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  • af Chris King
    127,95 kr.

    In this book you'll find 20 soccer games that will ensure your players are engaged and enjoying themselves while still developing their essential soccer skills. Lots of positivity and encouragement is key when coaching kids soccer! And these Christmas soccer drills will help you run a great training session and get the kids coming back again and again. You'll find that you can use any number of players for all the drills in "Kicking It With Santa".You'll be having a jolly old time with soccer games such as:TIC TAC TOE - HO HO HO!DEFEND THE NORTH POLE!SNOWMAN PENALTY SHOOTOUTSANTAS v ELVESGET THE COACH FIT FOR CHRISTMASDO WHAT SANTA DOES!Merry Christmas and happy coaching!

  • af Ricarda Antonie Kleine
    694,95 kr.

    In regelmäßigen Abständen stimmen Delegierte von internationalen Sportverbänden über die Vergabe von sportlichen Großereignissen ab. Mit einer solchen Vergabe treffen Sportverbände keine bloße Standortentscheidung, sondern setzen im Rahmen ihrer Wettkampforganisation mittels Austragungsbedingungen gezielt wirtschaftliche Interessen um. Dank ihrer Veranstalterposition und der daraus resultierenden rechtlichen Gestaltungsmacht können Sportverbände die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen für eine Vergabe festlegen und sich exklusive Vermarktungsrechte sichern. Die bestmögliche Umsetzung der wirtschaftlichen Ziele ist für den veranstaltenden Sportverband ebenso bedeutsam wie die Qualität der angebotenen Leistungen. Dies macht Vergabeentscheidungen besonders anfällig für Korruption.Die Autorin zeigt in dieser Doktorarbeit auf, dass eine Vergabeentscheidung, die sich nicht allein nach Geeignetheit und Qualität der angebotenen Leistungen richtet, den leistungsbezogenen und lauteren Wettbewerb stört und befasst sich mit der Frage:Ist eine von Korruption beeinflusste Stimmabgabe bei einer Vergabeentscheidung über sportliche Großereignisse nach §¿299¿StGB strafbar?

  • af Max Boderskov
    327,95 kr.

    Søger du efter måder at forbedre din løbetræning? Eller er du helt ny inden for løb og vil gerne starte din løberejse bedst muligt?Bogen “Bæredygtigt løberliv” er din guide til at få et sundt og stærkt løberliv, så krop og motivation kan holde hele livet.Du bliver i bogen introduceret for viden om løb, fysiologi, løbeteknik og motivation, men får også konkrete løbeprogrammer til løbere på alle niveauer. Med baggrund i Max Boderskovs akademiske baggrund samt mange års erfaring med løb og løbetræning bindes praksis sammen med nyeste viden.Målet med bogen er at hjælpe dig med at finde ud af, hvordan du tilpasser løbetræningen til din egen unikke rejse, så du får et langt og bæredygtigt løberliv.

  • af Eric Smiley
    227,95 - 297,95 kr.

    A valuable, thought-provoking look at the best ways riders and horses can learn and improve together.Riding well can be a puzzle. This book puts together the pieces, including:How humans and horses learn.Striving for partnership vs. dictatorship.Early training and developing skills.Demystifying equestrian-speak.Dressage outside the arena.Ground poles for the rest of us.Jumping and cross-country tips.Solving problems, wherever you ride.Competition psychology.Being coached and being a coach."e;This book is aimed at riders, coaches, and anyone interested in learning more about how humans and horses interact. I have tried to harness my own experiences when I cover the three main disciplinesdressage, show jumping, and eventingand how they relate to one another. I look at how those in a coaching position can guide riders to perform better by making their lives less complicated and more fulfilling, and I examine how riders can apply the same principles to training their horses and become self-sufficient."e; Eric Smiley

  • af Walter Camp
    217,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Mike Bhangu
    232,95 kr.

    "NFL 2024 Predictions" analyzes specific factors and presents the outcome of the 2024 NFL Season. In addition, this book is a comprehensive guide to the future of the National Football League, provides a brief history of the NFL, covers topics such as the rise of the passing game, and presents the top ten NFL players of all-time.

  • af Nils Neuber
    967,95 kr.

    Forschung und Lehre gelten gemeinhin als die zentralen Aufgaben von Universitäten. In den letzten Jahren kommt als ¿Third Mission¿ der Transfer akademischen Wissens in die Praxis hinzu. Dafür mangelt es jedoch oft noch an Konzepten und Formaten. Das gilt auch für die Sportwissenschaft im Allgemeinen und die Sportpädagogik im Besonderen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden mit dem Band Grundlagen, Themen und Formate sportpädagogischer Transferaktivitäten zusammengetragen und systematisiert.

  • af Stefan Schurr
    212,95 kr.

    Die norwegische Trainingsphilosophie hat die Welt des Ausdauersports in den letzten Jahren stark beeinflusst. Den traditionell starken Leistungen in den Wintersportarten wie Skilanglauf und Biathlon folgen inzwischen auch Erfolge in den Sommersportarten. Im Zentrum des Trainingskonzepts steht ein schwellenbasiertes Training, das von einer pyramidalen bis polarisierten Zoneneinteilung flankiert wird. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis von niedriger, mittlerer und hoher Trainingsintensität, wobei der Schwerpunkt im aeroben Bereich liegt.Wir untersuchen die Grundprinzipien, die diese Methode so erfolgreich machen. Wir beleuchten die Unterschiede zum konventionellen Ausdauertraining und zeigen, wie die Trainingsphilosophie gezielt auf die Bedürfnisse leistungsorientierter Ausdauersportler eingeht und in der Praxis umgesetzt werden kann: Ein Leitfaden für alle, die das Optimum aus ihrem Training herausholen wollen.Egal ob Trainer, Athlet oder einfach nur begeisterter Sportfan: Ich bin sicher, dass du hier interessante Einblicke und wertvolle Informationen findest!

  • af Marzo Edir Da Silva Grigoletto
    227,95 kr.

    Los autores de "El arte de enseñar a ENTRENAR" aciertan al señalar el creciente sedentarismo que caracteriza a las poblaciones actuales y la importancia que la práctica deportiva adquiere para incrementar la calidad de vida y alcanzar una vida más saludable con propuestas de ejercicio más eficientes adaptadas a las nuevas demandas sociales y a la necesidad de una mayor individualización y especialización de lo que requiere cada usuario. Todo ello nos lleva a un nuevo concepto del fítness donde el mundo tradicional de los gimnasios donde el entrenamiento individual, los small groups y las clases dirigidas, soluciones tradicionales de trabajo, se ven mejoradas apoyándose en nuevas formas de "enseñar a entrenar" con características determinadas que son abordadas a lo largo de esta obra desgranando los criterios científicos en los que se sustentan las propuestas. Sin duda esto hace de "El arte de enseñar a ENTRENAR" una interesante aportación que sin duda agradecerán por igual usuarios y profesionales del ejercicio físico.

  • af Lee Matthews
    202,95 kr.

    Elite Martial Arts Instructor is a comprehensive handbook to help you attract and retain more of the right students for your school.

  • af Richard A. (Richard Anthony) Proctor
    347,95 kr.

    This book is a practical guide to building and maintaining strength through exercise and nutrition. It covers a wide range of topics, including weightlifting, rowing, swimming, and diet. With clear, concise explanations and detailed illustrations, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to improve their strength and fitness.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Florian Junkers
    818,95 kr.

    Korruption und Manipulationen im Sport sind so alt, wie der Sport selbst. In der jüngeren Vergangenheit scheint die Manipulation von Sportveranstaltungen aufgrund der globalen medialen Verknüpfung allerdings ein nicht nur beiläufiges Phänomen zu sein. Verdachtsfälle erstrecken sich mittlerweile auf sämtliche Sportarten und über Ländergrenzen hinweg. Hier stellt sich die Frage: Welche Maßnahmen können seitens des Gesetzgebers, der Sportverbände und -vereine ergriffen werden, um präventiv auf die Vermeidung von Manipulationen hinzuwirken? Der Verfasser unterzieht die geltenden Regeln und Maßnahmen am Beispiel des Fußballsports in unterschiedlichen Fallkonstellationen einer Bewertung und stellt dar, wo Präventionsmaßnahmen zur Steigerung der Effektivität sinnvoll implementiert werden können.

  • af Aidan McLennan
    62,95 kr.

    Want to learn what Utah did wrong, and how you can spot these warning signs with your favourite franchise?The Utah Jazz During the Donovan Mitchell & Rudy Gobert Era were a regular season juggernaut and a regular playoff disappointment for over a half-decade - a relative eternity in today's ever-changing NBA landscape.So what went wrong?In this book, I will attempt to answer just that, by means of examining: Each of the two-star players that drove Utah's success from 2016-2022The challenges of roster building in a salary-capped leagueThe most important offseason Utah had during this time periodA compounding mistakeAnd a summarizing and value-added note on modern success.Read today to understand how Utah's mistakes could have been foreseen, and how they apply to many teams moving forwards.

  • af John Pennisi
    352,95 kr.

    Heather Macy, elite performance coach, and EQ-certified head women's basketball coach, explores life's journey through the lens of automotives and the open road: your body as an engine, learning to yield in and out of life's roundabouts and knowing when and which exit to pursue. Coach Macy uses her wisdom and experience to speak about these concepts during coaching clinics and speaking engagements, and this book is her celebration of expressing all of that in the written word. Along with her close friend John Pennisi, the book also explores these concepts in a fictional story about a young woman in her 20s trying to figure out what she's supposed to be doing with her life. Join us for this intimate and personal perspective from one of the most passionate and knowledgeable minds in the game today! Believe, Live, Think: Two Feet In!

  • af Jean-Jacques Taylor
    284,95 kr.

  • af Alex Jones
    177,95 kr.

    Do you dream of becoming a team cheerleaders captain? Do you want to learn how to master the game and inspire others? Do you want to discover the secrets and strategies of successful captains? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you!Cheerleaders Team Captain: How to Master the Game and Inspire Others is the ultimate guide for aspiring and current cheerleaders team captains. This book will teach you everything you need to know about cheerleading, from the basics to the advanced, from the technical to the interpersonal, from the challenges to the opportunities.In this book, you will learn how to:Become a team cheerleaders captain and ace the audition processMaster the game and design and execute stunning performancesInspire others and build and maintain a positive and supportive team cultureHandle challenges and opportunities with resilience, confidence, and graceBalance cheerleading and life and achieve a healthy and fulfilling harmonyThis book is packed with tips, advice, exercises, examples, stories, and lessons learned from experienced captains who have been in your shoes. Whether you are new to cheerleading or have been cheering for years, this book will help you take your skills and leadership to the next level.Team Cheerleaders Captain: How to Master the Game and Inspire Others is more than just a book. It is a journey of personal growth and transformation that will make you a better cheerleader, a better captain, and a better person.Are you ready to master the game and inspire others? Then grab your copy of Team Cheerleaders Captain: How to Master the Game and Inspire Others today.

  • af Alex Jones
    177,95 kr.

    Do you love soccer and want to become a better player and a better leader? Do you want to learn how to improve your skills, communicate effectively, handle challenges, and inspire your teammates? Do you want to enjoy the game more and achieve your goals?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. In this book, you will discover the secrets and strategies of successful soccer team leaders. You will learn how to:Master the basics of soccer, such as rules, skills, techniques, and equipmentDevelop the qualities and behaviors of a soccer team leader, such as communication, teamwork, responsibility, respect, discipline, and decision-makingOvercome the common problems and difficulties that a soccer team leader may face, such as pressure, conflicts, criticism, mistakes, injuries, and balanceCelebrate the achievements and benefits of being a soccer team leader, such as winning games and trophies, improving your skills and fitness, developing your personality and character, making friends and memories, and having fun and satisfactionExplore the possibilities and opportunities that await you as a soccer team leader, such as advancing your soccer career, pursuing your education and goals, giving back to your community and sport, and mentoring the next generation of soccer team leadersThis book is packed with practical tips, tricks, exercises, activities, examples, stories, and resources that will help you become a better soccer player and a better leader. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, a captain or a member, a coach or a parent, this book will guide you on your journey to becoming a soccer team leader.Don't wait any longer. Start playing and leading like a pro with this book.

  • af Simon Golthauer
    218,95 kr.

  • af Simon Golthauer
    218,95 kr.

  • af Simon Golthauer
    218,95 kr.

  • af Simon Golthauer
    208,95 - 218,95 kr.

  • af Victor Lindal
    167,95 kr.

    End Point Vision (EPV) is a system used by high-performance athletes and innovators to focus their purpose and produce extraordinary results. Create a multi-sensory movie of your preferred future, back-chain critical events, ladder key tasks, and embody the positive emotions of achievement to empower effective action now. This book provides step by step instructions to help you clarify and achieve your vision.When you want to build capacity in your personal life, work, sports or other area of passion, End Point Vision (EPV) gives you the tools to succeed. Learn performance theory, and practice setting up powerful habit-building structures in the areas of your life in which you choose to excel.The EPV system was developed by Vic Lindal to take the Canadian Women's Volleyball team to a high level at the 1971 Pan American Games, and to create the Pacific Rim Championship tournament. The team won the Canadian national championship seven years in a row.

  • af Subhasis Ray
    1.361,95 - 1.370,95 kr.

    This book is a culmination of sustained research work on the evaluation of cricket and its management to imbibe a balance between its various formats by using data and analytics. The book has identified three primary stakeholders-administrators, players and spectators-each having their own ambitions. In order for convergence of these ambitions, it has prescribed the networked governance in place of hierarchic governance for the International Cricket Council (ICC), the cricket's apex body. This book aims at creating a balance between formats that each country should play. There is as much dearth of academic research on this topic, as there is abundance of individual viewpoints from professionals related to the game. Hence at the outset, the book has created a  action points and has underlined the lack of convergence with present way of governance. This book has created a meta-metric framework for formative assessment of influence across cricket formats. In order to assess the influence of T20 on test matches and on India's performance, a comparison between pre-IPL period (1998-2007) and post-IPL period (2008-2017) by using this framework has been done.

  • af Chris King
    137,95 kr.

    REVIEW"Perfect for all levels of coaches. Highly recommended." Bernard, USA - Verified PurchaseABOUT THE BOOKIf you're a grassroots soccer coach, parent or volunteer coach that needs help planning and running your training sessions then this book is for you! "Training Sessions for Soccer Coaches - Volume 1" lays out full, 90 minute training sessions that will improve different parts of your teams game. This book walks you through what to do from the warm up, to the warm down and all the drills in between. The drills in this book focus on a certain aspect of the game (ie Playing Out From The Back; Transitioning to Attack; 1v1 Defending, etc) and are explained step by step and include diagrams. They will have you running a quality training session in no time. These drills have been chosen because they work on the field, not just in a book. I am currently running these sessions this season with my team.Also in this book you'll also find general coaching advice on things that help your session run smoother which will give you confidence as a coach.Available soccer coaching titles by Chris King:Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 1Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 2Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 3Attacking & Shooting Drills For Soccer CoachesSoccer Rondos Volume 1Soccer Rondos Volume 2Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 1Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 2Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 350 Tips For Coaching A Children's Soccer Team10 Soccer Drills - Volume 1The Ultimate Soccer Coaching Bundle Volume 1110 Drills For Soccer Coaches (7 books in 1)

  • af Darren Bowman
    372,95 kr.

    This book provides you with a rare and great opportunity to learn the secrets behind the development program at Manchester City's Academy for Pep Guardiola's Methodology and game model.Darren Bowman (former Manchester City U13, U14, and U15 Coach) has used his incredible experience to provide you with the full Manchester City Academy Program, ideal for all coaches who want to take this unique opportunity to develop players to world leading standards and improve your team's performances.Coaching players such as Phil Foden (Manchester City), Jadon Sancho (Manchester United), Brahim Diaz (Real Madrid), Cole Palmer (Chelsea), and many more, Darren shows how repeating the same key actions and patterns for hours and hours can develop players capable of playing for a Pep Guardiola team and some of the other best teams in the world.Practice and apply Manchester City Academy's exact training methods from Darren's training sessions in which the game principles and methodology never changes. This is how Manchester City can produce their unique, highly successful, dominant, and consistent style of play.The Development Program, Methodology, and the 17 Training Sessions (68 Practices) included in this book are all taken directly from Darren Bowman's Manchester City Academy training sessions.17 Training Sessions (68 Practices) Topics:Build-up Phase 1: Short Build-up Play from the GKBuild-up Phase 2: Midfield Combination PlayBuild-up Phase 3: Finishing the Attack (Final Third)Pressing from the FrontDefending in MidfieldDefending Around the BoxManchester City Academy Practice Examples:Break Past Opponent and Play Final Pass in a Technical Triangle Drill with FinishPlay Inside and Outside to Break the Line in a 3v3 (+2) Directional Possession GameGame Related Position Specific Attacking Overloads in a Functional Practice with ChannelsPressing from the Front to "Set the Trap" in a Dynamic 6v8 (+GK) Phase of PlayBreak Lines and Create Attacking Overloads in a Position Specific 7v7 (+GKs) 2-Zone SSGPressing from the Front & Defending Through the Thirds in a Multi-Zone End to End Game

  • af Mike Krzyzewski
    127,95 kr.

    THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, AS SEEN ON THE BEARIn this informative and inspirational book, Coach K explains how he motivates peak performances from his players, relying on lessons he learned as a captain in the U.S. Army and applied over four decades as the head of Duke basketball.

  • af Antonio Gude
    137,95 kr.

    THEMATIC CHESS TRAININGBOOK 1 - OPENING PROBLEMSChess openings always sow an element of intrigue and suspense. What will our opponent play? How can we take advantage of our position? What surprises and unpredictable moves await us at the end of each variant?In Chess School (1 and 2) attention is paid to openings, within the limited space available in generic manuals. In Chess School 2 there are two chapters: the first (The game in the opening) and the ninth (The repertoire of openings), the latter giving us a glimpse of the theoretical panorama, with some new ideas and, above all, the design of a repertoire, according to each player's individual style. Once the player has opted for a tailor-made repertoire, their task will consist of studying the openings they have decided to adopt, delving into them, and taking note of the novelties that are produced at each step. This certainly requires clarification. A theoretical novelty is that new move that high competition (or, as we said before, masterly practice) endorses and ratifies. A novelty is just a new move, an experiment whose merits and flaws have yet to be confirmed by competitive practice.Only one formula is known for progressing in chess: play as many games as possible, along with theoretical study and analysis of the games themselves. The ideal complement to this formula is, as many great masters recommend, for the player to develop and perfect their tactical and strategic skills by solving numerous exercises, specially selected for their usefulness. Like the ones we offer here.

  • af Dale Richard Perelman
    252,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Chris King
    267,95 kr.

    REVIEWS"These books are great for new coaches. They have plenty of information and are easy to understand." Verified review"It teaches you how to set up training and be well organised in running coaching sessions!" Verified reviewABOUT THE BOOKAre you a first time coach, parent or volunteer new to coaching grassroots soccer and don't know where to start?Or perhaps you just don't have the time to plan a training session? Then this book is for you!Learn tips and advice for new soccer coaches plus FUN SOCCER GAMES THAT KIDS LOVE.Even if you've never played or coached soccer you will become confident in taking a children's soccer training session using the games, drills and skills in this book!These three short, easy to understand volumes include drills for teaching soccer skills to children through FUN, EASY TO SET UP AND RUN GAMES. These books include: Games and drills with diagrams throughoutTips on what to keep in mind when teaching young childrenHow to easily plan and set up your training sessions in 5 minutesHeaps of fun and skill based games to keep the kids coming back ("Space Invaders", "Zombies", "Cops and Robbers" plus many more)!With this book you and the kids will be having fun all season long!Available soccer coaching titles by Chris King:Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 1Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 2Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 350 Tips For Choaching Children's SoccerTraining Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 1Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 2Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 3Attacking & Shooting Drills For Soccer CoachesSoccer Rondos Volume 1Soccer Rondos Volume 210 Soccer Drills - Volume 1The Ultimate Soccer Coaching Bundle Volume 1 A bit about Chris; books...If you're an amateur, grassroots or beginner soccer coach looking to learn or improve your soccer coaching then these books are for you.These soccer coaching books are aimed at football coaches that are: learning soccer coaching; wanting to know how to run a soccer practice; wanting to know how to get better at football coaching. These books are for grassroot, volunteer soccer coaches, parents and volunteers and include lots of soccer coaching drills.Many people want to know if they need to have played soccer to be a good soccer coach? Or how to become a soccer coach with no experience? If you are willing to put some time in reading soccer books and taking in advice from those that have coached, you can improve your soccer knowledge greatly and become a soccer coach. Chris King has played soccer for over 30 years and coached soccer for 10 years so brings a wealth of knowledge in his books. They are easy to understand and include diagrams for every soccer drill with explanations and coaching points to use at football training.Among advice and soccer drills, plus other soccer coaching tips for new soccer coaches, these soccer coaching books will teach you how to coach soccer and how to plan a soccer coaching session for beginner coaches. Two of Chris King's books have been voted "Best New Soccer Coaching Books" and he has a range of books focussing on adult soccer players and children. "Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volumes 1, and 3" focus on coaching adult players. "Coaching Kids Soccer Volumes 1,2 and 3" focus on how to coach soccer to 5 years old to 10 year olds.

  • af Chris King
    122,95 kr.

    REVIEWS FOR CHRIS KING'S PREVIOUS KIDS SOCCER COACHING BOOKS:"These books are great for new coaches. They have plenty of information and are easy to understand."- Verified review"It teaches you how to set up training and be well organised in running coaching sessions!" - Verified review"One of the best new Soccer Coaching ebooks" - BookAuthority.comABOUT THE BOOKAre you a first time soccer coach, parent or volunteer new to coaching grassroots soccer?Then this short soccer coaching book is for you!Learn 50 tips and advice for new soccer coaches plus FUN SOCCER GAMES THAT HOLD THE ATTENTION OF KIDS!Even if you've never played or coached soccer you will become confident in taking a children's soccer team using the advice, games, drills and skills in this book!This easy to understand soccer coaching book include games that hold the attention of 3 to 6 year olds.You will learn 50 pieces of advice that have been put together from years of coaching childrens soccer. This book will save you time and includes:Tips on what to keep in mind when teaching young children.How to easily plan and set up your training sessions.8 Soccer games for kids learning the game of soccer.With this book you and the kids will be having fun all season long!Other available soccer coaching titles by Chris King:Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 1Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 2Coaching Kids Soccer - Volume 3Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 1Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 2Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volume 3Attacking & Shooting Drills For Soccer CoachesSoccer Rondos Volume 1Soccer Rondos Volume 210 Soccer Drills - Volume 1The Ultimate Soccer Coaching Bundle Volume 1110 Drills For Soccer Coaches ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A bit more about Chris Kings' soccer coaching books... These books are for grassroot, volunteer soccer coaches, parents and volunteers and include lots of soccer coaching drills. Chris King has played soccer for over 30 years and coached soccer for 10 years so brings a wealth of knowledge in his books. They are easy to understand and include diagrams for every soccer drill with explanations and coaching points to use at football training.Among advice and soccer drills, plus other soccer coaching tips for new soccer coaches, these soccer coaching books will teach you how to coach soccer and how to plan a soccer coaching session for beginner coaches. Two of Chris King's books have been voted "Best New Soccer Coaching Books" and he has a range of books focussing on adult soccer players and children. "Training Sessions For Soccer Coaches Volumes 1, and 3" focus on coaching adult players. "Coaching Kids Soccer Volumes 1,2 and 3" focus on how to coach soccer to 5 years old to 10 year olds.

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