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Byggeriets håndbog Nr. 1 Teknisk Ståbi, 23. udgave Byggebranchens trofaste følgesvend er nu udkommet i en ny, opdateret 23. udgave. Bogens kapitler er revideret, så de ved redaktionens afslutning er ajourført i overensstemmelse med de seneste ændringer i Eurocodes og de tilhørende danske annekser. Blandt rettelserne kan nævnes: Ændrede værdier og beregningsmetode for regningsmæssige lastværdier og resulterende lastkombinationer, ændrede karakteristiske styrke- og stivhedstal for konstruktionstræ og trækapitlet er opdateret til den nye limtræsstandard, selv om den gamle vil være i kraft sideløbende med den en tid endnu. Ståbien er desuden udvidet med et nyskrevet kapitel om dynamik, som redaktionen håber vil blive hilst velkomment blandt læserne. Teknisk Ståbi er skrevet og redigeret af et særdeles kyndigt forfatterhold, med repræsentanter fra det nationale og internationale Eurocodearbejde. .
Maskin Ståbi® har i mere end 40 år været en af de vigtigste bøger inden for maskinområdet.Bogen henvender sig til alle, der er beskæftiget inden for maskinkonstruktion. Maskin Ståbi® beskriver emner som materialelære, konstruktionselementer, matematik og fysik.
Denne bog indeholder mere end 100 opgaver til at lære programmering i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC). Samtidig giver de mange opgaver viden om, hvordan maskiner og industrianlæg kan automatiseres.Der er opgaver på begynderniveau med logik, tællere og timere. Herefter er der opgaver med ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING samt opgaver med matematik, funktioner, funktionsblokke, programdesign, sortering, FIFO og dataopsamling. Nogle opgaver omhandler valg af sensorer, sekvensteknik, manuel/automatisk drift samt datakommunikation til en robot, frekvensomformer eller vision-kamera.Opgaverne er ordnet efter sværhedsgrad, så du kan starte med de nemmeste opgaver i starten af bogen og arbejde dig op til de mere komplekse opgaver, hvor der skal benyttes mange metoder og teknikker. Alle opgaverne tager udgangspunkt i relevante praksisnære problemstillinger inden for automation.Opgaverne kan løses i alle typer PLC, uanset mærke, hardware eller model. Der er opgaver til mindst 400 timers hjemmearbejde!Bogen er udarbejdet til brug på uddannelser som indeholder PLC programmering f.eks. automatiktekniker, elektriker, automationsteknolog eller maskinmester. Opgaverne kan naturligvis ændres og tilpasses andre uddannelser hvor der undervises i grundlæggende programmering eller automatisering. Forfatteren er en erfaren ingeniør og lektor godkendt med 30-års erfaring inden for softwareudvikling. Han har undervist i PLC-programmering på videregående uddannelser hos Erhvervsakademi Dania i Randers i mere end syv år.
Revit(R) 2024 for Architecture NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED Whether you're just getting acquainted with Revit(R) 2024 or want to boost your skills, this guide will take you where you need to go. Autodesk's powerful Building Information Modeling (BIM) software can seem complex, but when you follow the step-by-step tutorial in this book, you will learn Revit(R) 2024 in a real-world setting that can be quickly applied to your own projects. Start out with a tour of the interface and conventions and identify important tools then start building by placing walls, doors, and windows. As you continue, you will learn to build floors layer by layer, work with grids, beams, foundations, and dimensions, then join walls, create ceilings and roofs, and place stairs and railings all while you discover how to handle construction documentation and deal with site considerations, just as you will encounter on the job. Familiarize yourself with the interface and start building right away Learn to place structural components Work with views, grids, dimensions, beams, foundations, and text Create necessary construction documentation, including schedules, materials, and more Apply what you've learned to actual projects
Kan det holde? Hvis din nye og dyre kontorstol går i stykker efter, at du har siddet i den få gange, ville du så købe den samme stol igen, og endda anbefale den til andre? Ved at anvende statik, styrke- og materialelære, når man konstruerer eller ombygger en konstruktion, kan man dimensionere den, så den kan holde til de forventede belastninger, der opstår når produktet anvendes.Dette er den anden bog i trilogien Grundlæggende konstruktion. Trilogien blev udviklet til forfatterens undervisning på Produktionteknolog uddannelse på Københavns Erhvervsakademi. Trilogien er udviklet, så den henvender sig til både ingeniører, arkitekter, maskinmestre, produktudviklere, konstruktører, designere, håndværkere, HTX-studerende og andre, der ønsker at lære eller få genopfrisket, hvordan man beregner styrken i ens konstruktioner.Bogen gennemgår teorien for den grundlæggende styrkelære og er opdelt over fire kapitler: Dimensionering, Profiler, Indre kræfter og Samlinger. Bogen gennemgår gode råd om konstruktion, bevidst svageste led, tyngdepunkt, inertimoment, modstandsmoment, fra kraft til spænding, de forskellige spændingstyper, samt nedbøjning, forskydnings- og momentkurver for simple bjælkekonstruktioner. Bogen afsluttes med bolte- og svejsesamlinger samt ti cases, hvor teorierne i bogen kan anvendes. Om forfatterenKim Kjærsgaard er uddannet håndværker i Flyvevåbnet og ingeniør fra Aalborg Universitet i Esbjerg.Har siden 2015 arbejdet som underviser på Produktionsteknologuddannelsen på KEA - Københavns Erhvervsakademi.Samt er CEO hos VAXA Consulting.Læs mere om styrkelærebogen på www.kandetholde.dk/styrkelæreLæs mere om trilogien på www.kandetholde.dk/bøger
'A compelling narrative of the human story' TIM MARSHALL, author of Prisoners of Geography'Lively, rich and exciting... full of surprises' PETER FRANKOPAN, author of The Silk Roads_____________Sand, salt, iron, copper, oil and lithium. They built our world, and they will transform our future.These are the six most crucial substances in human history. They took us from the Dark Ages to the present day. They power our computers and phones, build our homes and offices, and create life-saving medicines. But most of us take them completely for granted.In Material World, Ed Conway travels the globe - from the sweltering depths of the deepest mine in Europe, to spotless silicon chip factories in Taiwan, to the eerie green pools where lithium originates - to uncover a secret world we rarely see. Revealing the true marvel of these substances, he follows the mind-boggling journeys, miraculous processes and little-known companies that turn the raw materials we all need into products of astonishing complexity.As we wrestle with climate change, energy crises and the threat of new global conflict, Conway shows why these substances matter more than ever before, and how the hidden battle to control them will shape our geopolitical future. This is the story of civilisation - our ambitions and glory, innovations and appetites - from a new perspective: literally from the ground up.
I Håndbog i mejeriudstyr får læseren et overblik over det mest gængse udstyr, som anvendes i mejeriindustrien på tværs af produkter.Derudover gennemgås også tilblivelsen af en række mejeriprodukter set fra et udstyrsperspektiv, så læseren får et kendskab til det produktionsudstyr, som anvendes fx i produktionen af smør, gul ost, kaseinater og skyr. I bogen gives også et perspektivpå, hvordan emner som fødevaresikkerhed, bæredygtighed og digitalisering er relevante i forhold til produktionsudstyret. Bogen er tiltænkt elever på den danske mejeristuddannelse, men kan også læses af andre med interesse for mejeriproduktion.
Anvendt elektroteknik – forsyningsanlæg til elektriske installationer er en lærebog, der retter sig mod studerende, som ønsker at opnå kompetencer inden for højspændingsteknik.Bogen har særlig fokus på, at læseren får et overblik og kan se den systematik, der er fælles for transmissionsnettet og distributionsnettet.Anvendt elektroteknik – forsyningsanlæg til elektriske installationer gør sig fri af specifikke typer effektafbrydere og behandler mere generelle indstillinger. Bogen benytter impedansmetoden, der er en enkel metode og sikker nok til at foretage beregninger af kortslutningerne på 10 kV eller 20 kV niveau, samt på lavspændingsnettet.Bogen er målrettet de videregående tekniske uddannelser, især elinstallatøruddannelsen og maskinmesteruddannelsen, men kan også anvendes som håndbog af elrådgivere. Bogen er tillige rettet mod at opnå læringsmål svarende til el-autorisationsprøvens første opgave. Den er skrevet som et værktøj, der øger analyseniveauet hos de teknikere, elektrikere og el-ansvarligere, der arbejder med sikkerhed i elinstallationer, som er påvirket af højspændingsnettet.
Complete guide to signal processing and modal analysis theory, with coverage of practical applications and a plethora of learning toolsFeatures numerous line diagrams and illustrations, the newly revised and updated Second Edition of Noise and Vibration Analysis is a comprehensive and practical guide that combines both signal processing and modal analysis theory with their practical application in noise and vibration analysis. This new edition has been updated with three new chapters covering experimental modal analysis, operational modal analysis, and practical vibration measurements.Taking a practical learning approach, the text includes exercises that allow the content to be developed in an academic course framework or as supplementary material for private and further study, including multiple choice questions at the end of each chapter. An accompanying website hosts a MATLAB(r) toolbox, additional problems and examples, and videos.Written by a highly qualified author with significant experience in the field, Noise and Vibration Analysis covers sample topics such as:* Dynamic signals and systems, covering periodic, random, and transient signals, RMS value and power, and the Continuous Fourier Transform* Time data analysis, covering the sampling theorem, analog, digital, smoothing, and acoustic octave filters, time data differentiation, and FFT-based processing* Statistics and random processes, covering expected value, errors in estimates, and probability distribution in random theory, and tests of normality and stationarity* Fundamental mechanics, covering Newton's laws, alternative quantities for describing motion, frequency response plot formats, and rotating massNoise and Vibration Analysis is an excellent resource for researchers and engineers from automotive, aerospace, mechanical, or electronics industries who work with experimental or analytical vibration analysis and/or acoustics. The text is also valuable for graduate students enrolled in vibration analysis, experimental structural dynamics, or applied signal analysis courses.
Vergleicht man das Leben, das Denken und die Schriften der alten Römer oder Griechen mit dem heutigen Leben, wird man keine wesentlichen Unterschiede in der Klarheit der Gedanken oder der Eloquenz der Erzählweise feststellen können. Vergleicht man jedoch die Technologien der alten Römer mit den heute bekannten Technologien, erkennt man, dass auf dem technischen Gebiet gewaltige Fortschritte geschaffen wurden. Entscheidende technische Fortschritte sind immer mit berühmten Erfindern und Wissenschaftlern verbunden. Diese prägen ihre Zeit und das Leben der nachfolgenden Generationen. Auf wichtigen technischen Durchbrüchen werden oft industrielle Imperien errichtet.Dieses Buch zeigt die technischen Aufgaben, denen sich die Erfinder gegenüber sahen, ihre Erfindungen und was aus diesen Erfindungen entstand. Das Buch soll Faszination für Technik vermitteln und zur wirtschaftlichen Realisierung eigener Erfindungen ermuntern, die zumeist durch das Anmelden der Erfindung zum Patent beginnt.
Her findes alt hvad der er værd at vide om stationære og mobile hydrauliske systemer. Enhver tekniker der har behov for at dimensionere, bygge, vedligeholde eller blot forstå hydraulik, vil have stort udbytte af denne bog.Bogen gennemgår den grundlæggende matematik, fysik, hydrostatik og -dynamik samt diverse trykmedier og filtreringsteknik. Komponenter som aktuatorer, ventiler, pumper, pumpestationer, akkumulatorer og forbindelseselementer behandles i særskilte kapitler, der giver mange konkrete eksempler på anvendelser af de mange forskellige typer. Bogen omhandler også systemprojektering og forskellige former for styresystemer. Men også den relaterede elektroteknik og elektronik behandles udførligt. Måleteknik, støj og vibrationer og ikke mindst de dynamiske forhold samt reguleringsteknikken, med mange eksempler på systemopbygninger, får en grundig behandling.Bogen arbejder konsekvent i SI-enheder, men er udstyret med omfattende omregningstabeller, så alle kan være med. Bogen er skrevet af fagfolk, der har indgående kendskab til både teori og praksis
The book focuses on the interplay between nanoparticles and biological systems. Topics covered include the synthesis, characterization, and application of nanomaterials in tissue engineering; the interaction of nanoparticles with macromolecules; biomedical and food science applications; the cardiovascular toxicity of nanoparticles; colon targeted nano drug delivery systems; the biocompatibility and immunogenicity of nanoparticles; plasmon-enhanced biosensing applications; strategies for enhancing the biocompatibility of nanoparticles; the environmental impact of nanoparticles; as well as the intricate dynamics between nanoparticles and living organisms.
The book presents recent developments in the field of thermoelectric polymers and polymer composites. It focuses on the link between thermoelectric characteristics and material structure. Topics covered include chemical composition, microstructure, dopants, doping levels, methods of fabrication, thermoelectric effect, thermoelectric device conversion efficiency, and thermoelectric properties of conducting polymers.
Nanoferrites for Emerging Environmental Applications discusses the synthesis and structure of nanoferrites, as well as their electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. This book also provides a detailed discussion of the use of nanoferrites for various environmental applications, such as for water and air pollution detection and remediation. This book covers almost every aspect of nanoferrites for environmental applications and will be of great use to researchers working in multidisciplinary areas. Nanoferrites’ superior electronic, optical, and magnetic properties make them promising agents in a wide spectrum of applications. After looking at the fundamentals of nanoferrites, this book proceeds to analyze their application in a comprehensive range of environmental applications. Topics covered include wastewater treatment, the removal of heavy metal ions, remediation of organic and inorganic pollutants, and their use in the detection and remediation of both air and solid pollution. Future opportunities for research are also addressed.
Nature-Derived Sensors: Basic Principles and Recent Advances offers a wide range of information on nature-inspired solutions for modern sensor technology. A branch of biomimetics science, biomimetic sensors, and sensing technologies have grown rapidly and widely and therefore have found real industrial applications as emerging technologies. As a result of the demand for low-cost, high-quality, and smart sensors, challenges across many scientific fields can be resolved by learning from nature solutions. This book begins with an introductory section dealing with fundamental and basic information about biomimetic mechanisms, materials, algorithms, and tools. Various classes of nature-inspired sensors are also discussed. This book is an excellent reference for graduate students and researchers working with biomimetic sensors, their industrial applications, data science, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things in the processing of sensory data.
In the continuous pursuit of optimizing performance, development of advanced materials with highly specific properties has consistently been a critical component of aerospace engineering’s research. Aerospace Materials: Novel Technologies and Practical Applications puts strong emphasis on updating existing knowledge of a wide range of functional and structural materials and contextualizing it for industrial practice.The volume not only comprehensively covers different classes of materials, while providing an overview of each material’s mechanical and physical properties, as well as processing and testing, but also offers state-of-the-art guidance on their commercial use in the sector. Furthermore, it looks ahead to clarify what’s still needed to adapt traditional and novel materials to ever-changing aerospace technologies and related pressing sustainability challenges.The breadth of technical expertise that this international group of researchers provides proves to be an invaluable asset for users in academia and established professionals alike.
Advancements in Nanotechnology for Food and Packaging explores current trends, advances and associated challenges of the applications of nanotechnology in the food sectors, such as the fabrication and characterization of functional food, developments and shelf-life extension. This book is organized into 16 chapters that cover the main concepts related to the use of nanotechnology in food processing, packaging and monitoring. Coverage includes food functionalization, quality management and control, food sensory, membrane filtration technology, nanotechnology-based sensors, sustainable packaging, regulatory aspects, and much more. This book an essential resource for materials and food scientists, technologists, researchers, academics and professionals working in nanotechnology and food science.
Nanocarbon polymer biocomposites have gained increased attention from both researchers and manufacturers due to the significant improvement in their physico-mechanical, thermal and barrier properties when compared to conventional materials. Their dimensions, biodegradable character, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability are among the main drivers for increasing demand. However, it is difficult to achieve uniform dispersion between the carbon filler and matrix as it easily forms agglomerations. Production of nanocarbon polymer biocomposites with high mechanical and thermal properties is also limited, but there has been rapid progress in processing possibilities to produce nanocomposites based on various biodegradable fillers. Advanced Nanocarbon Polymer Biocomposites: Sustainability Towards Zero Biowaste collects all these novel scientific findings in one place. It discusses in detail their physical, chemical, and electrical properties and presents the latest research findings on nanocarbon polymer biocomposites with filler loadings and their improvement on compatibility. The book will be of great interest for those researchers who are concerned with the production and use of nanocarbon polymer biocomposites as a new innovative advanced material.
Distributed Energy Storage Systems for Digital Power Systems offers detailed information of all aspects of distributed energy resources and storage systems, and their integration into modern, digital power systems, supporting higher power systems operational flexibility towards 100% renewable energy integration. Covering fundamentals, analysis, design, and operation, and supported by examples and case studies, the book also examines many new advances in terms of distributed energy storage systems for DER integration, dynamically varying loads of EV charging stations, power quality enhancements, and ancillary services. This is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists, and graduate students in energy storage, renewable energy, power systems, and engineering, as well as engineers, R&D, and other industry personnel working with renewable energy systems, energy storage, demand response, and microgrids.
Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarriers for Targeted Drug Delivery presents a comprehensive overview of the most significant physical and chemical stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems. This book reviews targeted and controlled drug delivery systems and how nanocarriers can be used to improve the pharmacokinetics of drugs in biological systems, such as increasing utilization rate and reducing toxicity and side effects. After a key introduction to the topic, a range of nanocarrier types is assessed before exploring the clinical translation challenges and considerations involved.This book is a useful resource for researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of materials science, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical science, and medicinal chemistry.
Applications of Composite Materials in Engineering provides an up-to-date review of recent application advancements in different engineering fields. The book concentrates on the availability and utilization of various fibers and reinforcements in composites and analyzes the suitability of them in different engineering and commercial applications. The latest research as well as possible application avenues for the future are discussed in detail.
Repair Parts Scale for the Australian Army ¿ Ton No. 5 Tactical Trailer. The No. 5 Trailer Repair Parts Scale covers parts and equipment comprising the No. 5 Trailer. A Repair Parts Scale book is an illustrated catalog of parts for vehicles and trailers. It is a critical reference which provides guidance for mechanical repairs of these vehicles and trailers and simplifies the identification and tracking down of repair parts.This Repair Parts Scale book is desigend for use in the workshop so when performing maintenance or mechanical repairs on their trailer, the reader doesn't have to endlessly scroll through an ebook version on a tablet or phone.
Repair Parts Scale for the Australian Army Land Rover 110 "Perentie" FFR (Fitted For Radio) vehicle with winch. As a specialised model, the FFR (With Winch) Repair Parts Scale covers equipment and fittings not found on other "Perentie" Land Rover 110 models. This Repair Parts Scale is published as a supplement to the Truck, Utility, Lightweight, MC2, 4x4, Land Rover 100 Base Scale. A Repair Parts Scale book is an illustrated catalog of parts for these vehicles. It is a critical reference which provides guidance for mechanical repairs of these vehicles and simplifies the identification and tracking down of repair parts.This Repair Parts Scale book is desigend for use in the workshop so when performing maintenance or mechanical repairs on their vehicle, the reader doesn't have to endlessly scroll through an ebook version on a tablet or phone.
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