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På få år er vores lille velfærdsstat blevet en forstad til Silicon Valley: Apple og Facebook bygger enorme datacentre i danske provinsbyer; Google har et tæt samarbejde med kommunerne; regeringen har nedsat et ”disruptionråd”, udpeget en ”tech-ambassadør” og lovet at gøre Danmarks til ”verdens mest digitaliserede land”. Samtidig forsøger en dansk modstandsbevægelse at tage magten tilbage fra tech-giganterne. De kan se, at digital overvågning, robotter og kunstig intelligens truer vores demokrati og frihed. Vi møder nørder, aktivister, hackere, dommedagsprofeter og cyborgs. Og vi finder ud af, hvad det er for nogle værdier, vi er i gang med at downloade fra USA.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til programmeringssproget Struktureret Tekst (ST) der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC) Indhold: - Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved ST-programmering - Syntaks og grundlæggende ST-programmering - Stor guide til fornuftig navngivning af variabler - CTU, TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ARRAY, STRING - Guide til opdeling i program moduler og funktioner - Mere end 90 PLC-kode eksempler i farver - FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY, digitalt filter - Eksempler: Kom fra LADDER over til ST-programmering - Guide til løsning af programmeringsopgaver Bogen går systematisk frem med beskrivelse af de grundlæggende ST-begreber og programmering, herunder tips, og med inddragelse af forfatterens 25 års praktiske erfaring. Der er mange steder uddybende forklaringer til PLC-koden og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, struktureret og overskuelig PLC-kode. Desuden fokuseres på at kunne skrive PLC-kode, som ikke kræver en bestemt PLC-type og PLC-kode der kan genbruges, samt PLC-løsninger, der kan benyttes internationalt. Grundlaget for bogen er et materiale, som er udarbejdet løbende med feedback fra undervisere og studerende på automationsteknolog-uddannelsen hos Erhvervs-akademi Dania. Materialet er således løbende opdateret, så det giver svar på de spørgsmål og udfordringer, de studerende typisk har gennem deres studie. ST-programmering til PLC-styringer er fra omkring år 2010 begyndt at blive mere udbredt i Danmark, og siden år 2015 er mange virksomheder i Danmark begyndt udelukkende at levere PLC-styringer, hvor der benyttes ST som det foretrukne programmeringssprog. Dette kræver at flere medarbejdere kan ST og det er et af argumenterne, for at udgive denne bog. Bogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift.
To unge venstrefløjspolitikere – et folketings- og et regionsrådsmedlem – giver deres bud på, hvordan vi i en fremtid med kunstig intelligens og stigende digitalisering får skabt de bedst mulige betingelser for alle. Det handler blandt andet om, hvordan der kan indføres basisindkomst, finanssektoren kan reguleres, og der kan skaffes mere fri tid og grøn omstilling. Vi ser ind i en fremtid med eksponentiel teknologisk vækst, hvor stort set alle brancher og uddannelsesniveauer bliver udviklet og udfordret af kunstig intelligens og robotter. Hvis politikerne handler klogt, vil disse forandringer komme alle til gode. Det handler om at sikre, at mennesker ikke bliver slaver af teknologien, og at vi ikke får en enorm underklasse – uden arbejde, uden indtægt og uden indflydelse – mens en lille elite sidder på kontrollen over teknologi, velstand og magt.De to SF’ere opridser muligheder og trusler. Fra klimaløsninger til moderne daglejere. Fra computerhandler på finansmarkedet til personlig medicin og overflødig arbejdskraft. De viser også, at vi til mange af fremtidens løsninger ikke behøver at genopfinde den dybe tallerken. Det handler om at nytænke nogle af fortidens succeser, fra andelstanke til folkeoplysning og fagbevægelse.
Denne bog indeholder mere end 100 opgaver til at lære programmering i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC). Samtidig giver de mange opgaver viden om, hvordan maskiner og industrianlæg kan automatiseres.Der er opgaver på begynderniveau med logik, tællere og timere. Herefter er der opgaver med ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING samt opgaver med matematik, funktioner, funktionsblokke, programdesign, sortering, FIFO og dataopsamling. Nogle opgaver omhandler valg af sensorer, sekvensteknik, manuel/automatisk drift samt datakommunikation til en robot, frekvensomformer eller vision-kamera.Opgaverne er ordnet efter sværhedsgrad, så du kan starte med de nemmeste opgaver i starten af bogen og arbejde dig op til de mere komplekse opgaver, hvor der skal benyttes mange metoder og teknikker. Alle opgaverne tager udgangspunkt i relevante praksisnære problemstillinger inden for automation.Opgaverne kan løses i alle typer PLC, uanset mærke, hardware eller model. Der er opgaver til mindst 400 timers hjemmearbejde!Bogen er udarbejdet til brug på uddannelser som indeholder PLC programmering f.eks. automatiktekniker, elektriker, automationsteknolog eller maskinmester. Opgaverne kan naturligvis ændres og tilpasses andre uddannelser hvor der undervises i grundlæggende programmering eller automatisering. Forfatteren er en erfaren ingeniør og lektor godkendt med 30-års erfaring inden for softwareudvikling. Han har undervist i PLC-programmering på videregående uddannelser hos Erhvervsakademi Dania i Randers i mere end syv år.
The Raspberry Pi Pico and Pico W are based on the fast, efficient, and low-cost dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ RP2040 microcontroller chip running at up to 133 MHz and sporting 264 KB of SRAM and 2 MB of Flash memory. Besides spacious memory, the Pico and Pico W offer many GPIO pins, and popular peripheral interface modules like ADC, SPI, I²C, UART, PWM, timing modules, a hardware debug interface, and an internal temperature sensor.The Raspberry Pi Pico W additionally includes an on-board Infineon CYW43439 Bluetooth and Wi-Fi chipset. At the time of writing this book, the Bluetooth firmware was not yet available. Wi-Fi is however fully supported at 2.4 GHz using the 802.11b/g/n protocols.This book is an introduction to using the Raspberry Pi Pico W in conjunction with the MicroPython programming language. The Thonny development environment (IDE) is used in all of the 60+ working and tested projects covering the following topics:Installing the MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico using a Raspberry Pi or a PCTimer interrupts and external interruptsAnalogue-to-digital converter (ADC) projectsUsing the internal temperature sensor and external sensor chipsUsing the internal temperature sensor and external temperature sensor chipsDatalogging projectsPWM, UART, I²C, and SPI projectsUsing Bluetooth, WiFi, and apps to communicate with smartphonesDigital-to-analogue converter (DAC) projectsAll projects are tried & tested. They can be implemented on both the Raspberry Pi Pico and Raspberry Pi Pico W, although the Wi-Fi-based subjects will run on the Pico W only. Basic programming and electronics experience are required to follow the projects. Brief descriptions, block diagrams, detailed circuit diagrams, and full MicroPython program listings are given for all projects. The full program listings of all the projects discussed in the book may be downloaded free of charge from www.elektor.com/20335.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til programmeringssproget Ladder Diagram (LD), der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC). Bogen giver en generel introduktion til PLC styring og der er fokus på atlæsere uden en el-teknisk uddannelse kan lære Ladder programmering.De mange illustrationer og kodeeksempler i bogen tager udgangspunkt i praktiske problemstillinger inden for automation til industrien.INDHOLD- Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved Ladder-programmering- PLC hardware, sensorer og grundlæggende Ladder-programmering- Guide og tips til navngivning, opgaver, optimering og programstruktur- Teori og eksempler på rutediagram, blokdiagram og sekvensdiagram- Design guide til udvikling af funktioner og funktionsblokke- Programeksempler med opdeling i moduler, funktioner og funktionsblokke- Sekvensprogrammering med SELVHOLD, SET/RESET og MOVE/COMPARE- Større programeksempler med pumpestyring, tankstyring og transportbånd- Design, opbygning, test og simulering af PLC programBogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den 2-årige videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift, hvor en stor del af studiet indeholder PLC styring. Men bogen er naturligvis også velegnet på de mange uddannelser der indeholder PLC styring. Her tænkes på uddannelserne til elektriker, styrings- og reguleringselektriker, automatiktekniker samt de videregående uddannelser til maskinmester og ingeniør.Forfatteren har 25-års erfaring og underviser i PLC styring på videregående uddannelser hos Erhvervsakademi Dania i Randers.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til programmeringssproget Struktureret Tekst (ST) der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC)Indhold:- Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved ST-programmering- Syntaks og grundlæggende ST-programmering- Stor guide til fornuftig navngivning af variabler- CTU, TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ARRAY, STRING- Guide til opdeling i program moduler og funktioner- Mere end 90 PLC-kode eksempler i farver- FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY, digitalt filter- Eksempler: Kom fra LADDER over til ST-programmering- Guide til løsning af programmeringsopgaverBogen går systematisk frem med beskrivelse af de grundlæggende ST-begreber og programmering, herunder tips, og med inddragelse af forfatterens 25 års praktiske erfaring.Der er mange steder uddybende forklaringer til PLC-koden og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, struktureret og overskuelig PLC-kode. Desuden fokuseres på at kunne skrive PLC-kode, som ikke kræver en bestemt PLC-type og PLC-kode der kan genbruges, samt PLC-løsninger, der kan benyttes internationalt.Grundlaget for bogen er et materiale, som er udarbejdet løbende med feedback fra undervisere og studerende på automationsteknolog-uddannelsen hos Erhvervs-akademi Dania. Materialet er således løbende opdateret, så det giver svar på de spørgsmål og udfordringer, de studerende typisk har gennem deres studie.ST-programmering til PLC-styringer er fra omkring år 2010 begyndt at blive mere udbredt i Danmark, og siden år 2015 er mange virksomheder i Danmark begyndt udelukkende at levere PLC-styringer, hvor der benyttes ST som det foretrukne programmeringssprog. Dette kræver at flere medarbejdere kan ST og det er et af argumenterne, for at udgive denne bog.Bogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift.
From Wharton professor and author of the popular One Useful Thing Substack newsletter Ethan Mollick comes the definitive playbook for working, learning, and living in the new age of AISomething new entered our world in November 2022 — the first general purpose AI that could pass for a human and do the kinds of creative, innovative work that only humans could do previously. Wharton professor Ethan Mollick immediately understood what ChatGPT meant: after millions of years on our own, humans had developed a kind of co-intelligence that could augment, or even replace, human thinking. Through his writing, speaking, and teaching, Mollick has become one of the most prominent and provocative explainers of AI, focusing on the practical aspects of how these new tools for thought can transform our world. In Co-Intelligence, Mollick urges us to engage with AI as co-worker, co-teacher, and coach. He assesses its profound impact on business and education, using dozens of real-time examples of AI in action. Co-Intelligence shows what it means to think and work together with smart machines, and why it's imperative that we master that skill. Mollick challenges us to utilize AI's enormous power without losing our identity, to learn from it without being misled, and to harness its gifts to create a better human future. Wide ranging, hugely thought-provoking, optimistic, and lucid, Co-Intelligence reveals the promise and power of this new era.
Although much classical HF and mobile equipment is still in use by large numbers of amateurs, the use of computers and digital techniques has now become very popular among amateur radio operators. Nowadays, anyone can purchase a EUR4 Raspberry Pi Pico computer and develop many amateur radio projects using the "Pico" and some external components. This book is aimed at amateur radio enthusiasts, Electronic Engineering students, and anyone interested in learning to use the Raspberry Pi Pico to shape their electronic projects. The book is suitable for beginners in electronics as well as for those with wide experience.Step-by-step installation of the MicroPython programming environment is described. Some knowledge of the Python programming language is helpful to be able to comprehend and modify the projects given in the book. The book introduces the Raspberry Pi Pico and gives examples of many general-purpose, software-only projects that familiarize the reader with the Python programming language. In addition to the software-only projects tailored to the amateur radio operator, Chapter 6 in particular presents over 36 hardware-based projects for "hams", including:Station mains power on/off controlRadio station clockGPS based station geographical coordinatesRadio station temperature and humidityVarious waveform generation methods using software and hardware (DDS)Frequency counterVoltmeter / ammeter / ohmmeter / capacitance meterRF meter and RF attenuatorsMorse code exercisersRadioStation Click boardRaspberry Pi Pico based FM radioUsing Bluetooth and Wi-Fi with Raspberry Pi PicoRadio station security with RFIDAudio amplifier module with rotary encoder volume controlMorse decoderUsing the FS1000A TX-RX modules to communicate with ArduinoAll programs discussed in this publication are available from the book's resources and information web page at www.elektor.com/20041.
This book gives an introduction to the programming language Structured Text (ST) which is used in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC).The book can be used for all types of PLC brands including Siemens Structured Control Language (SCL) and Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC).This 3rd edition has been updated and expanded with many of the suggestions and questions that readers and students have come up with, including the desire for many more illustrations and program examples.CONTENTS:- Background, benefits and challenges of ST programming- Syntax, data types, best practice and basic ST programming- IF-THEN-ELSE, CASE, FOR, CTU, TON, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING- Guide for best practice naming, troubleshooting, test and program structure- Sequencer and code split-up into functions and function blocks- FIFO, RND, sorting, scaling, toggle, simulation signals and digital filter- Tank controls, conveyor belts, adaptive pump algorithm and robot control- PLC program structure for pumping stations, 3D car park and car wash - Examples: From Ladder Diagram to ST programmingThe book contains more than 150 PLC code examples with a focus on learning how to write robust, readable, and structured code.The book systematically describes basic programming, including advice and practical examples based on the author´s extensive industrial experience.The author is Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.Sc.E.E.) and has 25 years´ experience in specification, development, programming and supplying complex control solutions and supervision systems. The author is Assistant Professor and teaches PLC programming at Dania Academy, a higher education institution in Randers, Denmark.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til Struktureret Tekst (ST)der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC)Denne 3. udgave er opdateret og udvidet med mange af de forslag og spørgsmål som læserne og de studerende er kommet med, herunder ønsket om mange flere illustrationer og programeksempler.INDHOLD- Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved ST-programmering- Syntaks, datatyper, bedst praksis og grundlæggende ST-programmering- IF-THEN-ELSE, CASE, FOR, CTU, TON, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING- Guide og tips til navngivning, fejlfinding, opgaver, test og programstruktur- Sekvensprogrammering og opdeling i funktioner og funktionsblokke- FIFO, RND, sortering, skalering, simuleringssignaler og digitalt filter- Tankstyring, instrument puls tæller, puls-pause, adaptiv pumpe algoritme- PLC-kode til pumpestationer, 3D parkeringshus, vaskehal og robotstyring- Eksempler: Kom fra LADDER over til ST-programmeringBogen indeholder mere end 150 PLC kodeeksempler i farver og der er fokus påat læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, og struktureret kode.Bogen går systematisk frem med beskrivelse af de grundlæggende ST-begreber og programmering, herunder tips, og med inddragelse af forfatterens 25 års praktiske erfaring.Der er mange steder uddybende forklaringer til PLC-koden og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, struktureret og overskuelig PLC-kode. Desuden fokuseres på at kunne skrive PLC-kode, som ikke kræver en bestemt PLC-type og PLC-kode der kan genbruges, samt PLC-løsninger, der kan benyttes internationalt.Grundlaget for bogen er et materiale, som er udarbejdet løbende med feedback fra undervisere og studerende på automationsteknolog-uddannelsen hos Erhvervs-akademi Dania. Materialet er således løbende opdateret, så det giver svar på de spørgsmål og udfordringer, de studerende typisk har gennem deres studie.ST-programmering til PLC-styringer er fra omkring år 2010 begyndt at blive mere udbredt i Danmark, og siden år 2015 er mange virksomheder i Danmark begyndt udelukkende at levere PLC-styringer, hvor der benyttes ST som det foretrukne programmeringssprog. Dette kræver at flere medarbejdere kan ST og det er et af argumenterne, for at udgive denne bog.Bogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til Struktureret Tekst (ST)der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC) Denne 3. udgave er opdateret og udvidet med mange af de forslag og spørgsmål som læserne og de studerende er kommet med, herunder ønsket om mange flere illustrationer og programeksempler.INDHOLD- Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved ST-programmering - Syntaks, datatyper, bedst praksis og grundlæggende ST-programmering - IF-THEN-ELSE, CASE, FOR, CTU, TON, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING- Guide og tips til navngivning, fejlfinding, opgaver, test og programstruktur- Sekvensprogrammering og opdeling i funktioner og funktionsblokke- FIFO, RND, sortering, skalering, simuleringssignaler og digitalt filter- Tankstyring, instrument puls tæller, puls-pause, adaptiv pumpe algoritme- PLC-kode til pumpestationer, 3D parkeringshus, vaskehal og robotstyring- Eksempler: Kom fra LADDER over til ST-programmering Bogen indeholder mere end 150 PLC kodeeksempler i farver og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, og struktureret kode.Bogen går systematisk frem med beskrivelse af de grundlæggende ST-begreber og programmering, herunder tips, og med inddragelse af forfatterens 25 års praktiske erfaring.Der er mange steder uddybende forklaringer til PLC-koden og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, struktureret og overskuelig PLC-kode. Desuden fokuseres på at kunne skrive PLC-kode, som ikke kræver en bestemt PLC-type og PLC-kode der kan genbruges, samt PLC-løsninger, der kan benyttes internationalt.Grundlaget for bogen er et materiale, som er udarbejdet løbende med feedback fra undervisere og studerende på automationsteknolog-uddannelsen hos Erhvervs-akademi Dania. Materialet er således løbende opdateret, så det giver svar på de spørgsmål og udfordringer, de studerende typisk har gennem deres studie.ST-programmering til PLC-styringer er fra omkring år 2010 begyndt at blive mere udbredt i Danmark, og siden år 2015 er mange virksomheder i Danmark begyndt udelukkende at levere PLC-styringer, hvor der benyttes ST som det foretrukne programmeringssprog. Dette kræver at flere medarbejdere kan ST og det er et af argumenterne, for at udgive denne bog.Bogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift.
This book gives an introduction to Structured Text (ST), used in Programmable Logic Control (PLC). The book can be used for all types of PLC brands including Siemens Structured Control Language (SCL) and Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC). CONTENTS: - Background, advantage and challenge when ST programming - Syntax and fundamental ST programming - Widespread guide to reasonable naming of variables - CTU, TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING - Guide to split-up into program modules and functions - More than 90 PLC code examples - FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY and digital filter - Examples: From LADDER to ST programming - Guide to solve programming exercises Many clarifying explanations to the PLC code and focus on the fact that the reader should learn how to write a stable, robust, readable, structured and clear code are also included in the book. Furthermore, the focus is that the reader will be able to write a PLC code, which does not require a specific PLC type and PLC code, which can be reused. The basis of the book is a material which is currently compiled with feedback from lecturers and students attending the AP Education in Automation Engineering at the local Dania Academy, "Erhvervsakademi Dania", Randers, Denmark. The material is thus currently updated so that it answers all the questions which the students typically ask through-out the period of studying. The author is Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (B.Sc.E.E.) and has 25 years of experience within specification, development and supplying complex control solutions and supervision systems. Within these years, the author has 7 years of experience within Pascal programming and 12 years of experience with solutions and systems containing PLC. The author is Assistant Professor and teaching PLC control systems at higher educations at a Danish Academy of Business and Technology: Erhvervsakademi Dania, Randers, Denmark. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tommejerantonsen/
"What will you learn from this book? If you're a software developer looking for a quick on-ramp to software architecture, this handy guide is a great place to start. From the authors of Fundamentals of Software Architecture, Head First Software Architecture teaches you how to think architecturally and explores the unique challenges of software architecture. You'll learn the distinction between architecture and design and the relationship between code, components, and architectural styles. You'll also learn how to work with some common architectural styles through vivid, fun examples. Quick, easy, and entertaining, this book is a valuable introduction to the world of software architecture. Why does this book look so different? Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Software Architecture uses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multisensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works."--Amazon.com.
The core of the book explains the use of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W running the Python programming language, always in simple terms and backed by many tested and working example projects. On part of the reader, familiarity with the Python programming language and some experience with one of the Raspberry Pi computers will prove helpful. Although previous electronics experience is not required, some knowledge of basic electronics is beneficial, especially when venturing out to modify the projects for your own applications.Over 30 tested and working hardware-based projects are given in the book, covering the use of Wi-Fi, communication with smartphones and with a Raspberry Pi Pico W computer. Additionally, there are Bluetooth projects including elementary communication with smartphones and with the popular Arduino Uno. Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are key features of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W.Some of the topics covered in the book are:Raspberry Pi OS installation on an SD cardPython program creation and execution on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WSoftware-only examples of Python running on the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 WHardware-based projects including LCD and Sense HAT interfacingUDP and TCP Wi-Fi based projects for smartphone communicationUDP-based project for Raspberry Pi Pico W communicationFlask-based webserver projectCloud storage of captured temperature, humidity, and pressure dataTFT projectsNode-RED projectsInterfacing to AlexaMQTT projectsBluetooth-based projects for smartphone and Arduino Uno communicationsAll programs discussed in this book are contained in an archive file you can download free of charge from the Elektor website www.elektor.com/20445.
This book discusses the basic components of any alarm system.All alarm systems have two basic functions. First, they monitor their environment looking for a change such as a door or window opening or someone moving about in the room. Second, they alert the legal owner or user to this change. The system described in this book uses a scanning type software to detect intruders. It behaves like a guard dog, pacing up and down the fence line on the lookout for either an intruder or a familiar person. If you have an alarm key, you can disarm the system and enter.With the scanning method, the software is easy to write and explain. It can scan eight alarm zones plus two special fire zones in about one second.You don't have to be an electrical engineer to install an alarm system, just a decent carpenter, painter, and plasterer! Because this alarm system runs on 12 volts, you don't have to be a licensed electrician either to install it. The alarm system presented here uses Python software on the Raspberry Pi combined with some elementary electronic circuits. The code described in the book, as well as CAD files and a bill of materials for the alarm panel, are available for free downloading. The book provides the reader with examples of typical configurations coming straight from the author's experience. After reviewing the hardware components typically used in common alarm systems, the author shows how to plan one yourself.To implement a modular alarm, no matter if it is for a single house or for a business or restaurant, the book shows how to skillfully combine a Raspberry Pi with small auxiliary electronic circuits. These are not installation instructions but food for thought that will enable readers to find a solution to their needs.
Este libro proporciona una untroducciåon al Texto Estructurado (ST), usado en el control lógico programable (PLC). El libro puede ser usado para todos los tipos de marcas de PLC, incluido el Lenguaje de Control Estructurado de Siemens (SCL) y los Controladores de Automatización Programable (PAC). CONTENIDO - Antecedentes, ventajas y desafíos en la programación ST. - Sintaxis y programación fundamental de ST. - Guía generalizada para nombrar lazonablemente las variables. - CTU, TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ENUM, ARRAY, STRING - Guía para dividir en módulos de programa y funciones. - Más de 90 ejemplos de código PLC. - FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY y filtro digital. - Ejemplos: de programación de LADDER a ST. - Guía para resolver ejercicios de programación. Muchas explicaciones aclaratorias del código PLC y un enfoque en el hecho de que el lector debe aprender a escribir un código estable, robusto, legible, estructurado y claro, están incluidos en el libro. Además, el enfoque es que el lector podrá escribir un código PLC, el cual no requiere un tipo de PLC específico y un código de PLC, y se puede reutilizar. La base del libro es un material que actualmente está compilado con comentarios de profesores y estudiantes que asisten a la Educación AP en Ingeniería de Automatización en la Academia Dania local 'Erhvervsakademi Dania', en Randers, Dinamarca. Por lo tanto, el material se actualiza, para que responda a todas las prguntas que los alumnos suelen formular durante el período de estudio. El autor es licenciado en Ciencias en Ingeniería Eléctrica (B.Sc.E.E.) y tiene 25 años de experiencia en especificación, desarrollo, programación y suministro de soluciones complejas de control y supervisión de sistemas. El autor es profesor adjunto e imparte sistemas de control PLC en educación superior.
This book contains more than 100 exercises for learning how to program programmable logic controllers (PLCs). At the same time, the exercises provide knowledge of how equipment, machines and small plants can be automated.There are exercises at beginner level with logic, counters, and timers. Then there are exercises with ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING, as well as exercises with mathematics, functions, function blocks, program design, sorting, FIFO, and data collection. Some exercises include selecting sensors, sequence techniques, manual/automatic operation, and data communication to a robot, frequency converter, or vision camera.The exercises start with easy ones and get harder as you go along. You can begin with simple exercises and gradually move on to more challenging ones that require a range of methods and programming skills. The exercises are based on relevant, real-world automation problems.The exercises can be solved in all types of PLCs, regardless of brand, hardware, or model. There are enough exercises for at least 400 hours of homework!The book is designed for use in educational programs or training that include PLC programming, such as automation technician, electrician, automation engineer, or mechatronics engineer. Of course, the exercises can also be used for other educational programs that teach basic programming or automation.The author is an experienced engineer and senior lecturer with over 30 years of experience in software development. He has been teaching PLC programming at the Dania Academy in Denmark for more than seven years.The author has published several books and sold more than 10,000 copies.
Dieses Buch enthält mehr als 100 Übungen zum Erlernen der Programmierung von speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerungen (SPS). Gleichzeitig vermitteln die Übungen Kenntnisse darüber, wie Geräte, Maschinen und kleine Anlagen automatisiert werden können.Es gibt Übungen auf Anfängerniveau mit Logik, Zählern und Zeitgebern. Dann gibt es Übungen mit ARRAY, STRUCT, STRING sowie Übungen mit Mathematik, Funktionen, Funktionsblöcken, Programmgestaltung, Sortierung, FIFO und Datenerfassung. Einige Übungen umfassen die Auswahl von Sensoren, Sequenztechniken, manuellen oder automatischen Betrieb und Datenkommunikation mit einem Roboter, eine FU oder einer Vision-Kamera.Die Übungen im Buch beginnen mit einfachen Beispielen und werden schwieriger, je weiter Sie voranschreiten. Sie können mit einfachen Übungen beginnen und sich allmählich zu anspruchsvolleren vorarbeiten, die verschiedene Methoden und Programmierfähigkeiten erfordern. Die Übungen im Buch basieren auf relevanten, realen Automatisierungsproblemen.Die Übungen können in allen Arten von SPS gelöst werden, unabhängig von Marke, Hardware oder Modell. Es gibt genug Übungen für mindestens 400 Stunden Übungen!Das Buch ist für den Einsatz in Bildungsprogrammen oder Schulungen konzipiert, die die SPS-Programmierung umfassen, wie z. B. Automatisierungstechniker, Elektriker, Automatisierungsingenieur oder Maschinenbauingenieur. Natürlich können die Übungen im Buch auch für andere Bildungsprogramme verwendet werden, die die Grundlagen der Programmierung oder Automatisierung vermitteln.Der Autor ist ein erfahrener Ingenieur und leitender Dozent mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung in der Softwareentwicklung. Er unterrichtet seit mehr als 7 Jahren SPS-Programmierung an der Dania Academy in Dänemark.Der Autor hat mehrere Bücher veröffentlicht und mehr als 10.000 Exemplare verkauft.
Anvendt elektroteknik – elektricitetskilder omhandler og præsenterer de elektricitetskilder, som ikke baserer sig på induktionsprincippet. Det gælder fx termoelektricitet, solceller, batterier, akkumulatorer og brændselsceller.Derudover præsenterer bogen halvlederne og deres egenskaber, da halvledere har stor betydning for flere af de omtalte elektricitetskilders funktion.Anvendt elektroteknik – elektricitetskilder sigter mod at give læseren forståelse for de overordnede principper og kendskab til de terminologier, der knytter sig til emnet.Anvendt elektroteknik – elektricitetskilder er målrettet de videregående tekniske uddannelser, især på erhvervsakademierne og maskinmesterskolerne. Bogen lægger vægt på en praktisk tilgang til stoffet. Bogen kan derfor ses som et supplement til Anvendt elektroteknik – elektriske maskiner af samme forfatter.
Decision-making is a key factor to achieve success in any discipline, especially in a field like civil engineering, which is based on calculations and requires large amounts of information being taken into account. Most processes and procedures are a compendium of many different tasks and requirements specific to each project under development, and making decisions in such environments can often be an arduous endeavor. That is why the need for analytical criteria capable of assisting with untangling complex scenarios has arisen preponderantly. As an all-encompassing resource, Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis for Civil Engineering Applications facilitates civil engineers by outlining state-of-the-art techniques for quantitative decision-making to optimally select the appropriate approach when faced with operational issues or to prioritize among multiple options. Authored by recognized experts in the field, this book proves to be a balanced reference volume that is essential not just for civil engineers, but also for a wide variety of audiences in interconnected disciplines.
Nanoferrites for Emerging Environmental Applications discusses the synthesis and structure of nanoferrites, as well as their electrical, optical, and magnetic properties. This book also provides a detailed discussion of the use of nanoferrites for various environmental applications, such as for water and air pollution detection and remediation. This book covers almost every aspect of nanoferrites for environmental applications and will be of great use to researchers working in multidisciplinary areas. Nanoferrites’ superior electronic, optical, and magnetic properties make them promising agents in a wide spectrum of applications. After looking at the fundamentals of nanoferrites, this book proceeds to analyze their application in a comprehensive range of environmental applications. Topics covered include wastewater treatment, the removal of heavy metal ions, remediation of organic and inorganic pollutants, and their use in the detection and remediation of both air and solid pollution. Future opportunities for research are also addressed.
Rehabilitation Robotics and Healthcare Devices presents cutting-edge topics in rehabilitation robotics and healthcare devices, covering basic concepts and providing readers with enough information to solve various practical problems. The book proves to be an excellent source to study the different emerging paradigms in rehabilitation robotics and healthcare areas, including related technologies such as sensors, wearable devices, internet of medical things, big data, machine learning for eHealth, edible sensors, robots in medicine, and exoskeleton robots for rehabilitation.
Advancements in Nanotechnology for Food and Packaging explores current trends, advances and associated challenges of the applications of nanotechnology in the food sectors, such as the fabrication and characterization of functional food, developments and shelf-life extension. This book is organized into 16 chapters that cover the main concepts related to the use of nanotechnology in food processing, packaging and monitoring. Coverage includes food functionalization, quality management and control, food sensory, membrane filtration technology, nanotechnology-based sensors, sustainable packaging, regulatory aspects, and much more. This book an essential resource for materials and food scientists, technologists, researchers, academics and professionals working in nanotechnology and food science.
Stimuli-Responsive Nanocarriers for Targeted Drug Delivery presents a comprehensive overview of the most significant physical and chemical stimuli-responsive drug delivery systems. This book reviews targeted and controlled drug delivery systems and how nanocarriers can be used to improve the pharmacokinetics of drugs in biological systems, such as increasing utilization rate and reducing toxicity and side effects. After a key introduction to the topic, a range of nanocarrier types is assessed before exploring the clinical translation challenges and considerations involved.This book is a useful resource for researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of materials science, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical science, and medicinal chemistry.
Advanced Logic Design Techniques," authored by Zhang Dan, delves into sophisticated approaches and cutting-edge tactics required for mastering digital system design. This thorough guide navigates readers through the complexity of logic circuits, delivering in-depth insights into optimization, synthesis, and verification methods. With a rigorous blend of theoretical principles and practical applications, this book equips both rookie and seasoned engineers with the tools essential to face modern design issues. From algorithmic optimizations to sophisticated synthesis approaches, Zhang Dan presents a holistic approach to logic design, making this book an invaluable resource for students and experts in the field of digital electronics.
Devices for generation, distribution and regulation of electric power are important parts of appliances for healthcare, comfort, defence and transportation. Two classes of such devices discussed in this thesis are diodes and MOSFETs. These are used in rectification, amplification and switching applications, and are realized in semiconductor materials. The power level at which these devices operate is decided by the application. Depending on the voltage and current rating, this can vary from 1 Giga Watt at the power station to few Watts for mobile chargers. To cater to this wide range of power levels, power converter circuits are often employed. Depending on the application, these converters could be AC-DC, DC-AC, DC-DC or AC-AC. Although the functionality of these circuits is different, all of them invariably requires power switches. The performance of these switches decides the conversion efficiency of the converter. So far, power devices fabricated in Si (silicon) have been the workhorse. It is of interest to discuss the performance of a Si switch in terms of the five characteristics listed above. Silicon switches are mostly normally off and thereby avoid complex driving circuits. Apart from this, Si switches underperform in terms of the other four characteristics. Superjunction concept was originally introduced in the context of silicon devices. Later, it has been extended to other wide bandgap materials like SiC and GaN to combine the advantage of linear VBR-RONSP relation and the large value of EC. It is to be noted that although different materials offer different technological challenges to realize a superjunction, the theory of superjunction operation and the analytical design equations are valid across materials upon making changes to the material specific parameters (e.g. impact ionization coefficients, mobility etc.). Hence, a model developed to design the optimum superjunction parameters has potentially a large impact. It can help technologists working across materials to steer their efforts more effectively towards realizing the best device for a target application with minimum cost and effort.
Robotics is a diverse field, mechanically complex and with challenges in software and design. Technology is advancing quickly today, with breakthroughs in traditional automation and mechatronics, new approaches in autonomous systems and even the advent of everyday A.I. And although new robots, drones or autonomous systems are increasingly appearing all around, getting started in robotics can be difficult: terms are unknown, concepts only vaguely familiar, abbreviations difficult to decipher. What is an AMR (an "autonomous mobile robot")? What are robot ethics? Will patrol robots police our streets? What is a SCARA or Cartesian robot?This Micropolis Robotics Handbook is mainly written in the form of a technical terms glossary, meant as a quick-start guide on robotics. Short paragraphs per term summarize often complex matter to provide you with an overview of the field. Selected terms receive broader discussion in short articles. Several concepts are visualized in black and white illustrations. Organized like an encyclopedia, this basic reference book is a first primer on this fascinating and highly relevant topic of Automation, Industrial and DIY Robots and Industrial Technology.
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