og tidligere formand for Eventyrernes Klub har Klaus Aarsleff i mere end et kvart århundrede foretaget ekspeditioner Jorden rundt for at undersøge mysterier, myter og fortidsgåder fra de ældste kulturer.I sin nye bog rejser Klaus Aarsleff længere væk end nogensinde før og går i clinch med verdensrummets største mysterier. Han beretter om de nyeste og ældste nærkontaktoplevelser og mest uforklarlige ufo-observationer, han rejser til ufo-kultens arnesteder og fortæller om kvæglemlæstelser, sælsomme rum-objekter og budskaber til og fra universets dybder. Og han kigger videnskaben i kortene og fremlægger forskernes chokerende og dristige teorier om fremmede livsformers udseende og universets sande natur.Første oplag af bogen er vedlagt en DVD med sensationelt film- og fotomateriale, blandt andet fra Skandinavisk UFO Informations arkiver. Meget af materialet har aldrig tidligere været offentliggjort.

  • - Religion og kult i den græsk-romerske Nærorient
    af Birgitte Bøgh, Vinnie Nørskov & Rubina Raja
    127,95 kr.

    Det hellige rum handler om religion og helligsteder i den græsk-romerske tid i Nærorienten, og det vil sige en periode fra det 4. årh. f.Kr. til det 7. årh. e.Kr. Nærorienten var i århundrederne omkring Jesu fødsel en region, hvor flere kulturer stødte på hinanden med alt, hvad det måtte indebære. På den ene side stod den græsk-romerske kultur, som havde domineret Middelhavsområdet i århundreder. På den anden side stod mangfoldige nærorientalske regioner præget af store regionale forskelle. I denne smeltedigel opstod kristendommen og islam som de bedst kendte af en række nye religioner fra denne periode.

  • af A.M. Shine
    104,95 kr.

    Soon to be a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE produced by M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN and starring DAKOTA FANNING. You can't see them. But they can see you. This forest isn't charted on any map. Every car breaks down at its treeline. Mina's is no different. Left stranded, she is forced into the dark woodland only to find a woman shouting, urging Mina to run to a concrete bunker. As the door slam

  • af Jasmine Elmer
    143,95 kr.

    Wild, dark and divine... The first of its kind, Goddess with a Thousand Faces blends historical research with mythological retelling, taking an inspirational, enlightening and fiercely feminist deep dive into ancient goddesses to explore the modern concept of femininity.This is a historical journey like no other - unlike every other book on the subject, Goddess with a Thousand Faces transcends geographical boundaries and breaks down cultural barriers. From Rangda in Bali, to Freyja in Iceland and more recognisable faces such as the Greek goddess Artemis, it is a work of true inclusion - readers are invited to consider these dazzling goddesses as part of a cultural cannon of human femininity; regardless of race, sex, or gender.Goddess with a Thousand Faces asks us to interrogate our past through a fresh new lens. We're challenged to comprehend our relationship with the feminine within us, question the legacy of goddesses, and whether we might see them in the faces of us all.Embrace your inner goddess... Perfect for fans of Pandora's Jar by Natalie Haynes, Love in Colour by Bolu Babalola and Storyland by Amy Jeffs.

  • af Bill Vincent
    144,95 - 209,95 kr.

  • af Tatjana Bartsch
    235,95 kr.

    Between 1532 and 1536/37, the Dutch artist Maarten van Heemskerck traveled to Rome. Most of the drawings created there were made by van Heemskerck in a sketchbook that he filled with motifs as he wandered through the city, and whose original binding has been lost. Thanks to state-of-the-art technology, researchers at the Berlin Kupferstichkabinett have now largely reconstructed the original sequence of the book's pages. This forms the basis of the present facsimile. In his fascinating studies, van Heemskerck captured the ancient sculptures, ruins, and Roman cityscapes. His sketches display a refined eye for composition and perspective as well as an extraordinary sensibility of drawing. In the sketchbook, the artist developed a space for individual experimentation, as well as a valuable trove of motifs from which he would draw throughout his life. MAARTEN VAN HEEMSKERCK (1498-1574) was one of the most famous Dutch painters of the sixteenth century. Today he is best known for his magnificent Roman drawings.

  • af Jason Dodd
    126,95 - 200,95 kr.

  • af Paul Bishop
    365,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

    The Descent of the Soul and the Archaic explores the motif of kátabasis (a "descent" into an imaginal underworld) and the importance it held for writers from antiquity to the present, with an emphasis on its place in psychoanalytic theory.

  • af Neil Gaiman
    250,95 kr.

    Multi-award-winning, globally bestselling author Neil Gaiman's riveting retellings of the classic Norse myths, now reinvented with epic, full-colour illustrations by Levi Pinfold. A gift from the gods of story. Ancient myths burst into thrilling, visceral life in Neil Gaiman's irresistible Norse Mythology, already a modern classic and a massive bestseller around the world. In this br

  • af Nikk M. Harvey
    160,95 kr.

    This book is designed to teach pagan children ages 8+ about the basics of Wicca and Magik. It is designed so that the parent is involved, encouraging the children to ask questions and discuss it with their parents to help grow their understanding. It also includes short review questions at the end of the introductory chapters similar to a workbook. Though this book does teach basics of Wicca and simple child-friendly spells, it also emphasizes that magik is better when you make it right for you and that there is no "right" way to do it so that they are encouraged to keep learning and exploring with their parents' guidance and discussion as well.

  • af Silvia Moon
    185,95 kr.

    From what I have experienced and loved being on the twin flame journey for over 6 years now, I believe that twin flames (Romantic) can stay together permanently and harmoniously because nothing can deter what is naturally meant to be. If you have also met your twin flame and gazed into their eyes (Soul) your feelings are enough to alert you that your encounter was not a coincidence. God/the Universe/Angels and all your Spirit Guides conspired to bring you two together. Have you noticed how a twin flame walks into your life when you least desire or expect it? Maybe you are going through a rough life situation and nothing seems to be working for you. The moment when you need a shift in perspective to make exponential changes in your life. For others, a twin flame appears when you are in desperate need of Spiritual awakening and healing. Maybe you are on a soul-searching journey but you have no idea how to have a breakthrough. When you feel stuck in life. For most, a twin flame finds you when you need to find yourself. Your center. When you feel lost to yourself. Whenever physical separation happens, all you think about is what just happened between you. Every moment of the day in whatever you do, you feel your twin flame energy merging with yours constantly. It can take years for your reunion to happen and whenever it does, you both don't want to relive the pain and emotional desolation of being away from each other. You do whatever is possible not to repeat past mistakes. Separation only makes your bond stronger with a twin flame. You are two hearts, one soul. You crave each other equally. Twin flames make the most beautiful romantic couples because their connection, light, and energy vibrations heal those around them. Twin flame love is infectious. It's effortless. It is unconditional. I hope this helps. Stay Blessed!

  • af Snorri Sturluson
    152,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Discover the world of Viking mythology with Snorri Sturluson's 13th-century masterpiece, the Eddas. Unearth ancient narratives passed down through generations!

  • - Guide til Island
    af Hanne Højgaard Viemose & Annette Lassen
    232,95 kr.

    Hanne Højgaard Viemose og Annette Lassen er stukket af fra Danmark og har begge bosat sig i Island, hvor de har fundet et folk, som ligesom dem selv finder såvel fryd og fornøjelse som nødvendighed i fra tid til anden at bryde reglerne. Sammen med deres alter egoer, Magma og Saga, tager de på ti udflugter Island rundt for at opsøge landskaber, hvor de vildeste udbryderhistorier fra sagaer, litteratur, kulturhistorie og folklore har fundet sted.SURTLAS HOVED OG ANDRE UDFLUGTER er en sprælsk og humørsyg guide til Island, en fortælling om en islandsk indstilling til livet, som er helt kompromisløst frihedssøgende, og om et kantet venskab mellem to udbrydere.

  • af Mari Silva
    223,95 kr.

    Delve into the world of Paganism and learn everything you need to know about their practices.Are you curious about exploring Paganism as a spiritual tradition? Have you been drawn to the ancient practices of nature-based religions but don't know where to start? Would you like to learn more about the culture and beliefs?Paganism for Beginners is the perfect guidebook for introducing yourself to Paganism and its core beliefs, rituals, and celebrations. This comprehensive book is an informative, empowering, and non-judgmental resource for discovering all aspects of the pagan lifestyle. With an introduction to the spiritual practice of Paganism, it explores these ancient beliefs and practices through an informative yet approachable lens perfect for those just beginning their exploration into pagan spirituality. In this book, you will:Understand what Paganism is and its core beliefsLearn about Celtic Paganism and DruidryGain insight into the belief system and spirituality of Celtic PaganismLearn about Asatru and its belief systemFind information about Germanic Paganism and its historyLearn how to apply Paganism to your daily lifeTake the first step toward exploring Paganism through this perfect guide for anyone interested in learning about one of the oldest forms of spirituality. Experience all its teachings have to offer and discover what lies beyond traditional religious boundaries. With detailed information, thoughtful advice, and an engaging writing style, this book will help you get off to the right start.

  • af Stephen Pollington
    326,95 - 567,95 kr.

  • - Gloser og ordforklaringer
    af Jens Peter Jensen
    136,95 kr.

    Bogen indeholder gloser og ordforklaringer til de tekster, der findes i: Kompendium til studiet af kulter og ofringer i det antikke Rom. Tekster, oversættelser, kommentarer, Books on Demand, Hellerup 2023.

  • af Panache Desai
    209,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLERA spiritual thought-leader and featured guest on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday helps us learn to quiet fear and anxiety and discover the powerful wholeness that exists within us all in this inspiring and affirmative guide.Achieving equilibrium in today's age of anxiety can seem like a near-impossible?even frivolous?task. Panache Desai offers a refreshing, surprisingly unusual approach to meet the challenges of the modern moment and heal the fractured self it produces.For Desai, the soul?whole, unbroken, at peace, and one with the life source?isn't a destination. It already exists within each of us, just waiting to be revealed. It is not something we have to work to develop?it is our birthright. And when we are in union with our soul, we experience a personal evolution that not only illuminates our individual cosmic purpose but helps us to engage the sense of purpose and presence necessary to remake the world itself.You Are Enough offers a straightforward, non-judgmental, and approachable process of revealing the soul, of coming into alignment and harmony with our true selves. Combining personal narrative, clear and inspiring philosophy, and prescriptive practices, it reveals that the way through is the way in?that the way through fear, self-doubt, and anxiety is accepting and embracing dissonance and emotional and psychological blockages, so that we can approach our lives and the world from a perspective that understands our fears are not who we are. Desai's goal is simple: to guide readers through radical self-acceptance toward a life of ultimate peace and fulfillment.Beautifully designed, this enlightening volume by a fresh voice shows us that while life may have caused us to forget our power, potential, light, and love, they are always there, just waiting to be discovered.

  • af Winifred Rose
    407,95 kr.

    Among our most meaningful challenges as Heathens and polytheists is to get to know all of our Gods and Goddesses to some degree, even if we are most devoted to just one or a few of them. Often, becoming more familiar with Heathen Deities and other spiritual beings whom we don't know well requires different perspectives and new ways of interacting with them. This is an anthology for Heathens who have gone beyond the basics and want to move on to deeper understanding and more varied spiritual relationships, perspectives, and practices. It does not cover all of the Heathen Deities, but it contains the distillation of thirty years of Heathen practice with many of them, including many who are less well-known. Though this book is divided into three parts, "Heathen Holy Ones," "Wights," and "Heathen Spiritual Practices," in truth everything written here is either about spiritual practice, or the result of spiritual practice. Heathen spiritual practices are embedded throughout the book. Thought-provoking essays, research articles, tales, poems, prayers, ideas and guidelines for enhancing Heathen spiritual practice, lively illustrations: many approaches are offered here for Heathen spiritual expansion. This anthology is a call toward spiritual adventure, an invitation to wander on Heathen ways of inspiration and discovery.

  • af William Jones
    152,95 kr.

    A Journey into Paganism: Rediscovering the Ancient Ways by William Jones is a captivating and insightful exploration of the ancient spiritual traditions that have captivated humanity for centuries. Delving deep into the roots of Paganism, this book takes readers on an illuminating expedition, uncovering the timeless wisdom and practices that continue to resonate with modern seekers.Drawing from historical research and personal experiences, William Jones unravels the rich tapestry of Pagan beliefs, rituals, and deities. From the sacred groves of the ancient Celts to the mythic pantheon of the Norse, the author provides a vivid and comprehensive understanding of the diverse Pagan traditions that have woven themselves into the fabric of human spirituality.Through engaging storytelling and in-depth analysis, readers are transported to a world where nature is revered as sacred, and the cycles of life are honored with profound rituals and celebrations. From the wheel of the year to the significance of solstices and equinoxes, this book reveals the significance of Pagan festivals and their enduring relevance in contemporary times.A Journey into Paganism is not just a historical account but also a guide for those seeking to embrace Pagan practices in their own lives. With a focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and connection with nature, the author offers practical insights and exercises to enrich one's spiritual journey and deepen their relationship with the divine.As readers immerse themselves in the pages of this book, they will encounter the transformative power of Pagan magic and spellwork. Through careful explanations and examples, William Jones demystifies the art of working with energies and harnessing the forces of the universe to manifest one's intentions.More than just a religious path, Paganism is presented as a way of life that encourages harmony, respect, and interconnectedness with all living beings. The author delves into the concept of ethics and the inherent responsibility that comes with walking the Pagan path, nurturing a deep sense of reverence and stewardship for the Earth.A Journey into Paganism: Rediscovering the Ancient Ways is an enlightening and immersive experience, embracing readers with the timeless wisdom and beauty of Pagan spirituality. Whether you are a seasoned Pagan practitioner or a curious soul seeking spiritual awakening, this book offers a profound understanding of the ancient ways and their continued relevance in the modern world. Embark on a transformative journey and rediscover the profound connection between humanity, nature, and the sacred within.

  • af Christopher Reusch
    274,95 kr.

    In this book the author - me - ponders on certain things, such as society and the universe. What is the underlying primordial matter of the universe and how can one relate this to our modern "society"? The word in itself hints the existence of a .....?Of a What?Of something unspeakable and dangerously terrible you may think, but that is something that might reveal itself to you, if you have the stamina to deal with the authors - me - gigantic and frivolous ego.

  • af Dirk Uffelmann
    397,95 kr.

    ENThis three-volume book investigates the Russian transformations of one of the central concepts of Greek Christology, the self-humiliation or kenosis of Christ. The author applies rhetoric (paradox, metaphor, metonymy) as a means to elucidate mechanisms of theological persuasion and to trace the representations of the humiliated Christ and his imitations in various media from liturgy and iconology to everyday practice and literary fiction. The exploration of post-Christian literature of the 19th and 20th century (N. Chernyshevskii, M. Gor'kii, N. Ostrovskii, Ven. Erofeev, Vl. Sorokin) demonstrates the existence of a kenotic Christology after Christianity.RUThis three-volume book investigates the Russian transformations of one of the central concepts of Greek Christology, the self-humiliation or kenosis of Christ. The author applies rhetoric (paradox, metaphor, metonymy) as a means to elucidate mechanisms of theological persuasion and to trace the representations of the humiliated Christ and his imitations in various media from liturgy and iconology to everyday practice and literary fiction. The exploration of post-Christian literature of the 19th and 20th century (N. Chernyshevskii, M. Gor'kii, N. Ostrovskii, Ven. Erofeev, Vl. Sorokin) demonstrates the existence of a kenotic Christology after Christianity.

  • af EA Wallis Budge
    137,95 kr.

    A deluxe gift edition of The Egyptian Book of the Dead, beautifully presented with delicate gold embossing and gilded page edges. This ancient funerary text contains a collection of spells, prayers and incantations designed to guide the departed through the perils of the underworld. Written to ensure eternal life, these scrolls were often left in the sarcophagus of the deceased and now offer fascinating insight into Egyptian culture. This beautifully illustrated edition contains images from the exquisite Papyrus of Ani, an ancient Egyptian scroll narrating the journey of Theban scribe Ani through the underworld. Its accompanying hieroglyphic text has been translated by acclaimed Egyptologist E.A Wallis Budge, and includes spells addressed to ferryman, gods and kings to aid Ani on his way to the afterlife. This compact gilded hardback edition makes a wonderful gift. ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Ornate Classics are beautifully bound gifts editions of iconic literary works across history. These compact, foil-embossed hardbacks are richly illustrated and printed using deluxe ivory paper.

  • af Zachary Porcu
    167,95 kr.

    Most books aimed at introducing Orthodoxy to the non-Orthodox begin by explaining basic points of doctrine and practice that differ from what the average reader may be familiar with. But for the average American, this approach doesn't go deep enough. In order to be able to fully understand Orthodox doctrine and practice, we have to unlearn an entire secular worldview and become participants in a sacramental worldview instead-a worldview that embraces reality as it truly is. Dr. Zachary Porcu provides a guide to this process that is easily accessible both to Western Christians and to those who lack any grounding in the Christian Faith.

  • af Nathaniel Hawthorne
    267,95 kr.

    Travel back to a time when divine beings mixed with mortals with this deluxe hardback treasury of classical mythology, beautifully presented with classic illustrations, patterned endpapers and gold gilded page edges. >Includes: - Epimetheus and Pandora- The Quest of the Golden Fleece- Theseus and the Minotaur- The Wooden Horse - The Sack of Troy- Ulysses in Hades- Circe's Palace>This luxurious edition features gilded page edges, a gold-embossed cover design, patterned endpapers and stunning classic illustrations, making a wonderful gift or collectible for any mythology lover. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Arcturus Gilded Classics series presents luxury gift editions of classics works, printed on opulent ivory paper, featuring hardcover Wibilin binding, foil-embossed cover designs, beautifully designed end-papers and gilded page edges. These make perfect collectibles for lovers of classic literature.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    194,95 kr.

    Die Erfindung des Werwolfs - Wandlung, Gestalt und sanguinTauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt der Bestien und Legenden mit dem Buch ¿Die Erfindung des Werwolfs¿. In diesem packenden Sachbuch begibt sich der Leser auf eine chronologische Reise durch die Geschichte, Mythologie und kulturelle Entwicklung des Werwolf-Phänomens.Von den frühesten Ursprüngen in antiken Überlieferungen bis hin zu modernen Interpretationen in Literatur, Film und Popkultur erforscht dieses Buch die vielschichtigen Aspekte der Werwölfe. Erfahren Sie mehr über die verschiedenen kulturellen Vorstellungen von Werwölfen und die Rolle, die sie in verschiedenen Gesellschaften spielten.Wir tauchen ein in die dunklen Wälder des Mittelalters, wo Werwolfglaube und Hexenverfolgung eng miteinander verknüpft waren, und erkunden die grausamen Hexenprozesse, die so viele unschuldige Leben forderten. Dabei werfen wir auch einen Blick auf die wissenschaftlichen Erklärungsversuche für das Phänomen der ¿Lykanthropie¿ und die psychologischen Aspekte von Werwolfsyndromen.Durch fundierte Forschung und eine spannende Erzählweise entführt das Buch den Leser in eine Welt voller Geheimnisse, Mythen und Legenden. Tauchen Sie ein in die düsteren Abgründe der menschlichen Vorstellungskraft und entdecken Sie, wie die Idee des Werwolfs die menschliche Kultur und Psyche seit Jahrhunderten fasziniert und inspiriert hat.Dieses Buch ist ein Muss für alle, die sich für Folklore, Mythologie und die dunklen Seiten der menschlichen Natur interessieren. Lassen Sie sich von der Faszination der Werwölfe verzaubern und entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse hinter der Legende.

  • af T. Ingram
    167,95 kr.

    Begin by exploring the archaic, ancient, and modern ancestry of European people. With brief reviews of time periods that were influential to the diversification that resulted in the ethnic diversity of Europeans today.From there, explore general themes of paganism as seen throughout the various ethnic groups of Europe. A guide to various aspects of pagan worship and how they can be applied in the modern day. With an understanding of ancestry and paganism, one can explore further into the sacred. A section devoted to six of the major European ethnic groups. These include Slavic, Germanic, Italic, Celtic, Hellenic, and Uralic.

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